Here is my statement.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 8, 2016
Shorter: Forget what I said 10 years ago — think about what Bill Clinton did 20 years ago!
Jesus, I’m not sure I can survive this much schadenfreude.
Keith P.
Look closely. He’s blinking “P-O-O-N-T-A-N-G” in Morse code.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
This will make it all better.
What a night.
FAIL! How sad.
As usual, trump has managed to make the situation worse.
It looks like a hostage video. He definitely did not want to apologize.
? Martin
Everyone in the Clinton campaign is doing a little shimmy now that they’ve seen that video. They’ve been preparing for this attack for at least 8 years.
Prescott Cactus
That will play well in Peoria.
Is that a train crashing into a nuclear power plant while a meteor also crashes?
Jesus, it’s just like the birther “apology.” No sincerity whatsoever. He acts like a kid who’s being forced to apologize by his mother.
Not one to agree much with Chuck Todd, but I agree, this “apology” is probably going to accelerate the fleeing of Republicans from him.
BTW, I saw on Twitter that Barbara Comstock and Mike Coffman, i.e. two swing seat House Republicans in difficult races, have both unendorsed Trump. Canaries in the coal mine, people.
Mike Murphy calls it a weak hostage video containing a weak attempt at an apology. Made the situation worse, the most insincere apology ever.
I assume there was someone standing behind the camera holding a gun to Trump’s checkbook.
Betty Cracker
@redshirt: Yes. I was going to add an exploding volcano, but I got bored.
Pace yourself, Betty, we still have a month to go.
Keith P.
@redshirt: It’s a guy playing a flaming guitar on a giant moving sound stage while crashing into an 18-wheeler having its engine ripped out by a roided out mutant. In 3D.
West of the Cascades
@redshirt: Yes, while the sea level rises because of climate change.
This video is a gigantic train wreck. Unfuckingbelievable evening. Just crazy. I keep feeling like I’m having a fever dream.
Fair Economist
How could you forget the hurricane?
Corner Stone
@Betty Cracker: Low energy. Loser. Sad!
Betty Cracker
Someone on Twitter said it was the most insincere apology ever read by someone NOT in an orange jumpsuit.
deadbeatsexual abuser: guyz, the hole is not deep enough.Mnemosyne
How many times do you think Alec Baldwin is going to watch this in the next 24 hours to get the nuances juuuuuust right?
Prescott Cactus
@Betty Cracker: Nice job with the last minute artwork. Would be hard to draw a plague, wouldn’t it.
Of course you see the usual suspects…with headlines saying “Trump apologizes” for the words…edited just enough to not note the EPIC FAIL that was that “apology”
Come On…naw…
TaMara (HFG)
I. Can’t. Watch. I just can’t – the man makes me twitch whenever he speaks. But I hope it’s as bad as you all say it is.
Mary G
Talk about a Friday bad news dump.
@Betty Cracker: Do you remember that PSA that Johnny Depp was forced to record after illicitly bringing an animal into Australia? Sounded like that.
Betty Cracker
Ana Navarro just said the p-word on CNN.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Impressive. Did I hallucinate that? Was it leaked by a former staffer? Or is it what they meant to release?
I have been following this story all day but not posting because I couldn’t find words. Still can’t.
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: It’s not too late to add it!
@Emma: Same here.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
It is telling about DJT’s character that all of the women he talks trash about are ‘lesser status’ than him. If he tried that shit with a social and economic equal, it wouldn’t be pretty. For him.
The video I’d like to see would be Trump trying to crotch grab a woman who isn’t impressed in the slightest with his wealth and just happened to be an MMA champion.
I wonder how many solid whacks (or broken bones) she’d get in before the SS intervened?
Betty Cracker
@Emma: Rachel Maddow said, “You’re not dreaming. This is your country. This is real.”
Prescott Cactus
@divF: You only need one, victory.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Keith P.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): I have to think that Trump insisted on putting that Clinton part on at the end. In my mind, Conway would say “You can NOT put that on at the end,” but Trump would be his usual stubborn self and insist, she tries to shut the release down, telling Halperin it sucked too much, and then Trump insists on releasing with a volleyball-esque fist pump, thinking he’s successfully fixed the problem.
I am hoping beyond hope someone asks him at the debate if he considers grabbing a woman by her genitals without asking to be sexual assault. His attempt to pivot back to Bill Clinton will be an epic disaster.
I gotta say, my main reaction to the Trump stuff is not schadenfreude or blase bemusement but rather a deep and profound desire to burn shit down. I’m self-diagnosing as having extreme white male bullshit fatigue.
Davis X. Machina
Next: We find out he really did shoot someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
also too, what he did to the USFL
Let’s light this fire!
Anarchy now!
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Prescott Cactus: Well, no. We need a string of victories from Trump, to taking back the Senate and the House. And we need to repeat those victories for a few election cycles.
