You're a fucking idiot. That's really the only response this tweet deserves.
— Hillary's Earpiece (@Johngcole) September 24, 2016
So…. apparently Mark Cuban was scheduled to sit in the front row of the debate on Monday, and Donald Trump responded in the most Trumpian way possible:
Gennifer Flowers, the former model who had an extramarital affair with Bill Clinton in the 1980s, says she’ll accept an invitation from Donald Trump to sit in the front row of Monday’s presidential debate, according to an assistant.
The prospect of Flowers attending the debate was raised on Saturday when Trump tweeted that he would put her in the audience, if billionaire and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban sat in the front row.
“If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Jennifer Flowers right alongside of him!” Trump tweeted Saturday afternoon.
I don’t even understand how this makes any sense as a rebuttal to Cuban sitting in the front row, unless Cuban and Melania have been screwing around, but I’m not an insane crazy person.
Predictable response.
In fact, Trump is so predictable I’d think you could game plan his first, second, and third response.
But are they? I don’t see how this helps Clinton. A focus on the debate not a sideshow will help her.
Predictable but it points to what an embarrassment he’s turning this country into.
Chuck Todd also tweeted out a “both-sides-do-it” “isn’t this a shitty election?” remark.
God, Todd’s worthless.
And don’t tell Donald, but Hillary’s numbers were through the roof when Bill’s cheating was front and center in 1998-2000.
Gennifer Flowers appeared on Oprah: Where Are They Now a couple of years ago and talked about her regrets in coming forward and wishing she had stayed private about her affair. She made mistakes but made piece with her God, yada yada yada. I guess her planned reality show gig in New Orleans didn’t pan out.
@BR: What, having Cuban there? It gets in Trump’s head – it’s obviously working. Cuban’s a great Clinton surrogate. I hope gets more vocal.
dr. bloor
I don’t think putting Cuban in the front row was HRC’s best idea, but he’s going to get under Donald’s skin, while Flowers is going to elicit little more than a “Bitch, please” response from HRC.
Solid outreach to undecided voters: Hi, I’m Donald, the guy who forced a woman to do a televised job interview with her husband’s ex-mistress in the room. Just because I could!
Kellyanne must be grinding her teeth.
dr. bloor
@Hal: Living a life in the spotlight is hard work if you have to earn it 15 minutes at a time.
I have to assume the networks will feature closeups of Ms. Flowers to get her reaction shots.
So, let’s say Trump brings up Gennifer at the debate.
What should Hillary say?
“I don’t understand why, Donald, you think bringing up a painful private period in my marriage is relevant to this debate on issues Americans care about. But you do you, Donald. Also, are you ten years old?”
jesus, this is so dumb. i figured if trump wanted to do something here he’d get whats her name, the pissed off sister of one of the benghazi victims or something. not that that’s a genius response, but jesus leave it to trump to go with gennifer fucking flowers.
Not sure why HRC would care if Flowers were there. Does Flowers have any accomplishments of her own that gives her credibility to critique HRC’s qualifications for president, and is she running around the country explaining why HRC is a lazy, ignorant, and vicious dingbat? I don’t think so.
Edit: maybe she is, but obviously doesn’t merit any attention in the news, which is saying something wrt to HRC in corporate media coverage. Cuban on the other hand, for all his faults, can make a very credible critique of Trump.
Jennifer who?
If The Donald brings it up, I could see her spin it this way…
I, like a lot of women, have seen this kind of male insecurity manifest itself in this fashion, and despite the personal pain that it caused me, knew that the relationship I have with Bill was one I would always treasure, so I forgave my husband and we continue to work on our relationship to this day…. so, what’s your excuse Donald?
Lizzy L
It’s all about humiliation. Trump figures it will humiliate Hillary Clinton to have Gennifer Flowers in the front row. Maybe she’ll cry. Gurls are weak.
He is a malevolent despicable m-f, isn’t he?
It’d be more fun to see Wayland Flowers and Madame in the audience. Or as moderators.
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
i mean, this is an easy slowball for clinton. “I could invite all your former mistresses, donald, but then where would everybody else sit?” etc etc.
You’re right about that — it wouldn’t be bad for Cuban to get interviewed for post-debate spin by every network.
