Sitting here waiting for the repair guys while the repair guys work. Hoping everyone is surviving the storm ok. I’ve only experienced one hurricane – Gloria, which hit New England in Sept 1985. We were without electricity for a solid week, the bowling alley down the street lost its roof, but other than that, not much else to write home about in our neighborhood.
My Grandfather died in hurricane Donna (I think) in 1960 – not directly from the hurricane, but from a medical emergency – and I suspect treatment was delayed because of the hurricane.
I’m feeling a little nostalgic today. What’s everyone else doing this afternoon? Open thread.
i’m sitting here hoping that stupid storm makes its right turn soon and hard. i don’t need any more rain.
So far today, Trump
– has said again he thinks the Central Park 5 are guilty, despite their DNA-based exoneration, and compensation for their wrongful incarceration;
– has said that illegals are streaming over the border so they can vote in our election;
– has cut ad buys in key swing states (FL, IA, PA, ME, NC)
Sunday’s debate should be AWESOME.
Keith P.
Waiting on a paycheck…first one in months. Damn thing got sent FedEx, which shows up as being delivered by *8PM* today. Problem is, I have dialysis that I have to go to at 5pm. So the decision is – do I sit around here and hope that the check does actually arrive and isn’t subject to one of those snafus where I never get the package and have to wait until the next business day (Monday), or do I go get my required medical treatment?
This is *exactly* why I hate dealing with people. Every goddamn interaction refuses to go smoothly, resulting in me having to spend a half hour calling multiple people to get a vague “answer”. And the end result is just higher blood pressure. Maybe Trump running us into WWIII won’t be so bad after all, because then I won’t be alone in my misery.
Steinbeck: The fury of Hurricane Donna
Corner Stone
@Trentrunner: I just posted something about this in previous thread, re: Central Park Five. WTF?
schrodinger's cat
Me too.
Swades tugs at the heart strings
Shah Rukh Khan’s character feels nostalgic for his ancestral village and feels the pull of home.
Music composed and sung by A. R. Rahman (he also composed Slumdog Millionaire’s score).
TaMara (HFG)
@raven: That is fascinating to read. My parents were newlyweds stationed at Offutt Air Base so they missed it and no one in my family talks about it much, but it sounds like it was pretty bad when it hit New England.
i saw my first Trump ad last night (here in NC)… some woman said she fought off an attacker using a gun. then she said Clinton was going to take away her gun and make her less safe.
Deborah Ross, the NC D Senate candidate is getting pummeled by ads accusing her ‘liberal values’ of making her vote to coddle sex offenders.
that’ll teach me to watch TV live, un-DVR’d.
And the Scottsboro boys were guilty as hell and if those damn outside commie agitators and social justice warriors hadn’t interfered they would have gotten what they deserved!
Mike J
Tech dinghies! Pity they didn’t get a picture with some of CBI’s boats, but to get Boston in the background, you kinda have to go to the Cambridge side.
My favorite part of that song has always been, “along with lovers, muggers and thieves (but they’re cool people)”.
WTF? Seriously. WTF?
Where did he say this?
I can’t even imagine Trump’s quislings Rudy G and Big Christie going along with this one.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I heard in a recent podcast that “Slumdog Millionaire” star Dev Patel is excellent in the upcoming film “Lion.”
Keith P.
@Brachiator: Trump said he believes they’re still guilty because they confessed. That will not go over well with minorities who have been arrested before, methinks.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Keith P.:
I’m so sorry you’re having to go through all this additional stress. Can you get a FedEx tracking number from the person who issued payment so you can check every couple of hours to see where it is along the delivery chain? It might give you some useful decision-making information and help you feel a bit more in control of at least this bit of your life. Alternatively or additionally, can you postpone your dialysis appointment by even a few hours?
Try to breathe deeply and slowly. You have a bunch of friends here who are wishing you only the best outcomes on both the health and financial fronts. Good luck and {{{{{hugs}}}}}.
