Trump talking to the Polish-National Alliance today in Chicago: "These are great people."
— Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) September 28, 2016
Meanwhile, per TPM:
Eric Trump on Wednesday joined Donald Trump’s surrogates in applauding the Republican nominee for not bringing up Bill Clinton’s sex scandals during the Monday debate, even saying that the moment is “something I’ll always remember.”
“I mean, he very well could’ve looked down—and he said it when he came off the debate stage, ‘I wasn’t gonna respond to that question because I saw Chelsea in the front row and I just wasn’t gonna go there out of respect for her,'” Eric Trump told Iowa radio host Simon Conway, according to a clip highlighted by Buzzfeed News. “And that was a big moment for me and probably will actually become — my life and this campaign — and probably something I’ll always remember.”
He said his dad “really took the high ground where he had the opportunity to go very, very low.”…
Not to worry, though, the kids have figured out the real problem with Dad’s campaign — lousy advisors!
source close to Trump tells @KatyTurNBC candidate's children unhappy w/Bannon/Conway/Bossie leadership, think campaign is hurting business
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) September 28, 2016
Folks, it’s time to repurpose those playground jokes to target a group that really deserves it…
How many Trumps does it take to change a lightbulb?
Apart from going low, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
He added, “he won’t make that mistake again.”
? Martin
James HohmannVerified account
TRUMP in IOWA: “Raise your hand if you’re NOT a Christian conservative. I want to see that. There’s a few of them. Should we keep them?”
Trump growing the tent.
Matt McIrvin
Bannon, Conway and Bossie (and Roger Ailes), as evil as they are, have probably put Trump’s campaign on as sound a footing as it could ever have had. If the kids try to kick ’em out again, it’s popcorn time.
Is it a Trump brand light bulb? If so, they change themselves, it’s gonna be YUUUUUGE.
Yeah, go ahead and fire your campaign heads 40 dayd before the election. Real winning move there.
If they need to sacrifice someone for Monday’s debacle, they’d ax Bossie if they were smart. But they’re not, so it’ll be Conway.
The Oval Office will be interesting during the Trump years. In between the trashy gilded gee-gaws, fake European coats of arms, and bric-a-brac will be giant video screens tuned into cable channels spewing out wingnut news and reality shows. Trump will sit around with Rudy, Roger and Chris in the midst of a few days of fast food wrappers chowing down on cheeseburgers forming policy from their stories of the crreps, heels and bums what crossed them in the past.
Meeting and interviews will be interrupted while Trump has to catch random stuff coming out of the tube, or to chew out a groundskeeper who he thought looked at him funny and needs to understand who the bass is.
Never a dull moment.
Edit: would be like a Baud administration except no beer, and probably no one would be allowed to crash on the office sofas. And Trump would harrrass the help with crazy boss stuff, while Baud would try to cage small change.
? Martin
I remember when I was at the park and there was this cute disabled girl by the restroom who was struggling to get her wheelchair from blocking the men’s room. I so wanted to punch her square in the face – but I resisted because I thought that might actually cause her to take longer to get out of my way. That was a big moment for me and I’ve never been more proud of myself. One of those disability agencies should give me an award.
If the Trump campaign surrogates are all trashing Hillary for being mean to Bill’s bimbo and not being able to “control Bill” now, then Eric loses his pride in his dad? Scary the number of blond women who are willing to slime Hillary on behalf of the orange ball sack.
I honestly did not think Trump would go lower. And you know he will keep the frikken “Christian” vote with this muck. I hate how I am hating on my fellow Americans right now.
so trump wants a fucking award for not being a scumbag?
Mike J
Polish alliance huh? Didn’t think the Trump campaign liked them.Must be a different adjective they dislike…
Remember how at the convention none of Trump’s family had any heartwarming memories of time spent with Dad? It’s probably true that “That Time When Dad Didn’t Talk About Bill Clinton Nailing Broads” is one of their great shared moments.
James E Powell
@Matt McIrvin:
If he fires his management team now, it’s Titanic time.
Throw the campaign advisers under the bus, can’t imagine what could go wrong! Wait, let’s fire them, start fresh with 40 days to go! Campaign staff, you better collect your pay up front.
@FlipYrWhig: Where would the Trump family be now if Bill had been a faithful husband?
Ninth (?) date with a sweet guy! Life is good!
@FlipYrWhig: OOooh! You remember that time daddy didn’t talk about shafting his workers? Classy move there!
Felonius Monk
Maybe they should have thought about this before he ran. Don’t think the Trump brand will be worth much after Nov 8. Loser stink lingers for a long time, especially for this POS.
@RedDirtGirl: Woohoo!
Question: On what date do you tell them about Balloon Juice?
@Matt McIrvin:
The great thing is, the Trump kids think it’s when Bannon & Co came in that things started to head south…unbelievable. The attention-span thing must be congenital
Here’s some more cold comfort for Republican dead enders who are positive, just POSITIVE, that the dumb email non-issue is going to save them: Comey’s like, “get over it”
Pretty much literally, he said that today.
Joyce Harmon
You don’t get credit for not mentioning something if immediately afterwards all your surrogates fan out to brag to the media that you didn’t mention the thing.
Can’t say I saw an audience full of Poles coming, what a crazy election year.
I really hope Hillary wins because when the dust settles, I would like to read all the books that come out about this campaign season. (Maybe I’ll write my own!). I don’t think I could do that if the result is horrible.
But no, it wasn’t just a political hatchet job designed to sink Secretary Clinton’s political viability, oh no…
@? Martin: Excellent! You win the intertubz.
