Lovely timing, these people:
Racist Trump twitter has come up with a new coded way to share racial slurs w/ each other and avoid account suspension. pic.twitter.com/J4AmaHFVCd
— Alex Goldman (@AGoldmund) October 1, 2016
If Trump wins, it will be because neo-Nazis helped get out the vote. https://t.co/MY8BOQshjB pic.twitter.com/3tsg7wtYCZ
— Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) September 29, 2016
From the LATimes story [warning: loud autoplay]:
… Trump’s surprise rise to become the GOP presidential nominee, built largely on a willingness to openly criticize minority groups and tap into long-simmering racial divisions, has reenergized white supremacist groups and drawn them into mainstream American politics like nothing seen in decades…
Members are showing up at his rallies, knocking on doors to get out the vote and organizing debate-watching parties. White supremacists are active on social media and their websites report a sharp rise in traffic and visitors, particularly when posting stories and chat forums about the New York businessman.
Stormfront, already one of the oldest and largest white nationalist websites, reported a 600% increase in readership since President Obama’s election, and now has more than one in five threads devoted to Trump. It reportedly had to upgrade its servers recently due to the increased traffic.
“Before Trump, our identity ideas, national ideas, they had no place to go,” said Richard Spencer, president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank based in Arlington, Va…
One California white nationalist leader dug into his own pockets to give $12,000 to launch a pro-Trump super PAC that made robocalls in seven primary states — with more promised before the Nov. 8 election.
“The idea that [Trump] is taking a wrecking ball to ‘political correctness’ excites them,” said Peter Montgomery, who has tracked far right groups as a senior fellow at People for the American Way, the Norman Lear-founded advocacy group. “They’ve been marginalized in our discourse, but he’s really made space for them…. He has energized these folks politically in a way that’s going to have damaging long-term consequences.”…
These are not just the doddering remnants of the Klan, though there are elements of that. It’s also a younger generation of tech-savvy millennials who have rebranded themselves as the “alt-right” —or alternative right— movement, a loose collection of white nationalist, anti-establishment groups…
We can only hope the vast majority of those “tech-savvy millenials” are arrested development cases like the Dickensianly-named Palmer Luckey, overaged little boys playing with matches in a shed full of flammables…
One reason every political hashtag on Twitter is filled with racist trolls? The founder of Oculus is funding them: https://t.co/i5fystRP3k
— Anil Dash (@anildash) September 23, 2016
‘Actually, it’s about ethics economic anxiety in gaming political journalism. Also, lulz to haterz.’
A WashPost editorial on the anti-Semitic attack on @anneapplebaum published by Breitbart. Bannon declines comment. https://t.co/gE32Pr7iQ7
— Jackson Diehl (@JacksonDiehl) October 1, 2016
Shamefully bias debate moderator, Lester Holt, has been married to his Jewish wife, Carol Hagen, since 1982.#RiggedElection #MAGA #AltRight pic.twitter.com/V46CPLhOtc
— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) October 2, 2016
Lmao 4chan thinks they can make one of the most recognized brands in the world into a racial slur pic.twitter.com/3YA35QQfF3
— K. Thor Jensen (@kthorjensen) September 23, 2016
Joyce H
I understand that Steve Bannon is actually a rather wealthy man. So how come in every picture of him, he looks like a homeless drunk? Is it some sort of fashion statement?
Open Thread change of pace.
It’s a living, and apparently a damn lucrative one.
I wonder, if these neo-Nazi’s will try to takeover the Republican Party, the way the Christian Right did 30+ years ago.
The Christian Right went from knocking on doors to blitzing elected officials, with letters and phone calls for getting out of line to actually running for elected office and thus took over the Republican Party.
At this point, the Republican Party does not seem to care it is being supported by neo-Nazi’s, as long as they vote Republican. So the GOP seems ripe for a takeover.
What else you expect from hooded racist cowards? Cowardice is in their dna.
These people are terrible. I would like to think there is a structural factor that could be addressed, but more and more it seems they revel in their widely held negative perception. One can only hope the right turns into a self-immolating grifting operation and leaves the rest of us alone.