Patricia Kayden
Trump should have wrangled up Vince Foster’s ghost to sit in the front row. Now that would have shocked the hell out of Killary.
As la Caterina is driving us home from DC, and I’m reading posts and comments to her, the question arises: why am I getting a banner ad for “”?
She’d really like to know. So would I.
Actually, Trump’s screwed himself. Clinton will have time to get used to the idea of her being there and will be able to ignore her. If Trump had half a brain, he’d have sprung her as a surprise. If Clinton remains calm and ignores her, who’ll end up with cake all over his face?
Major Major Major Major
@chopper: Hillary should invite two former Trump mistresses and Michael Bloomberg next.
She’ll have a dedicated camera.
Hunter Gathers
Monday will be the only debate. There’s no way that he won’t point out that Flowers is in the audience, what she did, and how it was Hillary’s fault. And I have a sneaking suspicion that Hillary will cut his balls off on national TV when he does so.
!’d love it if she told him to go home and get his fucking shine box.
Invite the Khans.
@chopper: Thanks. I’ll try to catch that, see if it sounds the same way I hear HRC say it in my head just now.
Now, an invite to all the workers and business people Trump jilted, that would fill the hall. Probably need an extra, overflow, auditorium.
Have the disabled reporter Trump mocked as a moderator.
This would be sooooo sweet. No way Donald could handle that reply without going crazy.
I hope that’s Hillary’s goal in this farce: Make him explode.
@redshirt: upskirt? Only if Ailes is directing.
@Russ: She was a model or something …
Note that the moron couldn’t even trouble himself to spell her name correctly. Such a deep thinker with a vast knowledge base is our Orange Shitgibbon.
Iowa Old Lady
@Russ: That’s a good point. You have to be fairly old to remember Flowers.
Nah. And even if she did, only 2% of the audience would recognize her.
Corner Stone
You know what you did.
Right. Trump is angry at Mark Cuban, so he drags in Jennifer Flowers to humiliate Hillary. Just like the asshole Pseudo-President Trump would invade Lebanon if ISIS throws a bomb in New York.
If it’s any consolation, I sometimes get those sites’ ads (and the Russian mail order brides ones) even though I’m a straight lady myself, so they’re really wasting their money.
@BR: Oh, if Flowers is there and up front, I’d say the over/under on her reactions shots is 20.
Our media sucks, in case you haven’t noticed.
And you’re right, no one knows who Flowers is. I know who she is but have zero idea what she looks like. Think that makes a difference to the wingnuts? This is how they play the game.
Major Major Major Major
@germy: Oh. Yes. I don’t know if they’d be down for that though…
Corner Stone
@Lizzy L:
It is humiliation and domination politics. But it’s also showmanship. Trump is giving the networks a cut and paste, ready made story they have tons of B-roll for. It gives them an out from having to try and cover any policy notes HRC may have touched on.
And think of the sales boost for National Enquirer!
@Lizzy L: But its so ludicrous. Gennifer Flowers must be sixty if she’s a day–closer to 70 probably. Does anyone really think that she is going to look like any kind of competition for Hillary Clinton now? Does anyone think that Hillary Clinton is going to look out at that audience and think “there’s my husband’s ex mistress?” or is she going to think “who is that old bag sitting in the front row?” Trump is just dumb enough to think that this matters but, of course, it doesn’t.
dr. bloor
@Mnemosyne: “Hey, Melania, check out the big net worth statement on Mark.”
Mary G
I wonder if Marla Maples would come?
Like everything to do with the election & the Presidency Trump is trying to turn it into a reality show joke. There have to be just too many Americans who think their country is better than this buffoon. I have come full circle and again believe he will be the biggest loser.
@germy: I don’t Trump will go into rally full blown a-hole ‘Trump Political Rally (TM)’ mold, unless he gets desperate and needs some audible audience approval to stroke his ego. He’ll probably try to keep the more sober mode we’ve seen in one-on-one interviews.
I hope fact that he knows nothing, lies about everything, including fact that he has all these plans he claims he has, and he starts emitting repititious incoherent blather will do him in. Not sure how hard it will be for the corrupt corporate news hacks to cover for that. Might be easy, might be impossible, depending on how ridiculous he gets.
I hope he gets a chance to explain at length how man-made global warming is a hoax, foisted on the world by the Chinese.
