David Farenthold, who seems to be the only reporter working in DC, has video of Trump talking about women before a 2005 appearance:
“I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says.“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”
“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”
Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.
“Grab them by the pussy,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”
The Bush here is some C-lister named Billy Bush who worked on Access Hollywood.
Update: The Guardian has a report, first published in June, on a lawsuit from a woman who Trump groped. It certainly sounds like something a man who thinks “you can do anything” would do.
In early to make the point that Trump is bragging about SEXUAL ASSAULT here.
This isn’t just “crude talk.”
Disgusting, and about fucking time we have tape of what this vile predator is.
Politically, thing to watch for right now: Does Ryan bow out of tomorrow’s joint appearance w/Trump? If he does, we could looking at the RNC moving Pence to the top of the ticket.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
First cousin to Dumbya and Jeb!, no?
“I was on her like a bitch.” is that 2livecrew? wtf.
gogol's wife
I love the idea that he thinks he’s “a star.”
Holy. Shit.
Christ, this makes me sick.
I swear future historians will look back and be completely befuddled as to why and how a large minority of Americans thought Trump should be President.
Sorry, repost as I really really love this bit. Savor. From the WaPo; final two paras and is he good.
Villago Delenda Est
Nothing says “Presidential” like the musings of Donald Drumpf on women.
@Damien: I was literally nauseated, and I don’t easily. Disgusting.
Planned Parenthood just released a statement calling what Trump described as “sexual assault.” Fucking right.
I had a boss like this. He tried to fuck every female in the office. One of his victims was a black belt… he was in the hospital for a week after she got done with him and lost his job, wife, career, and assets. Too bad no one ever did the same to this waste of biomass…
gogol's wife
It’s literally sick-making.
But I worry that if they somehow get him to step down, Pence might win. But that just means I’m a Democrat.
Good comment on WaPo: “Weep and whine Trumptards. Your cheeto Messiah is fizzling like a beer fart!”
calling Paul Ryan to the very white courtesy phone….
Central Park 5, Disgusting comment, Russia hacking confirmation…and the day is not over with. And it seems someone (or several interested parties) is sitting on heck of an oppo file.
Normally TrumpCo would be ecstatic that this dropped on a Friday afternoon.
However, this particular Friday is 2 days before the next debate, a town-hall style affair with questions from the public. This will not end well for Trump, at least electorally.
Financially, Trump’s always found a way to make a buck after he crashes and burns whatever enterprise he’s “running”. Can you say “Long-Con”?
I thought you could.
I want every evangelical voter asked how they can vote for a man who talks this way.
This is disgusting.
gogol's wife
I said this before, and I’ll say it again, if we dodge this fascist bullet, we should carve on the Washington Monument the following names:
Khizr Khan
Alicia Machado
Kurt Eichenwald
David Farenthold
Villago Delenda Est
@Bill: “He is a devout follower of Jeebus, son of Mammon, just like us.”
@Dexter: during a mother fucking category 3-4 mother fucking hurricane!!!!
ETA: He is “literally” a force of nature.
JosieJ (not Josie)
Oh, please, the RNC ain’t gonna do shit. They’ll stick with Trump until they go down in flames along with him on Election Day.
Nikki Haley, your thoughts please…….
Amaranthine RBG
Screw whatever the debate or town hall rules are — Clinton needs to put a recording of this on a iPhone and tuck it in her pocket and pull it out at an opportune time and just play it on national television and ask Trump questions about it.
[Insert republican with a daughter (other than a trump)] your thoughts please….
@Amaranthine RBG: Would love this. HRC could pull it off.
I am stunned. And disgusted. And I am now afraid of 42% or so of my fellow citizens, like many others.
Keith P.
God can’t love me this much. Gonna be an awesome debate. Even Wolf Blitzer is tearing him up. This is too good of a gift. And the ‘Bill said worse to me privately’ is pretty choice.
Nom de Plume
Said oppo file being the man’s entire life. We haven’t even heard from the people he used to party with at Studio 54 in the ’70s.