Does Reader’s Digest still exist? That would be perfect for “Life in These United States.”
Also too, was the Polish Brigade at Donald’s polish summit?
Baud Oval Office: supermodels for everyone!
Trump Oval Office: supermodels for president–hands off the rest of you, I mean it!
So the House committee went nuts on Comey, enough to drive him to say this:
I haven’t been able to find a transcript. Does anyone know if one of the Republican members actually called Comey a weasel?
Dunno, but the bulb will certainly get screwed.
Major Major Major Major
Somebody brought some nice arsenic to the office today.
How many Polish people are supporting Trump with his Putin sympathies. My first generation Polish wife (with family in Poland) is horrified by all this.
@Mike J:
(From Trump Revealed: An American Journey of Ambition, Ego, Money, and Power, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher. I’m currently reading it. It’s fascinating — have read a number of articles about him, but never a full biography of Trump.)
@Trollhattan: Just remember that the Baud Administration definition of supermodel is a chick who will always float you some change for beer and smokes, and not a drag around the poker table.
So in TrumpWorld if you don’t say or do something horrible to another person this is not equal to being a decent human it is equal to being THE GREATEST PERSON EVAH!!
I don’t think anyone in that family has normal values.
This is so weird. Trump said he took the high road by not talking about how his opponent’s husband had cheated on her DURING THE DEBATE, and then talked about it after the debate. And claimed he was an awesome and good person for only mentioning it afterwards.
And his son thinks this a defining moment of his father that he’ll always remember. Sweet baby Jesus.
@Walker: The ones that are racist.
Just remember that the Baud Administration definition of supermodel is a chick who will always float you some change for beer and smokes, and not a drag around the p k r table.
Edit: The Baud administration will put a long needed policy focus on biker chicks and old muscle cars that don’t quite run. A lot of room for those on WH lawn. And, means a possible role for Biden where he can really shine.
You sure it wasn’t The Pole-Dancers National Alliance he was speaking to?
So, apparently Trump himself responded to Katy Tur:
If we pass this statement through the Trump-truthifier (invert all statements), his campaign is a car that’s just blown two tires on an icy road above a precipice and three separate people are wrestling for control of the wheel.
One, to bark at a flunky to change the damn bulb and order ten lawyers to sue the company for making inferior bulbs.
@Major Major Major Major: Pose it on top of some old lacework.
One exception: When they’re forming border policy, they’ll be chows get down on taco bowls.
The campaign is hurting business???? WTF. If I am reading that right what they thought is that the purpose in him running for president was to boost the bottom dollar for Trump Inc. Boy are they daddy’s children or what.
@MisterForkbeard: You don’t understand. The unfair and rigged circumstances always conspire to make Trump look bad. If it weren’t for the PC conventions that are destroying this country, Trump would have told HRC off to her face about her horn dog husband and ugly daughter in front of the whole country.
Actually, you do understand and just won’t admit it. You know what I meant!
I’ve already ordered the cinderblocks.
@Major Major Major Major
Add some old lace and you’ve got a hit in the offing.
That must have been it.
Gosh kids, maybe you should fire them and bring in your fourth set of campaign leaders in a single election.
@different-church-lady: He could recycle one of his earlier managers, either assaults-reporters-guy or Putin’s-stooge-guy.
? Martin
@ET: And they don’t know the whole of it. Once this campaign is over, the right will also turn on him as fucking up their chances to defeat Hillary and they’ll be boycotted far worse than they are now. The family name will (finally) be trash.
@? Martin: That should go viral. It’s scary.
It’s scary might be an understatement.
Unfortunately, with my experience with my in laws, this is true for a lot of them (and I am from the South). But they still are not racist enough to let Putin take Ukrain.
Is the bowling alley intact or did GWB replace it with a shootin’ range?
@debbie: Great minds and all that (see #25) =)
No, no one actually called him a weasel. They just implied that there was a “heavy hand” behind Comey absolving Clinton…or a “shadow”, as the NYT would say…
Major Major Major Major
@dmsilev: What you did there, it has been seen by me.
@NotMax: dmsilev beat ya!
Mike J
@Major Major Major Major: There’s antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium, And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium…
Felonius Monk
This Trump son-of-a-bitch not only needs to be humiliatingly defeated in this election, but also needs to be put out of business, have his wealth (if he really has any) confiscated, and be reduced to homelessness. This gutter rat should be returned to the gutter.
Farage’s calendar is wide open. Also too, Yanukovych.
He wanted credit for making his buildings handicapped-accessible…you know, like he was required to do by code? LOL
In this case, he wants to get people talking hateful & hurtful stuff about the Clintons while still maintaining that he technically didn’t say anything about it.
I think Hillz has got this.
@different-church-lady: We need to somehow convince Trump that he doesn’t need any campaign managers — they are just holding him back. Let Trump be Trump!
Major Major Major Major
@Mike J: I love that song lol
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Oh, man… I didn’t uncork that little bit of trivia until after we moved in together!
@Major Major Major Major
Slow on the keyboard. Anyone at work resemble Karloff?
Off topic, but telling nonetheless:
I was helping my 4th grade son last night with some homework (English). It involved a bunch of old campaign slogans (“I like Ike,” “All The Way with LBJ,” etc.), finding alliteration and describing what makes them work, etc. There was a question that laid out the Clinton and Trump slogans, and instructed them to choose one and describe what appeal it’s attempting to make, blah blah blah. He gets halfway through reading me the question, looks up with a sour lemon look on his face and, direct quote, says:
“Make America great again?!?! That’s stupid. America’s already great.”
