More footage of Trump has surfaced:
As of right now, 8:44 pm, four women have come forward to state that Donald groped them. Two random women in the NY Times who had the misfortune of being in an elevator and in a plane seat too close to the pervert, Miss Washington 2013, and some random woman in Florida.
Meanwhile, CBS News has video footage of Trump encountering a group of ten year olds at Trump Tower and stating “I’m gonna be dating her in ten years.”
So, that’s where we stand right now.
Mike J
Meanwhile, Ken Starr spent $80,0000,000 to find out Bill Clinton had a consensual affair with an adult.
Irony Abounds
We’ll be needing a month long shower before this campaign is over. I do take comfort in the fact that come November 9th the entire country will enthusiastically rejoice that we have elected the first women President in our history and support her agenda in every detail.
Betty Cracker
Chris Hayes just pantsed the ever-loving fuck out of Glenn Greenwald. But I don’t think Greenwald even realizes his pants are gone, or is at best dimly wondering how he came to be naked from the waist down. Advantage Hayes!
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Jesus. For realz? I mean, it isn’t that I can’t believe it; it’s just that, well, for realz? How can a guy be that fucking creepy?
@Betty Cracker: Agree.
I wonder if GG thinks he has a lesser right to privacy.
On November 9th the Filibuster will be the greatest invention evar of Democracy and stuff.
The CBS video didn’t surprise me at all. When the Freedom Girls introduced him at a rally, I mentioned to my son that he was sizing them up.
Ryan office seems unable to respond to requests on his current stand on Trump and refers reporter to Trump campaign. Even after reporter reminds them that Ryan is the only one who can answer that question.
May the GOP live through exciting times.
Aw, c’mon. He’s just joking around with the kids…
Let’s not forget that Donald raped a 13 year old either.
So, there were some GOPpers who unendorsed Trump when That Tape surfaced last week, and then came crawling back to re-endorse at the beginning of this week because their base voters were pissed. Can you un-re-un-endorse? And, presuming you have, what about re-un-re-un-endorsing?
To Elect a Predator
@Betty Cracker: thanks for watching so I didn’t have to – could not watch that smirking face
This man is a sick. And you know that many reprobates and deplorables will stand by him, they are as disgusting as he is.
Quick someone call Thune and Fischer, are they in or not, or are they on the fence. Everyone who stays with him must be held accountable.
@dmsilev: You can curl up in fetal position in a corner of your office and let your staff issue absurd responses to queries. Which is what Ryan seems to be doing. See my comment above.
Different element on the rolling shit-bow-echo, looks who’s losing money again for fun and tax-avoidance, this time in the UK with golf-courses (Cluedo for campaigns!)
Guard: Donald Trump has lost tens of millions on Scottish golf courses, accounts show
Thoroughly Pizzled
And so evangelical Christianity in America will die its final moral death, following Trump all the way to the pits of hell.
Calling Chris Hansen, we the people need help catching a predator.
Oh never mind we actually don’t need you to catch him on tape, he did it himself with full knowledge aforethought.
Journalists who cover Capitol Hill need to hound Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and all the other Repub scumbags in the Sen and House every day until Nov 8 and ask them when they’ll withdraw their endorsement of the combover caveman.
@dmsilev: If the GOP nominates a Trumper again, the press will have to come up with a term or art for the phenomenon.
The ‘Un-Re-Un’? As in ‘It’s unclear today what phase of the standard GOP un-re-un Ryan is in today. His office has not returned our calls.’
Come to think of it, it rhymes with On-ee-on, where it belongs, not in a real campaign.
@yam: Yeah, that’s why he’s asking if she’s going up the escalator. What is it with that man and escalators?
Mike J
@Baud: NBC is going to put Chris Hansen on the Trump plane.
Trump is vile. I can’t find words strong enough to describe how deplorable he is.
One important commonality of these stories: At least three of the victims came forward because they watched the debate on Sunday and saw Trump blatantly lie as he told Andersen Cooper that no he had never done any of those things.
Rick Wilson just called Trump “Bad Touch Donnie” on Chris Hayes.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
This is why America doesn’t win anymore.