The Donald always has yuuuge hurricanes. The best hurricanes.
ETA: But then Drudge says Obama should be blamed for the hurricane. So me all confused.
How can they possibly spin this to make it sound like he’s not bragging about sexual assault? WTF?????
Great moments in American oratory:
Henry: “Give me liberty or give me death!”
Lincoln: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
Roosevelt: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
Trump: “Grab ’em by the p***y.”
gogol's wife
Just locker-room banter. You know, all women know about that.
I caddied at an exclusive country club in the Chicago burbs when I was a kid. This shit it just the way they are. Talk about “entitled”.
@eric: Darling Ivanka said an interview her father was “not a groper”. Sounds just like Pence all of a sudden, with the possibility of starring in both sides of the rebuttal ad.
Even better, Kelly Ayotte.
@gogol’s wife: grab ass
@geg6: Let alone the adultery. They must really really really want Trump to go after Hillary for Bill’s behavior during the debate.
Bullshit. We all saw him groping her on national tv.
@Keith P.: just ask Sean Hannity…..
@scav: It’s just show biz, he’ll blame it on Horrywood!
@raven: Do tell! I worked in the burbs country club scene as well. But to be honest, I was NOT a caddy and never heard this gutter talk. A lot of B-level crass, just not this low. Of course, I curse like a sailor myself during election time, so~
Wolf Blitzer thinks that Trump is in a political crisis. Si I suppose even the MSM thinks that they can not carry water for him anymore. Trump is now up the creek without a paddle. Sunday debate is going to be fun. And there is enough time for him to have a meltdown before that.
@gogol’s wife: Shucks, boys will be boys!
@Bodacious: i have heard “she had a nice ^&%&^” but NEVER “just grab her %^&%” wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy big difference
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
What is this country coming to??!? We can’t even sexually assault women anymore without the PC police coming down on you. This is why America doesn’t win anymore. Sad!
Richard Mayhew
None of the stuff dropping now is deep secrets. A lot of the good reporting is just going through records and cross referencing all the moving parts. Why didn’t/couldn’t one of the Deep Benchers (TM) or a SuperPacs do this in December?
@geg6: Yeah, the other half of the split-screen does somehow just spring to mind. So, along with this, check out about 21:59 at the Guard Livebog for more stuff to throw in.
(For Obama fans and those in need of a break, skim all the way down to 18:03 or so)
Keith P.
If I was on Team Trump, I’d advise him to skip the debate and blame the hurricane. Better than having an undecided voter confront him with this live.
Please, Little Gloves, do not drop out of the race. Stand your ground.
@Bodacious: I looped at Medinah.
@Richard Mayhew: Why, indeed?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: from the google:William Hall Bush was born in Manhattan, New York City,[2] the son of Josephine (née Bradley) and Jonathan Bush, whose older brother George H. W. Bush was the 41st U.S. president. Bush attended middle school at St. Bernard’s School and high school at St. George’s School in Rhode Island,[1] and in 1994 he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and Government from Colby College in Waterville, Maine,[1][3] where he was also a two-time captain of the college’s men’s lacrosse team.[4][5]
He resides in Los Angeles with his wife, Sydney Davis, whom he married on April 4, 1998, and their three daughters: Josephine “Josie”, Mary and Lillie.[3][5] [6]
Bush is an ambassador for Operation Smile.[citation needed]
“It was more than ten years ago. He has changed since then. He was kidding; can’t you take a joke? It was a private conversation…”
Need I go on? Fer pete’s sake, the man has got more teflon on than W ever did. I’m afraid now that he can say literally anything and still gain support. People who like him will continue to like him! They like that he’s a bully and that he is crude. He makes me sick every time he opens his mouth, but then I’m a decent human being.
Princess (now General) Leia
Just a ruse to put Pence at the top of the ticket….
The entire nation, at least those who watched the RNC say her father group her, so um she’s lying.
@gogol’s wife:
a new set of heads on Mt Rushmore would be even better.
