It's like arguing with a teenager who stinks of Red Bull and vodka.#debatenight— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 27, 2016
Trump’s stressing the BE AFRAID BE AFRAID (Stolen jobs! ISIS! Financial Bubble! Negro Thinks-He’s-President Playing Golf! We’re being ripped off by every country!) meme — it’s his go-to move but I don’t think it’s gonna impress anyone but his base.
Right now he’s explaining — again! — that he can’t release his tax returns because he’s being audited “very unfairly”.
tonight, we are pretty much sending Hillary Clinton to drill into a giant asteroid & nuke it from the inside before it can destroy the earth
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) September 26, 2016
Trump DC Hotel #debatenight Special: 6-pack of Bud for $100. Perfect metaphor for 2016 https://t.co/yKHx3rQPkZ
— Wyeth Ruthven (@wyethwire) September 26, 2016
Hillary Clinton does not need to do this to win, but I really hope she kicks Trumps' ass tonight. It would be very enjoyable (and deserved)
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) September 26, 2016
? Martin
She claimed he paid no taxes and he said ‘that’s smart’. Wrong answer… Working class people pay taxes and they are offended when rich people don’t.
Corner Stone
She handled the taxes well.
@? Martin: It’s ‘smart’ from Trump’s perspective which prioritizes Trump’s income above all else.
Great takedown by Hillary on Drumpf’s refusal to release his tax returns
It’s rambling time.
Mary G
I like the way she keeps saying “you” directly to the voters. Donald is talking to Lester.
@? Martin:
She should use that to turn the Crooked bullshit around on him where it belongs. Stealing from the government, stealing from honest tax payers, whatever works.
Word salad.
Illegal server? You mean like the waitstaff at mar a lago?
Mary G
She handled the email great. It was a mistake. The end.
He just brought up his ability as a businessman … no offense to Hillary but it’s like baring your neck to a vampire
Trump: we need infrastructure.
Who blocked infrastructure?
Oh man. Trump: “Our government doesn’t have any money”
Clinton: “Well, maybe it would if you paid any taxes. Oh, and you stiff contractors too”
“Maybe it’s because you haven’t paid any taxes.” HAH!!!!! Oh god, she’s bringing up the people he stiffed. KEGEL!
Maybe not coke, but adderall I think.
Holy cow!
Corner Stone
Maybe he didn’t do a good job.
Hillary is doing a great job so far against the orange buffoon.
Mike J
If you’re explaining you’re losing. Donald is losing.
I’m a straight woman and right now I would bang Hillary until we both passed out.
What a tool he is.
He’s sniffing again.
@debit: It’s possible I’ve had a few glasses of wine.
Credenzal Jocularity
He’s prepping to release the ZERO taxes tax returns.
Corner Stone
I take advantage of the laws of the nation.
Oh, for fucks sake. Another commercial for the bloody hotel?
The tens of thousands of people who love me unbelievably.
How is Donald going to have new answers for the next two debates?
The cretins at FreeRepublic are already checking out. Joy!
Trump must have sat in the make-up chair for an hour. Got more pancake than IHOP.
Another plug for his new hotel.
Corner Stone
Who could watch this buffoon and think he’s a reasonable human being?
Even Donald’s joke about getting to Pennsylvania Ave, didn’t work.
Credenzal Jocularity
He’s running for a G6 contract manager job now? I’m really enjoying this.
He’s just giving her more ammo every time he opens his mouth. She knows it too.
Well damn HRC…bodied Trump with this one…
I loved how he said not paying taxes was smart and then she added that meant no money for troops no money for vets. That was a sick burn as my kids say.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
I don’t have it in me to watch this guy. My husband just texted me saying Trump is huffing and doesn’t look good, and he (my husband) is laughing. Is it really going that well for Hillary?
@Mike J:
The Guardian is posting RWNJ tweets. They think Trump is killing it.
Bill E Pilgrim
@debit: Cracked me up with that one. Well said.
On a serious note, right now what I’m taking from this is that Trump can’t control himself and he has no plan, just complaints and doom saying. No answers or solutions. Not very motivating.
Mike E
Anyone do a bunk check on NR? srv?
I love how Hillz is just letting Donald ramble on and sound like a moron.
Mary G
He is drinking a lot of water. He’s going to be fidgeting by the end because there are no potty breaks.
Mike J
Frank Luntz @FrankLuntz 7 minutes ago
Even Trump-leaners agree with Hillary. They want to see his taxes. #DebateNight
So Donald has noticed our airports aren’t that great.
It’s called infrastructure. GOP won’t let us spend to upgrade our infrastructure. Thanks for bringing that up, Donald.
Now Hillary circles back to the business expertise, and “stiffed by you and your businesses, Donald” — a litany of peeps not paid. Architects to contractors.
There’s no way anyone can spin this as going well for Trump. He’s going to take a mauling in the polls after this.
Corner Stone
The race question/issue. This should bury Trump in a way nothing else might tonight.
I know I am a partisan, but has he made any sense other than defending how great he is?
And now race. I am so afriad of this part because of why it will reveal about Trump and 43% of my fellow citizens.
@debit: You are wrong, “Biggest Tax Cut since Reagan”! That’ll fix everything.
Brother Dingaling
I’m biased, so I can’t be sure, but is Hillary Clinton eating his lunch? Cuz it looks like she’s eating his lunch.
law & order – drink
@NotMax: If it’s good pancake, it doesn’t look like pancake. I do believe his makeup artist is making fun of him, and DTs is too stupid to get the joke.
“Various parts of our country. Wherever. I can keep naming them all day long” == he can’t name any places so afflicted.
Taken their labor. Taken the goods they produced. And then not paying them.
HRC’s dad. Six business bankruptcies. A lot of great businessppl have never taken bankruptcy once.
Sometimes not a great transfer of skills from business to govt.
Donald: It’s all soundbites. Unbelievable company. He’s built.
Of course — this kind of poseur dominance bullshit is what won him the primary. His base loves it. Normal people? Probably not so much.
