This was fast and furious:
In Mike Pence's defense, we wouldn't want to defend Donald Trump, either. #VPDebate
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 5, 2016
by TaMara| 146 Comments
This post is in: Hillary Clinton 2016, Woman in the Whitehouse 2016
This was fast and furious:
In Mike Pence's defense, we wouldn't want to defend Donald Trump, either. #VPDebate
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 5, 2016
Comments are closed.
The pundits, who’ve lamented a lack of substance this election, all proclaimed that Pence won last night because “style trumps substance.”
Pence “won” by lying his ass off and throwing Donald Trump under the bus.
He planted his flag for 2020.
Kaine wasn’t trying to attack Pence directly, but rather drive a wedge between him and Trump, and set up some avenues of attack for Clinton on Sunday.
Your morning reminder to sign up now to volunteer for Clinton — only a month to go. If you haven’t done it before, just find a local event at the link and RSVP. Try it out!
@Soonergrunt: I missed the debate — frankly, Maggie the puppy is a total time suck — but you are 100% right. I’ve listened to some of the commentary and everyone agrees that Pence was not truthful but then concluded he won the debate. I don’t understand. This is one one of the many reasons, we can’t have nice things.
Mike E
@Soonergrunt: yep, somebody seems to be employing strategy… kinda nice to see some adults who know what they’re doing
Just asking: Why is it that Mike Pence gets kudos for being “calm,” but Hillary doesn’t?
I just can’t think what the reason might be…
schrodinger's cat
I want some reporter to ask Trump what happens to the legal immigrants when he comes to power. Is he going to apply his extreme vetting to visitors too?
Bruce K
I believe that in the land of memes, the proper rejoinder to that is to link to Wikipedia’s article listing burn centers in the United States.
Unfortunately, when I clicked on the volunteer link, I got a “sorry, no nearby events” notice. Which is sadly unsurprising, as I’m on the wrong continent…
@Mike E: Especially because I don’t think Kaine is a hatchetman by nature. But he’s willing to play one because that’s what Clinton needs her VP to be. Kaine is doing what he can to help their ticket win – Pence is just looking out for himself,
It’s a damned good ad, and you can bet they wrote Tim Kaine’s briefing book with it in mind.
Kaine was a mensch last night and did exactly what the team needed, even if it did not bring him personal glory.
The follow-up fun will come when Hillary uses this episode to needle Trump during the next debate. “I thought Mike Pence showed real composure during his debate. He told a lot of lies, but at least he knew how to comport himself as a grown-up. How’s your mic, Donald?”
per drew linzer via orange place
Hillz’s chances have gone from the lowest of 62% on sep 24 to 82% today. 20 point jump in less than 2 weeks.
In state polls too, she is either closing the gap or increasing the leads in swing states (per drew) of AZ, CO, FL, GA, IA, MI, NV, NH, NC, OH, PA, VA & WI.
schrodinger's cat
@amk: When voters see her without the distorting lens of the media they like her. Go figure.
Used to think Dan Quayle was the whitest guy to ever run for VP but the title has been ripped away. Pence is a talking potatoe.
It’s not just the campaign. Look at this video that CNN put out.
ETA I don’t seem to be able to link it.
John M. Burt
@Bruce K: Campaigning among expatriates would carry unique challenges, but if the local expat population were large enough (in Tokyo or London, frex), it ought to be done.
TaMara (HFG)
@LAO: Puppeh!! We need pictures. You should send some to me or Anne Laurie to front page.
Patricia Kayden
Pence planted his flag for 2020 to get his behind kicked by the Democratic Presidential candidate. There are too many of us who know exactly who Pence is with his LGBT-hating self. We won’t be voting for him and his partner this time around and we won’t be doing so in 2020. The pundits arguing that he won yesterday can go jump off the nearest cliff.
Ba da bing.
dr. bloor
It’s fast because most of it was in the can before the debate started last night. Kaine’s mission was to elicit material from Pence to round out the ad. For all the handwringing about “rude” and “style points”, Team Kaine likely had no fucks to give about what he looked like getting the goods.
Major Major Major Major
CNN poll has Pence winning, 48/42. So half a point Pence, but a draw, really. Also nobody watched it.
Sam Wang has Hillary at 91% and a Dem senate at 73%. This has been your morning horse race update.
