I bet Trump’s constant looming made the Secret Service nervous. Open thread!
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by Betty Cracker| 333 Comments
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I bet Trump’s constant looming made the Secret Service nervous. Open thread!
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So apparently there are rumors that Pence is bailing. ???????
Pasta! “Say something nice about the other one” Screw that question.
Davey C
Not sure how to judge this debate. I was hoping it would be a debacle for Trump, but I’m not sure if it will be seen that way or not.
schrodinger's cat
You noticed that too? He was physically trying to intimidate her.
Naturally Tapper is saying Trump turned it around. Tool.
Yeah. He didn’t go to pieces, so he “won.” And he insulted her a lot, which looks manly to the deplorables.
@Davey C: Other than his base, he hasn’t done a single thing today to move the ‘undecideds’.
BTW, They are in St Louis and NOT one question about Ferguson…ya’ll still think the questions were not chosen?
How can you say he did better int he second half when he basically responded to foreign policy questions with word salad?
I hate these fucking pundits.
Mrs. P just flipped away from the debate and landed on a Honeymooners scene where Ralph is ranting at Alice. The similarities are startling.
I seriously doubt it will happen. The GOP establishment, who Pence cares about far more than Trump, will tell him that it can’t happen.
Donald cratered – good lord he was unhinged. I wish she would have mentioned all of the current repubs jumping ship on this bozo, I think that might have done it. And… Jake Tapper says he did a good job. oh lord.
Villago Delenda Est
Tapper is beyond worthless. Donald sniffs and interrupts his way through another master’s class in tossing word salad that was incoherent, mind-numbingly stupid, and totally fantasy based.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Surprised Trump didn’t jump in and correct Martha’s pronunciation of “Nevada.”
Davey C
Hope you’re right!
Shut the fuck up Matthews.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@PsiFighter37: honest to god? He thinks the last ninety minutes wiped out the last week, or two weeks, or….
NJ Maine Coon Slave
He practically just endorsed her.
I haven’t watched the debates and I wait until places like here where it’s broken down so I can understand better. I heard about Dumbo looming over HRC and promising if he was President he’s throwing her in jail. Is his behavior making him win the debate. Is he winning or losing?
Corner Stone
Cokie Roberts talking about how Trump was stalking Clinton.
now the stupid pundtwitry on a stupid debate.
Fuck you, Jake Tapper. I wish a bag of dicks would hit you square in the face.
@dmsilev: Why would he do that? After Trump threw him under the bus and backed over him twice?
Mary G
Now Trump’s posing for photos by audience members, giving a thumbs up every time.
All about the leering. Or stalking. Or skulking. Feel free to insert your own term that is the equivalent of “skeevy”.
Corner Stone
Fair Economist
I counted 46 sniffs, but I wasn’t counting during the whole period. I didn’t start until 6:37 and I wasn’t paying close attention for a couple minutes around 7:00
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone: of course, the host of “Hardball” is whining about “cheap shots”, and says the best moment of the night was the pablum about Trump’s children
ETA And now Chuck Todd is saying she was too weak? Good lord. Did she smile enough?
Deep sniffles…
The debate itself was a draw – with both making their points. Trump was FAR better than in the first debate. Substantively, of course, I agree with Clinton on most of the actual policy discussed, so I rate her winning, but if you agree with Trump, you could legitimately claim that he won. Stylistically, she won bigly – primarily because of his overbearing presence and sniffing. It was a terrible town hall, with few real questions from the voters. And AC was terrible and Martha Raddatz at least tried. Overall, though, it was a terrible night for the U.S. and its political system, with multiple trips to the gutter. A lot of heat with very little light.
@NJ Maine Coon Slave:
Re: “Hillary is a fighter” – Apparently she does have “stamina”
Corner Stone
Bill E Pilgrim
It’s times like this you realize what an idiot Tweety really is.
“Nasty sniping from both sides, to be honest, no clear winner.”
waiting for the pundits to say trump did good.
Corner Stone
John Revolta
@Poopyman: Alice used to look just about as scared as Hillary did.
@Rene: Wait no longer.
This thing was an unmitigated disaster for the GOP. It’s the first time on national television I saw a candidate actually depress voter turnout for his own ticket.
Mary G
John King watched a different debate than I did. Effective counterpunching my ass.
CNN focusing on the fact that Pence was thrown under the bus.
Generally the talking heads seem to think Trump did better but the first third of the debate, plus throwing Pence under the bus, will be the lasting takeaways.
WTF? THis is the best Trump you’ll ever see? These pundits are off the rails.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone: Then you’ll miss whatever depth charge gets dropped on Tuesday or Wednesday
Trump still needed to get votes outside his base. Rattling off right-wing conspiracy theories isn’t going to help.
Let the pundits be idiots. It will keep him in the race. We need him to stay in the race, because he gives us a chance to take back the House.
Corner Stone
Start collecting bail money for me. I am going to find and beat these mother fuckers.
@Corner Stone: Stop. Breathe. Don’t be a hero. Turn off the fucking television already.
@PsiFighter37: so is Brooks … Boris is saying he won hands down, of course thats his spinner…ugh
How did these useless fucks get to a position of national prominence? Is it idiots all the way down?
@Corner Stone: I would like to subscribe to your podcast.
Fair Economist
She did miss an opportunity to pin him down on Syria where he was saying Assad was attacking Daesh (aka ISIS). That’s flat wrong. Assad is bombing the non-Daesh rebels mercilessly but he’s doing almost nothing to Daesh. Daesh is being fought by the Kurds (who we are backing) and some Syrian rebels that Turkey is backing.
Betty Cracker
I’m surprised the yappers are saying Trump did well. I thought he was awful.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Corner Stone: In for $100
MSNBC complaining that Hillary didn’t waste her time fact checking Trump.
Thank you Nicole. Hillary let Trump hang himself.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: they wanted him spitting and screaming about the Clenius. The longest answers I saw were: whining about time, embarrassing rambling about the Supreme Court, incoherent fragments about coal, followed by a paranoid refusal of her compliment about Ivana’s job raising Ivanka.