Patricia Kayden
@gene108: I don’t think it’s a stretch for the alt-right to take over the Republican Party given that Bannon is now running Trump’s campaign. By 2020, the next Republican Presidential Candidate will know to be subtler with his bigotry.
@Patricia Kayden: A competent version of Donald Trump. I guarantee you Ted Cruz is on it!
Neil W
“It’s dumb and cringy…” is right. Calling someone a “google” doesn’t have the weight and history of other slurs. It’s like if instead of calling me a dick, someone called me pee-pee. It’s still rude, but I’m more puzzled by the other person’s choice of words, and amused at using baby language.
Still, nice of them to publish a list of the correct words used by the politically minded alt-right.
Glad you posted this. I think we have been too complacent about aging of population helping us. But I’ve seen a lot on these guys. They’re not going to help us.
I don’t get that either, David. I mean a committed Caucasian family man woulda been able to breeze through two more marriages easy peasy.
Anne Laurie
@Neil W:
That’s why I included that last tweet (hesitant as I am to give these people more publicity, which is what they crave). There seems to be a theory that Google and the other giant search engines are “censoring” their proud racism, so they can “fight back” by using the brand names as Sooper Sekrit Brand Identifiers. Which is logic befitting a rules-lawyering middle schooler, so, easily grasped by all the other neo-Nazis and RWNJs…
Bannon looks exactly like my 60 year old alcoholic, never-married, right-wing recluse brother-in-law who lives in the woods of Idaho, shooting guns and hating on liberals 24/7/365. He is a sad piece of shit who even his family rejects and is ashamed of. Something about constant hate aging people in a very ugly way…
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Patricia Kayden: The GOP has been doing subtle bigotry since at least Nixon’s Southern Strategy. The
alt-rightWhite Nationalists don’t want subtle, they want in your face. Trump is about as subtle as these fuckers get.Joel
@Ryan: Most of them enjoy the anonymity that the internet provides. Take that away and…
@Patricia Kayden:
1. The traditional GOP was a subtler version of Trump, using dog whistles such as “tax and spend” that their supporters understood to be “spend on ‘those people'”.
2. The white supremacists do not want a subtler, more gentle GOP. They want to be able to use all the racial slurs they can think of in public, without any consequences.
I do not see how the GOP big-brains* are able to square this circle. The forces of subtle racism and loud racism cannot peacefully co-exist.
* And despite the stupidity of many on the Right, there are some very clever political operatives in the GOP, like those behind Operation Red State that used the CU decision to flood down ballot races with attack ads flipping state legislatures in 2010.
Good Morning ☺, Everyone ?
@Patricia Kayden:
So, back to normal you mean?
Keith P.
I have to admit that “fishbucket” is pretty funny.
I Am surprised Duke didn’t point out that the google married a skype! But he did provide a picture so the really slow could get his point.
Jeff Danziger doesn’t fuck around. I love him.
Deplorable even. But we’re not supposed to say that.
@Patricia Kayden:
“You know why Trump lost? He kept speaking in code!”
But but but….
Economic anxiety….
Uh huh
I hate Internet Nazis
The Other Bob
Take over complete. I am pretty sure they are the same people.
They think that they can redefine Google because Dan Savage was successful with Santorum. Never mind that this was a successful because of how much a nobody Santorum is.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Here is the subtext here: Oculus Rift produces a VR head set that both expensive and never works quite right. Google has been developing a VR headset of their own that while buggy, is cheep. So Palmer Luckey is trying to trip up a business rival here.
@rikyrah: My economic anxiety makes me not want republicans anywhere near influencing the economy. They cause recessions and layoffs. Really. I could be perfectly self centered, and fear those emotional idiots greatly. I do care about others and justice, but its funny to me how often real self interests march hand in hand with decency. sparrows and curtain rods….
Jack the Second
@Neil W: It also underscores their goals.
They explicitly say, “If we start using these words, it will make the targets of our hatred angry”.