Edit: on the other hand, from what I remember of GOP primary debates, he is very fond of stupid insults and childish nicknames. Hope he goes all in on that angle.
I am a Mark Cuban fan. Self-made billionaire (dopey?) and he founded Landmark Theaters..actually pays his Dallas Mavericks employees…oh..and blogs!
Corner Stone
@Iowa Old Lady:
Nobody cares who she is or anything else. Trump fans at rallies are still wearing the “Hillary sucks! But not like Monica.” T-shirts. And I would lay money a solid majority of them could not recognize Monica if she asked them a question to their face.
Iowa Old Lady
@Mnemosyne: My banner ad is for pediatric neurology. I’m also getting ads for houses in the Oklahoma City area because a friend is moving there and I looked online at some houses she was considering.
@Corner Stone: Isn’t it weird (and does it say something about Trump) that he expects the wife who was cheated on to feel humiliation, rather than “the other woman”? As if Ms. Flowers has the high moral ground, and Hillary is supposed to hang her head?
Patricia Kayden
@germy: They should get her to say “Madame President” on camera. I don’t see how her presence hurts Secretary Clinton at all since she’s the mistress who had the affair. She’s the one in the wrong, not Mrs. Clinton.
Major Major Major Major
@germy: That definitely says something about Trump. Of course, many Americans would probably agree with him that it’s Hillary’s role in all this to be the embarrassed one.
Or maybe Trump will get a chance to explain at length how his secret plan to defeat ISIS and terrorism is to ask his BFF gang of loony generals for a plan, after he has purged the professional officer corps.
Edit: I also want Trump to explain how sitting his flabby fat farted out ass in the chair in Oval Office will magically reduce the horrific national crime wave (that does not exist) by magic, on day one, through sheer force of will. That is a great plan. I want to hear more.
Edit2: what I hope most is that Trump gets reamed for his bald face lying about his actual support for Iraq invasion, Libyan intervention and Iraq withdrawal. That is more scandalous than 100 thousand HRC email trivia questions squared.
@jl: I wonder if the audience will be packed with Trump supporters who will cheer and applaud everything he says. Even after being scolded by Mr. Holt.
Corner Stone
Mark Cuban is an asset to the HRC campaign. He has value. Not only as a surrogate and campaigner, but also on his insight into Trump’s behavioral issues.
Flowers knows nothing about campaigning or specifically HRC, and most likely can’t help Trump raise but a modicum of cash off this childish action.
There is no equivalence to this buffoonish over reaction Trump has made, yet again.
@Major Major Major Major: has Bloomberg been linked to Trump, too? Maybe something that happened at Studio 54 that no one mentions any longer
Well, duh. Obviously, the woman who got cheated on is old and ugly and can’t keep a man satisfied, while the mistress is hawt and knows how to please a man.
DonaldBill wouldn’t cheat on his wife if his wives … uh, wife hadn’t forced him to do it by being old and ugly!Percysowner
@hitchhiker: Yeah, nothing wins the college educated women’s vote like humiliating a wife who was cheated on, because none of them has ever been in that position. This is so misogynistic, which is so Donald Trump.
Major Major Major Major
@Peale: LOL, you know what I meant.
If he announces a secret plan to do something, I figure Hillary can point out that Nixon had a secret plan, too., but really he didn’t, and more American lives were wasted in the Viet Nam War. Oh, and Nixon released his taxes even when he was being audited, and he had half a million in tax fraud.
I’m thinking the odds of this ending with Trump flirting with Flowers on national TV are pretty high.
also, the gennifer flowers story is old enough to drink. like this is going to somehow put hilz off her game or something?
@Major Major Major Major: if she really Wants to get in Trump’s head the person who she should have sit in the front row is Obama
from The Guardian:
Didn’t think I could ever feel sorry for Kellyanne — and I don’t, I don’t — but I have to say, she is earning her (hopefully paid-in-advance) salary.
@redshirt: in the past the Presidential debates have not inclded any audience shots, as best as I can recall.
Now that would be check mate.
Gelfling 545
It is pitiful that Ms. Flowers would lend herself to such a charade but the idea that her presence would throw HRC off her stride is nonsense.