Major Major Major Major
@Trentrunner: @Corner Stone: Jeeeeesus. Christ. On a popsicle stick
Corner Stone
Kerry Sanders is now challenging the storm surge like it was an angered bull in a stadium. What a maroon.
And she has been known to masticate in public with thespians.
Is this snark? Then it needs an emogi. If not, I’m a Nigerian prince who needs a brief loan…
@Trentrunner: Party of Law and Order is really about their being the party that gets to decide the Laws (see also ignoring the dictates of the Supreme Court as well at the SovCit Sheriffs) and everybody else shutting up and obeying their Orders (just immediately do as the cop says, even when in plainclothes and none of this kneeling free speech either. Free speech is for voicing blunt abuse of blahs, wimminz, furriners and muslins.)
ETA: He and Pence are basically lip to lip on mere evidence of innocence having no place whatsoever in the overturning of convictions. There are few other players on this team too that Iv’e forgotten. Someone in TX, I’m sure. Probably Scalia, bless his dust.
@Face: Here’s a complete list of cancellations. Some make sense, others not so much.. list
The campaign is saying that the money is going to be shifted to larger markets, but I guess we’ll see.
Trump just can’t let sh-t go. He still feels justified in leading a lynch mob against a group of young men who turned out to be victims of an aggressive legal system. And like any other Republican, he can’t accept the reality that they didn’t commit the crime.
In Chicago some monkey monk in the catholic church object to Them singing “up to my room” so the wouldn’t play it. A local group The Shadows of Knight with my pal Hawk Wolinski on keys recorded a version that was a regional hit. He went on the play with the Bangor Flying Circus, Madura and then Rufus and wrote “Ain’t Nobody”. Quincy wanted it for Thriller but the Hawk kept his promise to Chaka.
Speaking of Rudy the Deranged, he didn’t pass along this trait to his spawn, luckily.
Each time he speaks I cringe in anticipation of what he’s about to spew. Whatever political capital he once may have had was expended years ago and now he’s just running up an impressively massive debt.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Good lord. Where did he say that about the CP5? Did he volunteer it, or did somebody ask a question about it, or what?
i just wish I could be around a hundred years from now so I could read the thoughtful, reasoned historical analyses of this decidedly unthoughtful, irrational candidate and his campaign. Even the few good journalists writing about him now are too close to the fallout, potential or actual.
@PaulWartenberg2016: For Republicans, failure of the paper bag test means you’re guilty of something.
In crazy family news, OF COURSE the Devil Woman told her kids that they could come to Disneyworld with me and then told me “no” when I was finally able to reach her. Because that’s the kind of asshole she is.
I have a Plan B, though. I suspect the reason she said “no” is because my non-crazy sister-in-law was going to come, so I’m going to see if my Disney-hating mom will be willing to go. My mom hates Disney, but she loves her granddaughters.
@Keith P.:
A demographic that Trump was winning up until today.
Matt McIrvin
@Corner Stone: Larry Wilmore once described Trump as the kind of person who will say something, and then believe it just because he said it.
Markets larger than Florida? Where? New York, Chicago and Los Angeles?
Keith P.
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: Spoken with the local branch (stress factor #18: FedEx Ground is a different *office* from FedEx Express, and they can’t even look up info for each other, so…ANOTHER CALL TO MAKE), and the best they can do is say that while the tracker says 8pm, that driver rarely gets back after 5:30. However, if I wait until, let’s say, 5pm, and it does arrive, I missed my chance to get to the bank. Hopefully, they use a major bank so I can cash it rather than deposit it with BofA, as I need the money now and would preferably defer getting my balance in the black until next week.
The biggest problem is just the stress from it all. As the point man, *I* have to call FedEx and deal with their runaround. Then *I* have to deal with telling my company I might have to take a couple days off next week due to having power cut off. Then *I* have to deal with the guilt trip the dialysis clinic lays on me for showing up late. And my company wants to be the top priority, the electric company will shut off my power regardless, so they’re “the” top priority, and the dialysis people will also do the same shit, only with the “If we’re not your top priority, you will die” crap.
