Here is the live feed. You should be able to go backward and see it from the beginning, though there seems to be about an hour of just a placecard, so fast forward. I popped in during Stevie Wonder, so don’t miss that. If there’s a problem, click on the youtube icon in the lower right hand corner and that may play better for you on youtube itself.
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W did well, although it was staggering to hear him talk about Americans avoiding the truth of the past. Still, he was short and graceful. John Lewis was great.
Watching CNN, they’re doing Washington state presser on this week’s mass shooting. (Second, to my knowledge, weren’t four killed in Tennessee maybe 2 nights ago? That trips the FBI stat.)
@dedc79: Jeebus, I am glad to be missing Roger B Taney Roberts. Cognitive dissonance.
An exciting and long-overdue day!
But, there’s something about the building that makes me want to buy some droids.
Another Holocene Human
This is going to be a must see next time I am in DC.
Something like this was what was missing from the Mall, anyway. The American history museum, whatever they call it, really didn’t fill the bill.
I wonder how many kids went to Air & Space and were disappointed the Captain America exhibit wasn’t real. The sets they did for the movie looked like a real federal exhibit.
Another Holocene Human
@dedc79: I’m patient where John Roberts are concerned. Some day his backyard will get backhoed and all the skeletons will come to light.
perhaps Roberts was invited as a tacit reminder of the folks that his positions tend to screw over do exist. Perhaps an attempt to put faces on the “faceless”.
It shouldn’t have been so difficult to get this museum built. It took way too long, and too many politicians were actively hostile to the idea. I saw this account a few months ago.
Amir Khalid
Off-topic Is it just me, or has the new Firefox update messed up the page refresh?
Another Holocene Human
Andrea Mitchell thinks Hilary’s “tone” will put people off in the debates. Huh, I remember Warren vs Brown and smooth Scotty got spanked by Prof Warren and hard. Brown isn’t as practiced a liar as Trump, true, but Trump is every bit as ignorant. You know he’s shvitzing about it because he keeps making ridiculous “demands” of the moderators.
Roberts was there because the Chief Justice is by charter the Chancellor of the Smithsonian. Don’t think he wanted to be there.
Have to say, George W. Bush spoke eloquently. One of his better.
@Another Holocene Human: Andrea “Lizard” Mitchell Greenspan worked “emails” into the very end of her report on debate prep on NBC Nightly News last night.
It was stretching even for that hack. She said Trump was possibly working on pysch ops for Hillary, like “bringing up her emails.”
See how it’s done, by highly paid NBC professionals? NBC sucks, and Mitchell sucks the chrome off a Cadillac.
Eric U.
@Amir Khalid: I had to give up on firefox entirely on my home linux system. It’s funny, I have a window open and I see firefox graying out which means it’s not responding to system messages — even though it only has a few tabs open as I transfer over to chrome. Dunno what they did to screw it up, but it’s bad.
So where’s the white museum, huh? Clearly, this thing is just SJE, political correctness designed to denigrate The Founders (Peace Be Unto Them) and the sacred contributions of the superior Christian Conservative white culture….
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Another Holocene Human:
Tone policing is the worst kind of condescending “I have nothing else to contribute and nothing of any substance to say” passive aggressive bullshit, and Andrea Mitchell is the absolute worst practitioner of it. If I ever see her in person, I’m going to punch her in her ugly face.
Love PBO. Glad the museum opened during his presidency.
NY Times formally endorsed Hillary in today’s paper. (ETA: well, on today’s website. It’s up there now. Will read after PBO’s speech.)
And I am sure PBO and Michelle and Biden will open a can of whoop ass on Trump and downticket GOP after the first debate.
Sick of the horse race. Talk about issues, and the difference between candidates.
Obama is not going to let Trump and crew eradicate his eight years of hard work.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
He’s cleared his schedule for October. All hands on deck.
Love it: talking about young people and change. “See how young John Lewis was.”
Take that, hacks talking about how millennials won’t turn out. The good ones will.
“Millennials” and Hillary being so unlikeable are David Brooks’ schtick these days. He wanks about it everytime I hear him interviewed.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: I’ve heard it called The Stepford Rule: If your reaction to a woman’s work is to not talk about the substance of that work, but to instead offer makeover tips, you are being a misogynist.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Amir Khalid:
I’m having some (previously unknown) problems when I edit comments, but nothing on straight page refreshes.
has a dream scenario where Ms. Clinton turns to Ms. Mitchell and says… well Andrea… have you read them? My e-mails? Have you read them all? If you have, please let me know what was in there that damaged national security? After all, you’re the expert. Please let me know because I’m always open to learning from people who know…
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Women can be the worst practitioners of petty bullshit – being one, I’ve seen the viciousness up close. Women adopt survival strategies and ally themselves with the worst practices of the worst men, thinking it makes them more powerful by immunizing themselves from being a target. It works until it doesn’t.
