Tim from IL is disappointed in @SpeakerRyan for "jumping the gun" and disinviting @realDonaldTrump from Elkhorn event pic.twitter.com/ul9j5diJpL
— Jessie Opoien (@jessieopie) October 8, 2016
Buzzfeed reports:
…. When Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner talked about how voters had been coming to the Fall Fest for years to support Ryan and other local Republicans, hecklers shouted, “Not anymore!” and, “I’m for Donald Trump!”
“Why don’t you listen to what I have to say instead of interrupting me?” Sensenbrenner snapped. Soon, the 73-year-old congressman was in a shouting match with the Trump supporters in the crowd. “Listen to me, please,” he kept repeating, before ordering the audience to “clean up your act.”
By the time it was Ryan’s turn to speak, the mood had grown indisputably hostile. He took the stage to scattered boos, and shouts of, “What about Donald Trump?” and, “Shame on you!”
“Look, let me just start out by saying: There’s a bit of an elephant in the room,” Ryan told the crowd. “And it’s a troubling situation … but that is not what we are here to talk about today. You know what we do here at Fall Fest? We talk about our ideas, we talk about our solutions, we talk about our conservative principles.”…
After the event, the man told BuzzFeed News his name was Tim Ellis. He wore sunglasses and a black sweatshirt with the message “Fuck off. We’re full.” appearing beneath a map of the United States. His wife, Rhonda, sported a red hoodie declaring herself a “Deplorable for Trump.” The couple had traveled here from Illinois to see Trump, and didn’t learn until this morning that his invitation had been rescinded.
They were upset with Ryan for depriving them of the chance to see their candidate, but Tim said their anger at the GOP establishment ran much deeper than that.
“They’re very repressive of support for the person who’s going to run our country, and I think that’s sad,” he said. “Thanks a lot Paul for taking [Trump] away from us.”
Trump praises WI crowd that heckled Paul Ryan in his absence. https://t.co/dOIrbT9Ir6
— Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) October 9, 2016
With any luck, we’re looking at total civil war between the Greedy Old Property-Worshippers ‘respectable’ Repubs, and the no-longer-pretending-it’s-about-economic-anxiety revanchists.
Elsewhere in the Heartland(tm)…
Been following Sen. Blunt and talking to Missouri conservatives all day; can't find one who wants Trump to quit.
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) October 8, 2016
On Saturday morning, as Donald Trump’s campaign for president showed every sign of implosion, Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) wanted an apology. An 11-year-old video showing Trump gloating about a sexual conquest was “absolutely unacceptable.” The nominee needed to show contrition “in a way that people believe he’s sorry.”
But when asked whether Trump should quit the race, Blunt couldn’t see how.
“I think that’s an unrealistic solution,” he said. “The devastation of Obamacare, the out-of-control regulators, the foreign policy [in which] our friends don’t trust us make a third Obama term an unacceptable alternative.”
Asked whether he would vote for Trump, Blunt wondered why that wasn’t already clear:
“Didn’t I just say that? We don’t need to make this harder than it is. We’ve got to change things.”…
Jason Kander, the Democratic secretary of state who is challenging Blunt, had no trouble attacking Trump. “My mom asked me how we could have a president that she would have to mute the TV when she’s with my son so he doesn’t learn offensive words,” he told The Washington Post in a statement. “Families across the country are probably thinking the same thing today. Donald Trump is unfit to be president.”But as Blunt’s float wound through the town, its speakers playing the “Toy Story” theme song “You’ve Got a Friend in Me,” no voters challenged him about Trump. One, who gave her name as Janice, said Trump had made the crude remark when he was still a Democrat. Joe Patton said that every Trump-is-toast news item was disproved, in a hurry, by actual voters…
Trump went missing when Blunt spoke. As a few dozen conservative activists listened, Blunt said that 2016 would be the year to “elect a new governor, a new secretary of state, and a new attorney general.” Jay Ashcroft promised that a Republican governor — the party’s candidate, Eric Greitens, is trailing in polls — could sign a right-to-work law and get Missouri’s economy humming.