My mom and I picked up our Clinton/Kaine yard signs today!
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
Things that can be wrong in Donald Trump’s world: facts, science, evidence.
Things that cannot be wrong in Donald Trump’s world: Donald Trump. Hence, the Central Park 5 are guilty.
Boston is BOOMING these days. I am always taken aback at the number of high rises going up. Everywhere. So much money. My old Fenway neighborhood is completely transformed. Heck, they’re making new neighborhoods now. For rich people of course.
So far in Southern California, not a lot of Trump or Clinton ads, but a ton of ads have been unleashed on 17 state ballot propositions.
A year before Superstorm Sandy, we were hit with a weird blizzard right before Halloween; fully-leafed trees cracked under the weight of the snow and we were without power for 5 days. So when Sandy was predicted to hit New Jersey right in the kisser, we prepared for the worst. The next day, we were like the only street still with our electricity. It was weird.
@Keith P.:
You aren’t alone in your misery. It’s just the amount of misery that is different. 5 weeks ago I sat with 2 fellas who had open heart surgery. Not too bad, except that they both also have lung cancer. One found out in surgery and the other found out that he has both small and large cell lung cancer. In open heart surgery. I felt much better about my prognosis compared to theirs. Someone asked me if I am an optimist, glass half full and all that. My answer is a conditioned yes, the glass is only 1/32 full now, the last few years it has been 1/8 full. I have no idea what half full is like.
I know you’ve had quite a bit of crap in your life, as you’ve related over time so please understand I’m not preaching here, just offering a different perspective. Good luck with the day and your health.
@Corner Stone: it’s simple really. The Donald is NEVER wrong. And besides the boys were not rich, privileged white boys, so of course they were guilty.
In other words, drumpf is a supremely stupid racist.
schrodinger's cat
@Brachiator: He didn’t impress me in Slumdog or the Marigold Hotel for that matter. I was not enamored by either of those two movies at all. May be he has improved.
I have been goofing off at work and my sister keeps posting these funny videos of this Boston terrier (I think) on her Book of Faces page. I finally gave in and clicked on the link to the dog’s page and I am now completely sucked into the Chronicles of Muffin by Muffin:
@catclub: markets larger than florida = drumpfs properties.
Help! I’m being moderated! I though Alain had fixed the problem with naked links!
@catclub: lol Maybe Dallas or Phoenix is my guess! That would be funny if true.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Keith P.:
It’s hideously frustrating, and again, I’m extremely sympathetic — the more so because in your case these really are life and death decisions.
Do you have someone nearby who can serve as your “champion”? Someone you trust who can make the calls and is willing to sit on hold for half an hour on the phone and deal with banks and FedEx and electric companies on your behalf, and let you deal with your single highest priority, your health.
I reiterate my suggestion to take a few deep, slow breaths. Get the blood pressure down and breathe out as much of the fear and anger and frustration as you can.
All best to you.
Gin & Tonic
@catclub: I dunno, I’m seeing Trump ads on my TV all the time. I don’t know whom he’s trying to reach here: RI, which is D+27, or MA, which is D+23. Brilliant use of funds, if you ask me.
Also, too, I saw Kubo and the Two Strings last night and really loved it. If you like animation (and especially stop-motion animation), you will probably love it, too.
Is there any other kind of racist? If so I hadn’t noticed.
schrodinger's cat
If you want a break from the Trump related crazy: Check out the Weekend Movie Club Dispatch:
A New Poll is up for Classic Dark Comedies.
And the review of Queen
Don’t have a lot of strong memories from childhood, but going outside for a short time to stand in the sunshine and calm while the eye of Donna (category 4) was passing is one I do still retain.
