I knew that Jeff Sessions was remarkably dumb, but Jesus Christ, this:
SESSIONS: This was very improper language, and he’s acknowledged that.
TWS: But beyond the language, would you characterize the behavior described in that as sexual assault if that behavior actually took place?
SESSIONS: I don’t characterize that as sexual assault. I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant—
TWS: So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault?
SESSIONS: I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.
That’s his fucking defense? It’s not sexual assault because the mechanics of grabbing a woman by the pussy are opaque to him? The nerve on these old white men.
Tom Levenson
Someone called this the 2016 Todd Akins moment. Sen. McCaskill then tweeted that the comparison was unfair to Akins. This, she said, was much worse.
What do you think he’s gonna say?
“Yeah, I’m voting for a rapist. Deal with it.”
“Women and their silly insistence on ‘bodily autonomy’ or whatever…”
Jeff Sessions, probably
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
I’m wondering if Hillz uses the rest of her oppo material. They have more of Trump on tape abusing women and freely using the N-word.
I wonder cuz I could see how the “liberal media” would get mad at Clinton for running up the score. Just the same way they got mad at her for the alt-right speech.
also too, when Jimmy Johnson was coach of the U he would run up the score and it freak out the media.
Note that Sessions served as US Attorney in Alabama during the 80’s and was Attorney General of Alabama in the 90’s. So, his claim of ignorance isn’t remotely credible.
Pretty dumb to try answer the question in the first place. Should do what any semi smart dickless Republican would do now a days and cowardly walk away from the media as fast as he can.
Let’s see, AL’s gov? check. Speaker of house? check. Chief justice? check. Clearly it’s now their federal politicians turn
Someone tried to mansplain to me that you could not “grab a pussy” because vaginas are internal.
Southern Republicans: put among us to make Northern Republicans appear smart.
Would Jeff deny scratching his own nuts? Ever? “… how would that occur?”
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
The Village is already trying to pivot back to the horse race and thus they need a good punch in the mouth… so yes. Yes she should.
She should keep pulling the trigger until it clicks.
is there a Mrs Sessions ?
he should ask her.
OT, but you know that the cold going around your office is a nasty one when you call in sick at 7:30 am and discover you’re actually the 5th person to call in that day. ?
Someone tried to mansplain to me that you could not “grab a p*ssy” because v*ginas are internal.
(not sure which word got me in moderation)
A stroll down Jefferson Sessions memory lane (from Wikipedia). A tawdry tale, but with a happy ending:
In 1986, Reagan nominated Sessions to be a judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Alabama.[7] Sessions’s judicial nomination was recommended and actively backed by Republican Alabama Senator Jeremiah Denton.[8] A substantial majority of the American Bar Association Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary, which rates nominees to the federal bench, rated Sessions “qualified,” with a minority voting that Sessions was “not qualified.”[9]
At Sessions’ confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, four Department of Justice lawyers who had worked with Sessions testified that he had made several racist statements. One of those lawyers, J. Gerald Hebert, testified that Sessions had referred to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as “un-American” and “Communist-inspired” because they “forced civil rights down the throats of people.”[10]
Thomas Figures, a black Assistant U.S. Attorney, testified that Sessions said he thought the Klan was “OK until I found out they smoked pot.” Sessions later said that the comment was not serious, but apologized for it.[11] Figures also testified that on one occasion, when the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division sent the office instructions to investigate a case that Sessions had tried to close, Figures and Sessions “had a very spirited discussion regarding how the Hodge case should then be handled; in the course of that argument, Mr. Sessions threw the file on a table, and remarked, ‘I wish I could decline on all of them,'” by which Figures said Sessions meant civil rights cases generally. After becoming Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee, Sessions was asked in an interview about his civil rights record as a U.S Attorney. He denied that he had not sufficiently pursued civil rights cases, saying that “when I was [a U.S. Attorney], I signed 10 pleadings attacking segregation or the remnants of segregation, where we as part of the Department of Justice, we sought desegregation remedies.”[12]
Figures also said that Sessions had called him “boy.”[7] He also testified that “Mr. Sessions admonished me to ‘be careful what you say to white folks.'”[13]
Sessions responded to the testimony by denying the allegations, saying his remarks were taken out of context or meant in jest, and also stating that groups could be considered un-American when “they involve themselves in un-American positions” in foreign policy. Sessions said during testimony that he considered the Klan to be “a force for hatred and bigotry.” In regards to the marijuana quote, Sessions said the comment was a joke but apologized.[11]
In response to a question from Joe Biden on whether he had called the NAACP and other civil rights organizations “un-American”, Sessions replied “I’m often loose with my tongue. I may have said something about the NAACP being un-American or Communist, but I meant no harm by it.”[9]
On June 5, 1986, the Committee voted 10–8 against recommending the nomination to the Senate floor, with Republican Senators Charles Mathias of Maryland and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania voting with the Democrats. It then split 9–9 on a vote to send Sessions’ nomination to the Senate floor with no recommendation, this time with Specter in support. A majority was required for the nomination to proceed.[14] The pivotal votes against Sessions came from his home state’s Democratic Senator Howell Heflin of Alabama (ironically, Sessions would succeed Heflin in the Senate just a decade later). Although Heflin had previously backed Sessions, he began to oppose Sessions after hearing testimony, concluding that there were “reasonable doubts” over Sessions’ ability to be “fair and impartial.” The nomination was withdrawn on July 31, 1986.
Sessions became only the second nominee to the federal judiciary in 48 years whose nomination was killed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
There aren’t too many people I wish death upon. Sessions is one of the few I wish a long, lingering, excruciating death upon.
Betty Cracker
I wonder if Sessions would consider it a sexual assault if I clapped his withered old twig and two berries in a panini press. I’m guessing “yes.” This isn’t rocket surgery.
Hey, what do you expect from Jefferson Beauregard Davis Lee Arnold Quisling Sessions III?
weird, because he used to know what it means.
something has changed.
pacem appellant
I’m a white man, but I’m not quite old yet. Is this what’s in store for my future?
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
Jesus H. Christ. Every goddamned election cycle Republicans somehow end up talking about sexual assault. Every goddamned time. And every goddamned time, we have to hear this shit. Am I the only woman who almost feels like I’m under siege every time these jerkwads open their fucking mouths?
Mary G
@Mnemosyne: I have it too and it sucks.
Soylent Green
The current leader of the Republican Party does not care about the party. He is in their base, killing their d00dz.
Keith G
Spent time with my regular doctor today. Her assessment about Trump:
I do owe that woman my life. There are so many reasons to love her.
@pacem appellant:
Only if you start off as a bigoted asshole. I know many old white men (some of them commenters or lurkers on this very website!) who are not bigoted assholes in their old age because they weren’t bigoted assholes as young men, either.
are the basic mechanics of grabbing a woman’s crotch beyond this guy’s ability to grasp? it’s not like ‘well, first you hover in place for five seconds…’
@pacem appellant:
I am an old white man & no, it does not have to be. If you are not a soulless evil bastard before you get old you do not necessarily become one just by aging
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: No, you aren’t. And for whatever it’s worth, I feel like my wife and two little girls are under assault every time a Republican man opens his mouth.