Goosebumps and tears..
@JPL: It would be great to be in DC and be able to hear those bells.
This speech should be mandatory listening for anyone who says that Obama doesn’t love this country. I know they will hate it, because it celebrates everything they hate about America, “we are a polyglot nation”, that celebrates all of it’s people. They are the ones who hate America because they want it to be something it’s never been, a white nation. The rest of us have always been here to, were just finally getting to the point where we too have positions of power, and are getting closer to true equality. That is what they hate, the fulfillment of America’s promise is not something to be celebrated for them, it is a day to be feared.
schrodinger's cat
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: So women must never criticize other women on non substantive issues?
You (neither was I) were not above criticizing Mrs Sanders or Sarah Palin on their sartorial choices. So since we are on team Hillary we shouldn’t point out her Librarian from outer space outfits?
I had no idea. What a fascinating piece of trivia.
Iowa Old Lady
@Another Holocene Human: Her “tone,” eh? You know how long it took for many people to admit that much of the criticism of Obama was racist? We should all keep that in mind when we hear criticisms of things like “tone” about a woman candidate.
Andrea Mitchell looks fit and trim in her sheath dresses, toned arms on display.
That said, I can’t stand the lizard-bitch, and wish a piano or Hummer would fall on her soon. ‘Cause she’s sucking NBC’s balls, too, and they sure aren’t going to get rid of her anytime soon.
Elizabelle the (fellow) bitch
schrodinger's cat
@Elizabelle: She looks like a skeleton. Too skinny. BTW I have to say Hillary’s Romulan librarian look is growing on me. Plus I like her hair and choice of jewelry.
@Elizabelle: Andrea Mitchell looks like a cricket. Plus she’s never said anything intelligent, in public at least, after 40 years in the business.
@schrodinger’s cat: Great description, the librarian from outer space.
And HRC has beautiful hair and styling. Noticed right off, with the “oh, no she’s falling” footage from the 9/11 ceremony that her hair looked flat and dreary that day. Like she didn’t spend the extra time getting it fussed over early that morning. Suspect she rested as long as she could, to naught.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Last week when someone in a BJ thread (Adam maybe), mentioned that Greenspan also dated Ayn Rand, that he has/had terrible taste in women, normally I would laud a person for not being superficial, and seeing past the physical to their inner beauty. But both these women are terrible people who are petty and vindictive, they both epitomize IGMFU. Then again Greenspan is no prize himself, so I guess they deserve each other. Mitchell is a nasty bitch, period. As far as I can tell she has no redeeming features.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@schrodinger’s cat:
Oh believe me, I enjoy dissing public figures about their lack of style or their looks as much as anyone, but you and I don’t have any authority over, or a public platform from which to make a substantive difference in the lives of anyone by being a petty bitch like Andrea Mitchell does. Women in positions of authority, with high public profiles, have a heightened duty to lay off that petty “tone” undermining shit. That’s why there are Foxbots.
I think her face is more rodent than cricket.
I too am a bitch, deal with it.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Alan Greenspan is an ugly gnome. I’m glad they married late in life and spared the world their mean ugly spawn.
James E Powell
That may not be the best speech W ever gave, but it’s the best one I heard. I’m going to recommend it to all my R friends.
@Elizabelle: I think W has a few regrets, starting with regrets about trusting Cheney.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@James E Powell:
After his embarrassing display on stage swinging his arms and trying to dance to Battle Hymn of the Republic after the Dallas police killings, I think Laura probably told him to not bother coming home if he fucked this up.
I missed all but the last few lines of our Prez’s speech. By now I’m used to the feel of tears behind or in my eyes when he’s speaking. Was surprised to have them rolling out of my eyes by the time the bell got ringing and kept ringing. I’m glad it kept ringing.
He starts speaking at around 3:21 in the video at the top of this post.
schrodinger's cat
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: I agree AM is a bitch.
Wow. I did not know this. Cool bit of history trivia.