I beamed. 9-year-olds get it.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: No, thank god.
Lurking Canadian
@Baud: You should call yours: Lost Opportunity: How the Hero America Needed Came and Nobody Noticed
They are legion.
Trump and the Faces of the Bilked
Fair Economist
@MCA1: Somebody’s raising their kid right!
Er, one to mix the stoli martinis and one to call the electrician?
Lurking Canadian
@Jeffro: He also apparently expected a biscuit for not banning minorities from his golf courses.
He really is like a little kid who expects praise for pooping in the potty.
@NotMax: Farage is right out as a potential campaign advisor for Trump now. Poles are part of the dirty scum contaminating foreigners that need to be driven from his pristine shores.
@Baud: Only thing now that’s giving me pause about Hillary is she still hasn’t offered cabinet positions to anonymous commenters on the internet.
Soylent Green
Who’da thunk that the current Republican nominee for president would make George W. Bush sound like Winston Churchill?
@Matt McIrvin: Oh, please, oh pleasepleaseplease . . .
@Felonius Monk:
You seem awfully mellow — got any more luuuudes?
Major Major Major Major
@dmsilev: by further applying Trump’s Razor, it would appear that his incompetent children are trying to throw them all out the window at the same time, snatching a shellacking from the jaws of a nail-biter.
I’m just wondering what Conway and Bannon’s nondisclosure agreements involve as penalty. If it’s monetary, say a fine of a certain amount, or some sort of agreement to forfeit profit from any sort of tell all? Is that possible?
That seems foolish to sign unless you were sure you were going to end up in a much more powerful position. Whatever the case, when Trump loses the tea will be hot.
“Hey, Ivanka! Remember that time we were all having dinner together and Dad refrained from announcing that he’d like to boink you right there on the dining room table, out of deference to Jared? What a great man our father is, such restraint! I’ll carry that moment in my memory for as long as I live!”
Mary G
California’s treasurer has pulled all state business with Wells Fargo for a year.
Would that the federal government could bestir itself to do something like this.
All my knitterz will know what I’m talking about when I say it’s driving me nuts to know that I have all of the supplies to start making Mochimochi Land’s Tiny Hillarys but I’m stuck at work for another two hours. Argh!
Felonius Monk
@SFAW: :-)
@Joyce Harmon: actually, that’s exactly what surrogates are for!
@SiubhanDuinne: Oh, ouch! But oh so true…
Kenneth Kohl
@Walker: didn’t Trump also short-pay Polish construction workers on one of his fabulous projects?
Well, it’s not because he WANTS to drop that investigation, it’s because his time will be taken up by the latest this-will-kill-Hillary’s-chances investigation, to address Rep Chabot’s serious concerns
Thanks, Kay! He’s one of yours! .
@Mary G:
Wells Fargo is headquartered in SF, so it’s (relatively) easy for the CA state government to do this. Not sure the Feds do enough business with them to really make a dent.
a Mr. Barron? Mr. John Barron? The John Barron ? The loyal colleague for whom Trump’s son is named?
“they’ll be chows get down on taco bowls.” = “they’ll be chowing down on taco bowls.”
FYWP,AC,SC,E. (Fuck You WordPress, AutoCorrect, SpellCheck, Etcetera.)
Anne Laurie (or Adam), possible little something that is a bit more lighthearted to include in a later night post.
Fair warning: redacted nudity. :)
@Mike J:
Are those the only ones of which the news has come to Hahvahd?
@SFAW: OMG, this is whatever’s beyond “beyond parody”
Use the FBI to see if, dang it, she AT LEAST violated her alma mater’s honor code 40 years later? They’re going to GET HER ON SOMETHING, by god…
…there are no words…
Trump isn’t a bigot?
@Baud: I think it came up pretty early. First date was a 7:30 am walk across the Brooklyn Bridge before I headed off for a day of canvassing for Hillary in PA.
@Kenneth Kohl:
Yup. See the quote I posted at #33 for details.
We recently got a name for element #118.
Oganesson. Which doesn’t rhyme, I think, with anything else on the periodic table unless a really not so near rhyme with xenon or neon is utilized. Probably the same tortured rhyming situation with #117, Tennessine.
(Yes, I am aware whence the song reference originates.)
The fact that they just ‘think’ that business is being hurt. Check that family tree for inbreeding. Qusay’s comment is revealing, if your father refraining from being a gutter rat is one of the highlights of his life to you, then he is a despicable person period.
SNL is ready for this weekend!
SNL going all in on Trump vs Clinton this weekend:
Alec Baldwin as Trump
Kate McKinnon as HRC
I know, TOTAL coincidence, I’m sure!
Aunt Kathy
Haven’t been thru’ all the comments in the past few threads to see is this is a duplicate, but Rainbow Randy’s got one of the best debate parody videos I’ve seen. Delicious!
@Mary G:
May well also signal Chiang’s increased interest in the governor’s chair.
Aunt Kathy
Here it is.
Hold off another couple of days and that genuinely would be an October Surprise!
Uncle Cosmo
@SFAW: There may be many others, but they hadn’t been discarvard. At least not at the time of lyricization, i.e., anything from rutherfordium (N=104) or dubnium (N=105) on out.
Enhanced Voting Techinques
@Baud: and I was so looking forward to crashing on the Oval Office sofa during your presidency. I would be sleeping in the footsteps of Joe Biden,..
Chabot’s always been a dick, but this is a new low. I hope Wellesley releases a statement telling him where he can put his insinuations.