Political correctness and Feminism is so out of control that privileged white men can no longer sexually assault women anymore.
Trump’s new campaign song, “Thank Heaven for Little Girls.”
Can someone shove this up Tweety’s ass so he can stop telling us what a successful businessman the jackass is!
Well, to be honest, I hope they don’t live through it
@dmsilev: Maybe their goal is that voters will lose track. “Does he or doesn’t he?”
@Betty Cracker: Where did this happen? I may need to find a video
@hovercraft: And in my area, more Trump signs keep going up. Even after all this comes out. A new one I just saw today was “We are Proud Trump Deplorables”.
It’s shocking, and sad, and anger inducing. We need to crush them.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
the media makes such a big deal about grabbing women by the puzzy, but not a peep out of them on Hillary’s emails, which is a million times worse
@Betty Cracker: What exactly is up with Greenwald these days? Kind of weird to think of him as a Russian dupe.
I count: a rock, a hard place, an erupting volcano, a meteor, a biblical flood. And a few more voters will jump off the HMS Trump. After a while, it adds up.
@MomSense: In better news, a new poll came out today showing Hillary up 11 in Maine and only down 2 in CD2.
I have a hard time believing Trump will do better than Romney or McCain in CD2. But I wouldn’t bet on it either.
Mary G
This is how these things break open. Everybody is all in on the conspiracy of silence until one instance gets publicized; then the dam breaks. When you think you are the only victim you suspect you might be crazy and remembering it wrong, or somehow enticed the abuser and brought it on yourself.
@dmsilev: That’s a great fishhook Anderson Cooper was able to set. He persisted in asking until he got the answer, kind of like he’s a journalist or something.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
And here’s the other thing I don’t get. How is it that guys do this shit? I’m going to tell you all something: I’ve never groped a woman. True story! I haven’t. Not even once. I’ve never even wanted to grope a woman. What kind of shitbag does this kind of thing? What kind of guy sits next to a woman on a flight and thinks to himself, “Damn, that’s a nice hunk of ass, there, that is. I think I’ll just feel her up!”? What has to go wrong with somebody that that seems tempting? I don’t understand this.
Dont forget the woman in Nicholas Kristof’s column on Sunday, and the CNN anchor Erin Burnett whose friend was kissed by Trump without consent. They weren’t today.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
Then there’s his habit of strolling into the dressing room in beauty pageants he owns. Including Miss TEEN USA.
The Rolling Stone link includes the audio of the interview with Howard Stern where he brags about this. Also sneering at how the previous owners used to be proud of how accomplished their contestants were, how many became doctors, etc. Pffft, who cares about that? That’s not what a Donald Trump beauty contest is about.
@gf120581: Hasn’t he always been someone’s dupe?
West of the Rockies (been a while)
He’s a toxic toad of celestial proportions. I think his brand is now permanently diminished. I am digging the circular firing squad aspect of it all though!
@dmsilev: I don’t know about Repub voter turnout on election day, but it may be hard to find any Repub pols out and about. Cowards.
Mike J
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: HIllary hand hacks
BTW, Dennis Ritchie left userspace today.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): And– it doesn’t happen just once. The guys who do this do it over and over again.
Wonder what Faux is doing with this.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Criminals do shit like this. People who belong in jail.
redshirt Ignoring it entirely?
Have heart there may be way too many deplorables, but according to the new poll out today he’s lost most of the lead he had in the 2nd (I think), it was 11, but now it’s 1, so even up in the back woods of Maine people are waking up. The true believers are doubling down, and showing who they are, so believe them. The people fleeing are redeemable, hence the “half” the people in the basket.
@Mary G: I feel certain that there are already conspiracy theories circulating about how this was a setup and the Evil Media Conspiracy is determined to bring down Trump.
Citizen Scientist
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): it’s easy when you’re a sociopath and no one has ever told you “No.”
” Wonder what Faux is doing with this. ”
Hours of patriotic band music and relevant stock footage? Isn’t that the usual drill when the regime is crumbling and the population is breaking through the palace windows?
