“As long as issues are being discussed, Trump wins”.
Yeah, Trump definitely has more issues than Hillary Clinton. However, I don’t think that’s necessarily cause for rejoicing.
@Botsplainer: now? Jesus. They are really slow. Either that or the enemies list from last week got misplaced
@Baud: Wasn’t that one of the tweets featured a couple threads ago? That since Trump did well enough to not be dumped, Clinton wins?
Yes, Hinderaker, Trump does better when the focus is on the issues, absolutely. Yuppers. He’s got a command of policy and detail that’s hard to match, if you think about it.
Never forget:
“It must be very strange to be President Bush. A man of extraordinary vision and brilliance approaching to genius, he can’t get anyone to notice. He is like a great painter or musician who is ahead of his time, and who unveils one masterpiece after another to a reception that, when not bored, is hostile.”
meanwhile, Kenneth Bone has become the internet sensation we always thought he could be…
I just now read that – glad to see that he got the accolade and not the mook who popped that last shit question.
@dmsilev: it’s funny you brought that up…I was asking some folks last night, “Can you imagine even a clown like W either a) dredging up Willey/Broaddrick/etc or b) giving such vague, dumb, lie-filled answers in a debate?”
Trump doesn’t even rise to the ” ” standard ” ” of W
(and yes that is so mind-boggling I had to use two sets of quotes)
John –
It’s your blog, and you can run it as you see fit, but one thing you might consider when posting anything from Assrocket is to include his “W is a jeenyus” comment from him back around 2006. (And, for what it’s worth, his original seems to have moved. Archived? Or deleted from embarrassment? Inquiring minds don’t give a shit.)
ETA: And I see I was beaten to the punch YET AGAIN! Thanks, Obama!
Gin & Tonic
Good thing you have a readership old enough to understand Usenet references.
I think we’re missing the point here. See, the thing is, if Trump had stayed calm and not said anything nuts, and Clinton had had a meltdown instead, he would have won that debate. He would have seemed so presidential. We’re so caught up in what did happen that we’ve lost sight of what would have happened if other things had happened instead. So, by that standard, Donald Trump clearly won last night. Only a Hillbot would say otherwise. Checkmate, libtardz!
So, Hinderaker’s a regular at alt.comics.fan-fiction. Somehow, not surprising. I gave up on USENET many, many years ago… but I do remember Archimedes Plutonium.
Gin & Tonic
@SFAW: Don’t pretend you’re too young, we know better.
[Actually, I was never a USENET commonsewer. Not sure I even knew what it was, until after it was “a thing.” But I guess I am old enough that I SHOULD know.]
I was at Dartmouth when Archimedies (who was a dishwasher at the Hanover Inn) was posting from our public labs. Some of the frats would invite him as a “guest speaker” for public events.
Once upon a time, Trump’s base WAS Amurrika. I am glad youngs are unaware of that, but racism used to be so pervasive that not being a racist was worthy of comment. And sexism? Please. When HRC was a young woman, she couldn’t have her own credit in her name. She couldn’t be an astronaut. It was legal to fire a woman who was pregnant, and many were. On and on.
These deplorables are not enough to be a political party with any power… and we are rapidly approaching an event horizon where no one else will want to ally with them. A Republican Party split into deplorables/other will be a perpetual also-ran. That is where they are inevitably headed, because they cannot deliver on their absurd promises to this seething mass who live in their own fantasy world.
After the Scopes Trial, the rabid Xantians pulled out of politics and lay low for decades. I’m more than ready for them to do that again. And it wasn’t consequences… they won that trial.
It was the humiliation. Let’s concentrate on that, shall we?
@Walker: When I was there he called himself Ludwig Plutonium.
@WereBear: To be fair, Hillary still can’t be an astronaut.
Gin & Tonic
In a fitting coda to the debate, at 5:59 am today the Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City closed. The “eighth wonder of the world.”
That Trump thinks he “won” by dropping what had to be over 100 insults is going to make the 3rd debate an absolute shit-show without peer. If I’m prepping Clinton, I’m dropping the C word, certainly the b-word, and enough “you’re a goddamn liar!” refs, complete with spittle, just to see how she can react.
There’s no way the 3rd debate doesn’t set all-time records for insults, put downs, and character assassination attempts by the GOP candidate.
Soylent Green
I’m cool with loyalists riding the Trump bomb right into the ground, like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove. Yeehah.
Soylent Green
@Punchy: He isn’t going to swear. He will just keep up a barrage of Breitbart bullshit, which is all he knows how to do, without regard for the actual questions. He might double down on stalking and interrupting, if that’s possible. Red meat for the mob.
@Major Major Major Major: Unless she wins; then she could pull a John Glenn and make NASA send her on a mission!
ETA: If I was elected president, I’d totally do it.
