Dear old Harry Reid continues to be out of fucks to give.
This is a moment of truth for Republicans. It is time for every Republican elected official in this county to revoke their endorsements of Donald Trump and state that they will not vote for their party’s nominee, who has been caught on tape bragging about routinely sexually assaulting women. There is no way to defend the indefensible. In the name of decency, Republicans should admit that this deviant – this sociopath – cannot be president.
Let’s review.
My counterparts, Senator McConnell and Speaker Ryan, have endorsed a man who brags about sexually assaulting women. Many of my Republican colleagues have said they believe this man should be president. One even called him a role model.
What will it take for Republicans to walk away from Trump?
Bragging about sexually assaulting women is just his latest atrocity. He has called Mexican immigrants rapists. He has insulted our veterans and ridiculed the parents of a fallen soldier. He has called for discriminating against people based on their religion. He has cozied up to dictators like Putin and invited Russia to launch a cyberattack against America. He has encouraged violence at his rallies, especially against African Americans. He is clearly a racist. He questioned the judgment of a respected judge based purely on his Mexican heritage. He elevates those who traffic in White Nationalist rhetoric, and even hired a man with White Nationalist sympathies to run his campaign. He uses his charity to enrich himself and lies about his wealth. He is the first nominee in decades to refuse to release his tax returns, because he knows they will expose him as a fraud and reveal that he is not as rich as he says he is. He has a long history of discriminating against African Americans and still believes the Central Park Five are guilty even though another man confessed and was proven to be guilty by DNA evidence. He has repeatedly promoted anti-Semitic sentiment on social media.
What are Republicans waiting for?
What is it going to take for Republicans to discover even the barest modicum of decency and respect?
For the good of the country, I hope that my Republican colleagues do not try to circle the wagons around a man who brags about sexually assaulting women. Never in history has a party nominated someone more unfit to be president. There is still time for Republicans to acknowledge their mistake and salvage their dignity. They can do so by finally deciding to put the good of our country first.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
They smeared themselves in feces. Once you smear yourself in feces, there’s no unsmearing yourself in feces.
Okay, so Trump’s not dropping out (like that was ever going to happen). What are the odds Mike Pence quits? Sure, his name will remain on the ballot, but that guy’s got to be thinking about his future right now.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Not only smeared themselves, they rolled around in it and enjoyed it. And they refused to shower. For months.
They stunk up the place before drumpf but now nothing will get out the stains and stink.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
OK, now my favorite CNN person is on – Ana Navarro is bringing it.
Major Major Major Major
@Ruckus: Well…
They smeared themselves in feces, rolled around in it and enjoyed it and refused to shower for decades. This time they just forgot to put on a suit after.
Pence has no future. He was toast in IN, now he’s done everywhere else. He tainted himself with that drumpf stench.
Oscillating between a (NSFW F-Bomb) aughties Lily Allen and a happy-hopeful sixties* Seekers.
* of me yooth
the Conster, la Citoyenne
An apologist of the apologist is whitemansplainin’ the apology.
@Major Major Major Major:
I stand reasonably corrected.
A Pox upon their House.
And there’s always Twisted Sister.
@Ruckus: We know that, but he doesn’t know that. After Tuesday, he probably thinks he’s the man.
Mary G
Bob Beckel says this race is OVER. I had to give up and turn on the TV.
Andrea Mitchell managed to comment without talking about Clinton faults.
But she could give Paul Ryan a bath.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Wow, this CNN panel discussion should be put into a time capsule and launched into the sun. REPUBLICANS IN DISARRAY
now the work begins of fastening this presidential anchor to the GOP, throwing some blood in the water and watching the sharks come to feed.
Every woman has had their encounter with a Trump and this campaign is bringing back all those bad memories. Memories that maybe they never told anyone about, because they needed that job. They had to eat. But, they got through it, and moved on. After all, it wasn’t sexual assault…if you were lucky. Yeah, what he said in that tape turned over a lot of rocks for a lot of women.????