Blunt quickly exited through a back door, the one that was not being watched by a Democratic tracker…
At @IowaGOP Reagan Dinner, Gov Branstad backs Trump, calls HRC untrustworthy, corrupt and anti-corn ethanol. Cry of "Lock her up"
— David Rennie (@DSORennie) October 9, 2016
Rep. Joe Heck booed by some in crowd as he disavows Trump and calls on him to step down as nominee. #nvsen https://t.co/fOC9ki9rPW
— Susan Davis (@DaviSusan) October 8, 2016
Six Million CNN Jews call for Trump to drop out of the race https://t.co/1GHNkJUIzg pic.twitter.com/85zWD4NHIZ
— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) October 9, 2016
On the one hand, it's outrageous that David Duke pretends all anti-Trump voices are Jews. On the other, it's a pretty big compliment to us. https://t.co/GWLf3dY9uy
— (((Yair Rosenberg))) (@Yair_Rosenberg) October 9, 2016
Wisconsin Attorney General @BradSchimel heckled for criticizing lewd comments by @realDonaldTrump: "Get over it!" someone shouts at rally
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) October 8, 2016
This is a party that faces a long road backhttps://t.co/UPRqHJnn0W
— Alex Burns (@alexburnsNYT) October 8, 2016
Keep in mind Trump will still get at least 40 percent of the vote because this a seriously fucked up country with a lot of stupid people
— TBogg (@tbogg) October 8, 2016
Is there such a thing as schadenfreude poisoning? If so, I’m in danger.
Also, I grew up near that area of Wisconsin. I know people are quite fairly pointing out the underlying racial animus, but a lot of it has been triggered by the devastation free trade/nafta brought. It’s a northern rust belt.
Sm*t Cl*de
Get government out of corn-ethanol subsidies!!
just wanted to give this site maximum exposure regarding how the media has handled this election:
Media Election Coverage
and we wonder why Ms. Clinton’s numbers suck, maybe because she being going uphill as far as media coverage goes for the entire election.
Bobby Thomson
@Earl: it’s not about economic anxiety.
TBogg’s post probably underestimates the number by about 5 percent. I’m Irish and Polish. I’m as white as it gets. I wear SPF 50. That said, eff white people.
Hatred is their drug and Trump is their dealer. This is going to be frightening.
When these people mention foreign policy they are referring to immigration. Not our relationship with countries around the world.
No longer political, it’s a cult. Heading towards the vats of Kool-Aid stage.
Want to have waking nightmares? Imagine a Trump State of the Union address.
@NotMax: Did you see the little clip of him stepping out of his building in Manhattan to greet his fans? It was chaotic and it must have been a nightmare for the cops and Secret Service guys protecting him.
Oh, it’s in the post before this one.
Hey Trumpistas! If you really want to burn down the system. Here’s what you do: vote for Trump, and then in the rest of the ballot, with all those names you don’t recognize? Vote for the one with the D next to his/her name. That will show that ungrateful GOP elitists!
Don’t tell anyone about this neither – it will be our secret!
low-tech cyclist
It looks like the ONLY thing holding the GOP together at this point is hatred of the left, with Hillary being target #1 of their wrath.
Tonight, Trump’s going to throw every bit of sexualized shit at Hillary that the wingnuts have dug up over the years, from Juanita Broaddrick to Kathy Shelton.
The good news is that Trump almost surely has nothing new, just the stuff that looks good on far-right websites where there’s nobody around to refute anything. So there’s little doubt in my mind that Hillary’s prepared for the shitstorm.
low-tech cyclist
And assuming that Hillary comes out of tonight OK, Trump’s support among Republican women will be in trouble. Secular Republican women, because many of them have run up against men in the workplace who thought they were entitled to sexual favors.
And evangelical Republican women too, because evangelical ministers get away with this shit too. And you can’t complain, because look at Pastor’s ministry, he’s been anointed by God, and it must’ve been your fault for tempting this godly man and leading him on somehow.