@Soylent Green: He really is steeped like a tea bag in the fever swamp. Ranting about Sidney Blumenthal, Jonathan Gruber, and hordes of unchecked refugees who are actually latent terrorists.
@FlipYrWhig: He was speaking to people that saw Mississippi Burning as a sad tale of violated states rights….
I’d never actually read that. I particularly loved this:
And the spike in violence in Iraq prior to the election was generally understood as an effort by the terrorists to help Democratic candidates.
No matter how many times I see it, the number of Americans who firmly believe that everything, everything, that happens to anyone anywhere in the world is all about them continues to impress.
@FlipYrWhig: It is an alternate universe, all right.
It’s an incredible, elaborate, fantasy world which makes sense to their hate-addled brains. Trump has done us all a favor by Going Too Far, to the point where the thin scrim of sanity they try to slop over him like latex paint won’t work. He’s demented and he believes demented things.
The only problem left is people who will not realize that yes, things have gotten this bad. One of the two major parties is running a deeply messed up person (which is nothing new, Nixon is a PhD study that gets worse the more is revealed) and that is who they are.
For the tinfoil hat crowd, it’s Sidney Blumenthal.
For the other diehard Trumpistas, it’s a signal that she’s in league with (or in the pocket of) the Joooooze.
Soylent Green
@FlipYrWhig: I don’t think Trump actually believes a word of all that RW noise. He believes in nothing except his own greatness. First and foremost he is a showbiz personality following a script. The tell was what he said about Hillary at the end of the debate. He admires the Clintons and always has. And he doesn’t want the job and will be relieved when this is over. The world’s most insecure man seeks praise, not power, and despite the current rebellion in his party is still enjoying himself. For 15 months he has been the king of TV ratings. This is what he lives for.
I’ll say this for Trump. He correctly identified Clinton’s strongest attribute at the end of the debate.
Yup, and my guess is that he’s getting slammed by many Breitbartians for blowing it with that comment after such a “stellar” debate performance.
The media coverage seems to be just about uniformly positive for Clinton, now that it’s sunk in just how much strength it took to stand up to Trump’s slime & intimidation tactics last night. Well, except for Chris Matthews and can I just say, fuck him.
Matthews can be either really good or really bad. But his judgment can’t be trusted.
I’m getting several hints from disparate websites that the next vid to be released is him dropping the N-word during a taping of his show. That would align somewhat with the fact that Ben Carson thought this release would be worse (to him and his ethnicity, it certainly is) than Friday’s.
I dont think such a revelation will do anything to hurt him; his base would likely cheer these slurs. Indys may cringe, but ripping The Blax is not considered political suicide in 2016.
@Jeffro: Ah yes, Chris (OH MY GOD OBAMA’S GOING TO LOSE BECAUSE HIS FIRST DEBATE WITH MITT DIDN’T GO WELL!!!) Matthews. He concern trolls dems and praises republicans for just showing up.
Donald Trumpet
It’s been a long time since I was aware of the existence of ol’ Butt Missile. Thanks for ruining that for me, John.
Trump is following wingnut world’s “woulda won” playbook for McCain and Romney, doing all the dumb shit they’re sure would have won the election if past GOP candidates had been man enough to do it. In a rational world, when he loses, they’d finally accept they were full of crap. Instead they’ll say it would have worked if that mean moderator hadn’t said no.
Except that the one rule of moderate whites is that the N-word is the sole definition of racism. You’re right that it’ll help him motivate his base. Expect many tweets about hip-hop lyrics.
For anyone who thinks that Scott Adams is just being temperamental, here’s some bad news.
1) The trouble with politician X is that he’s not Chris Matthews.
2) Philadelphia in the 1950s was the pinnacle of Western civilization in every way.
One of the interesting things that I am seeing from this debate (and election) is the number of people who did not believe the media were that bad realizing that they really are that bad.
After successfully shearing off anyone who is not white, Republicans now attempt to alienate and enrage most women.
Oh, well. The grifters are still making money and until that changes nothing else will.
So sick of this post debate media masturbation spunk fest. Omgzzz, Trump wants to throw Hillary in jail…click here for all the details.
(Sound of Col. Jessep from A Few Good Men). They want that carnival barker up on that stage turning it into Jerry Springer. They need that carnival barker up on that stage.
They can all go fuck themselves. Don’t know how you people can watch the most annoying ones. Tweety, Chuckles, Tapper. I despise listening to them almost as much as the drumpfter fire.
Robert Costa @costareports
In calls this morning, many Rs privately want to defect from Trump. But they say the debate gave them pause since he roused their base.
I’m getting several hints from disparate websites that the next vid to be released is him dropping the N-word during a taping of his show.
David Brock has promised to pay any fees or fines for anyone who releases more herr drumpf tapes.