@Mary G:
Is it the sore throat cold? Several of my coworkers have kids in daycare, so they bring all those germs to the office to share with us.
@MattF: or, he doesn’t believe that anything a male does to a woman constitutes assault of any kind.
He is one of those “women don’t have rights over their own bodies” @$$holes.
Jeff Sessions is the old guy Sidney Poitier slaps in “In the Heat of the Night.”
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA:
A good deal of Pence’s droning during the VP debate was dog-whistling to the womb-bothering fundies so guessing you aren’t alone, it’s just that this ticket has bifurcated in their women-repressing methodology.
? Martin
Whelp. Anyone want to co-host the Today show? I think there will be an opening in about 30 days.
jesus, by that stupid logic you can’t punch someone in the stomach.
? Martin
@Mnemosyne: Yep, wiped out my household. I’m home sick with it as well.
This is just a fun post-debate day. After the horror of Trump looming around and stalking Clinton I deserve this.
OT: Forbes figures out the reason for Trump’s on-mic sniffling:
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Move over Social Security – hot, blonde puzzy is the new 3rd rail of politics. Touch it and you’re dead.
Its sad, really. of all the horrible, vile, disgusting things trump has said over the past 5 years, the one thing the public wouldn’t tolerate was puzzy..
@? Martin: Not sure Bar is going to be a fan of Billy Bush’s voicemail recording.
Nor of his failure to mention the Access America video during the Jeb! campaign’s few moments of life.
Kenneth k Kohl
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: fuck the “liberal media”. I dislike running up the score, but once in a while you have to. For example, OSU 100, UM 0 would be acceptable… ;)
In other news, Sen Jeff Sessions wondered if a man had a baseball bat shoved up his @n@l cavity, would that be sexual assault?
I don’t know how many commenters we have who follow the Spanish-language media, but is Tim Kaine appearing on every channel and radio talk show like I assumed he would be?
? Martin
@skerry: Yep, that’s been going around the twitters. Mansplaining that grabbing someone’s püssy is impossible may be the platonic ideal of mansplaining.
Does this increase or decrease the odds I get my dream of a taco truck on every corner? I don’t know how to score this at home.
I know Trump keeps his hair longer in the back because he’s losing his hair, but it makes him look more stalker-ish and threatening for some reason. It kind of sinks his head into his shoulders in a hulking fashion. Horrifying visual.
@? Martin:
Tone deaf AND clueless–a Bush specialty.
It’s a purely hypothetical gotcha question. Sessions had no way of knowing if she deserved it.
You may even hit the jackpot and get the Mexican-Korean fusion truck on your corner. Kimchi quesadillas for eveyone!
The evil little fucker was also A-Okay with Trumpenstein siccing his AG on Hillary should he somehow ascend to the Presidency. Deranged doesn’t begin to describe Jeff Sessions.
They can try, but their favorite barometer the polls, say different. The real people said she won, the pundits, said he won, because they love spectacle. Chris Koufinas had a NC focus group with 31 undecided, of the 15 women 13 found his answer on the tape unsatisfactory. At the end the majority said she won, 1 said he won. Luntz had him winning, but CNN also had her as the winner. It was funny watching the coverage last night trying to give to him, and then having to pivot after the insta polls come in. This morning on Morning Joe they simply pretended that the insta polls didn’t exist and proclaimed him the blowout winner. Apparently Joe and Mika spent the weekend stewing in their juices about the media coverage and the rats fleeing the ship. They were both saying that after last night the rats would have to come crawling back to their Lord and Master after he vanquished the passive lady. While most of the guests didn’t agree with them, they did so gently.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Might be a loooong time before that happens.
@? Martin: someone on a thread last night said he’d been suspended from NBC.. If you get a chance check out Last Week Tonight’s piece on drumpfs tapes… there is also a follow up piece on Bush… Oliver took a chainsaw to the both of them.
Not sure if the Billy Bush follow up is included in link above.
Kenneth k Kohl
@Betty Cracker: No, because of skerry #13, they’d be internal…
Betty Cracker
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: You are not alone.
Too weird for words. I love Korean, I love Mexican, but that is just a bridge too far.
I know, I know — I should try it first. OK, next time I’m out your way, I will. (Of course, I can try to find them in Flushing, I guess.)
? Martin
@hueyplong: Jeb probably knew about it. Sounds like a lot of lot of people knew about it. A lot of oppo goes unused early in the campaign because the public can’t absorb it. You have to work up to these things.
That’s why Clinton is in some ways a great candidate. The GOP has already blown through all of this, and you either buy it or you don’t. Now that means that Clinton has high negatives, but it also means that the likelihood of an October Surprise is pretty close to zero. You know exactly what you are working against, and you work those numbers directly. With Obama it was a lot more unknown. Same with Sanders. Same with Trump. Clinton is just a matter of grinding out the votes.
So, here’s a thought experiment. Trump gets hammered, as do the down-races. He blames it on voter fraud, never concedes, etc. His followers are convinced. Trump likes making money campaigning (what a great way to create business for his properties, right), so he and Ailes start their media company and target, as he did last night, the 27%ers. Rush Limbaugh is doing it now and Trump wants a piece of that pie. Then, in 2020, he runs again, and his base is there to make sure he gets his, hell he might even pull out another primary win, because like this year, the racist vote in the primary doesn’t allow you to go left, and you aren’t going to out-deplorable Trump, especially not the second time around.
I really don’t know how the republicans get out of this without expanding their base, but that would mean repudiating the rhetoric they’ve been using the last 30 years, and kicking the religious right to the curb, and I don’t think they can do that. This can’t be good for our country, to have a non-functioning opposition.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
There’s just no price for failure in media.
Kenneth k Kohl
@pacem appellant: I also am a not quite old white man. I’ll be goddamned if this is my future. Just sayin’.
? Martin
Looks like the federal government just fact-checked Trump.
2 interesting bits that came to light today:
While Sec Clinton was speaking Drumpf wandered over to her podium & read her notes . . . yup, totally rigged (BTW – Drumpf actually got 1 more minute of speaking time that Hillary so his whine about getting cut off? Yeah, not so much)
There is a story making the rounds that Melanoma plagiarized her apology from one Hillary made. Don’t bite, it is false. But she did in fact wear a “pussy-bow blouse” to the debate . . . I was more concerned about the fact she was totally covered, worried the monster might have smacked her around.
Change I can
believe inpray for!Betty Cracker
There’s just not enough popcorn in the world…
If this keeps up, I may have to reconsider my atheism…
Keith G
@trollhattan: H.W. did have the ability to see over the horizon on some issues. Likewise, tone deafness was limited to specific issues.
