So, basically, I've probably paid more federal tax this year alone than Trump has in the last 20 fucking years.
— Casey (@pari_passu) October 2, 2016
Anyone within a hundred miles of Trump tonight better shield their electronics in lead, because Kellyanne Conway is going to be setting off EMP’s so the mandarin manchild doesn’t melt down on twitter:
Donald J. Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years, records obtained by The New York Times show.
The 1995 tax records, never before disclosed, reveal the extraordinary tax benefits that Mr. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, derived from the financial wreckage he left behind in the early 1990s through mismanagement of three Atlantic City casinos, his ill-fated foray into the airline business and his ill-timed purchase of the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan.
Tax experts hired by The Times to analyze Mr. Trump’s 1995 records said tax rules that are especially advantageous to wealthy filers would have allowed Mr. Trump to use his $916 million loss to cancel out an equivalent amount of taxable income over an 18-year period.
***“He has a vast benefit from his destruction” in the early 1990s, said one of the experts, Joel Rosenfeld, an assistant professor at New York University’s Schack Institute of Real Estate. Mr. Rosenfeld offered this description of what he would advise a client who came to him with a tax return like Mr. Trump’s: “Do you realize you can create $916 million in income without paying a nickel in taxes?”
Fuck this guy.
Now he has to produce his real records to disprove this or we’ll just have to assume he’s a shitty businessman who lost a billion dollars years after the crash and doesn’t pay any taxes.
Got two more people registered in NV, though one said she’s voting for Trump over the “devil woman.” However, given her apparent issues, who knows what the voices in her head will tell her to do by Election Day?
Good for you. How was your steak?
Worried that this could be the 2016 version of the Killian papers.
She’s really upset about those emails.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@PeterJ: the what now?
Michael Bersin
This won’t have any effect on his supporters. They all believe they’re one lottery ticket away from joining his country club and they don’t want to pay any taxes on that “earned” income.
Central Planning
This was an interesting article about a Trump supporter.
I wonder how many Trump supporters are just like that? I think they are going to collectively lose their shit on November 9.
gogol's wife
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Quick google suggests the Dan Rather ratf–k. Could be.
Now we know who those forty-seven percent that don’t pay taxes are.
If memory serves me there used to be a loop hole that allowed you to do something similar with commodities. Declare a loss at the end of the year and buy again on Jan. 1.
@Michael Bersin: Yes. They are irrelevant. We need to outvote them, not convince them.
Steak is still pending — I’m in the van heading back to the field office now. Adam generally knows his steak, so I’m feeling pretty optimistic.
Keith P.
@Baud: My last boss told a couple of us in a car coming back from lunch that “I don’t care if Trump starts WWIII. I support him so long as he throws Hillary in jail.” Can you imagine having priorities so fucked up that you don’t care if a million people die and trillions are lost in world wealth just so he can satisfy his dislike of a public figure? People are off their fucking rockers.
Ivan X
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’m assuming the 1987 stock market crash; i.e. there isn’t the plausible excuse for that size of a loss eight years later, other than being a shitty businessman.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Michael Bersin: undermining his self-proclaimed brilliance as a business man could make him wiggy (wiggier)in the 2003 documentary Born Rich (trust fund babies talk about being trust fund babies), Ivana tells the story of walking down a NYC street with her father. They pass a homeless guy begging, and Trump says “that guy is eight billion dollars richer than me”. I wonder if that was around this time.
Another Scott
@Michael Bersin: Plus, what Donnie said at the debate:
“That makes me smart!”
Normal people think that things like this are horrible. Trump’s supporters don’t think like normal people. :-(
@Michael Bersin: On the tax returns, maybe. But Trump will be completely rattled and unhinged the next few days (or longer). Less than a week after the debate debacle, and fat shaming, and the 3am slut shaming.
His core voters won’t care, but he is rapidly heading towards 27% in the election. And the party faithful will be having their faith shaken to the core. Ryan may pretend that he’s PX90ing thru it all, but he knows damn well that Trump is gonna fall apart, and races that matter to a GOP majority in Congress are gonna tilt.
It sure is something to see.
Also, too, I had an old(ish) white dude from Texas tell me he was 100 percent for Hillary, so go Texas!
Keith P.
I would like to go on the record that I predicted over a month ago that Trump would leak his own tax records and then pitch a fit over the “rigged” IRS giving out his tax records.
Jerzy Russian
@Keith P.: Even putting all that aside, since when to U.S. presidents throw people in jail?
Michael Bersin
@Baud: Uh, yep.
@Keith P.: Yep. Hopefully Hillary is right that love trumps hate.
