Walnuts has today’s dumbest unforced error and wins the Ted Cruz medal for negative political acumen. Attempting to fire up his base, he said the following:
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) suggested Monday that the Republican party’s months-long refusal to fill a vacant seat on the Supreme Court could extend into the next administration if Hillary Clinton is elected president.
“I promise you that we will be united against any Supreme Court nominee that Hillary Clinton, if she were president, would put up,” McCain said on WPHT Philadelphia radio in an interview first flagged by CNN. “I promise you. This is where we need the majority.”
Realizing that was absolutely insane, his staff quickly walked back the remarks:
McCain’s office walked his remarks back hours later, saying he would vote for individual nominees based on their record and experience.
“Senator McCain believes you can only judge people by their record and Hillary Clinton has a clear record of supporting liberal judicial nominees,” communications director Rachael Dean told TPM in a statement. “That being said, Senator McCain will, of course, thoroughly examine the record of any Supreme Court nominee put before the Senate and vote for or against that individual based on their qualifications as he has done throughout his career.”
So now, he’s said something insane, alienating moderates, and said something sane, alienating the Trump voters who already hate him and have threatened to not support down ballot candidates who aren’t with Trump. Considering Arizona is possibly in play, this might be the end of Walnuts. He’s up 15, but you never know in a wave election.
I think he accidentally pulled the curtain back a bit too soon for what the plan is for the GOP.
Tom Levenson
The US Senate Oath of Office:
What part of “support and defend the Constitution” is covered by a blanket refusal to do one’s job? Senator John McCain’s picture is in the dictionary next to “disgrace.”
Also “fuckwit”.
Speaking of cornered Republicans saying weird things, Darrell Issa is saying positive things about Obama.
Yeah, I think this might be a wave election, and the press is going to be the last to figure it out.
Anyone in AZ know if McCain has come out for the record in opposition to the marijuana legalization question on the ballot?
Off the cuff presumption is that he has remained mum about it thus far.
It’s not going to be a wave election, sad to say. Outside of a large majority of electoral votes. HRC’s coattails are short.
@Elizabelle: There’s ‘expertise’ bias– the things they’ve spent their time learning and the relationships they’ve cultivated aren’t going to change– because reasons.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
I think they could get away with it cuz the “liburel media” are gop quislings.
I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that a Republican not named Trump would openly admit that they would rather burn this country to the ground than govern responsibly if that meant a Dem could claim partial credit for anything good.
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
Thanks to @germy in the last thread, this is too crazy not to carry over. Assange has been accused of sexually propositioning an 8 year old online, which may be why Ecuador cut off his internet access.
El Caganer
You’re not referring to this John McCain, are you?
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
@Tom Levenson:
A conservative would tell you that ‘against all enemies, foreign and domestic’, applies to stopping Democrats from destroying America.
Imagine how fast one of us would be shown the door in a job interview if we popped off saying we wouldn’t do the job.
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: Ew. Credibility takes a hit, falls over a cliff, sinks into a tarpit, descends into Hell.
Sawgrass Stan
Well, there goes the last ghost of a shred of a memory of the molecule of grudging respect I once had for this cowardly sack of weasel.
The Moar You Know
He told the truth. You’d think he’d be proud of that, instead of this feeble and futile attempt to “walk it back”. Wonder what he’s ashamed of?
Sorry Grandpa Walnuts, we all knew what the plan was anyway. But thanks for confirming it.
@MattF: He also refused to put his party affiliation on all the signs he’s plastered all over my damn town. Another guy ashamed of the truth for some reason.
Sad thing is, he doesn’t have to lie. He’s in zero danger of losing his seat and the idiots here have always loved his schtick.
Sm*t Cl*de
Imagine my surprise when a solemn promise from McCain turns out to be no more than a mouthful of air.
@Tom Levenson
Moot as the oath is unconstitutional on its face by dint of having the deference to god included as part of its wording by law. If, as with the presidential oath, that part were unofficially appended it would be a different kettle of fish.
still crazy how much of a non-story this unprecedented blocking has been this election year. this should be a top fucking story
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@cokane: the entire “liburel media” bought into the gop framing that nominations shouldn’t happen during an election year.
