The Boss celebrated a birthday recently and has a book coming out, so he’s been doing a lot of interviews. That prompted me to pull out his music library and listening to old favorites. Like this one:
The Walter update below was welcome last night. Bixby and I have been looking at bringing in a rescue and the search is breaking my heart. It’s difficult not to despair for the world when people treat animals so badly. It’s sheer willpower and financial limitations that keep me from having ten Great Danes running around the place. Okay, and space limitations. Walter’s journey and how everyone here offered support, both monetary and emotional – well just good people restoring the balance.
What’s on the agenda for this first day of October? Open thread.
Goin between the hedges. The fan base sucks.
I have no plans as of yet, other than picking some things up at the store. It is a relief.
Now I know why Trump and Giuliani are such good friends.
This blog needs a fp who appreciates death metal. Hard to do volunteer work all day to soapy musak.
@Hal: Trigger warning! And warn Mr. Ed too, while you’re at it.
Up vote for adopting a rescue, but be forewarned: I fostered for rescues for a few years and somehow ended up with ten dogs – not Great Danes, though.
Amir Khalid
I’m a happy football fan this week. Liverpool FC came from behind to win 1-2 at Swansea.
it’s worth noting that Bruce wrote his memoir all by himself — no ghostwriter or “co-author” to do the literary heavy lifting for him.
I am overdue for a haircut. As my preferred hairstyle is an all-over buzz with the No. 2 spacer, should I consider buying an electric hair clipper instead of going to a barbershop? I expect the clipper will have paid for itself in six or seven haircuts.
My sister told me yesterday that her Facebook feed was saying Trump has been in a pron movie and I thought she was confused with the Miss Universe Sachs tape. Then I get on the Twitter machine last night. WTF Trumps been in a soft pron movie? Whhhat? Seriously? Were his GOP primary opponents this incompetent? They should never be allowed to run for another political office.
@Amir Khalid:
Which is rather amusing because of a famous story he told in the 1970s about how his parents had different ambitions for him when he was younger. One wanted him to be a lawyer, the other, to be an author, “to get something for himself”. To which he responded, before launching back into the music (“Growing Up,” IIRC) “yez are both going to settle for rock and roll!”
It’s “binge watch Luke Cage” day, on top of all the usual weekendy things (pick up scripts and groceries and pay the rent), plus the last week of baseball. With my fantasy team just in the money in our league but jostling for position, it means watching even though most of the real-life races are settled. (My Mets are in, regardless, though one more win ensures that they aren’t tied for the wild card, which would be nice.)
I thought they were kidding too. Didn’t believe it was real.
Amir Khalid
As I recall, it was the performance of Growin’ Up from the Live 75-85 boxed set. George Springsteen passed in 1998, but at least Adele got to see their son become an author.
Bruuuuce The best bit of that is the disclaimer by some news articles that “he only had a tiny part” :-D
@Amir Khalid: Excellent. I thought it was “Growin’ Up”, though since I tend to listen to live shows (including but by no means limited to the official release), I would be inclined to designate it as from the 1978 (Darkness) or 1980 (The River) tours.
Citizen Scientist
Update from Maine: lots of trump signs within several miles of the NH border; more Hillary signs outside of that. “No” to Question 3; “yes” to Question 1 appear to be the majority view based on yard signs. I think Clinton-Kaine will take southern and coastal Maine, at least, but what do I know? I only got a minor in poli sci.
Citizen Scientist
@Bruuuuce: good luck to the Mets. It’s been tough being a Phillies fan this year.
When I woke up I was smiling inside as I thought of that Walter video last night, and this song began to play in my head. Lovely Day. Really, I could dedicate it to him on the radio, because it describes what Walt does for me.
Today’s probably going to center around a Persian cat we took in on Monday. Found him sitting in the middle of the road, half starved to death and looking like he’d been out on his own for a couple of weeks at least: leaves in his fur, mats in his tail, fleas of course. Poor fellow’s got a peke-face and probably can’t hunt to save his life (literally). So since he was friendly, I brought him to our place and sequestered him in a bathroom while I put together a makeshift litter box and some of our other cats’ kibble. He threw himself at the food and kept it down, then kept down some canned food as well.
Fast-forward to today, after five days of 9-12 oz of kitten-formula canned food per day, he’s steadily putting on weight. You can still see his ribs, but he doesn’t look as frighteningly thin, and his belly doesn’t protrude as dramatically after a meal. He got a clean bill of health from the vet (negative for both FIV and FeLV, hooray!), is now flea-free and getting worming meds to be safe, and got boosters for rabies and FVRCP. And this cat… he is such a love: purrs as soon as you walk in the room, winds around your legs to ask for food or petting, flops next to you to have his belly scritched, climbs on your lap and goes to sleep, patiently lets you wipe his eyes and clean his chin, etc. He looks like an Ewok, so while we were initially calling him El Gatito Purrdito, I’ve taken to calling him Wicket.
Today I’m going to try giving him a good brushing and bathing to get the remaining dirt and such out of his coat. Fortunately (?) he’d been given a very close clip before he escaped or (more likely) was dumped, so his fur is in better shape than it would be if he’d been wandering the woods with a full Persian coat.
I’m not sure if we can keep him – we have three other cats and a high-prey-drive dog who chases any cat who’s not in her pack – but we’re starting the introduction process, and I’m in touch with a local Persian rescue in case it doesn’t work out. One way or another, he’s going to have a loving forever home.
Amir Khalid
Best of luck to you and Wicket.
@Anne: Thank you for sharing. With all the crap going on in politics now, the story is a reminder of the kindness of ordinary people. If he is adopted out, I hope they keep the name.
I got dressed and got myself to eat. That’s my big win for the day. Hopefully I will eat again today. Was thinking of seeing a movie. Then Tim Burton opened his fat mouth. Maybe queen of katwe. Until theaters open, doing some ink painting for inktober.
Thanks for Bruce. If I’d been there, I’d have been screaming, too …
@Citizen Scientist: Not a single Trump sign seen yet at my cousins’ small central Maine town. No Clinton signs sighted either, but one 3/4 mile stretch of road is lined both sides, continuing houses, with signs for Cain (for House Rep Congress) and other local Democratic representatives. Same around town, with a few Repup local candidates.
@Anne: Lovely story. I am going to adopt an older cat hopefully in the next few weeks. Lost my big boy dog about a month ago, and my other dog and I need a friend.
Other than that, go Vols!
@Anne: Great story. Such a lucky cat. Rescued cats seem to have an extra spiritual dimension to them.
@Anne: Thank you so much for doing right by Wicket. He sounds like such a love.
@Amir Khalid: I would buy the clippers. You can give yourself a touch up cut whenever you feel like it. However, if you are buddies with your barber, keep supporting him. YMMV
Thanks, everyone! He’s a sweet little floofball and seems delighted with all the attention he’s getting.
@Bruuuuce: Was the tiny part like his tiny hands?
Steeplejack (tablet)
Jesus, he did a small introductory bit for an extremely soft (phrasing!) Playboy video over 20 years ago. Adam had a link to it, or an article with excerpts, in one of the overnight threads.
Day 2 of Hardly, Strictly Bluegrass in Golden Gate Park.
KT Tunstall, the Allah Las, the Mekons, Kris Kristopherson, a medley of Wales and Gilmores, the Doobie Decibel System, Hot Tuna (electric set), Cindy Lauper, Jackson Brown.
A golden autumn day in the park in San Francisco and good music and vibes abounded.
Soul restoring after a year of sorrow and loss.
Ken T
Great Bruce clip. A masterful showman, how he plays the audience; as well as a fantastic poet and storyteller.