This debate, much like the campaign itself, is over. Clinton has won and Trump has lost bigly
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) October 20, 2016
Best summary I’ve seen so far, from our own Adam:
Wallace thinks he’s refereeing a chess match. Clinton is playing go. Trump is playing chutes and ladders.
If the postmortems pick just one ‘worst moment of the third debate’, I’m assuming it will be Trump declaring (more than once! Wallace tried to give him a do-over!) that if he lost the election, he’d “see how it looked at that moment”, rather than saying, yes, he’d accept the results.
Which is, of course, the next step beyond his announcement during the last debate that, should he win, his opponent “will be in jail.”
John King: I was getting emails from Republicans in swing states saying "OMG" when Trump refused to say he would accept poll results
— Ellen Barry (@EllenBarryNYT) October 20, 2016
Just this afternoon:
Ivanka Trump says her father will concede if he loses
— The Hill (@thehill) October 19, 2016
Trump boasting that "Nobody has more respect for women than I do" prompts Chris Wallace to tell the crowd to stop laughing…
— James Hohmann (@jameshohmann) October 20, 2016
Calling Hillary a "nasty woman" at the end seals this as Trump's worst debate and probably the worst in the history of debates
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) October 20, 2016
That was a beatdown.
Have some Bella kitteh being not-so-enthusiastic about getting some milk as a chaser.
Adam L Silverman
Thanks for the kind words. Gonna pull my post debate thread and consolidate everything here.
The end is in sight; only 480 hours to go before polls close in California.
Haha. Hugh Hewitt says Trump did great except for that whole failing to accept the results thing.
Trying to decide who is worse…Lord or Hewitt…I think I’ll go with Hugh Hewitt…Jeffrey Lord is just so damn crazy you think he’s a loon. Hewitt is more insidious and therefore more dangerous.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: SH*T! Sorry about that, Adam… I’ll let you be the gentleman, this time.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Mike Grunwald is watching the debate with undecided and mostly white millennials, here’s two reactions
Interesting that in all four debates (including the VP one) nothing about education was discussed other than the cost of college (unless I missed a question on a bathroom break or something).
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: It happens. I checked and no one was drafting when I started. You must have started right after I did. So no worries, it happens.
He has no idea that his “nasty woman” snark was sexist
@Adam L Silverman: Sounded from comments less like Chutes and Ladders and more like that horrid man was playing the card game “Bullsz!t” (so to speak) except without knowing a jack from a queen.
As I said below, for the first time I really enjoyed this debate. Like, it was a blast!
The first one I was real nervous for, and Clinton did great.
I hated the format of the second one, but Clinton still did great – but not as good as in debate 1.
This one she knocked it out of the park despite Wallace’s framing. She beat him and Donald and did it easily.
Our next President. HRC.
@khead: I thought that cats can’t digest milk, only cream. Have they been putting one over on me for all this time?
@redshirt: Agree completely.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: soylent green should be young people?
It was pointed out that Hillz wore red to the first debate, blue to the second, and white to the third. BOOM. Good night.
Almost lost in all the chaos that Trump created tonight was his outlandish explanation that the election is rigged because Clinton should never have been allowed to run for the presidency. In normal times, that statement would sink anybody’s candidacy.
I’m glad Rachel pointed out that Trump is only going farther than the Republicans who also used rhetoric about stealing elections and even talking about voter fraud…she mentioned McCain and ACORN
Course Schmidt didn’t like that and actually brought up Acorn…
Oh…see this is why I give Steve Schmidt side eye..cause the right Repulican and he’d be all on board..
@MattF: Haha.
Adam L Silverman
@Lyrebird: It definitely wasn’t candy land, that’s for ages 5 and up!
@Mothra: He has nothing but respect for women!
@dmsilev: That’s like when I was in high school counting the days till summer vacation.
I suppose CA polls closeing is a likely time to call the election
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Just tell them to go fuck themselves.
Gin & Tonic
I didn’t think that many people knew what go (the game) was.
@Adam L Silverman: “We eat our young”.
Not “allowed” to run enrages me. Where this asshole thinks he gets off deciding who is a legitimate President or candidate, making these pronouncements.
@hovercraft: I think that’s what they are planning on doing.
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: Wallace’s framing actually helped her. Allowed her to strut her stuff.
@Jeffro: I don’t remember a single question about global warming in any of the 4 debates.
Thoughtful David
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
So, “undecided” means “too stupid to breathe”?
@Kay: I agree. I think it is as bad as refusing to accept the results of the election.
Gin & Tonic
Holy cow, Brian Williams is more of a lightweight than Matt Lauer.
@Adam L Silverman: Agreed entirely. Never would have predicted that.
Her best moment (maybe) is when she pivoted from Wallace’s Wikileaks question onto Russia and Donald’s love of Putin. Just fantastic.