Wrong newsgroup, John
alt.fan.art-bell with a crossposts to alt.usenet.kooks & alt.conspiracy
@Chris: Folks on the right believe in their hearts the MSM is liberally-biased. They look at Martha Raddatz and see a far left operative determined to bring down their hero.
Meanwhile, commenters here called Raddatz a drumpf fan girl who excitedly posed for selfies with him on his private jet.
My opinion? She’s probably “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” … meaning she has no problem with same-sex marriage but would prefer more republican tax cuts. And she probably would love a drumpf administration because it would give her more interesting things to say on TV.
@Walker: One of the interesting things that I am seeing from this debate (and election) is the number of people who did not believe the media were that bad realizing that they really are that bad.
That is very heartening. I knew it would have to get really bad before it got better. But now we are at the equivalent of Ant Overlords eating fleeing citizens and pundits saying, “They have certainly energized the crowds here tonight! We’ll be right back to discuss this novel approach to unemployment after the break.”
@Soylent Green:
Agree 100%. They are useful idiots and idolaters and nothing more to him. Marks. He’d never socialize with his supporters in a million years.
@Baud: Caught in a dilemma, are they? So sad; maybe they shouldn’t have spent the last few decades building a monster, putting it on a slab and hooking it up to a bunch of wires. Now that the lightning bolt has struck and the thing is lurching towards the village, it’s a bit late to complain that the pitchfork-wielding villagers are being unfair to you.
@Kay: Republicans now attempt to alienate and enrage most women.
That is something they are doing very well indeed. That whole LOOOMING thing Trump was doing would make any woman’s neck hair stand up in recognition of the threat he was trying to make.
Doesn’t matter if the rats are on the ship or not, Trump is the poison that will kill them all. And they’ve had it coming.
While we watched the debate last night we tried to guess which talking points came from which advisor. He’d say something, and we’d say “That sounds like it came from Roger Ailes” and then he’d say something else and we’d be “That one smells like a Rudy line.”
@Punchy: PFFFhahahah. The Ball Juice peanut gallery hasn’t even finished masturbating over the second debate and all the things these geniuses predicted but of course never happened, and you are already starting in on the 3rd with all the things that will never happen.
That is something they are doing very well indeed. That whole LOOOMING thing Trump was doing would make any woman’s neck hair stand up in recognition of the threat he was trying to make.
I got the “estranged husband just dropped by to pick up a few things, he’ll be gone in a minute, calm down” vibe.
Greg Mitchell
Very telling that TV pundits scored debate even, then 45 minutes later suddenly recall horror of Trump threatening to lock up opponent.
Are they embarrassed that they’re afraid of Donald Trump? We learned one thing last night. If some creep wins an election and starts jailing political opponents all these people will meekly go along. No help from the multi-millionaire media celebrity corner, that’s for sure. They’d be “analyzing” while political dissidents are dragged off.
@Calouste: “I will bring economics to the people.”
Wondering why the fact Trumps ‘victims’ from last nights pre-debate shit show were all paid isn’t getting more attention in the media masturbation spunkfest?
I predicted the other day that if the S.S. Trump somehow righted itself (or was perceived by ardent Trump supporters to have righted itself), some rats might scurry back aboard.
That whole LOOOMING thing Trump was doing would make any woman’s neck hair stand up in recognition of the threat he was trying to make.
I doubt very much Trump was ‘trying’ to make anything at all, at least not consciously. That is just how he is around women, he needs to control them.
@J.: I heard audio on the radio this morning of the debate and the sniffing was so prominent. Also, my local top 4 dj’s, one of whom I’m sure is a winger, started talking about the debate by mentioning Trump “looming” in the background. I don’t think the media pundits realize how prominent that was in the debate or how many people took notice.
@WereBear: I’d like to make love to that comment that you made on the media, tyvm.
@OzarkHillbilly: Yeah, it’s not like he said to himself, “I’ll be psychopathic today.” It doesn’t work that way.
Have to say when watching it seemed both conscious and coached. “Leadery”
For the tinfoil hat crowd, it’s Sidney Blumenthal.
For the other diehard Trumpistas, it’s a signal that she’s in league with (or in the pocket of) the Joooooze.
That’s USENET-era dog whistling.
Today’s kool kids say ‘Skypes’, not ‘Joooze’.
I read it on the Intertubes so it must be true.
@Soylent Green: I dunno about that. I think Trump thinks he’s a brilliant expert on everything, because he’s set up his life like the boss who doesn’t realize that he wins at golf because everyone’s trying to kiss his butt, not because he’s such a good player. So he thinks he’s right, he thinks he’s beloved, and he thinks he’s well informed because he’s so gullible that he falls for nonsense all the time.
It’s where the scum of the Internet used to hang out before Something Awful, 4chan, and reddit were things.
Also where the useful people on the internet hung out. There just weren’t a lot of hangouts, so everyone wound up hanging out in the same general place.