Roger Moore
Sure. That’s because Clinton winning looks likely, so the best way for Kaine to boost himself is to make sure he’s seen as a loyal helper getting her into power. Pence knows he’s unlikely to be VP, so his best shot is to position himself for 2017 and beyond.
Perhaps it’s something about Indiana. They grow them especially white and stupid.
If she said that at the beginning of the debate, she could follow the script of the SNL skit…”No, no, he can have my time.”
HRCs team is just better. I freaking knew Kaines goals last night were specific one of biggies was getting good ads from the debate.
@Patricia Kayden: Pence has the advantage that no one is paying attention to his actual views. That won’t be true in 2020.
(In moderation) (my comment, not all things)
dr. bloor
@srv: abc fact check clarified that the returns were actually released after Nixon became president, and rated Kaine’s claim that Nixon released while being audited–which was the crux of it–as true.
@srv: Good to know once again the gop crookedness goes always back to tricky dicky.
Corner Stone
Just getting around to reading the Vanity Fair piece with Graydon Carter spilling on Trump. Sorry if it’s been laughed at before but this was tremendous and stupendous:
@trollhattan: “Pence is a talking potatoe”
I thought Jezebel was funny with calling him “jar of talking mayonnaise” but yours is much better!!
I think the statement was that Nixon released his tax returns while under audit, not that he did during the campaign.
ETA: What dr. bloor said.
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
So, does anyone here think Kaine and the Clinton team expected Pence to run away from Trump like this? I am inclined to think Kaine was coached to turn the debate into a discussion of how Trump sucks, and when Pence picked the oddball tactic of pretending Trump doesn’t exist, Kaine adapted and sniped at Trump by forcing Pence to deny him repeatedly.
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: What had Pence been saying pre-debate?
Aren’t they both from Indiana?
@Patricia Kayden: if this was a just world those pundits wouldn’t be allowed near a mic again in their lives.
News at 11: News
analystliar admires political liar for their smooth delivery while lying.Bobby Thomson
@LAO: I have the same reaction when people talk about how smart various racists are.
There is something about Indiana. My mother got us out of our little town in the sixties, because, as she declared, “They won’t let you live.”
As nice a bunch of people as anyone can be with the multiple oppressive weights of tradition, fundamentalist religion, small town caste structure, agri-business, and the Midwest version of good-old-boys. In other words, fearful and paranoid and desperate.
When we visited several years ago for my grandmother’s funeral, it was a flat expanse of the most rude and xenophobic people I have ever encountered. The act of asking about a nearby bookstore triggered a retail version of Lord of the Flies.
Gin & Tonic
@Major Major Major Major:
Anybody notice that a pence is worth about a ruble these days?
Ba da bing.
dr. bloor
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: Pence had a limited number of options in responding to Kaine’s questions and claims, all of which were going to take him down to Trump’s level or force him to run away from Trump. They probably had three or four ad set-ups ready to go, and used the one that fit Pence’s responses.
Patricia Kayden
You’ve piqued my curiosity. What does this mean?
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
Apparently the best military supporting patriots still don’t know what a Blue Star Service pin is. They had yet another freak out because Kaine wore one last night.
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
I have no idea. He’s the Vice Presidential candidate. Nobody was paying any attention to him.
@trollhattan: *golf clap*
@trollhattan: A potato would make more sense and not lie, plus they make great fries!
Patricia Kayden
@Major Major Major Major: YAY for the Sam Wang prediction. Can breathe a bit easier now although we’re all on pins and needles about Assange’s “October Surprise”. Just joking.
Major Major Major Major
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: Did they think it was the Honduran flag again?
Wait a second, are the Dems actually using *strategy*? Are we even allowed to do that? This is chess while the other side draws with its poo.
@hovercraft: There was that TV series, Eerie Indiana. And the old saying that no one knows what time it is in Indiana because the state was split into areas in different time zones that did or did not observe daylight savings. All a commie plot, of course.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Major Major Major Major: I think Japanese was mentioned in one tweet.
Patricia Kayden
@amk: I’m shocked at how close it is in Georgia. Wasn’t expecting Secretary Clinton to be doing so well there. Also, looks like she’s inching up nicely in Ohio. This is great news all around.