Think about it: Trump is going to dominate a Friday news cycle that includes the worst Florida hurricane in a decade. Nice job, Donnie!
@srv: Had Teddy R said “If you have them by the p***y,…” it would have meant something entirely different, I’m afraid.
Twitter says Ryan WILL appear with Trump tomorrow.
Going down with the sinking ship, I see…
Stockholm syndrome.
@donnah: And don’t forget: “Someone who isn’t running for president said things that were way worse…”
If there’s anyone orchestrating this steady drip-drip-drip of Trump atrocities to induce maximum unhinged-ness in His Orangeness (to encourage maximal own goals), they’re far more disciplined than I could bring myself to be–I’d have an overpowering urge to just drop everything on him like a ton of bricks and destroy him. This is disgusting.
Alternatively, the man has so many corpses in the closet that the putrid stench was going to start leaking out sooner or later. I’d like to believe that fortune favors us that much, that it’s coming out with this timing.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
Social Justice Warriors run amok.
Mike in NC
He’ll send Pence to do the debate on Sunday night because of an urgent need to survey the hurricane damage at Mar-A-Lago. That’s the ticket!
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Wow! I thought you were joking, but no, according to Wikipedia it’s true!
(And what is it with NBC hiring members of the Bush family, anyhow?)
@PPCLI: Stolen!
Keith P.
Heh, Fox is running a segment about Obama criticizing Hillary during the 2008 primaries.Weak sauce
@PPCLI: I’m rather amused that as a part of his justification — a justification that his base will embrace whole-heartedly — involves him cozying up on the golf course with the husband of the woman that is the arch-enemy (and who is, in fact, a former arch-enemy in his own right Is Trump just proving his’s big enough to get away with the Christie Hug?)
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch:
They’re afraid of Bar calling to yell at them.
We had no patience for Ryan Lochte’s youthful exuberance at the ripe old age of 32, and they think they can sell this as the youthful exuberance of a 59 year old? Good luck with that. They’d do better claiming that he was having some sort of a mid life crisis, but even that doesn’t explain his bragging about groping women. Unwanted sexual contact is sexual assault.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
As I said in the thread below, it’s quite possible that Bill Clinton has said stuff this crass, but he wasn’t stupid enough to say it when there was a tape recorder nearby.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
That’s plausible. I know I would be.
@Trentrunner: Ryan’s wife, on the other hand …
@Richard Mayhew: Precisely where I come down. The Republican primary field was quite large, almost huge. And not one of them had the courage to dig into any of this and throw it at Trump. Each and every one of them stood meekly by, took Trump’s abuse, and asked for more.
If any of that lot tries to run again in 2020, they should be daily reminded that they all supported Trump in 2016.
Bubba may not know how to keep it in his pants, but he’s not stupid. Many people say things in private that they would never say on the record. Trump was on a bus with the media, with the mic already hooked on. He voluntarily went on Howard Stern and spoke about women as if their only purpose was to serve him and please him. He is a disgusting pig. Scum.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: This seriously makes me wonder about Jeb!s oppo research people.
The Republican party could have stopped this fucker any time they wanted to. They didn’t want to.
The only way that this could be more entertaining is if Trump tried the strategy of so many Republicans before him: Jesus has forgiven me for this, so who are you to question him?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@gratuitous: they each imagined themselves becoming the last chance of the Establishment, and a chummy endorsement during which their good friend Donald would urge all his howler monkeys to vote for him (sorry Carly).
ETA: and they probably spent that money interviewing Facebook posters in Nebraska with interesting theories about Benghazi
I can’t believe a media professional like Roger Ailes hasn’t given his candidate a good talking to about this sort of OH RIGHT
CNN is talking about him coming out to issue a real apology, forget his run for president, but for his long term reputation after the presidential campaign in November. Donnie Deuch also said the election ended at 4.01 pm today. I don’t necessarily agree with them, but I think it’s close to over for him.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
It seems a lifetime ago now, but it was only last Sunday when Rudy “NounVerb911” Giuliani said (basically) that it’s fine for him and everyone to commit adultery, you just go to confession ✔️, penance ✔️, absolution ✔️, and Bob’s your uncle!