Much fuzzier recollections of Hazel (also category 4) some years before that, which storm traveled all the way up to Toronto. But those might be conflated with either Carol or Edna, as there was a 1-2-3 punch of hurricanes over a 6-week period in the NY/New England area that year.
Also weathered through the torrential rains of Agnes. And Iniki in Hawaii.
I’m thinking that the yammering about voting illegals is him pre-spinning the loss for his asshole white supremacist base. Party internals have to be showing MASSIVE deficiencies.
Remember, he’s a lazy failure imbued with a heavy dose of sociopathy and narcissism – nothing is EVER his fault.
@p.a.: RE: I can’t even imagine Trump’s quislings Rudy G and Big Christie going along with this one.
Rudy G is a former prosecutor. Christie a former US attorney.
If you or anyone else has a quote of them denying DNA evidence, bring it on.
@Keith P.:
This is insane. It should not go over well with anyone capable of rational thought.
“The Donald says that a confession trumps actual physical evidence. Even Kangaroo Courts and crazed mobs say, ‘WTF?’ Details at 11.”
And Republicans think this idiot should be appointing Supreme Court justices? This election is now officially a farce. Trump is not only supplying Clinton with new material she can use to poke him with, he is also providing debate moderators with items for their questions.
At this point, there is no difference between Trump’s utterances and a bad Saturday Night Live skit.
Mike J
@Gin & Tonic: The only trump commercial I’ve seen was during the Sox game last night. Which seems like an expensive buy if they got it from the network (but at least there was a built in Ohio audience). It seems like a really stupid buy if it was a local avail (I can’t imagine why they’d spend any money buying ads in Seattle.)
@Gin & Tonic: Ive only seen one Trump TV ad here in NJ. I had the mute on but it looked like it’d really been made on the cheap. Figures.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Keith P.: I wish things were better for you. I can’t even imagine how horrifying it is.
Rudy will, as always, stammer out some mewling defense. Krispy Kreme will reach around his gut, strain to grab his nut sack, and will waggle it while saying “I got your Central Park 5 right here, fuckstick!!”
Gin & Tonic
@Mike J: I can’t imagine why they’d spend any money buying ads in PVD, but there you are. Chasing 4 EV’s in a state that went 63% Obama in 2012.
@Trentrunner: To clarify: Trump said that FEDERAL agents are letting illegals stream in so that they can vote in this election.
Mega-conspiracy, moon-landing scale.
Of all the stuff that has come from Trump and has been found by journalists since the last debate, it’s the fact that Deadbeat Donald needed to be bailed out by, among other things, a sudden emergency 38 million dollar slush fund from his Dad (in addition to all the other stuff — Daddy buying $3 million of chips as an emergency infusion of cash, etc.) is the one I’m most hoping makes an appearance in debate 2.
If Hilary pushes on the “self – proclaimed self-made man actually needed to be repeatedly bailed out by Daddy” nerve, Trump will blow his stack in short order. Who knows what might come tumbling out at that point.
I’ve seen a bunch of them (but not nearly as many as Clinton ones). And they all look like they were made by a junior high video class. Just terrible.
Clinton’s, OTOH, are uniformly excellent, whether positive or negative.
A little lightness from BBC News:
@Keith P.:
Do you live near any other Juicers? (Yeah, I realize it’s tough to know.) Maybe someone can housesit for you, to get the check while you go for dialysis?
Nice of me to volunteer others, I know.
ETA: And I see Siubhan already suggested as much. We’ll need to remove the “bitch” from your nym, SD, if you keep this up.
@Ruckus: Andrew Sullivan is not an idiot. Neither is Charles Murray. Both are totally racist.
@Keith P.:
Call FedEx and see if they are open on weekends and can hold the package, as you have an appointment in the evening and will pick it up Saturday.
Or see, if they will deliver without a signature required, if you trust folks in your neighborhood to not run off with it.
Keith P.