The story is amazing. Someone sends them partial tax returns, which they then verify and the Trump people issue a statement talking about emails. nice
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Central Planning: So everything bad that happened in those towns has happened since January of 2009?
@Ivan X: Shitty businessman it is! He took a bath on his Atlantic City cazzinos. And Trump airlines. And this vanity purchase of NYC’s Plaza Hotel.
Yep, he actually sucks at running things. Its why he’s basically been running a brand-licensing shop for two decades. He staples his Trump name to various real estate deals in exchange for a cut of the cashflow. One suspect there won’t be that many new Trump real estate ventures after this election season.
James E Powell
@Central Planning:
The WaPo writer seemed to regard her as good ol’ American heartland salt of the earth person, but I thought she was pretty close to that fuzzy line between sane and not so sane.
There are a lot of people who say the things she says, but not nearly enough of them to elect Trump.
@Jerzy Russian: President Trump might act counter to previous Presidents.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
It was Tiffany
There are a lot of things that real estate developers can legally do to reduce and/or defer income taxes. But to sustain a $916 million NOL, you have to fuck up on an unimaginable scale.
@RaflW: I’ve got to assume his brand as is (“luxury”) is done. But don’t weep for Donald – if he doesn’t start his own tv channel or news station or other venture, I’m sure he can grift the wingnut circuit for the rest of his life. SPEECHES!
@Keith P.:
Spite is a horrible drug.
Keith P.
@Jerzy Russian: I think his assumption is that Trump would direct Attorney General Christie|Giuliani (vomit-swallow) to file charges against her.
Oh dear Lord, she needs serious help from a mental health professional.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Central Planning:
I couldn’t read it all. Was deeply saddened and infuriated, by turns. Feel sorry for her, and hate her, and that’s no way to go through life.
@burnspbesq: During that time period, couldn’t you play buy and sell at a loss with commodities also and carry forward? I think they closed that loophole, though.
Did you miss the talking points memo? The game plan is no matter the question you pivot to talking about the e-mails, Benghazi, the FBI, the foundation, Bill and Hillary’s abuse of women, and corruption.
I have to believe that the Clinton campaign has this all mapped out with a slow drip by drip of revealing documents timed to lead right up to Election Day with a slow motion behind the scenes Clinton led self induced destruction of the Donald.
It’ll be a thing of beauty if the initial tidbits are any indication of what’s to come.
Odd, I wasn’t expecting an October surprise to literally happen on October 1.
They’d better confiscate Trump’s phone and stat. Except I have a feeling Trump has phones stashed all over the place like Dwight had weapons stashed all over Dunder-Mifflin.
His base will like him paying no taxes but will others like finding out he is a loser at business.
Some vetting. Fiiiinally.
And this fraud was living right under the grey lady’s nose for decades.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Don’t rule it out. Ask anyone who has ever worked for IRS CID, they’ll tell you that disgruntled family members and screwed-over employees are their two biggest sources of tips.
The tax payers were left holding the bag just to fund his ‘golden’ lifestyle.
Don’t remember.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: I hope its better than the one I bought yesterday and grilled tonight! Despite all outwards appearances in the butcher’s case, it was not tender, juicy, and/or flavorful.
Also, I may resemble that remark.
Best part about this: after Trump says “it’s about time America was run by someone who understands business!” in the next debate, Clinton goes, “the last thing America needs is advice from someone who lost a billion bucks in one year.”
Although, I’d prefer this response: “We already had a businessman run America. George Bush called himself the ‘CEO President’ … It wasn’t a good idea then and it’s not a good idea now.”
@amk: I wonder if the NYT finally got tired of the WP (namely David Farenthold) scooping them on Trump and making them look like clueless dopes. If this is their way to catch up, nicely done.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
While in the car this evening, I had Smerconish on. He had a guest, a Trump-supporting woman, who said exactly these things, word for word. It was only after she’d gone through this litany that she also remembered to mention that, oh yeah, I also want him to talk about illegals and trade pacts and ISIS.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@burnspbesq: they were joint returns filed with Marla….
Were she still here with us, Leona Helmsley could attest to that.
Adam L Silverman
@James E Powell: The person that was strange was the Latinas for Trump co-director on Joy Ann Reid’s show this morning. If anyone else saw that, please let me know that I wasn’t imaging that she had a very, very strange affect.
@Zach: You know, for whatever Mitt Romney’s failings, he at least was successful at business. The attacks on him were how he succeeded in business (namely by firing people), not for failing at it.
But Trump? For crying out loud, the guy lost money running a casino.
The NYT article has a photo of Trump from 1995. Even then, his hair was horrible.
Now we all get to get on Twitter and watch the meltdown du jour. Let’s see if he can offend another demographic he hasn’t gotten to yet.