@hovercraft: Before running for president, Donald Trump’s reputation was that he was a vulgar pig and celebrity clown. He didn’t have a long term reputation before, and he won’t have one afterwards. He fully deserves to be a laughingstock and to bring down his shit-show of a family with him.
Lurking Canadian
@msdc: BRINKS TRUCKS backing up!
@gogol’s wife:
Tis true.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Has anyone asked the fundamentalist evangelical Pence how he feels now, as running mate to a man who says such things? (If the VP debate is any indication, of course, he’ll just shake his head and say “Mr. Trump never said those things.” He hasn’t learned much, but he sure has learned the Trumpian Art of Lying Through One’s Teeth.)
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch:
Never forget, divorcing your wife to marry your mistress is totally moral, but reconciling with your wife and repairing your marriage is evidence of total moral bankruptcy.
I believe the Clinton camp is beginning to unpack it’s opposition research. I’ve been waiting for this.
They’re a little like NBA timeouts: no point saving them for the next game.
He’s going to have bigger problems now, his “business” has been exposed as basically a ponzi scheme, his reputation is actually worse than it’s ever been. His only true value at this point was his name, and he’s been losing business at his properties over the last year and a half, before his latest scandals.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
I almost, almost feel a little bit sorry for his kids.
Okay, not really.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: Tiffany and Barron, who may be saved from excess exposure by a massive stroke in short time
By the end of the year, Trump won’t exist. He’ll never have run for President. The Republicans have never heard of him.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Me too. And apart from anything else, they have an exquisite sense of timing.
(Fucking a little bit with the media, too. Because it wasn’t a busy enough news day for them….)
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Maybe. I guess time will tell.
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch:
Not even a little bit. Okay maybe Tiffany and Barron, but even then just a thimbles worth.
@redshirt: Sure they heard of him. Trump was the liberal, NYC Democrat whom Hill and Bill convinced to run for Prez on the GOP side, so that they could sneak back into the White House. The Clintons attended one of Trump’s weddings, Trump contributed money to the Clintons and other Dems, and Trump was a pro choice, pro gay rights guy to boot. AND, Trump strayed from GOP orthodoxy on Free Trade and the Ever and Continuing Rightness of the Iraq Invasion. Think about it. Crony capitalist? Check, just like Soros, Gates, etc. Womanizer? Just like Bill Clinton, right? Racist? Sure, like Senator Byrd, Justice Black, Jefferson Davis, and so on. Anti Semite? Of course, just like all those lefties…
Sounds silly, but they are already saying stuff like this on RedState and Patterico and such-like places. Trump: not a conservative, not a Republican, but a liberal Democrat. That being the case, why is he their fault?
@redshirt: Yes, the Minstry of Truth is already working overtime to PhotoShop him into the memory hole.
Villago Delenda Est
@Richard Mayhew: No one wanted to derail the ratings train.
I Am Not King Jon Snow
My understanding of the RNC rules is that there’s no way to replace Trump on the ticket unless he resigns, which isn’t going to happen. If he did that he’d be known forever as a loser AND a quitter. Far better to soldier on, lose, and then blame the GOP establishment for abandoning him. I suspect that millions on Trumpers will have no trouble buying that.
Moreover, isn’t it too late to replace Trump on the ballot anyway? Even if he dropped out, wouldn’t his name still be on the ballot?
I assume the party cuts Trump loose and quickly pivots to a “don’t give Hillary a blank check” type-message. Hard to see any other realistic option for them. But I’ve been wrong about Trump so many times, there’s no way to be sure how this will play out.
In any event, there should be a huge audience for that Sunday debate, assuming Trump shows up.
Villago Delenda Est
@philadelphialawyer: Also, too, look at his most rabid supporters: Stormfront, the KKK, white nationalists…liberals all!
