I am sick to death of journalists telling me how wonderful Kellyanne Conway is- “She’s nice, she’s a good person.”
Bullshit. The way you tell if a person is nice is by observing what they do. Kellyanne Conway is raking in big bucks defending the indefensible, saying horrible things and enabling a horrible man to do and say worse things. She’s not doing anything noble. She wasn’t ordered or asked by the court to defend an accused child rapist or terrorist. She’s in this for the fucking money.
And she is a true Clinton hater who is married to the male version of Ann Coulter. She’s not nice. She’s detritus. She’s Roger Stone in a skirt. She makes Dick Morris look like a standup guy.
She and anyone associated with the Trump campaign should never be allowed to work in political campaigns again.
Those of us over 35 remember Kellyanne from the Bill Clinton attempted coup.
So…yeah…she’s a horrible person. (Let’s not even discuss Bannon and Bossie.)
Major Major Major Major
So she’s married to Ann Coulter, then.
The latest New Yorker has a story about her, with plenty of quotes from an anonymous “aide” inside the Donald Dumpster. Kellyanne comes across as a not-too-bright mercenary with zero thought for the damage she’s done to her country. She dares to legitimize a man she knows is a dangerous fool while delegitimizing the election process itself.
19 days to go.
Thanks for the reminder Cole. Till now I was totally bending over backwards to justify a Republican operative.
That’s our GOP.
Also, just noting that HRC went 3 for 3 in these debates, with the rain of shit sideshows Trump tried to throw at her.
She’s from South Jersey. That explains it all.
Sorry, I’m on a Hillary high:
Let’s remember that she went 3 for 3 against a guy who beat SIXTEEN of the GOP’s “deep bench.”
TaMara (HFG)
This. Plus Bill O’Reilly – I’m so sick shows having him on as a guest and fawning over him like he’s a legitimate author and journalist. Rust farm implements for both of these pricks.
well…according to Olberman’s latest over at GQ, she was part of the first team of the Vast RW conspiracy, so I’m sure that this Trump gig was a must do… and you know what, they’ve taken their best shot at the Clintons… sucked a boatload of RW grift and its a win win for them. They get to keep on selling the CDS stock and be considered as very serious people over on the RW grifting gravy train.
We can always hope that she meet an inglorious end, but this isn’t a fairy tale.
If we never hear of the rapist’s ‘nasty’ scampaign team ever again, it will still be too soon.
Adam L Silverman
@piratedan: She was one of the “elves” along with Coulter and Ingraham that were chasing Clinton rumors all over Arkansas.
Mary G
I bet it’s going to hurt her with women candidates. Even Republican women hate Trump.
Amen to that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Chuck Todd went out of his way to say this the other night, cause it’s so important to that little toad that everyone know he knows the people you see on TV for reals! because he’s connected, an insider, which is so much more important than silly stuff like policy.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Remember the polling about men without college degrees supporting Trump? Todd doesn’t have a college degree. Coincidence?
she is leaving the rubber on the road, isn’t she? bet the dick flew off to his ‘beautiful’ apahtment.
She’s a latter day Roy Cohn.
I’m your puppet.
mike in dc
She’s a hack. Beltway politesse requires insiders to consider each other “friends” and “good people”.
Oh, look: Ezra Klein agrees with me.
Mike J
@Adam L Silverman: Really?! Wow. How the heck did he end up where he is now without one?
It took a woman to get it right.
peach flavored shampoo
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Chalk Turd deserves this crap. He’s a word-salad mimbo who has no original thoughts and simply wants the fame and piles of scratch that hosting a cable news channel brings. Fuck him and his fat, ginger mug.
gud gawd – some snivelling idjit on teann is now parsing gun deaths.
Speaking of bullshit in the bud: Charlie Rose’s roundtable (I know) just started circling the toilet. It was pretty good for a while.
They’re debating whether a huge win means that Hillary got a mandate.
KattyKay says Republicans are probably wishing they ran someone stronger. Look how well this woman who no one likes or trusts is doing. (Katty: Republican base on the courtesy phone for you.)
Kathleen Parker has been way more reasonable.
A few serious people have said it would be bad for Hillary to mention that maybe the GOP officeholders shouldn’t have been supporting Donald Trump. It would be really rough of her to play hardball there.
Charlie or one of the VSPs suggested maybe she could put some Republicans in her cabinet. Lots of head nodding and approval to that one.
Now they’re turning to WikiLeaks and I might have to see if I can find the remote …
John Dickenson talks about the emails showing she is a serious and solid person. Well welll…
Villago Delenda Est
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Chuckles the Toddler is not a good person, either.