Well, more incentive than ever to take back the Senate.
Larry Flint will give you a millyun dollars for your Donny Trump sexxytime tape.
The Moar You Know
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: Good God. Well, it’s never been easier for Ecuador to do the right thing. Escort Mr. Assange to the front door and tell him to GTFO.
Much less than you or I would prefer, I’d wager. Although there will no doubt be some R-favorable precincts where a Senate or House name on the ballot totals more votes than Trump, which would be magically delicious in its own way.
Mary G
@MattF: Darrell is toasty toast. He’s flinging mud and money, but too late.
Mike in NC
@trollhattan: Wow. Larry Flint a national treasure, while John McCain is still a national disgrace.
Frank Wilhoit
They’re starting to worry about the Senate. I predicted long ago that we would know if that happened, because they would start promising to block any/all nominees.
This is not going to be a wave election. The Republican governors will see to that. For example, if you think that any Democratic precinct in Milwaukee is going to get more than one voting machine, or that that single machine will work, then you have forgotten everything you ever knew about Scott Walker. Multiply by all the cities in Red states.
Also, read this, from Thomas Ricks over at Foreign Policy. (Disable scripting if necessary.) Hands up everyone who thinks anyone will have the stones to actually do a third of these things.
Mary G
@El Caganer: This quote from that story sums up McCain in a nutshell:
Knight of Nothing
This is a huge gaffe, on par with Kevin McCarthy’s pronouncement that the Benghazi hearings were serving a political purpose. But honestly, with all the noise surrounding Trump, and more broadly this election and Republican insanity, will enough people notice for it to make any difference? Of that I am skeptical.
I was kind of hoping McCain had seen his internal numbers sliding and said this intentionally to insure the base coming out to vote for him.
Also the Assange story — just ewwww. Trump and he should definitely hang out together, in a prison cell. They can tell each other how awesome they are and be WATBs.
? Martin
Actually, he’s only up 10 in the only poll taken in the last 2 weeks and that has him at 45% suggesting that 20% of the electorate is undecided. That’s a dangerous place for an incumbent to be.
The +15 poll is from Oct 2-4 and a lot has changed on the ground since then, not the least of which was McCain unendorsing Trump and the GOP state chairman saying that would cost McCain re-election.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
My favorite is how the media repeats the gop lie that a vacancy occurred during the 1956 election and wasn’t filled until the next year.
what they don’t say is the vacancy occurred just weeks before the election at a time when congress was adjourning for their fall campaigns. obviously when congress is out of town during election season you can’t expect them to return for hearing, which is completely different from what happened with fat tony, who died 9 months before the election.
If Justice Ginsburg retired—and she’s said that she’s just doing one term at a time now—the Court would be back to a conservative majority. What incentive would Republicans have to approve any appointment? In fact they could dismantle the Supreme Court entirely by sitting on their hands for a generation or so. And at the same time, shut down those pesky federal appellate and district courts. Not so calamitous, really. We’ll still have dispute resolution by duel. And civil war.
I don’t think even the most devoted Trumpster wants four more years like the last eight.
Cant find exact link, but more fun in the GOP world: The KS State Senate leader (Wagle) has said that if the KS Supremes rule (as expected) that KS needs to up their $$ outlay for public schools, the KS Legy is going to treat their ruling as an “opinion” rather than a mandate. And yes, she openly admits she’d be initiating a Constitutional crisis, but doesn’t give a shit.
For bonus insanity, she also said she’s going to tackle and fix KS’s extreme budget issues, but with MORE tax cuts, not tax increases. And certainly no roll-back of the state income tax reductions. And they’ll be re-elected because Jesus and AK-47s and abortions are so bigly better.
@RoonieRoo: They just… defy belief.
Now, why would non-Republicans distrust a single one of their “elected” “public servants” over even the smallest matter?
@Tom Levenson:
That oath only counts when following it promotes GOP objectives. If it sets the party back, then it is non-applicable.
In their defense, Charlie Cook said that you don’t usually see the wave coming until about three to two weeks before the election. So there’s still a chance. Plus running around telling your hordes that the system is rigged may make a lot of them just stay home.