Corner Stone
Betty Cracker
Nicolle Fucking Wallace is the voice of reason.
@Betty Cracker: Wait to see what the instant poll is. That said, his first 20 minutes were a total meltdown.
I can never decide if I hate pundits or sportscasters more. Right now, its pundits.
@Betty Cracker:
But lots of people predicted that, Betty. They need to swing the horse race again!
Answered in previous thread. Where did you ever get the impression the audience questions were to be spontaneous?
Mary G
Sully has the right conclusion. “He is an unhinged, reckless ignoramus.”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
They’re wrong. It’s Clinton Rules. She’s winning. He’s the one who is supposed to winning people over.
You really understand how Trump fooled all these people all these years- they want to believe.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: They learned nothing from the Veep debate? I guess that was almost a week ago, so…
Todd may be right that the next 48 hours could be very bad for Trump.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Trump would’ve had to have died on stage for the commentators not to say he did well. They have their scripts, and they stick to ’em. Got a race to sell. The idea that a President who would jail his political opponents might go after them as well is just too much for their shallow, stupid, venal selves.
They think they know politics, and they don’t. The candidate who’s behind (Trump) has to change things up. Trump didn’t, except not to trail off into incoherence, because he just went back to his stump speech. Clinton’s worst fault this whole year, against Sanders and now with Trump, is to ease up when ahead. There was a little bit of that tonight, but if she felt it’s best just to let him natter on, I can see her point, too.
Instant analysis is to move back to the horserace. But what will the Twitter say. Everything could be different in a half hour. He had a mini-meltdown but got his barings, but it will not negate The Tape.
Bill E Pilgrim
Rachael Maddow is pushing back against the idiocy from Matthews and Todd about how Hillary not chasing every idiotic thing Trump said was “weakness”, saying no, she rose above it, said it’s all lies, go check the Web site, and moved on. Even the Republican is agreeing with her.
Ok, pundits worthless, going to find something else to watch…
Who won? Doesn’t matter. He is still a sexual predator!!!!!!!!
NJ Maine Coon Slave
@Betty Cracker: For those present he was his usual addled self + Valium.
For his team, he did great. Talking heads are calling it a draw in their usual propaganda. UPDATE: a voice on CNN says Trump won. Imagine that?
@Russ: true that.
@shinobi42: With sportscasters, you know that at least some of them take their job seriously.
Was just about to say that – everyone said Pence won the vp debate because of his laid-back attitude no matter the content of his arguments. Hillary does the same thing and the pundits are all saying what a great night Trump had. Ugh.
Watched on CSPAN, which used a split screen with facial close-ups for the entire debate, so I couldn’t see the stalking – or any other dynamics of stage movement. Gonna have to check out some of the other feeds on YouTube later, I suppose.
Someone needs to put on a loop the image of daughter Tiffany pulling away as Daddy leaned into her to bestow a kiss.
OMG: Melania’s #debate fashion: Gucci’s “pussy bow” shirt H/t @politiquette
@Betty Cracker: That’s really sad when it comes to that.
From the ace “fact checkers” who apparently quoted a piece of a speech out of context that they don’t even know is authentic and (the best part!) asked her to defend their half-assed, sloppy interpretation of it!
OMG: Melania’s #debate fashion: Gucci’s “p&^%y bow” shirt H/t @politiquette
Bill E Pilgrim
@Sinnach: The Republican pundit said exactly that. We gave Pence points for that, should here also.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
She made me do it! Waaah!
Keith P.
They were using an orange laser so no one would panic.
Princess (now General) Leia
No need for a KO tonight. Let him stay in and let the rest of the GOP hang in the wind trying to decide what to do. Should they stay or should they bail? Are they bailing too soon??? Let them sweat…and then pull the trap door with all the OTHER revelations. This requires patience and a taste for the long game. Maybe she;s been strategizing with BHO? Cause this looks like his style.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@Villago Delenda Est: I think she clobbered him. Why does as anyone watch these debates anywhere but cspan (unless they don’t have cable so watch it on cspan on line) Do not let the network guys interpret/moderate your impressions.
@Mary G: As I said in the last thread, he’s the old guy at the end of the bar at last call whose been there all night.
Pence apparently didn’t hear Trump say he and Pence “don’t talk”
Anne Laurie
@Schlemazel: The mods were desperate to get that as the last question — presumably that’s what the guys writing their paychecks wanted. Even went over time, because Trump did worse (& Clinton did SO MUCH BETTER) on the “very last” question (about energy, from someone who works in the field, as she spotted).
I think it worked well for Hillary, despite that. Asked to say something positive about her opponent, she said “His kids”… and the cameras panned to Ivanka looking tense, the sons looking sullen & stupid. Trump said “She doesn’t quit“… which kinda steps on his own ‘she has no stamina’ shtick, yes?
Lizzy L
It is idiots all the way down.
The emessem wants this to be a horse race so badly.
Omnes Omnibus
@shomi: Why are you trying to pretend to be a regular commenter not a stalker troll. You aren’t fooling anyone.
What the hell could she be saying with that?!?
Considering the things I was dreading might happen – like Trump’s groupies standing up and yelling during the debate – I’m just relieved it’s over.
And hoping that the Clinton Team has another bombshell or two in the pipeline for release tomorrow.
Conway … shut up.
@Princess (now General) Leia:
It’s fine. She just has to let it play out for another month. If she has “fact checked” she wouldn’t have done anything else.
guess I shouldn’t be surprised… by the pundits because I looked at the top 30 questions that had the most votes online and out of all of them, they chose wikileaks… yes, fucking wikileaks, not climate change, not income inequality, not education or debt forgiveness, wikileaks.
fuck you producers that made that fucking decision
NJ Maine Coon Slave
Did he make her wear it or was it her own idea?? It’s out there, people are asking…
@Mary G:
This really is a different election.
Tweety trying to get The Debate he wanted: A Bill Clinton bimbo Eruption.