I think he will drop out.
Mike J
Reminds me of what Fred from Slacktivist once called Harry Potter Christians. Just say the magic words and everything is ok.
Wingardium Leviooooosa.
Davis X. Machina
It’s only a small improvement when the number of people who are basically “He hates the same people I hate. Hand me the goddam ballot!” goes down by, say, a quarter.
That leaves tens of millions of very unpleasant voters in place…
Assume Trump bails — we get to sleep with one eye closed — i guess that’s something.
I am so happy that the corrupt gop firmly tied its fortunes to this disgusting scum and his racist, sexist base.
Owen Ellickson has the video outtakes on his Twitter. Go look. Too funny.
Also too Ana Navarro just awesomely lost it on CNN again. She used the P word and the Trump supporter got all offended cuz “my daughter is watching.” Ana buried her.
Comrade Scrutinizer Who have you been seeing?
@Betty Cracker: hey,Betty how’s the storm affecting you? Hope you are okay.
SNL writers must be in a frenzy right now….and then the debate on Sunday….just living for the weekend….
@Betty Cracker: Great idea, but the “nuclear plant” isn’t. Those are cooling towers, not reactors. Very minor issue compared to Trump, but a ubiquitous misconception.
I believe this idea really got going in the public mind with the media coverage of the Three Mile Island incident. The cameramen had no idea what a reactor building looks like, so those huge hulking hyperboloid shapes, dwarfing everything else in the vicinity and with steam coming out the top, must be the reactors. And all that steam coming out sure made it look like the darned things were leaking!
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Never. He thinks he’s still going to win.
Prescott Cactus
@Comrade Scrutinizer:
I’ll get that
My bad.
Betty Cracker
@Helen: I thought Navarro was going to climb out of that screen and punch Scottie Nell in the tits!
Mike E
I hope you don’t mind that I posted your drawing on fb…I especially like the image that he has to ride a train now!
@Comrade Scrutinizer: It’s supposed to be Trump but he looks a little different in this tape.
This was not an apology. This was a threat! Hillary and Ds need to be prepared.
@Betty Cracker: I just watched that. Amazing!
Joyce Harmon
I keep expecting the cable news nets to come up with a logo for their coverage – “Campaign In Crisis”, with bold graphics.
You know, Lin-Manuel Miranda is the host this week.
The poor guy must be thinking that his plane is going to crash or something, because every dream he’s ever had is coming true all at once.
I don’t think he’ll drop out. Because (a) the campaign is still a money machine for him & the people close to him; (b) he’s become addicted to those rallies and to his twitter glory; and (c) he seems to have been persuaded that the Clintons really are going to destroy what’s left of the USA.
That said, he’s going to get very unstable over the next 4 weeks. I don’t think in the end it will be pleasant to witness.
So since by all reports Ivanka and her husband go dark for the Sabbath (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset), do you think staffers are running over to her house and pounding on the door, or are they just going to let her turn her phone back on Saturday night?
Betty Cracker
These two scumbag Trump surrogates on CNN should go bobbing for hush puppies in a Fryolator.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@scott: This was a threat! Hillary and Ds need to be prepared.
as someone said upthread, since 2008 (I’d say 2003) they’ve been preparing for this, expecting it to come from much higher primates
Mike E
@Joyce Harmon: easy…they’ll just repurpose the Strike On Syria! shit they had to shove back in the can
Scottie Nell is a despicable person. Might even say deplorable.
Um, that was the Chicxulub Bolide Impact.
@Mnemosyne: And me with no teevee…but Sunday will be awesome -getting SNL highlights online in the am, and debate in the pm. I feel like a kid on December 23rd, waiting for Santa….
Someone really needs to find out from Mrs Greenspan what the fuck the Clinton’s did to her. Even when she’s criticizing Trump of letting Bannon and Bossie egg him on with his Clinton attacks she has to throw in that their attacks on Bill are legitimate, but he’s not on the ticket. Then her criticism is that those types of attacks made Hillary more sympathetic.
@Helen: @Tinare:
What has CNN done with Jeffrey Lord?
This point has been made but bears repeating; conservatives were okay with Trump trashing blacks, mexicans and muslims but groping women is where they start panicking (if even just for the votes obviously). Reason being; a great deal of racism is lodged on the idea that white women must be protected from Those Mongrels.
@hovercraft: I waited for her to work the Clinton hate in. It took her awhile, but she finally worked it in. It never fails. If you politely asked her for the time of day she would tell you that it’s half-past fuck Hillary Clinton.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Apparently the campaign didn’t want any of their surrogates on TV tonight. They wanted to get their story straight. And Corey’s call in late this afternoon did not go well. They wanted to speak with one voice, that of the man himself.
Jeffrey Lord also said yesterday that Kellyann needed to be fired for his collapse the last couple of weeks.
