Every candidate tries to get in the other's head. Hillary got into his head, unzipped it and dumped it out in front of 100 million viewers.
— Zeddonymous (@ZeddRebel) September 27, 2016
Trump didn’t have to respond to Clinton baiting him about his treatment of women. A smarter man would’ve remembered it didn’t go over well when Megan Kelley did it the first time. And a more capable campaign team would’ve figured out that Hillary had something up her sleeve, especially after the ‘Mirrors’ ad. But nooooo….
This = Fantastic. Google searches for ‘registrarse para votar’ (register to vote) hit all-time high during debate – https://t.co/22HWCUGA9u
— Jeremy Bird (@jeremybird) September 27, 2016
Clinton campaign had this debate hit pre planned. https://t.co/u7uUK0Xikf
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) September 27, 2016
Yes. It's called strategy. https://t.co/56nFymHH9T
— Calith (@PCalith) September 27, 2016
And then he spent the next day trying to re-litigate the question! As though behaving like a pig and a bully after the fact was going to convince anyone that he wasn’t a pig and a bully!
Trump the morning after the first debate in the campaign to be President of the United States. https://t.co/HjzKEC5WKt pic.twitter.com/leckz8cO4K
— Michael Kruse (@michaelkruse) September 27, 2016
The faces of the Fox & Friends host as Trump says the Miss Universe winner "gained a massive amount of weig… https://t.co/pqwyBuoZ0C
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) September 27, 2016
And Alicia Machado has a perfectly timed Cosmo photo shoot https://t.co/UZqh47So1o pic.twitter.com/WZrjEfvA0V
— Shane Goldmacher (@ShaneGoldmacher) September 27, 2016
You go, Ms. Machado! Enséñales, chica!
How stupid can he be? Answer: pretty stupid.
Trump is a small, small man. With tiny hands.
ah, clueless chucky toady at it again.
Preplanned and overprepared. That’s our Hillary.
May we live in… less interesting times.
I have a pretty large amount of contempt for Kellyanne Conway already, but it just increased exponentially. Seriously, can’t anyone on his team put some kind of governor on this man? Can’t anyone suggest that doubling down on the Miss Universe grievances and Rosie O’Donnell insults and interrupting and talking over his opponent might, just might not be the best way to attract female voters? Kellyanne? Melania? Ivanka? Hellooooo?
Chuck Todd might want to consider that ‘this hit’ wouldn’t have worked unless (a) The Clinton campaign was convinced that Trump was a misogynistic bully, (b) Trump really was a misogynistic bully, and (c) Trump could easily be baited into demonstrating point b in front of a live audience of 80 or 90 million people.
Pretty good planning on the Clinton team’s part, I’d say.
Alicia Machado is a beautiful woman, and I’ll bet a very high percentage of heterosexual men would be willing to get next to those curves of “massive, massive” weight.
Another newspaper endorsement for Hillary
@Glennis: Not sure who you are referring to, Trump or Chuckles.
LOL we have a tag called Vagina Outrage?
@hilts: This is at least the fifth paper that has not endorsed a Democrat in 50 years or more which has endorsed Hillary. Does the trumpster have any endorsements yet?
ETA: I know the National Enquirer has, but any serious ones.
Mike E
@SiubhanDuinne: governor? I’d install a double barrel carb on that m-f’er with nitrous injection
@japa21: NY Times endorsed Hillary in the editorials but the news division might have a different endorsement in mind.
Relax and have some chill cats.
Amen. As we say around the house, “it’s not being mean if it’s true.” I guess the version that might enlighten Chuck Todd would be, “it’s not a ‘hit’ if it’s simply the facts about this issue”.
It seems a bit beyond the pale for a candidate who invited Gennifer Flowers to the debate to criticize his opponent for “going back into the years” to find a girl.
Trump should be ashamed of – ah, who am I kidding?
I guess Trump is going for the ‘loves the crazy boss’ vote. Must be some out there. He should have gone for it more directly.