Hewitt is fucking crazy if he thinks that Trump won…. nasty woman, abortion, election results yeah, those are winners
So, my questions:
1. How many more Republicans are going to flee Trump tomorrow?
2. How many more red states will become competitive now? Am I right that KY (!) is now looking like that?
Adam L Silverman
@MattF: She’s running for President of Serbia?
Is there ANY parallel to Trump’s accusation that the Mosul campaign is a wag-the-dog conspiracy to benefit Clinton?!?
That’s horribly irresponsible and incredibly disrespectful to Americans involved in the campaign, Iraqi fighters, and the civilians in Mosul in harm’s way…
Also, I’m a little annoyed Clinton doesn’t have a good, canned answer ready for Trump’s “what happened to the element of surprise??? Patton’s rolling in his grave!” bull. It’s not hard: (1) Give civilians time to evacuate and (2) scare ISIS fighters into deserting… both of which have been reportedly happening.
Chutes and Ladders? Not for Trump: He’s not sure he recognizes the existence of chutes.
As I was saying in the last thread, Hillary can take a bow for provoking Trump so much that he came out with the “nasty woman” comment. Now THAT is skillful debating.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@piratedan: Hewitt is in the “denial” stage of grief.
Best moment was Conway literally fleeing from Dana Bash mid-question. That about sums up tonight.
@Adam L Silverman: I thought Trump said the Serbians hate her.
That CNN Kayleigh lady Trump supporter is SUPER mad. She knows. She knows it is over and she can’t admit it on TV.
Crowd laughs when Trump says “nobody has more respect for women than I do.” Laughs harder when Chris Wallace tells them to stop laughing.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: Remind me sometimes to recount the first time that Williams told the story that got him suspended. I was sitting about fifteen feet from him.
Donald, Jr. is about to cry.
@MattF: Nice.
There were none.
Omnes Omnibus
@MattF: This finally shows that she is unAmerican. Sheeple, think!
Just can’t give them a lot. An occasional treat. Usually they go nuts for it.
@Kay: yup, it’s the final version of lock her up stupidity.
@Baud: Yeah, ain’t it great?
@Adam L Silverman: Well deserved – you have maintained my sanity
NC has a town named Toast. Perfect for DT to relocate there.
Proverbial fat lady has stopped running scales and is belting out the opening notes of her aria.
@dmsilev: Oh thank dog!
In the Rethug universe we should do to Mosul what Assad did to Allepo. SATSQ.
@MattF: Hillary the White.
@Gin & Tonic: His tone and expression never change regardless of the topic
But Daddy promised he was going to win. Dammit!!
Rudy and KellyAnne! Click.
scoring points all over the place.
Adam L Silverman
@zach: This is a modified reprisal of President Clinton going into the Balkans and after bin Laden to distract from the Starr Investigation and subsequent impeachment.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
So all of Trump’s stunting guest-casting… he choked?
(Tweety for some reason interviewing Conway and Rudi? What the fucking fuck with MSNBC?– back to baseball)
Omnes Omnibus
Seriously, FYWP disappears a comment over a Kieślowski reference?
Millard Filmore
Even in close races the election is usually called long before California polls close.
the story of his scampaign.
@zach: element of surprise? I would be surprised if the Iraqi Army could keep a secret at all.
hey MSNBC, lets make sure that every single Trump surrogate gets some air time, shall we? How about putting on someone from the Clinton campaign on, maybe? perhaps?
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: It was the first flag I could remember that has red then blue then white stripes from top to bottom.
The Television Academy just tweeted “Rest assured, the Emmys are not rigged.” LOL.
Betty Cracker
@Cacti: Someone should attach electrodes to his tongue and shock him whenever he says that. It’s such a bald-faced, offensive lie.
I know, I’ve been saying the same thing. Global warming is without question one (if not the) of the biggest threats to the world, and not one question about it in any of the debates. Hillary alluded to it in her second debate, but that was it.
This was truly disgraceful on the part of the moderators.
Thoughtful David
If you’re referring to Ryan and McConnell and their ilk, the answer will be zero. They’ll probably “regret his phrasing”, or maybe “wouldn’t say it that way themselves,” but they’ll stick with him. He’s who they are.
@Adam L Silverman:
Quoted for Truth! And oh, laughter is GOOD.
So grateful y’all are watching & telling me what I need to know. The creepster conster is revolting.
And speaking of candy – I’m happy to see the now-grown-up former-refugee kiddo who took that photo of a bowl of Skittles is suing Son Of Conster for the unlicensed use of his photo. Go him!
@Gin & Tonic: The start of Go Fish, right?
@smintheus: “I don’t remember a single question about global warming in any of the 4 debates.”
Ken Bone’s question at the Town Hall at least gave Clinton the chance to bring it up on her own in a relevant context.
Oh, we can’t let “bad hombres” go down the memory hole.