When they go low we go high.
Two boys from Syria and Germany break down barriers through friendship. UNICEF
Roger Moore
I think they should just run the campaign themselves. Why do they need a bunch of incompetent help who would just screw everything up?
Aunt Kathy
Dammit I’m in moderation
Felonius Monk
WTF is the matter with MSNBC? A Gary Johnson town hall —- Jeebus Crisp, have they no decency?
@Felonius Monk: That’s more air time than they’ve given to Hillary in the past week.
@? Martin:
Roger Waters should start “dedicating” In the Flesh to Donald Trump.
@Jeffro: Don’t forget how he bragged in the debate that his club let in African Americans and Muslims. Hey, we followed the law, yay us!
“I will probably remember this even more fondly than the time my best friend touched a sidewall on the limo and Mr. Barron wanted to jump out and to break her kneecaps but Dad stopped him and said no, her mother might be watching, and they started wrestling in the far back seat until Mr. Barron gave up and Dad said he had won because his whole life is about winning.” -Autobiography of Eric T.
Fixed it for you.
Felonius Monk
@debbie: Dear Mr. Chabot, The College of William and Mary respectfully requests that you promptly return the diploma that was granted to you some years ago. An egregious error was made by our administration in granting said diploma as we now realize that you were/are to stupid to be considered a graduate of our fine institution.
Sincerely, William & Mary
dr. bloor
Starting with his parents, I suspect this has been the chief strategy with those trying to get him to behave in an at least vaguely prosocial manner.
Roger Moore
No revelation could scare away his followers faster than that.
Ha…this tweet is great.
I regret allowing my child to watch the debate
As predicted, Breitbart has gone full anti-semite.
He is allied with the best people.
@SFAW: Who the hell cares about this? Really? What kind of shits sit around the club talking about honor codes at alumni meetings? It’s like it’s 1920 and the only firms of entertainment are squirrel hunting and singing the ole college fight song.
Mike J
No he wants points for apophasis.
@Enhanced Voting Techinques: If you’re gonna follow in Biden’s footsteps, you need to answer one question: Bitchin’ Camaro, or Bitchin’ Trans Am?
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: Did Hillary’s email server violate the Girl Scout Law?
That would help, but I’d rather have Comey say “Are you a fucking moron? Do you hate Hillary THAT MUCH that you’re willing to WASTE THE FUCKING TIME of professionals on some stupid-ass clusterfuck that came to you when you were jerking off to slasher porn? You should get down on your knees and thank whatever God you pray to that there is not yet any law which allows me to shoot you for being one of the bigger dicks and morons ever to walk the Earth. Now — and please forgive me in advance for what I’m about to say — but please go fuck yourself. And YOU, Ryan, you smarmy fuck, you better get this imbecile off any committee that is allowed to be near sharp objects.”
I would pay serious money to see that.
Of course, the answer to Comey’s 2nd question would be a resounding YES
@lamh36: Thanks for the DVR alert!
Mike J
@ThresherK: I got a new car. My folks drove it up here from the Bahamas.
Enhanced Voting Techinques
Any campaign that lost a debate indulged in this kind blame storming in public like this? Generally they spin it better than our candidate has the mentality of a nine year old on a sugar high or the campaign manager sucks the big one.
Iowa Old Lady
@debbie: Comey is a Republican. I hope this experience is teaching him something about his party.
Lurking Canadian
@Mike J: I’m thinking of taking it down to The Shore”
@Matt McIrvin: I heard she once left a wet towel on the floor of her bedroom.
Wait…that’s actually MY kids, most days.
Hillz did something though, dang it, and YOU ALL KNOW IT!! lol
Whatever committee this clown is on, I almost hope it keeps the comedy coming. At a certain point, President Hillary Rodham Clinton will take their subpoenas all the way to SCOTUS, where they’ll be branded as ‘nuisance suits’ and the cost will come out of Gowdy & Co’s own pockets, as they should.
Roger Moore
That’s Onion Joe Biden. Real world Joe Biden has a Corvette.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Oh it most definitely has. I mean, look at his remarks. “One day, when we’re past all this political craziness”…he’s not talking about Clinton there…
Enhanced Voting Techinques
@ThresherK: Good point and a hard call. I am going to have go with a bitchen Trans-Amm. It’s total WWBD? (Who would Biden Do?) moment.
@lamh36: IMO, Hillary should open every event with with this
TRUMP in IOWA: “Raise your hand if you’re NOT a Christian conservative. I want to see that. There’s a few of them. Should we keep them?”
Several before me have mentioned this, but it’s frightening. I’m not sure there is a bombshell that can top that. That quote is in Hitler territory.
Has any democratic candidate ever had kids as obnoxious children as Trump and RMoney? I mean seriously these people are just awful.
Give that kid and A+.
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: Never, there is no Balloon Juice. What happens on Balloon Juice
stays on Balloon Juice.
This would be a great time to change campaign managers. What’s Charles Manson up to these days?
It is very foolish for a pol to call the FBI corrupt. The FBI has the ability to investigate said pol down to his/her underwear.
gogol's wife
Never, Katie.
I love that he thought the right thing to tell a group of Poles is how smart they are. Polock jokes are the first thing that came to his mind, and he HAD to make sure he addressed them to ingratiate himself with his audience. It’s like telling AIPAC that he loves how good Jews are with money.
dr. bloor
@Jeffro: His too-clever-by-half damn-her-but-won’t-indict-her press conference re HRC server issues was every bit as low and sleazy as the shit he’s taking from his fellow travelers at the moment. Karma is gasping because she can’t stop laughing.