2 interesting bits that came to light today:
While Sec Clinton was speaking Drumpf wandered over to her podium & read her notes . . . yup, totally rigged (BTW – Drumpf actually got 1 more minute of speaking time that Hillary so his whine about getting cut off? Yeah, not so much)
There is a story making the rounds that Melanoma plagiarized her apology from one Hillary made. Don’t bite, it is false. But she did in fact wear a “pu**y-bow blouse” to the debate . . . I was more concerned about the fact she was totally covered, worried the monster might have smacked her around.
Would be interesting to get Sessions’ deep philosophical thoughts on correct semantics on grabbing dick versus balls, versus male crotch in general.
A ball grab probably not sexual, since violence on balls obviously refers to routine maintenance of accepted social power relations and hierarchy?
@Baud: it sounds like he doesn’t know WHAT women’s genitals are.
Kenneth k Kohl
@Kay: Welp. There goes that demographic
I would trade all of our crazy SoCal fusion food trucks for the halal truck from the corner of 53rd and Sixth.
Except the gourmet grilled cheese truck. We’re keeping that one.
Jonny Scrum-half
I know that older white men are the biggest demographic supporting Trump, and I acknowledge that too many of them have been acting as if it’s a personal affront for Obama to have been elected President and for Blacks to be upset about getting killed by police and the like, but lines like “the nerve on these old white men” just rub me the wrong way. I don’t recall any posts generalizing against young Black athletes based on numerous allegations of sexual misbehavior that have been in the news. More importantly, I don’t think that these sorts of generalizations are helpful in a broader, societal sense, because they tend to deepen divisions along racial lines rather than focusing on the actual statements or conduct of particular individuals.
Keith G
@Betty Cracker: Thanks for that catch. It made my afternoon.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Did anyone see Hardball Friday? Tweety went full Noonan and dismissed the disastrous polling results, saying numbers don’t tell you anything, what you have to do is “study the culture and personality of a state” to determine who will win.
I’ve been married for quite some time, and I would be very taken aback if my husband did that out of the blue.
A comment from the 538 podcast was “so, Donald Trump has no game.” It’s really true. He wasn’t bragging that he’s able to charm or seduce women, which would just be icky. He’s actually bragging that he uses sexual assault. A guy with money and celebrity have a little bit of a head start on having a consensual affair. SAD!
Trump got 14 million votes in the GOP primary. He’ll get at least 32.9 million in the election (122 million x .27.) Fox News averages 2 million viewers/day so there is plenty of audience for a Trump Channel.
? Martin
@SFAW: Burnsey is almost certainly referencing Kogi Taco. They’ve been around here for a number of years and kimchi quesadillas is on their menu. Korean shortrib tacos are amazing, btw. Thankfully they have a truck in my area pretty regularly.
@skerry: Ask him if he is willing to let another man grab him by the ass, because, hey, it’s internal, right? (We can take it as a given that the person in question will also be a homophobe besides a misogynist).
Gelfling 545
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Well, it is the one that is an actual crime, not just morally and aesthetically repellant like most everything else he says and does.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
I don’t think I’ll get anything done today, I’m having way too much fun.
Keith G
@Jonny Scrum-half: Preach.
Yet. Enthusiastically supporting a man who hangs around backstage at beauty pageants so he can see the 19 year old contestants undressed.
Feels he has a right to because he owns the pageant. So if he owned a restaurant he’d be skulking around hoping to see the wait staff change before their shift, right? Might look into security footage at those casinos. See if anyone large and dumb is hanging around the employee lockers. Just gross.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
1st endorsement in it’s 46 year history.
? Martin
@Jibeaux: It sounds more and more like Trump bought Miss America/Miss Universe simply so he’d have the authority to walk into their dressing room when they’re naked.
Iowa Old Lady
Yesterday, kos posted a link to the 2008 scene in Grant Park. I got all teary watching it again, and it occurred to me that I feel cheated. I want national rejoicing that the country is now able to elect a woman president. That night in 2008, the media and even Rs were saying what an amazingly wonderful moment this was for the country, not because of Obama exactly, but because of history. I want to feel that about a woman president. And Trump has turned it into crap.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
(*pause for breath*)
Their HORSE! RACE! has jumped the fence at the off turn, galloped through the parking lot, and is heading for the far, green, hills.
Gelfling 545
@? Martin: He’d be well advised not to plan on spending Thanksgiving with his cousins.
@Jonny Scrum-half:
I’m a mid 50s white man. We’ve been acting like assholes.
@burnspbesq: My favorite from the Forbes list:
Trump may be pregnant: Less likely but if this is the cause, he is probably in his third trimester, and the sniffles should resolve within a few weeks of delivery.
Given their deplorable knowledge of human reproduction, it is possible they go with this reason. But then he’d disgust himself, so…
Donald Trump is the guy who roofies a woman, then brags about nailing her.
Total Beta.
@Jonny Scrum-half: #NotAllOldWhiteMen
Happy now? Go back to chasing kids off your lawn.
Jayzes, that’s thick. Would love to have Tweety say it in front of an actual pollster. Hell, even Luntz would do.
But what would Tip O’Neill say?
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
Disney’s Zootopia, an animated cartoon about overcoming bigotry, made over $1 billion worldwide. Hamilton is probably the biggest Broadway show of the last 30 years. “Luke Cage” had a huge debut on Netflix with no major characters who are white. Blog favorite Luvvie Ajayi has hit the NYT Bestseller List with her book, I’m Judging You.
The pundits are out of touch with what the American people want to see and what they want their country to be like.
@Gelfling 545: I think Billy should be a lot more afraid of Auntie Barb than he should be of his cousins.
He still scored 8, that’s still kinda high. I think.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Drip, drip.. drip, drip…
Yep, real SCOTUS material. The citizens of the US owe a large debt of gratitude to those Senators that kept him out of the Supreme Court.
Bad news; the idiot voters of Alabama put him into the Senate. Sad.
Should be a fun website 30days30songs
Songs for a Trump-free America. First release today by Death Cab for Cutie, “Million Dollar Loan”
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
He is a dick.
@Kay: I was just having a discussion with someone convincing him that gender neutral bathrooms lead to less “creepy old man”ness because they de-categorize, thereby minimizing “othering”. Finally, he imagined “Star Trek bathrooms” and got on board with the concept.
Apparently, going boldly into the future means treating everyone as just people.
Sweet jebus the man will hold office until 2021.
Also, I’m curious why TWS ran this. It’s helpful, surely, to know what an awful ass Sessions is. But it feels like an oppo drop by conservatives. It’s confusing.
Roger Moore
He kept telling the interviewer to stop, but they refused to take no for an answer… ETA: They kept forcing their question on him no matter how hard he refused to answer it.
Is that “The Halal Guys”? I hear they’re pretty awesome, although I’ve never been.
@? Martin:
Not surprising, although it must be tough nibbling around the bone.