Tweety, you are dead to me. Ass.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Zing.
@burnspbesq: I’ve muted the tv. Will turn back on when she is off.
Along with Cruz trying to kiss his daughter.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Republicans more lucid about the debate than the pundits (behind the scenes). Beam me the fuck up.
Corner Stone
The worst thing you can do to a woman in a sexual assault situation is actually assaulting that woman in the first place.
David Byron Hopson
Der Drumpfenführer didn’t blow himself up the way I was hoping to see, but Clinton won on points. Let’s see how Pussygate plays out over the next couple weeks.
Bill E Pilgrim
So, everyone in the sane universe thought that the problem Trump had in the first debate was being an incoherent, babbling moron. The Brietbart universe, and Tweety and Chuck Todd, apparently thought the problem was just that he wasn’t “tough” enough. And this one was better.
For about two minutes MSNBC actually had good commentary. In a nutshell, they said Trump did well tonight because he didn’t shit his pants, but that he’ll lose the next 48 hours when the things he actually said are looked at more closely. Also that Clinton was presidential while Trump was “angry”.
Shouldn’t the bow be a little lower??
Martha Raddatz handled Little Gloves very well. If he had any sense he’d ask her to run his campaign (she’d refuse, of course).
KellyAnne looks haggard. Trump looked/sounded like he was about to stroke out.
It’s offensive to me that he just gets to ramble on with all that free association and there’s millions of people (and many pundits) who think that’s enough. He really does sound like an old man at a bar.
It’s dispiriting- like why work hard at anything if all you have to do is show up and the bar is so low that’s a win.
Princess (now General) Leia
@Kay: Agreed.
Can we ban town hall debates if we can’t get smarter questions?
Also, Trump is not entirely screwing the pooch. He is lying, but he is telling lies that some voters want to hear, including, sadly, being anti-Muslim.
He basically told innocent Syrians to fuck off and die so he can focus solely on ISIS, ISIS, ISIS. Simple-minded, but easy to understand, easy to buy into.
I agree with a poster in a previous thread that Trump mainly played to his base. But he tried a clumsy pivot by continually quoting Bernie and by even more clumsily playing to blacks and Latinos.
In the end, he may have mollified Republicans who were briefly appalled by the Access Hollywood revelations. I don’t think he accomplished much more than that.
Anne Laurie
@lamh36: I was there last time those were required businesswear for women, back in the mid-1980s. The industry called them “pussycat bow shirts”, because you know perfectly well why.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@MJS: also he tends to lash out after he’s had to contain himself like he did tonight, and I suspect the Clinton side is ready to give a push if it takes too long
I’ve got it muted, but it looks like Tweety just really pissed off a very tired KA Conway
@batgirl:Me too.
Trump was successful in that the calls for him to drop out will abate, and Republican office-holders will be less likely to drop their support for him. Of course, that means Clinton, and the American people, will be even more successful.
Take a bow, Little Gloves!
Omnes Omnibus
Did derf just get ban-hammered?
He won the debate because he was in her space. — Conway.
Corner Stone
“We have no way to verify this leak, but questions have been raised…”
That’s not a compliment, they are saying this pathetic showing is the best he can do.
It’s so weird to me how they refuse to talk about the fact that someone is trying to influence a US election with these leaks.
They act as is Wikileaks is some sort of watchdog organization- completely transparent and reliable.
Jake Tapper is like “Wikileaks has released…” WTF?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Is Nicole Wallace drunk?
Anne Laurie
Since the talk shows this morning there were rumors. And after Trump dismissed Pence’s Syria stance (“I hadn’t heard that, to tell the truth — can’t agree”), well…
Corner Stone
Debate turns nasty over Trump video and Clinton emails.
Someone fucking kill me.
The story now is Kellyanne Conway
Lizzy L
@piratedan: I was really hoping for a question about climate change. She would have parked it in the cheap seats and Donnie would have looked like the ignoramus he is. Damn.
@Poopyman: They gave her a chance to lie to cover it up.
Is KellyAnne high?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Poopyman: one of whose children is apparently about to come down with a serious illness….
ETA: Conway should excuse herself, she’s about to crack
randy khan
Wow – what a play to end the Jays-Rangers game!
Real head’s up baserunning by Donaldson.
Oh, the Rangers have asked for a replay review because there’s no reason not to.
Of course you do, his name is Trump.
I see Kelly Anne has exited her tomb.
Really? It isn’t a good plan, for Republicans to go full-bore misogynist. Not a long term strategy.
They went full-out racist and they ended up with Trump. Imagine the next guy.
Trump did about as well as Trump is capable of doing and he certainly spoke loudly for his base. He didn’t win any new votes.
Clinton was low key. Certainly a decision to not engage on every bit of dirt he threw at her, but she allowed herself to be dragged down too often. This should have been the format that allowed her to connect better with audience but I’m not sure it did, whether it was because her opponent was obnoxious or whether she didn’t stumble across the right combination of issues.
@Kay: Kay, the real test and the real winner is decided on Nov 8th. Rest of all this is just a shiny media distraction.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@batgirl: The best Trump you’ll ever see is still pretty terrible.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bailey: Golly, the concern troll is here.
Corner Stone
Rubber Match?
WTF are you talking about Tweety? Trump got blitzed two debates in a row. FUCK YOU!
@Lizzy L: Pretty sure that’s why it wasn’t asked.
NJ Maine Coon Slave
CNN now talking stalking…..
and now that vile wolf blitzer.
Corner Stone
Trump did not god damn win this fucking town hall forum debate. HE DID NOT.
Trump survived this encounter when it was do or die, and that’s a shame.
A lot of people are talking about Trump’s “I’d put you in jail” comment, but…. I’ve been wondering what’s going to happen post-election if Clinton wins. This campaign has dredged up a ton of dirt on Trump — the fraudulent foundation, the Trump University fraud, possible tax-evasion (not the billion-dollar write-off (though even bits of that are dubious), but a lot of stuff done with the Trump Foundation).