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch:
Ah, the librul media. Giving voice to the
voicelessracists and sexists.Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: His new line tonight was to tell his rally in PA that Hillary has cheated on Bill, because why, given Bill’s behavior, should she have been loyal? Tomorrow morning on Joy Ann Reid’s show, Hugh Hewitt will be saying that the big story for the next cycle will be the credible reports of Hillary Clinton’s infidelities, not Bill’s and that he hopes that the investigative reporters work as hard to identify her lovers as they did looking into Trump’s business dealings and foundation. Because that’s how Hewitt roles.
@Adam L Silverman:
She was on NPR this afternoon. She came across as very unhinged.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: That makes no sense.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
That’ll win over those elusive college educated women!
Doubling down – I am a highly skilled business man.
Soylent Green
Uh, no. His floor will be somewhere in the forties. Most people are locked in. My guess is Clinton 47, Trump 44, Johnson 8, Stein <1. After she is elected, rethugs will howl that Hillz has no mandate and claim her presidency is illegitimate. Same old same old.
Keith P.
@debbie: The hair of someone with too much of it and who combs it with just his hands and no mirror.
@Soylent Green: Johnson ain’t getting 8% nationally. No way.
@James E Powell:
It seemed to me like the writer reported quite a bit of detail, on purpose, so that the reader could gently come to the conclusion that the Trump supporter was out. of. her fucking gourd. No fuzzy lines there. Whew, what a mess. She was beyond knee-deep in Alex Jones-style weirdness and conspiracy theories.
@Soylent Green:
Omnes Omnibus
@Keith P.: I comb my hair with my fingers and then let it fall. I don’t always us a mirror. It never looks like Trump’s.
@amk: Oh, Wait, Wait, I really really want these to have been hacked (ok, photocopied and mailed) somehow by Russians or the Chinese mailed somehow by that 400 lbs basement guy. They’re all busy complaining that these things were obtained without permission!
@Wag: I agree. This seems to be going according to the Clinton Team’s plan, with the first debate being D-Day. A steady drip-drip-drip throughout October, building to a crescendo by early November. Truly a thing of beauty…a once-in-a-lifetime event.
On one level, I want it to be over. On another, it’s like watching a car accident — fascinating, and you can’t turn away.
I just hope the D team has something left to send some R-label Congresscritters home, too…
@Soylent Green: No way – Hillz will get about 51%, Trump about 41-42%, Johnson about 6%, and Stein 1% or less.
? Martin
Well, I think whatever denial of reality the media was in has worn off. The floodgates are opening up. There’s still too much shilling for both campaigns (having the Miss Universe story embargoed until after the debate is not appropriate, IMO), but I think the outright covering for Trump and the false equivalence is really dying down a lot.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
Yea, but if he had paid taxes it would have been squandered on things like rifles for Marines. This way it goes to something with socially redeeming value, like gold plated bathroom fixtures for his airplane bathrooms.
Another Scott
@redshirt: Agreed. Every time he speaks on a national stage he shows what an incompetent lightweight he is.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Evan McMullin and Nathan Johnson come close to the Libertarian numbers this time around.
“I can’t vote for Donnie or Hillary or Gary or Jill, it looks like Evan gets my vote!!”
@JPL: Screw her. There is no reasoning with people like her and no reason to feel sorry for them.
True enough, although it does make for some weird moments when the surrogates are on-air…
Media person: so, about this double axe-murder that Mr. Trump seems to have just been arrested for
Trump surrogate: what’s an axe compared to an unsecured server? what’s two dismembered people in Mr. Trump’s limo’s trunk compared to the betrayal at Bengazi, the subsequent cover-up by ISIS agent Huma Abedin, and aliens in disguise at the FBI?
cole, have you hired hillary’s server? vanishing posts.
@Another Scott:
Why not Baud!?
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Central Planning:
All the loons who post in YouTube comments section have found each other – at least Trump has united everyone who believes Obama is a Muslim. These crazy people have always been among us – occasionally found dead in large numbers near a large vat of kool aid. Most of them will go back to their weird marginal lives.
@Another Scott: What about Deez Nutz?
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Some people have standards.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: You had to see her as well as hear her. Even when the other panelists tried to explain to her that Trump’s tax and family plans wouldn’t get her anything she kept insisting they would and that’s why she was supporting him even though she was an independent. The whole thing was just surreal.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Adam L Silverman: I suppose there are a few CDS types who would get all exercised by these allegations, but personally I don’t know anyone — including the few Republicans still in my life — who wouldn’t greet this with a huuuuge yawn. The Trump oppo research team is at least two decades behind the times.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Obama has brought the people together.