@Feebog: You know, btw, that Charlie has, in fact, endorsed Trump– so, he’s definitely in the mix.
I wish I could remember where I read an article about the Trump family a few months ago. One of the kids, it may have been Ivanka, was quoted saying how much fun the family has when they all get together…they crack each other up, joke around and laugh and laugh. No details what they all find so amusing but what we now know of Eric and Jr’s personalities, chips off the old cheeto, I picture a good ole boy/girl, white supremacist chucklefest.
@Feebog: I guess David Duke is too occupied with his own Senate run to be interested.
dr. bloor
@MCA1: Your 9 year old is at least three years above the mental age of the typical Trump base voter.
Parenthetically, in retrospect that “All the Way with LBJ” slogan is a little….unsavory.
@Kenneth Kohl:
Trump Tower, the old Bonwit Teller building was demolished using undocumented workers who not only were stiffed for their full wages, but were also not given adequate safety gear, to tear down an asbestos and who knows what else laden building.
@bemused: She must of been so proud when her dad asked non Christian Conservatives to raise their hands.
gogol's wife
@Aunt Kathy:
That family is so fucked up.
patrick II
I am not always a Frank Bruni fan, but today I am.
We could have a debate every Monday night from now till election day and Hillary would still not be able to get to all of the dirt on Trump. It is a bottomless pit but then so is he.
@bemused: Wonder if the boys follow in Daddy’s footsteps and grope Ivanka?
@ThresherK: I’d like to see him in the bitchin’ car that LBJ (fuck LBJ) drove that also functioned as a boat.
The face you make when you’re married to a Prince but you meet @JustinTrudeau
@eclare: Well said.
@Matt McIrvin: Eric isn’t wrong, but here’s the problem…TERRIBLE candidate has terrible decision making abilities so hires terrible advisors…
It starts at the head and rots down.
@raven: I learn from the best!
@RedDirtGirl: Lovely, I hope it continues to be lovely.
Mary G
@hovercraft: And he promised to save rare decorative panels on the face of the store for a museum, but decided that would cost too much money and time and had them jackhammered off to pieces.
Ugh. What a thought. Still Ivanka’s husband must be well aware of dear fil talking about dating her and other loving daddy thoughts but still supports him.
@lamh36: Wow, so jealous…Canada is lucky.
Eric S.
I am so, so, so sorry I voted for Hillary overt you in the primary now. Why want this platform released earlier?
Are they lost Duggars?
Friend said that he heard that Rick Perry is joining the Trump campaign. I’ve been on Google and can’t find anything, has anyone heard anything? Just find it very coincidental he was just on Dancing with the Stars, now this.
Millard Filmore
Well for this old fart, America was great before all these kids came along, giving me gray hairs and a bad back.
@bemused: Money, money, money makes the world go round.
It’s easily explained.
Major Major Major Major
Ok, now taking requests for the next crack at the Balloon-Juice corpus. Anybody got any interesting data-mining suggestions?
Mary G
@Mary G: Link to article from June 1980 about the Bonwit Teller buildings’ panels destroyed by Trump. His explanation given by one John Baron.
ETA: I was wrong, it was “Trump VP Donald Baron,”he didn’t even change his first name that time.
@Roger Moore: I know Onion Joe Biden, but wasn’t aware the Real Joe Biden had a Vette.
@eclare: Ah, the Amphicar! “For a car, it’s a pretty poor boat. For a boat, it’s a pretty poor car.”
Richard Mayhew
@RedDirtGirl: go get you some
@Baud: either first date first twenty minutes or after consummating the marriage… No in between
Major Major Major Major
@Richard Mayhew: after consummating? I’m more of a during type.
@Mary G:
They weren’t quite gaudy enough for the Donald, despite being nude women they lack enough gilding. If it’s not gold how can it be valuable.
“If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!”
Words to live by…
@MCA1: You’re clearly raising that kid right.
For the ultimate in car ‘pooling,’ there’s the sQuba.
” I would like to read all the books that come out about this campaign season. (Maybe I’ll write my own!). ”
You gotta put in the part about the time Big Gus from Reno swiped all those sacks of soda bottles you were going to use for big campaign ad buy. You borrowed Whizzer’s sting ray bike to go look for him. There will be lessons for many future campaigns there.
Mike J
@MCA1: ♩ ♫ This is my Dwight song. My I like Ike song.♬
Prescott Cactus
Is there a sequel ?
“If you master the five Ds, no amount of balls on earth can hit you”
Patches O’Houlihan
That ship has probably already sailed.
gogol's wife
Daveed’s on “Black-ish” tonight, I’m sure you know.
Pro tip: don’t ask Shirley Eaton.
Iowa Old Lady
@Major Major Major Major: Is corpus linguistics your profession or your hobby, MMMM? Colleagues in the Iowa State English dept did this kind of work. It was interesting.
Jesus you people are creeping me out, if only for the plausibility of it all.
We have our answer: what would the Palins be like with unlimited money?
University of Missouri fraternity suspended after students say members hurled racial slurs
So, I see on Josh Marshall’s twitter that Trump is making up online polls where majority say he won the debate and gong on TV to obsess over his Miss Universe feud.
I guess that is a good sign. When a vicious loon has a chance at the presidency, I settle for anything that helps him lose.
“Now we’re just haggling over the price.”
