Trump on Obama: "Why doesn't some woman say what they say about me about him?"
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) October 14, 2016
Trying to imagine a context where this statement makes some kind of sense. Checked twice to make sure it’s from straight-arrow NYTimes/CNBC guy John Harwood, not some heavy-handed satirist.
Trump on second debate with Hillary: "I absolutely destroyed her"
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) October 14, 2016
Trump: "The whole thing is one big fix – one big ugly lie. Hopefully our patriotic movement will overcome this terrible deception"
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) October 14, 2016
Trump gesturing to media covering his rally: "sick. we are destroying out country with these sick people back there"
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) October 14, 2016
Trump on effect of his presidency: "We're going to be a united nation"
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) October 14, 2016
The Republicans’ candidate for your next President, America!
woman card's looking like a pretty strong card
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) October 14, 2016
Only 1 in 5 Republicans thinks Trump bragging about assaulting women disqualifies him from the presidency. 1 in 5.
— Chloe Angyal (@ChloeAngyal) October 12, 2016
I’ll do a “glass is 1/8th full” on this: 1/5th is enough to destroy GOP in election, plus I suspect fewer IDing as R
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) October 12, 2016
Amidst all this horror, I have to say I feel a LOT better about the upcoming election than a few weeks ago.
Hashtag #Silverlinings
Who is the Saint of the Deplorables?
Sickness, thy letter is (R)
I hope this is an Aliens reference Anne.
Anne Laurie
@srv: Try to keep up — that’s stale crap.
(Chroist, maybe ‘srv’ is Ross Doubthat!)
@Baud: it might be any one of the 50 or so priests, cardinals or bishops that sexually assaulted the children..
Villago Delenda Est
Hillary Clinton was wrong.
“Basket of deplorables” is not strong enough.
Villago Delenda Est
@Anne Laurie: Makes sense. Equally dunderheaded. Why just the other day, Douchehat was saying that he’d only get excited about genocide if it was directed against Catholics.
@srv: This is one of the US Archbishops who did not get elevated to Cardinal at the most recent consistory due to his hardline conservatism.
@Villago Delenda Est: also not big enough.
Villago Delenda Est
@srv: ZOMG! The latest wikileaks bombshells about how to cook risotto constitute the most serious game changer of all!
Where’s Debit? I want the latest!
Nom de Plume
Oh no, a bunch of pedophile-enablers are done with Hillary. Whatever shall she do?
@Villago Delenda Est: It’s more like a pickup bed full of deplorables.
Villago Delenda Est
@Pogonip: I think we’re all shaking a bit from Walter withdrawal here…
I have something serious to inquire about. Like you, I prefer the status quo and thus Hillary. Trump was a loud warning shot across the bow. He would never have gone as far as he did if the status quo were still working for most people. The next rebellious candidates for national office may not be rude crude dudes and may get a lot farther. What plans do the Democrats have in that event?
@divF: He’s the one who said in 2004 that he would not give communion to John Kerry.
Uh, because Obama is honorable, and you are not?
Because Obama has real Christian values and lives by them?
Because Obama respects women?
OOH, OOOH, OOOH. I know.
Because Obama is a better man than Trump will ever be.
@Villago Delenda Est: And neither Hillary nor Trump cares. Good thing the little people have Baud.
@Bill: You have a good memory!
@shomi: Another Margaret Atwood fan?
Yes, HRC is so anti-Catholic that she picked a Catholic as her running mate. /s
Do people hear themselves? Don’t answer that.
Conservative Catholics would do better to leave the church and go evangelical, where they belong, since they are more interested in the Prosperity Gospel/Ayn Rand and abortion than social justice, racial justice, and helping refugees. YEAH, LOOKIN’ AT YOU, PAUL “Droopy Dog” RYAN.
@srv: Chaput, eh? The guy who thought it was literally “a sin” to vote for John Kerry because he was pro-choice? Etc. Yes, I expect the Catholic Halpin was talking about people like him, since Halpin no doubt prefers what the Pope has to say on Church doctrine.
I dare say Chaput knows who the Pope is, and may have noticed that the Pope chose not to elevate him to Cardinal, along with the other hard-liners. I wonder why not?
Chaput deserves Trump as his side’s nominee. I hope he enjoys the sense of “I built that” every time he looks at Donald’s magnificence.
@redshirt: Around here, we call that a carpool.
I was driving around West Deplorable the other day and suddenly started seeing Hillary signs! What on earth–? Then I realized we’d already entered the city limits of South Liberal.
Catholic priests are super duper moral arbiters! Just ask the kids.