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: ‘Fraid not on the champion front. I mentioned this on the previous thread, but when my kidneys failed and I needed a donor, I stopped hearing from all but 1 of my friends (did I mention how sick of Houston I am? The flooding, the traffic, and even my choice of friends…maybe Catholic school wasn’t the best choice when I was a kid)
What I really need is a nice joint to take the edge off, but for various reasons, that is not in the cards. I’ve got some blood pressure meds I can take (my hypertension is way too severe for “try to relax” to work), but it’s clonidine, which is effectively a sleeping pill.
@gene108: Oh, god, I don’t even want to think of a neighbor making off with a paycheck. It happened several years ago (they showed up a MONTH later with it and a “sorry”), and I’ve got some neighbor who keeps fucking with my lawn clippings. If that happens, you’ll hear about me on the news brutally killing them with a large kitchen knife…or maybe one of the smaller ones. They’re all razor-sharp and I don’t have much sanity left.
Roger Moore
Besides, if they weren’t guilty of that, they were up to no good in Central Park at that hour, so they were guilty of something else instead.
Heard a great story on BBC World Service yesterday about US voter disenfranchisement. A summary article is up on the website. Fvcking Scott Walker still runs Wisconsin like a mobster and it takes the foreign press to even notice. An excerpt.
Dim memories of Donna hitting the Boston area, as I was pretty small. However, years later, I met a resident of the small Caribbean island of Anguilla, whose mother had died in the same storm. So that one managed to wreck havoc for over a thousand miles, lots of damage across FL and up the east coast.
@Roger Moore: Irrelevant to the rape/attempted murder, but there is strong evidence that some of the five were in fact participating in (much more minor) crimes earlier that evening in Central Park.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Brachiator: They’re both former US Attorneys and both are scumbags. While they both undoubtedly professionally understand scientific exoneration, I doubt either has the brass to confront the Donald.
@Keith P.: Not trying to add to your list of things to do, but if you have money coming in and the power company is threatening to shut off your power, you can call the power company and arrange for an extension of your time to pay. If you’ve already done that, you can probably do it again based on the fact that you can pay by early next week.
It’s called ‘minority outreach’ and I can say that as a black woman. it’s really working. His outreach has convinced me of the importance of my vote for Hillary Clinton. We need all the GOTV help we can get on the democratic side, have to make sure that we at least have a democratic senate. That way we can ram a hole bunch of democratic judges down the throats of the GOP and corporate America, oh and the churches who think their religious beliefs should be enshrined in law. Thanks Shithead.
The President is in our building!!
It’s on lockdown, so that he can vote :)
Never admit you’re wrong, never apologize.
Keith P.
@Diana: Will give that a try. Many thanks for the tip!!! That may be a case where being disabled might actually help me (I’m surprised at how little mileage I get from it, even at jobs!)
The point is that they’ve already sacrificed what little integrity they had, just so they could get a couple of pats on the head from Deadbeat Donnie. What they have (or haven’t) said in the past (as in, three-plus years ago) is immaterial; Giuliani’s gone around the bend, Christie hasn’t, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t spout bullshit if he thought it would help him or Trump.
Lucky you, the closest I’ve gotten to him was at a NYC event at a theater in NYC back in 2008. Small theater only about 150 people. No handshake but we saw him up close and personal.
Roger Moore
@Gin & Tonic:
It’s possible that he’s buying ads on national TV and that’s what you’re seeing. I saw one for him here in California. Either way seems like a huge waste of money.
Well he did tell us that he would be competitive in NY and CA, so he should definitely go all in to prove all of us naysayers wrong.
There actually is no evidence that they were involved in any crimes committed that evening. Were they among the groups of young men who were roaming the city, some of whom assaulted people along the way? Yes. Is there a scintilla of evidence that they were involved in any of those assaults? No. There is not.
Very cool.
In addition to having a disability. Generally, the utility companies are perfectly willing to accommodate someone with a disability. At least, in my experience they are.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@Shell: I grew up in a very snowy place and don’t remember snow ever knocking the power out for more than a couple of hours.
