Here is Donald Trump's plan for dealing with Syrian refugees.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) September 20, 2016
Give the man this much credit: Anybody dumb enough to vote for him after this deserves exactly what they’d get from a Trump presidency.
The rest of us, not so much.
Let’s hope there’s someone around to carve “There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money” on Trump’s (tacky, gilt-flashed) mausoleum, because he’ll never have a better epitaph.
Did he just admit he really has no real money of his own?
Roger Moore
No. He just admitted that he does stuff with other people’s money that he’d never do with his own.
@Yutsano: Not necessarily. He’s saying he’d rather risk your money than his. It’s the American way.
well, after his creatively illegal accounting from the Trump Foundation, its even better when other people pay your bills because you get to keep more of your money, so we’ll make other countries pay us to use their land to ask us to administrate their efforts in housing refugees because of profit.
these guys are one great big political e-surance ad… that’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works.
Major Major Major Major
I still don’t see what he’s saying we DO with the money.
There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s morality.
Ohio Mom
Refugee camps. What an original idea.
Lately I’ve been looking back on GW’s time in office with a certain nostalgia. How young and innocent we were to think that was as low as things could get.
@Major Major Major Major: Best I can tell, use OPM to forcibly buy up land somewhere (presumably whether the locals are willing or not, given how the money was acquired) and then plopping down all the refugees in permanent camps, out of sight, out of mind, rather like that mythical land of “Away” where garbage goes. Maybe the OPM is going for the Trump Steaks they’ll be force-fed as a humanitarian gesture instead of being wasted on the land the US can can just grab.
Adam L Silverman
We already use other people’s money. This is why we have a coalition. Here’s the list of coalition members:
And here’s a link to the strategy:
And the fact sheets:
Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates are already members of the coalition. They don’t provide a lot of military support, but they do supply a lot of money.
Here’s the CRS Report on who is contributing what:
See table 1, pps 8-11 for the details.
? Martin
Loaded with money? Uh, no. Obama has been fucking bankrupting them. Between US massively increasing extraction and putting Irans oil back on the market, every nation that relies on oil is pretty much fucked right now. Venezuela can’t feed the public and they’re importing oil from us. Saudi Arabia is probably only 5-10 years away from running out of money. Russia only has about $30B in cash left.
This is going to turn into an even greater disaster if it continues for much longer, but it means that nobody over there feels as though they have money to spend.
@Major Major Major Major: it’s that “take a good chunk of it” that’s probably confusing you. You’re probably a bit confused about why the Saudis would be so stupid as to give money to protect refugees to someone who said that they were planning to skim off large parts of it, and wonder why they would trust that someone who has compared those refugees to poisonous snakes would actually spend that money on their welfare.
Keith G
Well Trump has been using other people’s money to pay legal bills, ie, Trump used people’s charitable donations to settle lawsuits against him. That is a violation of laws governing how charities are run and handle money. This will be interesting how this is handled.
@Major Major Major Major: He’s saying we take the money from the gulf states and we make hire the best people to make the hugest most luxurious safe zones you’ve ever laid eyes on. Let me tell you, when these refugees come into these safe zones, they’ll never want to leave. We’ll put TRUMP – USA on all the entrances (in English of course) and all the refugees will flock there. The very sight of his name over the luxurious refugee camps entrances will make ISIS run away terrified.
His name is a killing word.
I like how he always assumes OtherPeople will always do what he wants and they will supply him the money! This fantasy world of his is an amazing place. if we talked like this we would be evaluated for dementia.
Major Major Major Major
@? Martin: yet more confirmation that Trump’s worldview is primarily shaped by a dim memory of a newspaper he read in 1979.
Oh boy. The United States of America turned into one big Ponzi scheme. If this doesn’t scare off a large segment of his supporters, nothing will.
@singfoom: Right under Trump-USA we can put a smaller sign that says “Work makes you Free”
Exactly what Wall Street said in regard to the sub-prime market. That worked out well.
@debbie: Groucho Marx selling real estate in Florida in the 1920’s-“You have your choice of siding-wood, brick, stucco. Customer-Can we get stucco? Of course you can get stucco! Oh boy can you get stucco!”
Patricia Kayden
Did The Orange Bigot explain how exactly he plans to force the loaded Gulf States to pay for the “safe zones”? Or how he’s going to get Mexico to pay for “the wall”?
It’s amazing how one Party has completely lost its collective mind and is being led by the nose by an idiot.
Patricia Kayden
@Major Major Major Major: Open internment camps overseas or something similar.
as I said in the other thread, this is how he got rich. getting other people to pay to make his problems go away.
This is who they are:
Could WI’s Approach to Voter ID Get Even More Disgusting?
One of the arguments that is often made in favor of mandatory voter id is the paternalistic one that forcing people to come up with the costs for the underlying documents etc. to get a state-issued voter id card will actually help these folks in other areas, such as opening a bank account.
Not the strongest argument in the world for a mandatory plan that still puts burdens on some voters, but I get it.
But now Patrick Marley reports:
Gov. Scott Walker’s administration wants to stamp “voting purposes only” on the free IDs the state makes available, making it harder for people to use them to open bank accounts or prove their identity when they pick up their children from day care.
But wait: it gets worse. The whole point of requiring these strict voter id cards is to stop (virtually non-existent) impersonation voter fraud. Marley again:
The Division of Motor Vehicles also is proposing having the state produce cheaper, lower-quality IDs that have fewer fraud protections.
And for the icing on the cake:
Julie Lund, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Health Services, said she did not know whether the state would prevent people from using the voter IDs to access food stamps or health care programs for low-income people.