Be that as it may: there’s just something about kimchi as the base layer for a taco that is disconcerting.
Gin & Tonic
@SFAW: The halal food trucks/carts in NYC now are like Ray’s Pizza – there’s one on nearly every corner.
? Martin
TWS would still like to have a reason to exist after Nov 8. If the GOP turns into the püssy-grabbing party, then they might as well pack it up.
@? Martin:
Doesn’t count, just like the FBI Director and the Justice Department, and the IRS, and the media, and the non Trump voters, and the facts, have all been tainted by the black man in the White House, who is stealing the country away from “Real Americans.”
Jonny Scrum-half
@Botsplainer: Many of us have. Not all of us have. How does it help to make these sort of over-general characterizations?
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
This was one of Trump’s biggest supporters – bigly. He was one of a few to speak at the convention.
Now he’s in full retreat.
It’s the Fall of Saigon all over again.
This needs to be made into a commercial and played 50,000 times. Tagline: “The GOP believes holding your hoo-hah is not sexual assault”. I’m sure women will find it funny. Or something.
And then reload and empty the clip err magazine (for our gun-fetishists) again.
To switch to a sports metaphor, we’re about halfway through the 3rd quarter in a college football game. The favored team has a respectable, but not insurmountable lead. No lead of under 3 touchdowns is safe in these circumstances. Nobody faults a coach for keeping his starters out there when it isn’t a blowout. A series of fumbles & some bad defense and the hated opposition is right back in it. I don’t want things to be in question come November 8.
? Martin
@Gin & Tonic: Ah, so Sharia Law has finally conquered Manhattan.
The cultural gulf in this country is astounding.
I never gave much credence to idea that Trump could bust up the GOP. Though I may have let some overenthusiastic thoughts on it leak into a few of my comments, though. But I never imagined this mess.
How close have the Dems ever come to nominating a nutcase?: Trump tried out with our team a couple of times in the past, but IIRC, Dems said no thanks.
I think I’ll send Sessions a query on the proper interpretation of kick in the balls versus a tearing a guy’s balls off? Are those really bad? How does those actions subtly interact with the male anatomy? Important questions.
I think I’m going to watch Sean “Ins” Hannity this evening. Before dinner, natch. I have a feeling his take will be so delightfully dumb as shit that I can actually laugh at these pukes for once.
Kenneth Fair
To be fair to Senator Beauregard T. Whistlebritches, what Trump said he did is not technically “sexual assault” under Alabama law. It’s actually “sexual abuse in the first degree“:
So everything’s hunky dory, y’all. It’s not sexual assault, it’s just sexual abuse. In the first degree.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
Yes I saw that. Funny how when it’s close they say why isn’t she blowing him away, but then when she stretches her lead it’s these numbers aren’t real, people are lying. People want change, this is a change election and she’s not change, she’s more of the same. They should just go ahead and say we want change, Hillary is boring and we don’t want to have to cover her boring administration for the next 4 years.
Jonny Scrum-half
@Humdog: You obviously can be dismissive if you want. And I realize that I’m sounding dangerously like the people who complain about why white people can’t use certain language that’s commonly used in rap songs. However, I really don’t understand how it’s productive to use language that can only deepen divisions that already are causing a lot of problems in the country.
I don’t know if you read conservative blogs, but a meme is that Obama has utterly failed in his promise of “racial healing.” It’s frustrating to me when I read that because it’s so obvious that most of the racial tension is not Obama’s fault, but rather the reactionary response of white conservatives to the fact that a Black man was elected President. I know that it’s tempting to use similar rhetoric in response to BS like that, but ultimately I find it dangerous when we don’t take every opportunity to try to stop the talking-point-type of arguments and get down to real communication. I think that making flippant comments about “whites” or “older white men” is counter-productive.
? Martin
@Jonny Scrum-half: Jeez dude. Don’t ‘All Lives Matter’ the thread, okay?
Collectively, we’ve been assholes. By virtue of who we are we were able to rise to positions of authority and shape policy in this country. You personally may not be an asshole, or me, or Botsplainer, but Paul Ryan cancels out at the very least a few hundred thousand well-behaving white males. Toss Beauregard on the pile, then Trump, and so on and we’re pretty seriously outgunned by only about 30 guys.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: Nope. Many of the rest of us do too. And they totally do not comprehend that for women who’ve experienced this, it’s a visceral response. Perhaps that’s a willful failure of comprehension, but they. do. not. fucking. get. it. at all. It will reach a tipping point with a woman they know – and perhaps even care about – and they’ll get an earful, or a faceful.
@? Martin:
Ummmm …
Nah, kidding. He’s an asshole, but he’s our asshole.
Roger Moore
Then you should stick to the bulgogi tacos and burritos.
@burnspbesq: This one’s a keeper – thanks!
@Punchy: It’s locker room talk, buddy. Are you saying that women cant be in locker rooms? Go to the weight room and tell the field hockey team they cant have locker rooms. Go tell each beanpole on the volleyball court “No lockers for you” (then ask them about the weather up there). Interrupt the make-out sessions going on on the softball field and let the pitchers know they’re now changing in the mop closet.
If I’ve learned one thing from Trump, its that to be a responsible American and for the safety of all runny and throwy broads, we must prevent chicks from using locker rooms.
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
Shorter: Trump trusts the FSB more than the CIA.
@? Martin: Is there a Christian equivalent to Shariah Law that we can call the Republican agenda so as to scare voters with unfamiliar words?
To be spoken in a Don LaFontaine voice: “Donald Trump IS the Cleveland Browns. Opens November eighth.”
? Martin
@Roger Moore: Oh, no question.
@SFAW: kimchi quesadillas are the bomb
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@hovercraft: I saw Beltway dimwitt Susan Page of USA Today say last week “Hillary should be losing because people want change”.
Of course it made no sense as Obama has 58% approval rating.
It occurred to me this is what they say to themselves at their Georgetown cocktail parties (people want change) to rationalize how their darlings (Kasich, Lil’ Marco, ¿Jeb?) got crushed by a short fingered vulgarian. They refuse to acknowledge that Trump won because their base is racist, sexist, anti-Semitic.
Just think of all the effort the GOP has gone to, over 3-4 DECADES, to try and bring Hillary Clinton down…and she STILL beat them & is heading to the Oval Office in January. I mean, all the smears, all the air quote “investigations”, all the dollars, all the man-hours, and she still stood up there last night against Trump’s slime fest. Amazing.
@srv: An entire production team had to have known about the remarks for a decade plus. I wonder how many friends and family of those people have heard the story of Trump and Billy Bush over the years? It was only a matter of time. Bush was probably sweating this whole election season.
@Betty Cracker:
Anyone invited Chez Cracker for lunch should be forewarned.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
61 insults, 39 women: Trump’s long history of misogyny
Via Vox
Someone should grab Jeff Sessions dick and ask him if he feels like he’s being assaulted. I am not volunteering for this crime. Then if he’s still confused, they can read him the code as referenced by Kenneth Faire and say, “Well ok, you’re technically right, it’s sexual abuse, not assault.”