So… what happens when the law goes after him? Cries of “It’s political! Clinton out for retribution! Dictator!”
I guess it’s another example of projection — Trump says, “I’d put you in jail”, because that’s what he’s worried will happen to him?
Paging Mr. Cuban, Mr. Mark Cuban.
Outside of Lord and Kayleigh, everyone thinks that Trump didn’t make any progress. However, John King basically said this is throwing out tons of Breitbart news.
Ari Fleischer (I know, but still) via Twitter:
Hey it worked for Senator Lazio.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
IS the next debate FP-centric?
@shomi: I was waiting for your hot takes!
Right. I agree with this person:
Do you read Stu Rothenberg? He’s a GOP pollster. He’s said since August the race was over and he’s never backed down. It’s fun to read someone so decisive. The Trumpians tweet him : “what about THIS theory” and he wishes them luck but tells them again “it’s over”. Decisive. Makes up his mind!
Corner Stone
@Bailey: Your ultimate concern. It has been ultimately understood.
So then the rumors of him jumping ship are incorrect? sadface :(
sadface because I think that would be earth-shattering
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
She claims to be drinking her way through the campaign to cope.
I just had to unsubscribe to the Clinton campaign text messages because omg so many asks for money. Was Obama for America ever this annoying?
Bill E Pilgrim
Let’s be clear: a candidate for president promised to put his opponent in jail if he wins. Everything else is secondary.
NJ Maine Coon Slave
Actually I think it is decided on December 17th. Electoral college and all that.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Conway’s appearance with Tweety was my cue to turn the TV off
Soylent Green
On CBS’s follow-up, fuckin’ A, Bob Schieffer.
“How have we come to this?… if I’m elected, I’m going to put you in jail? I mean this is what they do in banana republics. This is the United States of America. People keep asking me have I ever seen anything like this and I keep saying no. And I just hope to God I never see another campaign like this one. America can do better than what we’ve seen tonight. This was just disgraceful.”
@Kay: Then they’re not doing a good job of it. I’m much more critical of Hillary taking GS $ than you jerkoffs, and I haven’t heard anything particularly revealing.
My sister thinks Trump basically endorsed Clinton. She’s a fighter who never gives up, is what he said.
This is the same sister who found the looming and stalking “nauseating” :)
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
The studio audience was extremely biased in favor of the Nazi.
Last Week Tonight, filleting drumpf for the tapes…next week should awesome.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Kay: So much for his “stamina” charge I guess, eh.
@Corner Stone: Stone, it’s okay…nothing moved here, Hillz is way ahead, and about eighty gazillion other ‘shoes’ are about to drop on Trump, about one a day from now ’til Nov 8th.
Nickel bet they have Trump himself up on web ads in the next 15 minutes: “Hillary’s a fighter, she’s tough.” This from the bully of all bullies…he’s probably getting heckled on Deplorable websites everywhere right now…
Donna Mladjan
How is Hillary supposed to defend herself against that steady stream of lies? Trump consistently refutes the evidence we have all seen or heard and his supporters continue to believe his most current comments.
Trump continues to deflect and change the topic, thus evading answering the question. No one actual response!
Joyce Harmon
I think the promise to put his opponent in jail is going to be a big story. Also noted that the question about being everyone’s president, Trump speechified and then talked to Clinton, jabbing his finger at her. Hillary walked toward the questioner and spoke to him, was very sympathetic.
And since it’s old history, some reminders – Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Wiley – the only time they were put under oath on the topic of Clinton, they both swore on penalty of perjury that nothing had happened. Paula Jones – her own family didn’t believe her, because her story of a benign encounter changed, and when asked why she changed her story, she said “There’s money I it.”
@redshirt: No, that’s a good thing. He’ll hang around long enough to get slaughtered November 8.
@srv: Even Andrea Mitchell seems to be highly disoriented by Trump’s threat to put Clinton in jail.
@Lizzy L: @Kay: have to remember, these are the same guys that lend Fox legitimacy as a “news organization” and they think that stolen hacked information is unaltered, yeah… but they sling that shit completely unasked.
and yes Lizzy, they touched on race but no other social issues (unless you consider energy a social issue) and that ACA question framing was gawd awful although I thought she coped well. It’s as no one ever remembers the insurance industry raising premiums every fucking year with even less service provided AND all those exclusions.
@NJ Maine Coon Slave: right, EC will vote differently from Dec 8.
Carville is being good here. Ugh.
Yup me too. Gonna keep doing it every time I see Tweety on-air (and emailing his boss about why) until they put him out to pasture
Betty Cracker
@Redshift: Bingo. Breitbart readers got a tuggie, but that’s it.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Soylent Green: Well let’s review Nixon, Agnew, Reagan, W, Trump. I don’t think America is the problem, just certain folks in America.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Brian Williams is as incoherent as Trump, it’s just that his inflection makes it sound like he’s speaking in complete sentences.
ETA: Rachel throws Caravelle’s whole analysis back in Trump’s face! awesome
and the chipmunk goes weasel, got he’s a smug asshole
The speeches were always a dumb thing to demand. If she’s scheming with Goldman Sachs she’s not telling them about it in a speech.
I knew it was going to be all bullshit “you seem to be saying..”
I mean, honestly. She’s not an idiot. No smoking guns in emails and no smoking guns in speeches. That’s a given.
@Kay: They are corrupt and dishonest corporate hacks. As I said in a previous thread, I couldn’t find a capsule summary of what HRC actually said in the released (possibly doctored) excerpts and in desperation clicked on a Cenk (HRC is evil!) Uygur video. And he was in his sane mode and went through them and didn’t find anything all that big deal. He didn’t go into the possibility they were doctored though. Let’s see if I can find it. Here we go.
Wikileaks Releases Hillary Transcripts!
The problem for HRC is that Trups claims were wildly internally inconsistent, yet for the average idiot listening in, they might think he made some good points.
Not that it’s going to make any difference to the final outcome of the election.