Major Major Major Major
@Patricia Kayden: we have to intern them there so they don’t intern us here!
@rikyrah: Some of these people are really risking being the targets of political violence. You can only push people so far.
@Adam L Silverman: Oh Adam, you make a funny! How much money is enough? None, no amount is ever enough, always aim to skim off a little more off the marks.
I’ve seen enough videos of Trump’s foreign policy wisdom to see one absolutely reliable constant through the decades. Trump can try out as a center-conservative Democrat, or try again as a wingnut. Trump can be talking about NATO in Central Europe or the Baltic, or Asia or the Middle East. He can be talking about the most diligent and dutiful loyal allies who pay their way or problematic partners, or A-hole frenemies, or total messes. Can be Iraq Invasion, Libyan intervention or current Syrian policy, which he supported then, but bald face lies about opposing now.
It is like a reflex: Why aren’t we squeezing more dough out the deal? Why aren’t we caging more of their money? What is the angle for more $$$$$$$$$$$$ for us out of this right now? They have some stuff, right, why can’t we take it? How much? Well, how much can we get, right now?
This guy is just a much a natural grifter and extortionist as he is a bone-deep bigot. It is very funny, very sad, and, with presidency in play, also very scary. He just cannot think any other way. It’s like he’s brain damaged or something.
Talking Points MemoVerified account
Hannity stars in Trump campaign video, apparently didn’t give Fox a heads up
Senate Democrats ✔ @SenateDems
.@CoryBooker asked Republicans to confirm these 2 district court nominees who’ve been waiting the longest – 485 and 568 days. They said no.
Keith G
In my comment above on Trump’s likely violations of tax code regulations on self-dealing, I neglected to leave a link to David Fahrenthold’s latest story on this.
Roger Moore
This does not sound like a person I would trust with the US Treasury.
The Gulf States? I wasn’t aware that Alabama, Mississippi & Louisiana
had that level of cash flow.
Must be those casinos in Biloxi…
WISCTV News 3Verified account
21 US states sue to block expansion of overtime pay law #news3
Michael McAuliff @mmcauliff 3h3 hours ago
Reid says one of the things holding up the govt funding bill is McConnell’s desire to stop the SEC from requiring campaign $$ disclosure.
SB Nation NFL
Colin Kaepernick is receiving death threats now (via @CamInman). This is pretty alarming:
@rikyrah: That is disgusting.
Seriously, what kind of people stay up at night trying to figure out more and more ways they can screw other people out of their rights?
@rikyrah: At this point, every fucking player in the NFL now needs to take a knee just like Colin Kaepernick. It might just save his life.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@Ohio Mom: What worries me is that one day we’ll look back on Trump’s candidacy the same way.
I saw a guy standing outside the gate of ABC wearing fatigues and waving a big American flag. I couldn’t quite figure out what his beef was because his sign was printed in small letters, but he seemed to think that ABC, the Seahawks, and the NFL were all … something.
Silly WaterGirl, Republicans!
Roger Moore
I don’t know, but if it can’t, it won’t be for lack of trying.
@debbie: Forgot to add:
What the fuck is wrong with these people???
Roger Moore
Don’t tell me, let me guess: all 21 attorneys general involved in the suit are Republicans.
@Roger Moore: More and more, I begin to understand brother fighting against brother in the Civil War.
I really liked the movie. Especially the scene where Danny Devito threatens to shoot all the lawyers.
Camps? No my friends, believe me when I tell you, these will be luxury towers. From what I’ve read there are a potential 7 million tenet…errr refugees that would love for Trump developed high rises all across the middle east. He’s going for the big long con people, for America.
Hey, leave the Office of Personnel Management out of this! They’re too busy losing my SF-86…
Adam L Silverman
@Sayne: Join the club!
Adam L Silverman
@jl: He has no idea who he’d actually be dealing with. These are not the people he’s been knuckling over the final payment for painting a hotel or providing the carpeting for the ballroom.
Matt McIrvin
@Patricia Kayden: Not in our country, of course. Somewhere else, where they don’t necessarily have the same legal claims on human rights. I have heard this song before.
Adam C
So the Republican Party is now the official party for free stuff, right?
J R in WV
A real journalistic organization would have fired him 20 minutes after the first airing of a commercial for a current candidate. Most fake journalist orgs would have fired him within 45 minutes.
For serious cause, no severance, no notice.
Who’s down with OPM?
Yeah, you know him!
@Major Major Major Major:
Safe zones! Duh! You know, zones. That are safe. Somewhere.
@J R in WV:
Yeah, but Faux isn’t even a fake journalism outfit. They’re an entertainment network for geriatric Republicans (“Boo! Shillary sucks! Yay hot chick with the gams!”). Plus, every single one of Hannity’s shows over the past year have been non-stop Trump-fluffing, so how could they tell the difference?
@Adam L Silverman: Huh? Darryl’s Custom Cabinets of Hoboken =/= king of Bahrain?
And meanwhile over on CNN some joker on the opinion page feels that this election is the worst ever, the candidates the worst ever. He details Trump’s more egregious misdeeds but then declares Clinton is equally bad because of. . . . wait for it, Whitefuckingwater and Benghazi.
He also says that neither candidate is speaking about serious issues. Jesus H., how many policy speeches a week does Clinton have to give before these cretins listen.
I would swear vilely, but I’ll just say-Tourette Syndrome, Tourette Syndrome.
I would upvote you if I could for the Dune reference
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
But…Don’t the Wingnuts hate the Gubmint because it does things with (wait for it) other people’s money? So by the transitive other people’s money property they should have Trump. I guess it’s OK if you’re ripping people off but not if you’re taxing them based on levels agreed to via the democratic process.