” I wonder if the audience will be packed with Trump supporters who will cheer and applaud everything he says. ”
Whether that would be good or bad depends on how nutty Trump gets. I forgot about Trump’s mania (and I do mean mania) for running foreign policy like it is a protection/extortion racket. That has been a constant theme with Trump for decades, ever since he tried a political career as a center-right Democrat. It was just as obviously loony then as it is now.
Thing is, if he does get a chance to run his mouth at length, it will become obvious that the guy looks at everything that way. Normal people will start getting nervous even if Trump is applauded. The applause might make it more unnerving. Trump is so unhinged about it that I said it suggests some sort of brain damage, the other day.
Every foreign policy question, for Trump, gets down to whether it gives the US a way to cage some other country’s stuff, and very it gets down to that controlling principle very quickly.
Honestly… this just aint shit. Hillary should just ignore it — even if he brings it up. Who the eff cares? For real, he is just such a child.. yes, a malevolent child, but a child nonetheless. This actually just makes him look worse. Too bad Jennifer Flowers doesn’t have any self respect but to be used this way, but a girl can always use a little cash I guess.
What a fucking circus! Makes we just wanna — don’t know — scream — at how ridiculous and horrible this creature is. I don’t know if I could ever get over it if he won…
Major Major Major Major
@different-church-lady: Heh.
@different-church-lady: It’s Mourning in America! A new day!
OT but looking at the video of the Scott shooting. According to the cops when they pulled up to serve a warrant on someone else they saw Scott sitting in his SUV with a gun (NC is an open carry state) and some pot (which 70million + Americans have used) and they felt this represented a a threat to public safety. In the video the cops come into view with guns drawn crouched behind a pickup truck. Scott gets out of the SUV and starts to back away. He is then shot. Can’t tell if there is anything thing in his hand. This doesn’t pass the smacked ass test.
1. why did the cops approach Scott rather than serving the warrant on the other person?
2. They say he had a gun and a joint but he was inside his SUV and they were 8 feet or so away. They could see into the SUV with what x-ray vision?
Hillary should invite Serge Kovaleski (the disabled reporter) and the Khans to sit next to Mark Cuban. Trump would be unable to resist.
Born January 24, 1950, so closer to 67 than 66. And yes, closer to 70 than 60 :-)
I’m sure Hilary will handle herself just fine. I’m also fairly sure that some part of her is cursing Bill’s choice of mistresses. He couldn’t get with women who would keep their mouth shut? Okay, that sounds bad. I mean, who couldn’t be discrete?
Bruni, like others, is worried about Trump behaving at the debate. I don’t think countering that should be too difficult but you never know.
@jl: At least in the past debates, the audience is told to basically sit quietly except for applause at the very beginning and end of the debate. Whether the Trumpenvolk in attendance listen to that instruction, who knows? Guess we’ll find out in a couple of days.
However the debate turns out, it is embarrassing as an American that the political process has been reduced to this. Tin pot dictators in banana republics have more dignity than Trump.
You need to think bigger. I predict that Gennifer Flowers will be the fourth Mrs. Trump :-D
@SiubhanDuinne: Unpossible. She’s probably 30 or 40 years too old for his tastes.
@Corner Stone: Exactly, this false equivalence, “both sides”, from Chuck Todd et al, is ridiculous. Mark Cuban is just a famous businessman who doesn’t like Trump. If things were equal Hillary would have had Ivana or that woman who has accused Donald Trump of rape, not Cuban.Hillary has to put up with politicians who say hateful and horrible things about her everyday and she doesn’t respond spitefully. I’m sure Hillary will just ignore whoever is the audience and perform superbly in the debate.
@SiubhanDuinne: Mrs. Trump IV will have been born some time after Flowers and Clinton (W.J.) had their dalliance..
@dmsilev: Not sure my blood pressure under enough control to endure it live. Might read transcripts the next day.
My blood pressure is completely fine, but recent exposure to trump has produced ringing ears,,flushed face, exploding eyeballs and thermonuke detonation deep inside head sensations I can’t quite put my finger on as ever feeling before. So, I it may be best to play it safe.
Has Jon Chait or another Slatepitchy-sort moaned about how bad this is for Hillary’s campaign?
(I’m asking because I haven’t had NPR on all day, so I don’t know what faux lefty concern trolls are saying.)