@Anne Laurie:
We should ask chunky Tracy Flick.
Major Major Major Major
@srv: Something tells me he has one. Papier-mache, perhaps.
My life is less for watching Mark Halperin – we have Hillary is ill & wikileaks – otherwise everyone telling the GOP nominee if he just shut up about the women he could win.
Knowing no other way to try and make something happen (short of, I dunno, flying an autogyro into DC and landing in front of the Capitol), I’m going to try and crank out a decent op-ed for the Post this weekend, imploring the top ‘brass’ in each party to stand together and vouch for our electoral processes, stand up for a free press, and note that violence and intimidation are not okay now or ever, including on Election Day.
Tilting at windmills: it’s not just a hobby for some!
Uncle Ebeneezer
Reposting from a dead thread below:
Hey BJ’ers! Tomorrow I’m headed back to visit New England for the first time in years (I grew up in Topsfield, MA.) Anyways, one day we plan to get downtown Boston (taking the train down) to walk around. Anyone have any suggestions for a good walking route to see some sights without having to pay a guide?
We don’t really care much about historical locations/history per se, but my wife adores charming streets and architecture etc. and has never been to Boston. Most of our trip will be up in North Shore and NH/VT for foliage drives, so this is the one day that will be more dedicated to city/sight-seeing. Let me know…I know there are several Bay State-ers here.
Cheers– Uncle Eb/John
Was watching a vid clip John Podhoretz (yeah, I know but he’s kind of funny and good when he hates on the GOP guy…and he hates Trump) tweeted of some jagoff at a Trump rally beating on some kid because he was holding up an upside down American flag and Trump said get em outta there. Cop had to intervene. After, assault dude was getting high fives and atta boys from the other white arsenecks in the crowd. Love how bad arse these dudes are against some skinny kid with a bunch of fellow haters around to back him up. I’m not a violent person and in my 46 years I’ve never been in a fight but the video makes me want to hunt this guy down and hit him across the bridge of his nose with a 2 x 4. These people ARE deplorable and deserve no respect or understanding. Effing Nazi beyotches.
Teddy' Person
@Villago Delenda Est: Bottomless Pit of Deplorables?
Soylent Green
@Villago Delenda Est: Barrel of scumbags? Suitcase of shitheads? Tank of pond scum?
In case y’all haven’t seen it, Liz Meriwether chronicles President Hillary’s locker-room talk. Here’s the first bit, RTWT.
Villago Delenda Est
@TS: Even if he had handlers who had a clue, and told him to stop talking about women, he’d just ignore them, and continue to wail about how things are “rigged” and “fixed” because people listen to him and are revolted by what he says.
@Teddy’ Person:
It’s deplorables all the way down.
@Pogonip: The question of the year.
I think Hillary and President Obama and all manner of folk will be looking at it. We should all be brainstorming on that one.
Toxic situation, and dangerous to democracy.
? Martin
You’re still subscribing to the belief this is about economics. It’s obviously not. The median wage for a Trump supporter is $72K. $61K for Clinton supporters.
Trumps supporters are about the first in our history loss of majority status for white Christians, and their need to build coalitions in order to maintain power. Those coalitions will necessitate compromise which the don’t want to do. The ‘status quo’ you speak of is basically white, Christian supremacy. That’s not a problem worth fixing. The Democrats solution is to empower everyone else without persecuting white Christians (although, they are certain to continue to declare themselves persecuted).
@Uncle Ebeneezer: Easy answer: The Freedom Trail. It’s free and covers most of the cool historical stuff in Boston.
Mike J
Laura Rozen @lrozen 47m
Gilberthorpe reportedly sued a paper for libel for a story for which he was the source
Rude, crude dudes are the people the status quo is not working for. Their complaint is that their bigotry is increasingly restricted. Trump is actually built into the scenario, and there isn’t much the Democrats can do other than emphasize we are the ‘non-bigot’ party.
Studies of Trump’s support have been clear and consistent: It is bigotry. That is why people support him. Factors like ‘economic anxiety’ have little or no involvement.
Mike J
@redshirt: Sure, now that the combat zone is gone.
@Mike J: Chinatown’s still pretty sketchy if that’s what you’re looking for.
Your boy is going to lose, and you Deplorables are going to shed many angry tears.
I normally favor magnanimity in political victory, but in this case, I believe support of Trump should be fixed to his supporters like a metaphorical scarlet letter of shame.
Trump is the monster that 50 years of GOP white/male resentment politics created, and now he’s eating the remains of the late 20th century conservative movement.
Haha. Choke on it.
@Soylent Green: Douchebag full of douchebags?