Lord…haven’t said this in a long time…
James Carville spilling some truths to the entire MSNBC crew…
Ya’ll are full of shit…
Thank you James Carville for checking the @MSNBC crew for their bullshit analysis about the debate being a draw!
@Baud: I bet your first sentence was painful to type.
Keith G
Trump did do better than he did last time at bat, but he was still too cra-cra for the voters he desperately needs to win or win back. He may have staunched the arterial spurting for a night, but he is still losing blood.
@Kay: yeah, that’s true.
I have never written anything remotely controversial or embarrassing in a work email and I’m a nobody. They’re not spilling their guts in work emails. That would be idiotic.
@lamh36: man, that Mercer cash will get Rs to say (or tweet) most anything, doesn’t it?
Bill E Pilgrim
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That’s very well put. He’s lost in his own voice, there’s nothing there but sound.
Prescott Cactus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: She “sniffle” on her drink BINGO card
@Donna Mladjan: welcome to the past many decades of right wing bullshit.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
This “winning” is stupid. Winning a debate is “did this person persuade anyone to thier view point?” Perhaps Tweety and the rest of the awesome professionals in the MSM can show us that?
Not to mention Trump was out to browbeat Hillary and failed at it.
Here’s a thought reports saying NBC was scared to release tapes cause of DJT possibly suing them…spills over in this post-debate analysis
The race for president is over and it has been over for a while. The battle was the Senate – I think we’ve won. Now it has turned to the House and who the heck knows what is happening there.
Bill E Pilgrim
digby Retweeted
Jed Lewison @jedlewison 9m9 minutes ago
Trump to Hillary: I’ll put you in jail. Hillary to Trump: I’ll be a better president than you. Pundits: They sniped at each other.
I could not listen. His voice makes me nauseous. Followed here. She won it. Hands down. He didn’t answer coherently. She was encyclopedic. There is no contest here. Nicole Wallace is an honest person. She can keep her job. Chuck Todd is a shithead. He should be canned. Tweety is wrong tonight, as he often is. He is right often as well. He can stay awhile. Leeleefl out.
Bri Williams, Kim Jung Un style media event.
I could not listen. His voice makes me nauseous. Followed here. She won it. Hands down. He didn’t answer coherently. She was encyclopedic. There is no contest here. Nicole Wallace is an honest person. She can keep her job. Chuck Todd is a shithead. He should be canned. Tweety is wrong tonight, as he often is. He is right often as well. He can stay awhile. Leeleefl out. Mic drop
Oh look! Rudy and Tweety! A pair that deserve each other.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Chris Matthews, apparently now a Trump campaign embed, goes from KA Conway to Rudi Giuliani, while in studio, James Caravelle is balanced by John McCain’s campaign manager and deputy campaign manager
@Kay: WikiLeaks should always be referred to as:”WikiLeaks, an organization whose members are unknown except for one guy who is accused of rape and on the run from justice,…”
C-SPAN callers are utter morons. It’s like listening to a group of chattering magpies. The people who like Trump are not going to be fazed by the sex tape, apparently. They buy the whole “locker room banter” line, and they were not impressed by Hillary’s actual, intelligent answers to all of the questions.
If people were Trump voters to start with, they are staying with him. And according to them, he won the discussion, hands down.
After Muslims were being admonished in the debate to report suspicious behavior, someone on Twitter said, “I’m a Muslim, and I want to report a crazy man stalking a woman on a college stage”.
These are crazy times. Trump was a disaster. He will always be a disaster.
I speculated on a previous thread if Trump was paying Kathy Shelton for her appearance at the presser tonight, considering that per Snopes, she is having financial hardship. My thinking on this is that even if Kathy Shelton is angry with HRC, and I can understand if she is, it seems…..nonsensical that she would then appear with a man who was talking about sexually assaulting women. Anyway, the AP is reporting that she was paid $2500 by a Trump-affiliated PAC.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yup, noting the obvious.
Trump clearly better than first debate. Clinton didn’t put him away tonight. A number of topics she was good on, some others she was not so great on. Unless you think she’s still putting it away on, say, the email issue?
NJ Maine Coon Slave
@Barbara: Andrea Mitchell is naturally disoriented. Sometimes she appears to be sleeping when she spouts media talking points.
Republicans have been lying to their supporters about Democrats breaking the law since 2008. It’s a vicious cycle. They lie to their supporters and then their supporters (reasonably) wonder why none of these people are going to jail.
They conclude it’s because Republicans are corrupt and inneffective and then they elect crazy people to replace Republicans.
They really believe Obama and Holder and Clinton violated tens of laws. They believe that because Republicans said they did.
Ya’ll, this video though…wow.
Tiffany Trump skillfully pulls away from her dad’s kiss #debate
Most commentary seems to be focusing on 2 things: 1) Trump’s creepy stalking/lurking behind HRC, and 2) his call for her to be jailed if he wins.
I’m good with that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I love it!
@Suzanne: This should make for another 48-72 hours of perhaps not great media coverage for Trump…which of course is awesome…
NJ Maine Coon Slave
@amk: Oops
@Jeffro: Yep.
Trump’s base will be happy, so that means the media has to give him credit.
Omnes Omnibus
@donnah: Watch the debate on CSPAN, then turn it off. It is very simple.
Fair Economist
Assad is bombing Idlib province and East Aleppo. Daesh controls nothing there. The last time Assad did *anything* substantial against Daesh was an attack towards Raqqa in June which was crushed. The large majority of advances against Daesh have been by the Kurds with American air support (which is Obama’s plan)
There shouldn’t be a quota but they really have to look at how punditry skews old, white and male.
These people are not representative of their viewers.
Trump campaign manager: “I’m with the campaign until the bitter end — unless…”
.@HardballChris: “Unless what?”
@Kay: interestingly, Billmon, who doesn’t like Hillary at all, also says that’s her greatest strength.
Matt McIrvin
So are all the R politicians who de-endorsed Trump going to re-endorse him now, since a bunch of pundits said he won?