Splitting Image
I’ve said it before, but I still just can’t believe that the GOP allowed this person to become their spokesman. Admittedly all of the other candidates in the primary were horrible, but at least other than Carson most of them were only bad in a Michael Dukakis kind of way. (I’m not even sure I could name them all anymore, which just about sums up their candidacies.) 26 days to go and the nominee is attacking the RNC chair and the Speaker? 26 days to go and stories are cropping up about the nominee entering women’s changing rooms and groping women on airplanes? Obscene comments about ten-year olds?
No one will be happier than me if the shouty Oompa Loompa takes down the rest of the GOP, but I’m still not sure how we got here.
Betty Cracker
@MikeTheZ: “All In” with Chris Hayes on MSNBC. Toward the end of the show.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Exactly, using the wrong email server that apparently wasn’t hacked as opposed to one that was hacked is much, much worse.
polyorchnid octopunch
I think that there’s more and possibly far worse to come.
I think that Donald Trump is going to rue the day he decided to run for President, and that there is a vast vast reckoning coming to him.
A yuge and classy reckoning.
Major Major Major Major
Voting for Trump is basically going to make somebody irredeemable in my mind. Forever.
@hovercraft: Heh. You saw the same poll I did.
Obama won CD2 sizeably in 2008 and by a bit less in 2012; I just can’t accept Trump will win it. Sure, it will be close. But c’mon, my fellow CD2ers.
Absolutely disgusting, but not surprising
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Well in the silver lining department, I am so heartened to hear (well, read) the voices of so so so many men like you. Decent human being type men. Men unlike you in political views (I like yours!) who still pipe up to say, uh, yeah, I’ve heard plenty in locker rooms but NOT BRAGGING ABOUT ABUSE thanks.
As someone who had already had some experience of being harrassed and stalked by her 13th birthday, I truly love hearing from the Prunebankses and Bidenses and ApparentlyFamousAthleteWithSomeDecency-dudes across the country.
cynthia ackerman
What comes after Drumph’s loss is going to be a true test of our democracy, and it os not shaping up to be noce. And preemptive fuck you to shomi. You are pond scum.
@dmsilev: Trump is the new Herman Cain?
@Splitting Image: Not ‘spokesman’. ‘Leader’.
@polyorchnid octopunch:
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
So after decades of being warned of the dangers of the Clenis by the Republicans, it turns out that the Trenis will be their ultimate undoing, Maybe there’s a God after all. Projection today, projection tomorrow, projection forever !
If elected, Trump could be the first president placed on the sex offender registry.
@Splitting Image: What’s bad about Dukakis? He’s an awesome man and a dedicated public servant in the true sense of the word.
@Splitting Image: I’m sure the GOP feels the same way.
What’s most extraordinary to me (and to a lot of us) is how there were 16 other GOP candidates and none of them…repeat, none of them…were able to get any of this out about Trump. I don’t care if they were too afraid of his supporters, that is political malpractice of the highest caliber.
Splitting Image
20 quatloos says that Kelly Ayotte denounces Trump again and then accuses Maggie Hassan of being a flip-flopper within a week.
No bet on John McCain. Everybody knows he’ll do it.
@Baud: He wouldn’t be able to live at the White House since it’s too close to a school.
@Major Major Major Major: Yep. I was there months ago.
Mary G
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): There’s a certain mindset that still exists that women aren’t fully people, they’re just things. Property, like dogs. And if whatever man owns you allows you to run free by yourself, they are entitled to just take what they want. Hopefully it’s dying out, but Trump voters are the backlash to its demise. That’s part of what they want to go back to, when boys could be boys and not be hit with all these pesky assault charges.
@redshirt: Awkward on TV.
@raven: If you ever needed an idea about how far gone into delusion Trump and his sycophants are, that paragraph sums it up. Nothing in it has any relation with reality in the slightest.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: couldn’t he just pardon himself?
I voted today. It’s a slog in CD2. I’m not doing any calls to NH this time.
@raven: Maybe they’ll have another fake lovechild.
Evidently now not sexually assaulting people is a liberal value only. Drumpf is the walking embodiment of privilege. I bet he doesn’t even think he’s done anything wrong. Keep groping that Chicken Drumpf, the downballot GOP needs you!