Wipe them out. All of them.
Amen, Brother Cole.
(With apologies to Cervantes, Quixote and anyone who has ever heard of them.)
♫ To spin the unspinnable dream…
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: My understanding is he was working for NBC in some capacity while in college. He was offered the job of their in house political numbers guy and he never finished his degree. The issue, of course, is did he never finish because he got this great job offer and it wasn’t necessary to finish or because he was actually doing poorly? The other question I’d like answered was whether he was hired as NBC’s in house quant before he took undergrad stats or, if he had taken undergrad stats, how did he do? I’m not holding my breath.
Major Major Major Major
Right before he said the nasty woman thing, you could see that he caught himself. Some part of him said not to do that. And then he did it anyway.
Get this: Katty Kay says Trump might have done some damage to his brand. People are canceling hotel stays.
Ya think, Katty?
She gets paid for this?
Heileman says the Trump brand has been “transformed by this.” We’re into “Breitbart Trump.” That Donald Trump is “positioning himself to be the leader of something.”
You heard it here. The leader of ….. something.
don’t these twits still don’t get that she is not stupid?
Also too, Mike Pence, I’m sick and tiered of hearing he a good man a devout man, a family man. He is a lying POS who lets people die because of his supposed religion. So fuck him too.
Major Major Major Major
@amk: remember, bipartisanship is democrats doing things republicans want.
“to hoist the deplorables’ sword.”
@Adam L. Silverman
He used to be the number cruncher and also a media front man (as opposed to commentator or pundit) for Hotline in D.C.
And was good at that.
Hillary enjoyed that presser.
@Major Major Major Major: yup, typical heads, I win, tails, you lose scenario.
Mary G
Hillary is talking to the press now and when they asked her about the nasty woman comments she said that she didn’t pay attention to him.
@Trentrunner: Yeah. She did great.
Cannot take that away from Hillary. We saw a commander in chief and the woman who endured the Benghazi Committee hearings.
Andrea Mitchell, still embedded with the Clinton campaign, still a heinous bitch
These people are so very sharp and insightful.
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: Is Rose drunk tonight (as usual).
hillz rehits the deadbeat fifth columnist for siding with putin on the election interference on the campaign plane just now.
polyorchnid octopunch
@Trentrunner: As much as she has wiped the floor with the guy… that’s a pretty low bar.
Just sayin’.
@Adam L Silverman: Does Charlie Rose have that rep?
I couldn’t tell. Only kinda listening, but then it got really funny.
@Major Major Major Major: Well she d oes look a bit mannish.
@piratedan: Turn on Turner Classic Movies. Or Cartoon Network.
Step away from the MSNBC.
@polyorchnid octopunch: because that’s what the sorry for a party gopee came up with. so, what’s your point? that she wouldn’t have done better with any other thugs that the gopee hypothetically would have thrown at her?
Even Josef Stalin used to help his daughters with their homework.
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: Yep, functioning alcoholic.
CNN rebroadcasting the debate. I missed the first part, and the opening.
Hillary on Supreme Court question now.
@Elizabelle: good advice, time to turn on something else… it’s just fucking sad that I can’t get commentary that is at least honest out of my media.
Trump is doing Melania’s supermodel scowl.
More Tweety, this was 8 ball, pretty evenly matched and then Trump scratched by refusing to say he would accept the results.
@Major Major Major Major:
(I can’t quite stop the teeny mental whisper that one or two might be a really good way to drive the wedge between the wings of team R further apart. Not half as much fun as stomping.)
@piratedan: It’s not “your” media. It’s whatever the owners and their lackeys want to serve up.
There, there. Watch the debate again, if you like. It’s an Andrea Greenspan-free zone.
I missed the first 30 minutes or so. Yeah, Trump does sound like he’s on Ativan. You guys weren’t kidding about tranquilizers.
its def the case that the women associated with trump seem to get a softer treatment than the men — compare ivanka’s image with her brothers — o well. In Conway’s defense, she is good at her job, which is bullshitting, as good as one can be with such a mediocre candidate.
@Adam L Silverman: Wow. On a morning show, yet. Those must be some awesome ginseng and vodka screwdrivers.
ETA: Now I am sorry for Charlie Rose. Maybe he was among the first to realize that drunk was the only way to make it through his show.
@hovercraft: a 90 to 10 odds is ‘pretty evenly matched’ ? no wonder the kenyan has utter contempt for the cable noise.