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck:
I’m no Assange fan, but there’s something weird about that story that I can’t quite articulate. I’m going to wait for better information before I call in the hounds.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Didn’t Lindsey Graham, Smithers to McCain’s Monty Burns, already say he was troubled by this abandonment of political norms, even as he went along with it?
Peter Griffin was on the Trump bus
With Republicans’ refusal to give Judge Garland a vote, they have shown that they don’t give a fig for democracy or the constitution or doing their jobs. Here is qualified candidate, a not-very ideological candidate, in fact, a nomination they wished for. But, oh no, we can’t let the black guy seat 3 judges. It is cowardly, mendacious, and generally despicable. So, McCain is saying nothing new. Fuck him and whatever aircraft, vehicle, or beast of burden he may ride in on.
Unfortunately, all McCain has to do to get reelected in Arizona is not drool on himself in public.
This whole outrage about McCain today is kinda baffling to me. The Republicans aren’t going to vote for any of Clinton’s nominees. That not some gaffe, it’s a fact. This election is going to make the republicans triple down on obstruction. They are a shrinking party in terms of numbers, but they are not shrinking significantly in terms of the power they wield.
Ted Cruz, desperate to compete for the Cruz medal, retweeted an article that said sex change operations will be mandatory if Hillary wins. The tweet was erased after awhile.
plus, telling your horde that they can’t trust their own political party doesn’t exactly get em all riled up to pull the lever for downticket goopers either.
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: Disgusting as the accusation is, the comments at that tweet are execrable (like most Trumpite infected things).
Villago Delenda Est
So, do you suppose, like Donald, John here is trying to actually lose this election? I mean, is it all that far fetched that he wants to yield his seat to Kirkpatrick and retire to one of his, what is the last count, 7 homes?
This totally cracked me up last night.Trump’s already pretty pissed at Seth McFarland. I look forward to the inevitable Twitter storm.
@Aleta: ‘The Assholeness is strong in that one.’
Villago Delenda Est
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: Holy Flurking Schnitt! And here I though it was because the military attache was pissed that Assmunch was cut off because his activity was screwing up the attache’s WoW raids with high latency…
Weird things about the story:
* It’s not being reported anywhere except via PRNewswire releases that are being published on news aggregator sites.
* It’s an allegation being made by the dating website, and all of the records link back to the dating website itself not a real criminal complaint
* That report that is being linked to on Twitter is a report from the dating website to the UN – why is a dating website a UN Global Compact Member?
It all smells a bit off. There’s literally no reporting done on it to suggest that a police report has even been filed. Not even someone checking with the Bahamas police to see if there’s an investigation ongoing.
Now it is apparently true that Ecuador has shut off Assange’s internet access, but I have to wait for some more reporting to be done on this to believe that this is anything but a PR stunt at the moment.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Advance voting report from Gwinnett County, Georgia.
So this afternoon I decided to drive over to Lawrenceville, the county seat, which is where the one place for early in-person voting in Gwinnett is open this week and next. First day, I expected maybe 20-30 people in line. But the lines snaked around the outside barricades. I drove slowly past and estimated a couple of hundred. Finally found a parking place, walked a pretty hefty distance to the end of the line. An election official came up within a few minutes and said the wait would be at least four hours. I opted to leave and do my voting another day.
Later, I looked at the local paper to see if they had any reporting about voting lines and wait times. Oh yes, they did:
Totally unscientific, but it seemed to me from my drive-by and my few minutes in line that the great majority were African-American women. Later this week and two or three days next week (waiting for my assignments) I expect to be election-watching at that location and will have access to hard numbers.
Based only on today and solely on unconfirmed guesstimates, I do believe that Georgia could turn from red to blue this year, at least at the Presidential level (we’re not going to get rid of Sen. Johnny Isakson).
Soylent Green
@shomi: Hey man I’m worried about your nutrition. Eating Cheetos all day is not a balanced diet.
@efgoldman: Don’t think Hilz will waste 2+ years meeting them half-way to a rightward moving line like BHO did. Don’t know if it will matter, but I think she’ll call out a do-nothing congress from day 1.