Splitting Image
Nothing much wrong with him except that he ran a poor Presidential campaign. None of this year’s GOP candidates are fit to lick his boots, but I’m not even sure they’re worthy to lick Dan Quayle’s.
Betty Cracker
@gf120581: Fuckifino. I suspect it all stems from his desire to protect and fluff his million dollar baby Snowden. He sees Russia in a positive light for sheltering said baby. He needs to believe in the WikiLeaks business model because it isn’t so far removed from the motivation for the Snowden leaks. This is pure speculation on my part, though. I’m sure he’d have a much more self-flattering explanation.
@Splitting Image: RNC is completely inept at anything except running dimwit con games. Only one qualified and legit candidate still actually doing politics and governing that I can think of, the horrible Kasich, actually ran. Maybe another one or two that I forget about were in the mix, People can argue about the likes of Jeb! The type of primary voters the GOP cultivated for years had zero interest in anything except Trumpian hate and ignorance. RNC and GOP had no clue. Just a bunch of con people who can;t really do anything in the real world. All they can do is work connections in the media industry and pull stupid and dangerous publicity stunts.
They are kind of like a Jackass political reality show.
@singfoom: I’m pretty sure Trump believes everything he says, when he says it.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: oh, me too, but it’s a feeling that gets sharper as Election Day approaches and with each shoe that drops.
Lizzy L
@raven: What’s the source for this?
Iowa Old Lady
@MomSense: Did you enjoy marking your ballot? I colored in the bubble next to the Democratic Party label and then smiled down with satisfaction.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
I didn’t even know this behavior existed till my first real job, a summer engineering-student job when I was about 19, late 1970s. I befriended one secretary who started telling me hair-raising tales about one manager who was always pinning her in stairwells to feel her up, kiss her, etc. She was a temp and felt completely imprisoned. There was no such thing as an EEOC office and there was nobody you could complain to about this stuff. (I just looked up the history of EEOC and it says it goes back to Title VII in 1964. And yet I don’t remember the existence of an office to handle sexual harassment complaints in any workplace until the late 1980s or early 90s. And in the 90s I remember one workplace where a secretary suffered serious retaliation immediately after making a “confidential” complaint to the EEOC office.)
The woman who Trump felt up on the flight has a similar take on the culture of the time. From the NY Times article:
Maybe those USA Freedom girls were lucky — all he did was stiff them financially.
Kissing the babies is going to look really really different when you think of it as a cattle call for possible future girlfriends.
@Lizzy L: Bloomberg
What happens on November 9th is what concerns me more and more…
I hope not but it’s tough. Question 3 has inflamed the passions.
I’m pretty livid at how much NBC specifically has done to prop him up. The SNL hosting. Joe Scarborough. And apparently all the footage they have that they couldn’t be bothered to go through over the last two years that might have helped prevent his nomination.
Not surprised that Comcast is just as awful an owner of a media company as GE was though.
polyorchnid octopunch
@Mike J:
Davis X. Machina
@Lizzy L: Apparently Joshua Green at Bloomberg/Businessweek.
Gin & Tonic
@Mike J: Um, he passed away in 2011.
@Splitting Image: That’s an insult to the Oompa Loompas….
@raven: I saw that earlier, from Bloomberg. It’s actually kind of hard to believe that whoever these women are they have not already come forward. But apparently this has been Bannon’s idea for a while — their only strategy is to attribute to Hillary Clinton whatever alleged infidelities Bill Clinton engaged in, with the idea of depressing the turn out of millennial women. Of course, they will turn off so many other people it will be more than a wash. Not to mention that Hillary Clinton isn’t responsible for her husband’s infidelities. But I guess they figure that lying enough will make it so.
I don’t want to feel this way, mainly because too many people in my community are going to vote for this guy. But I cannot be friends with or socialize with any of them ever again. They really are deplorable and irredeemably so in my eyes. I don’t have the poker face or patience to deal with them rationally at this point. As a rape survivor, it’s asking too much.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I could hardly contain my joy. I was tempted to shout “take that you motherfucker” as was suggested by someone in one of the morning threads, but I settled for a big smile and a celebratory shimmy.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@Davis X. Machina: I guess they figure maybe Bill should consider pulling his name off the ballot?