I am having trouble streaming the video of the president’s remarks, but I was able to read some moving introductory remarks by John Lewis.
schrodinger's cat
@Elizabelle: I can’t claim credit for that one, I read it somewhere. Calling her Romulan, is my touch. Her suit jackets do remind me of the Trekkie alien outfits.
Heaven knows I do.
randy khan
Roberts -like all Supreme Court Chief Justices – is the Chancellor of the Smithsonian’s Board of Regents. He kind of has to be at an event like this. The Vice President also is automatically on the board.
James E Powell
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
That was weird and I mean we need to get a psychiatrist to look at this weird.
randy khan
Moran was my Congressman, and he was a tool. But he’d been a very popular mayor of Alexandria and was essentially unbeatable until he retired. At least he was a Democrat.
@Another Holocene Human: Too bad she isn’t worried about her own tone putting off millions more.
Ah, but as we learned from Chris Rock, Dubya don’t give a f#ck.
Still a funny comic routine, even if Bush making more public civic appearances is now contradicting the comedy.
This is a change of topic, but I just saw on TPM that Trump’s threatening to invite Gennifer Flowers as his guest to the debate. How could this not backfire on him? Every woman to a t would be appalled by this.
Iowa Old Lady
@tobie: Plus, Trump publicly cheated on his wife. And yet, he acts Clinton’s the one who should be blamed for being cheated on. I can’t stand it.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
It’s in response to Mark Cuban being in the front row, so yes, the story will be about Trump’s gossamer skin and the permanent residence that Cuban has taken in his head, which Cuban will gladly explain the reasoning for. Trump wants this to be WWE, making Clinton look more and more presidential every passing day. Bring.It.On.
Amir Khalid
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Also, I suspect Mark Cuban will unsettle Donald Trump more than Gennifer Flowers will unsettle Hillary.
@Elizabelle: ABC HAS a report on the latest batch of FBI notes. Seems that Hillary and her aides forgot a diplomatic pouch in a Moscow hotel room one time and they did a lot of e-mail talking about sensitive subjects. I would be willing to bet my non-existent mortgage that if you tracked all of the documents of any other S-o-S you would find the same pattern of behavior. People trying to do 30 hours worth of work in 24 and sometimes forgetting a diplomatic pouch. Careless- yes. Illegal – no. human – very much so. But since its Hillary it should be good for another weeks worth of e-mail stories. It certainly is more important than Trumps crooked foundation, his bribes and his aides possible connections to Putin
James E Powell
Not to mention quite a few men. But the press/media – Andrea, Cokie, Sean, Morning Joke, Mika, and the rest – would absolutely love love love it. That’s why they adore Trump. He gives them the content that they want to broadcast, write about, talk about.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Michelle was on watch also..
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Amir Khalid:
Cuban really does have Trump’s number – and it’s a very low number.
@tobie: The remark makes it more likely that Trump will bring up Bill’s infidelities in the debate– which, I agree, would be a disaster for him.
Amir Khalid
Also, it’s proof that Obama’s DoJ is in the tank for $Hillary because it’s not going to recommend filing charges.
To the people who hate Hillary, and think that she was Bills facilitator or pimp, they will love it. Trump sticking it to the Clintons will be the highlight for them. For normal people it will be an appalling display of his lack of judgement, and will alienate them. Kellyanne originally came to prominence as one of the Bill Clinton hunters along with Coulter back in the day, so I’m not sure if her hatred of the Clintons will blind her to the stupidity of such a provocation. The media will love it and call it a daring/bold move to unsettle Hillary. You’d think that after 25 years they’d realize she’s a tough cookie.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
LOL. George’s black friends.
Great picture, then I made this mistake of scrolling down.
WTF, sigh.
@hovercraft: Yup, not a good place to go.
@hovercraft: They believe the caricature, and that’s a weakness. Whether they’re going to do the full Clinton Obsessive Disorder face-plant– who knows? I’d have thought it’s unlikely, but the winger mind is a mystery to me.
I think that this would be a shitty, petty move if Trump did this, but I don’t think that every woman would be appalled. A sizeable number of conservative women judge Clinton harshly for staying with Bill because of his infidelities. I’ve heard women callers to radio talk shows mention this first, before e-mail crap or policy issues, and even though it is obviously old news.
Still, I would be surprised if Trump did this. His political strategists must hate the idea. I DO think it would appall most women (most men would just be curious about what Flowers looked like now). More crucially, her being there would deflect attention away from Trump, and his ego would not permit this.
Wow.. Someone needs to check on Raven. I just looked at the GA/Miss score.