Not saying Trump’s support among Republican women will go to zero, but it doesn’t need to. If 20% of Republican women who’ve been supporting Trump in recent polls decide to stay home on election day, it turns a medium Hillary win into a big enough win that the House is up for grabs.
low-tech cyclist
Can’t resist noting the irony of a guy wearing a ‘Fuck off, we’re full’ shirt in a part of the country that, like most small town/rural areas, is probably emptying out rather than filling up.
There are towns like Elkhorn where immigrants are settling, and the immigrants are keeping those towns alive. But sadly for Elkhorn, there aren’t enough immigrants to keep all the towns like Elkhorn from drying up and blowing away, and if that’s Elkhorn’s attitude towards immigrants, that will likely be Elkhorn’s fate.
TBogg via Anne Laurie @ Top:
I wonder …
I’m seriously beginning to think Trump could drop down below 40%, not by much, but maybe down to 38% by the time Election Day gets here – maybe even lower, given that we don’t yet know what’s going to drop out of Trump’s history of sociopathy over the next four weeks.
To be fair, that’s not just about Trump. Once could easily argue that Republicanism has been a cult since Reagan, or even Goldwater, ran for President.
@low-tech cyclist:
“It’s nice to see that my opponent has expertise in infidelity, if nothing else.”
Write-in votes are non-votes in Ohio unless the candidate files a “statement of intent” as a write-in candidate. Since Pence isn’t going to do that, all the GOP officials saying they are voting for Pence are just making stuff up- they aren’t “voting” for anyone. They may as well leave it blank or write in Mickey Mouse.
It wouldn’t matter even if Pence did file a statement of intent, because the electors elect the President so they would have to vote for Pence.
I just love how all these people are pretending they alone decide election laws.
You know, if this bullshit “replacement” theory were true anyone could do it- wait until a month before the election, see that your candidate is losing and announce the candidate will be resigning and the Party will “replace”.
That isn’t how it works. There are elaborate rules for ballot access and the national GOP doesn’t make them. It’s state laws in 50 states. They don’t change it by holding a secret meeting in DC.
Pence literally cannot file a statement of intent as a write in candidate for President because then he would be running for President and Vice President at the same time.
So Trump has to withdraw, Pence has to withdraw, and then they have to file for Pence and a VP as write ins. It would be immediately and probably successfully challenged because I don’t think a court will allow Pence to withdraw as VP then file as President. So just forget about Pence in this scenario. Pence is a non-starter.
The Republican Party wants so badly to abort the Trump presidency, but we need to work very hard to force them to carry this baby to term. I hope this is a teachable moment for a political party that seems more interested in telling you who you can love or marry or which public restroom you can use if you are different or which religion is acceptable to them, than in responsibly governing this country.
@Earl: The racial animus has been triggered by free trade? GTFOOH. The racial animus was around long before NAFTA. Stop making excuses for your brethren’s racism.
@NotMax: It’s been a cult from the start, at least the Trump part of it. I saw that a long time ago.
has anyone reminded the gopee ‘establishment’ yet that it was them who made the entire sheep bench to sign ‘the pledge’?
@Zinsky: Teachable moment? The only thing the GOP will learn from this, maybe, is to better vet their candidates.
@low-tech cyclist: In Canada that is the great divide too on immigrants in general. A lot of Canadians see refugees and immigrants in general as getting “free stuff” that drains our economy and increases taxes. I [and a lot of others] see them as a great long term addition to our country both culturally and economically. I’m not sure how we cross that divide as the anti-immigrants are immune to past data on the successes of large immigrations into Canada.
Funny, whenever I mention the spectacular success of the Vietnamese immigration in the late seventies and early eighties they claim it is different somehow. Hmmmm, I wonder why it is different now?
…….and don’t blame NAFTA for jobs going to China, Vietnam, or Bangladesh.
@Kay: Thanks for explaining that.
And you know, all those “principled” people who will write in a vote for some other Republican but can’t put their country first for the minute it would take to vote for the qualified candidate?
Fuck them.
@Woodrowfan: …at least Hillary is prepared to try and cope with the wreckage. Bit late to blame it on NAFTA when it’s just globalized capitalism from top to bottom. Some of you fuckers have a suspiciously hard time getting the idea that when asked ‘is it racism or is it economic meltdown’ the answer can legitimately be ‘BOTH’.