Sloane Ranger
So if Assange no longer has access to the Internet, does that mean the end of the email leaks? If so media will have a sad. No more balance!
Agree that it doesn’t look like a wave. From here in the UK it looks like non political junkies do not want to elect a Groper in Chief but buy the idea that Clinton is at least slightly shady, if not actually crooked. From what I read and hear I think a lot of people are going to vote Hilary for President but Repubs for Senate. I think they’re buying Ryan’s crap about the GOP acting as a check on potential unconstitutional actions by her.
Completely OT can we call them the G(R)OP(E) Party from now on?
Corner Stone
Mark Halperin on WADR just said that if “you give Trump the states he is behind in but needs to win, this race is still not over”.
@efgoldman: Utterly predictable as soon as enemy #1 Is Hillary.
Miss Bianca
@Mnemosyne: I honestly don’t give a shit whether there’s something fishy about the story or not (except concern for the child involved, if it *is* true*) – if the result is that that little douchenozzle Assange has his access to the outside world sealed off. He’s richly earned it, however it’s come about.
Mary G
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: Sounds great!
@Villago Delenda Est:
How would saying what he said hurt him in the election? Republicans love the Garland move and the rest of the country either doesn’t give a shit or doesn’t know a damn thing about it. The media has sold gridlock as both siderism for 8 years. His comment assures the base, and falls on deaf ears elsewhere.
In Franklin County (Columbus, OH) 2,400 voted the first day. They were said to be snowbirds voting before they leave for sunnier spots. For all I know, they could have voted for Trump.
Patricia Kayden
Not sure if I agree that this is an error. If he’s 15 points up on his rival, he’ll win in a cakewalk. I’m trying to be optimistic about the Democrats flipping the Senate because if that doesn’t happen President Hillary Clinton is going to be obstructed into oblivion.
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck:
I have no clue whether this story is true or not, but it is worth pointing out a few facts:
– The UN (as a body) supports Julian Assange.
– Assange is accused of making contact with the eight year old girl through a dating web site named toddandclare.com.
– That website became a member of the UNGlobal Compact earlier this year, but was delisted by them last week.
– That web site hates Assange like poison, which is possibly why they got delisted.
It looks like a juicy story, but it’s a bit too early to assume that Assange is guilty and the web site owner is squeaky clean.
@Corner Stone: Well, it’s got a premise and a conclusion.
Prescott Cactus
I’d have bet the house that Senator Walnuts would get voted out of office before Sheriff Joe. I would have been wrong.
Kirkpatrick showed be miles ahead.
@Corner Stone: And if my aunt had balls, she’d be my fucking uncle!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I have more respect ( still not much ) for Graham as time passes. He has a great deal more self-awareness than most. He was the one who basically said ‘They are not making enough racist white people to get the GOP elected, anymore’.
Less so for McCain.
If the media followed those rules with respect to Hillary, we’d be winning this election 73-27.
Patricia Kayden
@Corner Stone: Sure Mark. And if I had wings, I would fly.
But are they going to go to Florida and do it again?
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Mary G:
I am cautiously optimistic!
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: And I am caustically optimistic.
@catclub: That would be voter fraud, a crime only minority Democratic voters can commit.
@Corner Stone:
And THAT is why Halperin gets the big bucks. Nobody else is able to figure out that Trump needs to win states to be elected president.
Right. They could always say they forgot they had already voted.
Corner Stone
“That will help”…That will help who, Halperin? Who will it help if a big disclosure from the wiki dump comes out?
Villago Delenda Est
@Corner Stone: Halperin is concerned that his manifest number is rising, not falling, during this election cycle.
‘Build the dang wall!’ – 2010
Horse’s Ass – Forever.
It strikes me that being a pantswetter is probably more challenging than being a bedwetter. Or am I overthinking this?
@Tom Levenson:
From a conservative point of views Liberals and Democrats are domestic enemies of the USA.
So probably a Dem gain in that case. Cool.
Villago Delenda Est
@dogwood: But he’s unendorsed Donald! Nothing else matters to the most rabid of the Rethug base.
@Tom Levenson: Wonder if Prez Hillary could make these clowns re-swear their oaths, publicly. I assume it’s not an annual event, and some have been there so long, perhaps they’ve forgotten quite what they have sworn to. Er somethin’.