@Soylent Green: Johnson got 1% in ’12. I predict he may triple or quadruple that this year – almost all on Trump’s back.
I strongly suspect it will be Clinton 50%, Trump 45%, Johnson 3% and the rest of the rabble totalling 2%. Unless Johnson keeps doing stupid things like going on tv and trying to answer questions…
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I do not disagree with you at all. This morning Hewitt was trying to push the badly headlined Politico story about Clinton’s remarks on millennials as the scandal that was going to consume the media for days. Every question he got asked by the fourth word that’s what he was back onto. Turns out Politico has changed the headline because the audio file attached to the article makes her sound very sympathetic to millennials.
Soylent Green
@Jeffro: We’ll see. We are the cheerleading squad, but the fans are not that enthused this year. I think she goes under 50, same as Bill did in ’92.
@Adam L Silverman: Being that every single charge Trump makes is pure projection, does this mean that Ivana cheated on him since he was cheating on her? Maybe that’s how Ivanka turned out so good looking.
Meanwhile Trump will say that the news that Ivanka is not biologically his means that he will be dating her, and she should replace Pence as VP.
Adam L Silverman
@Soylent Green: Its why the Kochs are funding Johnson. His PAC is being run by their guy from Americans for Prosperity. The plan is that Johnson siphons off enough millennials to keep both Clinton and Trump from getting to 270, so the election is thrown to the House. It is unclear why they think the House will pick Johnson, but that appears to be the plan.
Soylent Green
Johnson, strangely enough, is picking up backers from disaffected Berniacs, and will draw from both sides.
@Soylent Green: You know, every time I see one of her events it is crammed with fans that are damn enthused with her. Every damn time.
Another Scott
@Suzanne: Nyuk, nyuk. The people I mentioned were on my ballot today. ;-)
I know a guy who swears he’s going to write in “Bill the Cat”. People can throw their votes away any way they want, but they’re not going to show up in many totals unless they’re for someone listed on the ballots.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@? Martin:
Not sure exactly what embargo you’re talking about here. I read an article (and saw the video) about Alicia Marchado and her weight/exercise humiliation by DJT some months ago. Have just finished reading Trump Revealed by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher, which went to press right after the GOP convention, and it had the story.
Peter H Desmond
@Adam L Silverman: there’s got to be a rhetorical term for that beauty! not knowing for sure, i vote for “ignoratio elenchi,” as being the only one that comes to mind.
@Soylent Green: Yup, I hear you and I guess we’ll see. Heck she could win by a Rove (50% + 1) and they’ll still harass her endlessly. Good thing HRC is HRC and isn’t afraid to hammer back at that nonsense relentlessly…plus she might have a few folks like Nancy Smash! who’ll help w/ the hammering.
@Adam L Silverman: some far out theory, man.
Omnes Omnibus
@Soylent Green: He is also as dumb as a stump. Every time he speaks in public, he fucks up.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Hmmm. And again, a comment just up and disappears into thin air. Not in moderation, just :: poof, it is gone ::
@Soylent Green:
A significant number of Berniacs were Paulistas.
Adam L Silverman
@amk: Went into spam. I found it and its free.
A CPA who helped prepare the Trump tax documents confirmed their authenticity, on the record, to the NYT
@Soylent Green: I was referencing the 27% crazification factor. Maybe I should have made that joke more obvious.
But I’d also not be super-confident on that 44%. That floor has held for quite some time based on at least minimally credential Repubs. Much as he was a dolt and faker, Dubya had been governor of a large state. Romney had his Mass years, olympics, etc. Even grandpa walnuts had (too many!) decades in the Senate.
I don’t seriously believe he’ll fall to 27%. But he really could crack the thirties IMO. There’s weeks to go, and a media that won’t want a rout, so YMMV.
@Adam L Silverman:
You were not imagining things. That was a bizarro interview.
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: You must be mentioning a banned word. That’s what happens when you do. The fun part is there’s no way to know what a banned word is. R3lax is one.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks man. La savior of the blog.
Mary G
OT – this week you can stream Life Itself, the documentary about Roger Ebert for free. Link.
@RaflW: I could see 38-39%. He doesn’t have a ground game. He’s lost the support of most institutional republicans. There’s a 3rd party candidate who could take some of his votes. And he’s the absolute worst candidate to run for President ever.
@Adam L Silverman:
That’s not a really good plan, then.
I think it’s their way of keeping Clinton’s win as close as possible without drawing too much blowback from the Trumpistas. Considering the hand they’ve been dealt here with Trump, I’m sure they have made their peace with Clinton limping into the Oval Office on a narrow win. The still-rabid Rs will keep the congressional witch hunts going while the Kochs & ALEC continue to loot the states.