Soylent Green
@shomi: You know, Shomi, I agree with you, but how old are you, 16? It must sting not to be allowed to sit at the cool kids’ table.
A path to President Pence: A President-elect Trump could take the oath of office and then resign
From the conservative brain trust at the WSJ.
To review, conservatives now back jailing political opponents and running one Presidential candidate and then selecting and installing a better, different President.
Fundamentally anti-democratic.
The most interesting takeaway from the Yougov post debate poll was that men gave Trump a slight win (46-43), while women gave him a solid loss (50-38).
The group most put off by the tape was women voters, and it looks like they weren’t impressed with the follow up performance.
@trollhattan: I did not watch it (can’t imagine the amount of money that could get me to watch Trump for even 5 secs) so I am only going on what I read about last night and my observations of similarly abusive males. Their need to control the women in their lives is absolute and when they find themselves confronted with one they can not control it freaks them out and it takes every ounce of self control they have to keep themselves from grabbing said woman by the throat and screaming at her. But if they are standing within reach, subconsciously they feel a little less threatened by her, a little more in control.
This is all just arm chair psycho-analysis by one dumbfuck carpenter, but it is a behavior I have seen too much of over the years. YMMV
@MattF: It occurred to me from reading about last night’s debate (I don’t have the stomach to watch der Trumpenführer), that any man whose family didn’t have money who engaged in the lifelong behavior the orange ballsack has would have gotten a series of prison sentences and/or involuntary commitments. But in the shitgibbon’s case, because he was born into wealth, it got him the Republican presidential nomination.
Gelfling 545
@Calouste: all the while not realizing that the issue is that he does really know nothing about Russia but Russia knows plenty about him.
@Kay: Good Lord. I joke on Twitter about Calvinball and the modern GOP but they are tip toeing into “Fuck it, a coup WOULDN’T be that bad” territory.
To review, conservatives now back jailing political opponents and running one Presidential candidate and then selecting and installing a better, different President.
Fundamentally anti-democratic.
Stuff like this (the run-and-resign part) is fun to walk through with RW-leaning friends and relatives, as there are multiple points where the odds aren’t just low, they’re non-existent:
– the Prez candidate is gonna agree to this?
– the party’s voters…especially that Prez candidate’s base…are going to a) agree and b) execute?
– the consequence for the Prez candidate for not following through is…?
– this is supposed to be appealing to/good for the country?
And you can point out the whole ridiculous thing by playing “Flip It Around”…pretend this was going on on the D side…it’d be acceptable to you as an R, them playing these kinds of games?
Sad, how many magical scenarios have come and gone for the Rs this election. And by sad, what I mean is, delightful.
Hey, moron, I keep telling you to get your own fucking blog if you fucking hate everyone here. Are you as stupid as Trump and his sheep? Or just another all-talk, no-action shit-for-brains? Or is it that writing your stupid shit helps you when you’re jerking off?
“Back when I worked with tip O’Neill, blah blah blah….”
Villago Delenda Est
@Baud: They’re all cowards. Every last one of them. Paul Ryan is the Coward-in-Chief.
@SFAW: He has to be his donors’ best boy. I read earlier in the summer, when he was “agonizing” over whether to endorse Trump, about how he had a meeting with a bunch of donors to explain himself and how they all felt really sympathetic to his plight. So long as they are happy it doesn’t matter to him that a lot of other people see him as a sniveling coward. Donald Trump is loathsome but he is transparent. Paul Ryan wants you to think he has principles when he is motivated no more and no less by the same greed factor that compels most of what Trump stands for.
There is no way “Trump Wins” counts as fan fiction.
For starters there are no fans.
Nah, he’s still got plenty of fans, though I do have doubts about their reading comprehension.
It’s nowhere near the quality work of stuff like “Harry Potter and the Awkward Date” or “Scully Is a Highlander”.
There’s good fanfiction and then there’s crap fanfiction.
Some of the Potter stuff is really good. The problem is separating the gold from the dross.
Clell65619 over at fanfiction.net writes some pretty good stuff.
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Oh please rats, return to the ship.
At FR, they’re compiling an enemies list.
Miss Bianca
“As long as issues are being discussed, Trump wins”.
Yeah, Trump definitely has more issues than Hillary Clinton. However, I don’t think that’s necessarily cause for rejoicing.
@Botsplainer: now? Jesus. They are really slow. Either that or the enemies list from last week got misplaced
@Baud: Wasn’t that one of the tweets featured a couple threads ago? That since Trump did well enough to not be dumped, Clinton wins?
Yes, Hinderaker, Trump does better when the focus is on the issues, absolutely. Yuppers. He’s got a command of policy and detail that’s hard to match, if you think about it.