I just have to let it out: HEY DEEP BENCH, YOU LAME BUNCH OF PANSIES!!! Any one of you could have at least taken a shot at kneecapping this clown.
But nooooooo…you have to leave it up to Hillary to be “…all that stands between [us] and the Apocalypse“. I mean, that’s okay, she’s clearly up for it, but still: YOU SUCK!
@MomSense: Yeah. I’m glad it’s not a midterm, because 3 would win the Repukes anything. Hoping its cancelled out by being a national election and question 1.
I am in CD2; can you send me a link to help the Clinton campaign?
Oh Jesus. I used a word for a card game and am now being moderated. Help, AL or Adam or whoever is running the show tonight.
@raven: Good; Hillary has proof (and media that reports it) that she has not once done those things; hell, even a major fake news “Judge” that the network regularly uses declared she was being falsely accused by all those woman (she is). No, that is simple gutter politics and those woman are allowing themselves to be used by a sex predator (maybe even again but sadly, this time, willingly and that would be tragic since it just diminishes their own cases.)
polyorchnid octopunch
@raven: I hate to say this, but I kind of expect to see political violence in the US this winter… as in, scaled up quite a bit from the sort of low level “he’s white, so he’s a lone crazy” stuff we’ve been seeing for a few years now. It’s going to get ugly ugly ugly.
Next cycle, let’s experiment a bit: the top three elected officials in each party have to spend the period from the national conventions to the election actually, physically shackled to their nominee. Maybe THEN they can be trusted to do a little vetting, do a more serious ‘gut check’.
Jesus, Ryan…do you really think you’re gonna finesse your way out of this to a Randian paradise??
@polyorchnid octopunch: Bah, fuck it.
@durindal: To go all shomi on you, let go your fears. These fuckers are among us right now and they’re fat, dumb and lazy and can only do sporadic damage via violence, I doubt more than they already do on a regular basis.
Let Trump bellow about rigged elections on 11/9. The minute this election is over, he’s done. Gone. Nobody.
They just showed trump with people holding up Blacks For Trump signs with this URL on them.
I’m 110% positive that the moderators – possibly aided by the Clinton campaign and if so, good on them – wanted to get him on the record for just that reason. They already knew there was plenty more stuff out there, post-age 59.
For the record, between 59 and 70 I don’t really expect to be grabbing anything except the early bird special menu card at IHOP.
Central Planning
@Mike J: That’s too bad. Somewhere around here I have my K&R C Programming Language book… good times back in the 90s.
@polyorchnid octopunch: No it’s not. They’re all blowhard cowards. Trump will be DONE after he loses. We have nothing to fear except fear itself.
Lizzy L
@raven: @Davis X. Machina: @Barbara: The whole story made my jaw drop. The line that jumped out at me was this one:
The reporter couldn’t actually say, “These people are batshit crazy,” but that was sure my takeaway. It could get very ugly.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: no, that was kind and helpful. shomi would have called durindal a pants-wetting idiot who hangs out on ball juice with all the other campaign professionals.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@raven: Some background on that here.
@Lizzy L: It IS very very ugly and it has been.
Lizzy L
@polyorchnid octopunch: Yeah, what raven said. They are COWARDS.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: Hell yea!
The easiest thing to do is to go to and scroll down to the events near you link. Put in your zip and then all the phone banks will show up. We have one every night and then Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00 to 6:30.
Even if you don’t want to make phone calls, you can still help by bringing in food and drinks.
Ugh. I see what you did th…bleah.
Oh, double bleah. And yet, I hesitate to blame the comedian for the punchline’s behavior.
Lizzy L
@raven: Yeah. Can get worse though. Actually, I think it’s started. The presser before Debate #2 was the beginning.