Corner Stone
Living in hell. You walk down the street you get shot.
Mike J
Unpaid architect.
The frowny face doesn’t convey seriousness or gravitas, DT. More like you ate a wear-dated taco bowl for dinner.
As to the occasional show of fish-face pouty lips, the less said the better.
Keith P.
So Trump’s solution to the racial divide is law & order and endorsements of police organizations?
Just keep going, asshole. You just can’t help yourself.
Stop and frisk. Seriously?
? Martin
Unfortunately, that was Ron Fournier, so Trump probably just won.
Dick Nixon on line one for Trump. He wants his stump speech back.
@Mary G: Well, he’s standing behind a podium so nobody really would know if he decided to piss his pants.
Credenzal Jocularity
Law & arder 5 times! I shouldn’t have played this drinking game.
Taxpayers are idiots and The Blacks and Hispanish types need some law and order shoved down their throats.
I wonder what the Fuck the Police libertarians will do.
? Martin
Sniffing is the new sighing.
Next segment: America’s direction. Race relations.
@Mary G:
“Little Marco, is that you?”
Old Dan and Little Anne
A very against police judge.
Telling that Donald goes straight from race to crime.
@? Martin: Heh.
? Martin
Donald Trump, gun grabber.
“A very against police judge”
Man, he has a golden tongue.
Central Planning
“Stop and Frisk was ruled unconstitutional”
“No it wasn’t”
Holy crap.
Corner Stone
Man, defending stop and frisk to Lester Holt….this should go well.
Lester Holt is actually doing follow-up questions and so forth. Well done, so far.
Bobby Thomson
Oh shit he’s trying to fact check Lester Holt.
Keith P.
Oh, man, here comes the implosion.
Word salad. Stop and frisk. Please shut him up.
And now Donny is arguing with the moderator about the exact nature of the ruling that froze Stop and Frisk in NYC.
God man keep your head in the game, this dude seriously has the attention span of a flea drawing blood from a methhead.
Corner Stone
I have investments…I have property there…I have real estate…
Chicago is important to Trump because he has a (very ugly) building there.
… On Chicago: See Slate’s article from Friday: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/the_next_20/2016/09/is_chicago_s_ghastly_murder_rate_the_result_of_its_1990s_anti_gang_policies.html
Wait, wut? Did DT’s just say “take guns away from people?” Paging NRA.
Bill E Pilgrim
“Who was a very… against police .. judge”
This is heading into Miss Teen USA South Carolina territory now, good god.
Corner Stone
This was complete shit show word salad. He could not shut up.
Do you have property in Ferguson, Donald?
Mary G
Ooh Lester fact checked stop by and frisk! Wingnuts will be frothing at the mouth.
WTF was he yabbering about? That orange moron doesn’t use the public airline terminals. Did he get delayed today on the biz jet tarmac or something??
@? Martin: As long as you grab them from the “right people”, it’s OK with the NRA.
Credenzal Jocularity
Dammit, 9 lawrnarders and counting….
@Mike J:
Dear Mr. Luntz. Thanks for that tidbit. Now politely go boil yourself in sulfuric acid, asshole. Thx.
Trump just audibly sighed. I believe that under the Al Gore clause, he automatically forfeits this debate.
Hillary just let him talk. That was brilliant. She is being positive.
@Corner Stone: Nope :^)
Trump is going to get absolutely smoked on this issue. His approval amongst minorities will go to shit after this.
Mike J
Check Luntz’s twitter feed. He’s got dial data supered over debate video. Every Clinton attack lands hard, Trump floundering.
Exactly right.
In 2012 it was “Please proceed, Governor”.
But for this doofus: “Just keep going, asshole”.
Keith P.
I think Trump watched “Dredd” on the flight to the debate (the Karl Urban version).
I really want to see a gif of every face he’s pulled this debate, Bet it would be hysterical.
That Donald Trump sigh. If there is any justice in the world that will get excessive scruitiny by the press
Gangs were 90s issues. Not today’s problem with getting shot just for existing while black.
All Rahm has to do for re-election is have the boys blow torch the TRUMP sign off.
In the anti-business hellhole he describes America as being.
Apparel made in Bangladesh and China, which HRC hasn’t hit him with yet when he talks about jobs being outsourced.
She is not hiding on race.
It may cost her the election.
@Keith P.:
Also, taking guns away from minorities. Because the problem in Dallas was that a black guy with a gun killed 5 cops, not that a crazy asshole was able to get a gun.
gogol's wife
@Bill E Pilgrim:
US Americans?
Credenzal Jocularity
@wenchacha: It beats “cisgrace”, unless that’s some king of transgender out reach…
@PsiFighter37: They’re already shit.
Omnes Omnibus
@debit: You’d never sleep again.
? Martin
That sigh is going to hurt him. She’s declaring that black communities are not shitholes, and he sighs in disgust.
Best post of the evening!
@Skerry: well it’s all he has to offer. If he could move them out of the country too, he would. But locking up more of them is always a way to win them oveg
Clinton pushing gun control. Trump going to shoot himself in the dick with his NRA endorsement now.
I’m glad there are children watching this debate. That was as fine an example of frontier gibberish as ever I have heard.
Who gave him the coke? Where did he get the coke??!!
Mary G
She is kicking ass. Being passionately against private prisons and for gun control.
? Martin
@Anoniminous: Authentic frontier gibberish.
Hillary just quotes stat that Black dope smokers jailed three times more than white potheads WITHOUT mentioning marijuana or the stupid drug war,
From the Guardian:
There’s a level of shit lower than just shit? ‘Cause that’s pretty much where he was already.
Hillary has shone all across the board. Trump is talking like a nine year old, and that’s an insult to nine year olds. He’s embarrassing himself.
Mr Stagger Lee
Banning Private Prisons, if I haven’t already I was voting for her, I would vote for her just for calling for that.
Bobby Thomson
Go to?