Not necessarily true. He’s publicly credited her with teaching him a lot and changing his life or something. She became his close friend after being, he’s said, a big influence when he was young. As far as I know, and I could be mistaken, the rest seems like an internetty rumor on sites that dislike him. It could be true, or it could be another one of those very close academic-origin relationships where no one knows the internals. If friends from that time or biographers have said they were lovers, that would be believable. (I don’t like him either, just don’t like the internet when it does this stuff to anyone.)
I’m currently reading The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan by Rick Perlstein. One point he makes over and over are the multiple ways a conservative cannot handle shades of gray. Things are all evil, or all good: politics, policies, people. That is what they use their brain power for; constant and unremitting rationalization.
In addition, he pinpoints this time period as one of great change and its antidote for those who need it: nostalgia. These Trump followers remember a time where they were Kings of their own tiny Kingdoms; when a white guy with a high school education could do well for themselves in a union job. But it wasn’t the unions that made it possible, no! They were just that awesome, ya see. And those days are gone, because evil liberals.
It can be understood, I guess. It’s just not easy for an actual mind to grasp.
@Aleta: Ayn Rand did have affairs with her proteges. That’s the plausible part.
@hovercraft: Thanks.
James E Powell
I have heard this from several women of my acquaintance, women who are not political junkies or rabid Republicans. I have been taken aback at the passion in their voices as they condemn her for staying with her husband.
I don’t really understand it and I can’t imagine what to say in response.
@WereBear: OK, thanks.
Cheryl from Maryland
@piratedan: Roberts is a member of the Board of Regents (the governing board) of the Smithsonian. Not because of himself, but because he is Chief Justice. FYI, Uncle Joe is also on the Board as the V.P. is always on the Board. If you needed another reason to vote for Sec. Clinton, I work at the Smithsonian, and I would prefer Tim Kaine over Mike Pence. Finally, fun fact, when George Sr. was inaugurated, Dan Quayle had a party at the museum where I was working. We were given the day off — speculation was that some thought the staff would cause trouble.
Wasn’t this a good thing? And didn’t good jobs promise to help everyone?
The evil was conservatives pushing the lie that “liberal” government only cared about minorities to the exclusion of the helpless white male.
Just noting that it’s about 48 hours before the first Presidential debate, and the Republican candidate is himself talking about a paramour of the spouse of the other candidate from 25 years ago.
@James E Powell: Me, either; especially from a culture that reveres Stand by Your Man.
Personally? I think it is a jim dandy excuse to hate someone they are supposed to hate.
That was some ugly body shaming and threats upthread.
Steeplejack (tablet)
Yes, and Howes’s picture looks like the pie-faced ignoramus you would expect.
@WereBear: As you say, Rand + protege, case in point.
Steeplejack (tablet)
Yeah, major beatdown in progress. I was too polite to mention it, however.
Also, my RWNJ brother’s Spartans are suffering a similar fate, which pleases me, because I know how much it upsets him.
@JPL: a downside of being FL: hugging war criminals in hopes of setting an example of D-R unity against racism
Steeplejack (tablet)
Yes. It’s one thing to sit on your pasty white ass in the La-Z-Boy and answer poll questions (on your land line), quite another to figure out exactly where you’re supposed to vote, fire up the Buick Regal and actually go do it, especially if you’re not super enthusiastic about the candidate anyway.
I noted in an earlier thread that Team Clinton should try to get under Trump’s skin before the debates. It appears as though Trump is trying this tactic. I think it is clumsy, but I also think it a preview. He will try to run or dominate the debates his way, and they will not be a deep, wonky discussion of policy issues.
@James E Powell: Hypocrisy is more than acceptable to such people. (I think it’s required in some social circles.) I’d bet that they have friends they respect who’ve made the same decision as HRC. And they feel patriotic not hypocritical for attacking her.
To come back to the topic of the thread for a moment… I just finished watching the president speak, followed by the ringing of the bell. What an amazing speech by an astonishing man. I found the ringing of the bell as an echo of the ringing of the bells when slaves were declared free to be quite moving.
This is interesting. I had not considered this before.
Trump certainly does not have the ground game of a more conventional or more experienced campaign. On the other hand, his base is more fired up and enthusiastic, and this seems to be helping in some of the swing states.
It will be interesting to see what the voter turnout looks like.
@efgoldman: What I cannot fathom is how Trump, a serial philander who in the end divorces one immigrant spouse in favor of yet another, gets away with calling attention to Bill Clinton for cheating on his wife. Un-fucking-believable.