@Sm*t Cl*de:
Somebody got it right in 2008 against Obama, that McCain thinks like a pundit who needs a flashy opinion on everything, and with no time for thought.
His ‘We’ll be in Iraq 100 years’ quip was like that. Not presidential material.
@Corner Stone: I always wonder if Heilemann has makeup covering the red palm marks on his forehead.
One wonders if it’s a pre-emptive strike to disguise the real reason why Ecuador cut him off. But, I am notoriously bad at calling this kind of stuff, so I’m going to lay low and see how the story develops.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Well he’s up big in Arizona so the rabid Trump base isn’t having much effect on him anyway.
Prescott Cactus
@bystander: you sleep in bed for 8 hours, wear pants for the rest of the day.
1/3 greater chance of being a pantswetter. . .
ETA: I know I am over thinking this.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
That’s so Baud!
@gene108: We are world enemies to them; Weltfeind. They’re itching to act on it.
Corner Stone
@Prescott Cactus:
You speak for your damn self, citizen.
Exit 135
He must be demented. I remember him and his buddies in the Senate’s mantra during Bush the Stupid’s administration: “The administrations nominee deserves an up or down vote.”
I hope the people of Arizona give John an up or down vote to end his career.
Patricia Kayden
@Elizabelle: Boy, do I ever hope you’re right Elizabelle. Fingers and toes crossed. Trump still has 21 days to piss off enough people to make it so.
Just One More Canuck
@Corner Stone: that some great insight he vomited out
Corner Stone
I just wandered by Mark Halperin’s twit feed. This is an actual tweet:
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch:
It sounds like Trump’s scaremongering is backfiring on him. I wouldn’t be surprised if people are getting worried about potential Election Day violence, so they’re making sure to vote early.
I found out today that Los Angeles County is going to have 5 additional early voting locations for the two weekends before Election Day. Hopefully the turnout won’t be quite as high the day I go to the one in North Hollywood!
Jack Kingston – Also Horse’s Ass
Patricia Kayden
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: And we’ll soon see whether the mainstream media will go along with no votes on nominations during Democratic administrations.
@Corner Stone: I am underpaid.
@MattF: “I find his lack of faith disturbing,”
@Corner Stone:
Sort of like his pre’08 book where he proclaimed that “Drudge rules our world,”. Halperin is weird because the books he writes with Heilmann really aren’t hackish. Game Change is well-sourced and honest in it’s assessment of the ’08 campaign.
Villago Delenda Est
@Corner Stone: Assmunch is key? He’s been leaking risotto cooking tips!
@dogwood: Maybe Hellman does all the work.
@Patricia Kayden:
They will go along. They’ve gone along thus far; so why would they change.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Corner Stone: He’s approaching Jim Hoft levels of stupid.
I hate to be the turd in the punchbowl, but I’m going to be the turd in the punchbowl. McCain will win. Arizona voters have a bad habit of reflexively voting for the R when they know little to nothing about the candidates (or the other candidates, when faced with a GOP incumbent they may not be crazy about).
All year long I’ve read an endless number of comments from Arizona voters that say “Anyone but McCain!!!!” They said this six years ago, too. Like 2010, McCain crushed his Tea Party opponent in the primary and those “anyone but McCain” voters were nowhere to be found in November. Sad!
Chyron HR
Reminder that there are (alleged) adults who swear up and down that Clinton is going to spend the next 8 years playing footsie with the people who’ve been trying to destroy her for 25 years (both Republicans and the media) because “triangulators gonna triangulate”.
@Sloane Ranger:
If he has a phone he has internet. Running any kind of big operation though…perhaps not.
I occasionally hear Assange interviewed and he’s always a colossal dick. Not the best front man I’ve encountered.
Corner Stone
@Baud: Chris Wallace is the most key important person in this presidential race with three weeks to go.
He is #1 in deciding how this will all go. The moderator for the third and final debate. He is the key.
Thanks, Halperin.
@Chyron HR: Heck, one of the reasons I am voting for her is that I’m hoping she is itching for payback!