Mike in NC
North Carolina polls open at 10 AM on Thursday. Fuck the Manhattan Mussolini.
@Millard Filmore: We generally know who is going to win, but the networks usually wait until the polls close on the west coast before making a formal call. Dates back to Reagan-Carter I think, where the nets called it early and there were complaints that that discouraged west coast voters.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yep, no mention of Benghazi or President Clinton’s affairs.
Betty Cracker
Not to be catty, but Ms. Conway has aged 20 years in two months. I guess that’s what happens when you sign up to run Beelzebub’s campaign.
Conway, Queen of the Dervishes.
Michael Bersin
@Thoughtful David:
“So, ‘undecided’ means ”too stupid to breathe’?”
To not put too fine a point on it, absofreakinlutely emphatically yes.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
73 years in this country and that still sounds wrong.
And…I’m done with MSNBC…I see they have the crypt keeper and the cross dresser…I’m sorry…Kellyanne and Rudy G… on
That story is even leading the Fox News website in the aftermath of the debate.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: it’s trending on twitter– we’ll see if MSNBC brings on Jorge Ramos for eight seconds before going to Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace to balance Kelleyanne and Rudi
@NotMax: Mississippi has Hot Coffee.
But, “no one respects women more than I do.” The nerve.
@Millard Filmore: Not in 2008 or 2012. I remember it being considered scandalous that Reagan Carter was called before CA close, on the notion that it depressed down ticket races.
Millard Filmore
Sure, the attack can be a surprise if you assume:
– there are no spies
– there are no deserters
– the fighters defending Mosul will ignore the tens of thousand army troops they see deploying around the city … how many days will that take? and do it in secret?
– the fighters defending Mosul will ignore the dust clouds stirred up by the logistics tail needed to feed, arm, supply, and take care of all those soldiers.
Sure. A surprise attack. What a putz.
schrodinger's cat
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Do you call it snakes and ladders?
@Adam L Silverman:
She looked damned good in the cream tonight. And her head was glacial cool and she was also able to project warmth and stay positive during the “rest” times that she was wiping his blood off the saber. Every time he leaned in on the attack she cut him bad….And never got a drop of blood on that dazzling white outfit…
So, Trump has now been disavowed by two separate candy companies plus a TV awards organization. Has he insulted the Girl Scouts yet?
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: Some of us played it vs. our dads as children. Never really took to it.
@Baud: I found “Down the Memory Hole” too derivative, i prefer the Bad Hombres’ first album “Sad”
randy khan
Hillary mentioned climate change again tonight. I won’t say she had to go out of her way to do it, but it did seem like a conscious choice. But, as you say, no questions about it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Someone please tuck that special snowflake back into the womb. He hasn’t finished gestating yet.
Mike J
Nasty girl
Ms Clinton if you’re nasty
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I found it and have set it free.
@Mike in NC
Dunno if you saw it, but John Yoo (John effin’ Yoo!) recently said Trump goes too far, proposes things patently illegal and reminds him of Mussolini.
@zach: That was the moment in the debate that I thought was absolutely most delusional.
Trump repeatedly claimed that an operation that involves Iraqi Kurds, Iraqi government forces, Shiite militias, plus UK and French air force and French army units all collaborating with the US on a bloody offensive, was entirely with the goal of making a possible tiny marginal improvement in Hillary’s polling numbers.
@cmorenc: Plus, I thought Trump disrespected the debate moderator, so FOX may be pissed at Trump about that. I wonder if that contributes to the stance they are taking.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Ha! Rachel calls Chris Matthews her “cool, calm, and collected friend.” BURN.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
George Takei:
@Betty Cracker: Josh Marshall has taken to referring to Trump’s Dignity Wraiths, where he sucks any residual dignity out of those surrounding him. Maybe it also works on life-force as well.
The projection with Trump is just astonishing, even when you know it’s there.
Hillary “should not have been allowed to run.”
Insane. I know it’s a big applause line in the ugly and ignorant Fox News world he is pitching to, but it is insane away from that.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus:
Not very many, I’d bet.
Climate change? What climate change? Old, selfish white guys could care less about climate change. They strongly object to taxes, any taxes, and high energy costs. Jimmy Carter was made to be a pariah for suggesting that instead of consuming everything in sight, perhaps the US should consider conservation. Reagan laughed at this and won over the hearts and minds of selfish, white males for the last thirty odd years.
TaMara (HFG)
@RandomMonster: So I was separating the dogs and must have missed this – he called Secretary Clinton a “nasty woman” for reelz?
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: Nice.
@Millard Filmore:
At this point, they can call it once we hear the NH results…Clinton doesn’t need OH or FL to win.
@chris: Is this de ja vu? Or is this yet another woman coming forward?
@TaMara (HFG): yes, because he has already used bleeding out of her whereever, so he had to go old school.