Never forget:
meanwhile, Kenneth Bone has become the internet sensation we always thought he could be…
I think the enemies list now includes anyone who failed to say “fuck you” to any liberal who greeted them with a cheerful “good morning!”
I just now read that – glad to see that he got the accolade and not the mook who popped that last shit question.
@dmsilev: it’s funny you brought that up…I was asking some folks last night, “Can you imagine even a clown like W either a) dredging up Willey/Broaddrick/etc or b) giving such vague, dumb, lie-filled answers in a debate?”
Trump doesn’t even rise to the ” ” standard ” ” of W
(and yes that is so mind-boggling I had to use two sets of quotes)
I love the title, Cole.
Hope all is well at Casa Cole.
John –
It’s your blog, and you can run it as you see fit, but one thing you might consider when posting anything from Assrocket is to include his “W is a jeenyus” comment from him back around 2006. (And, for what it’s worth, his original seems to have moved. Archived? Or deleted from embarrassment? Inquiring minds don’t give a shit.)
ETA: And I see I was beaten to the punch YET AGAIN! Thanks, Obama!
Gin & Tonic
Good thing you have a readership old enough to understand Usenet references.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I think we’re missing the point here. See, the thing is, if Trump had stayed calm and not said anything nuts, and Clinton had had a meltdown instead, he would have won that debate. He would have seemed so presidential. We’re so caught up in what did happen that we’ve lost sight of what would have happened if other things had happened instead. So, by that standard, Donald Trump clearly won last night. Only a Hillbot would say otherwise. Checkmate, libtardz!
Major Major Major Major
I saw that headline. I didn’t click it.
I see that Condi Rice has called on Trump to drop out, so now he’s lost both war criminal former SoS’s.
Fuck you.
[Don’t really mean it, just trying to stay on the good side of the Freepers, for when they stage that armed insurrection.]
@Gin & Tonic:
To understand WHAT???
So, Hinderaker’s a regular at alt.comics.fan-fiction. Somehow, not surprising. I gave up on USENET many, many years ago… but I do remember Archimedes Plutonium.
Gin & Tonic
@SFAW: Don’t pretend you’re too young, we know better.
Major Major Major Major
@SFAW: Yes yes, let’s all pretend we’ve never heard of Uselessnet.
Bruce K
@SFAW: Usenet. It’s where the scum of the Internet used to hang out before Something Awful, 4chan, and reddit were things.
@Gin & Tonic:
Bleib stumm!!
[Actually, I was never a USENET commonsewer. Not sure I even knew what it was, until after it was “a thing.” But I guess I am old enough that I SHOULD know.]
@Bruce K:
I thought that was Mos Eisley.
I’ll say this for Trump. He correctly identified Clinton’s strongest attribute at the end of the debate.
I was at Dartmouth when Archimedies (who was a dishwasher at the Hanover Inn) was posting from our public labs. Some of the frats would invite him as a “guest speaker” for public events.
Once upon a time, Trump’s base WAS Amurrika. I am glad youngs are unaware of that, but racism used to be so pervasive that not being a racist was worthy of comment. And sexism? Please. When HRC was a young woman, she couldn’t have her own credit in her name. She couldn’t be an astronaut. It was legal to fire a woman who was pregnant, and many were. On and on.
These deplorables are not enough to be a political party with any power… and we are rapidly approaching an event horizon where no one else will want to ally with them. A Republican Party split into deplorables/other will be a perpetual also-ran. That is where they are inevitably headed, because they cannot deliver on their absurd promises to this seething mass who live in their own fantasy world.
After the Scopes Trial, the rabid Xantians pulled out of politics and lay low for decades. I’m more than ready for them to do that again. And it wasn’t consequences… they won that trial.
It was the humiliation. Let’s concentrate on that, shall we?
@Walker: When I was there he called himself Ludwig Plutonium.
@WereBear: Agree.
Major Major Major Major
@WereBear: To be fair, Hillary still can’t be an astronaut.
Gin & Tonic
In a fitting coda to the debate, at 5:59 am today the Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City closed. The “eighth wonder of the world.”
That Trump thinks he “won” by dropping what had to be over 100 insults is going to make the 3rd debate an absolute shit-show without peer. If I’m prepping Clinton, I’m dropping the C word, certainly the b-word, and enough “you’re a goddamn liar!” refs, complete with spittle, just to see how she can react.
There’s no way the 3rd debate doesn’t set all-time records for insults, put downs, and character assassination attempts by the GOP candidate.
Soylent Green
I’m cool with loyalists riding the Trump bomb right into the ground, like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove. Yeehah.
Soylent Green
@Punchy: He isn’t going to swear. He will just keep up a barrage of Breitbart bullshit, which is all he knows how to do, without regard for the actual questions. He might double down on stalking and interrupting, if that’s possible. Red meat for the mob.
@Major Major Major Major: Unless she wins; then she could pull a John Glenn and make NASA send her on a mission!