“So, yeah, we had this Machado Miss Universe, I tell you, there were problems. Weight gain problems.. many problems, wasn’t following the contract. Many many people tell you there were problems. So, what you do, what a great deals kind of person does in that case, is, you be a total jerk about it, call her names, and humiliate her in public. The thing you do is try to break the person, and then, whatever happens you just keep at it. I mean, even after the problem is resolved, you never forget it, not for a second. All you do is talk about the problems and just be a total dick. You just be a total asshole about everything concerned with the person, and never say a nice thing about her, ever, no matter what. Very important to always talk about her in a dismissive critical way. America needs that kind of real leadership to become great again”
Lizzy L
Alicia Machado is a beautiful woman, and Donald Trump is a pig.
Also: The WaPo reports that former senator John Warner of VA will endorse Hillary Clinton tomorrow.
Mary G
I love that Hillary sprung Ms. Machado on him like that and he went all Khan on it. I’m hoping she has more aces up her sleeve. She had an architect in the audience that Trump stiffed and didn’t even need him.
@Lizzy L: If there is a pic of her where her weight was a serious problem to her dong the Miss Beauty Pageant job, I haven’t seen it. But maybe that is just me. But the way he talks about her, and the supposed problems, even if there were problems, is just poisonous. That guy shouldn’t be allowed to run an ant farm. It’s just too much responsibility and what about the ants!? Who will think of the ants!?
Howard Beale IV
From our fellow travelers at Little Green Footballs, a UK citizen muses about Brexit and Trump:
@SiubhanDuinne: Sadly, Kellyanne lost touch long ago. I’m pretty sure Melania is looking into divorce lawyers and Ivanka’s trying to avoid being Mrs. The Donald IV.
Adam L Silverman
@LAO: Not like Doocy or the other idiot are any smarter. That other guy is basically a high school assistant football coach who basically got a gig on national television and can’t figure out how he got there. As for Doocy, he’s the guy that would rat out his parents to the secret police thinking he would get a reward.
Mike in NC
@Lizzy L: John Warner also refused to endorse the criminal lunatic Ollie North when he ran for Senate. Also as ill-qualified as Trump.
But everyone agrees he’s the best extemporaneous speaker in history.
Just ask him.
Since this is an open thread, I want to relay a conversation I had with an undecided voter. When she said she didn’t know who to vote for, I, of course, said, “Hillary,” and explained why. She said they both lie. I explained their comparative levels of honesty. Then she said, why can’t we have two presidents, one democratic and one republican?
My mother, a conservative who may sit this election out (although my sister and I are still working on her) also witnessed this conversation and commented afterwards on the stream of irrational statements coming out of this woman’s mouth. Generally, I believe this woman has no information on which to base a decision and she doesn’t want to have to make a decision. Maybe she really shouldn’t vote.
Eric U.
@jl: I imagine she gained a little weight after winning. Totally different routine, lots of traveling, who wouldn’t gain some weight? But in the video of him springing reporters on her at the gym, supposedly after the massive weight gain, there is very little evidence of that at all. Trump is just hyper-sensitive to a woman’s weight. I guess he doesn’t look in the mirror with his shirt off.
@Adam L Silverman: I agree, they’re all odious. I merely note for the record, that I find Trump’s insecurity stunning.
That FOX and Friends clip is fucking hilarious. When you can embarrass Doocey, you’ve completely lost the plot. Assuming he ever had it, that is.
Adam L Silverman
@greennotGreen: @jl:
This is a pic of her when he forced her to exercise in front of the press:
Here’s her swimsuit pic from the pageant:
There is no way that is 65 lbs heavier than when she won several months before. I’m not even sure that’s 15 lbs more.
This was because she was Latina and voluptuous (as opposed to the Central/Eastern European statuesques he prefers). It had nothing to do with her actually gaining significant amounts of weight. Also, remember this is the same guy who wanted to do a reality show to teach women how to behave properly.
Should you have any Tyson panko-crusted chicken nuggets with an expiration date of July 18, 2017 in the larder, toss or return them.