Bill E Pilgrim
Most campaign manuals will tell you that “avoid becoming a complete national joke” is one of the most important tips.
When you hear the audience laugh uncontrollably because you claimed to be a decent person and they know better, in fact they find the whole idea of you being decent a hilarious proposition, you just might be a loser of historic proportions.
Kentucky, Texas, Alaska, and Arizona are all competitive. The SheDevilFromHell has captured all the swing states — except Iowa, maybe — and is now cutting into GOP territory.
Conway is from South Jersey. That’s all the explanation I need.
TaMara (HFG)
@Adam L Silverman: that needs to be front paged, just for entertainment value alone.
Mike E
@Mike in NC: Earlier, depending on your county…9am here in Wake
ETA I’m voting Friday, my day off, so I can really savor it
@amk: Ain’t that the sad truth.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: That’s offensive to Dervishes.
Major Major Major Major
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: makes more sense than damn snakes.
@randy khan: It doesn’t matter at this point. Hillary will win and FSM willing bring a Dem Senate and House with her and we can get things done in regards Climate Change, and so much else.
Bad Hombres? Pretty sure that was a ZZ Top album.
@Mike J:
Fess up — did you make that most recent comment?
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: What sent it to purgatory? If you can tell?
@WaterGirl: A new one apparently. Press conference at 11AM Eastern.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@schrodinger’s catYes. The image of kiddies sliding down vicious snakes and being eaten at the bottom as punishment for their failure is so much more fun than “kid goes down chute”.
lamh36 Adam…they trying to intimidate your girlfriend Joy Ann
That would be about right. For someone with the maturity of a 4 yr old.
@lamh36: That’s been debunked!
Adam L Silverman
@Elie: I was teasing Baud.
@TaMara (HFG): Why yes, yes he did.
@TaMara (HFG): For realz.
Corner Stone
I am sick to fucking death of people who are undecided at this point. How can you be fucking dumber than a racist who is supporting Trump?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I don’t remember enough about previous elections to know if Plouffe is cautious or given to bravado, I do believe he popularized the term “bed wetters” in Obama-land
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oh, FFS, Mommy and Daddy disagree, but we still love you…//
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: Nevertheless.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Thin Mints, I will tell you this, nothing thin about them. Believe me, nothing thin. Nothing. Samoas I think — I have heard this, people have said, very fair people who are nice to me have said — Samoas are not from America, they come to this country and take our Nabiscos and Keeblers — and I assume some of them are good cookies.
Eric S.
@Baud: He nearly graduated to a 6th grade vocabulary with that one.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
The @HillaryClinton team has already purchased and it redirects to the campaign site.
Sure looked to me like Donald went over to Chris after the debate and lectured him about something…being in the tank for Hillary, maybe?
Chris, in response: “Um, sir, I led off with guns, abortion, the Supreme Court and economic plans – i.e., your opportunity to slobber all over the 2nd amendment, the right to life, originalism, and huge tax cuts. If you can’t spin that gold into…gold…I can’t help you, and neither can anyone else.”
@NorthLeft12: Speaking of Jimmy Carter: I hope his health holds, for many months or years, and I will be thrilled to know he was able to cast a vote this fall.
Millard Filmore
@dmsilev: @MobiusKlein:
Ah, ok. I voted early and worked late in those years. Thanks for the clarification – reminder.
Adam L Silverman
@TaMara (HFG): Yep!
@Adam L Silverman
Heh. Would substituting Morris dancers be better?
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Dukakis tank moment. I wonder how long before Clinton has that moment in an ad.
Major Major Major Major
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: plouffe has a very even keel and is not prone to flights of irrational exuberance.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Duly impressed that your father attempted to teach you to play go. Even if you didn’t take to it, Yasunari Kawabata’s The Master of Go is a wonderful book.
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: That was pretty good!!
schrodinger's cat
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Agreed. Do you like peanuts and chocolate combo? Or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or God forbid peanut butter cookies.
the dick is closer to my ceiling of 35%.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Major Major Major Major:
Poo to your sense. I vote for violent reptiles every time.
I know, right?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone: and even sicker of the media who insist on treating them as if they’re so darned thoughtful and reflective you’d think they were sculpted by Rodin himself. 90% of them are simply too dumb, or too lazy, to think about the issues. I may have just explained why the BriWis and Cokies of the world find them so appealing
– national laughingstock
– bookings at Trump hotels and golf courses down by half or more
– Trump U lawsuit
– whatever legal implications come from Trump Foundation shenanigans
– whatever legal fallout comes from Russia ties
– has to quit “storing” 6 foot portrait of himself in his club
I think Steve Schmidt was being prophetic, not descriptive…Trump really is going to end up on a park bench, arguing with squirrels…
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I have no idea. It was in the trash folder and I cannot, for the life of me, make any rhyme or reason out of what causes stuff to wind up in there other than stuff coming from blacklisted ISP or email address.