Another Scott
@randy khan: Moran was my congresscritter for a while too (redistricting). He was a character. I think he was wrong for calling for Clinton to resign and supporting the impeachment inquiry, and he (and his family) was kinda sketchy in some financial dealings, but on the whole he did a decent job.
He seemed like a Chicago pol in a lot of ways – he knew he had enough support in the electorate to say provocative things and get in the news when it suited him, and dance over the line a few times, but had a mostly good heart. But man, could he get me to yell at the TV sometimes…
@Brachiator: I thought I had read that the evangelicals will be doing GOTV for Trump just like they have always done for the republican candidate.
You might be right. I remember some story accompanied by a photo of evangelicals surrounding Trump and blessing him.
The GOP has been working hard to get their voters in line as we head into the debates. You can see it with their getting Ted Cruz to get on board the Trump train.
If they can get the Israeli prime minister to say good things about Trump this weekend, the GOP will squeal with delight.
Another Scott
@James E Powell: Matthew 19:6 might work:
It probably won’t matter though. Divorce is always horrible and people have to stay together for the sake of the family and the children – except when it comes to the Clintons. Amirite?
(Formerly I’mNotSure…)
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Steeplejack (tablet):
Actually, damn, those new Regals don’t look too bad.
Iowa Old Lady
@Brachiator: I read an analysis of how much difference GOTV is estimated to make. The margin was small–maybe 2%. But data compared two ground games, one of which was superior to the other. I’m not sure that applies in this case.
Also, I know about a third of the country now votes early, but ground game really makes a difference on election day if the weather is bad, for instance. Democrats tend to vote early more than Republicans. If there’s a blizzard here on election day, that will help Clinton.
@Another Scott: As an atheist, I love Matthew. Presently have Matthew 6; 5-6 up in the window of my truck.
Eric U.
Clinton should announce she is going to invite all the people Trump has stiffed in his business and ask for some of his tickets.
Another Scott
@OzarkHillbilly: Yup. That’s a great one.
You can tell a lot about a person from their favorite verses, I think. ;-)
Jesus in Matthew was a pretty sensible dude (except for the physically impossible stuff). But he got a few things wrong, like Matthew 24:34. ;-)
@efgoldman: I think Mark Cuban should sit in the audience, flanked by Michael Bloomberg and Warren Buffett.
Actual billionaires, every one of them.
Could this be true? Does a bear shit in the woods?
@MattF: Yes, apparently, it’s true.
Since it looks like this thread is also active, I’ll repeat my question from above:
I think I mentioned before that I’ve volunteered to help canvass in Las Vegas next weekend (going from Los Angeles). They will bus me there, and I have two options:
– Single day: Get on the bus at 5 am on Saturday, canvass all day, get back on the bus in the evening and be back in Los Angeles around midnight
– Overnight: Get on the bus at 5 am on Saturday, canvass all day, stay overnight at Circus Circus, canvass more on Sunday, and be back in LA by 8:00 pm Sunday
I’m leaning towards overnight because, frankly, I’m middle-aged and I need my rest, especially since it’s going to be FUCKING HOT in LV and i don’t always do well in the heat. And the advantage of being middle-aged is that I can afford $150 for a room. But only doing the single day means I would have Sunday available for, I don’t know, not having to be around people all the goddamned time since I’m kind of an introvert.
Strong opinion either way?
Iowa Old Lady
@MattF: I can’t even. If that happens, Trump will have outdone himself.
I hope Clinton’s debate prep folks are coming up with good responses to whatever he intends to do with Flowers. Like demand HRC apologize or some stupid thing.
Yep, she was clearly taking no chances.
I’m assuming everyone here has already read Awesomely Luvvie’s take on W and “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” but just in case you missed it, here it is again.
Content warning: make sure you do not have any liquids in your mouth as you read. I am not responsible for any damage to your keyboard or monitor.
Moron doesn’t even know that Chicago already has museums for all of those ethnicities, and more besides.
If you can take it, do the overnight. Even though you’re with a bunch of people who annoy you, you can always retreat to your room and have some alone time. If on the other hand you feel that you will not be able to recover from the prolonged exposure in time for Monday morning, just do the one day, that’s more than most people are pitching in. Best of luck.