People shocked that the “lock her up” candidate promised to send Hillary to jail.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
So… I guess I’m glad I switched off MSNBC
ETA: and an interesting and less disgusting tweet
Reid Wilson @ PoliticsReid 21m21 minutes ago
8/ Ryan, McConnell have tough days ahead: Trump didn’t give them excuse to jump ship tonight, but tape is still out there & not going away.
Soylent Green
@Bailey: It can be hard to tell Bernie deadenders from ratfuckers, but you have really been showing your hand lately.
Corner Stone
Where? Which answer? What statement?
I don’t know about August, but I think I saw something that said that in 2012, the polling essentially nailed it by October 15. This was partly because of early voting. By mid October, you are not just talking to likely voters, but to people who have actually cast ballots.
For 2016, I don’t know if there are more undecided voters, or more who are also looking at Gary Johnson or Jill Stein to register protest votes.
The leak of Clinton Wall Street speeches is designed to push Democrats away from her and toward the other candidates.
I’m so glad they noticed the stalking. It’s important to understanding him. He only knows intimidation. He’s a one trick pony.
@Suzanne: if she had Hillary as her lawyer, she would have gotten more.
@lamh36: So what’s that about? Do we know?
@Kay: Yup, the vicious cycle of corrupt gop lying getting more vicious every cycle. That’s what wrought donnie, the congenital liar. They all think that the courts are their personal playtoys.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bailey: Trump had a horrible weekend. Clinton had a decent debate. You are looking for every opportunity to raise doubts about Clinton.
Look, if only the people who watch cable news voted, Trump would win like 70 percent of the vote. It’s cartoons for crabby old white people who’re frightened and angry they’re getting closer to death. So OF COURSE their coverage is slanted. Can’t upset their viewers.
@Bailey: Yes, Trump avoided taking a dump on stage and stroking out. YAY HE WON! The mansplaining and low balling here is ridiculous.
Lulz, Jeffrey Lord thinks Trump can win suburban college-educated voters. Now ranting about Black Panthers. What a look. Even Tapper said stepped in and said they weren’t Fox News.
@PsiFighter37: Haha.
Yes – that’s just the way it goes. Use a throw-away hotmail (or whatever) account when you donate. At least they respect the unsubscribe.
@debbie: I still think Melania is the leaker. Relatively speaking, she had a nice, quiet life before all this madness, and things can’t be happy in the penthouse right now. What better way to show her displeasure?
James E Powell
I’m going to have to disagree with you on the senate. Dems chances on the senate are getting better, but they are by no means won. There will be a huge surge toward incumbents in the last week. Dem challengers need to be ahead & have much more efficient ground games.
@srv: Weak. Sad.
I think Josh Marshall at TPM calls it “dominance politics” or something like that…it explains pretty much everything he does, says, and thinks, just as you say.
It also – heaven help me – fits “The Narrative” and continues to keep him creepy while we wait for the next shoe to drop.
After two hours of exposure to der Trump, I now have the sniffles.
@Omnes Omnibus:
G refused to watch the debate and I have a cold, so we went out to dinner instead. Interesting that it sounds like most of the female pundits immediately realized that Trump’s tactics probably turned women off while the male pundits were clueless. Again.
@Trentrunner: @lamh36: Yeah I knew this was a strange election when I found myself agreeing with Charles Effing Krauthammer… and Jennifer GetAwayFromMe Rubin! Fleischer and Carville I hate with less fire than those two, but so strange to be agreeing with them.
@Sab: C-SPAN makes the live debates and convention coverage available online only to subscribers.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
why is he mocking his sister-network?
@Kay: that’s not the problem. The problem is that they’re all 1%ers
@Corner Stone:
You might not agree with his assessment, but his Syrian and Middle East discussion was far more coherent than one would expect. His decision to appoint a special prosecutor was obnoxious and erroneous, but his attacks on her email destruction after a subpoena was on target. She still does not defend herself well there.
The Thin Black Duke
I thought Hillary was damned good. But it isn’t her fault that we have so many stupid people in this country.
@shomi: You’re so smart and brave. Everyone else is so dumb. You don’t have friends, do you?
@srv: Yeah, it will be real comforting for you two after November election, when he is back to shilling for his shitty hotels and you are off to find some other obscure thing to troll about. Oh, he won because he didn’t throw up and held the microphone in his hand instead of his feet. yaaay…
GOP, if it survives Trump, better take precautions to prevent another Trumpite infection. Imagine what happens to the party if someone else takes up the Trumpite path to the nomination and isn’t a narcisissitic misogynist? But is a dyed in the wool racist and blowhard?
Death Spiral.
Did I say he “won?” No. No, I did not. Speaking of stroking out. I said he performed much better than he did in the first debate. Which I think is abundantly obvious.
I actually don’t think Bailey is being deliberately provocative here. I think Clinton could’ve done better. Every candidate can do better every day. To use the golf metaphor, it’s not medal (best score) play, it’s match play (win more holes). 270 wins. Did she put herself in jeopardy of losing tonight? No. She didn’t rout him, but she apparently wasn’t aiming for that.
@Bailey: Honest to Pete. The FBI has explained it, both in writing and through its director. Only the conspiracy theorists still believe that she had anything to do with it.
@JMG: Oh thank you for this – best laugh of the night:
I was an intern for a Repr. once, and oh yes, the calls we got from the C-SPAN viewership — your description is perfect!
? Martin
Really? That Russia and Iran and al-Assad are fighting ISIS, with the implication that we should in that coalition? And that was his answer to his running mates strategy?
@dm: The foundation is a state issue, so if NY goes after him, that’s state government. The bribery/pay for play with Bondi is also a state issue and a federal corruption issue. I doubt FL will go after it, but they might. The Feds could; they went after Blagovich and Hastert. Trump Uni cases are in the state courts. The various suits from vendors – state courts. Even if he manages to get through everything without racking some jail time, he’ll spend most of the next administration hemorrhaging money for the lawyers. Hope the kiddos have been protecting their inheritances.