Iowa Old Lady
@low-tech cyclist: I figure he’ll accuse Bill of rape and Hillary of holding the woman down.
I’m still perplexed over the video, which I missed til now due to Canada and an early Thanksgiving (we had it yesterday).
Why didn’t the Bush progeny (Billy) fess up to the matriarch and HW over his guffawing role in the Trump tape and then hand it over to his uncle? Or cousins? Or the uncle who tossed his hat into the ring? Not that I wanted Jeb! to win. I loathe that clan. But I am truly surprised.
low-tech cyclist
According to Ballotpedia, only 7 states allow write-in voting without a candidate filing some sort of paperwork: Iowa, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Nine states don’t allow write-in votes, period: Arkansas, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and South Dakota. In all the other states, a write-in candidate is in the same situation as s/he would be in Ohio, having to file some sort of paperwork before the election to have his/her write-in votes counted.
And given that all but a few states are so persnickety that they won’t even let a Presidential candidate’s name appear on the ballot line for more than one party, it’s hard to believe that there are any states where Pence could file as a write-in for President at the same time as his name was on the ballot as the veep candidate.
And it’s a bit late in the game to get candidates’ names off the ballot – we’re less than a month away from Election Day now, and that’s just the last opportunity to vote. Voting has already begun in at least 11 states, if I’ve counted right, and will start in 3 more states this week. The GOP can repudiate Trump, but they can’t un-nominate him. That train has left the station.
“I will vote for Mike Pence”. No you won’t because there’s an objective reality and there are laws, apart from what GOP politicians need to cover their ass at any second in time.
I can’t help but notice they only got offended when a white women was targeted by this pig. Not a peep out of them when Miss Universe told her story.
@low-tech cyclist:
It;s just ass-covering so they can say they thought about doing something. All of those nit-picky rules about petitions and qualifying for a ballot? Those are state laws and every candidate has to comply with them. No special exceptions for the GOP because they are having a fake moral crisis. They’ll have to work out their psychological problems internally. They can’t drag the rest of us into this chaos by flipping a ticket or deciding their candidate can’t win. Everyone would do it. Just run some lunatic and if your massive gamble starts to look like a really bad bet call for a do-over?
Why should they be special?
Ryan: “There’s a bit of an elephant in the room.”
Yeah. Your candidate admitted to sexual assault. Confront the elephant, you coward.
Iowa Old Lady
Also, remember how Trump told his campaign not to do the normal thing and conduct oppo research on him so they’d know what their opponents had? Maybe he knew what they had and thought it wouldn’t matter because he’s Donald Trump.
@MJS: Adding — the rust belt was the rust belt long before NAFTA. I grew up in it.
@JGabriel: I sure hope so. I despair for America if he gets 40 million votes.
As for ‘what’s worse’?
Donald is fucking Ivanka.
He can do anything he wants, and he does do anything he wants. He is fucking Ivanka. He grew up with a bare notion of what you aren’t supposed to talk about on television or to churchgoers or the poor people, it serves as a sort of filter through which the truth is always trying to come out, and he raised his children to have exactly the same amoral, do-anything attitude even while their mothers were trying to moderate that somewhat, tone it down from pure Caligula level.
He’s fucking Ivanka. This is not a guy who privately honors boundaries he has public, open contempt for.
This is also why the Republicans and the media so happily built him up and allowed him to become head of the wingnut mob. They all know, they have always known. It’s a rich people thing, and they have their own skeletons in their own closets and find it extremely soothing that his skeletons are so much more impressive than theirs. He’s been made the nominee BECAUSE he is so complete a monster that everyone involved always thought of this as his ‘abort switch’. It’s not that he has shame about it, which was the mistake in their plan. It’s that they know he could always be revealed as a monster, so everyone involved ran with it feeling secure.
Good job, guys. *golf clap*
It’s not as if he’s not already being sued for fucking children with Jeffery Epstein. He made this one, she’s literally his!