This is where it stands so far:
Hillary Clinton newspaper endorsements
Akron Beacon Journal
The Arizona Republic
The Berkshire Eagle
The Cincinnati Enquirer
The Dallas Morning News
Houston Chronicle
Los Angeles Times
New York Daily News
The New York Times
Portland Press Herald
San Francisco Chronicle
Gary Johnson newspaper endorsements
The Caledonian-Record
New Hampshire Union Leader
Richmond Times-Dispatch
Winston-Salem Journal
Donald Trump newspaper endorsements
Omnes Omnibus
@greennotGreen: This is why I can’t phone bank for this election. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! Trump is a fucking catastrophe in the making! Jesus Fuck! Vote for fucking Hillary or a fucking shit ton of us will die!”, while accurate, is not persuasive.
Adam L Silverman
@LAO: It is indeed.
Please proceed, Gov– …..um…. 6 time bankrupt Ca$in0 developer.
@Adam L Silverman:
Seriously? What reality show was that? What was the premise? Jesus. Well, at least it didn’t get a green light. Jesus, I can’t even imagine.
@Adam L Silverman: How tall is she? Makes a difference in how much a weight gain would show. But my point remains: a beautiful woman.
@hilts: It will be shocking if the WSJ doesn’t endorse Trump. For reasons.
@Omnes Omnibus: You have expressed my sentiments quite eloquently.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m inclined the same way, though reserving special vitriol for special snowflake “progressives.” I have to suffer a few fools at work; I’m not gonna spend my downtime trying to talk sense to people whose brains are only useful for keeping their skull bones apart.
I’m not scared by what Trump has set loose in this country. Maybe I should be, but I’m too goddamn pissed off.
what the other thugs thought of this thug’s debate ‘performance’
I liked the political titanic one.
Omnes Omnibus
@greennotGreen: Her height is irrelevant. She looked great in both photos.*
*I know you know that, but let’s not even play to him.
Not my usual style, but got a polling call from the NRA and gave them an earful. In fact, several earfuls and elicited a promise (which I made them repeat) to remove my number from their lists.
@Eric U.: Thing is that Trump could make this attack go away for a lot of people, not me since what he did was just too jerkish, but a lot by simply admitting he made a mistake and did some unwise and jerky shit when he was younger, and he learned from it.
I do hate to reveal my deep cynicism, but my suspicion is that Trump got his bigot brain and PR brain together and is was all BS, done to get attention. Probably the usual Miss Universe rounds and routine appearance PR wasn’t getting enough publicity. Which makes him a jerk squared. But that is just a hunch on my part.
Adam L Silverman
@geg6: The working title was “Lady or a Tramp”. The idea was pitched, unsuccessfully, to Fox:
Why would he relitigate a losing battle? Because Trump’s base is all about Never Being Wrong, above everything else. Admitting he screwed up, or even just shutting up, would be an admission that he was wrong, and he and his fans have a huge emotional investment in never being wrong.
@efgoldman: Good grief, Drumpf is still aggrieved over that editor that called him a short fingered vulgarian, what, 20 years ago? Crowds come to hear the band play the hits, this one is still a hit and could have staying power.
Adam L Silverman
@greennotGreen: She’s 5’7. I’m in the gym 4 days a week. There is no way that woman had gained 65 lbs between the swimsuit pic at the pageant and the photo of her jumping rope at the gym. Again, I’m not even sure there’s 15 lbs of weight gain between the two pictures. This was simply about being the new boss – he’d just taken over the pageant – and showing everyone who was in control and how that control was going to be exercised.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Did you at least get one of their free bags?
Prescott Cactus
Chris Cristie. Naked.
Your welcome.
@Adam L Silverman: Of course named after a movie with two dogs. Subtle.
Trump will certainly get endorsed by the WSJ, NY Post, and NY Observer.
I’m curious to see how many more endorsements Hillary can get from conservative, Republican newspapers.
@Prescott Cactus: AARGH! LOL and in dire need of brain bleach!
@hilts: tribune and globe ?
“[Trump’s] cruelty to Alicia Machado was unleavened by any apparent respect for her as a human being in any role other than as an envelope of flesh.” Read the whole thing from Adam Gopnik in the New Yorker.
@greennotGreen: Analysis paralysis.
@eclare: I remember “short fingered vulgarian” from 1988! It’s been around quite a while.