Seriously dangerous asshole there.
@Mnemosyne: The kid, the wife, and I have all had this year’s cold. I got it last and I’m starting to recover after a week.
Mary G
Newest poll out (NBC/WSJ) has generic Democrat seven points ahead of generic Republican. If it stays that way, we will have a wave election.
@David Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016 Koch: I hope to g-d that this election ruins Mark Halperin. He may be able to peddle his horseshit to a credulous Morning Blow, but the jig is up on his rep with far too many of us. He’s a shitstain.
Mary G
@Mnemosyne: Yep, throat is raw pain. Yesterday I ate Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Also ear canals and exploding sinuses.@BillinGlendaleCA: Then I only have five more days!
That’s why last night happened. The Trump “brain trust” is now comprised of all Arkansas Project alumni. They have all built their careers on destroying the Clintons. They are failing and failing in the most spectacular fashion. So they have decided to bring the house down with them.
@Jonny Scrum-half: “You obviously can be dismissive if you want”
Thanks for the permission, I am relieved I got your ok. Old white dudes have a lot to answer for, just look at the OP. And here you are dirtying up the thread with #NotAllOldWhiteMen. Grab a clue, you are perpetuating the problem.
@Anoniminous: what are the going to do if one of their horses succeeds at committing political suicide?
They managed to revive McCain’s 08 campaign after he’d suspended it (Lehmans) and again after he smothered it (Palin), but damn they keep humpin’ this one even though it’s hitlers reanimated corpse.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Trump is in their base killin der doodz
The best case scenario is that we end up like we did in the post Civil War era, with the far right party reduced to a regional rump with only limited influence on national level politics. We’re not nearly at that point, though.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: these people really don’t want change… change is coming back to your home on the coast of South Carolina and finding the remnants of a foundation slab… THAT’S change.
These folks simply want better… They don’t want to spend 45 minutes on hold to talk to someone to get their insurance issues untangled… they don’t want to have to wait two weeks for the new appliances to be delivered. They would prefer not having to use the pharmacy cross town because that’s the only one on their plan.
we’re being done a disservice by our media in its complete misrepresentation of our language and interpretation of meaning and motive.
Jonny Scrum-half
@Humdog: Got it.
Gin & Tonic
@Mary G:
How did you prepare the ear canals? I’ve heard they can be pretty tough.
Oh, and you know how you follow up with Sessions? You ask him how he thinks a Trans man grabs a woman’s parts in a bathroom. He’d know exactly how that happens.
These people are beneath contempt.
eta: Serious apology to trans people. I know what total bullshit this all is. But they go there in the trans panic game, and then can’t even fathom it for a straight guy what assault is.
it’s not dumb. they just don’t care.
Trump’s rise can be pretty much solely blamed on never taking the concerns of blacks, browns, muslims and most damning women, seriously.
@Iowa Old Lady: I’ll be rejoicing.
Jonny Scrum-half
@? Martin: I appreciate your explanation, and generally agree, but I’ll try to make my point one more time. Your reference to “All Lives Matter” is relevant, because that’s the response that de-railed a lot of what BLM was trying to accomplish. I understand why it’s a distraction to respond to BLM by saying “all lives matter,” but not everyone was willing to listen to those sorts of explanations. In my view, BLM made a mistake in messaging by, for example, not adding the word, “too” to its name. (Again, I know that it was implied, but that’s not how many people chose to understand it.)
Same thing here – we can use effective language, or language that’s counter-productive. I think flippant comments about how white people are lame or evil or deluded or whatever are unhelpful to society as a whole.
Another Wikileak batch dropped – virtually nothing of note in it. The Ecuadorians should boot his ass out; I have to imagine he is an insufferable asshole to live with. Can’t even deliver the goods.
@Gin & Tonic:
they’re like squid. you either barely cook them or cook them all to hell. anything in between and they get gummy.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Gorgeous snapshot of the next President of the United States
@Gin & Tonic: I’m interested in how the exploding sinuses tasted. I’ve heard a bit garlicky, but it depends on the level of detonation, I suppose.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Right wing women tend to not tell their menfolks about such things; the odds are high that their shame outweighs their anger, and they fear not being believed, and then asked, “What were you wearing?”
@Mary G:
Yikes! So far, my sore throat is fairly mild — I had soup and a baked potato for dinner last night, but I’m having cheese and crackers for lunch today.
I’m somewhat prone to strep throat, so I usually monitor sore throats closely, and this one has stayed pretty much the same level of moderate ouchiness for the past couple of days. Phew!
I’ll pass, yuck!
@RaflW: I’m afraid Halperin has the staying power of a cockroach. If ‘this is excellent news for John McCain’ couldn’t get rid of him, I’m not sure anything can ruin his reputation.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: (like)
Last night there was some criticism of Hillary for ‘missed opportunities’ to respond to ‘old little hands’. I wonder if that was deliberate on her part – just let him talk he will bring his own wood/fuel and matches to set himself on fire. No help needed from Hillary. Only thing she didn’t have on the stage was a big bowl of popcorn.
Btw everyone, Alex Jones is taking this well…he has it ON GOOD AUTHORITY that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are literally (and I’m using that correctly) demons, complete with sulfur stench and flies around them all the time EVEN INDOORS…
Villago Delenda Est
Gosh, Trump said “fuck” and “pussy”.
Well, those are very very bad.
What he was communicating, though, is not really a problem at all!
/Jayuff Sayshuns
@Mnemosyne: Glad to hear. I woke up with a sore throat.
C. Isaac
Finally, we have proof now that the Democrats are better people than the Republicans.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jeffro: Alex Jones: Mental hospital escapee.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@WereBear: I understand that, which is why I suspect one of those women – who did not completely internalize their view that it’s her fault (of course!) – may hear one too many remarks once too often and simply lose her shit. Which they will deserve 752 times over.
Not only are the rats deserting a sinking ship, they are gnawing on each other as they scramble out.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@Jeffro: not true. neither of them went to Duke.
@Mary G: My brother just texted me a picture of him in the good seats at Chavez.
Villago Delenda Est
@D58826: There’s no need to cause him to self-immolate in the second act. There’s the third for that.
karen marie
@Kay: It looks like a mullet, to me.
No, that’s Dubya. Remember what Hugo Chavez said about him?
@Mary G: Maybe “beltway dimwit” Susan Page (see above) can find out what real change is about.
Mary G
@raven: Jealous! The only time I ever got to sit in the good seats was when Reggie Jackson hit three home runs. Not that fun.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: LOL. The SNL skit writes itself…Trump, sniffling, edging closer to Hillz…just trying to confirm if it’s sulfur…
@Villago Delenda Est:
Yeah, I mean is there a manual for the various levels of mental illness that comprise the modern Republican Party? Even just ranking the delusional scale they use would be something…or maybe a graph with “delusion” on the X-axis and “mendacity” on the Y-axis?