@Villago Delenda Est: Absolutely! Just ask Jonah….
Mods, I’m in moderation–I think my link-fu failed…
Villago Delenda Est
@Nom de Plume:
His comrades in “Trump’s Vietnam.”
@Damien: what should make everyone sick, is that our “media betters” have access to all drumpfs crap and have chosen to promote him as a viable candidate, instead of exposing him as a parasitic, entitled, asshole.
Original Lee
I want Trump to stay in the race. I want him to think he’s going to win all the way up to when the polls close. I want him to lose very very badly, so badly that he’ll set a new world record for losing. I do NOT want him to drop out for any reason whatsoever before Election Day. Because all of the reasonable Republicans who have convinced themselves to vote for Hillary after all as their part in preventing Hitler 2.0 from becoming President will pivot in an instant and vote for whoever it is on the top of the ticket, because almost anyone is better than Trump. And the GOP will win big.
I have been wondering about the impact of early voting on the Trump candidacy, though. Some of this stuff is coming out too late for anyone persuadable to change their vote. Is early voting more than 1% of the expected vote?
@I Am Not King Jon Snow:
Already have my (ginormous CA) voter’s pamphlet. Assume my mail ballot is…in the mail to me. Yup, Trump is baked in no matter what.
Midlife crisis? I had one of those. I bought a Porsche. That’s s how normal men deal with a midlife crisis. You do not sexually assault anyone, or talk in the vicinity of an open mic about it.
Here’s a disinheartening fact that my 83 year old dad and I were talking about today: this kind of absolute horror is oozing out into the public realm DESPITE Trump’s incredibly litigious nature and his seemingly obsessive use of non disclosure agreements. This bile is the stuff that he apparently thought was so okay and “normal” that there was no need at all to worry about hiding it behind one of his many NDAs. We shudder to think what we would be seeing / hearing if Trump didn’t have such a vast amount of his business and personal interactions locked down behind the walls of those non disclosure agreements. The mind boggles.
Dad, who is an ex-army, tough-as-nails, former Republican, country farmboy (Some background so you can get an idea of just who he is: I once saw the man accidentally cut off the end of his finger with a chainsaw and casually ask my mother to bring him “some mercurochrome and a Band-Aid, please. Hospital? It’s just a finger cut, honey!” and then as a calm aside: “don’t worry kids – Daddy’s fine; just look away from it and get me that handkerchief out of my back pocket, then go on in the house, will you please?” while my brother and I watched in stunned, horrified amazement as blood arced out of the end of the severed digit; but that’s a story outdone by his stint as a leprechaun and his Lady Godiva-meets-Superman motorcycle ride and SO many others) tells everyone he knows (many of them die-hard conservatives who are Trumpers all the way, who he sees at the target shooting range, the VFW hall, class reunions, etc) that only a person who is terrified of the world seeing how weak they really are bullies and harasses people with less money or fewer resources.
Imagine the kerfluffle as he calmly, repeatedly announces his support for President Obama and for background checks, for equal pay, for a living wage, and for women’s reproductive rights at the monthly lunch get-togethers at a favorite rural diner, all the while wearing his “working clothes”: his John Deere cap, his well-used jeans, and his flannel shirt and suspenders. (It’s only in the past three years that my mother has finally convinced him to try sneakers. He’s now all in for a good comfy pair of Nikes or New Balance!!) His taking the Trumpers to school when they spew nonsense is a thing of beauty. Love that savvy old guy with all my heart!
@Archon: a large minority’s of Americans are dumb, spiteful, bootliking assholes. All western culture (at least) have a certain percentage of those. The American percentage seems possibly larger than elsewhere, but be that as it may, a 30 year organized campaign of subversion has unified these animals and freed them of all customary and legal constraint. They will have to be dealt with one way or another. Our civilization and our planet can not afford to suffer them.
Amir Khalid
I think not. Too many people have had a hand in exposing Trump for what he is. All those heads on Mt Rushmore, and it would start to look like the cover of Sgt Pepper.