In addition to overturning Citizens United a.s.a.p., we need a constitutional amendment that straightens out gerrymandering for US House seats and we need our own ALEC to straighten out each state’s rep/sen districts. It’s ridiculous.
Adam L Silverman
@amk: It is not mine.
so much ‘gold’ mine waiting to be tapped. and yet the sheep bench was so clueless/gutless to tap it during the primaries.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: Is not in spam or trash.
The Washington Post article made me sad, because we don’t treat mental illness in our country. I didn’t find Melanie deplorable, but here in GA we actually have supporters who are deplorable.
A google search for Jane Wood Allen, Gainesville, GA, paints a picture of a deplorable. This is one article link She’s a teacher’s aide in elementary school.
A principal in Forsyth County was suspended for six days for remarks about Muslims, so I doubt anything will come about it.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: I wasn’t sure if maybe she had a bad earpiece or maybe since English isn’t her first language she had trouble following some of the conversation, but she looked – expression, head movements, tone, pitch, and timbre of voice – off (is the best way I can describe it).
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@amk: Jeb spent a hundred million to get to “please clap”
I wonder if R’s are funneling stuff to the Dems. The Bushes are vindictive
Donald Trump: $916 million loss — skilled businessman.
Adam L Silverman
@Jeffro: What they really need is legislation limiting elections to 8 weeks total. For all Federal positions – Presidency and Congress. The advantage is: 1) the need for money will be greatly reduced, 2) All of the House and 1/3 of the Senate will not be constantly running for office, so they won’t be able to just take off 43 days because we need a vacation, plus time to run for reelection between now and election day. 2 year election cycles are ridiculous.
@Adam L Silverman:
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: The basic story was known a long time ago, but I think I read that there was (at least) an interview / article at the Guardian that was embargoed until after the debate. Certainly appeared with surprisingly prompt elan for a largely UK paper.
The Thin Black Duke
@Mary G: It’s a fascinating but depressing movie, unfortunately. The last fifteen minutes is devasting.
@Adam L Silverman: Oh no! CNN would go out of business.
Donald Trump, billionaire…would be Donald Trump, $10B billionaire if he’d just put his money in index funds…but then again, he’s so good at “winning”, he got tired of winning…he has the best words, after all…
@Adam L Silverman: How do you prevent rich people from doing legwork outside of the 8 weeks?
@Adam L Silverman:
I saw it, they all spoke to her like there was something wrong with her. Lisa Bloom seemed frustrated with her.
Soylent Green
@Omnes Omnibus: He is dumber than Trump. But the voters this year are not behaving rationally.
@Adam L Silverman: I’d agree in principle, but implementing something like that would be hard, especially for the Presidency. The states set their own calendars for the primaries and whatnot, and good luck getting Iowa and New Hampshire to agree to anything that disrupts their precious ME FIRST positions. Also, there’s an endless series of pre-primary events (debates, etc.) that you wouldn’t be able to restrict people from attending if they wanted to. That’s where a lot of the time went; there were six or seven months of that stuff before the Iowa caucuses this time round.
This is what the HRC and her surrogates should be hitting on. Destroy the myth.
Omnes Omnibus
@Soylent Green: It is not yet Election Day.
@Adam L Silverman:
Oh come on…how many “off-calendar” activities would be going on that would then need to be regulated, addressed, etc. Limiting election seasons is about not annoying us voters! They’d do better to make House terms 4 years (concurrent with the President’s…could produce a semi-parliamentary effect, I’m okay with that) and get rid of the Senate altogether.
Additionally what they need is to ban corporate political contributions of any kind, limit total personal political giving to some index (say, 5% of what a FT minimum wage worker would make per year) and only allow folks to contribute to state/local races where they reside.
This is in addition to ending gerrymandering.
PS I see Baud at #122 has mentioned another issue with the 8-week thing.
Adam L Silverman
@JPL: Not seeing a downside here at all.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: Significant fines for any electioneering outside of the 8 week window. After say 3 offenses, fines plus jail time. Also tumbrels!
@Adam L Silverman: PS I don’t think raising money to run an 8-week or 16-month campaign is the problem, it’s who’s contributing the money, and how that affects the recipients’ focus.
It’s not enough to shorten the campaign season (which is problematic) or just curtail amounts; contributions have to quit coming from corporations and rich people, because it most certainly does undermine ‘1 person, 1 vote’
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: It was strange. It was like the scene in the Jackie Chan movie where the other guy (Tucker?) goes: “do you understand the words I’m speaking to you?”. (Never actually saw the movie, just that clip in the trailer)
She was a black Law Professor from Vanderbilt.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Adam L Silverman:
Thanks for looking. It eventually showed up, although it must have spent some time in FYWP Purgatory. (FTR, it was my response to ?Martin, now showing at #92.)