I think the candidates get a few tickets. I can’t find anything that says who picks the bulk of the audience, but i assume that it’s a neutral party because the media keeps saying that the lack of audience reaction will be an X factor. He feeds off of them, and when he doesn’t have them he tends to be flat. If it was just a split between the two of them, his fans would simply ignore the instruction not to react. But my google is failing me.
I read somewhere that Ms. Flowers supported Clinton in 2008. I’m wondering if she made a call to Clintons’ people before accepting Trump’s invite.
Why would any Trump supporter oppose Mark Cuban sitting up front? Cubans are the only Latinos Republicans like.
schrodinger's cat
Tawdry Trump has reduced the Presidential election to a 2 bit reality show. The Real Presidential Candidates of NYC.
? Martin
@dmsilev: That raises an interesting question – does Trump’s baseline age for someone bang-worthy increase as his daughter ages? Or has she aged herself out already?
@? Martin: I was going to say that Ivanka is covered by a grandfather clause, but yeesh that’s even too icky for the Trump family.
? Martin
@dmsilev: Assumes facts not in evidence.
gogol's wife
I assume you’re going to start watching “Black-ish” now, as am I?
Hillary doesn’t have to “win” the debate to “win”. To me in an odd turn of the tables where little is expected of Trump, she just has to appear knowledgeable and calm to whatever he does. Folks expect him to be a fool. She just has to seem nice and in control and not take him too seriously for whatever he pulls up. I think her “Between two ferns” interview was a pretty good prep (not that she should duplicate her responses but more just be loose and just kinda ready for anything”. She doesn’t have to haul out — and in fact should refrain — from a bunch of statistics of whatnot. Maybe she can allow herself a little amusement without seeming too condescending. The person standing next to her is not Trump, but the people who support her as well as a few still sitting on the fence.
mike in dc
Trump has an estranged nephew, Fred Trump III, who has a son with cerebal palsy. When Fred Trump, Sr. died, the children of Fred Trump, Jr. got stiffed on the proceeds of the estate. They sued, believing there was some undue influence from Donnie and the other kids(Fred, Sr. had Alzheimers). When Fred, Jr. died, Don promised to pay his family’s medical expenses through the Trump organization. Within days of the lawsuit, Donnie cut them off, including their newborn child with cerebal palsy. Classy. If they really want to rattle Trump, have them sit in the front row.
? Martin
@mike in dc: Or maybe the Freedom Girls, all dressed up.
This is the alt-right mentality showing through. Cuban is a more successful businessman than Trump, and so he feels humiliated. The alt-right’s obsession with ‘cucks’ transfers, in this case, to thinking that a woman who had an affair with Bill (I think that is established as fact, isn’t it?) ‘humiliated’ Hillary. Whether this is because Trump is incapable of thinking of women in terms of sex and domination, or Bannon’s association with the MRA loons he runs Breitbart for, I don’t know.
Major Major Major Major
@Elie: Sort of like what Biden did with Palin?
@Major Major Major Major:
Mark Cuban should show up wearing a pair of those giant foam hands that sports fans like to wave around.
@Elie: The professional political media would probably score that as a loss for Clinton. However, apparently expectations are that viewership for the debate is going to be really high, like 90-100 million people high, so media spin might matter less since a large swath of the electorate is going to see things first-hand.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Trump wants to drag everyone with him into the sewer of petty revenge, grifting schemes using other people’s money and traitorous mediocre white men with penny ante delusions of self importance. Where is Melania, by the way? Has she been disappeared?
Major Major Major Major
@dmsilev: The professional political media thought Palin won her debate, too. They’re less relevant than ever when it comes to creating that particular narrative.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Mark Cuban will do something awesome, to take up all the rent free space in Trump’s idiotic head. Take it to Mark Cuban’s bank.
Jersey Tomato
In keeping with Josh Marshall’s theory that Trump is all about dominance politics…Hillary needs to walk onto the stage and right over to Gennifer to shake her hand and, using a friendly but amused tone of voice tell her how delighted she is to see her. Something like “Hey there, I haven’t seen you since 1992…just like old times, right? I’m so glad you’re here to show just how desperate Donald is. Have a great time!”
Omnes Omnibus
So, I found this in Twitter.