It’s not about “censorship”, or vague feelings of “liberty”. It is about making other people feel bad. They are angry when people tell them, “you can’t say those things here, and if you continue to, we’ll ask you to leave”, because that prevents them from hurting people. It’s not enough to sit around their dinner tables and private clubs repeating slurs to each other. It’s no good if there’s no one there to be hurt by what they say.
@Patricia Kayden:
there is a power vacuum in the party. it’s crazy to think neo-nazis would take the reins of the GOP but they’re already halfway there.
@Joyce H: The legend is that Bannon trained as a hedge fund manager but instead of matriculating in the New York scene he came to LA, and very early on he got extremely lucky and managed to get 5% of Seinfeld’s revenue in a deal (before it was a hit), and after that he was untouchable and could pretty much act like and do whatever he pleased.
He’s the textbook case of someone who got rich on connections and one break. I guess he makes money on Breitbart now but that was all his equity. Breitbart was bankrolled by Seinfeld ad revenues.
Well, I am afraid the more that is know about the “Great E-mail Snark Hunt” the more slim the chances grow that Ol’ Gray Lady will get that Pulitzer for revealing the perfidious Hillary’s email debacle.
Admittedly, parts of this worry me, but not in the Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, or Donald Trump sense that she may be an ignorant loon. Rather, she is revealed to like many older boomers who came of age when 16 mm films were consider the height of technological innovation in school, and most people still learned things from 1) listening to lectures; 2) reading books and articles; and 3) participating in seminars (e.g. the methods that Plato and Aristotle developed in the 4th century B.C.E. and which the Roman Catholic Scholastics refined and developed into the University and college system in the Middle Ages) to be technologically ignorant. And again, it shows a lack of awareness of how these things can bite one in the butt, especially if everyone else in your bubble has the same blind spots. But at least she won’t Reichstag the Constitution.
@The Other Bob:
Not at all, although there is some overlap. And a good chunk of the alt right people are Libertarians.
I know Duke was just trying to get his disgusting fans to hate Holt more for being married to a Jew, but wtf? Why should these shit-stains care if two people from different despised groups get together and get it on? I guess there’s no understanding mentally ill people.
I don’t mean to make light of mental illness, but in my armchair opinion, when you marinate in that sort of hate for as long as Duke and many of his followers, you’ve induced a mental illness in yourself. Or you picked this thread of hate because of an underlying set of issues that make you predisposed to such evil.
As for Palmer Luckey, I hope his company is the next tech bubble mascot and pops in a glorious wave of froth. Asshole.
@gvg: And this is where our failed media experiment really continues to fail us.
Our track record on the economy with a Dem or a Repub in the W.H. could not be more starkly different. The GOP is terrible for the economy. And over the past several years, we’ve had places like KS and WI show us that similar trends hold true with GOP governors (and MN is proving to be a great counter-example to WI. We raised taxes, great economy. WI cut taxes, wobbly, and with continuing state budget crises).
Yet the dominant narrative for my lifetime has been that the GOP is ‘good for business’, which is code for ‘good for tax cheats’, but grossly false in terms of the actual business of business – making and selling things and having a robust economy. This has been a huge sham propelled by the GOP + media: “Pro-business Republican.”
It’s crap.
Chip Daniels
Racial and gender anxiety/fear/hatred is the only straight line that connects all the features of Trump supporters.
They mention economic stress, but that doesn’t explain why his support comes not from the bottom of the economic pile, but from the middle;
Even something like the theory that immigration curbs are a way ot promoting the working class falls apart when you toss out ideas like a UBI and earned income tax credit, or labor unions, that are tried and true methods of improving the lot of the working class.
No, the one thing they want, what they really, really want is to stick it to somebody, to hurt somebody.
@Jack the Second:
Absolutely this. They want to bully people and feel powerful. It’s a revolt against being civilized towards one another.
“We’re not racists, we just developed a sekrit kode that happens to be 100% racist”.
I for one am glad. If any acquaintance/business person/”friend” ever used one of those terms in my presence I’d know instantly that they were dead to me. So please keep up your Moron MadLibs™. By your deeds we shall know ye. Also, Latinos called and want their forever old term for homosexual back, but I think “Milo” is still available.