No way! Who could have thunk?
Isn’t that Baud’s porn name?
@hovercraft: There’s a lady Cornell West?
So, are we all going to stay up and wait for the 3 AM Tweet? Or Tweets, more likely. I’m sure we’ll get a “I is smart biznessman” and a “failing New York Times”, and probably a “crooked Hillary Benghazi email” for good measure.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: How do you square this with the 1st Amendment?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Trump will be up all night reading tweets like this
ETA: @Baud: : applause :
That $916M in 1995 dollars.
In 2016 dollars, it’s just under $1.5 Billion.
Of course, Corrupt 47-percenter Deadbeat Donnie will blame the loss on Hillary getting Bill to use his pull as President, because of HillaryCare. And Vince Foster knew the truth, which was why he had to be eliminated. By Ron Brown. Who was himself eliminated by … hmmm … uh .. James Comey… yeah, that’s the ticket!
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Good bet.
question is…will SNL be able to incorporate the news Trump tax news into the premiere tonight
@hovercraft: Real life kills the parody then? And this only reinforces my point about the librul media. Normalize the outlier.
From WSJ deputy editor:
@Adam L Silverman:
As I said in the last thread this is a variation of the she murdered Vince Foster to hide their affair conspiracy.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Deutsche Bank is one of the few lenders that Trump can depend on. No wonder the bank is on shaky grounds.
randy khan
This is going to leave a mark.
And I love the threat to sue the Times – so Trumpian, and so pointless once the returns are out.
@Baud: LOL.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yup. The punk’s weekend just went south.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Adam L Silverman:
Heads on pikes, or I’m not playing.
I believe Huma is actually with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Actual tweet from Trump in 2012 complete with graph. her em before they delete them
HALF of Americans don’t pay income tax despite crippling govt debt…
@Central Planning:
Tired of seeing these stories normalizing the common clay. I would’ve loved to have seen the comments before they were closed.
@randy khan: I love the story. Maybe more tax returns will magically appear on desks of Washington Post or NYTimes journalists.
I remember 1995 very well, the economy was in crisis, the stock market was crashing, jobs were disappearing rapidly.
Actually no, we were going through one of the biggest economic expansions in our history. And Donald fucking Trump loses nearly a billion dollars in the casino industry. Jesus Christ, the man turns everything he touches into shit. I wonder how much money that is in today’s currency.
@lamh36: He needs to be asked if he paid taxes in 2012.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Thanks, yes, that’s the one. Can’t remember her name, but I was a bit taken aback.
Too bad Mark Felt is dead.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: We don’t have the election cycle we have today because of the 1st Amendment, we have it because of the need to sell advertising by the media. I’m not suggesting legislating away protected speech, just statutorily limiting the formal election season to a reasonable time period. 2 year election cycles are not reasonable, they’re not rational – in the psychological sense nor the economic one, and they are actually subverting the commonwealth because members of the House spend more time on running for office than actually doing the jobs they’ve been elected to.
@JPL: I think the best part is that whoever mailed those returns to the Times used a Trump Tower return address. Presumably that’s fake, but Donald is probably going to spend the next week interrogating all of the butlers and cleaners and so forth to see who sold him out.
Mrs. Betty Bowers @BettyBowers 1h1 hour ago
watch out for totally unhinged peak wingnut twitterage tonight.
Matt McIrvin
If that’s the story, then there’s no way that they were going to vote for Hillary Clinton in any event, Gary Johnson or no Gary Johnson.
Steve in the ATL
It was the last place in Georgia to have an active Klan chapter as well. Even worse, those fuckers clog up 400 and 141 and ruin my commute.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I agree with you conceptually, but, I suggest that if such a law was passed, it would be subject to 1st Amendment challenges.
@Adam L Silverman: The only way I could see them doing that is by eliminating scheduled elections. That’d be a tough nut culturally, scheduled, as opposed to snap no-confidence elections, have been a specifically American custom for nearly 400 years.
@Adam L Silverman:
Poppy Harlow? on CNN tried to make it a thing too, she had a Bernie supporting millennial on to get her to bash Hillary, she refused to bite. She said it was pretty much what Hillary was saying during the primary, and she pointed out that they managed to push Hillary to the left, and that many who weren’t supporting her were not democrats to begin with, and yet still were able to move the platform.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Is there some way to stream the first few minutes of SNL? I don’t have tv but I wouldn’t mind watching the opening sketch, which is supposed to be the Debate. Alec Baldwin as Trump, and I expect lots of noisy sniffing.