@trollhattan: I see what you did there.
@John M. Burt: Optics of foreign campaigning aside, I can’t imagine even the largest expat communities amount to much more than 5 digits of voters. There’s a lot of hurdles to jump for very few votes.
Major Major Major Major
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: It’s amazing how they can’t seem to find something that even has the same colors.
@TaMara (HFG):
I have a new found respect for John Cole — action pictures are impossible with her, she is a perpetual motion machine. I’ll work on it though cause she is a really cute mutt.
Major Major Major Major
@Trentrunner: Mike Pence is calmer than you are.
I do find him extremely dull though, in a way that Hillary is not. He’s just unflappable.
did the brexit racist campaign for the carnival barker yet?
Kaine’s effort could be seen as part of an attempt to get Trump as mad as possible before Sunday, so he’ll go off his preparation and spend his time bringing up all those issues again by defending himself. The more the media/twitter mentions that Pence didn’t defend him, the greater his compulsion to answer.
Why do people here assume that mike dunce will run in 2020?
Felonius Monk
MSNBC just had Andrea Mitchell interviewing Tom Brokaw. Reminded me of Mad Magazine’s Spy vs Spy, except it was Hack vs Hack.
So sad when MSM is reduced to interviewing each other on the sate of the horse race.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Roger Moore:
Yes, for Pence, his future’s so bright, he’s gotta, uh, buy a good flashlight.
To ad infinitum and beyond!
Major Major Major Major
@amk: Because Pence seems to be assuming it.
@amk: the brexit racist has issues of his own back in brexitland to contend with. His team lost its leader after 18 days, which somehow makes it seem like a brexitland management trend.
The supposed Dem “insults” that offended Pence were just team Clinton quoting Trump. This is how warped the Republican party has gotten, they’ve spent so much energy manufacturing their own reality that they now barely recognize objective reality.
The problem with Trump & Pence is that they think they can sucker the country into electing them, they think they can “win” with lies, distortions and hogwash. There’s something seriously unbalanced about today’s true believers on the right, and Clinton and Kaine need to make that point more loudly.
@srv: Well, if Nixon didn’t do it, then why should Trump? That’s a winning slogan, met with responses of either 1) Nixon proved to be a crook or 2) who’s Nixon?
@schrodinger’s cat: I don’t see how he wouldn’t. If the premise of the immigration crisis that the GOP has invented is that Obama hasn’t done any vetting on anyone (and secretly wants to let in Muslims to take over the country). So I can’t see why they wouldn’t change the status of legal immigrants to “provisional-under review”.
Enhanced Voting Techinques
@Corner Stone: I thought so, there must be an endless list of people who have scammed The Donald over the years that he won’t admit to.
@Felonius Monk:
I’m assuming it was something like this: “What do you think people will think about what the candidates said, and do you think the candidates succeeded in managing expectations for how people would have been about to have begun to think about what they said if they had said it differently?”
@Soonergrunt: Listened to the debate in the car; Kaine was fantastic. If 1/2 the media and focus groups were blindfolded it would be a different story.
Amir Khalid
Presidential ambishuns, they all haz it.
@amk: Because 20+ Republicans will run in 2020 if Trump loses. Why wouldn’t Pence be one of them? It’s not like he is going to have a real job then to get in the way.
@hovercraft: All I know is the whole universe (not just Indiana) got knocked off course when Doghouse Riley died.
@scav: LOL. What a clowns’ show for a party. Amazing how the limeys fell for their crap and voted against their own interests.
@Felonius Monk:
Wait – so did Andrea Mitchell hoist a refrigerator up in the air and convince Brokaw to stand under it while she dropped it on him? If so I’m off to find the YouTube clips…
Didn’t Pence get his start on the old TV show “Thunderbirds Are Go”?
During the debate I learned he used to have his own radio show. That explains a lot. Those talk radio dudes love making shit up.
@WereBear: Being from Chicago, I’ve been programmed from birth to detest everything and anyone from Indiana. But honestly, it’s a third-world country. Backwards people that are angry and aggressive. Like Kentuckians on speed or Tennesseans with less education. Just a cesspool of trash, with perhaps only West Laffy and Bloomington as reasonable areas.