It’s St Louis, and that audience was way, way, way whiter than the general population. Which means that audience tends towards deplorable. Add in actual undecided (not the brightest bulbs in the string) and faux undecided (disingenuous scammers) and yeah, smells like rancid weisswurst.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Thanks, captain obvious, for pointing out Trump’s horrible weekend. And yet, he still performed better in the debate than expected and he outperformed his first debate. Really not very objectionable to point this out.
And the truth remains, she didn’t put him away. No shoulder shimmy moments, I’m afraid.
Corner Stone
What? Do you have any actual verbiage to point to?
Soylent Green
@manyakitty: My hunch as to what is happening between Donald and Melania: after the GOP convention, embarrassed by the plagiarism, Melania told her husband she would not campaign for him anymore. He then explained that when he trades her in for a younger model, he will screw her on the settlement if she doesn’t show up at all the debates.
CNN poll apparently coming up. Then I’m sleeping / switching the channel.
@Corner Stone:
At this point, perhaps it is you that should pull up the transcript. Off the top of my head it was his discussion about how Russia, Iran and Assad are killing ISIS. Again, disagree with the strategy but he spoke as if he’d glanced at a briefing book which was far more than what he’d previously done.
@srv: Oh, you gullible fool. Her troll-fu was fine. Just because he didn’t come unhinged during the actual debate doesn’t mean he isn’t stewing in his anger. There is a meltdown coming, probably multi-day.
@? Martin:
I think I have consistently said I do not agree with that strategy. What I pointed out was that it appeared he had prepared and, hence, outperformed his earlier debate. Apparently this is an assessment that makes people pull their hair out.
The Thin Black Duke
@Corner Stone: Forget it, Jake. It’s Bailey.
@WaterGirl: it means “unless another tape drops”
Omnes Omnibus
@JMG: Bailey has been here before. Bailey is always concerned about HRC or that Bill is a problem, or that something will be a problem for Clinton. Concerned. Deeply.
Only a few hands on CNN’s stupid Ohio voter poll go up saying Trump did a good job on the tape question. All white people, naturally.
But then again, they’re not, unless “ISIS” now == “anti-Assad rebels”
What strategy? Dealing with ISIS? Or his debate strategy?
Yes, and with good reason.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Josh Barro likes to say that voters* don’t have opinions about policies, they have feelings about issues. I would say anyone who’s undecided at this point in a cycle, especially this cycle, has an even gauzier understanding about politics, and, again especially in this cycle, are Republican-leaning.
*most voters, I would say, maybe he does too
@Bailey: To you and you only. Oh and srv. Didn’t answer a question directly, didn’t have a response for the healthcare question sniffling all the damn time. Seems to think black people all live in the ghetto, was jittery and paced like a coked up wall street banker, word saiad on most of the foreign policy questions, and seemed to think he was in a “yo’ momma is…” throw down. Sooo much better.
randy khan
Perhaps another way to look at it is that Trump loaded up all of his big guns (or what he thought of as his big guns) and fired them to no real effect at all. Because, really, he’s not getting the headlines he wanted from this debate and the fact checks are going to be brutal.
Like many other people, I suspect that the Clinton campaign has some more damaging oppo research up their sleeves for the next few weeks. Given that, and the fact that there’s one more debate to go, a blockbuster performance was not needed tonight.
And the looming/stalker/”put her in jail” thing is pretty much guaranteed to increase the gender gap to unprecedented proportions, especially in light of the “puzzy” tape.
Corner Stone
This is good, Bailey. This is really good. Thanks for your concern.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes because god knows Clintons never make mistakes. In fact, moderators quoting Bill Clinton’s absurd description of Obamacare really did wonders for both the current president and HRC trying to explain her way out of THAT.
Ha, only one person on the Ohio panel said Trump won. Way more said Clinton won, and a handful said it was a draw.
ISIS, obviously.
His debate strategy is to not fall over on stage. He clearly did better tonight than he did previously. But apparently this is a high crime to point out. (Then again, according to CNN 63% of watchers thought he bested their expectations.)
CNN has Clinton winning 57-34. Naturally, they follow with 63% saying Trump managed to clear the bar set on the ground.
trolls: mission accomplished.
@randy khan:
Could be. But the discussion going into this debate was “will this finish Trump off?” It was not the discussion going out of it.
HRC can be a capable debater but she is not very spontaneous. For example, a slam dunk for her might be to raise the very real point that the vast majority of African Americans are actually middle class or higher, not stuck in the ghettos. For some reason, she’s never able to pivot off that very basic fact.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bailey: Go to the archives. Prove that I never said that Clintons made mistakes. you are spinning out of control. You aren’t a concern troll, (that was my mistake) You are simply anti-Hillary. Got it.
Fair Economist
He sounded like he’d glanced at a briefing book – to somebody who has no idea what’s going on in Syria. What he really did was transpose his (false) talking point about Hussein fighting terrorists to Assad, where it’s also false.
@PsiFighter37: So I guess the Villagers will say Trump won the second debate.
It would have been “obvious” if you had been able to construct an unambiguous sentence. Since you couldn’t — not so much.
So you migrated from saying he was more coherent on Syria/Mideast to saying something about “strategy.” I guess, at some level, “let Russia and Assad kill ISIS for us” is more strategic than tactical, but it’s not clear that it’s actually Trump’s strategy. [Disclaimer” did not watch that part of the debate.] Nor is it clear that he actually has a strategy, other than keeping out refugees.
Don’t forget to whine about the moderators siding with Hillary in a 1-on-3
NJ Maine Coon Slave
Kellyanne Conway has confirmed my belief in the stupidity of the American people. She is chattering like she is on meth.
@Fair Economist:
Scoring debate wise—and considering that most Americans don’t look at a briefing book at all or have any idea what’s going on in Syria—if the other candidate on the stage doesn’t even begin to correct that information, he starts sounding more prepared.