@Mary G: I have to believe that they have surely done opposition research on this guy. And though there must tons of it, they haven’t had to use it since he has volunteered so much to work with. But they must have more like this.
@Prescott Cactus: I think there is still a Constitutional thingee that forbids that.
@Howard Beale IV: Scary. Feels like something like this isn’t possible in 2016, and yet it just happened.
JR in WV
I dunno what to do…. people are commenting too prolifically for me to keep up, while also eating, drinking, etc, etc. Fed cats, Fed dogs, let her in – let her out. Etc.
How am I gonna keep up? #00 comments here, there. I feel like I should at least look at the comments on the Trump rally post, tho I can not, will not watch Trump speechify to the deplorables.
What to do? What to do…. maybe listen to music and read some of the books I got at the library last time I went to town, to phone bank for Hills… Yeh, that sounds good.
@Prescott Cactus: Hahaha! With Trump as those naked statues of him that have turned up publicly!
Prescott Cactus
@eclare: As I read SiubhanDuinne’s quote, that was what my fingers wanted to type.
I couldn’t stop them.
Adam L Silverman
@eclare: It is what it is. Or would have been.
@Adam L Silverman: My Gods, what the most powerful country that has ever existed has come to. It’s chilling and yet simultaneously hilarious.
@Prescott Cactus: Made me laugh! Poor Drumpf, I bet his raccoon sized fingers don’t even reach a keyboard!
Adam L Silverman
@RaflW: There’s no link in your link.
@Adam L. Silverman
Nope, nor do I have a fireplace in which to incinerate it.
The Chicago Tribune endorsed Obama twice despite its general preference for Republicans, so maybe they’ll go for Hillary. She’ll definitely get the Boston Globe’s endorsement.
The list I posted comes from Wikipedia which may not be fully up to date.
Omnes Omnibus
@K488: Graydon Carter, then editor at Spy, now at Vanity Fair.
@Lizzy L:
this guy doesn’t have even the tiniest shred of basic human decency. he’s like a 20 year old frat boy.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Interview with Spy magazine founders Graydon Carter and Kurt Andersen discussing Trump
@SiubhanDuinne: ummm, who you rooting for? Yes, they are pathetic losers. They need to keep it up. DO NOT WANT HIM IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
Prescott Cactus
Arizona Republic endorses Hillary.
“Since The Arizona Republic began publication in 1890, we have never endorsed a Democrat over a Republican for president. Never. This reflects a deep philosophical appreciation for conservative ideals and Republican principles.
This year is different.
The 2016 Republican candidate is not conservative and he is not qualified.
That’s why, for the first time in our history, The Arizona Republic will support a Democrat for president. ”
Endorsement: Hillary Clinton is the only choice to move America ahead
It hasn’t been uncommon for Trump to be compared to a certain Austrian who rose to power in the 1930s in Germany, but I think a more accurate comparison is to Slobodan Milosevic who used tribalism to tear a multicultural country apart in a bloody civil war.
Omnes Omnibus
I was once a 20 y/o frat boy. And I must object. I’ll also note that my frat would not have taken him since he was a full of himself douchebag. No one who talked about his money like Trump does would have received a bid.
@Adam L Silverman: Aaagh! Trying again. Gopnik has a sharp piece in the NYer Daily Comment.
remember the old innocent halcyon days of old when we made fun of john ashcroft for covering up the boobs of statues in the justice department? imagine now trump giving a press conference in front of those and making some remarks on how “stacked” lady justice is and how he’d like a few minutes alone after the scrum leaves.
@Omnes Omnibus:
were you a fraternity member or were you a “frat boy”?
@chopper: And then he’d have all the statues coated in gold leaf.
@Prescott Cactus: No one reads newspapers anymore. Sad!
@Omnes Omnibus: Grr, Argh.
@amk: Yea but….Al Gore!
@Mary G: He said something like: Where did you hear that? Either he remains intentionally uninformed about the news, or he thought he could bluff his way out, and then immediately collapsed. Now he attacks her, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to damage her career at some point for revenge. She’s so much more courageous than a lot of reporters and media careerists who are afraid of him.