@Lizzy L: Basically, yes. 95% hot air, but you have to be concerned about the 5%.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I was groped on a bus in Nepal. Nepali guy behind me stuck his hands on either side of my seat to grope my breasts. A 16 year old girl in my daughter’s class had her vagina fingered by a guy on a bus in Italy. She didn’t know what to do and couldn’t move until he got off the bus and her friends saw her crying. It happens all the fucking time.
Lizzy L
@redshirt: What MomSense said; also, you can do phone banking from home. That’s what I’m doing. Look for “calls” on the website; they’ll set you right up.
Keith P.
And another Trumpian video to chase down the Blues Brothers one.
EDIT: God DAMN does MS Edge/Win10 blow. Even copy/paste is fucked up.
@Lizzy L: I like it. They’re even deeper in the bubble than Mitt “No concession speech” Romney. Facts, logic, evidence, they mean nothing to these people anymore. Just spin. They’ve completely swallowed their own bullshit they don’t even know which way is up.
Major Major Major Major
@Lizzy L: didn’t he try to seat the women with the family members in the VIP area?
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: And what about Sidney Blumenthal? Why is the media off covering Trump’s serial groping when what America really wants to know is more about Sid Blumenthal?
@PPCLI: Uh-Oh, I may have given money to a Sid Blumental; I bought his book about 15 years ago.
@BillinGlendaleCA: You might be in one of the emails!
polyorchnid octopunch
@raven: It’s not like it’s going to be avoidable. Gonna have to be gotten through.
Lizzy L
@Major Major Major Major: Yes. The plan was that they should confront Bill Clinton as he came into the venue. The event producers got wind of the plan and said Nuh-uh, not here you don’t. But the presser was clearly meant to be the initial event; more to come. These folks are foul.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Mike J:
Actually, five years ago today.
Omnes Omnibus
@aimai: I know someone who has decided to never wear a skirt or dress on a plane again.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Well, then Wikileaks will be releasing all your emails any day now.
@Lizzy L: Is Dean Chambers working for Trump these days?
Facts not in evidence.
Lizzy L
@Joel: Hah.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: I certainly won’t.
Keith P.
@Mike J: And Joe Cocker!
Well, that’s pretty much it: by the time Trump is done there’s no way in hell they’ll let Bill be First Lady.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: Kilt?
Betty Cracker
@aimai: I’m sorry that happened to you and your daughter’s classmate. As you know, the sad thing is there are probably very few of us women who don’t have a similar story.
My sister and I used to encounter lecherous creeps on the bus all the time when traveling between our divorced parents’ homes. We never told anyone. We just accepted it as the way the world is.
Well, now we can do something: make sure one of the leering creeps suffers a devastating defeat.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Major Major Major Major:
He did try. The debate committee put the kibosh on that idea.
Hmm, maybe that’s why Trump is so pissed at the debate folks and threatening to drop out of the third and final debate.
Lizzy L
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch:
Yes. That sounds absolutely right.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: Good god that site made me feel like I’d fallen onto the TimeCube page.
JR in WV
We are going to make history on election day.
Whoever wins, history will be made, as America elects either its first woman president, or its first pervert president. Because Trump is just that, a sick little pervert.
Or, we could elect an experienced person, who has worked to allow disabled children to attend school, provided insurance to children, protected children. Worked to protect her nation. There’s a theme here, a theme of good works.
I spent this evening calling for Hillary. It was tiring, a little frustrating. One young man I called cheered me up, he was working for Hillary on the ground in Ohio, and it cheered him up that a guy way down in West Virginia was calling into Ohio, working alongside him from 150 miles south. We chatted a little bit, since I wasn’t on the clock and his work day was over.
I also talked to several elderly ladies in the NW quarter of Ohio, who were certain that they would vote for Hillary, a couple ladies had already filled out absentee ballots and were excited that it looks like Ohio will go for Hillary after all.
One guy was very showy about being extra Christian, answered his phone with “This is another blessed day from the Lord, this is Ralph…” He was kind of strange, fixated on not voting for a professional politician. I told him Hillary had done much more than just hold political office for 8 years, but it sounded like that was enough to him to poison her. I needed to be polite, so I just thanked him for his time…
I wanted to ask if he wanted a professional doctor for his heart surgery, or a grounds-keeper from his church to search for a brain in there. Or mention one of my personal favorites from the Bible, Matthew 6:6 “But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.”