Phoenix Woman
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: Remember when Trey Gowdy was kind enough to do an eleven-hour ad for her on live TV?
Now imagine Trey Gowdy was thirty years older, seventy-five pounds fatter, coked to the gills and sniffling, and with pancake makeup being washed away by rivers of sweat.
That’s what we’re seeing tonight.
I hope not. Deploy the Obamas. Remind people they have better angels.
He’s going back to Stop and Frisk. Really?
Hillary could have said “Not law and order but justice for all”
Murders are up. Smirks.
Christ, what an asshole.
Bill E Pilgrim
He’s periodically remembering that he’s supposed to try to sound civil tonight. And it lasts about a minute and a half.
And he looks ridiculous doing it, like a Rhinoceros trying to wear a tuxedo, eventually he rips it apart in a fit of rage.
@donnah: His vocabulary is so limited. It’s noticeable.
Phoenix Woman
@Tripod: Bannon, maybe?
Man, Trump can’t even stick to his own points. He’s wandering all over the place.
And he LOVES to say “stop and frisk.”
Bill Maher @billmaher 22m22 minutes ago
Trump: “I get audited every year” Yes, because you’re a crook!!
8,171 retweets 14,586 likes
@? Martin:
FUCK. Ron “CorruptDuopoly4Ever” Fournier is only correct slightly more often than Bloody Bill WRONG Kristol.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Tripod: And why didn’t I get any?
schrodinger's cat
Trump speaks like a 10 year old. This is the best that the party of Lincoln can do?
Miss Bianca
@debit: LOL!!
Credenzal Jocularity
@donnah: Agreed. No matter what doofus goatee guy and the skull lady say later.
Omnes Omnibus
@Immanentize: Let’s not nit-pick.
Corner Stone
He keeps saying “inner cities” as a word for blacks.
No, no, no, 2200 to 500 murders had much, much more to do with the end of lead in the gasoline and the right to abortion going into effect in 1973. A generation with fewer unwanted, unloved, neglected children who were not being poisoned every time they took a breath was surprisingly, a less violent, less criminal generation.
Tenar Darell
OMG, dying laughing! Thank you.
Bill E Pilgrim
@amk: Also “I’ll release them as soon as I’m not being audited. And I’m being audited constantly” I couldn’t help notice.
Oh here we go.
Corner Stone
We had a lawyer shooting up Houston today. Ponder that.
And brings up the no fly list buying guns. Yup.
Good question from Lester about implicit bias. It’s a fair question.
Hillary elides. All of us have implicit bias. But in policing, it can have fatal consequences.
Phoenix Woman
@Mike J:
Part of Luntz must be thinking “Thank GOD”.
Braggadocious? Is that like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
Corner Stone
Trump can not even speak clearly about HRC being the root of Birtherism.
Smiling Mortician
The “I prepared” line. Did it work? It got applause, so that’s good I guess?
@Mike J: Much as I hate to give the asshole credit, Luntz really has captured the debate in a soundbite: “Trump is talking about problems… Hillary is talking about solutions.”
gogol's wife
@Corner Stone:
What? What? (You have to explain for those of us who aren’t watching)
stop and frisk.
african american community has been let down by politicians.
rinse, repeat.
the fucker didn’t prepare, did he?
LaGuardia, which he mentioned, is currently in the midst of major, major construction/reconstruction.
Shame that the control tower now looks like a prison camp guard tower. Very ugly, could not possibly even have looked good on paper. Here’s the one it replaced a few years ago.
Corner Stone
Fucking Trump. Piece of shit racist.
“I’ve been all over the place, and that’s okay. You stayed home.”
“Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate. I’ve also been preparing to be President.”
? Martin
@Smiling Mortician: Yes, that was a winner.
Fact checking?
Just clicked over for a minute to look at split screen and HRC looks calm cool, collected. DJT looks angry, and frustrated.
@Corner Stone:
Holy crap that was the cure for peak stabby. Wowza
@Credenzal Jocularity:
“I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of livers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.”
Okay, Lester can join us for a threesome.
I like that Trump distanced himself from other GOP about guns and the no fly list.
Take that, Mitch and Munster Ryan.
Brings up superpredators.
Stop and frisk would have us drunk by now. Drinking word game.
I just. I don’t even. What. How. Why.
Sudney Blumenthal is the new William Ayers.
Corner Stone
Trump is incoherent. What? WTF?
gogol's wife
Great line!
HOLY FUCK, talking about how he didn’t pay his architect because he “maybe didn’t do a good job” is crazy-making.
“I say nothing. ”
So true
She is about to rattle him again. That smile was priceless.
But the murder rate went down everywhere! Even in places without stop and frisk!
“Just listen to what you heard”
Laughter from audience.
schrodinger's cat
He is like a the comment section of a YouTube video come alive. What an idiot. My brain cells are dying watching him speak. I don’t know how you guys can stand it.
Corner Stone
I think Trump just bowed out of the presidential race a minute ago.
“Just listen to what you heard.”
What the fuck is he talking about? Why is he talking about the birth certificate? Does he think that is a good issue for him?
@amk: He really isn’t saying anything tonight that he already hasn’t said before.
Betty Cracker
Trump, crashing and burning.
Credenzal Jocularity
Just listen to what you heard. FTMFW!
? Martin
The best authentic frontier gibberish…
Oh my god she’s unleashing the howitzers about “racist birther lie”
If she broke a beer bottle on her podium and ran over and gutted him I have to admit he would be in better shape than what he’s about to get
Corner Stone
Don’t shake your fucking head you fucking piece of garbage fuck.
What’s with all the deep sniffs from Trump? Did he do a few lines of coke before going on stage tonight?
Clinton: “Trump’s racism goes way way back”
Keith P.
This is a professional boxer vs. some chump from the local Tough Man competition.
Over the last little while…
Sady Doyle @sadydoyle 57m57 minutes ago
I see Hillary has come dressed in the blood of men who have underestimated her.
He is done. Hillary is about to do the Mortal Kombat death move.