@Villago Delenda Est: Plan for the third act is to sweep up the ashes and drop them in a dumpster that is conveniently onstage.
Does anyone actually give a shit what that turd says, the way they did about his old man?
@Jonny Scrum-half: Flippiant comments? In a post where a former prosecutor blandly ignores sexual assault, or sexual abuse in his home state, you repeatedly pick the nit that not all old white dudes are this problematic. In a thread where women have reported feeling flashes of PTSD at having sexual assault ignored or pooh poohed as no big deal locker room talk. That is the issue here, once again, clear sexual predation is being ok’d as boys will be boys. Why the hell is now the time to talk about the poor maligned 35% of old white men unfairly binned in with those who support this guy? Maybe you would have a point if we were commenting on a USA Today article where the readership is more varied, but here, at Balloon Juice, you are repeatedly calling for sympathy and a change of vocabulary for what you see as the wronged group in this story. Doing here is agreeing with the idea that sexual assault is no big deal as you derail the thread to reallocate our sympathies to old white guys. Please stop now.
@SFAW: Just say no to kimchi and cheese together.
@PsiFighter37: Ecuador must not have strong labor laws. Having to work for years under the same roof as an accused rapist fleeing justice is a stressful work environment for women, and worth suing over.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Great pic! Who’s the photographer?
It may be just me but I love that her hair seems to be styled to echo George Washington’s.
@Mary G: My BIL’s trucking outfit had 1st baseline season tix for years until the bottom of the business fell out.
karen marie
@Iowa Old Lady: No, only if you let him. I am sure that on the night of November 8, after the polls close, and HRC is announced as the next president, you will feel great joy. There is always fear about “what next,” because the world doesn’t stop after momentous victory, but don’t let that touch your pride.
@Kenneth Fair: Thank you. The man is an attorney, once considered for the federal bench for crying out loud. There had to be some way he knew he could justify that weaseling disavowal.
Uh-oh — I didn’t think internet viruses worked that way! ?
The annoying thing to me is that I rarely get sneezy colds, but this seems to be a sneezy one. Damn it.
@Roger Moore: I had a bolgolgi hamburger at Micky D’s in Seoul. It was pretty good.
Dear Jeff,
No matter where you grab a woman, without permission, for the sole purpose of unilaterally starting a sexual encounter, it’s sexual assault.
@Kropadope: Quiverfull movement?
schrodinger's cat
@Mnemosyne: Have you tried ginger tea? Black cardamom tea also works for colds.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
Which I’m sure will involve thinking what the stereotypical white male will be thinking, who will look like Archie Bunker, with only the accent changing. Cause the default voter for Tweety is always his cranky Irish Great Uncle who died in 1982.
Van Buren
@psycholinguist: Yeah, it would certainly suck to have to endure the overreach by Democrats. All those progressive policies bettering our lives and saving the planet. Much better to have a coherent Republican party obstructing 90% of the agenda.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
I noticed him peering at her podium and wondered whether he was trying to sneak a look at her playbook. And then I wished that the top note, in huge black marker all-caps, said
As I was driving back to Boston from Upstate NY this morning, I heard a guest on Tom Ashcroft’s On Point say that he agreed with Trump about getting a special prosecutor and putting Hillary in jail. I want those people who say this to be asked — and if Hillary becomes President? Are you cool with her doing the same thing to Donald?
Meanwhile, the trees were beautiful on the hills along route 88.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Bullshit. You’re letting him turn it into crap for you. Myself, I can guarantee you that I will be doing something similar to what I did on election night 2008: crying, while drinking a glass of champagne and thinking of my mom and grandmothers and all the women who fought for this to happen throughout the course of American history. I’m not going to let that fucking creep and his even more creepy minions ruin that accomplishment. An accomplishment that all American women should celebrate.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Right now, I’m drinking chicken broth — science says it works! I also have some frozen ginger cubes and some chai teabags with ginger (and maybe cardamom) in them, so I may try that later as well. We’re going away for the weekend starting Friday and I’d like to be reasonably recovered by then.
Blue Galangal
Apropos of sexual assault, the following came across our campus alert system.
Jonny Scrum-half
@Humdog: I will stop, because you’re continually missing my point. I’m not asking for sympathy for “old white guys.” I’m noting my belief that the language that we use to convey our arguments can be counter-productive, which should matter if you’re interested in living in a functioning democracy, where the citizens try to persuade others to support their positions.
If I don’t bring it up in the thread where the problematic language (in my opinion) is used, where am I supposed to bring it up?
That’s a question that doesn’t require a response, because to the extent that I had a point I’ve either made it or not by now.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: she can certainly be the boss of me. And my country.
gogol's wife
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA:
No. No, you are not.
schrodinger's cat
@Mnemosyne: I make loose leaf tea, brew it strong add a whole black cardamom or ginger pieces to the brew. Add milk and sugar.
Well, of course they’re not comfortable with her doing that to Donald, he hasn’t KILLED AMERICANS with his EMAIL CRIMES. At least, that’s the response I think you would get. I wouldn’t be comfortable with Hillary appointing a special prosecutor to prosecute Donald Trump after she wins the election.
I DO think that the NY attorney general will most likely file some charges against Trump around his clear and willful violations of the law around his charitable Foundation. That said, I would hope the Clinton administration stays the FUCK AWAY from the prosecution of Donald Trump. Because even if they do and don’t touch it with a 100 foot pole, the morons will say it was revenge.
@Iowa Old Lady: No, he hasn’t. We don’t give him that power over us. I will be crying and laughing and talking to pictures of my (deceased) grandmothers and aunts the night of her election, and again on the day of her inauguration, and rejoicing every day in between. I broke one or two barriers in my day (Army), but she is sailing right over the ultimate one with dignity and grace and calm competence. This is HISTORIC. The failed realtor with a string of failed marriages and a string of bankruptcies is nothing but a dim orange blip on history’s timeline.
Trump, right now, haranguing the troops in PA:
@Jonny Scrum-half: Don’t you know that bristling at the way someone makes a point is the same thing as disagreeing with their point?
They can say it was ‘revenge’, they can say it’s whatever they want to say – they will anyway. Let’s have the various investigations – Trump U, GropeGate – play out how they will, according to the letter of the law. No reason why the prosecutor(s) of each cases can’t publicly ‘walk’ folks through what happened, why charges were brought, and so on.
I mean, it’s Trump, he’ll lie & deny, then appeal, then appeal again – whatever. But for once, let’s have the rule of law and not worry about what morons, bullies, and right-wing nut jobs think.
@singfoom: No President should ever openly call for the investigation and prosecution of any individual who isn’t a war criminal or someone guilty of some equally egregious series of crimes. Especially not a political opponent. Like you suggest, that is what our state and federal prosecutors are for. This is such a norm-busting statement. It is the one that worries me the most. Trump is going to lose this election, but will criminalizing the losers of future elections now be something that’s possible?