I’ll poke around to see if I can find a feed that doesn’t require me to have a cable subscription the way they mostly do, but if some kind FP knows how to put up a live link, it would be much appreciated!
For a surprisingly long little piece about not much hard information, the WaPo’s What we know about Donald Trump’s income tax history, by year is surprisingly pleasant. From 1975 on. Lots of Unknown Unknown Unknown but also bits and scraps of data on taxes paid and — perhaps even more fun, notes on net operating losses.
Another 2012 Drumpf tweet…before the campaign deletes them
Facebook billionaire gives up his U.S. citizenship in order to save taxes. I guess 3.8 billion isn’t enough for (cont)
Original Lee
@RaflW: Several Never Hillary friends of mine have started talking about voting for Hillary. Trump’s performance at the debate appalled them. Two of them have also been Never Trump for a while and were talking about voting for Johnson, but Johnson’s interview on Wednesday put the kibosh on that. As one of them put it, “She might be an oligarch and a liberal, but she’s sane and she knows her stuff.” The other one talking about voting for Hillary thinks about 20% of Republicans will vote for Hillary in the end, which would be cool if true.
There’s hope!
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch:
I think they are referring to the Clinton campaign, they released their Ad after the debate, and had her scheduled for interviews Tuesday. They saw her story back in the spring, but didn’t mention it till now.
Villago Delenda Est
@amk: He and his Ivana spawn are outright parasites.
@efgoldman: 50 battles in 50 state legislatures.
Or one good SCOTUS ruling.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m sure it would be.
Villago Delenda Est
@efgoldman: Aye. Would take a constitutional amendment to pull that off…the issue of how the congressional districts are determined is the business of the states.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Probably right. So with six weeks remaining, Trump squandered one week on fat-shaming a Latina Miss Universe from years ago. Now, with only five weeks remaining, he will probably lose his shit over finding the traitor in his midst.
I can hardly wait for when we’re only four weeks out. And three. And two….
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: Aside from Omnes’ concerns about the First Amendment, the Teevee industry will go apeshit. Their revenues peak during Presidential election years.
Lizzy L
The Grey Lady brought the hammer down. I guess they were tired of being upstaged by The WaPo. The article is not kind to Trump-the-terrific-businessman at all, and I did a little happy dance around my desk after I read it. Here’s the second paragraph of the story:
Lizzy L
Help! I’m in moderation. Don’t know what I said…
@Steve in the ATL: My son blames the Cobb people also.
Clinton didn’t break 50 percent in 1996, either. (Which was a surprise, considering the polling a few weeks prior.)
Soylent Green
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: I wonder what slight will trigger his next set of nocturnal emissions. So many to choose from…
It’s been a really good Saturday of games. Clemson is trying to get all Clemson-y and blow it.
JR in WV
Louisville v Clemson is the best football game today.
No offense, Raven.
But this is a great comeback.
My first job in NY after college (1986) was for a real estate company that converted rental buildings into co-ops. That was when I learned how unbelievably horrific that industry is. None of them paid any taxes (mostly because of the deduction for depreciation) but the horrific part was that part of my job was to sit outside of rental buildings that my boss was thinking of buying and count the number of old people entering. Why? Cuz if there were lots of old people then the profit would be forthcoming. I left after 9 months.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: There were a lot of details about the mailing by the NYT, I think to make sure they are not taken as too credulous. They write as if they know they could be fake, but print the story anyway.
If this had been done with documents about the Clinton Foundation, we would be having kittens here. So welcome to the NYT world , Donnie.
NoraLenderbee GFY
@Peter H Desmond:
An ignorant old squint-eye, as E.A. Poe put it.
@Adam L Silverman: I agree. I wonder what she does for a living that would seemingly be taxed less under Trump? Law degree, communications, or real setae were my guesses.
I have SUCH a time trying to keep it all straight…isn’t MB affiliated with ACORN as well? I think Huma went to elementary school with Planned Parenthood’s founder’s second cousin twice removed, so there you go, right? Checkmate, libtards!!
@efgoldman: Oh I know, I know…I’m just saying…everyone else here is allowed to wish for a pony, that was mine.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I am surprised at that. Election advertising always seems to be a rounding error compared to Auto, drug and household products, coke and beer advertising.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Which is what I think I said?
Villago Delenda Est
@catclub: They charge political campaigns premium rates. The revenue figures released for 2013 were lower than 2012.
19% of the votes, 0 electoral votes.
@Adam L Silverman: Ah ha! Republican professional actress!
Villago Delenda Est
@Jeffro: Getting a Constitutional amendment of that nature past GOP/ALEC controlled legislatures will be nigh on impossible.
@Soylent Green:
What’s strange about that? The only Berniacs who aren’t behind Hillary at this point are CDS types and the “I hate both parties” types.