@amk: Because like Christie and other Republican governors before him, his state populace hates him so he can’t do anything else but run for President.
ok, ok, guyz. No need to pile on.
I accept mikey will run in 2020.
@Felonius Monk: It’s all up to them now to keep the horse race exciting, and they seem up for the job. Must keep the spectators in the bar til closing.
Amir Khalid
At that point they’ll have to start calling it a Klown Bus, which kind of ruins the alliteration.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: you would have thought they’d have paid a tiny bit of attention since they had the exact same freak out during the convention when Clinton introduced him wearing the same lapel pin.
Roger Moore
He’s a Republican, he’s legally eligible, and he has a pulse. That makes him a leading candidate by this year’s formula.
@Punchy: We live in the southern hilly/valley half, near Batesville and keep pretty much to ourselves. Daughter lives in Bloomington and could not wait to gtf out of here. I love our wildlife sanctuary so I won’t move (some ass would plow it all under and plant GMO corn). My neighbors are harmless, half are Dems, believe it or not, and most are NOT native as they are from all over the place (Cali to NYC). We are military/airline career so we moved all the time and settled here. Cheap land, cheaper taxes, lots of ability to do your own thing.
@LAO: As seen with Walter, video snippets work equally well.
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
They had no reason to listen to an explanation then, and no reason to listen to an explanation now, so it’s only natural they’d freak out again.
@sukabi: That would imply learning from experience and the past. Big assumption.
OT A long read from back in 1996 This is just a taste, but ti’s a trip down memory lane,.
Hating Hillary
Hillary Clinton has been trashed right and left—but what’s really fuelling the furies?
By Henry Louis Gates
Matt McIrvin
@Larkspur: I heard somewhere that David Bowie was the pin holding the structure of reality together.
@Amir Khalid: Bozo Bus (subject to trademark infringement claims).
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@sukabi: Conservatives in this country are mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence.
@Enhanced Voting Techinques: Not literally a scam, but one of the funniest Trump stories concerns the financial arrangement between Trump and the writer of Art of the Deal. From the New Yorker article about the writer (technically the ghostwriter, but since Trump wrote none of it…)
So, the deal for the book that supposedly documented Trump’s savvy represented a dimwitted give away of millions by Trump. True poetic justice.
Major Major Major Major
@Matt McIrvin: That does seem to have been the case.
This election as a high school classroom. An analogy in three parts.
History test review, part one
Teacher: Let’s go over the questions that will be on tomorrow’s test. I’ll call on each of you in turn to see what you know. Hillary, let’s start with you. When did World War II begin?
Hilary: World War II began on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland, leading to declarations of war by Britain and France. However, some say that earlier conflicts that decade should also be considered part of WW2, such as the Sino-Japanese war, the..
Teacher: Yes, yes, Hillary, it’s very clear you’re well-prepared for tomorrow’s test.
(Hillary does a little shimmy)
Donald: Hillary is a stupid, ugly, suck-upping nerd!
Teacher: Donald! You’re not allowed to talk like that in my classroom! Are you even ready for tomorrow’s test?
Donald: Of course I am! I have the best brain! I’m going to get so many right answers, you’ll get sick of giving me A’s!
(Teacher rolls eyes)
Wonderful. Love Gates Finding Your Roots PBS series too.
@Roger Moore: You should say: “He’s an old white guy. Who else can run in a thug party for the President. It is called the White House for a reason, too.”
History test review, part two
Teacher: Let’s move on to Mike. Mike, what nations were the three leading Axis powers?
Tim: Oh, I know, I know! Germany, Italy, and Japan!
Teacher: That’s correct, but I’ll remind you, Tim, not to talk out of turn. Let’s return to Mike. What system of government existed in Nazi Germany?
Mike: Democracy.
Tim: Nuh-uh! It was fascism! Just like what your buddy Donnie believes!
Mike: Teacher, Tim is insulting us!
(Meanwhile, Donald grins and lifts up his shirt sleeve to show off his swastika tattoo)
History test review, part three
Teacher: Okay, now it’s your turn, Gary. Name a country that Adolph Hitler invaded.
Bill: (whispers to Gary) Poland.
Gary: Uh… a country?
Teacher: Yes, a country.
Bill: (whispers) Czechoslovakia
Gary: You mean, like in America?
Teacher: (sighs) No, in Europe.