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Mary G:
Yeah, he sure did. He stopped just short of spelling it out. Then it got weird. We can’t get rid of these Trump surrogates fast enough. they’re all INSANE
You said it really well. I’m definitely not watching all of this with glee even as I’m pleased that this is finally taking him down.
Sexual assault is just a distraction.
Old Dan and Little Anne
Faux news is showing Hurricane Matthew. What else is going on tonight?
@Old Dan and Little Anne:
I heard the Cubs won, which normally would be big news.
NBC built this fucker for decades. Nice to see now karma do her work.
There’s so much he doesn’t know it’s hard to tell.
I’m getting a feeling that there is a large number of GOPers who think they can beat Clinton if they can just put an empty suit in Trump’s place between now and Nov 8. I hope that’s really little more than assuming that Steiner’s divisions will repulse the Russians at the edge of Berlin.
There must be 100 Downfall videos hitting YouTube over the next 24 hours.
I wish someone on the TV would recognize that women aren’t the only ones enraged by Trumps words. I’ve got a mom, a wife, and two daughters, and I’d really like for all of them to be able to go to work and use their talents without having to deal with shit heels like trump.
Old Dan and Little Anne
@Mnemosyne: I just watched the game winning homer. I love October baseball. Nothing better.
The Thin Black Duke
@psycholinguist: Well said. Thank you.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Also, the comment about this fucking asshole manbaby 70 year old guy saying he’ll “be a better man tomorrow”? Isn’t that straight out of the abuser’s handbook of promises to change?
heckuva job, GOP. How are you enjoying that shit sandwich?
After all this, how can his women surrogates still defend him on cable noise beats me.
OMG!!! Respect to Ann Navarro did this just a bit ago in CNN!!
ust see. @ananavarro explodes at Trump surrogate who admonishes her for saying the word “pussy,” but is OK when Trump says it.
OMG!!! Respect to Ann Navarro did this just a bit ago on CNN!!
Must see. @ananavarro explodes at Trump surrogate who admonishes her for saying the word “p%#y,” but is OK when Trump says it.
Damn straight.
I wish Phyllis Schlafly had lived to see this.
I’m fine with the fact that Fat Tony didn’t.
Nearly perfect timing to do maximum damage to Cruz as well.
Trump campaign now not just wreckage, it’s virulent contagion – finally and rightfully recognized as such.
Wow, I leave off reading the political blogs for one day to get some important work done and see my beloved Chicago Cubs win a thrilling playoff game. And what do I come back to. A shit filled Trumpster fire. What a great day! Maybe God loves us this much after all.
@amk: Because Republican women are crazy.
I still think he’ll end up with about 45% even with this. Happy to be wrong, but Republicans are nuts and will still think Trump is better than Clinton despite everything that shows he’s not.
I’m waiting to see what the older white couple across the street do with the Trump sign they put up last week. They’re “nice” older people who I suspect are fairly racist in a “moved out of the city to the burbs when the schools were de segregated but don’t act overtly racist” kind of way. If they take their sign down I’ll revise my opinion on that 45%. Until then I don’t see this doing more than maintaining Trump’s ceiling on vote Share and preventing him from getting any positive press to convince face sitters to jump on his bandwagon. Most of the voters on that wagon ain’t gonna budge.
@AnotherBruce: seems like the right thing to do is leave off the blog reading more often.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@nonynony: still think he’ll end up with about 45% even with this.
I could see Johnson and maybe even Mcmullen (I may be spelling that wrong but I can’t imagine it matters) pick up some support over the next week or two. I just hope HRC gets over 50. I don’t want to hear the crap for the next four years.
Mary G
@lamh36: That was some must-see TV right there. The sight of two Republican women fighting was delicious.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
sunny raines
When Evil’s at The Door
“so once again a monster comes knocking at the door.
trump preaches the gospel of bigotry and fear.”