Corner Stone
@Major Major Major Major:
I actually don’t have any recollection of that from anyone. Do you have anyone specific in mind or other reference?
@Corner Stone: Does Rich “Starbursts” Lowry count?
I disagree. I think that most of the folks we want to be on board discount the media increasingly… especially if her attitude and body language are good. They’ll just hear Hillary didn’t do bla, bla, bla. Ho hum. If she is loose in the saddle and not intimidated, they can fucking say anything. As I said, in a strange turn of events, I see Trump as being most at risk for losing. The media has portrayed her so negatively for so long, like, who cares? HE is the one who has nothing but the opportunity to go down… (She has to keep her head and stay loose of course — avoid too much wonkdom, but a little is ok since that is who she is)
Yeah, well. It was worth a try.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: Ha! “You can tell I’m a ghost and not a Trump supporter, right?”
Hillary edged up a few points to 82% in Sam Wang’s analysis today. I listened to a podcast with him on Thursday and he expects things to go back to where they were around the beginning of August over the next week or so, assuming nothing crazy happens on Monday.
@Corner Stone: Gosh, let me dig up my old blog post about it if it’s still around. But I distinctly remember the talking heads we were watching (MSNBC I think, I was at the local party HQ) saying Palin won and then the snap polls came in and said Smilin’ Joe won, and I wrote a little thing about it.
Trump could be in trouble if he reveals himself to be clueless. He may be able to prevent that from happening through any big missteps of his own but Hillary’s command of the issues could expose him by contrast.
@Jersey Tomato: Also, “I’m glad you supported me in 2008 and I hope youre supporting me now.”
A warm hug with the two would really drive Trump nuts.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: I liked the threat of popping up at dinner parties and saying racist shit.
Major Major Major Major
@Major Major Major Major: @Corner Stone: Nope, my old post is just based on what I was seeing on the teevee at the time, no cite other than I was there liveblogging.
? Martin
@Corner Stone: Well, ‘won’ is difficult to quantify with the media. She ‘won’ in the sense that she outperformed expectations – but short of not quitting halfway through the debate, she was pretty much assured to do that. But that’s enough of a declaration if it keeps the horserace going.
@Omnes Omnibus:
So. Awesome.
@Omnes Omnibus:
And giving Game of Thrones spoilers. LOL.
well, as far as the media is concerned, she could re-enact the fucking Red Wedding while playing the Rains of Castlemere in the background and they’d say that she’s too fucking emotional and what about policy….
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: Yeah, what’s he going to do to surprise her now, disinvite Flowers?
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s a nice play on Sarah Silverman’s Great Schlep video from 2008.
Corner Stone
@dmsilev: I thought he was too busy taking his pants to the dry cleaners to have anything to post afterwards.
“The very pants I was returning to the pants store!”
@Elie: I agree. Plus, Clinton is great at debates, and she’s literally the best candidate to face this monster of a candidate. It’s like Trump was made for Clinton to defeat.
She just needs to be cool, confident, and lay out her points. Trump will Trump, which the 27% and the media will say is great! But what about the rest of America?
@? Martin:
She’s right at his happy spot right now. I think he likes them in their early 30s.
randy khan
I’d be really surprised if there were any reaction shots. The ground rules usually require the networks to take the feed, and I think the only camera that faces towards the audience is focused on the moderator.
@randy khan: That’s well under 20. You taking some of this action?
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s my Mamaw: “Don’t be a putz.”
That deserves a replay.
But really a 4 yr old having a crying tantrum has more dignity than Trump.
Corner Stone
“You’ll pay for this..Flowers!!”
James E Powell
I’m certain of the first two, but wonder what are the three points she wants coming out of this. I’m hoping for three reasons to vote for Hillary rather than defeat Trump. Of the whole list of possibles, which three would you have her stress?
@James E Powell: Cool and confident. Policies and facts don’t matter.
Her overall policy point, though, should be a continuation of Obama’s policies, with tweaks here and there.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: Apparently one of the problems she’s having in NC is with voters who like Obama’s policies but don’t like her, so this isn’t a terrible point to make.
@James E Powell:
Her experience as SoS
Her experience as NY senator
The decades that she has spent in democratic politics
Three things that Donnie has never done and why it shows that he is totally unqualified to be president.