But I held back.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: So did I.
@raven: Certainly the announcement on the ‘’ website of “Latin,Black & White Must Unite Jet Ski Party Every Sunday at Water Front Mansion” is a program I can support.
The rest of that website rather weird is.
JR in WV
@Mike J:
“BTW, Dennis Ritchie left userspace [five years ago} today.”
Oh, well now this is interesting…
…in light of this:
Villago Delenda Est
@Thoroughly Pizzled: Could not happen to a more deserving mass of deplorables.
Villago Delenda Est
@different-church-lady: Remind me, please, what office Bill Clinton is running for?
(directed, of course, at those you quoted, not you)
Villago Delenda Est
@JR in WV:
A sick little short-fingered pervert.
Villago Delenda Est
@Major Major Major Major: Tried. And failed.
@Villago Delenda Est: First Lady. I already covered this
@different-church-lady: I hope Bill takes up Michelle’s garden.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Won’t happen. His whole life has been been getting away from having to hoe the garden while trying to do good.
Maybe you should add a sign or two to their lawn:
“Pedophiles for Trump”
“Trump! Making America Rape Again!”
“Trump! Candy is Dandy But Incest is Best!”
“Trump, Y’All! Can Ya Give Me an ‘Eeewwwww’!”
and, ya know, until this year, stuff like the above would have been stomach-turning and too outlandish to be considered. Now it’s just stomach-turning.
He can’t disappear from the public eye fast enough for me.
reality-based (the original, not the troll)
@gf120581: aint that the truth/
I think about this often. I’m sure there’s a plot somewhere to have Reince Priebus tarred, feathered, and publicly flogged as they throw him out the day after the election.
The thing I don’t get: given that 1.) Trump is a pig and 2.) he’s a pig who spent his whole life diving toward the nearest camera – OF COURSE there’s going to be video!
This whole turn of events was SO foreseeable – including the lack of options when it happened. All the professional GOP pols who’s JOB IT IS to prevent shit like this and didn’t? Thanks from the Sane Citizens of the country – but you guys are really, really stupid and bad at your jobs.
well, this is a plus, though – GOP used to be really good at winning elections, terrible at actually governing. At least this cycle, they suck at both.
Sm*t Cl*de
Saying “You had to go back a long time to find those allegations” sounds to most people like admitting they’re true.
Omnes Omnibus
@shomi: You are an asshole and you don’t actually read the blog.
@scav: They allow him to look up a girls skirt?
No One You Know
As a survivor myself, I have a few moments of flashback, daily, now, hearing all the surprise that “that” happens to so many women.
I am nauseated. Even now. There’s been a couple of nightmares.
There is an estimate that 15% of survivors take our own lives within two years of the event because we can’t live with the nightmares, the day-long hypervigilance, scrubbing ourselves with vinegar to take off what will never come off, and then having too be treated for the obsessive hygiene.
The PTSD goes on and on.
Maybe we need a 24-hour Tell-A-Thon to just spell out not what the attacker’s exerience was,but OURS.
Rape should be treated as attempoted murder. The act itself sent my blood pressure so high I was at risk of stroke.
We used to say, Take Back The Night. Now we have to recover the day.
Rape should be treated as attempted murder. It so often succeeds.
Omnes Omnibus
@No One You Know: Who do you want to win?
@Lizzy L: Hitler in the Führerbunker! See the movie Downfall.
@sukabi: Possibly, although he seems perfectly self-confident enough in his own right to just manually flip them up should he feel so inclined. But he chose to ride one down for his announcement of apotheosis / campaign / coronation. That choice suddenly seems odd in more directions than once though imaginable.
@Jeffro: and I will join you. I love chocolate chocolate chip pancakes.
@hovercraft: Please!!!
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym:
I remember vividly how so few men understood that the most frightening thing about Clarence Thomas was that his harassment of Anita Hill took place when they were at the EEOC. The FUCKING EEOC. Equal opportunity for me but not for thee.
Paul in KY
@Thoroughly Pizzled: Sure hope so!