ETA: If I was elected president, I’d totally do it.
@Soylent Green: He really is steeped like a tea bag in the fever swamp. Ranting about Sidney Blumenthal, Jonathan Gruber, and hordes of unchecked refugees who are actually latent terrorists.
@FlipYrWhig: He was speaking to people that saw Mississippi Burning as a sad tale of violated states rights….
Same. But the Internet knows him now as Archimedies, so I roll with it,
I’d never actually read that. I particularly loved this:
No matter how many times I see it, the number of Americans who firmly believe that everything, everything, that happens to anyone anywhere in the world is all about them continues to impress.
@FlipYrWhig: It is an alternate universe, all right.
It’s an incredible, elaborate, fantasy world which makes sense to their hate-addled brains. Trump has done us all a favor by Going Too Far, to the point where the thin scrim of sanity they try to slop over him like latex paint won’t work. He’s demented and he believes demented things.
The only problem left is people who will not realize that yes, things have gotten this bad. One of the two major parties is running a deeply messed up person (which is nothing new, Nixon is a PhD study that gets worse the more is revealed) and that is who they are.
Mos Eisley is the scum and villainy. When it’s just scum, it’s Usenet.
It’s a two-fer.
For the tinfoil hat crowd, it’s Sidney Blumenthal.
For the other diehard Trumpistas, it’s a signal that she’s in league with (or in the pocket of) the Joooooze.
Soylent Green
@FlipYrWhig: I don’t think Trump actually believes a word of all that RW noise. He believes in nothing except his own greatness. First and foremost he is a showbiz personality following a script. The tell was what he said about Hillary at the end of the debate. He admires the Clintons and always has. And he doesn’t want the job and will be relieved when this is over. The world’s most insecure man seeks praise, not power, and despite the current rebellion in his party is still enjoying himself. For 15 months he has been the king of TV ratings. This is what he lives for.
Yup, and my guess is that he’s getting slammed by many Breitbartians for blowing it with that comment after such a “stellar” debate performance.
The media coverage seems to be just about uniformly positive for Clinton, now that it’s sunk in just how much strength it took to stand up to Trump’s slime & intimidation tactics last night. Well, except for Chris Matthews and can I just say, fuck him.
Matthews can be either really good or really bad. But his judgment can’t be trusted.
I’m getting several hints from disparate websites that the next vid to be released is him dropping the N-word during a taping of his show. That would align somewhat with the fact that Ben Carson thought this release would be worse (to him and his ethnicity, it certainly is) than Friday’s.
I dont think such a revelation will do anything to hurt him; his base would likely cheer these slurs. Indys may cringe, but ripping The Blax is not considered political suicide in 2016.
@Jeffro: Ah yes, Chris (OH MY GOD OBAMA’S GOING TO LOSE BECAUSE HIS FIRST DEBATE WITH MITT DIDN’T GO WELL!!!) Matthews. He concern trolls dems and praises republicans for just showing up.
Donald Trumpet
It’s been a long time since I was aware of the existence of ol’ Butt Missile. Thanks for ruining that for me, John.
Trump is following wingnut world’s “woulda won” playbook for McCain and Romney, doing all the dumb shit they’re sure would have won the election if past GOP candidates had been man enough to do it. In a rational world, when he loses, they’d finally accept they were full of crap. Instead they’ll say it would have worked if that mean moderator hadn’t said no.
Except that the one rule of moderate whites is that the N-word is the sole definition of racism. You’re right that it’ll help him motivate his base. Expect many tweets about hip-hop lyrics.
For anyone who thinks that Scott Adams is just being temperamental, here’s some bad news.
Every Chris Matthews show in two sentences.
1) The trouble with politician X is that he’s not Chris Matthews.
2) Philadelphia in the 1950s was the pinnacle of Western civilization in every way.
One of the interesting things that I am seeing from this debate (and election) is the number of people who did not believe the media were that bad realizing that they really are that bad.
After successfully shearing off anyone who is not white, Republicans now attempt to alienate and enrage most women.
Oh, well. The grifters are still making money and until that changes nothing else will.
So sick of this post debate media masturbation spunk fest. Omgzzz, Trump wants to throw Hillary in jail…click here for all the details.
(Sound of Col. Jessep from A Few Good Men). They want that carnival barker up on that stage turning it into Jerry Springer. They need that carnival barker up on that stage.
They can all go fuck themselves. Don’t know how you people can watch the most annoying ones. Tweety, Chuckles, Tapper. I despise listening to them almost as much as the drumpfter fire.
@NotMax: Best summary of Chris ever!
@Walker: Good. Biggest problem we have as of November 9.
Are people finally realizing that the media is not in fact liberally biased?
David Brock has promised to pay any fees or fines for anyone who releases more herr drumpf tapes.