@Ramalama: Members of the Bush family have not proven themselves to be all that bright. Besides, Billy doesn’t cover himself in glory in that video.
low-tech cyclist
Either Trump or his nutcase fans will probably invent some secret jobs pipeline connecting Canada and/or Mexico to Asia, to explain how NAFTA makes that happen.
@low-tech cyclist:
We had a municipal court race here about ten years ago. It’s 60/40 GOP. The state bar ethics council started an investigation into the GOP incumbent because he was telling state troopers to stop people and ticket them on the stretch of interstate that is under his jurisdiction. They didn’t announce they were replacing him because that isn’t how this works. Too bad, so sad, you’re stuck with the soon to be disbarred lawyer. The Democrat won because them;s the breaks.
This deserves it’s own post if it hasn’t already been done.
I’ve heard media saying the town hall format questions are not conducive for a candidate, Trump, to veer off the question issue into issues the candidate wants to highlight instead. Ha. Like that will stop Trump from saying whatever the hell he wanted to.
ThresherK (GPad)
The earlier post with pic of Trump stepping out of Trump Tower and waving to the crowd: I know he’s too stubborn and prideful and ego-driven to drop out, but if he did, is he in physical danger, perhaps, from one of the RW base?
Should he drop out, does that mean.no more Secret Svc?
( I’m not being flippant. Or concern trolly.)
Hatred is their drug and Trump is their dealer. This is going to be frightening.
Man, and I thought pumpkin spice was addicting for white folk.
All this hasty out-of-breath reporting on … everything makes me want to send pizzas to the reporters, kinda like how people did that for protestors.
The reason people don’t believe trade rules on labor or human rights will be enforced is because they aren’t enforced in any meaningful way. The US is just not going to put in meaningful sanctions against a country like Vietnam for two reasons- because economic sanctions are a hostile act- regular people suffer- and because it is US-based companies that are benefiting from cheap labor.
They would be sanctioning their own country. It’s too interconnected to “punish” bad actors without a ripple effect.
low-tech cyclist
Because they’re the party of the ‘real’ America, don’t’cha know? That is, all that vast rural acreage with plenty of corn and wheat and livestock, but not very many people. So they’re the special, deserving party, unlike us wicked liberals who live in cities and have gone to college where our minds were corrupted by liberal college professors. And also unlike Those People, who also mostly live in the wicked cities.
@Ramalama: I doubt if he knew there was actual tape of the moment. There are already many first hand accounts of Trump’s boorish behavior. It makes Bush look pretty bad too if not in the same way.
I’m a fair trader but just as a political observer in Ohio, since the truth is Democrats and Republicans are really quite close on trade and most of this is bullshit, if I were a Democrat running in Ohio I would run on benefiting service workers. There are a lot of them. That way they don’t have to lie and say they’re opposed to these trade deals when they’re not. There’s this huge group of voters no one is talking to while Democrats and Republicans hide the fact that they’re quite close on trade.
Not that any of them deserve a cookie for it, but I think the admission of sexual assault is the difference. I’d gain even a bit more grudging respect for them if they would come out and say that, but the Cowardly Ryan just wants to keep it “the elephant in the room.”
@low-tech cyclist:
That’s actually why I was annoyed. It’s the usual default, right? Republicans leaders make the rules and the rest of us just have to be borne along on the whims of their stupid, corrupt Party.
I talked to a Dem Bd of Elections member yesterday and she said she’s listening to this and thinking “nice try, but I don’t think so, gentlemen!”
@Kay: This is why we need to be teaching more about civics. Either the politicians themselves don’t understand election law, or they’re counting on voters not to.
@Applejinx: Got a link for that?
ETA: Never mind, I found it, along with beautiful prose from our next Poet Laureate (see first comment).
By the way, I think it’s a stretch to infer from this that they actually did it, but it’s pretty clear from the mounting evidence that he’s thought about it.
Iowa Old Lady
@Kay: Was it you who said the other day that we should be concentrating on improving the conditions for the jobs people actually work rather than fantasizing about getting manufacturing back? I thought that was very clarifying.
The reason manufacturing jobs are thought of as “good” jobs is that workers unionized and bargained for wages and benefits. There’s nothing inherently more rewarding or worth rewarding in working the line at Ford vs line at Burger King or the cash register at Sears.