You know, morons.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It was Melania. She’s fed up with his shenanigans.
@Adam L Silverman: Makes zero sense unless they believe Johnson can actually win a state (or one of the NE/ME districts). Otherwise it’s just the 269-tie, and there’s no way to actually engineer that.
@Adam L Silverman: I am so with you on this. Our democracy is being undermined by the unending campaigns and the glut of money and those who most don’t want to see any of that change are those who profit by it. At some point people need to do something to protect our democracy.
I saved the Hilzoy comment from the 9/28 epic rant/post by Cole on the similarities between Trump and Hitler in which he addresses this issue: “
Unending political campaigns have to go the way of the dodo bird. Voters are turned off. There was a wonderful obit in the AJC back on Sept 14 which started out by saying that the deceased “not wanting to witness the results of the 2016 election”….. joined his deceased wife to whom he’d been married 55 years. It was a very entertaining obit.
Omnes Omnibus
@dww44: Tell me how you get there.
@Omnes Omnibus: To the Hilzoy comment? If that’s not the correct comment, it was posted at 11:15 p.m.
I believe the link to the obit works so am assuming you wanted a link to the Hilzoy comment.
@dww44: Omnes Omnibus,FYI I had shared a link to Cole’s post with some folks by email and had copied a few of the comments into the email containing the link. Hilzoy’s was one of them.
@Adam L Silverman: for that to happen, Johnson has to win some a state of two. Unlikely in the extreme.
A good chunk of Trump supporters will celebrate him all the more for this. They might even see it as an excellent example of sticking it to the man.
The average person does not necessarily believe that he or she has an obligation to pay taxes. They may not believe in cheating (or are afraid of getting caught if they do cheat), but fantasize about having a CPA who knows how to work magic on their tax return.
And I keep seeing Trump supporters do some twisted Brain Fu to conclude that only a man like Trump, who knows how to work the system to his advantage also has the business acumen to fix it.
We’re doomed.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: The fines, the jail time, or the tumbrels?
Adam L Silverman
@waysel: Supposedly, from what I can find, she has a radio show on local radio in (I think) Miami.
Adam L Silverman
@Vhh: I’m not saying its a good strategy.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: That was sarcasm. I thought the tumbrels were the giveaway.
We don’t have a D running in my district. Dean was right, run someone everywhere, just in case. But it’s hard to find the sacrificial lamb. We had a good, Vietnam Vet marine, professor, maybe a little right of center. He didn’t even hit 40%. I gotta get out of South PA and back to the world.
@Central Planning: A fair number, but not as many as advertised.
I saw the folks lining up to see Trump in Pittsburgh and most of them were old, angry-looking retired guys wearing golf shirts. Now that’s a self-selecting sample of people who have the *means* to get themselves to a rally, but Brownsville is just an hour away.
If you look at the election results from eight years ago, you’ll see that Brownsville (as well as every other town in the Mon Valley) voted fairly democratic. Don’t know for 2012, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it remained such. The red swaths around Pittsburgh tend to encompass the wealthy suburbs in the North/South Hills.
@Adam L Silverman:
That’s an understatement. In some ways it’s an acknowledgement of reality from a MSM and political class that are increasingly in stark denial of that reality, and it speaks well of Clinton that she could see that. This as she said is the primary motivator for Sanders voters, and I have seen millenials in my social circles standing up for Hillary on the grounds that she was telling the truth and they know lots of millenials living in their parents’ basements and trapped scrabbling for barista jobs. This is lived experience for them (and not a few older voters).
Telling the truth sucks in terms of the media, but people GET it when you do tell the truth. I have a positive feeling about this awful ‘basement dwellers’ meme. A little honesty goes a long way.
How many times have I said that I liked Hillary better than some of her supporters? I see people here sometimes talking of great unemployment numbers, of how great the economy is. Meanwhile, Hillary’s noticed the basement dwellers. If she’d come out of the gate fired up about the basement dwellers who’d been sold a lie, I might never have gone all Bernie (well, he’s a Vermonter so even then… but she would have stolen lots of his thunder. This has been his only issue)
@lamh36: That received one of my only twitter responses of all time. I believe I’m averaging 1 every 2 years.
@Omnes Omnibus: Standards? Not anyone on this blog.
And while he’s doing that he can build a whole new career based on his snittyhood over being told “no.”
You know. Like Robert Bork.
No One You Know
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: Yeah. She’s an object lesson in how defeat, despair, and justice denied can make a person crazy. I grieve. She should be running her own division, not writing rants in social media; the only thing that heals is hope, and there isn’t live enough in her situation to bring it.
That story is about a whole town slowly becoming an institution without walls.