And now he’s saying Trump won on the abortion question.
@cokane: Although, it is so obvious she is bullshitting. She’s no mere gish galloper. She’s a Gish supersonic.
Now Hilary speaking about toddlers and guns. Where I came in before. The sacred second amendment.
He also felt that Trump won the second debate, the only reasons he gave her the win tonight, were the “scratch”, and because he felt she stayed focused the entire night on suburban women, which is where the election will be won.
@polyorchnid octopunch:
Ezra Klein disagrees with you.
“Luck” favors the prepared.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@hovercraft: tweety is just an idjit, a third rate one at that.
mouse tolliver
For two nights in a row Tweety has tried to legitimize James O’Keefe. First by letting Michael Steele promote his lates Project Veritas hoax and now by letting Hugh Hewitt do it. “What if they’re real? What would they prove?” Thank dog for Joy Reid and Chris Hayes who were on the other side of the panel. Because they’re doing the job Tweety was supposed to be doing by pointing out that O’Keefe is a proven fraud who should not be treated as a reliable source.
Hugh Hewitt says that if the media ignores project veritas and the contents of those videos, they will prove Trump’s assertion of a rigged system. Then Micheal Steele jumps in to question where all those primary voters who had never voted before came from. Sys that many members of the RNC believe the Bill Clinton conspiracy to get Trump as the nominee. HH jumps back in to say after the dems got Trump the nomination then they immediately sought to disqualify him. Wow.
teve tory
have you guys seen a bunch of rewritten John Cole dinner of anthrax and tire rims ripoff memes misattributed to The New Yorker etc etc? I’m seeing that shit all over FB
van jones for his final comment on teann just now- what a nasty, nasty (sic) disgusting man who is a total embarrassment for united states of america.
This is looking like a Reagan vs Mondale level blowout coming.
I hope we take the House and Senate… I hope we take the House and Senate…
Villago Delenda Est
@fuckwit: White House is now a lock. The Senate now is moving into the likely, the House still a long shot…but three weeks left to gain ground. Donald is doing everything he can to make it so. Go Donald!
Keep dreamin’ yall and also what are your travel plans if you live in a solid colored state?
I’m going to my least favorite cousin’s condo in Phoenix, where it is likely to be 92 on Nov 7th cause we broke the fucking planet…and yet it still takes knocking on doors to defeat this garbage fire of a party all down the ballot.
Villago Delenda Est
@srv: Keep dreaming the impossible dream, Don Fuckup.
@srv: Idiot.
Major Major Major Major
@amk: I know right?
polyorchnid octopunch
@amk: I’m just saying that it wouldn’t’ve been very hard for her to bring the pain to any of that group of cretinous greedheads.
Fair Economist
@Major Major Major Major:
Maybe he was about to use a naughty word and managed to get himself to tone it down.
He’s about 12 steps below mediocre. On a 10 step scale.
@polyorchnid octopunch:
Well actually it is very easy to lose when you are dealing with an inferior enemy or adversary, because often times you underestimate them, and end up losing because of overconfidence. So I give her credit for preparing and laying her traps, then springing them. Additionally she was fighting a two front battle tonight, Wallace and Drumph.
I have a dream that having a woman president will usher in a new era in which gendered insults are used only by deplorables.
@hovercraft: ah. So that’s why she lost the Michigan primary. She sent too many voters to vote in the Republican primary.
@Mnemosyne: Yes, it does.
Now, I realize that Trump is a tailor made softball for Clinton, but I’m not so sure she wouldn’t have polished off any of the other bozos for the Rs—that methodical, slice and dice is good for a wide variety of opponents, and the ones it ISN’T good for is just not part of the GOP bench…and hasn’t been for a good while (seriously….do you really think either McCain or Romney could have taken her?)
@slag: Hear hear.
Mary G
I watched a few minutes of Hannity and Rinse and the delusion is as strong as ever .
Major Major Major Major
gif of the night
I think they could have in 2008. But this campaign is not the same campaign it was in 2008, and she’s not the same candidate she was in 2008. I think she was smart enough to realize that she could learn how to campaign better from Obama and Plouffe, and she set herself to do that.
There are far, far worse qualities in a president than an ability to learn and grow. I think Hillary has shown that she has that quality, in spades.
That’s what drives me nuts about the media pretending that he is sui generis, he’s not, they all believe in conspiracy theories. I mean seriously.