Wrong newsgroup, John
alt.fan.art-bell with a crossposts to alt.usenet.kooks & alt.conspiracy
@Chris: Folks on the right believe in their hearts the MSM is liberally-biased. They look at Martha Raddatz and see a far left operative determined to bring down their hero.
Meanwhile, commenters here called Raddatz a drumpf fan girl who excitedly posed for selfies with him on his private jet.
My opinion? She’s probably “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” … meaning she has no problem with same-sex marriage but would prefer more republican tax cuts. And she probably would love a drumpf administration because it would give her more interesting things to say on TV.
That is very heartening. I knew it would have to get really bad before it got better. But now we are at the equivalent of Ant Overlords eating fleeing citizens and pundits saying, “They have certainly energized the crowds here tonight! We’ll be right back to discuss this novel approach to unemployment after the break.”
@Soylent Green:
Agree 100%. They are useful idiots and idolaters and nothing more to him. Marks. He’d never socialize with his supporters in a million years.
@Baud: Caught in a dilemma, are they? So sad; maybe they shouldn’t have spent the last few decades building a monster, putting it on a slab and hooking it up to a bunch of wires. Now that the lightning bolt has struck and the thing is lurching towards the village, it’s a bit late to complain that the pitchfork-wielding villagers are being unfair to you.
That is something they are doing very well indeed. That whole LOOOMING thing Trump was doing would make any woman’s neck hair stand up in recognition of the threat he was trying to make.
There’s no one left but thee and we
And we’re not sure of thee
– “The John Birch Society” (folk song)
Doesn’t matter if the rats are on the ship or not, Trump is the poison that will kill them all. And they’ve had it coming.
While we watched the debate last night we tried to guess which talking points came from which advisor. He’d say something, and we’d say “That sounds like it came from Roger Ailes” and then he’d say something else and we’d be “That one smells like a Rudy line.”
@Punchy: PFFFhahahah. The Ball Juice peanut gallery hasn’t even finished masturbating over the second debate and all the things these geniuses predicted but of course never happened, and you are already starting in on the 3rd with all the things that will never happen.
Major Major Major Major
@WereBear: laughed out loud, thanks!
@WereBear: I would’ve called security/the cops/relevant group, if somebody was doing that to me, and I’m a 6’4″ dude.
“As long as issues are being discussed”
Trump: “I know nothing about Russia”
I got the “estranged husband just dropped by to pick up a few things, he’ll be gone in a minute, calm down” vibe.
Are they embarrassed that they’re afraid of Donald Trump? We learned one thing last night. If some creep wins an election and starts jailing political opponents all these people will meekly go along. No help from the multi-millionaire media celebrity corner, that’s for sure. They’d be “analyzing” while political dissidents are dragged off.
So much for “first they came for…”
Major Major Major Major
@Calouste: “I will bring economics to the people.”
Wondering why the fact Trumps ‘victims’ from last nights pre-debate shit show were all paid isn’t getting more attention in the media masturbation spunkfest?
I predicted the other day that if the S.S. Trump somehow righted itself (or was perceived by ardent Trump supporters to have righted itself), some rats might scurry back aboard.
Also this just in, the new sponsor of the third un-presidential debate will be Afrin.
Gin & Tonic
@Kay: They are your neighbor down the hall who will turn you in to the Stasi. Make no mistake.
I doubt very much Trump was ‘trying’ to make anything at all, at least not consciously. That is just how he is around women, he needs to control them.
@J.: I heard audio on the radio this morning of the debate and the sniffing was so prominent. Also, my local top 4 dj’s, one of whom I’m sure is a winger, started talking about the debate by mentioning Trump “looming” in the background. I don’t think the media pundits realize how prominent that was in the debate or how many people took notice.
@WereBear: I’d like to make love to that comment that you made on the media, tyvm.
@OzarkHillbilly: Yeah, it’s not like he said to himself, “I’ll be psychopathic today.” It doesn’t work that way.
Have to say when watching it seemed both conscious and coached. “Leadery”
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
That’s USENET-era dog whistling.
Today’s kool kids say ‘Skypes’, not ‘Joooze’.
I read it on the Intertubes so it must be true.
@Soylent Green: I dunno about that. I think Trump thinks he’s a brilliant expert on everything, because he’s set up his life like the boss who doesn’t realize that he wins at golf because everyone’s trying to kiss his butt, not because he’s such a good player. So he thinks he’s right, he thinks he’s beloved, and he thinks he’s well informed because he’s so gullible that he falls for nonsense all the time.
@Kay: This.
@trollhattan: Seemed like pretty standard Bad Boss behavior: throw a fit until your underling comes up with a way to please you and scurries off.
Roger Moore
@Bruce K:
Also where the useful people on the internet hung out. There just weren’t a lot of hangouts, so everyone wound up hanging out in the same general place.