@srv: if true, that’s awesome! Fuckers shouldn’t be massively profiting off others misery.
Major Major Major Major
@Mike J: Oh my god, that’s amazing. Two peas in a pod!~
I survived my trip on So Cal public transit — including Amtrak, y’all! — and made it to my hotel in one piece. The horror, the horror …
(Okay, I’m kind of riffing on the customer at the yarn store who was surprised to hear that I took the bus from the Santa Barbara Amtrak station up to the store on Upper State. Uh, it’s Santa Barbara — how much danger could I realistically be in?)
Roger Moore
Because you’re too cheap to pay what they’re asking to lie for you.
Report from last night’s HRC/Maggie Hassan phone bank: pretty typical of my past experience with these things. Temporary office, mildew-smelling local pol’s h.q. Sadly unsurprised I was the only male. R.I. being R.I., I of course had acquaintances in common with another volunteer. Almost no actual contacts with the call list (registered voters, R, D, & U); not the way it was in the days of copper phone lines (POTS- Plain Old Telephone Service). Think 2 sheets of ruled 8 x 11 paper with names for each line on both sides of 1 sheet, 1/2 of the next sheet, and 5 actual contacts, lots of LMs (left message).
1rude, hangup. 3 claimed Clinton & Hassan supporters, 1 for HRC but unsure on the Senate race.
I guess the campaigns have proof these things work, but it sure seems futile at the time.
Mike J
Uh oh. The wind has started.
@trollhattan: read that the other day…funny in a teeth-gritting, cringe worthy way…but a necessary step in maybe getting some light on the flip side.
@Uncle Ebeneezer:
try here
The economy is working for most people…I could quote the statistics but we’ve all seen them before. Trump’s rage is the last gasp of white (especially white males, most especially older white males) supremacy. If Trump was a ‘warning shot’, it was to the GOP elites, that they are most certainly not in control of their party.
(I see Frankensteinbeck at #47 has already touched on this)
We also have a historically high-name-recognition GOP candidate up against a historically-unbelievably-defamed Dem candidate, who also happens to be the first female candidate for president ever. On top of that, she’s essentially running for Obama’s third term, something that’s historically hard to secure.
Finally, Trump himself is so intellectually (ugh) and politically inconsistent in his positions, that there’s no way to even begin to pin down what the ‘next Trump’ would say. You could have anything from a (gack) slightly more polished Ted Cruz, you could get a Rebekah Mercer deciding to cut out the middleman, who knows?
The important thing is that the Dems stay coherent in their general positions, stay positive, and stay LOUD about all the crap the Reps continue to try and pull in favor of the 1%.
I refuse to watch with All Due Respect. I have more than enough aggravation watching Chuckles and Tweety, if I put Halpern in the middle I’d lose it.
My tRumpist relations are so fucking stoopid they still think fewer people have health insurance because of ACA. Impervious idiots.
@Villago Delenda Est: superfund site of deplorables is a much more accurate.
Major Major Major Major
@p.a.: You got four voters! Well done!
Uncle Ebenezer.
You can make a day trip to Portsmouth NH. Lots of old architecture and plenty of good restaurants. Check out the tour of the USS Albacore submarine too.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I dunno, the revelation that Podesta can’t correctly use apostrophes is to me a game-changer.
@Uncle Ebeneezer: Topsfield?
I don’t have any advice, but I met Spousal ThresherK at the Topsfield Fairgrounds. So we have fond memories of the place.
@? Martin: No, I was referring to the military/contracting/financial/”knowledge worker” complex that has pretty much replaced the old MIC. Sorry I wasn’t clearer. The MCFK is more lucrative than the old status quo, but much shakier. It’s easier for the average Joe to perceive that it’s rigged and that there ain’t no there there. I don’t think the 9K difference in average income between Trumpers and Clintonites is all that significant.
@Major Major Major Major: One for each “major.”
@Uncle Ebeneezer:
There is also an information center run by the Park Service right next to the State St T station. They have lots of info and maps. It is only a short walk from North Station, or 2 stops on the T if you are lazy like me
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Off to work on the first draft of my Great American Novel, The Pinchbeck “T.”
Villago Delenda Est
@Mike J: If you went to Hollywood, and tried to sell this as a script, it would be rejected out of hand as “too implausible.”
Mind you, these are the same persons who cast David Soul in the Bogart role in the short lived Casablanca TV series.
And the most appropriate Pvt. Hudson quote: “Why don’t you put her in charge?!”
@Jeffro: It’s working for the military/ contractor/ financial/”knowledge workers.” Everyone else, not so much. And blaming white guys for every problem in the world will only work for so long.