@gwangung: it is very easy to rattle McCain. Bush did it, Obama did it. She could do it, too. Romney never understood that Obama had defined him as a callous businessman and that image had stuck with Democratic voters. in a debate, he would probably be declared a winner, but lost anyway because he never figured out that he wasn’t popular enough to peel away voters.
Major Major Major Major
I agree. This is one of the reasons I took a shine to her after the dust settled in 2008. On top of all that, she’s also, dare I say, shown herself to be humble.
@Fair Economist: You know he was gonna say “nasty bitch!”
I think the answer to that was that they were solid Republican voters who just never voted in the primaries, but consistently voted in the general. So no gains to be made there for the GOP.
@Mnemosyne: Yup, she has grown into a serious campaigner without much ado and has handled all kinda dirty sinks thrown at her by the thugs with poise and grace. Never seen one moment of losing her cool.
Hillary herself has said many times that she is not a natural politician, but she is a hard worker, and she studies things and learns. She swallowed her pride in 2008 and went to school on why Obama won and she lost, and then she set about making the necessary adjustments. Her campaign this year is a seamless blend of Obama and Clinton campaigns and it’s operated like a well oiled machine. You are right that she is a different candidate, remember that after the 08 campaign there was real dislike between the two campaigns, and the way she got so many of the Obama team to work for her was by taking SS and earning their respect with both her loyalty to Obama and her work ethic.
@hovercraft: wow indeed. they are collectively losing their minds by dissing their own fucking primaries. someone should get it to the ‘base’. heh, numbnutz, the gopee establishment thinks you are all frauds.
Don’t be naive, there is now proof that they were democrats who voted for Trump because he was the weakest candidate, and they knew he was the only one she could beat. Study it out.
@amk: I hope they respond by completely shutting out their voters from primaries. Rather than an opportunity to identify its most ardent party supporters, the party will start to harass its own voters. (Bwhahahaha)
I think Clinton’s job was much more difficult than simply winning 3 debates against an opponent. She didn’t have an opponent. She faced a shit storm of invective, insults, lies, total bullshit, delusional thinking, and utter nonsense. Countering that was much harder than beating human beings Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama in debates. How do you prepare to debate when your “opponent” will say absolutely anything, no matter how farfetched or untrue. The nastiest presidential candidate in modern political history stands on the stage and calls HRC a “nasty woman.” Facing an unhinged cretin with serious personality disorders and emerging intact is truly amazing. If we didn’t need a president, I’d nominate Clinton to be Trump’s attendant in the asylum.
The interesting twist was that a lot of them were long-time registered Democrats, but those ‘Democrats’ had been voting straight Republican for decades. Trump won the primary with the ‘Reagan Democrats’ the media loves so much. It turns out they were mean-spirited bigots and not responsible center-right realists after all!
My favorite part of this is how Republicans are now anonymously claiming that anyone but Trump could have beat Hillary. As if that entire debacle that was the Republican primary never happened.
One of the best lines and scene that seems to capture what Hillary did to Trump
@slag: the fact that they had already been telling their voters and themselves that anyone could beat her was the reason they had 17 candidates to begin with, plus it gave their voters permission to vote for the same kind of candidate they have been voting for in mid terms.
This is a very good point.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@TriassicSands: This.
Villago Delenda Est
@slag: These are the people Orwell warned us about.
“Oceania is at war with Eurasia. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia”
@hovercraft: This nonsense claim would be more credible if, you know, actual Republican voters weren’t falling all over themselves to worship at the altar of Trump.
Hillary didn’t cause Trump to win the GOP primary. Those scalps were claimed by the deplorables, and once the craven grifters saw that the only way they could keep their jobs was to bend the knee to the deplorables, they all quickly developed a case of at-least-Mussolini-isn’t-a-Democrat.
One of best lines and scene that captures what Clinton did to Trump
@Ruckus: nah mediocre is the word he deserves. hyperbolic negatives add an air of grandeur.
he’s mediocre. always has been.
The Republicans are stuck. Is there some fancy German word for it?
The GOP ended up with Trump as their candidate because a chunk of their base strongly and definitively preferred him to mainstream Republicans. So for them to try to pull an “anyone but Trump would have done better” is absurd.
They got precisely the candidate they wanted, particularly one who satisfied their “someone who could run the country like a business” fantasies.
They failed to vet him, pretended they didn’t know about his past transgressions, ignored his political incompetence, and let themselves be bullied and insulted by him, ultimately cowering and supporting him as their best hope for victory.
He is exactly who they thought he was, and exactly what they wanted. They had many opportunities to cut him loose, but they didn’t. Now they have to man up, or nasty up, or whatever, and own it.