Biggest storm-related outage I ever experienced was in the Washington, DC area, a place that doesn’t get snow, that cancels events if somebody in a 50-mile radius just mentions the word “snow” in casual conversation. And it wasn’t snow that did it: it was an extended freezing rain, i.e. an ice storm. The ice pulled down not just trees and tree limbs, but thousands of individual power lines, and the crews had to string them back up one by one. We stuck it out in our house for 2 days and one night before deciding to move to a motel. Total outage was 4 days IIRC.
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
I don’t understand why you’re choking over this particular statement. This is standard racist shit. That someone else was found to be guilty and the kids were proven innocent is irrelevant. It’s ‘getting off on a technicality.’ To an even moderate racist, a white woman was raped, some black men (boys count) were accused, and that matches how they believe the world works. It’s a settled issue, and evidence against is just a cooked up excuse. The only justice, in their eyes, is that all five be executed. That Trump is willing to drag it up out of history and say it may (rightfully) infuriate minorities, but his base will love it and the ‘voting for Trump anyway’ people won’t care. They won’t consider it a fringe opinion.
@Keith P.:
Then ask FedEx to hold it for pick-up. I’ve been able to do this, so I do
Not have fear about a package going missing on my doorstep.
Roger Moore
I think you can arrange to have it delivered to your local FedEx Office (FKA Kinkos) for pickup. It may be too late to do it today, though.
@Keith P.: I am ever so sorry for both your illness and for life not running smoothly for you at all.
I am dealing with long term illness myself. I imagine having a wax coating around me that helps me deal with bullshit without getting covered in it. Being sick wears off some of that wax coating. Dealing with issues or bad luck, which I used to be able to handle, wears away what little wax coating I have left. Now, things that used to slough off me now can penetrate all the way through. I cannot get away from the caustic things so all I can do is try to build up my wax coating. I have found I can do this in surprising ways, at least a little bit. It won’t be your way, I am sure, but I have found coloring, painting my nails and using some of satby’s awesome creams gives me a small bit of pleasure that is surprising nourishing to my “wax coating”. I hope you both have less aggravation and that you seek out and find small ways that nourish your “wax coating” to help you deal with all the unpleasantness that will undoubtedly come your way. Best wishes.
Yes the only one that I see running here is the NRA one that claims Hillary is going to take away your guns and leave you with just a phone. Which is pretty useless here in Jersey, I’m pretty sure most of us are fine with 911. Maybe that will work down south or in Western Jersey.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@Gin & Tonic: I imagine if you look into the money trail, it means campaign funds are flowing to Trump in some way. Probably to the newly created Trump Ad Agency, which takes the money, spends $20 on pizza to feed the intern willing to actually create the ad, never pays the TV station for the air time, and sends the actual cash to another Trump shell corporation.
And the lawyers haven’t been paid for filing the papers to create the Trump Ad Agency last Tuesday either.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@Keith P.: FedEx and UPS leave packages on my porch, no signature required. I think I must have authorized that at some point in the past, but I don’t recall. But at least it tells you it’s possible to authorize it.
You may even be able to go on their website and authorize it for this particular delivery, although perhaps not if it’s already on the truck.
As much as I detest these two, I am not interested in snark or speculation about what they might say. I would like to see the question put to them, and to actually see whether they endorse Trump over truth and actual evidence.
BTW: I would expect Pence to sign on to this nonsense.
Keith P.
@Humdog: Interesting you mention that wax coating. I’m so fed up with dealing with people that most trips out (grocery store, etc). I go into tunnelvision and shut as much outside stimulus as I can out. But for some reason, people seem to sense that and are drawn towards me and feel compelled to initiate interactions. Weird stuff like randomly asking me to help them grab items off the shelf or pushing their cart right in front of where I’m headed or (my favorite) walking off with my grocery cart. It’s uncanny, particularly because I have what people called “resting asshole face” (I have an intense look on my face with eyebrows that easily look evil, in contrast to Trump’s angry eyebrows). Yet in spite of looking angry/psychotic, it somehow influences people to not leave me alone. It usually ends up bad for everyone involved.