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
Wow. She looks spectacular in that photo.
I also thought that suit she had on last night was smashing. In fact, even the men in my office were mentioning it. My boss told me he told his wife to find out where to get it and he’d buy it for her.
Has anyone read actress Amber Tamblyn’s account of being assaulted in the exact way being discussed? It’s over at Buzzfeed and it ought to clear up any confusion about whether getting your pussy grabbed is assault or not. Needless to say, trigger warning.
@Jonny Scrum-half:
You’re tone policing. Which is fine honestly, sometimes tone can be problematic. In this case, mistermix actually used this language.
THESE being the operative term that you seem to be ignoring. He didn’t end with ALL White men. So he was describing a group of old white men that were defending Trump’s actions. You’re bothered by that usage. Ok, fine. Noted. He didn’t say all white men are bad. I’m sure there’s a fainting couch nearby for you to collapse on if all this rudeness has given you the vapors.
@MattF: Except for the one difference, of course, that when I do work for Donald Trump, I always get paid.
Lizzy L
Trump has posted his threat/pledge/promise to put Hillary Clinton in jail on his FB page. The guy’s only tactic is doubling down. No wonder he wanted to own a casino.
It’s like watching the Charge of the Light Brigade, played out over months.
Patricia Kayden
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Clinton needs to use all the ammunition she’s got. The media will have to report it and hopefully some of the thickheaded folks planning to vote for him may change their minds. There is zero benefit from holding back for Clinton. The election is around the corner.
Lizzy L
Help! I’ve been moderated!
I’ve got it!!
I knew there was some movie image that completely captured for me the look of Stalker-Trump during the debate last night. And it just hit me.
Raymond Burr as the murderer Thorwald menacing Grace Kelly in Rear Window.
The moving-picture version of the stare is at the end of this clip.
Soylent Green
We have had a non-functioning opposition for the last eight years. The only thing they do is obstruct. They are sworn enemies of progress. Get them out of the way for a few cycles and maybe the nation can accomplish something.
As an oldish white male, it is my position that Jonny Scrum-half might be too much of a hothouse flower to survive the season.
@PPCLI: You might have it. I sort of saw Trump as a fat Nosferatu.
Based on Deadbeat Donald’s history with business ventures [airlines, university, casinos, hotels, vodka, steaks, magazine, pro football, etc.] this should turn into another spectacular failure.
Roger Moore
I don’t think he’s done anything that justifies a special prosecutor. Whatever crimes he’s committed are ordinary crimes that can be investigated by the normal criminal process. At the same time, I don’t want those ordinary prosecutors to handle him with kid gloves because they’re afraid of being accused of carrying on a vendetta; that way lies impunity for anyone who manages to run for high office.
gogol's wife
You laugh, but that’s how I feel when I hear the word “kimchi.”
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Wow! Thank you for linking to that.
The prosecution threat caught a lot of folks short and I hope it has legs. I would have loved it of Hillary had warned Trump, “You know, Donald, if you’re elected there’s a very good chance congress will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate you. Why take the chance?
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s Virginia campaign chairman was fired Monday for promoting a protest outside the Republican National Committee in Washington, D.C., NBC News reports.
Republicans in disarray!!
OK, we knew that already.
Months ago.
Oh, and dude kicked to the curb is attempting a run for VA governorship.
Iowa Old Lady
@karen marie: You’re right of course. Screw him.
gogol's wife
I’m confused as to why this would get the VA chair of Trump’s campaign fired? You’d think he’d be a hero to Trumpkins (and Bossie in particular)
patrick II
I have been watching Westworld on HBO, an allegory on power, humanity and cruelty. The way the “visitors” treat the robot “hosts” is not very different from how Columbus treated the natives, or how slave owners treated their slaves. Westworld is an interesting if very, very dark take on what happens when some people are given absolute power over others they consider less human than themselves.
And although, as far as I know, Donald hasn’t personally killed anyone, his sense of genetic superiority would make it nearly inevitable that he would if fate had put him in a position where he could gain from it and get away with it. I have little doubt that he would jail Hillary given the opportunity, his respect for others is so low.
@Roger Moore:
I agree. He has not done anything that justifies a special prosecutor. I was merely answering Immanetize’s question from my viewpoint. I don’t want them to handle him with kid gloves either, I just think it’s vitally important that the Clinton administration does NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING that will give the idiots more ammunition that it’s revenge. They’ll do it anyway…
I’ve stopped trying to make predictions about “norm-busting” things. The attempted impeachment of a president for lying about a blow-job, the deciding of an election by Supreme Court fiat so blatant that they had to add a “this court case shouldn’t be used as precedent” clause, and the Iraq War are all things that I wouldn’t have even conceived before they, in fact, happened. The only thing I’m positive about is that we haven’t seen it all yet, even with Trump.
@stinger: Sorry, IOL — I hadn’t read far enough in the comments to see that others had posted similar replies. I meant mine to be supportive — hope it didn’t come across as piling on!
Sm*t Cl*de
Trump had his own extension phone for listening into conversations, after all.
I don’t think there is any chance a Clinton administration will go after Trump, but I’m perfectly comfortable with the NY State AG filing charges against him. In the case of a sleaze like Trump, with all we’ve read and seen about his dealings, it’s hard to maintain an innocent until proven guilty mindset. I would hope that if the NY AG does file charges against Trump, the evidence will be compelling and the state’s case airtight. It could be hard to get a fair-minded jury in NY; one that won’t have at least one Trump fan on it. If that happens, even an airtight case won’t suffice.
If they (anyone) ever does file criminal charges against Trump for something, what are the chances Trump won’t try to buy off or threaten a juror (through a third party, of course)? We know he’ll whine incessantly about the judge being biased against him, because, let’s face it Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper and Judge Curiel, and Lester Holt and everyone who doesn’t do D-bag’s bidding is against him.
JR in WV
@Iowa Old Lady:
No, he hasn’t. He can’t.
Hold your head up high and join all the other Democrats at Hillary’s Victory Speech in NYC. I assume it will be in NYC, is there a park or stadium in Brooklyn that would hold a 100 million delighted people? I guess not, but we can all celebrate where we are.
New Yorkers can celebrate in NYC, and Iowans in Iowa. Etc.
Trump can’t turn this ship aside, we have the momentum, and righteousness is behind us.
So cute that the “single payer or I’m not voting” crowd around here are now making “I cancelled my subscription to the NYT’s and signed up with WaPo” statements. Like they are accomplishing something and it’s not all going to just even out and they are not going to just go back eventually. Like they haven’t cried wolf enough and people are gonna take them seriously.
Or more likely they never subscribed in the first place.
@Lizzy L:
more like the charge of the light beer brigade, looking at his voters.