Our argument is that the ability of the average Joe to tell the system is rigged economically has nothing to do with Trump.
Major Major Major Major
@Frankensteinbeck: @Pogonip:
-Leonard Cohen
@Frankensteinbeck: I agree, but I think Trump got as far as he did because he acknowledged the system’s rigged. Loudly and repeatedly. The next “Trump” may well want to burn it down and replace it with something not as lucrative for me. So I’d like the Democrats to have a plan to stop that. (i don’t think the Republicans could plan a trip to the potty at this point.)
@Major Major Major Major: Can’t argue with that!
@hovercraft: It’s the first time I’ve watched it – someone noted that Halperin looked constipated having to speak on what his beloved nominee has been saying – I tuned in while he was begging folks to say there is hope. Will not do it again
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
@Major Major Major Major:
Relevant. People have felt like this for decades. It’s not why we have Trump.
Tweety is sad that the issues that Trump tapped into , bad trade deals, stupid war and open borders are not going to get a vote this November, instead people are going to vote on all this crap with the accusations by these women. He’s lamenting that we can’t have a Brexit type vote to decide them. Michelle Bernard tries to argue that the issues raised by these women and rape culture are important and he says that’s an argument.
So ladies suck it up and keep your mouths shut we have more important things to decide.
@Uncle Ebeneezer:
No trip to Maine? If the weather is nice you cannot find better food and a prettier walking city than Portland, Maine.
Walking through the North End is really nice. It’s also close to Faneuil Hall which is super touristy but nice for people watching.
In Southern Vermont Dorset is lovely. it’s near Manchester so really accessible. In NH you can drive the Kancamagus Highway which is very scenic and then end the day in North Conway. It sounds crazy to recommend a pizza place but Flatbread PIzza at the Eastern Slope Inn is a real treat. Gorgeous old, oak paneled bar with lots of great local brews on tap and the restaurant is a large, circular room with brick floors and a beautiful hearth. The pizzas are fantastic and all the ingredients are locally sourced.
Trump, comparing sex to Vietnam, said in 1998 he should receive the Congressional Medal of Honor
He’s saying it right to their faces and the sheeple don’t hear it! He is going to turn the USA into a united nation. One world government. Agenda 21!
Is someone willing to go out on some RWNJ sites and stoke the fire?
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
But he didn’t. That’s the point. Trump’s followers are only mad about the system being rigged to the extent that it is no longer rigged in their favor as whites, Christians, and males. His followers aren’t the people hurting. They’re the bigots. It’s been studied to death. Sanders maybe, maybe, could be a display of the sentiment you’re describing, but those people are democrats and not relevant to Trump.
EDIT – And it still IS rigged in their favor. Just not as much, and the idea it someday might not be infuriates them.
Roger Moore
@Villago Delenda Est:
Cattle car of deplorables.
@MomSense: Flatbread is wonderful. Have you been to other locations, like in Portland? If so, can you vouch for the quality between restaurants?
Villago Delenda Est
@srv: Neil Sheehan was an honest broker.
Julian Assange is not.
Also, the next Congress should look into the scandalous state of computer Scrabble, which tells me JEW is not a valid English word but will happily accept TAIKO, RYU, GI, and NORI, although not WAKAME. It’s a shuda! (I suspect that’s not right, but there is a Jewish word for “scandal” that starts with sh–.)
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck:
Electing a blah to the presidency caused something to snap in some people.
Ok this may be a stupid question but what do knitters make in SoCal? I can’t imagine there is much demand for sweaters in Arab weight cables.
Major Major Major Major
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: Correct.
Good song, too.
ETA: @MomSense: Tiny taco trucks, apparently.
Mike J
Remember back in January when people were upset about others “voting with their vaginas”?
Doesn’t it seem like a pretty good thing to do these days?
OMG! You’ve got to watch this video!
Seriously. Donald hitting on Giuliani in drag.
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
@Major Major Major Major:
It’s one I’m fond of and own a copy!
Roger Moore
There was definitely a criminal element on my public transit trip yesterday; some dudebros were talking about the best way of committing insurance fraud.
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: Yes, I preferred Sanders, unfortunately for him–my approval is generally the kiss of death for a candidacy. Then I can’t fathom the appeal of whoever ends up the popular candidate. I just don’t think like the average American. I think this is because I was locked out of the system for years–being Poor is even more unpopular than being Deplorable–so I developed an outsider’s view.
when David Fuckin Gergen says he’s had enough, you are gone man, just gone.
Major Major Major Major
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: Have you heard the Live In London version?