It’s really hard for a senator to be unseated and the longer they’ve served the more it seems the seat is safe. Gonna be hard finding the handle on McCain’s ejector.
@Corner Stone: If that were true, that would be Reason # 1 to end debates forever.
Keith G
Yup. His antics make me feel, at this time, he will be lucky to get over 38% nationwide and more than 200 in the Electoral College.
Chyron HR
@Corner Stone:
Chris Wallace is key to all this.
Heh, NYT nudged their election probability to 91% from 90% earlier in the day. Tick-toc, Donny!
A simple precept which your diseased mind seemingly can’t process:
“When someone tells you exactly what they’re going to do, believe them.
Keith G
@Chyron HR: Unless the Ds win both houses, she will be doing a bit of just that, since A) That is how some things will get done B) That is always been part of her, and Bill’s M.O.
@trollhattan: and where THE FUCK are all the “term limits” voters? Because voters are full of shit on a regular basis. They want term limits for the other team’s long-timers. Not their own.
This fucker is 80 goddamn years old; he will be 86 at the end of his term if he wins. He clearly doesn’t know what he would do with himself if he wasn’t a DC Somebody.
He’s too busy trying to find his last Depends, so that he doesn’t “soil himself.”
He’s raising projection to the level of Bad Art.
Matt McIrvin
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: Ah, but how many of them went home without casting a ballot?
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
I hope so. I think so. Probably a fair number are simply worried about long lines (or weather) on Election Day, but I’m sure there are a good many who want to make sure their votes are locked in early, and some who fear possible violence on November 8th.
I don’t get this. How does she get “payback” with a republican House and at best a single vote majority in the Senate? It’s Republicans who will be going for payback starting Nov. 9.
Prescott Cactus
Next to his drool cup. Beside the box of Depends that has the big map that shows where his 7 or 8 homes are.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Matt McIrvin:
Well, I did. Perhaps a few who were at the end of the line, although I didn’t notice anybody else peeling off when I did. But my guess is that anyone who had been in line for, say, three hours, wouldn’t have given up at the prospect of one more. As for me, as I said, I’ll be there working/volunteering several times over the next couple of weeks and will have ample opportunities to vote during slow periods. Actually, I’m not even sure why I drove all that distance today except I kinda liked the idea of voting for Hillary on the first possible day I could.
@Patricia Kayden:
This kind of blatant stuff is pretty easy to call each & every R senator out on, too. “Senator Quisling, are you saying that if a Democratic senate majority were to refuse to hear, much less vote on, a Republican president’s judicial nominees for her entire term, you’d be okay with that?”
C’mon, Obama: tell the country you’re pulling the Garland nom on election eve. But first, take an hour to lay out how historically unprecedented the Turtle-led obstructionism has been, and where it comes from.
Sloane Ranger
@trollhattan: Well, whatever the truth of the allegations at least that’s something!
@dogwood: She makes appointments using the Andrew Jackson philosophy of presidenting. Let them take her to court. If they try impeachment, lay out loudly the parts of the Constitution they’re violating.
@dogwood: That isn’t my skill set. It is in hers.
Matt McIrvin
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: I’m curious now about what the early-voting scene is going to look like in my town. It starts on the 24th, and over most of the period it’s only during weekday business hours at City Hall. There’s one Thursday that they run late, and they’ll be opening a few other locations just for Saturday the 29th (no Sunday voting). I think they’re hoping for low demand.
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: I voted this afternoon in Johns Creek. Took an hour, which is about 59 minutes longer than I expected. Gave me time to really think about voting for Jill Stein, though, so that was good.
The crowd was far more diverse than I expected (we are not known for that in these parts). Plenty of teabagger lookign types, though, but I suppose I look like a republican to people who don’t know me.
Feel the Jillmentum! (not really.)
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Matt McIrvin:
Well, I hope you’ll report to the rest of us on and after the 24th (not sure where you are located, although I expect you’ve said). In fact, I’d be most interested to see on-the-ground reports, and links to local reporting, from BJ commenters throughout the country.
I watched a bit of the ABC News with David Muir this evening. A brief clip of a drumpf supporter at a rally. The supporter said he would do everything he possibly could to prevent HRC. “If it means I have to be a patriot then I guess I’ll be a patriot.”