Iowa Old Lady
@stinger: Nah. BJers made me feel better. I put the Hamilton cast album on, did some work, read replies, and feel better.
@Anoniminous: PFFFhahaha.
You people were saying the same thing about Sarah Palin. Remember her? Where is she and her tv shows now?
JR in WV
@Jonny Scrum-half:
Are we allowed to criticize white racist bigot terrorists? Because those are the people who hate and despise the best president of our lifetimes. Those are the people who want to elect Trump Dictator of the American Fascist State in order to put blacks, gays and women back in that box where they had to cower and step aside into the gutter when a real white man came down the sidewalk.
Where are you from? How old are you? When I was a kid I saw the “Whites Only” signs in Jim Crow states! It was a shock to me because, while West Virginia had de facto segregation by tradition in some arenas, there were no Jim Crow laws, and in most of the state black men and white men worked together underground.
Your rambling protests seem to be messages from the unicorn spheres, where rainbows and jelly beans are daily weather. They make no sense to me. I’m an old white man, and I despise Trump, and Sessions, and The MSM pundits that are called liberal but work their souls off for the right-wing politicians and positions.
Wake up and smell the smoke, Jonny, if Trump gets elected (which seems unlikely, thank god) a big bunch of bitter white men would march your ass into a real holding camp, not a make-believe FEMA camp in an abandoned Wal-mart.
Not all White Men are bigots, but most bigots are white men, and their abused girlfriends and wives…
you high on something, son? or just plain stupid.
@chopper: I think he thinks he’s at firedoglake.
@Iowa Old Lady:We need to have an Iowa meetup!
This, BTW, is a delightful admission I’ just got from Michael Tomasky. He tweeted his surprise that HRC’s camp put up a video with a woman voter saying she “doesn’t always agree with Hillary.”
I tweaked him slightly, and this is his response:
Well! After 17 years, she listened. Congratulations on a concern troll trope that is old enough to drive. Soon it will be able to vote!
eta: Actually, i’m sure she didn’t. But the coincidence, it’s fantastic news for his concern trolling.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@? Martin:
And to add onto what you said, there are turds in the punch bowl of every race, ethnicity, sex, religion, etc. Gather a hundred Buddhist monks or Lutheran ministers, a hundred white Aussies or a hundred black Congolese, a hundred straight cis men or a hundred lesbians, and there will be a pinch of jerks in every batch. We white males are not jerks because of genetics; we have some unenlightened (unwoke) members because we’ve set the dominant culture, we made the rules and control the bank — we have a conscious or unconscious expectation of privilege. That’s my thinking. YMMV.
If it helps, yes, that blanket “all white men” is not correct or artfully phrased. But if you aren’t one of those cats referred to by that phrase, assume it’s not you being addressed. We’ve been snoozing in a Matrix of privilege… Pass it on. Tune in, turn on, and break the mold.
Both. And an asshole to boot.
That’s his thing — “you all fucking suck!”
Not sure who he gets to do his typing, because his reading “comprehension” indicates illiteracy.
Sessions doesn’t care about Trump grabbing women’s vaginas. He wants Trump to grab his junk in the locker room.
@Roger Moore:
Don’t tease me like that — unless you know of any place near Boston that has them.
I’m still trying to find a decent fish taco place in these parts. One place we went to, we got sick. (And not because we have delicate stomachs — pretty sure the fish was bad. Maybe that’s why the place was empty, and went out of business a month or two later.)
Queens would be a backup — going to be there next week. (I don’t remember whereabouts you live.)
@Gin & Tonic:
Re: Halal truck proliferation: so I hear. But I thought there was only one “Halal Guys.”
Iowa Old Lady
@stinger: Are you in Iowa? I’m in Waterloo.
Jonny Scrum-half
@JR in WV: It’s ironic that I’ve been accused of needing a fainting couch, when a mild comment that generalizing about white guys is counterproductive causes people to respond as they have.
Jesus Christ, I agree that Obama is a very good President, and that too many whites have been willing to be misled by reactionaries about the state of the country. All I’m saying is that if you’re looking to reduce racial tensions and enact a liberal agenda based on facts, it’s probably not a good idea to communicate in ways that further divide us by race. I don’t see why that statement is even debatable, much less the reason for push-back.
If there were crimes to be found, they would have been found. Considering all those millions the rightwing has spent trying to pin something on the Clintons for 30 years, they have to be either incredibly incompetent or it’s simply the huge scam that it is.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): VERY true. According to a friend who has befriended a number of Buddhist monks and even gone and visited some of their monasteries in India… befriending Buddhist monks online as an american woman will get you many, many unwanted dick pics.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Jonny Scrum-half:
FWIW, I have a teenage daughter who is still figuring out her own sexuality. As an ally, I visited Autostraddle for a time, a website devoted to and written by lesbians and trans women. I wanted to educate myself and learn how to be as supportive as possible. I saw lots of “all men are pigs” material and suggested in the comments that some men aren’t terrible. I mostly got shouted down. I rarely visit the site anymore. A few sympathetic comments made it clear that the Autostraddle community agreed with my essential point, but that it was a safe space of sorts and such expansive rhetoric (“men… Amirite?”) wasn’t going to be reigned in anytime soon. I was told, “If you aren’t one of those men, assume the language is not being targeted at you.”
polyorchnid octopunch
@Brachiator: I esp. loved Steve Schmidt’s line about “moneychangers in the temple”.
gogol's wife
@JR in WV:
Righteous rant.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
For reals? That’s creepy enough…
@Iowa Old Lady: Yep, CR/IC area. Waterloo isn’t too far for a meetup!
JR in WV
@Jonny Scrum-half:
Funny how someone who hasn’t ever commented at a site before can come along, trying to make meaningless points, and takes umbrage when everyone else at the blog, people with years of exposure to each other, all comment about how FQed up your remarks are.
So be going away, your points will be welcome at Glenn Beck’s place, or Trump’s place, or Alex Jones’s place.
JR in WV
@Jonny Scrum-half:
In the eyes of everyone in the B-J community, you are the only person trying to divide people by race here. We B-J-ers are talking about a group of white men, maybe a majority of that sub-set of America, who believe in Trumpism.
You seem bound and determined to deny that there is a group of white men dedicated to electing a racist, violent, old white man, himself dedicated to hatred of the “Other” whether that’s black, Hispanic, Muslim, Arab (which isn’t the same thing as Muslim), Asian, or female.
JR in WV
@gogol’s wife:
Thanks. As an Old (65) White (as wonder bread) Man myself, I’m not one of those OWM supporting Trump, so I feel ideally placed to tell off this new troll. Really, lots of young white men seem to be supporting Trump, which is harder to understand than the old guys.
And in other cultures, other markers are used in bigotry. It isn’t always black/white, and much of Trump’s bigotry is aimed at others who aren’t necessarily darker than he. We really need an answer to bigotry before it kills us all off.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): Sadly, yes, I am not making this up.