Charles Krauthammer has advice for Trump, Lie.
Doug R
@Keith P.: Call FedEx and ask them to page the driver to show up by four o’clock, or failing that, hold it for pick up at a location open Saturday.
And then, also, too he should take a page from the Sarah hymnal and ignore the questions, spouting whatever comes into his beautiful mind. That’ll show ’em.
You’re luckier than me. I got to see his limo driving the opposite direction once. ?
When I lived on the Westside (of Los Angeles), I got to see Al Gore’s arm waving from the window of his limo.
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym: We lost power for a week in 2012 because of storm related issues. Lots of trees came down all over the area, including a big tree that came down on power lines on a neighboring street. Unfortunately the “street” was technically a private road and the tree trimmers needed the permission of the people who lived on the street in order to take care of the tree. It took about 3 extra days to get that squared away before we got our power back. Delayed getting our Obama staffer moved in too.
Trumps answer to bring back jobs to America would make Sarah Palin proud. Video
Roger Moore
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym:
Places where the weather threatens to knock out the power will often use underground power lines to avoid that kind of problem. Here in Pasadena, we’re in the middle of a very long term plan to do that; every year, a street or two in each city council district is moved from above-ground to underground power lines. In another 70 or 80 years, they should be finished. Honestly! It’s designed as a 100 year plan.
Just posted at 97 with Palinese answer.
Doug R
@PPCLI: I like the way you think.
Your nym-are you in the Canadian armed forces perchance?
TaMara (HFG)
@rikyrah: Picture me screaming like those 16 yr olds in the Beatles videos.
I was in an airport when AirForce 1 took off and the airport was shut down while it happened! It may have caused us to miss a connection.
@Keith P.: keith, if you can, please email me at [email protected]
Just, wow. Talent like that can’t be acquired, it has to be inherited. He’s kind of fascinating, in that watching-the-bug-zapper-at-dusk fashion. Here’s hoping to hell this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
@Keith P.:
Hey, how do you like cold weather? We have medical marijuana and great hospitals up here.
And this, ladies and germs, is why some of us who have ADHD suspect that Trump is in our tribe. Just ask any of my family or friends what kinds of answers I give them if when I’m tired and not medicated.
If he believed in a God other than himself he would be down on his knees thanking her for sending Mathew so that it was not seen far and wide. That is weapons grade nonsense.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@catclub: I got to hear Obama’s voice in 2008 at an outdoor rally in West Philly. Couldn’t see him for the two solid blocks of people between me and him.
I almost got run over by Frank Sinatra once.
Oh, and I attended a small-room event with Hillary (also in 2008) and actually see and hear that personal warmth that she has trouble conveying in the large settings, but that everyone talks about from one-on-ones, and that I think is coming out in her ads and many of her interviews.
That’s about it for celebrity sightings for me.
Oh, one more. Saw Carroll O’Connor at the Russian Tea Room once. He was seated and holding forth at a booth. We were in line with the unwashed masses who had to wait 45 minutes before the restaurant officially opened.
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym:
We used to lose electricity during snow storms on a regular basis. And don’t get me started on ice storms. But that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. I’m guessing that there is better wiring infrastructure than there was when I was young. Now, it’s only my satellite dish that we lose during snow storms and I don’t think there is anything I can do about that.
Somebody should get Trump some medical marijuana. ASAP.
Caine Mutiny, people. Caine Mutiny.
Iowa Old Lady
@trollhattan: Trump is less disciplined than Palin. He couldn’t pull off her index card trick.
schrodinger's cat
@Iowa Old Lady: I have said this before, he is a dumber, meaner and uglier Palin.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Remember the crib note Sarah (or a desperate aide) scribbled on her palm? Trump’s would say, “Reserved for boobies.” Tiny lettering, of course.
Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Rudy has already proved that he’s more than happy to rewrite history in pursuit of getting Trump elected.
When Rudy comes out and says — with or without be asked — that Deadbeat Donnie is WRONG about the CP5, then I’ll consider revising my opinion of him as being an dishonest, racist fuck. It would be better if he said so without being asked, it might indicate a shred of integrity still resides within him, but I realize one does not volunteer that “Yeah, the guy whose balls I’m fondling was wrong about X” in the 2016 political climate.
But you’re more than welcome to keep on believing that being a prosecutor or DA makes one a everlasting paragon of honesty.
New iPhone arrived. Set it up, transferred apps and music. It’s… bizarrely thin.
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym:
I got Ed Kranepool’s autograph when I was a kid.
I’d rather have your sightings, of course.
@Roger Moore:
In preparation for the next Ice Age, I gather.
Matt McIrvin
Looking at historical tracks, it really is amazing how similar Matthew is to Hurricane Hazel in 1954, which someone mentioned in an earlier thread.
Only Hazel stayed just a little further from the Florida coast, made a tremendously destructive landfall in South Carolina, and instead of turning east as the Matthew predictions say, it made this crazy inland run across the eastern US, still as a Cat 1 hurricane. Then it parked over Toronto and caused so much flooding that it killed dozens of people there.
@Keith P.: do you have any medical equipment that is dependent on electricity? You can try using that as a reason for them to give you extra time. Also, I know,with UPS I’ve had them hold it for pick up at their main location because I happen to not live that far from there. I assume Fedex works the same way.
Lizzy L
A much younger me watched Nelson Rockefeller (Governor of NY) cut the ribbon to open a new section of the Long Island Expressway, and some years later, watched and listened to John F. Kennedy at a campaign rally. And much younger me also met Arthur Miller with his then wife, Marilyn Monroe. I think that’s it for celebrity sightings.
With regard to Giuliani & Christie’s integrity — they have none. It’s gone, if it was there at all. Also Giuliani appears to be bugfuck insane, so I would expect him to support whatever Trump says. Christie is not insane, AFAICT, so I would expect him to be very very quiet about the CP5 or any other claim that Trump might make. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I heard of Chris Christie saying anything in public. I do wonder, sometimes, if he regrets the path he’s taken.
Tim C.
New thing. I know this has probably already been covered, but it’s been a while since I saw “Bob in Portland” post anything. I saw several articles recently on the subject of the Russian Government specifically employing people using fake identities to influence political blogs…. Source:
Given the Bob really did use Russia Today as his exclusive sources and given well… his *focus* shall we call it about the evils of Ukraine… well… I’m just saying, I always thought the dude was just a garden variety doucecraft carrier. But at this point I think BJ was the subject of for-real state sponsored… whatever the hell that is.
JosieJ (not Josie)
I’ve seen a few here in NY. I’m assuming he’s going after voters in SI and LI–fertile ground for him. Don’t know if that’s a cost-effective strategy or not.
That’s not what I said or even implied. We are just looking at different things in measuring Rudy G’s and Christie’s lack of integrity.
Of course you implied it, primarily at #51. You used the “they’re former prosecutors, so they wouldn’t deny the DNA evidence” argument, but without the exact words. Hence, implied.
My point is that one follows the other. Racist = stupid fuck. I don’t care if they can write well in any language or recite pi to 8 thousand decimals or what the fuck ever they are stupid fucks. The basis for racism is stupidity. It’s like believing that the world is flat. Or that the moon landing was staged or the government is spraying us with chemtrails or any number of stupid things. That doesn’t make you smart.
JR in WV
@Keith P.:
Here in West Virginia it is actually illegal for any utility company to shut off service to a disabled person, ever. So you should notify your utilities of your disabled status, and ask them to be lenient about the timing of your payments. Tell them you will pay, but timing may be erratic as your income varies.
They don’t need any data about the nature of your disability.