Oh, that’s just too good.
@Iowa Old Lady</
I really think that we have to stop separating manufacturing jobs from any other kind of job. The fact is that service jobs are important. People who work should earn enough to live with dignity and not in poverty.
There are plenty of opportunities for us to join existing organizing efforts for better wages and benefits and I think it would be far more productive than arguing about trade deals.
@Applejinx: Sigh. I am no fan of Ivanka, but God I hope you are wrong. I could say more about my suspicions, but I don’t feel comfortable sharing them. Innocent victims and all….
Weird, my whole comment turned into a link to Iowa Old Lady.
Villago Delenda Est
@Kay: That’s key. “Where are the white women at” is the tipping point on Donald’s behavior for many of them.
Villago Delenda Est
@MomSense: A tag got mangled somewhere.
@MomSense: This is exactly right.
@Iowa Old Lady: and the reason there’s a concentration on manufacturing jobs instead of service jobs might be because of the perceived preponderance of men in manufacturing (they have to support families!) and women in service jobs (who should be home taking care of the children, in many a GOPer’s eyes).
I think about all the women who work as personal care attendants providing in home care. They do necessary, important work and are paid a pittance. They tend to be women. I say let’s start by giving them a damned raise.
@low-tech cyclist:
I would not be surprised if she says something like your bit there. Getting groped by the manager or the manager’s golf buddy should not be a condition for a woman keeping her job. Getting groped by the minister should not be part of belonging to a church.
Stella B.
@Iowa Old Lady: Also, those manufacturing jobs aren’t coming back. A lot of them are being done, not by low paid workers in other countries, but by automation. Not only does no one use coal anymore, but extracting coal is done mostly by machines, not men with pickaxes. The machines that were going to free us from working have taken our jobs.
orchid moon
@low-tech cyclist: I grew up in Elkhorn. Walworth county used to be one of the most conservative counties in Wisconsin, and Elkhorn was a Sundown town. At least that was it’s reputation.
They’re not mad about trade deals. They’re pissed the local plant is hiring brown people, and there goes the white heartland neighborhood.
@Stella B.:
Fuck a rustbelt. There is an immense amount of indutrial output from the American midwest. That it is no longer the products and processes of 40 years ago, well… things change.
Bill Clinton is absolutely right, and the anti trade left is wrong. You can’t sell cradle to grave job security. It doesn’t exist and never did.
@satby: That narrative pisses me off. Men “have families to support.” Oh, and women don’t? Fuq outta here.
Anything to justify the continued domination of the straight white Christian male.
@Villago Delenda Est: Because they consider “their women” to be property.
That is exactly the thinking that brought Brexit, Donald Trump, and deplorableness. You are expecting people to strap on boxing gloves and go up against machines (there’s a Twilight Zone episode like that). I will accept your attitude here just as soon as you disconnect that thinking from the idea that people have to work jobs to live. If you’re full-on Basic Income and assume humans needn’t work jobs at all anymore, we have no argument.
If you are saying ‘you can’t sell cradle to grave job security’ in the face of automation and globalization yet still expect people to work or die, then you’re evil, full stop. Might want to rethink that one.
@Wapiti: Didn’t that issue already come up this year? Trump was asked what a woman should do if she was harassed or groped at work, and said she should get another job. I think it was even phrased as “What if this happened to your daughter”…
@Applejinx: I would agree that that you can’t sell cradle to grave job security, but there are measures short of guaranteed income that will help people thrive. Giving people the tools to upgrade their work skills, like easier access to various forms of accredited education, or better pay for shitty jobs are just a couple examples.
@Kropadope: Better pay for shitty jobs would help. As would ‘dig a hole and fill it in’ jobs for the government. My gripe is with the ‘people who can’t compete with Guatemala and with robots, should not thrive’ crowd. Who are perfectly serious and consider it a moral imperative, hence my aggressive tone (yes, that’s evil)
It’s a whole ideology but that, and not anything Bill Clinton might have done with NAFTA, is what’s ruined countless lives.