Just waking up in Prague, to the not surprising news Clinton won again. Saw the “nasty” interruption clip, and read a good Vox piece on how Clinton really did win all 3 debates, rather than the CW that Trump ‘lost.’
She deserves the credit! Yeah the GOP debaters were bad, but none if them had her skill, her team, her preparation, or insights into his vulnerability.
(On an old crappy android tablet so links are for shit. Its Ezra‘s own postdebate piece)
Geez, as much as I can be titilated by lesbian sexual imagery, I find this particular thought rather disturbing. Sort of like the creature from “Alien” and…I dunno, the next most horrifying movie monster.
These people are amoral political mercenaries. Some will work for Democrats as easily as they work for Republicans. Some will work for foreign governments, including authoritarian regimes, in between US elections.
And politicians believe that these people are essential to a political campaign.
In short, they ain’t going nowhere.
Villago Delenda Est
Der Untergang
@Elizabelle: The VSP obsession with this sort of thing speaks to, 1. their inability to notice Ronnie and Tip are (still) dead, and 2. I think their personal biases towards old school (ie: dead) liberal Republicanism.
Which is exactly the demo of the big oak table: old, nearly dead Eisenhowerish PBS donors. Time to retire the show, I keep hoping (though some of the non-political stuff is decent)
Or at least seriously disinterested.
OK – maybe drunk. Really, though, who can blame him?
@Adam L Silverman: Wow, Balloon Juice. Come for the vituperative snark, stay for the tragic gossip.
I’ll pull up a chair.
@Villago Delenda Est: I had a rare moment of appreciation for srv (very rare). But I took it to mean, “question everything about the human mind.” Also, what sort of bullshit vetting goes into selecting these CNN focus groups. I question that.
Remember whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com and sadrepublicans.com from 2012?
I am looking forward to their 2016 heirs so much I can hardly contain it.
It is not unrealistic to believe that both a) Hillary could beat all 16 and b)go vote for trump because he is the easiest to beat. We call that good old political ratfucking, and both sides really do it.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: that sounds oddly like the oldest profession…
@hovercraft: wow, that’s some seriously delusional thinking.
Or the Clinton’s are capable of mind control!!!!11!!
@Mnemosyne: Stalin only had one daughter.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
The headlines engulfing tangerine man (Photo)
Lincoln Phillips
Right on!!! I’ve been saying this to myself for weeks now.
@SFBayAreaGal: Johnny RIngo is a good analogy for Trump.
Grammar Moses
Ah, yet again a blogger/writer uses a plural pronoun (“they”) to refer to a singular subject (“a person”). Just friggin’ commit to a gender already and use a singular pronoun (he or she). This crap is rampant.
“The way you tell if a person is nice is by observing what they do.”
The way you tell if a person is nice is by observing what he does.
Uncle Cosmo
FTFY! Or, if you prefer, “scheme,” as in Chuck Schemer…(:^D)
Uncle Cosmo
@srv: Fuck off & die, shitstain.
Duncan Watson
There is a lot of misunderstanding about how people who are on the surface polite and mannered being “good people”. I prefer crude sons of bitches who are actually kind. But I am a Yankee.
I’m a little confused, I thought Ann Coulter was the male version of Ann Coulter.
@TaMara (HFG): So what sort of implements does one use on a rust farm?
Tom M
That family photo! How could a self respecting Corgi live with them? They probably bribed him with Greenies.
TO JOHN COLE: Please tell us which journalists tell you how wonderful Kellyanne Conway is. Without this information your article is very much incomplete. If you are disgusted by them, name them. thank you
So anybody going to ask Kellyanne if Trump tried to fcuk her yet?
Ella in New Mexico
I do think quite a few political advisors/strategists actually DO care about the principles and qualifications of the candidates they work for, and only choose to work with people they have no shame in helping.
And some do what I can still forgive them for: work to help someone who is essentially a sound candidate hone their message to be more effective so that voters get to know them better.
But there are some, like Conway, who are so obviously horrendously cynical and callous that they have truly divorced themselves from what they do, and would literally become apologists for Hitler or Stalin or Pol Pot should their rotting evil corpses ever rise from the grave and run for Republican office.
No matter how “nice” they act at cocktail parties around DC, they need to be shunned, mocked, embarrassed and then shunned some more. Shun their bratty kids and their spouses and anyone else associated with them.
It’s time to take to Twitter and the airwaves and start giving everyone the permission and justification they need to hold these sociopaths accountable. THEY are a significant part of what is destroying American politics.