@Corner Stone:
Yeah his faces are bizarre right now.
Omnes Omnibus
She using racist scumbag on him.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Corner Stone: With which comment? Or behavior? Some of us aren’t watching (fearing for our livers/cns function/etc).
Big Eyeroll
Now Birther question. deflects to PUMA/Hills provenance, and now he’s a hero for pulling Superman’s cape.
SNIFFFF. Too bad there are no commercials or he’d return with powder around his nose.
OOH! Hillary goes after Donald’s racism. and it is stinging, although he will play victim now.
If she does that, I will swear lifelong fealty to House Clinton.
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
long on racist behavior.
Tell it, hiilz.
Why aren’t they playing Rains of Castamere?
Gelfling 545
@aliasofwestgate: My daughter says she’s not watching, just listening from the kitchen to the tv in another room. She says that even at a distance she’s just cringing at Trump’s display of ignorance.
I don’t see how even hacks like Mara Liasson drag Trump’s carcass into the debate winner circle tonight.
I don’t see how Donald does any better in the second debate, if he shows. He’s a one trick pony.
Who is always being audited. Imagine that.
Credenzal Jocularity
Man, the sniffles getting worse.
Corner Stone
We settled with no admission of guilt. Which was very easy to do.
This fucking guy.
[FACEPALM] Oh Sully… Sully, Sully, Sully…
If the Village is still in the tank for him after tonight they won’t be closet Fascists anymore.
Donald, if you’re explaining you’re losing. You are losing.
Mary G
He is flailing. And sniffing.
Keith P.
‘I saw the debate tapes. You were so mean to Obama!” What a joke of an attack. Obama is campaigning for her…enthusiastically!
Wow. Settling a lawsuit with no admission of guilt now means that you were totally innocent and just feel like paying a settlement for no reason.
The birth certificate was a great public service?!?!
Settled a lawsuit with no admission of guilt… Doesn’t sound good to the plebs.
Oh, goody. State-sponsored hacking.
Corner Stone
Palm Beach?
This guy can not stop with the commercials for his shit. This is insane!!!!!!
@shomi: The floor’s the limit!
Bobby Thomson
Solis-Doyle never said that.
? Martin
I’m not sure the ‘no admission of guilt’ plays the way he thinks. Most people interpret it as something that is negotiated in exchange for paying a larger fine.
You took the exact words right out of my head.
Hillary should pull a tissue out of her grandma sleeve and hand it to Trump the next time he snort inhales.
I have been given great credit for things I do! (Even if I did it with other people’s money)
Re Trump snorting
My mom just said she thinks he is “on the cocaine”.
Russia!! Dare I hope? YES!!! Yes I do! Donald’s Putin love comes home to roost.
@Corner Stone: At least he hasn’t (yet) dragged out a couple of Trump Steaks from behind the podium.
hey bj’ers, can we stop preemptive bedwetting at least now? hillbeast is doing great.
? Martin
Prepare for epic word salad, folks.
OMG. She’s bringing up the DNC hack. By Russia.
KS in MA
@Corner Stone: Why, other buffoons, of course.
Central Planning
Gelfling 545
@jonas: Compost?
@Mandalay: nah, goes to Debit a couple of threads back about wanting to bang Hills
Solidified water endorses Trump?
“That’s why I was so surprised when Donald invited Russia to hack Americans.” I bet he didn’t even feel the knife slip in until she twisted it.
Not substantive, but focus for a moment on how much shoulder padding his black suit coat has.
Central Planning
@Mnemosyne: Is it bad I read that in the Mortal Kombat video game voice?
@Corner Stone: There’s still a half hour left, I’m sure the steaks will next.
@Corner Stone: I still live in terror of waking up on Nov. 9 and hearing reporters say, “A man who ran an incoherent campaign won in an age of incoherence.”
? Martin
Hillary is going to be more comfortable in the next debate. She’s knows how this is going to go now.
Leave Putin alone!!!!!
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
Wow, hackers are everywhere. I have no idea what to do about that but they’re out there.
Keith P.
WTF? Trump claimed that he was endorsed by ICE. That would be, uh, illegal.
donnie dick now pathetically now looking for bsbots votes.
Bernie was hacked by DWS?
? Martin
Man, fuck those 400lb hackerz!
The investigation said it was a likely Russia, and he invited them to do more. *rolls eyes*
Corner Stone
I just can’t even.
What in the ever fucks of all that fucks is he doing now?
His 10 year old?
The security aspect of cyber?
@? Martin: well you called that one !
Computer aspect of cyber? WTF?
My wife in the bedroom moaning and crying, “oh my god”. She never does that for me.
Somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, WTF DONALD??
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
Cyber…we have to do cyber better. Yeah…he totally sounds like he knows what he’s talking about.
Someone once described Trump’s speaking style as ‘word salad shooter’.
No, no reason at all to bring that up just now.
Did he really just say it might not be Russia, it could be a 400 lb guy sitting on his couch?
@Corner Stone:
He would totally bang him.
Felonius Monk
Makes up for the lack of material between his ears and the absence of a soul.
Kevin M. Kruse @KevinMKruse 8m8 minutes ago
Again, Trump was sued for racial discrimination by the Nixon administration.
878 retweets 799 likes
“We don’t know Russia did any hacking. Maybe it was someone sitting on his bed who weighs 400 pounds.”
What a maroon.
Trump sounded like a complete moron on that. Saying “the cyber” over and over makes him sound like a fool.
@Mart: Try talking to her about the cyber.
I can’t believe they canceled CSI:Cyber.
Ten-year-old Barron Trump for NSA chief!
Right? He’s a doofus.
I seriously expect him to pass out here on the stage. He’s breathless and is gulping for air.
I forgot what I was going to post because the orange one said something even more stupid and crazy.
What are the odds Trump backs out of the remaining debates after tonight’s performance?
@? Martin:
at this rate there won’t be another one. trump will take his ball and go home.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
I’m thinking more the five-finger strike from “Kill Bill” where you look all right, walk five steps off to stage left and then your heart explodes.