Villago Delenda Est
This stupid man is so easy to troll.
Omnes Omnibus
@chopper: Fraternity member.* And most of my fellow alums can’t stand him (Trump). One is Kerry’s press monkey.
*We were not without sin.
Prescott Cactus
@redshirt: In the land of red, where the hair is grey they still read newspapers. Not as fast, not as many. But this is really meaningful. AZ’s largest newspaper. This may hurt McCain.
@Omnes Omnibus: Let the Frat without sin cast the first stone.
@Prescott Cactus: I hope this is bad news for John McCain!
@Omnes Omnibus: Yea verily I agree, but I did by some locally-made bread today with which I will make yummy sandwiches to load into lunch bags for canvassers!
I will not, like Adam, don a tiara
for this bit of culinary politicking
because I do not own a tiara.
I do need to sleep!
Peace to all!
Villago Delenda Est
@redshirt: Trump doesn’t have a title he can be referred to, as Hillary Clinton does. So she called him “Donald” all night long.
And there wasn’t a blessed thing he could do about it.
@Omnes Omnibus: @K488:
Carter still gets photos of Trumps hands in the mail of Trump’s hands, with hand written notes saying how large and elegant they are.
@Mary G:
Not to worry, Hillary has binders full of them. Donny has four decades of raw material to plumb and Team Hillary has good plumbers.
Adam L Silverman
@greennotGreen: Especially that Milosevic was really in it for profit from control of the North-South and East-West routes for trafficking women, drugs, and weapons.
@Villago Delenda Est: A thing of beauty. Out of politeness she could have referred to him as Mr. Trump, but like you say, never once. Donald all night. The best through line of the debate – it infantalized him, as he should be treated: As a child.
A dangerous, cunning 14 year old.
Adam L Silverman
@RaflW: It works!
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: I cast no stone. Next?
@hilts: That editorial at the Arizona Republic impressed me. A couple of good parts:
I am not Latino, but to my ear, the “miss housekeeping” part was even worse than the fat part. The fat part is standard male pig, the housekeeping part was racially harsh, i not motivated by pure racism and classism. I suspect that will work on the undecided latino vote.
Omnes Omnibus
@hovercraft: I know. I amuses the fuck out of me. And it shows why Trump will never be elected.
@Aleta: Damn. That’s solid praise from gritted teeth.
Suffragete City elftx
I’m beginning to think his problem was not daddy at all but mommy.
@eric: Yeah but technically it will only insult female Hispanics who make up a scant 5% of the overall vote and they are mostly already lost anyway….
@Omnes Omnibus: We all cast stones, I think. That was the point of the passage.
@redshirt: No, no gritted teeth there.
@redshirt: I would not be too sure of that. I would be very interested to see how that polled with all Latinos. Though I suspect Trump has some good migrant farm worker material to level the paying field.
Central Planning
Talked to my son who turned 18 today. He sent in his voter registration form a few weeks ago, so he’s all set to vote. He said all his college friends hate Trump and would never vote for him. I suspect that is true for my 19 year old as well.
Alicia Merchado was on Brian Williams tonight, she looks great. She said he is racist not because of what he said about her, but because of what he said about black people, and because he doesn’t like black people. The interview was a clip from an interview with Natalie Morales, that will air on the Today Show tomorrow.
@Eric U.: I think it’s possible she refused to sleep with him, and because he owned the pageant and felt entitled to her, he needed to get revenge. Not uncommon in workplace harassment. She also said she was never paid for part of her contract.
Regardless, he used her as a way to publicize himself, and is, as she’s said, inhumanly callous. And narcissistic..
Prescott Cactus
@hilts: Nice find ! I got a bridal update and typed.
ETA: An anti Trump piece from the Editorial Board.
@amk: Really? You don’t think that endorsement was done grudgingly, and reluctantly, and only because of the spectacular failure as a serious candidate that is Donald?
@Omnes Omnibus:
So if an Ex published a story saying he has the world’s tiniest dick, what would he do? Would he be forced to drop trou? Or would he say believe me! If all the villagers were talking about said woman complaining about his manhood how would he cope?