The problem is, people will break out the tumbrels when the disparity between ‘virtuous capital holders’ and ‘worthless rabble’ becomes too harsh to live with. Consider it an insurance policy against people coming to burn down all your shit. I say burn down rather than ‘take’ because past a certain point the suffering is so great that nobody wants to simply gain advantage and get a leg up on the next guy. They want to punish those responsible for the whole system.
When the system-makers have deluded themselves into thinking their wealth and privilege are just natural law like the law of gravity, that’s when they get unwilling to even hedge their bets by supporting the ‘evil and lazy poor’ and that’s when one wants to burn their shit down.
They built this. (for understandable, self-interested reasons)
West of the Rockies (been a while)
It’s a worn expression, but a relevant one: Character is what you do when you think no one is looking.
Whether in the magical quantum zone of the locker room or as an aside while taping a throwaway bit for a crap culture TV show, Trump’s words reveal his true character, his true nature. Trump is without honor, without integrity, and without excuses.
@Kropadope: Thanks for this. It’s the most honest statement I’ve seen on this blog yet about what can be done to create jobs and ensure a decent standard of living for people whose old jobs won’t come back due to both automation and globalization. I actually think HRC has quite a bit to say on all these points and I wish she would, instead of trying to thread the needle with regard to TPP.
kd bart
This is all the result of them having been force fed 30 years of BS & lies by a RW media, led by the likes of Limbaugh & Hannity, that have manipulated them to vote against their best interests. They’ve been taught not to believe a word said outside the bubble
Why would we want the government to pay people to dig holes and fill them in when we need real things built?
How about just asserting ourselves as interested stakeholders in what we all built together. Burnin shit down virtually never helps the common man.
@low-tech cyclist:
Just some info on Pennsyltucky’s procedures on write-in votes from someone who had to get on a ballot via write-ins: All the write-in votes are reported to the county Board of Elections but the write-in candidate has to claim them officially on a form filed after election day, including all the variations in spelling. The BofE then certifies that they accept the votes and in what variations. So it’s important that you supply potential voters with a cheat sheet and often a pencil, especially if you have a hard to spell last name or a first name with spelling variants.
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
The complete lack of truth in this statement fascinates me. None of these things are true, but it’s just like their attachment to abstinence-only education. If the correct moral stance is taken, the results must work, and facts don’t matter. Since the correct moral stance (fucking over the poor, minorities in their place, and bullying militarism) isn’t being taken, they believe things must be bad.
Jesus Christ. That is a call for another Holocaust. You folks know that, right? As awful as I thought David Duke was, he just got worse.
It could be, but it’s not. I understand how tempting this thought process is. The economic squeeze started by Reagan is viscerally important to you. Racism is not. But this has been investigated to death. Trump’s support does not track with economic insecurity, and neither does the rise of racism. It tracks with increased visibility of minorities, like a black man becoming president. When the economy improved, for example, the racism kept getting worse. It just plain is not economic anxiety.
Sloane Ranger
Just to be clear. If someone votes Pence for President the vote doesn’t default to Trump as they are on the same ticket and the vote would be recorded as a spoiled ballot?
Asking as Brittish citizen not up on the ins and outs of the US election system.
Mike G
This catchphrase has been in widespread use for years by Australian nationalists.
Miss Bianca
@low-tech cyclist: To say nothing of the fact that a white boar would unironically quote Mr. Creosote.
Hey, boar! You remember what happened to Mr. Creosote after he accepted “one waffer-thin mint”? Right after “Fuck off, I’m full?”
Here, piggie, piggie, piggie…
Mike in dc
Racism and sexism are destroying America’s Whitest and Most Patriarchal Major Political Party. They made a deal with the devil and now they’re stuck with it. If they pull out now, they will lose for years to come. If they don’t, they’ll never win again.
Miss Bianca
@Kropadope: Not only that, but the people who want to “burn shit down” seldom stop with the people they see as “responsible for the whole system” – if they can even get to them. Most often, it’s neighbors who have a grudge who turn on each other, while the “responsible parties”, who have enough money to get away, skate.