CNN: Clinton 52/ Trump 39
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
I was reading a novel (trashy romance, of course) where the characters are playing an antique version of a chutes-and-ladders type of game, and one of them complains that it has more whippings than a novel by DeSade.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The various modelers are predicting ~340 as the current most-likely outcome, and that’s already closer to 400 than to 270, so not much of a reach on that claim.
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
That makes me so happy.
CNN snap poll
Clinton 52
Trump 39
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: I believe she’s married, I just have great admiration for her work. And as was the case with Ms. Gold the other night – we’ve got her back!
Major Major Major Major
@srv: lol. 53-39 Hillary, CNN. Oh you.
Polls pretty consistent with partisan breakdown of election.
As a go player, to me HRC was more like checkers. Linear strategy with leap overs and some crownings.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Pflouffe is right…check out 270towin dot com and see what happens if Hillary snags GA, AZ, UT on top of OH and FL. I think her max is 415…but hey…HER MAX IS 415!!
@Adam L Silverman:
Doesn’t matter — I still liked my response…
(i’m just having a good time)
And no doubt will be complaining that the acorns are rigged against him.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: I recall seeing that book around the house.
And losing
Agreed. I usually hate watching the debates, but I actually enjoyed this one. Clinton was forceful, unrattled, made substantive points and also pantsed Trump several times. And did it without breaking a sweat.
P.S. And it was all done in the context of the completely Fox-o-centric framing of the questions by Chris Wallace. The national debt? Entitlement reform? But nothing about climate change? GTFO!
Gin & Tonic
@schrodinger’s cat: This is so sad. I used to respect you as a commenter, until today’s revelations.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@schrodinger’s cat:
Reece’s Giant Peanut Butter Cups are my downfall. However I don’t get peanut butter and jelly. Or indeed, jelly. Give me a proper jam with fuck off lumps of fruit in it to put on my toast and keep your fucking peanut butter away from it.
Things donald trump has actually called ‘rigged’.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s worth your time.
The good news is Georgia started early voting this week, so he can have already voted. Bat news, the lines were FOUR HOURS long at some precincts.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
“It’s just like when Mom and Dad got divorced!”
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: I’m okay with that.
Mike J
CNN Instant Debate Poll: Clinton: 52 Trump: 39
Bill E Pilgrim
@Jeffro: I’ve been hoping, but fairly confidently actually, for this last panel to come true since Dan drew it back in August.
Sort of in the style of this, but the opposite.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
A friend pointed out a poll the other day where Trump was only 1% above crazification with white women with college degrees.
@piratedan: Cream cheese sculpture sez what?
@Baud: nope, 39% still too high.
But what does the CBS poll say?
And what was the Drudge number?
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
I didn’t see a sign of Sarah P., the Benghazi mother, Obama’s half-bro, and whomever else Trump had as guests. Did any of the channels/networks show them? Seems to me like a lot of wasted money and effort.
@amk: A single poll will be off the average.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
I have a question and I want you to think carefully before answering …
What is your position on Marmite?
Sarah, Proud and Tall
Now there was a man who knew how to deal with nasty women.
@khead: Tres Hombres
@Adam L Silverman: lol..yeah she is…I was just messin with ya…
Alright, Off to bed for real now.
Just wanted to say, I’m not much a fan of Richard Engel…thought I know folks seems to like him…
There I said it…been holding on to that for a while…lol
Good night
The Lodger
Jake Tapper: “He did this in the first debate, the second debate, and the third debate. He keeps on taking the bait.”
Maybe that’s why they call them debates. He keeps on taking de bait.
@amk: That’s closer than I would have thought…..
@Gin & Tonic
Not Go, per se, but rarely get an opportunity to tuck it into a conversation.
Herman Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game (a/k/a Magister Ludi) is a fine novel as well.
You mean the Lesbian Indoctrination Program for Girls Loving Others of Same Sex (LIPGLOSS)?
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: It depends on the audience. As I indicated when you mentioned my comment earlier, I’ve used it several times in briefings and you’d be amazed that there are senior officers that have no idea what it is. So after the first couple of times I go with “go – the classic Chinese game of strategy that focuses on controlling space and encircling your opponent.”
To quote Josh Marshall again, it doesn’t matter who “wins” debates, it only matters how they effect the election.
Hillary once again put Donald completely on defense and at the same time articulated her views in a positive way. She dominated him, and as we’ve seen, Donald will react negatively to this for days to come, with but a few weeks till the election.
@The Lodger:
…now imagine him being baited by every foreign leader that he sits down to negotiate with.
Corner Stone
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: I’ll give you a proper jam you old bag of bones. Now piss off from slagging a right middle class delight of PB&J.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I don’t like Marmite. It tastes like you licked a prison cell wall. However, my sexy Australian friend introduced me to Vegemite on hot buttered toast and now I am addicted.