Corner Stone
HRC keeps using words structured into actual sentences. Does she not know what kind of contest she is in at the moment? An old fashioned gibberish battle.
@? Martin: she seems to have this down pretty good. She mostly ignores him unless she can piss him off.
“That’s right, bitches. I helped take out Bin Laden.”
Pro tip: never let a guy who dictates his tweets talk about computer security.
@? Martin: There goes the 400 pound hackerz vote.
Omnes Omnibus
@Felonius Monk: The suit is sentient?
I think he has never, ever had to play to an audience that wasn’t looking to be conned and he’s certainly never had to square off with someone of Hillary’s caliber. Which is why this very public evisceration actually has me feeling slightly sorry for him. But not really.
Amir Khalid
I must say, I wasn’t expecting Trump to do quite this badly in the debate. This is a rout.
He saw it on The Googles, which he accessed through a series of tubes.
Bill E Pilgrim
He’s one question away from starting to babble “like such as, the Iraq…”
@MomSense: Yup. A twofer. Does he even look at his ‘base’?
We should have stayed in Iraq.
glory b
@NotMax: Shoulder and chest padding make the gut look smaller (Yes, I sew).).
Bill E Pilgrim
He’s claiming that Obama and Clinton invented the vaccuum
Trump implicates Chris Christie in cyber-hacking.
Trump tweets are being deleted in real-time. I posted one tonight about climate change being a hoax and it is gone now.
Omnes Omnibus
Taking the oil? Really?
gogol's wife
Just donated to Hillz. Felt good.
@dmsilev: I ain’t getting anywhere near her tonight. Spitting sparks.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
So the question I’m afraid to have answered: what percentage of my fellow citizens is going to watch this and still say that they could see this guy in the White House?
@Amir Khalid:
I first read that as “This is a riot.”
Actually, it’s both.
Just ran out of ale. I hate you, beer gods!
Miss Bianca
@Skerry: Ooh…I LIKE that. Is it wrong?
Corner Stone
I don’t know your wife but I am in love with her right now.
I love how she just talks right over Trump every time he tries to interrupt her.
Omnes Omnibus
“But let’s talk about the question you asked, Lester…”
@Omnes Omnibus:
Milkshakes were taken.
Trump is really pandering to his base. They will love his performance.
Davis X. Machina
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym: 47.3%
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym: Too many of them.
@Cacti: Unlikely. He probably thinks he’s killing it.
Her demeanor is so fucking ‘presidential’. What would the emmessem mofos will do now?
Corner Stone
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym:
43% or so.
schrodinger's cat
@chopper: He has no balls left, unfortunately. Hillary just made mincemeat of them.
did I mention before, fuck sully? Might I add, with a rusty chainsaw?
Keith P.
I would have loved to have seen Ted Cruz tangle with Clinton. It would at least be on even ground. It’s like I’m watching half of a debate and half of a book report done with index cards.
Ask yourself this: Which candidate sounds like a President.
Jeez, he is a blowhard, egotist, self-aggrandizing idiot.
Thank goodness Clinton put Trump in his place, and clearly explained exactly why the US left Iraq – one of the most under-reported and mis-reported issues of the campaign.
God. She calmly and clearly stated that the Dubya administration signed the SOFA with the timetable for leaving Iraq.
@Baud: We should have taken all their oil and shipped back to the US.
And somewhere Jeb and Rubio and Kasich and Cruz are sitting in corners and asking how they lost to this idiot.
Keith G
@Cacti: Zero
Oh, man: Bernie slaps DJT around on Twitter.
That should be Good, not God in #313.
@Mnemosyne: Given how Trump thinks of everything in terms of dominance relations, it’s exactly the right way to deal with him.
Mary G
She is flamazing and Holt is doing a great job of asking substantive questions and then just sitting back and letting Donald hang himself.
@Omnes Omnibus: Easy, ya just take it. Common sense.
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym: That’s the five-point-palm-exploding-heart-technique.
I seriously think he’s going to pass out. I wouldn’t mind.
Maybe he’ll break his nose on the way down.
He’s about to say NATO should be ditched. Moron.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
my god, I said very strongly, I was very strong on this….. I was strong
He’s taking credit for getting Europeans to acknowledge terror. He’s like… I don’t even know what he’s like
ETA: Good god, this appeal to Hannity…. what the hell is this?
He’s running for President but hadn’t given much thought to our oldest military alliance NATO. Wow.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Donald Trump for Miss South Carolina!
@gene108: So?
He was very strong and he said it numerous times that he was very strong. You guys, he was so strong!
This is a disaster for the GOP’s Senate and House races.
Man, she doesn’t even have to Tweet in order to bait him. She worked “NATO” into a response and he just HAD to address it. HAD TO.
patrick II
@Keith P.:
The I.c.e. union e endorsed trump.
Corner Stone
@Bill E Pilgrim:
He is waaaayyyy fucking past that here and now.
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym:
About 40-45% The only thing Trump could do to lose them would be to become a card-carrying member of NAMBLA, shack up with a Syrian refugee boy, and vow to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Maybe.
Imagining him in the Oval Office is really really frightening.
@amk: I’ve always heard (from accountants), that if you passed an audit, you couldn’t be audited again for 3 years. True?? If so, proves that Trump is cheating all the time if he’s really been continually audited for 15 years.
@Skerry: Are you effin’ kidding me?
Yelling at computer: Geneva convention. War crime. No, we couldn’t take the oil, you limp ball of Cheeto dust. And you didn’t answer the damn question.
? Martin
BTW, there’s 5 cubic MILES of oil in Iraq. If the world only used Iraqi oil, and stopped using all other sources, it’d take 5 years to consume it all.
Yet another jeff
Trump got NATO to be against terrorism! Thank you Mr Trump!
Corner Stone
Little short arms. He has arms like a crawfish.
Bill E Pilgrim
In any other context on the planet what he’s doing would be described as “a rambling incoherent rant”
He sounds completely insane.