Don’t know if they’re a basket, but I have a strong pleasurable vision of the flutter of little old lady Trump supporters in Iowa having coffee and kringla while feverishly justifying pussy-grabbing to each other, my Rev. Aunt contributing biblical authority.
Both are great. I have really happy memories of apres ski meals in North Conway but Portland is great too. The view is fantastic. Salads at flatbread are amazing.
@Mike J: I no longer have the flexibility to get my hips lifted up to the voting machine.
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
I’ve been homeless. I was also homeless in Kentucky. I had an eloquent education in the difference between the motivations of the poor and the motivations of bigots.
@Pogonip: You seem to make a lot of “contrarian” choices.
He’s promoting Agenda 21 right there in the open and the sheeple don’t see it.
@Villago Delenda Est: Don’t get to smug, Doubthat. It’s a very short trip from the barcar to the boxcar.
It’s such a creepy video.
@MomSense: I ask because I went to the one in Burlington MA extensively, but its location couldn’t be more different than the one in Portland or N. Conway. Suburban office park. Loved it though.
Jim Parene
@srv: Isn’t the Arch Bishop’s seat the Cathedral of ST. Donald the Pedophile?
Downtown Santa Barbara in particular is harmless other than having to run the gauntlet of drunk college kids where the bars are clustered. There are a few [relatively] unsavory pockets of SB, but that’s pretty much it. And they’re not really anywhere near downtown.
@Turgidson: There are unsavory parts of SB? Where??!
This is the problem with Trump trying to suppress vote, I’m voting early and my son and daughter-in-law are voting early. We are sick of Trump so we want to vote as early as possible.
@Pogonip: The latest on Walter? Nothing new, really. He had his massage appointment and kept wriggling away to explore so didn’t get the full benefit of his appointment. We’ll try to get him to settle down for the next one. He’s continuing to look and sound better, and thanks to his massage appointment, I can now see where he’s having the most trouble and can monitor for better/worse mobility. Here is proof of life I just took. Why he’s on the carpet instead of one of his many dog beds, I don’t know.
The bible doesn’t teach that shit. 2k years of corrupted institutionalism teach that shit.
Wait.. I forgot you are a troll and will say anything.
Easy call, and I’m Catholic.
What an incredible transformation. How is sweet Ellie?
Regnad Kcin
@Uncle Ebeneezer: If you haven’t been back since the Big Dig, and you remember the old elevated 93, you have to walk the greenway. You could also do worse than the harborwalk.
Stupid auto correct. Aran weight yarn.
@Uncle Ebeneezer: walk around Beacon Hill then through Boston Common and up Marlborough Street in the Back Bay. Take a break in Copley Square and a walk on the Esplanade.
Villago Delenda Est
@burnspbesq: Given that her running mate is Catholic, the “riddled with anti-Catholic bigots” part is, shall we say, a bit of a stretch.
I’ve never tried that one. I didn’t even know it existed. Food is great at both Portland and North Conway locations but I’m partial to North Conway. We do extended family ski trips and always end up at Flatbread.
@MomSense: LOL. I was like “what’s ‘Arab weight yarn'”.
Major Major Major Major
@debit: sometimes I sit on the carpet instead of one of my many chairs. Mammals, am I right?
@MomSense: It doesn’t make much sense that it exists where it exists, and yet, it’s very popular. All from office drones though, so I bet it’s the least hip Flatbread out there.
Mary G
I am still a fangirl of Matt Taibi. His latest in Rolling Stone:
Roger Moore
@Mike J:
It sounds unsanitary to me; I sure wouldn’t want to use the voting booth right after that. I think voters should stick to tried and true hands when voting.
I’d like to think its game over, but if you actually go to the websites of the reputable pollsters, most of the battleground states are pretty close still. Clinton’s ahead in almost all, but even a relatively sane state like NH has a Clinton lead of about four or five. Bottom line is that almost all Republicans will vote for Trump, and he is extremely popular with white males. I think a large number of white males think he’s the sort of alpha male they’d like to be, and the ones that are revolted by the last week’s revelations were never going to vote for him anyway. This is one sick country where he will still end up with 40% of the vote. And I am starting to have a complete lack of sympathy for rural white America. If they seriously believe Trump cares about them, they are off the charts on the stupidity meter.
Good to see the floor isn’t as painful to lie on like before.
@MomSense: Ellie is great. She loves having a buddy, and not just because Walters makes the treat river flow. When he first had trouble making it up the stairs at night I’d sometimes come downstairs and find her sleeping with him. I think she helps builds his confidence and he gives her someone to watch out for.