I think he was threatening violence there.
Matt McIrvin
@trollhattan: I think the last bunch of Ohio polls managed to bring PEC’s Clinton win probability all the way down from 98% to 97%.
@shomi: Everyone walks away thinking the other set is being played. The one actual situation of BOTH SIDES DO IT, problem is, no dirty hippies are involved, just racists and people who rather not consider if they’re messing around with racists (YMMV, please substitute misogynists, homophobes, cissexists, dominionists, people who thought colonialism was great, etc etc etc).
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Steve in the ATL:
Forsyth County, or north Fulton? (I’m in Johns Creek at this very moment, as it happens. We must live fairly near each other.)
Dude trolls Trump fans claiming to be a Postal employee ripping up Trump absentee ballots. Stupidest Man on Internet leads stampede to the bait.
50:50 Trump brays about it Wednesday night.
ETA scooped by Cole upstairs. Or was I?!?
Les Bonnes Femmes
@Mnemosyne: I wanta live in Hollywood. In the Dietrichson house.
Iowa Old Lady
@Aleta: How does that even make any sense? All men will have to become women and all women become men?
I’ve seen the same clip…hope they play it Wednesday night and ask Trump about it. Better yet, corner that coward McCain and see if he can make the connection between his “any” comment today and this kind of mindless anger from the Trumpkins
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch:
Forsyth? FORSYTH????!1 I thought we were friends.
I live near Johns Creek High School. Voted at the NE/Spruill Oaks library, then went across the street and hit a bucket of balls at River Pines. I also, uh, totally did some work earlier.
Ann Kirkpatrick may want that desk moved to the other side of the office.
McCain stepped on his own dick, then shot himself in the foot. First say the quiet part loud, in an effort to bring home the Trump supporters; then walk it back, thus prompting attacks from same.
Between the Trumpeters and the 42% of AZ that fucking hates John McCain and/or Joe Arpaio, it’s looking a lot like HFA just dumped $2M in ads and they’re air dropping FLOTUS, Chelsea & Bernie on Maricopa County later this week for data-driven reasons.
(Full disclosure: I’m taking a week off & knocking on doors in Maricopa County because that is where my efforts will do the most good. Se habla español. Tengo 5 primos en la regîon.)
Gelfling 545
@Corner Stone: Can you decode it? I don’t have my Dick Tracy Decoder Ring. Yours truly, Puzzled.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Steve in the ATL:
Ha! You know, for years and years I totally scorned the very idea of Forsyth County because of their awful history of racism. But things are changing. A few years ago I happened to stumble upon Sharon Forks Library, which really is a wonderful place. I’m there usually three or more afternoons a week, and one of the things I’ve noticed is that a plurality if not a majority of the clientele is south Asian/African-American. As a Caucasian woman, I am distinctly in the minority.
I live in Gwinnett, but I’m sorry to say their public libraries don’t begin to measure up to those in Forsyth, and I’m willing to drop $60 a year in out-of-county fees to take advantage of all the privileges of using Sharon Forks. Anyhow, I meant no offence, but if you took my suggestion as an insult I would urge you to take another look at Forsyth — it isn’t what it was even a decade ago.
@Les Bonnes Femmes:
Well, they’ve cleaned Hollywood up quite a bit, so people only get stabbed there about once a month now.
And just to be extra confusing, North Hollywood is actually a separate neighborhood that’s up in the San Fernando Valley.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Steve in the ATL:
On Old Alabama? Very close to where I live.
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: You’re around State Bridge/Pleasant Hill and PIB? Not far at all. Not even as far as Chili’s.
@Mnemosyne: the use of the words “sexual grooming” and the lack of confirmed sources are two that come to mind
Villago Delenda Est
@trollhattan: Sack of very stupid barnyard waste Jon Husted is apparently going to investigate this.
Even after the perpetrator got his lulz on the Twitter machine.
May or may not be larger, but they’ll probably be as high.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Steve in the ATL:
I live at Pleasant Hill (State Bridge) and PIB, and am currently at the Chili’s at McGinnis Ferry and 141.