I think there will still be 35% who watch Trump on Sunday, buy into “Trump comeback” narratives, and stick with him on election day. And there may even be another 5% of GOP wavering support who will come back to Trump after whatever next ginned up Clinton scandal hits in the next two weeks.
My forecast/wishcast many many months back was 50-40-8-2 for the final tally, and I think we may be headed there.
Major Major Major Major
Glad that I don’t have to hear much scandal about Hillary’s speeches. Seriously, that would bug me. And, you know, be bad.
What a great day. My gloat is clogged with smug.
This x 1,000.
The web is being flooded with posters suggesting that they are especially well placed to pontificate on Trump’s comments because they have sisters / daughters / granddaughters, as though it bestows them with some special insight or qualification.
It’s absurd. Nobody would say “As someone with a black co-worker, I’d just like to say that Trump’s comments on the Central Park 5….”.
Better than even chance as of tonight that Utah will move into lean strongly for HRC victory, Nevada into solid D win.
Arizona has a huge population of Mormons as well, and will now become even more wobbly. Idaho has more Mormons than Arizona but that state, home to so-called Aryan movements, shifting is too much to hope for.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The few Republicans I knew on the Johnson bandwagon are off it after he turned out to be a moron. They were appalled at his foreign policy comments.
And according to wikipedia, Egg McMuffin has only been able to get onto 11 ballots with write in possibilities in 19 more. I will bet he manages to get fewer votes than Jill Stein did in 2012…
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: The other faces in the lineup — they’re a study too. And rather remarkably not intervening whatsoever which seems very odd in people who end up in those little boxes vying for screen-time and audio.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
So we’re cool now, we’re good. Right?
Don’t forget to spare a little Schadenfreude for Hannity.
@catclub: I agree. See you November 9th! Or probably sooner.
@NotMax: The latest Emerson polling out from 10/2 thru 10/4 shows Clinton at +2 in AZ. Will be telling to see if this anchor buries folks like McCain (who was +18 in the last polling) or McSally (winner of AZ 2 by 137 votes in 2014).
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Apart from being disrespectful, he did, like, admit to sexually assaulting women on tape. Sorta getting lost there, as if the problem is he used dirty words.
@nonynony: I still think his ceiling will be under 40%.
We’re only a couple of hours away from the normal Trump Rage Twitter Time.
I swear I am not making this up: Hannity is asking the question that nobody else has even thought about…
Does it help Trump or hurt Trump?
@Major Major Major Major: be patient. That is probably coming.
Washington Post
Washington Post @washingtonpost
Trump’s Va. chair: Women won’t mind that Trump “acted like a frat boy, as a lot of guys do.”
One of Trump’s flying monkeys is going to take a shot at some GOP officeholder who calls on Trump to withdraw.
@Major Major Major Major: and this time there weren’t any diapers available.
Major Major Major Major
@catclub: The worst part for me is going to be seeing the public handwringing by those of my facebook friends who are oh so reluctantly supporting her as they talk about how they’re sacrificing so many fee-fees to vote for the harridan, you should praise them.
BJ exclusive!
Footage of Trump campaign staff at HQ tonight.
(NOT to make light of the rancidness of Trump and his statements, but we could probably all use a little wee hours pick me up.)
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: I… see.
@Major Major Major Major:
I have to admit, I’m curious how my jackass cousin-in-law who’s been “liking” Hillary blowjob jokes is going to react. Oh, did I mention that he’s purportedly a Christian and has a teenage daughter?
Note to self: continue avoiding jackhole at 2017 family reunion, assuming he shows his face.
@NotMax: For a moment I thought you were going to link to the deleted footage from Event Horizon.
Major Major Major Major
@sigaba: Space satan is the best satan.
Mike in NC
Trump is an alleged rapist. Why is this not news?
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@Mnemosyne: the religious right are a bunch of frauds. Here’s religious right scold David Brody acting as apologist.