Those don’t count, they’re not on the National Mall, and you know the only reason for this preferential treatment the ‘blacks’ are getting is because Barack Hussien Obama is president. Never mind the fact that it took 14 years to complete, that pesky time travel machine allowed him to be responsible for it’s creation. These people are not rational.
@Mnemosyne: Overnight! You’ll just be getting in the swing of things the first day. :-) You’ll be a pro by day two!
Steeplejack (tablet)
Stay over. Two long bus rides in one day will leave your Sunday available for you to be completely comatose. Pace yourself. Have a good dinner in Vegas, enjoy some alone time, canvass again on Sunday.
Also, 87°, breezy and 16% humidity in Vegas is not too awful. “It’s a dry heat” is a cliché, but it’s a cliché because it’s got a big element of truth. But you have to mega-hydrate.
P.S. Left you an alert yesterday for Bobby Troup on Perry Mason this Monday night (MeTV).
I work with someone who used to work at the Smithsonian’s Museum of the American Indian, which has been on the mall for at least a decade. (She moved to this coast to be closer to family.) So was it a sign of racism when that museum went up twelve goddamned years ago and this idiot failed to notice it was there?
But, also, it’s particularly stupid to complain to a Chicago newspaper about a lack of ethnic museums. The ethnic museums are part of what gives Chicago one of the highest per-capita museum densities in the world.
@hovercraft: I bet there was some hustling, though, to get the museum done while Barack is still president. :-) There’s no one else who could have given the speech that ushers in the museum with the same sense of history. I love our president.
dr. luba
@schrodinger’s cat: I heard the term first on Between Two Ferns.
@Steeplejack (tablet):
My parents used to live in Phoenix. I already know that “it’s a dry heat” is a LIE.
I think we have MeTV but I’ll have to double-check. In a couple of weeks, we’ll be having dinner near Erle Stanley Gardner’s office building.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Don’t forget she has to smile or she’s a bitch.
Yeah, that’s another reason I’m leaning towards the two-day thing — it’s usually better for me to pace myself. I’m taking Friday off, so I’ll have time to pre-rest up.
Another Scott
@Mnemosyne: How good are you staying awake for 20 hours? Would you rather crash at home after a 20 hour day or not be quite so exhausted but away from home longer and still worn out when you return? I can see benefits of going either way, but I’d probably pick #1 myself, if I was sure I could get up on time without waking up every 15 minutes just to be sure I didn’t oversleep…
Thanks for your efforts either way!
@Mnemosyne: Think you should do the overnight, and flee if you’ve had enough of people time by Sunday afternoon. LV from LA is a long ride, both ways, for an overnight.
See others have beat me to it.
Besides which, if you are getting positive responses at the doors, you are going to want to work more in LV.
And ride home on the bus, happy.
I swear that W has a crush on FLOTUS. Laura is looking good.
@Another Scott:
There are advantages both ways, which is what makes it a dilemma. I can do a really long day, but I usually am a total zombie the next day, so it might be better to not push it.
Ha, ha. NY Times news alert: the Charlotte police are going to release the dashboard and body camera videos.
What’s more, I would stay in the Charlotte streets, were I a protester, until they pull back that “protect the police/authorities” law about no releasing police videos to the public. Scheduled to go into effect next week; get them to retract it or, at minimum, not enact it until several months into the next governor’s term.
It’s horrible legislation; actually far more deadly than the bathroom bill.
Not to gross anyone out, but there were always those rumors about W and Condi Rice. Bush seems to not be specifically racist — unlike Cheney, he would never pal around with open white supremacists — but I think he’s like a lot of white people of his age and class that he’s blinkered and totally clueless, and has no interest in becoming less clueless. Casually racist, but not dedicated to it like Cheney or Trump.
Another Scott
@Mnemosyne: Sounds like a plan. Have a great time!
Original Lee
@efgoldman: I keep thinking of that scene in Wayne’s World where the unwitting sponsor is reading cue cards with “This man has no d**k” on the side facing the camera. I think Cuban is too classy for this, but it would be awesome if he discreetly signed that Drumpf has small hands, many times during the debate. The signing community would be ROFL and the talking heads would spend a lot of time talking about, first, what it could mean, and then later, what it did mean.
That was hilarious the first time I read it.
Still is funny
@rikyrah: @Mnemosyne: Oh my god, I laughed out loud. What a maroon.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Another Holocene Human:
No, she really doesn’t. It’s all reflex with her.
Hey, if you see video there of sportswriters talking about African American athletes, that’s a thing I worked on last summer. Glad to have played my tiny little part in it.