To me, it’s both. In the new HRC ad featuring Ms. Machado, it definitely looks like she gained a modest amount of weight post-pageant. I have never been in that world, what do I know, but that “Beaty Treated Like a Beast” headline (shown in her scrapbook, in Spanish) is right on. But it was a long time ago, sure. If he could admit even a little bit of wrongdoing and pivot to some evidence that he’s less of a boor now, that would be one thing. The fact that Trump and his campaign staff are [bleep]ing doubling down on insulting this woman is just hard to believe. I dunno, one of the tweets from a (male) pundit last night said something like, “Trump keeps interrupting… I wonder if that will harm his chances with female voters…” What chances? What a creep!!!!!!!!!!
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: No. I cast no stones.
@redshirt: Yeah really. Read it again and show me where the teeth bit you.
Agreed, it was a well written editorial. All the editorials endorsing Hillary have been very impressive especially the ones from conservative Republican newspapers.
That’s only because it’s Trump. Had it been Kasich or Jeb! or Rubio, they might have flipped.
Or were you under the impression that the Boston Globe is still a liberal paper? Sadly, no.
Adam L Silverman
@Aleta: Its in one of his own books.
This. Everything that follows is gritted teeth, and we should be happy for it.
Omnes Omnibus
@hovercraft: I am lost by your question.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks for catching my fail.
@Omnes Omnibus: You must be without sin then. Congrats!
@Suffragete City elftx:
According to the director of the Frontline doc. his father drummed it into his head that there were only two types of people, winners and losers, and he was a winner, and must never let himself become a loser. Winning is everything. I didn’t watch it, did anyone here watch it?
You have no idea how hard it was for her NOT to call him “Deadbeat Donald.” I certainly don’t have that kind of willpower.
@Omnes Omnibus:
then there you fucking go, eh?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Don’t I know it. And my class was relatively restrained, compared to some of the later ones.
Kids those days, I tell ya!
@redshirt: Reading too much into it. Literally.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: No, I will never claim that.
Eric U.
Trump actually made money off of calling Merchado fat. She got weight loss endorsements, and her contract said he got part of that. She says she has suffered from eating disorders, it probably wasn’t hard for him to manipulate her on this issue.
@chopper: I know, right?
I try not to hate in this world. There’s too much already, and I don’t want to add to it. If I could subtract from it…
But anyways, Frat Boys are everything that’s wrong with America. An essay forthcoming.
I think the Latino vote is projected to be 11 to 13 % this time, so 5 is about right. But the question is the percentage in the swing states. NV, FL, CO, and VA have higher percentages of Latinos, so offending Latina’s will be more damaging in those states. And at least 2 if not 3 are must win states for him unless he can win PA, MI, and WI.
@hilts: I thought it so much stronger than the notorious NYT’s.
Omnes Omnibus
@chopper: @SFAW: And?
Adam L Silverman
@RaflW: No worries. I’m off to bed.
@amk: Please explain, because it seems quite literal to me.
@Omnes Omnibus:
And what?
Original Lee
@Aleta: I concur. That’s why she didn’t get paid, either.
@hovercraft: You’d think the damage would be baked into the polls by now. I mean, he’s been terribly and scarily offensive towards Hispanics for many, many months now. What’s changed yesterday? Nothing.
It’s Racism v. Diversity.
Hate v Love.
Regression v Progression
great point.
@redshirt: Again, read the endorsement, instead of their first graf, which by itself is not teeth grtting. If you still see it, it’s your problem, not mine.
I agree, the only new thing is putting a name and a face to it, and it has the added benefit of being offensive to all women.
@hovercraft: Oh, I hear you. This is exactly the electoral calculations you need to be making all the time, everywhere.
Trump is not. He’s casually insulting voters, thinking them so small it doesn’t matter (i.e. Latinas). What he doesn’t get, as you say, is that slander could make the difference in a close election in Virginia or North Carolina, Colorado or maybe even one day, Tejas.
Let us take advantage of our enemy’s failings.