The two idiots on tonight must not be official surrogates, they are just Trump supporters.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@Mnemosyne: In the eye of a Hurricane there is quiet.
@hovercraft: are you kidding? For 10 hrs they were trying to talk him into apologizing. That’s what held them up.
Betty Cracker I’m on the west side of FL, so the hurricane wasn’t that big of a deal for us. We had 40 mph wind gusts and lots of rain. No biggie!
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: made respect to Navarro for that!!
For some reason your train wReck picture reminds me of 3 mile island…
Thanks for the clarification. I didn’t realize the distinction CNN that draws between Trump surrogates and Trump supporters, but far as I’m concerned both groups are deplorable scumbags.
Why no get Bush the Billy off the air rants. That dude was creepier than the Star. Yuckity yuck, check out the gams on that dame. Hubba Hubba. Go get you some of that Tick Tac Don. Hardy har har. Ooooh those legs. Creepy fckn Bush spawn.
john fremont
Trump, who’s campaign took off last summer is now seeing it circling the drain over a tape of him bragging about what he slandered Mexican immigrants of doing last summer, sexual assault! Rape!. What fired up his campaign has come all of the way back around to bite him the ass. Damn! Now that’s some Karma!!!
Mike in NC
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Dick Morris is now such a fat slob, it’s as if he eat Chris Christie.
@hilts: CNN hires the drumpf surrogates and probably gets the supporters for free.
Ivan X
I would have paid good money to be sitting in on the meeting where the NYT editors decided whether or not to print “fuck” unadulterated. Is it a first for them? For any major daily?
There is a certain parallel, yes, since the LMM-written version is tragedy and The Donald’s version is farce.
@Betty Cracker:
His whole body is an orange jumpsuit.
I’m enjoying the flames, but sure wish this happened 1-2 weeks from now; I dislike that GOP now has a month of wiggling out of this with possibly another more palatable candidate.
Death Panel Truck
@Joyce Harmon:
Silly rabbit! They reserve that for Democratic candidates.
Death Panel Truck
It is waaayyy too late for the GOP to ditch Trump. They had a chance to do that in July at the convention and they didn’t even try. And even if they did try now and succeeded, the fallout would be fatal. The Trumpistas would stay home, and that’d be that.
JR in WV
I’m hoping that an on-air confession of habitually committing sexual assault on any woman he comes across that attracts him will put an end to his sordid despicable campaign for president. I think people need to think about the kind of people who helped select this piece of human filth as their party’s candidate for president.
This should, over the next three weeks, have a very real effect on the voting. I’ve been doing phone bank work, calling 60-80-100 people over an afternoon and early evening. We get a potential phone number/name/address come up, and dial them.
When they answer, you ask for them by name and introduce yourself by name as a volunteer for Hillary Clinton in whatever state you are calling into. I always ask if they have just a few seconds to speak with me, and then ask if we can count on their vote for Hillary this election.
Once or twice an evening I will get a NO right then, and I say thanks for your time, goodbye. The rest of the time, a few people respond either weakly probably voting for her, something like that. But mostly they are oh yes, we’re all solid for Hillary in this home, can you help me get some yard signs, “Oh Yes, what else can we do? I’m 70, 80, 91, and it’s so great I’m getting to vote for a woman who is the best candidate in the election by far!”
I talked to rough sounding guys working two jobs, doing construction work in the heat of the day, solid Hillary voters, happy to talk about supporting her, how experienced she is. How they have seen to it that their 3 or 4 or 5 kids were registered and going to vote for her, they were going to see to it.
The last time I did phoning was Thursday afternoon and evening, I called about 65 numbers, some disconnected or no answer, but mostly all Hillary supporters disappointed they didn’t have a yard sign. We were talking about going up into Ohio for the last two weekends before the election, Friday thru Monday before the actual Tuesday election day.
I can’t imagine what the phones will be like after Trump confesses to sexual assaulting women who attract him on tape. It may be like calling to ask kids if they’re excited about Xmas next week. Looking to see the polls the middle of next week. He didn’t just engage in locker room talk. I was in the Fucking U S Navy, I heard rough talk about wanting to score with girls and women. Trump was talking about being able to get away with sexual assault – whenever he wanted to, because he was rich, famous, and powerful.
The women couldn’t do anything to him, he could do whatever he wanted to, and did, whenever he wanted to. I understand he assaulted a woman in his daughter’s bedroom, isn’t Ivanka his daughter?
Not locker room talk. He’s sick in his head about many things, and this is a huge signifier about that sickness. I don’t trust him as far as I could throw him with two mechanical shoulders. He’s a monster if he thinks about women like that.
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman): Happened to my old boss, tried to get fresh with a black belt pro and ended up in the hospital for a week.
@Joyce Harmon: Re # 59, My wife thinks the slogan should be “Pussygate”.