I was very strong on this. I said strongly.
Now he’s arguing with Lester Holt, smart.
Corner Stone
She’s just smiling while he self destructs on this Iraq War bullshit.
Sean Hannity!
Arguing with the moderator: Always a good strategy.
And yes, Sean Hannity is certainly a reliable source.
Amir Khalid
Come morning, there will be headlines and think-pieces denouncing Lester Holt's obvious pro-Democratic bias.
@Mary G: A minor point, but Holt’s do-nothing-ism may be a benefit: tRump camp will have difficulty if they claim moderator bias. They still will, but it will be preaching to the choir.
@NotMax: There goes his appeal to overweight Americans. Lookism might as well be his middle name.
Good god, the man is a loon.
dick is losing it on his iraq war support. shooting empties all over the place.
Keith P.
This is a riot! Trump is arguing with Holt as to whether or not he was against the war in Iraq. Complains that no one calls Hannity to verify Trump was against it all along.
You guys, Sean Hannity will back him up! Why won’t anyone ask Sean?
Omnes Omnibus
Should we call Sean Hannity?
Please proceed, Mr. Trump…
? Martin
Wow, he’s digging this hole deep. He can’t back down under any circumstance. It’s obvious how debate #2 will go – she’s going to dig at him on every issue like this.
So very presidential.
“But nobody calls Sean Hannity!”
Central Planning
@dmsilev: Well, it is Lester Holt.
Trump: “I was against the war in Iraq.”
Holt: “The record shows otherwise.”
Old Dan and Little Anne
Is Hillary scratching her nose a signal? As in, can you believe this shit?
Corner Stone
This man is completely out of his fucking mind. This is nuts.
Exactly who was going to drive oil tankers out of Iraq and how many does he think would make it to the border?
Stepping on his dick repeatedly now…incredible
Trump is now swirling around the bowl and teetering on meltdown after Holt all but calls him a liar. One more flush and Trump will be gone.
Sean Hannity. Really? That is the voice of God. Winning!!
For the luvvagod, call Sean Hannity!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
He’s babbling like an idiot about Sean Hannity and bragging about his temperament
Corner Stone
Much better temperament than she does.
HA! You are certainly proving this right now, fool!
If the debater is spending as much time arguing with the moderator as with the other debater, I would think the first one was losing.
Bill E Pilgrim
Okay he’s now “zinging” himself. This is amazing.
Woo! OK!
Why, the one who keeps talking about how big his dick is (figuratively), of course! Because all other governments will look on his mighty
worksjohnson, and despair!Keith P.
Trump volunteers that he has the better temperament, and the audience laughs! Clinton joke-sighs, and the audience laughs again. Priceless.
I was for it before I was against it.
Who ya gonna call “Warbusters!” li’l Seany Hannity!
@Cckids: year on year
profitfrauds and cheating will get you that.DCrefugee
There won’t be a second debate…
? Martin
I don’t think the audience is buying the temperament argument…
Bone he’s saying he has the best temperament. Pure projection.
Omnes Omnibus
Woo! Okay! ::big ass grin::
“I have a much better temperament than she has.”
Audience: (Laughter.)
mike in dc
I can’t believe I was worried about this shit. She’s crushing him. I don’t think Trump won a single minute of this “debate” tonight.
Holy cow!!
Old Dan and Little Anne
Slug that water donny, you miserable fuck.
Mike J
David Gregory Verified account @davidgregory
One hour in… DT exceeding expectations. He’s prepared, disciplined and serious. She is well prepared commanding as expected.
Corner Stone
This is so sick fucking burn terrority. She just dropped NATO after 9/11 all over the stage on his ass like willie pete.
That was …special. Clinton’s team should just take that clip and run it as an ad with ‘I’m Hillary Clinton and I approve this message” at the end. Nothing else.
He doesn’t pay his contractors. He doesn’t pay his taxes, probably.
But the whole rest of the world is welshers.
I’m inclined to agree.
Keith G
A crazy mutha fucka….and a lot of folks have not seen this level of nuts before.
Credenzal Jocularity
@Amir Khalid: Only according to people that know shit from Shinola.
@Mike J: What a fucking moron. He should be getting ripped on Twitter for that.
gogol's wife
@Mike J:
Yep, I knew it.
@debit: Almost wanted Clinton to sotto voce “smelling” every time Trump said “strong” or “strongly.”
Corner Stone
@Mike J: Is that for real? That’s not a joke or sarcasm?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I think calling Sean Hannity is a great idea. 212-301-3000
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I didn’t know he’d followed Ed Schultz to RT Putin TV
LOLGOP @LOLGOP 6m6 minutes ago
Guy who is proud of not paying taxes is mad NATO members aren’t paying their fair share.
502 retweets 379 likes
Did his doc give him an injection of “vitamins” before this?
Miss Bianca
What’s going on?? Since my little laptop blew chunks, I’ve been unable to stream. What just happened??
@debit: Please, not in front of Walter.
Mr Stagger Lee
If this was a college football game Hillary-Trump would be Alabama-Kent State. Or maybe Clemson-South Carolina State.
Adam L Silverman
Temperament: Drink!
(Miss Bianca still sits out this round to avoid alcohol poisoning)
HEY! No product placement in this blog, OK?
@Mike J:
SRSLY??? OMG I can’t even.
Why doesn’t anyone ask him why, if the Iraq War was a mistake (obviously it was because Mr. Genius™ himself was against it from the very beginning — ask Sean Hannity), why do we somehow now have the right to “take their oil?” So invading Iraq to oust Saddam Hussein = mistake, but invading Iraq to seize their oil = brilliant idea?
gogol's wife
Haha, I was trying to think of some reply that would work in Walter. Good one.
I really wanted Hillary to look at the camera and make the universal “jerk-off” motion while he was talking.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Temperament: Drink!
(Miss Bianca still sits out this round to avoid alcohol poisoning)
Ivan X
Did he just say “your President”?
nukular is the single greatest thing – there you go again, dick.