Adam L Silverman
@amk: I think you may want to rephrase this:
Just saying…
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: I saw Sister Sarah in the after debate crowd scenes.
Who cares about her anymore? Not I.
When I was a little kid in England (late ’50s) it was Snakes and Ladders. I guess Wikipedia would tell me how/why it got sanitized. Too lazy to look right now.
Hayes is right about the debate polls
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
Four to five hours in my county (Gwinnett), at least on Monday. I trained with the state to do voter protection/poll watching, and they are expecting huge numbers Sunday morning in south Fulton (“souls to polls”) and have put out a call for anyone available to let them know. I’ve said I’m available if needed.
Gin & Tonic
@Anoniminous: She is in Australia, not England. Down under it’s Vegemite.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: If the kids get swallowed at the top and the going down the snake involves digestion, well, it captures a certain childhood gore and is a good excuse to stop for a round of I’m Being Swallowed by a Boa Constrictor. Might be a definitive end to the game though, so we’d have to have a combination of slidey snakes and eaty snakes. Maybe even a constrictor snake, so you might get stuck halfway down until you rolled a get-out-of-snake number.
@The Lodger: lulz.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Corner Stone:
Fuck the middle class. I’m a bit turned on now.
#nastywoman is trending on Twitter
Trump is such an ass
@NotMax: There is actually a right-wing version of the Girl Scouts (I forget the name) started because the actual Girl Scouts were insisting on trying to instill icky values into their members, such as things like self-confidence and self-reliance.
@Millard Filmore: Even Richard Engle on MSNBC seems top have lost his mind over Mosul. Now maybe they launched the offense in October rather than next March so that Obama can, hopefully, claim a victory.But even the moon rocks in Houston knew that the Iraqi government was going to try and recapture Mosul and drive ISIS out of the country. But then I guess Hitler didn’t know that the Allies planned on capturing Berlin till the Red Army showed up outside the bunker.
Bill E Pilgrim
Isn’t that just a phonetic spelling of how you pronounce “Mermaid” in Australia?
Adam L Silverman
@Elie: I’m sure you are.
Mike in NC
Bigly? Big league? What the fuck does that even mean?
Trump didn’t exactly concede the election to this president until about a month ago did he ?
My thoughts on the 3 main debates this season from the previous thread.
The 2nd debate was planned low key by HRC…let Trump tapes do what they needed.
Hilz camp knows that less folks than the past 2 debates will be watching this one.
The folks who ARE watching…journos…narrative makers…will be watching to see i they can set the “stop the bleeding” narrative
Hilz came prepared to cut in a 1000 little strategic places that will not cause gushing injury, but a slow steady bleeding…long enough to last…what 19 days?
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Gin & Tonic:
My mother used to try to make me eat Marmite. I used to stick the bits of toast to the bottom of the dining table and have the footmen go and pick them off afterwards. Filthy muck.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
OK, you passed
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: You play?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Anoniminous: I’m wondering if it will have an effect like when that TX good ol’ boy refused to shake Ann Richards’ hand, but then It think there can’t be many moveable voters left.
so, how did that stupid stunt work out for ya, donnie?
Bill Arnold
@TaMara (HFG):
Yes, he did. Clearly. Enunciated.
Gin & Tonic
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: I find both about equally revolting.
You dodged a bullet. They were both loathsome. The only plus was that they had to endure being questioned by Tweety.
And now I’m over to MeTV for a palate-cleansing episode of Perry Mason, where the rule of law is always respected.
@Gin & Tonic:
It’s a world wide plague. I have seen it on shelves – right out where little helpless children can see it – in Albuquerque.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
And Marmite sounds like something you’d use to spackle holes in drywall. Not all that appetizing.
Corner Stone
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: I didn’t say “the middle class” you old scow.
Anyone who can not enjoy and appreciate a PB&J, yet extols the virtues of Vegemite?
Fucking Vegemite? Get Thee behind me, Satan!
Heading for bed, just want to share two thoughts. First, Hillary did a great job. Second, I am wondering how you can run for president of the united states when you clearly don’t believe in democracy?
@The Lodger: So a man you can bait on Twitter is also a man you can bait in person. This should suprise anyone, how?
@WaterGirl: I did it!
Sarah, Proud and Tall
And then the king gets deposed in a stunning turn of events and the Culture imposes benevolent mechanicracy?
The Moar You Know
@Mike in NC: Actually a real word, in both the OED and Webster’s. I was stunned.
Adam L Silverman
@BillinGlendaleCA: Hewitt needs to remember there is recorded audio of him trying to lead Trump to Hewitt’s interpretation of what Trump means when he says that President Obama and Secretary Clinton founded ISIS. Trump corrected Hewitt and told him no, he literally means that they founded ISIS and are the ISIS MVPs.