Three terrorists were arrested in Liberal Kansas today, they planned to blow up an apartment building.
I wonder when Trump will commend the authorities for stopping this act of terrorism.
Tenar Darell
@Uncle Ebeneezer: Depending on the weather the Mass Historical Society & the Mapparium with the Christian Science reflecting pool are “right around the corner” from the Boston Public Library & Copley Square. Otherwise Beacon Hill &/or Faneuil Hall over to the North End is fun.
If you change your mind about taking a guided walking tour I also recommend the MAAH Black Heritage Trail
Major Major Major Major
@Roger Moore: this is why we should just do universal vote by mail.
@MomSense: It does get chilly at times, especially once one acclimates. There are chilly foggy days at the beach, breezy days, breezy days on the water, it snows in the mountains, even the lower coastal ranges. Desert cools off rapidly. It’s no ND, but you’ll need at least a few.
@Uncle Ebeneezer: There’s a tiny few “blocks” near Faneuil Hall that are left over from true “old” Boston — an area bounded by Union, Hanover, and Blackstone Streets. Some buildings there are pre-Revolutionary war. It’s quite near the Freedom Trail, might even be on it.
If you walk slowly up the north side of Beacon Street on Beacon Hill, you will see some outstanding architecture. Many rewards await those who stroll Beacon Hill on foot.
@baud the Patron Saint of Deplorables and all things Trump is Roy Cohn.
Villago Delenda Est
@hovercraft: It is not possible for white, Christian men to be terrorists. Just not possible.
Gelfling 545
@Mike J: So he and Trump are kindred spirits?
Mary G
@debit: Great to hear, thanks for the update and picture.
@Mary G:
Is that disappointment I hear in his voice?
Clinton said today that she thinks that contrary to Trumps strategy, there will be record or near record turnout. Nathan Gonzales of the Rothenberg Report says they are anticipating turnout to be around the 2012 level, which was only topped by 2008. So everyone GOTV.
So sweet. You have made all of us very happy and it’s not easy to please vicious jackals.
@scav: There’s breezy and then there’s nor’easter. ?
Major Major Major Major
@different-church-lady: I did catch more than a whiff of that in the excerpt.
@Mike J: I hear it’s not going to be a pleasant weekend up there in the north country.
I actually admire Giuliani for wearing a drag outfit in the 1990s. That took courage and helped to normalize LGBT issues. Outside the act, he is his own basket of deplorable.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Sorry I forgot that Timothy Macveigh and Dylan Roof were just troubled lone wolf’s who were not trying to make political statements or terrorize anyone. My bad.
He’ll say he called it, at the very least.
Major Major Major Major
@hovercraft: if the NC numbers are indicative, this is going to be a bloodbath.
@Major Major Major Major: Depends on your perspective. From mine it’s going to be a bubble-bath!
Mary G
@MomSense: You get spoiled here. My mom got cold at 68 degrees and hot at 72. Many houses aren’t insulated. So a lot of people like sweaters and blankets/throws. Heavy cable knits, no. Plus, we have mountains with winter snow only an hour or two away, so people knit hats, mufflers and mittens for snowboarders, etc.
@redshirt: To be fair, and god knows I hate to be fair to Trump and the Ghouliani, but they were just goofing around since The Ghoul was in drag in some sort of comedy sketch.
To add this to the list of serious incidents with women is a mistake. My two cents.
@MomSense: No argument, but that doesn’t mean one doesn’t feel the cold. I’ve acclimated to the great middle, but grew up in CA (southern bit where it snows, go figure) and attended UCSB. But, in IA and IL, I learned that the exact temperature in autumn that would get everyone running for their sweaters would have everyone stripping off coats to tee-shirts in spring.
@redshirt: Yep. Curse of the outsider.
@debit: He looks good! Did I see that you guys are going to start him on adquan at some point?
@Ian: I’ll confess that I used to like Rudy quite a bit – for the cross dressing, and the fact that when kicked out by his wife he slept on the couch of a gay couple. Inside source on that!
And since my first 4 trips to NYC resulted in muggings, I appreciated what Rudy did to “clean up” NYC. I saw the change first hand at the Port Authority. In retrospect I was wrong, but pre 9/11 I did indeed like him.
@Mary G:
adventure tourism for the idiot rich.
@WaterGirl: It’s obviously a joke skit, but humor is based on truth, and that Donald’s role in this skit is as a lecherous man completely fits in with all that has been revealed the last few days.
gogol's wife
God, he looks good! The way he holds his head up high — cannot be that dog we saw the first picture of! Well done, you!
@debit: Yay! Walter pupdate! Thank you. Now I’m just waiting for Cole to get out of the porch and give an update.