This. Knowing his overfed ego, I’m willing to bet this is exactly what happened. I have taught, investigated, litigated and adjudged sexual harassment issues over the course of 40 plus years and this is absolutely the pattern when a female employee is not sexually submissive to “the boss”.
@Original Lee: And he pocketed 100% of her commercial shoot revenue, and she so needed to survive his “winning” that she had to walk away, as people must from the most abusive relationships. Just a guess.
@amk: Got a link or a quote?
@Feebog: Thanks for saying that.
@wuzzat: I can’t help wondering what Ivanka’s life as Trump’s daughter would have been like if she weren’t pretty. I don’t think it would have been easy.
As has been noted, there is significant Latino interest in this election. From a recent story.
I hope that Team Clinton has a strong GOTV bilingual effort in Latino communities.
Ew ew ew
Just a wild-ass guess here, but this woman never made it out of third grade, right?
@SiubhanDuinne: I dunno. She grew up in Northern California, so for once we in Tennessee can’t take all the blame.
@Adam L Silverman: Strange as this may seem, a similar show called Ladette to Lady ran for several seasons on British TV. Young women were sent to an ersatz “finishing school” where they were taught deportment and etiquette. It was done tongue-in-cheek and didn’t take itself very seriously, especially since the mentors at the school weren’t exactly models of deportment themselves (one of them, Lady Colin Campbell, was involved in an unladylike brawl at her hairdresser’s). But oddly enough one of the faculty was a Trump-like figure: a blowhard called Charlie Lush who pretended to be a baron and was discovered to be a member of the neo-fascist British National Party. So you can see where Trump may have thought that this was a good fit for him.
Scottie Nell Hughes was slut-shaming Ms Machado on CNN, calling her a “cookie” and alluding to a Playboy magazine shoot that she apparently did, as though Melania Trump never posed nude. It’s the same weird dissociation that you see when Trump talks about Bill Clinton’s philandering. It’s as though they’re so insulated in their self-satisfaction that they don’t even see the parallels between their behavior and the behavior that they criticize.
@MaryRC: It would have probably been a hit show on NBC.
Alas, what could have been.
There was a reality show called “Charm School” that was a spin-off from one of Flava Flav’s shows and was hosted by (I think) Mo’Nique in her pre-Oscar nomination days. It was oddly charming even if it was basically training them to be spokesmodels.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Todd really is that stupid. Of course she did, that’s called politics.
Hmm I wonder, is Putin backing Trump because he’s terrified of what the Hilary Beast is going to do to him if she’s president? I mean she just did nuke some other American politician’s brain. God help those people she’s allowed to use real weapons on.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
It was her prepared response to his Gennifer Flowers attack. He never made it, so she went totally off subject to hit him with it at the end. Like the misogynist chump he is, he jumped into that trap and started digging himself in deeper.
Bruce K
Yeah, in retrospect, Hillary took a pretty sharp corner to get to Ms. Machado – but The Donald was doing that whole revisionist-history thing where he claimed to have been critiquing Hillary’s stamina when everybody knew he’d flat out said Hillary didn’t look presidential. He blatantly tried to rewrite the question he’d been asked, so pardon me for not being annoyed at Hillary looping the subject back around to the question itself as asked.
@redshirt: Not sad. Sensible. My local paper, once the flagship of Knight newspapers, has reduced itself to toxic SO stories and rummaging on their archives for 50 year old innocuous backgrounds that the locals all know and the imported news team doesn’t care about but thinks might be interesting to the locals (not because we already knew it)
Weird auto correct. I type a.p. and it produces s.o.
@Baud: dear chuck: we call that ‘planned,’ you maroon.
@Howard Beale IV: thanks for this
Grumpy Code Monkey
Jesus Fuck, Chuck, it’s like you’ve never seen a Presidential campaign before. Goddamned straight that hit was planned – the Clinton campaign would have been guilty of political malpractice for not hitting such a soft target as hard as possible. And they’re going to do it again, and again, and again until Trump either explodes in a pink mist on stage or until the rest of the country fucking gets it.
Trump simply is not fit to be dog catcher, much less President of the Goddamned United States, and the fact that Chuckles and the rest of the VSPs want to pretend otherwise is what’s going to doom the Republic.