Soylent Green
@shomi: You know, Shomi, I agree with you, but how old are you, 16? It must sting not to be allowed to sit at the cool kids’ table.
From the conservative brain trust at the WSJ.
To review, conservatives now back jailing political opponents and running one Presidential candidate and then selecting and installing a better, different President.
Fundamentally anti-democratic.
The most interesting takeaway from the Yougov post debate poll was that men gave Trump a slight win (46-43), while women gave him a solid loss (50-38).
The group most put off by the tape was women voters, and it looks like they weren’t impressed with the follow up performance.
@trollhattan: I did not watch it (can’t imagine the amount of money that could get me to watch Trump for even 5 secs) so I am only going on what I read about last night and my observations of similarly abusive males. Their need to control the women in their lives is absolute and when they find themselves confronted with one they can not control it freaks them out and it takes every ounce of self control they have to keep themselves from grabbing said woman by the throat and screaming at her. But if they are standing within reach, subconsciously they feel a little less threatened by her, a little more in control.
This is all just arm chair psycho-analysis by one dumbfuck carpenter, but it is a behavior I have seen too much of over the years. YMMV
@Kay: CUI. Commenting Under the Influence.
@MattF: It occurred to me from reading about last night’s debate (I don’t have the stomach to watch der Trumpenführer), that any man whose family didn’t have money who engaged in the lifelong behavior the orange ballsack has would have gotten a series of prison sentences and/or involuntary commitments. But in the shitgibbon’s case, because he was born into wealth, it got him the Republican presidential nomination.
Gelfling 545
@Calouste: all the while not realizing that the issue is that he does really know nothing about Russia but Russia knows plenty about him.
@Kay: Good Lord. I joke on Twitter about Calvinball and the modern GOP but they are tip toeing into “Fuck it, a coup WOULDN’T be that bad” territory.
Stuff like this (the run-and-resign part) is fun to walk through with RW-leaning friends and relatives, as there are multiple points where the odds aren’t just low, they’re non-existent:
– the Prez candidate is gonna agree to this?
– the party’s voters…especially that Prez candidate’s base…are going to a) agree and b) execute?
– the consequence for the Prez candidate for not following through is…?
– this is supposed to be appealing to/good for the country?
And you can point out the whole ridiculous thing by playing “Flip It Around”…pretend this was going on on the D side…it’d be acceptable to you as an R, them playing these kinds of games?
Sad, how many magical scenarios have come and gone for the Rs this election. And by sad, what I mean is, delightful.
OK, thanks for the clarification.
Next question: Han shot first.
OK, so that wasn’t a question.
Hey, moron, I keep telling you to get your own fucking blog if you fucking hate everyone here. Are you as stupid as Trump and his sheep? Or just another all-talk, no-action shit-for-brains? Or is it that writing your stupid shit helps you when you’re jerking off?
Answer: all of them, Katie
Major Major Major Major
Paul Ryan just said he won’t be defending or campaigning trump any more. “For the next 29 days.”
@Bruce K:
Funny, but true.
Gelfling 545
@Kay: and based on the highly improbable resignation of Trump. Resign before he’s had a chance to make a profit off the deal? Have they MET Trump?
@Major Major Major Major:
And yet he won’t withdraw his endorsement.
It’s a shame JFK is not here to add Ryan’s story to “Profiles in Courage.”
@Hal: There are people who actually counted the number of times Trump sniffed. I believe it was over three dozen.
Villago Delenda Est
Hindraker is not sane.
@NotMax: and you need to add:
“Back when I worked with tip O’Neill, blah blah blah….”
Villago Delenda Est
@Baud: They’re all cowards. Every last one of them. Paul Ryan is the Coward-in-Chief.
@SFAW: He has to be his donors’ best boy. I read earlier in the summer, when he was “agonizing” over whether to endorse Trump, about how he had a meeting with a bunch of donors to explain himself and how they all felt really sympathetic to his plight. So long as they are happy it doesn’t matter to him that a lot of other people see him as a sniveling coward. Donald Trump is loathsome but he is transparent. Paul Ryan wants you to think he has principles when he is motivated no more and no less by the same greed factor that compels most of what Trump stands for.
There is no way “Trump Wins” counts as fan fiction.
For starters there are no fans.
It’s nowhere near the quality work of stuff like “Harry Potter and the Awkward Date” or “Scully Is a Highlander”.
@Major Major Major Major:
Bitter Scribe
“mainly because the focus was on the issues”?????
What the FUCK does this guy think the word “issues” means?
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
Nah, he’s still got plenty of fans, though I do have doubts about their reading comprehension.
There’s good fanfiction and then there’s crap fanfiction.
Some of the Potter stuff is really good. The problem is separating the gold from the dross.
Clell65619 over at fanfiction.net writes some pretty good stuff.