So….. anybody else curious to see if Alec Baldwin reprises his role on SNL tomorrow night? Does he do the apology, or the bus ride? I kind of think he goes right at the apology video, and throws in some after-taping gropes.
Major Major Major Major
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: This is the same thing where they accidentally reveal themselves as at least bi-curious talking about gay rights. “Oh, well, look, we’ve all had moments where we wanna kiss another dude, we all feel these same-sex urges, but it’s in God’s plan for us to ignore them and avoid those sinful acts…”
No, actually, I don’t think most people DO have those urges, especially not to the degree that they talk about active resistance.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: funny how they never allow the same latitude to Ms. Clinton
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: After the news broke I went to Rod Dreher’s blog to troll a bit and he’d called this tweet out, he’s totally not buying it, he’s marginally consistent about his faith but all his commenters are Deplorables.
That guy’s had a rough last 6 months, all those AmConMag contributors are basically along for the ride, they all basically hate Trump (except for Bucanhan) but all their commenters are all Alt-right cranks.
Trump is strangling the Reformacon dream in the crib.
@Major Major Major Major
Almost obligatory, from the musical Book of Mormon.
Had all the footage been deleted, would still have been a turkey. One of those movies which, while watching, one keeps thinking, “O-o-okay, it can’t possibly get any worse.” And then it does.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Seriously? You could have a hot mic on me 24/7; there’d be some snide gossip in private, and it would be quite sweary, but you’d never hear anything as grotesque and vulger as Trump.
And, as bad as this tape is – is it not just more Trump? Who couldn’t tell that this is just who/what he is?? To me, it’s all of a piece with his regular behavior. The man is a pig, full stop.
@psycholinguist: I’m a gay man with no kids. And I’m fucking furious. Because rape culture is about power. Abusive power. And people of all genders can be subjected to abusive rape power.
Ask the men who’ve been baton or broom stick raped by uniformed cops in US cities.
Or the sexual degradation of Abu Ghraib prisoners (some of which was done by women).
Trump is a person who grossly abuses power, and some of that power is around sex. This new clip is just an indication, a mere moment out of probably thousands, that he feels he can just take and use/abuse people for whatever reason. That is utterly disqualifying. His racism comes from the same place – power, dominance and control.
He is a sick, sick man and the GOP needs to be vacuum sealed to him to Nov 8 and beyond. They picked him. They endorsed him. They’ve surrogated and spun and fundraised for him. They are complicit in all of what he simply brings to the starkest contrast in my lifetime.
@RaflW: and they WON’T disavow him, they are more concerned about winning and “party” , not about country and what is morally right.
@Mnemosyne: It’s only the first game of the series, so it’s not really big news. It was a great game; Cueto just made one mistake and the Giants couldn’t do anything against Lester or Chapman.
Someone noted that if Chapman had been doing PED’s, he wouldn’t have been in tonight’s game. Since it was just his wife calling the police after he fired a gun in the house during an argument, well, who cares?
JR in WV
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
No, Senator Blunt, Donald Trumps statements described his habit of serially committing sexual assault. Over and over for years, up until perhaps day before yesterday. What he does is immoral, depraved, and illegal under both god’s law and the law of the United States.
He should be in prison, or a mental hospital, not the White House.
The ignorance you show means you shouldn’t be in Washington DC either. That’s why I’ve contributed to your opponent. I hope she uses your inane statements about Trump to beat you about the head and shoulders for the next 4 weeks.
Women and the people who respect them as equal human beings find Trump’s life despicable; way past deplorable into illegal.
Shame on you for your inability to see what’s actually wrong about Trump’s bragging about committing sexual assault and getting away with it, in the past. California did away with their statue of limitations for sexual assaults, is it still possible for Trump to campaign in California, or would he face arrest?
@rikyrah: I was so gloaty over the electoral consequences that I did not think this through. Thank you for reminding me.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: hah!