Felonius Monk
I’m waiting for Hilz to say, “Donald, have you had enough for tonight?”
It’s because of the height difference. The screen behind each of them shows the beginning of the Declaration of Independence. The word “Men” is directly above Trumps’ head, the work “Right” above (and slightly to the side) Hillary’s.
Nuclear weapons greatest threat now. Currency devaluation greatest threat one hour ago.
@Miss Bianca: Donald Trump just told us that he was totally against the Iraq war back in 2002, and you can call Sean Hannity and he’ll totally back that up.
Yes, seriously.
A man who can be provoked by a tweet should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear code.
Preach it, Hills.
Are we gonna get a little climate change discussion? The military considers it a huge aspect of the international security threat.
@Mnemosyne: I think she effectively did.
Keith P.
“The Nuclear” hehe
Only three minutes left. Likely not.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Mike J: “Great News for McCain”-ism perfected into an art.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: Trump said a bunch of bullshit. Hilz grinned, gave a little happy shiver, said “Woo! Okay!, and then crushed him.
Mike E
@shomi: unbunch yer panties ffs
“Your President” remark should disqualify Trump from the Presidency and polite company.
Trump clearly doesn’t understand the question. Anyone who has taught or has been a student will recognize a bullshitter who didn’t do his homework.
Corner Stone
China should go in to North Korea.
Also not that anybody cares but he just called for China to invade North Korea
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder if any snarky lefty will work a cocaine joke onto our cable network chinstrokeathons
@Baud: Because it’s the “Reynes” of Castamere.
Keith G
@Miss Bianca: Go to the Guardian. they have a good blow by blow description that auto updates
“China should go into North Korea.”
Oy vey.
They either ditch him or break out the white hoods, because they won’t be fooling anyone after that…
? Martin
Interesting presentation from Holt – challenges Trump to know what the policy is. Hillary’s answer should be nothing more than asking Trump to state the current policy.
China should solve North Korea’s nukes for us?
Hillary isn’t sighing, is she? Don’t give the MSM an opening! Thank FSM she’s not wearing brown.
tRump didn’t (literally) soil himself. MSM: tRump holds his own in first contest.
Secretary Curry??
Adam L Silverman
@Ivan X: Yes, yes he did.
Words matter.
Credenzal Jocularity
Flag pin count: Donald 1 , Clinton 0. ‘Nuff said.
@patroclus: Good reason.
New thread, please? I’m on slow airplane wifi.
he is spouting the same ct’s he was spewing on his ‘campaign’ trails.
Clinton: “Our word is good. Trump’s, maybe not so much”
Hillary has not made an error tonight. She’s been excellent.
Only the RWNJ’s are gonna be in the bubble for Donald after this.
gogol's wife
It’s not over yet? I’ve got to get off this computer.
He is dead in the water. Even Fox can’t spin this.
@Ivan X:
The people I’m watching with picked up on that immediately.
@jonas: sweep the leg!
Credenzal Jocularity
@Baud: It makes a certain kind of dream/Southpark logic.
gogol's wife
See David Gregory above.
I think she could emphasize even more that Trump’s word is no good.
She brought it up early on.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: He’s got the India portfolio. Schrodinger’s Cat will be along shortly to bring you up to speed.
Your president.
Everything comes down to money and payments with him. Not.Up.To the job.
randy khan
Thanks to all of you who are watching and commentatoring. I was at an event where they started to live stream it and I. Just. Couldn’t. It’s too hard watching him make stuff up as he goes along (and even when has facts, like the Mexican VAT, they’re not really at all relevant).
Even from Trump, I couldn’t believe that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Franklin Foer @ FranklinFoer 29m29 minutes ago
Lester Holt gently making sure that he doesn’t go down in history as Matt Lauer.
I haven’t watched much– Trump makes me sick– but he really seems to have regressed back to January or February Trump
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Dude, if I haven’t passed out by now, it’s because my liver is made of cast iron!
But have passed on to making kettle corn now. This is all too good for just regular popcorn! Yum!
This Bene Gesserit witch has reduced Baron Harkonnen to a pile of incoherent gibberish.
Talking about meeting with Netanyahu about how Iran will get nukes in “X” years.
Which Netanyahu has been braying about* since the Pleistocene.
*Despite numerous debunkings and refutations by Israeli intelligence, military and diplomatic sources.
Corner Stone
Guys, I think it’s obvious. Don King is managing Trump’s campaign and he just got him to take a dive for the big payoff.
Omnes Omnibus
@gogol’s wife: Even Fox can’t credibly spin this.
Clinton’s campaign team:
Mary G
If she doesn’t get a big bump in the polls from this, I will be shocked.
ISIS is like taco trucks, they’re on every corner.
Donald Trump
Mexico’s going to build the wall for us, China’s going to take care of North Korea, We’re going to pull other people’s oil out the Middle East to pay for stuff and we’re going to abandon NATO for not paying their fair share. There speaks the businessman.
Corner Stone
“I want to help all of our allies, but….”
Lost me at “but.”
Say stamina again, I dare you.
@dmsilev: Hahahaha.
wow, the punk is doubling down on ‘her look’.
slappy kincaid
i think he’s just allergic to the constitution
Stamina!! Haha haha haha!!!
Adam L Silverman
@Origuy: Its up.
So, stamina = peni$. Got it.
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Uh oh. I see a meme building here: @davidgregory on the Sistine Chapel: “quite frankly a bit underwhelming and amateurish”; @davidgregory on the Gettysburg Address: “short, uninspired; what’s a “fourscore?”
Ha. Has he gotten any positive crowd response?
@nominus: this!
STAMinah! STAMinah! Drumpf’s version of Viggah!
Corner Stone
It’s bad. Bad experience. Bad. Bad experience. Bad.
Fucking child.
Miss Bianca
@dmsilev: BWAAA-HA-HAAAA!!