Bill: (whispers) Austria
Gary: I don’t know any countries in Europe.
Brilliant, timely, and fast! Kudos to whomever put this one together.
I for one was more than happy to see Kaine register through words and facial expressions — and puppy like enthusiasm! — the total revulsion this pair of wankers elicits in millions of us enduring this long, national nightmare.
Keep on walking into each and every slow, snapping trap, boys. Keep it up. All two inches of it.
@bluefish: But the butt monkey’s – aka news media – isn’t happy since pople actting nice on the media is what counts; facts, belief, and honesty is for losers.
Mike is a stupider but more gracious version of Cruz. Cruz will run in 2020 as well and there is not room for two self-righteous Christianist haters in the finalist pool. And the Christianists (with White Christian Nationalists) will want their winner. Huckabee and Santorum got creamed quickly this year by Cruz. I do not think that Pence can beat Cruz — but time will tell.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Excellent! Cast that baby and get it onto Broadway at once! Funny stuff….
I’ll go a slightly different direction than everyone else is:
It doesn’t matter if Pence is actually positioning himself to run in 2020. It only matters that Trump believes that’s what Pence was doing when he should have been defending Trump.
Some of today’s headlines
@shomi: You’re an idiot.
@hovercraft: Re: Indiana — I am sorry that Kaine did not get a better opportunity to call Pence a racist like the 7th Circuit did just the day before. But it was too new to make a dent in a sound-bite way. he tried, but it made no sense. “The Federal Courts have found you are a racist” would ave worked for me.
@Punchy: My fav description of Indiana: “Nothing to see and nothing to stop you from seeing it.”
According to Mike Murphy the genius who ran the JEB ! superpac, Ted Cruz was the biggest loser last night, because last night a star was born. And he is now the leader of the pack.
That ad is brutal. Good.
I am praying that this will be a turning point: Twitter and instant internet video replies may mean the end of the Gish Gallop as a Republican debate strategy. The Democrats learned the lesson of the first Obama-Romney debate, and they were ready with an artillery battery loaded, aimed and ready.
gogol's wife
Wow, the Tribune is a shocker.
@Bruce K: Maybe you can make calls?
You can do it from home. Though I don’t know if being on another continent makes that impossible, too.
Rand Careaga
Would it be possible for one of our hosts here to assemble a compilation of srv’s greatest hits from this election cycle? I think it would be good for plenty of chuckles post-November 8.
@hovercraft: Perhaps, but what is Mike Pence going to do for four years? Just run for President? He will not have a platform (like being Governor) and I am not sure he has enough backing to keep him in front of the country without a political position. I will bet a six-pack of you beer choice that Pence will not run in four years.
The next thing you know, there’s gonna be a Mexican thing on every corner!
Major Major Major Major
@Rand Careaga: srv is pretty good at googling balloon-juice history, maybe ask him?
Miss Bianca
@LAO: When she’s asleep…
Meanwhile, Lefty Kitty just got spayed, and I’m supposed to keep her quiet and not jumping on anything or wrassling with Pancho Kitty for 10 days. HA!! She’s already into everything again, her little sassy self!
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
Jesus, you’re serious. Those are real headlines. Trump is going to go apeshit. I can’t imagine what this will mean for the election.
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: Trump won’t see those headlines unless they appear as graphics on Fox News.
Matt McIrvin
@Monala: Bill: (raises hand) Teacher, can I sit next to Hillary now?
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: I had to Google that Tribune one…it’s an opinion piece instead of straight reporting, but still, OUCH!
Money quote:
He’ll get a gig on FOX silly. That’s where all future presidents go to stay in the spotlight, make money and bide their time. He was a talk radio host so he’ll be perfect.
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck:
That I believe was part of the plan, drive him nuts. There were reports that he wasn’t happy that Pence got better reviews than him, but it seems someone was able to convince him to keep his mouth shut and his fingers off the phone (metaphorically speaking). But it is all building, and team Hillary will continue to tweak him and hope it all comes to a head Sunday.
@Gindy51: That’s a pretty area. I’m enjoying being back in a more urban area in South Bend, and because of all the universities it’s pretty diverse. More food choices too.