[Note: Just to be clear, in this case, it’s a conversation between D. John Trump and Jared Kushner]
@gogol’s wife:
Lin-Manuel reminded me on Facebook. Because, you know, me and him and about 2 million other people are Facebook buddies.
Patricia Kayden
@Felonius Monk: Plus, the Republicans should lose the Senate (and the House) for nominating such an odious Presidential Candidate. They need to be punished.
Town Hall with PBO on effing CNN in a few.
Effing CNN. But it is President Obama. We could use some freshness and grace.
Major Major Major Major
@Iowa Old Lady: at present, my hobby, but one must keep one’s tools sharp in this field. Right now I’m doing social network analysis professionally.
Roger Moore
Classier and less Springerific than the Trumps.
Quit whining. I’m the one that had to hose down my keyboard after typing that.
For those unfamiliar with the spectrum of fraternities, DU has traditionally been the crewcut jock house on campuses where it has a presence.
@Mary G: Yeah, and he promised to save the marble and other elements of the DC Old Post Office Building. And got the lease to develop it partly after courting a prominent architect-advocate for that building’s preservation. Already some doubt about what he’s done to the marble and other features, but no one is allowed to inspect it now. Somewhere he said something like: “promise anything, then do what you want,” which is what he did to the Bonwit Teller panels. Why couldn’t he wait to let the museum take them as he promised? I think he just wanted to hurt the preservationists once he had the upper hand. A thug if ever there was one, and a dangerous lover of revenge.
Shirley violates the age limit for valuable artifacts. Must be acquired prior to 35 years of maturing.
Plus she’s probably no longer gilded.
Maddow… Newsweek cover tomorrow…
“How Trump’s company violated the US embargo against Cuba”
Eichewald story…Maddow has excerpt…not full article
So of course right now is when I have an electrical storm over me knocking out my satellite. Dammit.
@lamh36: Sigh. No one will care. It’s remarkable that Trump is almost teflon because he’s so filled with shit.
Wasn’t Eichenwald the guy who broke some “big story” 2 or 3 weeks ago, only to have it turn out to be complete bullshit? Or am I mis-remembering (or confusing him with someone else)?
They don’t have the full article, just an excerpt and the cover image.
I think the scoop wasn’t what Eicenwald wanted
When he says
. is he saying he’ll kill non Christian conservatives? Or do a mass deportation of non Christian conservatives? The options are terrifying. The novel “A Handmaid’s Tale” comes to mind.
@MaddowBlog 48s49 seconds ago
Exclusive! Sneak peek at @KurtEichenwald’s new Newsweek piece coming tomorrow.
Steeplejack (phone)
Highly recommended: Randy Rainbow, “Braggadocious.”
“Wait a minute, did you just hand him his ass and quote Martha Stewart?”
He said that he had them evaluated, and they were according to him only worth $9 k, and it would cost $32 k to remove them, and it would delay him a week and a half.
Donald Trump being a double-dealing douchebag is not news in and of itself, but actually getting reporting on the actual particulars about it are still galling to be. Christ almighty, and there are a lot of supposed “good Christians” that are going to vote for this man and not feel one little bit of cognitive dissonance about it.
Is this the “bombshell” Rachel was talking about? (Can’t find that comment now.)
Iowa Old Lady
@lamh36: I’m beginning to think Trump will wind up with serious legal problems once he loses the election. Shows you how stupidly unaware he was of the level of scrutiny to which a presidential candidate is subjected. Or, if you’re HRC, a presidential candidate has been subjected to for decades.
Never gonna be president now. One less thing to worry about. Thanks, Hillary!
@SiubhanDuinne: naw…the author of the article said that.
Maddow apparently got a scoop from Newsweek about the article and cover story coming out tommorrow or overnight.
His story was the one about Trumps international ties with all sorts of shady characters, which was legit. A few days later he tweeted :
There was no proof for the tweet, so the repubs used it as an excuse to disregard his story.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Steeplejack (phone):
ETA: If the video won’t play, go to Randy’s main Facebook page, ix-nay the Join/Log In box, then scroll down and select the video. It should play all right then. Stupid Facebook.
@SFAW: no you’re confusing him with someone else
mike in dc
Eichenwald and Farenthold competing to see who wins the Pulitzer. Hell, if they help keep Trump from the WH, they both deserve a Medal of Freedom.
@SFAW: he wrote a previously article about Trump and the Trump foundation and businesses and what he would do if elected Prez. Trump said, he wasn’t going to resign as HRC said she would about the Clinton Foundation, instead, he said he’d “hand the reigns” to his kids.
@Major Major Major Major:
Well, I do have a question: In your frequency ranking of comments, do you count FP posts? (I’m guessing not, only because we’d be seeing a great deal more of Anne Laurie, Richard Mayhew, Betty Cracker, probably Tom Levenson and TaMara, and I expect I’m forgetting some really obvious and frequent names.)
Might be interesting to do something just on the front pagers so we could laugh and point at John.
(Edited to try and sound smarter.)
Thanks very much for covering for my laziness.
@redshirt: at this point it’s not just about Trump…what will Lil Marco have to say bout this…especially since he’s been gungho on not lifting the embargo.
Also as Joy Reid, if it comes to a close election…having a number of Cuban American either not voting or not voting for Pres…it could be just the margin to put FL in the blue column
Thanks very much. It was the “breakdown” thing that hovercraft noted that I was thinking of. Clearly, not one of his better moments, but glad it didn’t make him a pariah.
Joy retweeted a Politico tweet that black turnout was bad in Florida. It was Politico so I took it with a grain of salt. Hope it works out.