Oh, man, my CSPAN feed just froze and it’s hilarious. Donald looks like he’s about to have an MI and Hillary has a beatific smile.
Trump referred to Obama as “your president.”
Oh shit, the Guard — well, AP originally, so even better — is now fact checking his claims about when his famed ontimeandunderbudget hotel was supposed to open!
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: Hugh Hewitt will be along shortly to explain to everyone why tonight was a great night for Donald Trump, America, bald eagles, and apple pies.
God, he makes an onion look thick-skinned.
“But I’m better than that.” Donald trump
Corner Stone
I was going to say something rough to HRC and her family…
What a fucking child.
Luntz focus group of 20 undecided voters on who won debate:
Clinton – 17
Trump – 3
pigs! rosie o’donnell!
Old Dan and Little Anne
Stop spending millions showing people my words.
Felonius Monk
@Corner Stone:
At this point, Don King would be a more viable candidate than TrumpenFarter.
She’s being mean to me. Make her stop it!
Donald Trump
Omnes Omnibus
He is bitching about her ads. Sad!
“It’s not nice!”
There’s no crying in debates, Donald.
Zinged him where it hurts. To her, “Where did you find that?”
Now on to “hundreds of millions of ads [attacking me].” Uh-huh.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: OK, what debit said. Fangirl threesome.
This is fucking hilarious.
So… Have we given him enough rope yet?
Love the cheers when she talked about her stamina.
We’re supposed to be done by now.
Dude, your skin is so thin I can read print through it. What’s that about temperament again?
Mike E
Fresh thread
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m there wicha… I am having my x glass of wine but enjoying the mop the floor of old Donald. He’s trash. Too bad she had to get her hands dirty with it. Someone has to take the trash out.
“Will you accept the outcome of the election?”
I would nuke Hillary but it wouldn’t be nice! (But you know I want to!)
I need a cigarette.
Corner Stone
What the fuck is this deportation nonsense about?
Best can say is that he kept his temper, but it was touch and go for a bit.
schrodinger's cat
@Adam L Silverman: Heh now, curry is an abominable British invention. No self respecting Indian uses the spice mix called “curry”.
My one tiny droplet in tonight’s Twitter tsunami…
@nominus: Bi-lal kaifa.
Adam L Silverman
Polls: Drink!
@Adam L Silverman: If there’s one kind of sandwich Hugh Hewitt has spent his career learning to pretend he’s savoring deeply on tv or radio, it’s a Dagwood-sized shit sandwich.
Finally thought: Trump tried to made it all about himself and made our country sound like a huge disaster.
No one can think he won this.
@Cacti: Right. That’s who they think won the debate.
The next question is: who will they vote for?
She pulled down his britches and spanked him and then sent him to his room without diner. I think she was effective in avoiding being condescending. She clearly was the dominant person in this debate. She won it with style and grace….
Bill Arnold
Well that was seriously fun to watch. On C-Span, no commentary so far except here.
Trump was pretty poor. I’m dreading reading the punditiferous commentary, fact checks and etc.
Back was to TV. Did they shake hands afterwards?
Adam L Silverman
@schrodinger’s cat: Never mind…
mike in dc
They are being a little too charitable to Trump so far on MSNBC.
Steeplejack (tablet)
So I see Melania wasn’t exiled back to Slovenia after the convention. Apparently just locked in a tower at Trump Castle.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: yes.
No worries — his fingers aren’t long enough to reach it.
No One You Know
Hillary, Bill and Chelsea shaking hands with the crowd while Trump family gathers on stage, looks lost and wanders off….yes.
Wait… did somebody say Red Bull and vokda?
Steve Schmidt (R): Trump moved into incoherence and babble for the last half.
This from the guy who gave us Palin.
David Brooks on PBS just said Donald Trump did better in the first half hour because something or other, and at least he’s a change agent. The younger woman said Hillary didn’t present a positive vision for America, do neither of them got the job done that they needed to do.
Luckily I haven’t yet replaced the bottle of bleach I used up last month.
No One You Know
He’s spending more time talking to the media than people. Spin faster!
Adam L Silverman
On behalf of all Jewish Americans ever and everywhere, we would kindly request that David Brooks please stop acting out his mid-life, existential crisis in public. It is embarrassing to all of us and makes us look bad in front of all the other Americans.
The Members of Your Tribe
(get it together or we’re voting you out…)
schrodinger's cat
@Feathers: Which giggle sister was that? Amy Walters?
Fuck Chuck Todd, I just watched Donald Trump coming out of the spin room, whining about every fucking thing because he has the desperate stench of a loser. And Chuck fucking toddler says the American people are the losers of the night because both sides. Why does this transparent, translucent piece of shit control a major part of the media market? Fuck him, Donald Trump, fascist asshole that he is Is a hundred times more honest than Chuck Todd.
Spawn the Younger, who is five years old: “I don’t think he’s saying the words right.”
Truth, my child.
@Keith P.: ICE didn’t endorse him, their union members did.
The Golux
@Mike J:
That was brutal.
My dad was an architect. My wife and I live in the house he designed for himself and my mother, and it’s the most tangible connection I have to him.
Fuck Trump.
schrodinger's cat
@Suzanne: She is 5? Wow! I remember your posts from the time you when you were pregnant. Time flies!
a thousand flouncing lurkers (formerly fidelioscabinet)
@Adam L Silverman: Is this the point where someone’s great-grandma starts muttering about eyn shande fur dem goyim?
joel hanes
> Rains of Castamere
Because it’s the “Reynes” of Castamere.
It’s both, depending on context, as songs and neutrinos often are.
joel hanes
“short, uninspired; what’s a “fourscore?”
I am told that contemporary reviews of the Gettysburg Address were essentially that.
Have you seen the powerpoint ?
@SiubhanDuinne: the stupid DVR ended the CSPAN recording just before the end of the debate, right at 8:30. I don’t know if we missed anything. I think our other timer quit in order to record the baseball game.
@Omnes Omnibus: That was my favorite moment, but there were a couple of other good ones.