A fourth could be the fact that she has stayed with Bill and worked to make the marriage work rather than just walk away, shows that she is in it for the long haul rather than just for herself.
@Corner Stone:
@Major Major Major Major:
From a quick google, here is an Alternet roundup of 6 reactions.The consensus was that Biden was better, but since Palin didn’t shit on stage, she also won, so it was a draw. Since the Obama/ Biden ticket was ahead, it counted as a win for their ticket. I’m hoping that’s what happens on Monday, the media will say he exceeded expectations, and sorta won, but when it’s polled she will be deemed the winner. The media’s expectations are low, but voters are not.
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m wondering if it’s a bluff, to try to get her to uninvite Cuban, after which he could say (not unjustiably) that he can yank Hillary’s chain any time. (Or something like that.) Seems unlikely she’d fall for it, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t try.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That was great.
Corner Stone
@hovercraft: Reading that link (thanks), it seems so similar to expectations for Trump.
“She did not shit herself or throw a bloody fetus at Biden so she won!”
She got handled very nicely by Smilin’ Uncle Joe, and that was my takeaway then and now.
gogol's wife
@Omnes Omnibus:
Very good.
@Trentrunner: While I know I’ve been predisposed ( by reading blog comments over these many years) to disdain Chuck Todd, but I have to turn the channel when he comes on my teevee. There’s just something so off-putting about him, because I’m always expecting to hear anti Democrat points from him. Is he viewed anywhere as an accomplished objective journalist? Personally, I think he’s a conservative plant and a whiny one at that.
He’s a respected ‘journalist’ and the host of the venerable Meet The Press. But outside in the real world he’s a whiny, defensive, weasel. He was one of the first to say that it’s not his job to fact check his guests. Which is bizarre since that was Tim Russerts whole spiel. Being host to what at the time was seen as the toughest and most rigorous show, you would think he’d want to live up to that legacy. Dancin Dave got the heave ho because he couldn’t hold his audience with ass kissing, now Chuck is doing the same.
Mike in NC
@dww44: Chuck Terd is a smarmy lowlife corporate whore.
@Corner Stone: Ruh-Roh!
Li'l Innocent
@chopper: yes indeed,it’s pretty amazing how incapable the yam is of understanding his part in the pot and kettle drama. Real narcissism like his is mind boggling. He lives in another world. I actually feel a certain pity for his staff… he must be hell to work for.
Matt McIrvin
My impression is that there are a surprising number of women who hate her for this; I think they see it as letting him get away with it for the sake of her own career. Of course, if she’d divorced him many of the same people may have hated her for that too, but it’s impossible to say.
I do think that the treatment of the candidates in this campaign proves that it’s far worse in the public view to be a woman whose husband cheats on her than to actually be the cheating husband.
Yes, absolutely a predictable move for the child-man. I really hope that it doesn’t devolve into having all of the Trumpenmoron’s former illicit and morally iffy conquests in the first, second, third, fourth …how many rows are there? Besides what’s it have to do with Hillary, who, as a life-long Methodist Christian managed to repair and preserve the marriage and produce a stunningly bright, wholesome and successful daughter in the process.
I believe that would please the Christian Republican God. Donald, on the other hand………..
Matt McIrvin
@redshirt: “Cool and confident” will have the pundits calling her robotic and arrogant. Basically there is no possible way she can act that won’t come off negatively to the bobbleheads; A and not-A will be equally vile sins.
Marc Cuban did not mention that he is bringing the entire Dallas Mavericks’ cheerleading squad to sit with him.
Think Donnie will be able to concentrate?
@Matt McIrvin: I don’t think there’s much chance that divorcing Bill would have hurt her professionally. In fact, I think it would have been a net gain professionally. But it wasn’t a professional calculation. She obviously thought the big galunk was redeemable. I think she was right and it was a personal decision. I can respect that.
@dmsilev: The giant foam hands idea is my very favorite idea of this entire political season. If only.
@Mnemosyne: “If it’s any consolation, I sometimes get those sites’ ads (and the Russian mail order brides ones) even though I’m a straight lady myself, so they’re really wasting their money.”
A woman on a blog talked about a co-worker who was so beautiful that ‘when she walked by, all of the straight men stopped and stared, and all of the straight women stopped and reconsidered’.