@scav: This time of the year reveals how differently we handle temps. I’ve seen people in Boston in near full winter gear – parka, scarf, gloves. And at the same time, people in short sleeves and shorts. Temp outside at 50F.
@WaterGirl: Yep. Tomorrow is his first shot at the vet so I can get the process down.
Most of the stuff on the Freedom Trail is free, but if you go into the churches, they’ll hit you up for a donation for maintenance. Paul Revere’s house is owned by a private foundation, so there’s a fee to go inside. It’s worth it, IMO. You end up at the USS Constitution in Charleston Navy Yard. I think the tour there is free. You can take the ferry back instead of walking back, IIRC it’s around $6.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Not inherently inconsistent, but one makes the other both less likely and less relevant.
@Mary G: The Rolling Stone illustration on the Trump article! He’s groping the Statue of Liberty.
The Fury and Failure of Donald Trump
Tenar Darell
Gosh I’m in moderation! Was it the naked link? Anyway if you could fish me out, thanks in advance.
@debit: Walter looks comfy. Not the same doggie.
@debit: My vet gave Bailey all the shots. I cannot say enough about the difference in Bailey that seemed to happen overnight with shots 4 & 5. I hope for the same great results for Walter!
P.S. There was a rebate for adequan when we used it for Bailey years ago. I just googled and there is a rebate now, too. You might want to check that out if you aren’t already aware of it.
Major Major Major Major
@Origuy: the freedom trail is a little dangerous though. Super mutants under the swan boats. And the gazebo is super radioactive.
@Origuy: Do you know the name of a museum-y sort of place that is on the Freedom Trail? There were all sorts of displays and quotes etc from the revolution. I’m describing it badly, but it made a huge impression on me and I would love to know what it was so I can google it.
We all have our faults. I used to think McCrory was a moderate who wouldn’t fuck up his state for cheap partisan hackery.
Rudy was a kick-ass U.S. Attorney. His staff threw a lot of people in jail who deserved to be there. All downhill after that.
@Elizabelle: He’s groping her with his tiny little hands! Did you notice the tiny little hand on her breast?
edit: I am still laughing.
@Major Major Major Major: Fallout reference?
@Elizabelle: It’s a pretty sharp take…hope it makes it into the GOP’s 2016 “autopsy”
Fave section:
@WaterGirl: So small, I did not see it at first.
Taibbi describes Trump’s hand size as “controversial.” Am enjoying the article now. (And thank you, MaryG.)
@WaterGirl: I didn’t know, so thank you!
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: no, some other video game set in Boston with super mutants that I know you play.
@Elizabelle: After seeing your reply, I went back to the photo to laugh some more. But then – ugh! I scrolled down to the part of the picture that was below what I could see on my laptop, and ugh, he has another hand under her robes, feeling her up. ugh ugh ugh
edit: I’d like to see these people who think that what Trump described – groping women’s breasts and putting his hand up their skirts – is not sexual assault.
@Major Major Major Major: I don’t play video games. I only read the internet.
@Jeffro: I’ve just gotten to this section:
sad-sack running mate, the whole pu$$y thing. I’m laughing.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: I must be thinking of another commenter.
@Major Major Major Major: Cole maybe?
i finally found another Japanese word that computer Scrabble won’t accept–BUDO. I’m going to learn a few words in Swahili and see what happens.
I have not had an opportunity to try KWYJIBO, although it will take DOH.
The kind of personality that makes for a good U.S. Attorney doesn’t translate well to most other professions.
@Elizabelle: Taibbi really nails it, probably most especially in his shots at the “deep bench”.
I haven’t put much political stuff on FB this whole season, but this hadda go up, especially the “adventure tourism for the rich” line. Dems can reform there to some extent. Today’s GOP? Not so much.
@redshirt: Cole commented on his blog? Sorry I missed it.
The Golux
In Portland, we’ve dined at Fore Street, which was amazing, but my son, who is a chef, says Central Provisions is an order of magnitude better. Hard to believe, but I trust his judgement.
Major Major Major Major
@Pogonip: I was going to say.
@Pogonip: LOL. Zing!
@Major Major Major Major: That was the joke. I set it up but you missed it.
@The Golux: I’m sure. I was just talking about the Flatbread Pizza Company, who have several locations, one of which is in Portland. For some reason they provide two free large pizzas for my monthly book club.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: I’ll survive ?
@Elizabelle: Failure? We’re one leaked risotto recepie from a Trump with nuclear codes!!!