Original Lee
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: ROFL. You owe me another box of Girl Scout cookies. I was eating some Samoas and dropped the box on the floor, canine vacuum cleaners finished them up. There’s 16 in a box and I’d only had 2.
@Corner Stone
There’s an upscale restaurant in either Miami or Miami Beach which boasts of pioneering the peanut butter, jelly and lobster sandwich.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: Palin was shown with Pence in a post debate shot.
Alain the site fixer
@Adam L Silverman: words in email ddresses or if an email address was added to the block list that’s part of his (blocking no@gmail blocked all folks ending in that address and doomed their comments straight to trash). That’s most likely. @Omnes Omnibus: did you change email addresses recently?
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Gin & Tonic:
Very hot toast. Scads of butter. Tiny dabs of Vegemite. Yum.
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch: Per the Guardian, Princess Dumbass was in the spin room saying Trump would concede. If the results were legit.
@Steeplejack: It is all right there. Blame it on Milton Bradley in the US. Comes from India, so the snakes are far more interesting than otherwise.
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: *That* is disgusting.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Corner Stone:
Does that mean I’m being top? I’ll get out my pegging harness.
@Adam L Silverman: @lamh36:
Heck, I’m a straight girl with no cable tv and even I’ve got some kind of crush on Joy Ann, or at least I love it when she crushes evasion and duplicity!
@Omnes Omnibus:
FYWP doesn’t like sheeple. Go figure.
@Millard Filmore: paratroopers. There isn’t a battle where battalions of Iraqi paratroopers couldn’t be used. Plus could’ntb’Seal Teams 1-3 just helicopter in and take the city? I’ve seem pictures of the city. It doesn’t seem that big. A lot like La Crosse, Wisconsin. Paratroopers could totally take La Crosse.
I had a parent-teacher conference for Spawn the Younger, so I am just now watching the debate. What a fucking shitshow. I am tempted to have an abortion and film it and make him watch it, Clockwork Orange-style.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
As Bill E Pilgrim wrote:
It’s got to lose him votes and have an negative effect on turnout. Think how we’d feel if a Democrat was up there doing that high school crap.
@Omnes Omnibus:
FYWP doesn’t like the word that rhymes with people. Not even when I break it up with HTML codes. Go figure.
Gin & Tonic
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Pics or GTFO.
Go home Kelly Ann…you’re drunk…
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Brain bleach !!1!!
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: But only if the lowest ranked pawn’s elbow is on an orange square. If it’s on green, everyone’s suddenly wearing a goatee and we have to switch to the 20-sided dice with negative numbers.
Alain the site fixer
@Steeplejack: email me via form so I can track down filter malfunction.
@Suzanne: would you wait until one day before the last day of your pregnancy?
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: Not well because not enough. I need to download an app onto my iPad and get some time in. I like to use the game as a great example of how strategy has to differ for (some types) of asymmetric warfare.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
Most people would ask themselves “What am I doing wrong?” Trump asks “Why are women allowed to go to college and vote?”
@PPCLI: “That [calling Mosul a wag-the-dog operation] was the moment in the debate that I thought was absolutely most delusional.”
Yet all of the left-ish commentators I follow haven’t mentioned it once…
I only tuned into the last 20 minutes of the debate on the radio and that was the first segment I heard… so I guess I wasn’t bored into submission like everyone else (and everyone else was probably already working on their debate recap post simultaneously).
@TaMara (HFG): Yeah, she landed a nice pointed barb about him paying more taxes — unless he finds a way out of it — and he used that term.
I think Hillz plays three-dimensional chess in her spare time, unlike Obama. The three debates as a whole, are like a series of traps and pitfalls perfectly designed for Trump. She always played it safe af, you could hardly script it better. Better than Obama who lost one and never baited his opponent like she did.
@lamh36: Well you loon, you’re unfortunately on the air too much so you can spout that nonsense all you want but be prepared for all the side eyes and push back your lying ass is going to get.
Population of Mosul pre-Daesh was more than 2 million.
Population of La Crosse ~52,000.
Adam L Silverman
@Alain the site fixer: Then we need to fix that. Can you get with me offline tomorrow please?
@NotMax: well, snark aside, the fact that you ended up looking up the population of La Crosse on a Wednesday night amuses me bigly.
@amk: That needs to be the centerpiece of a new Clinton ad. Says it all about the Trumps, the whole rotten bunch.
Adam L Silverman
@Lyrebird: She is the best interviewer on the cable and broadcast news networks.
And the grapes are sour too.
Adam L Silverman
@Peale: Can’t tell if you’re serious or yanking Fillmore’s chain. If you’re serious, the short answer is: no.
@Jeffro: Then there is the trial go alleged rape if 13 yr old girl in December. Reportedly, there was a witness.