Amir Khalid
Being years out of office didn’t stop Rick Santorum from running this year. Or Mike Huckabee. Or Jeb Bush. Or Jim Gilmore. Or George Pataki.
I haven’t read all the comments but just now I realized what we just saw: THIS WAS PLANNED, another trap; Kaine risked being seen as uncivil by going on the attack and goading Pence into denying things that Trump had said and they knew he had said on camera. That ad out in less than 12 hours? Masterful; I don’t think the Trump campaign knows what they’re up against. I just hope Americans know who’s really smart and good at defeating the enemies in the larger world.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
holy shit
OUCH. I wonder whose job it is today to supervise the cheeto’s phone.
Is it not possible to direct link to the video?
I’m attempting to share it.
@Bill: There is the Auburn-Cord-Deusenberg museum in Auburn, which is really cool if you love old cars. And they don’t get much better than Cords.
If you click the link button above the comment box, when dialog box comes up delete http that’s already there, then pastes the link you want to include, then click ok, then click link again within the comment section where you want the link to end, then post your comment
He will if Hillary tweets them!
@Cermet: For sure because surfaces beckon the superficial. Then 12 or 48 hours go by and reality begins to set in. Even the talking heads can’t deny it for too too long when it’s just this blatant. (One thing both Kaine and Trump had in common: some seriously garish ties around their respective necks.) How anyone can be pronounced the winner of a debate when he lies repeatedly about basic, on the record statements is just part of what’s made this season so deeply deeply disgusting. Pence walked into the debate craven and leaves it craven plus. O’Donnell did himself proud last night.
LOL I completely asked the wrong question.
How do you direct link to the Clinton ad in the post?
As far as I can tell there is no way to view it except on TheTwit.
Steeplejack (tablet)
Link to the “Indefensible” ad on YouTube.
@Steeplejack (tablet):
Thanks!! My Google-fu was weak and I couldn’t find it.
The gray adder
@Soonergrunt: Like a good offensive lineman, making a hole for the running back to run through for the TD.
I could view it on the Slate.
Link to that version?
A potato is denser than mayonnaise, so yes it is absolutely appropriate.
@Major Major Major Major:
Hard to flap someone like Pence, with that thick a skull it’s pretty difficult.
The ads write themselves. I bet Clinton’s ad makers work about one day a week, their jobs are so easy. The rest of the time they’re probably watching West Wing re-runs. =D
Jay C
@Amir Khalid:
Yeah, but except for Jeb!, where did it get them? They all went nowhere really fast: except for Bush, who took just a little longer to get nowhere…
J R in WV
What other kind of steady paying work with a pension can Pence get?
Other than grifting Republicans for campaign contributions. I guess he was a wing-nut radio guy, I think doing wing-nut radio in rural Indiana would be low-paid at best! Plus not high-profile!
Enhanced Voting Techinques
So Trump is taking credit for Pence debate last night, going on about Pence was his first hire. So I suppose Pence is how Trump sees himself in the first debate.
@Enhanced Voting Techinques: Trump would take credit for the sun rising in the morning if it suited him. Also, he had many hires before Pence and his campaign has had a lot of turnover; public, embarrassing turnover.
J R in WV
There are nice people in Indiana, I’ve met some on rock collecting weekends up there. People are generally helpful, we never ran into blatant hostility from anyone. The south end of the state is really pretty. Rolling green hills.
Captain C
@Immanentize: Or maybe he’ll just never make it past the kiddie table debates.
It’s really not surprising Pence is picked as the “winner”. But it bugs me.
Trump started the first debate by repeating his standard talking points, parrot like, and a lot of people say he did “great” in those first 20 minutes. But my inner Clara Peller was going “where’s the beef?” and I was wondering why no one said “I don’t know, Trump’s been saying that over and over, just claiming he’ll renegotiate those trade deals, and bam, jobs come back. I think his voters are ready to hear some real plans, some real basis for believing he’s not just an inveterate bullshitter”.
Hillary talks out some plans, like she’s dealing with adults who don’t want hear “Jobs. Fleeing. Trade deals! Pennsylvania! Michigan! West Virginia! Trade deals! Jobs FLEEING!” and people say she’s not likable enough. As if Trump-the-asshole is likable?
The Republicans have really learned how to work the refs, or the media are really stupid.
@trollhattan: I see what you did there. Ha.