Never mind. When I read comments from the bottom up, I always miss something useful just a few comments earlier, and when I read them chronologically starting at the top, I always end up realizing I should have read on just a few more comments. Can’t fucking win for fucking losing on this blog //
@Iowa Old Lady:
He’s sweating bullets now, because when he loses, every federal agency and their mother are going to be up his ass. He thought he knew from media attention being a celebrity, but the scrutiny that has come with this I’m sure has been a revelation. Remember way back when people close to him said that he never expected to get this far. Once he started winning he probably thought some of this might surface, but then he’d drop out and go back to his gilded life. Then when nothing came out and he was still winning, he thought it would never come out, but now he’s stuck. The only chance he has is to win and squash all this when he gets in.
@Baud: I’m real wary of all the polls talking about the lower Black turnout. I know PBO got record numbers, but if HRC get the same or higher number that past Dems have gotten, along with an increase in other voters of color…unless we think ALL the Black folks in America are planning to not vote?
Naw…the anti-birther, insulting PBO, anti-Trump vote is strong.
@lamh36: I wish Joy had said what you said.
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: I figured FP posts are different in kind from comments so they’re in separate buckets. I have the info somewhere, it’s interesting in its own right. I was thinking of doing something tag- or time-related?
He’s not worried, he’ll just go into the Witness Protection Program.
In Russia.
@lamh36: I don’t believe Republican voters have any values at all, other than Party over everything. They won’t care.
@Major Major Major Major:
Probably a good thing, because a non-pet-related Cole post would probably peg the “Joy” meter, and the rest of us will look like Gloomy Guses.
@Major Major Major Major: Can you measure Bigfootedness?
We should be so lucky.
The Lodger
@Mary G: There isn’t a single person at the federal level who could cut a big bank off like that. For Wells Fargo,losing California is like losing a major organ.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: I already tried that, turns out it’s random. That’s how this all started
@Mnemosyne: I assume you know that the Great Performances episode on the making of Hamilton runs on October 21st. Set your DVR.
Major Major Major Major
@SFAW: depends on how it’s normalized–in data mining how you ask the question is almost as important as what the question is.
schrodinger's cat
@Major Major Major Major:Based on your data mining what can you say about the average Balloon Juice commenter.
@Mnemosyne: @Shana:
around Casa Jeffro we are treating 10/21 like it’s everybody’s birthday, or the Super Bowl, or something…it’s going to be GREAT!
gogol's wife
Well, that was a pitiful waste of Daveed Diggs.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodinger’s cat: under Roger Moore’s normalization scheme, turns out it’s shomi.
People vary a lot in terms of baseline emotionality but generally have the same fingerprint when you look at ratios. I’d need to compare to something else to see what the “balloon juice effect” is.
One thing that might be fun is finding the phrases most unique to each commenter.
@Major Major Major Major:
I remember you started out looking at big-footing stats, but anything you want to do with FPs or just us garden-variety vanilla B-flat ordinary civilian pedestrian commenters would be interesting.
Btw, I sent my RW dad & brother the latest (about Comey being all, “come ON guys, give this shit UP!” when talking with Congress today)…no word yet from my brother but dad thinks there’s a major conspiracy across multiple branches of government to cover for Hillz, everyone’s been granted immunity and pardons, etc etc. Ai-yi-yi. Once again, like Obama, she’s all-powerful and yet so incredibly dumb that she used ‘1234’ as her email password, and so on.
I asked him to picture former Secretary of State John Kasich under siege for the 8th time by congressional Democrats like Rangel and Pelosi…or if a Democrat-appointed FBI director was trying to get congressional Dems to understand there’s no “there” there and drop their Kasich witch-hunt…we’ll see if that sinks in? I am thinking not but you know, hope springs eternal.
Well, honestly, I would have been more surprised if Trump hadn’t violated the Cuba sanctions. Marco may fuss, but this seems like more “dog bites man” stuff, and it will roll right off the Teflon Don.
Hope I’m wrong, but there have been way too many “this’ll kill him for sure” moments during the course of his unlikely campaign.
Wow, you are really on the frontlines and fighting the good fight.
Iowa Old Lady
@Major Major Major Major: I can sometimes tell who wrote a comment before I see the name, so I assume we use characteristic language and talk more about some topics than others. Also, we probably respond to some people more than others. And some kinds of comments draw more responses.
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: maybe I’ll do phrases people use that other people don’t.
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m not sure the Internet has that many fucks to give.
@Major Major Major Major:
Like Villago Delenda Est often says “My nym.” Don’t think anyone else does that.
@Major Major Major Major: I’d love to see how often a poster obviously responds in a thread without reading the comments. It’s fairly common, but I have no idea how you could track that.
Major Major Major Major
@Iowa Old Lady: this is all true, but a lot of these things that are easy for humans are really hard to program very insightfully. Most analyses would just use a bag-of-words approach, which could probably identify commenters well enough but that’s not very fun to look at. For instance, some kinds of comments are more response-ful, but what’s a “kind” of comment?
Graphing response networks could look cool.
Jinx, kinda.
Also, go fuck yourself.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: this sort of thing is actually really easy with machine learning, IF you have enough data that’s already labeled. So if you gave me 100 examples of that and 1000 examples of not-that I could build a good model.
Hey, some Trumpy troll on Facebook (that I’ve never heard of) said “FU, liberal bitch.”
Am I wrong to take this as a badge of honor?
No one will be able to say, “He forgot Poland!”
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: No, you are not wrong.
@SiubhanDuinne: You need to change your nym again.