Yesterday Conway literally said “He has a four point plan to defeat Islam.”
@NotMax: I am very partial to salty ham in a PB&J
randy khan
@redshirt: We can only hope.
@Adam L Silverman: paratroopers could too take La Crosse. It’s barely defended at all.
I think the polls are getting to my head. I’ll stop now.
“Will you concede if you lose the electoral vote total?”
“That’s a gotcha question, not gonna go there.”
I watched CBS and saw Frank Luntz’s group. Even he is impatient with undecided voters at this point. He kept asking them “What do you want?” It was funny.
@Betty Cracker:
Thank you for mentioning this. I thought she looked particularly haggard tonight but was too gentlemanly to bring it up.
@Ken: self-important pricks. did not fall far from the tree.
JR in WV
@TaMara (HFG):
Yes, he did, near the end, while she was speaking. He leaned into his microphone and stage whispered into it “Such a nasty woman!”
Like seeing someone you really hate lose the game set and match all at once. And of course, she probably didn’t even hear it, but everyone else did, and mostly were repelled.
JR in WV
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap:
O my Gawd, it does, if fuckin’ does. Wonderful.
Their live album, Bigly!, was pretty good.
@Soprano2: I watched that too. I Lol’d. Luntz in his hipster sneakers yelling at his focus group “What do you want?!”
Ah, the undecided voter. A true American Idiot.
@Steeplejack: They sold out. Billboard numbers are rigged.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: omg that’s funny…
And yes, yes they did.
Adam L Silverman
@Peale: La Crosse yes. Could US paratroopers take Mosul? Most likely, but we don’t do single element fights anymore. We use Joint Force approaches and even on the Landpower side its always combined arms. Under Force Modularity almost every brigade combat team is configured as a combined arms element.
The real issue with Mosul is how dug in ISIL is? How have they booby trapped the city? (they did this in Ramadi and Fallujah) Are they going to use the civilians in Mosul as hostages/human shields?
@piratedan: I am MSNBC free. It feels wonderful.
You’d be amazed how little Tweety comes up. As in, never. And I am done with Trump and/or Republican surrogates. Been there, done that, where’s the remote.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
We play the purple square variation in our neck of the woods. And the mallet. Don’t forget the mallet.
@Adam L Silverman
They’ve already set nearby oil fields ablaze to try to impede troop movements.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Not surprising.
Heh, that was pretty good.
inflated egodelusions seems to run in the family…Know what else would be a step down? The park bench after he loses.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
If it was, I know I’d have a relapse and be curled up right now with an empty 1.75L Jim Beam bottle.
I figured as much. I quite liked the elaborate, colorful Snakes and Ladders board I had. My father was in the Air Force, and we spent three rainy years in Ealing when he was stationed at Ruislip. We lived “on the economy,” as it was called (off-base housing), and I was quite the proper English schoolboy.
@Steeplejack: Someone got it! Thanks.
@Gin & Tonic:
I used to play a lot. I spent my last two years of high school in Japan (Okinawa) and got into go, as well as the books of Kawabata, Mishima, Kobo Abe and other writers. Kawabata’s Thousand Cranes is one of my favorite novels.
Always had a hard time finding other people who knew the game and wanted to play, and I probably gave up looking at just the wrong time—right before the Internet.
Do you know of a good computer version (Windows or Android)?
I have heard that the bootleg studio demo tapes are awesome. Can’t rig that!
Eugene in Eugene
You won’t believe number seven!
@Eugene in Eugene: There are Four Lights!
@Adam L Silverman:
Oh, won’t you tell us now, Adam? I could use a bedtime story out here on the left coast. BW is such a dope.
I was on my way home from work and to the polls when the race was called for Reagan. It was demoralizing (my first election on the WC), but I went and cast my ballot anyway.
At this point Trump is only playing the chutes part.
@SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch:
I think we are to the point where we can build the Universal Trump Emulator. Works on any subject! Sad!
@different-church-lady: And so bigly!
David Evans
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Wrong but logical, just like American spelling. When did you last see anyone sliding down a snake?
@Gin & Tonic: you can buy Marmite in Australia; they are different brands. Vegemite is far more popular since Marmite is an import.
Uncle Cosmo
@NotMax: Late to the thread, as always, but what the hell:
I’d sentence him to live out the remainder of his mortal existence within an ankle bracelet’s range of the hoosegow in Truth or Consequences, NM. Emphasis on consequences.
Uncle Cosmo
@Corner Stone: Cosign. Retro me, SPaTanus! :p
Uncle Cosmo
The Shadows’ question from Babylon 5. Like Luntz, not nice life forms.
He should’ve asked the Vorlons’ question: Who are you? Preferably in the Pete Townshend version (the part they cut from the CSI theme song):
Trump’s concession speech, if he makes one, will be less than 147 characters.