That maybe is doing an awful lot of the work there. You are asking people to learn how to be actual adults, when they have learned exactly the opposite for their entire lives. Some can do it but they have to want to, and the hard right wingers do not want to. They don’t want to be better people, they want to hate. That’s all they’ve learned in their lives. They’ve learned it from their parents, their friends and neighbors, their churches, their politicians.
Actually cradle to grave job security did exist for a small moment in time. The US had a huge manufacturing base in WWII and many countries had either none or it had been destroyed. And because of that a lot of the manufacturing in the world was done here in the US. This was used to pay people enough to purchase the homes and cars, etc that was produced. We manufactured almost every thing. But those other countries recovered or built up and started producing, both products and customers. And expertise, while a lot of our production got older and didn’t get much investment. Why not? Because we were “great” and many/most considered that everyone else wasn’t. We did win the war didn’t we? Other countries became powerhouses of manufacturing as good as or better than us. Their normal was our modernization, and many failed to do that, they were too busy making money to worry about product. So our products became expensive to build and more money was to be made having others build stuff.
Our success led to our downfall. Except that we still manufacture a lot of stuff here. But we use fewer people to do so than was normal 40 yrs ago.
You ask how I know this? Been involved in mfg metal products that others use for making stuff for over 50 yrs, still do so every week. I make tools that others use to make stuff that you’d recognize, medical products, air plane parts, etc. We now build high cost products, products that are more costly but not as large of production runs. Except autos. We still build lots of those, but we build them far better than we used to, because we have to compete. But even there far fewer people are required and many of the parts are made by contractors who mfg for many producers and may be in other countries. So manufacturing jobs may have declined but mfg? We still do that. We don’t make much of the metal used but we do make some. And a lot of the plastic.
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck:
Assumes facts not in evidence. Think locally, like communities that have withered or been blighted by Wal-Mart. I think you’re looking at averages and trend-lines and the sorts of things President Obama would like to point to, the better to suggest he’s not still presiding over a postglobalization dump where the profits went to the 1%.
Keep not understanding this, keep getting blindsided by things like Brexit and Trump. Hillary’s basement dwellers remarks were a ray of hope that at least someone in charge had a fucking clue. I continue to believe she’s read the political winds and understands the mechanisms by which right-wingers were able to stoke up discontent and then blame it on the Other.
Basement dwellers and deplorables don’t have to be the same thing. They become the same thing when you say stuff like ‘when the economy improved’ without breaking out for WHOM it improved. Same as in the UK, really. Props to Hillary Clinton for being more able to re-evaluate her core axioms than the average bear: I really think she might be able to do practical things about this. She knows the stakes.
Anyone who freely identifies as a trump deplorable The way the wife of the man in the picture does is obviously a super racist sack of shit.
@phoebesmother: When I was a youth, back in the ’60’s, my father heard that there was no one running for precinct committeeman, had some lick-and-stick gummed stickers with his name printed up (before the age of peel-off and lazer printers, this was), and stood outside the municipal building asking for voters to paste them in the writein window. Relieved him for a while after school. Don’t know about the paperwork. Had enough of those stickers (minimum print order…), some still around when I cleaned up their stuff after they passed on.
Yeah, but not really. You admit in your thesis it wasn’t cradle to grave. It ended. The left’s mythology of the post war period glides past the recessions, collapse of manufacturing in the urban Northeast and New England, automation in the eastern coal fields, death of the Anthracite industry, end of the rail steam locomotive industry…. There were deep and substantial job offs in American industrial labor that never ever came back.
Bill James put it most succinctly, the Dodgers didn’t leave Brooklyn because things were going great, they left because their customers and community were under economic duress… or moved to California.
Aardvark Cheeselog
@Earl: This fails to explain McCarthy’s following there, 40 years before NAFTA.
Matt McIrvin
@Sloane Ranger:
Correct. Pence is the vice-presidential candidate; a vote for him for President is not a vote for that ticket.
There are a few states (NH and Pennsylvania among them) that don’t require pre-registration for write-in candidates, and in those states, the vote presumably would be recorded for Pence. In the rest, it’d be a non-vote.