Could start by tracking the word “sorry.” It’s never used for actual apologies, because those rarely show up on BJ; it’s going to be either “Sorry for going off-topic….” or “Sorry, should have scrolled down to read all the comments before weighing in….”
How I know this is, such posts constitute around 73% of my own commentary. Pretty sure I’d win that one.
@Major Major Major Major: It’s usually a response to a troll who posts early. Then multiple posters will correct the troll, sometimes hours later. Maybe if you tagged it to NR or Shomi posts and responses you could find it. Still don’t know how you’d determine how it was a poster who hadn’t read the thread though.
@SiubhanDuinne: LOL. Sorry for laughing. :)
He just this minute refreshed my wine.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal bitch
Like this, you mean?
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: In that case you’d want a graph analysis.
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal bitch: Perfect.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: @SiubhanDuinne, liberal bitch: I, for one, welcome our new liberal bitch overlords (overladies?).
What somehow does not translate is how much Poles HATE RUSSIA and Putin. I have not idea what he thinks or the actual Polish people from that country, but they are probably NOT going to like a close relationship with Putin — nor any of the other Eastern European countries. The Poles hatred for Russia is deep and long….
Does that increase your “Joy” rating, or your “Trust” rating?
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal bitch:
Your new nym is OK, but I kind of miss your “Mob Enforcer” persona.
I know, I know, I should go fuck myself, etc.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal bitch
@Omnes Omnibus:
I have a terrible feeling I’m not going to be able to live up to the new nym. But I will do my best.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Oh, okay.
I was under the impression that they hated everybody — Russians, Germans, Jews. Prussians, probably some more that I can’t recall at the moment.
@Walker: I was just going to say. How does the Polish (or Ukranian, Lithuanian or Czech, etc.) community feel about his diffident attitude toward NATO and suggestion that our allies are only worth defending if “there’s something in it for us”?
Right. I guess you’re unaware that people here refer to you as “Mr. Mellow” and “The Dude” (or perhaps “His Dudeness”) when you’re not around?
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal bitch: great, now your old values won’t carry over.
Felonius Monk
@efgoldman: Your fingers are too old for that. Just use GFY. We will know what you mean. Or you could use the short form of the Tom Levenson version — GFYWARFI.
Omnes Omnibus
@Felonius Monk:
@Omnes Omnibus: Just a guess, but “Go fuck yourself with a rusty farm implement”?
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: with a rusty something, one imagines
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m guessing it’s a “With A Rusty something-or-other” — maybe Fuel Injector? Frog Intestine? Fire Island?
ETA: Or, what redshirt said.
@efgoldman: Fucking Red Sox. They clinch, like that.
I don’t like Kimbrel at all.
Felonius Monk
@Omnes Omnibus:
GFYWARFI = Go Fuck Yourself With A Rusty Farm Implement
ETA: Everybody happy now?
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: @ everyone else: Thanks. Makes sense.
@NotMax: Of course, everyone in oregon CAN vote naked – by mail.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
An idle moment of wondering: the pronunciation of the first vowel of “polish” changes from short to long when the initial consonant is capitalized (“Polish”).
Are there any other English words that do this? Asking the BJ hive mind. Don’t make me bother Will Shortz.
(Edit, to whom my concern: Go fuck yourself.)
Thank ‘ee kindly
Had to look that up (as I’ve said, not a Sox fan).
In any event: Holy Shit! Was he throwing underhand to the Yanks? I feel your pain. (The Sox are still going to make it into the Playoffs, right?)
ETA: Oh, and regarding this:
you’re only three or four years older than he is.
Felonius Monk
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: Not capitalized, but troll and trolley.
@Felonius Monk:
@Major Major Major Major: “finding the phrases most unique to each commenter”
Is it possible to give commenters an option to request inclusion or else to opt out (whichever is easier to do), in these analyses?
I don’t want to end up invited onto some NBC show because the number of times I speak of Fucking Trump makes me look interesting, for example.
Felonius Monk
@SFAW: FY2. :-)
@Felonius Monk:
If we’re going to have unique phrases, can I have “Lasciate Ogni Speranza“? [The “Voi Ch’entrate” can be optional, I guess]
I am a Jets fan, after all.
ETA: Or, if I’m going to be more uplifting, and true to my heritage: auf freiem Grund mit freiem Volke stehn
Major Major Major Major
@Aleta: good point! Everybody here is as anonymous as they want to be of course, I’ll try and think of a sensible way to do that.
NoraLenderbee gofuckyourself
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch:
Well, Ronald Radosh is not a radish.
NoraLenderbee GFY
Aw, I’m in moderation. Is “radish” a banned word? It can’t be because I said “fuck.”
Omnes Omnibus
@NoraLenderbee GFY: I think radish is okay. Turnip is worrisome.
These cats are going to become the next fucking Bushes. Just watch, Ivanka will run in one of the next cycles.
Omnes Omnibus
@cokane: Donald is making the name toxic. Won’t happen.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Felonius Monk:
Interesting, and I hadn’t thought of that, but no, I’m looking for something that is spelled exactly the same but changes pronunciation upon being capitalized.
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: Jesus (or bolded in red)
@different-church-lady: kids, you know how when everyone you meet seems to be an ignorant, unhelpful asshole, then it’s likely the problem is with you? The problem ya’ll have isn’t your media/management. It’s your candidate.
Donald Trump’s company allegedly violated Cuba trade embargo, Newsweek says
@rachel: Well that’s rich isn’t it, since he’s promising to close relations w Cuba down again.