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: I would join you but I have an early flight on the morning. Plus you have that restraining order against me.
Is that your regular Tuesday night haunt? Two buck chuck and 90% dark chocolate?
Hell, I might have seen you a few times without realizing it when my wife was in the hospital right behind it three times in the last year.
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: Probably won’t get rid of Isakson but I am doing my part. He can run all those Democratic constituent TV testimonials that he wants, but it doesn’t alter the fact that he has voted NO on everything with his fellow Republicans in the Senate, has endorsed Trump like most other officials in the state, no mention of the nominee in his campaign ads. If ever a politician deserved to get thrown off that fence he’s been straddling, he’s at the top of my list. Also because he’s always portrayed himself as a nice moderate and reasonable politician but he doesn’t have the courage to behave like one .
His epitaph will be: “He chose Sarah Palin as his vice president.”
It’s amazing…it’s must be the World’s Greatest Thrill for Walnuts to spend every Sunday morning on eight different talking heads’ shows pontificating endlessly.
We need to get more GOP officials into golf, or something…give them a reason to head off into the sunset and enjoy life at an earlier age.
The gaffe is in saying it out loud. Especially because there was no need at all for him to do so.
JR in WV
@Tom Levenson:
To me it’s more the
part that frosts me. The current office holders have violated that oath completely.
The fact that Republicans are traitors to the nation in order to oppose the first African-American president was already obvious from Mitch McConnell’s remarks. That they plan to continue that treason is no surprise to me.
But we agree that the oath is broken, and will be broken again, so that’s all good.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
I heard an interview with him the other day on WABE’s local news show “A Closer Look.” The hosts asked him about continuing to support Trump in light of the pussy tape, and Isakson ran away so fast I could feel the breeze through my radio speakers. Feckless coward.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Steve in the ATL:
Yeah, it’s basically my neighbourhood bar. I generally sit in the lounge area, in one of the booths on the left-hand side, with a glass of red wine in front of me and my iPad open. All the serving staff know me. Just ask if “Miss Judith” is around :-)
ETA: Sorry about all your wife’s hospital visits, and I hope all is now well. And I lifted that restraining order, were you not notified?
JR in WV
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch:
Wow. Thanks for the report, sounding good. Best of luck!
The Lodger
@Aleta: Only for you, Rafaelita.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
I agree. She’ll take her inaugural oath muttering “NMFTG” under her breath.
JR in WV
I think if I was going to moderate a “debate” with Trump in it, I would insist on controlling his mike. If he goes over, or starts a treasonous false rant, just shut him off for the on-air feed.
Would be very fitting to just shut him off at the end of his time, plus a few seconds, maybe 10 or 15%. Say your time is up, Mr Trump, 20 more seconds, then slam.
And keep count of his overages to give Clinton the same extra time if she shows any sign of needing it – when Trump cries about her time, tell him, “We’re keeping track when you run over, and will always do our best to be sure both speakers have the same amount of time. While you complain about nothing, the debate is stopped. Are you through?”
But of course these guys are in favor of the GOP and will not cut Hillary any slack at all. Trump probably won’t even get a warning, they’ll just let him rant on. If it does go that way, I hope it’s so bad everyone can see it’s obvious.
JR in WV
McCain’s father and grandfather both died a few months (like 7) after they retired from being Admirals in the USN, and so McCain III thinks if he doesn’t retire, he won’t die.
I think it doesn’t work that way. But who knows. I hope the voters retire him, he doesn’t really make much sense anymore, the past decade or so. His father and G-Father had military lives in the balance, and so when they thought they were not at full capacity, they quit.
McCain III doesn’t care what he fuqs up in his dotage, will keep on fuqing up as long as he can push that vote button. At least Ted Kennedy and Bob C. Byrd had their wits about them til the bitter end.
ETA: And note that McCain, with all the Admiralty gold in his family for swing, he never made flag rank, and retired as a Captain. They didn’t trust him as far as they could throw him, and rightfully so.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@Corner Stone:
Okay, that is officially the single stupidest, most idiotic, imbecilic, dumbass thing I have ever read. Even for Halperin, it is beyond moronic.