@Elizabelle: not that I don’t appreciate the pile on, but where the fuck were these journalists 15 months ago…while it’s made for an interesting year in a truly horrifying way, drumpf should have never made it this far….uugh!
@Villago Delenda Est: Yes, not only is Kaine Catholic, but Podesta and Halpin are as well. The e-mails criticize some views of conservative Catholiscm and Rupert Murdoch’s decision to raise his children Catholic, not Catholism itself.
Halpin wrote an article for Think Progress explaining his views and the e-mail was apologetic. Another Balloon juicer posted about this yesterday. Sorry I don’t have any link.
Having been raised Catholic myself, some of these Bishops really make me angry.
Nope. I speak Swahili & tried that gambit with computer scrabble.
I could have won big with Ulimwengu but it wouldn’t go for it.
Couldn’t even get away with a ten count; moja, mbili, tatu, nne, etc.
And auto correct fought me all the way on this post…
@Elizabelle: ok, clicked over to see the illustration…yikes, that’s gonna leave a mark…the grim raper with his tiny, groping paws…
@Tazj: I meant to write Halpin’s column at Think Progress about the e-mails was apologetic.
@Ajabu: Heh. It is not fair however to include any word that resides in any language. That would send Scrabble into a dangerous area of dictionary relativity.
Scrabble has to be played as a single language game – whatever the language.
Now that I type that, it seems like it would be a good beginning/intermediate language instruction to have the student play scrabble in that language.
@redshirt: no way. Scrabble would be a LOT more interesting if it were played in multiple languages. Hell, multiple alphabets!
Hi Anne L, Just want to thank you for what you’re doing. Not easy.
tweety is not really into these”soft” issues. He likes his politics to play out like some bare-knuckle boxing match. Policy stuff doesn’t really matter, they are just props used to fill space before he questions which candidate has got the “fire in their belly, smells blood and is ready to taste it.” It doesn’t really matter who wins as long as he gets to pontificate to and with “Important People”. “Women’s Issues” are just an awkward fit in his narrative.
@different-church-lady: Dangerous talk.
@Mike J:
I’ve heard that it makes it hard to control the little pin things that punch out the chad bits on the ballot.
Man, I sure hear a lot of tasteless things, don’t I?
@Jeffro: they did an autopsy in 2012, reach out to minorities, blah, blah, blah…and promptly dropped it in the dustbin.
JR in WV
Cone on, Raven, You should (and probably do) know that the medal is the Medal of Honor… Congress has nothing to do with it.
That’s almost as bad as saying that flags are at half-mast in honor of some tragedy or honorable death – only on ships, everywhere else they’re at half-staff. /pedantry
@WaterGirl: he’s very clearly assaulting Miss Liberty…
How any one can think it’s not assault is beyond me.
@Pogonip: the idea that every Trump supporter is suffering economically and has no job is ridiculous. The status quo is working for most Trump supporters. The problem is that people that they hate are doing as good as them or better. Women gays minorities xcetera.
@Mary G: Meh. I don’t buy it. Hills will get a majority. Most people are not so dissatisfied. Most people did not vote for Sanders or Trump put together. The economy has improved, for everyone, since 2009. We are not involved in an actual, regular troop, boots on the ground, war. Progress is being made on social justice issues. Technology is making life better for everyone. Change/schmange. The media loves this kind of talk, which is why it can’t get enough of crybaby Trump and Sanders and Stein and Johnson supporters. Taibi is a middle brow regurgitater of conventional wisdom.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Trump “wins the debate” and then tanks in the polls and doesn’t see the issue? The man is an utter twit. This is politics Donny, adult stuff, not big time wrestling.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Agorabum: No, it’s they are victims of TV. They watch TV, and it’s one endless parade of how much the world sucks and how even when things are good, they really suck, so they are scared shitless. So Trump voices their fears and that’s why they cling to him.
Notice Trump never says he can fix anything, just everything sucks and we should all be afraid. They are so scared even the idea of trying to fix the problems terrifies them.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@MomSense: We are driving up the Kancamagus on Sunday (detouring through the lakes region.)
Uncle Ebeneezer
@ThresherK: Nice. I regret that we missed the Fair by only one week.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@scuffletuffle: Perfect! Thanks to everyone for the great suggestions. Wish we had enough time to do them all!
Robert Sneddon
@JR in WV: Flags don’t fly on masts on a ship, they fly on a jackstaff, hence “Union Jack”. Masts are for sails and pennants like the Blue Peter. Flags and colours are sometimes flown on a mast on a boat or barge since they usually don’t have a jack (although not always). Being pedantic to be polite.
@Haydnseek: This is an amazing sentence! It us full of win!