I think he’ll get quite well fact checked. I hope so.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You are far more in love with yourself than you deserve. I have zero desire to re-trace your comments. Yet you have consistently called me a troll, without any context or actual argument whatsoever. And now you continue assigning motivations to me. Again, you are incorrect, but I doubt you’ll let that stop you.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Congrats on the Pack
cheatingbeating the Giants.NJ Maine Coon Slave
@efgoldman: Wow. that’s a good day to sit back and reflect on things.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bailey: I don’t care for concern trolls.
NJ Maine Coon Slave
@Bailey: Erm, it pretty much is, at least as the talking heads are concerned.
I hope this won’t trigger another of your whine-fests, but: there are plenty here who share Omnes’s view. And your memory of people taking you to the woodshed — re: your various trolling efforts — is woefully short.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: Thank you. We really did beat them, not in any weird Patriots way.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I don’t care how off base you demonstrate yourself to be.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I only saw a few seconds of the first half. How close (or not) was it? I know what the final score was — that’s not what I mean.
@NJ Maine Coon Slave:
The talking heads I’ve seen (MSNBC, CNN) pretty much all agree that–while some wildly obnoxious things were said–that this debate was not the disaster for Trump it could have been. Which was my point.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The MSNBC panel all, including sadly Maddow, agreed that she is really “good”, because she never stops talking. Then Chuck Todd felt the need to mewl earnestly that she’s a really good person, because Chuck needs people to know that these people aren’t just his job, they’re his friends.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: Rodgers missed a couple of deep throws. It was closer than it should have been. Fuck it, I will take the result.
NJ Maine Coon Slave
@Bailey: I see your pov re this. That being said I don’t agree with it.
Regarding your comment on the talking heads – I have only had CNN streaming so I can’t speak for the others and they are, at times, burning Trump. And, in turn, excusing Trump. Frustrating.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bailey: I know who/what you are.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I don’t think you do but keep convincing yourself you’re in the know.
@Omnes Omnibus:
With any luck, he’ll take some time this week to get some pointers from Ryan Fitzpatrick
NJ Maine Coon Slave
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: You are stating my views i.e., preaching to the chior. You are absolutely correct, today it is all celebrity and political access that is media currency, journalism has gone the way of the typewriter.
Uncle Cosmo
@efgoldman: Would have been Skyler’s 29th birthday. :(
Omnes Omnibus
@Bailey: Yep, concern troll, not worth anyone’s time.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bailey: Please explain how Hill fucked up. How she made it worse?
@Omnes Omnibus:
How she made what worse? The entire race?
Omnes Omnibus
@Bailey: Yep. What did she do wrong?
JR in WV
What an intellect you have!
Where do I write to subscribe to your newsletter review of foreign policy?
And thanks so much for sharing your valuable insight with us here, we have so little foreign affairs education to rely on!!
The Bailey show. For only the finest Kabuki.
At least srv is entertaining every now and then.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Aren’t you the person that just said I wasn’t worth anyone’s time? And now you want answers? Good grief, try to figure out your own motivations!
Omnes Omnibus
@Bailey: Wander away, Troll.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s like talking to Sybil:
“You’re a troll.”
“Wait I have a question.”
“You’re a troll.”
“But I have another question.”
“Wander away, troll.”
Damn. You need some help, son.
NJ Maine Coon Slave
@Uncle Cosmo: :( sorry
NJ Maine Coon Slave
@maeve: Makes me wonder if he is on drugs. It really does.
Good Christ, will you quit with your whining? Omnes asked you to provide evidence, and you get all “Ask me nice, ’cause you hurt my fee-fees!”
Bernie’s still not going to win the General.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bailey: Do you not understand that we know you are a concern troll?
Actually, no, the chronology is quite clear. Omnes told me to go away. And then to provide evidence to world’s most vague question. Nothing to do with hurting my fee-fees, everything to do with wondering what the hell this confused person wants.
Oh sick burn!
All I see Bailey saying is that Sarah Palin and he had a date last night and they ate moose pie. Why is everyone arguing with him about that?
As a lurker, I’ve noticed an uptick in “new identities” showing up here after big events. Any regulars have a guess as to the amount of oppo $$$ spent funding concern trolls and others?
No One You Know
The split-screen on the repeat broadcast is godawful: it looks like his hand is actually flying toward her face. Sometimes she can’t be seen at all.
I’m glad I saw it live, because this looks just awful.
Hey, whatever you gotta tell yourself to convince yourself you’re not a whiner, I guess. I’d suggest you join the Trump campaign, but he can’t stand competition.
If it’s Trump, no actual $$$ get paid. Lots of vouchers for Trump Steaks and Trump Vodka, however.
You seem so sadly obsessed with this. Find a hobby, dude.
Don’t flatter yourself. You seem pretty good about the projection of obsession onto others, however. This is one of your schticks, after all. Repeated useless comments, then when someone/anyone calls you on each of them, you play the “obsession” card. Kinda like Deadbeat Donnie, actually.
You’re pretty obvious in that regard, “dude.”
@SAFW Should I have specfied rubles?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Someone’s talking to me ? lol
Bruce K
Phew. Took me a while to find the open thread, because I’m still trying to sort out what happened last night while I was sleeping the sleep of the just (and hoping the just didn’t roust me out of bed for it).
NYT said it was a brawl, blogs say Trump was out of control, papers say he performed better than in the first debate, Twitter’s slack-jawed that he threatened to send Hillary to prison if he got elected … how’d Hillary do, by the way? I can’t seem to get a handle on it.
No, he keeps those for himself, too.
He is a travesty. This man and his DEPLORABLE surrogates & supporters bring shame to all Americans. Regarding the debate (such as it was) Trump snorted & sniffled like the pig he is. He scowled, stormed, lurked, loomed, attempting to intimidate and acted like a true bully & perverted stalker. This behavior proves even more that he is unstable, unsuitable, and dangerous. He warns us that he will throw his competition in prison…just like the dictatorships he worships. He mumbled and rambled about his filthy conversation with imbecilic sycophant in the bus that it was “locker room” banter, but most 59 year old adults don’t brag like pimply faced 13 year olds about sexual escapades and giggle and snicker. Even teenage boys are more mature.