I'm not a journalist jackass. I'm a talk host. https://t.co/fj1ZCsAEL4
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) October 26, 2016
Of course Sean Hannity jumped on the Trump Train early, because Donald Trump is the guy Hannity always aspired to be. But the Trump campaign is a corrosive bath, an acid that strips all it contacts down to whatever bones they possess. Per the NYDN [warning: autoplay]:
Conservative commentator Sean Hannity offered to fund President Obama’s post-election flight to Africa should Donald Trump snag the title of commander-in-chief…
“You want to go to Canada,” Hannity said. “I’ll pay for you to go to Canada. You want to go to Kenya? I’ll pay for you to go to Kenya. Jakarta, where you went to school back in the day, you can go back there.”
Hannity had only one caveat for Obama. “You can’t come back,” he added.
Hannity even worked out the logistics. He would charter Trump’s private jet for the one-way trip and stock it with caviar and champagne…
Hannity publicly offered to send Obama away following Monday’s remarks from White House press secretary Josh Earnest that evaded whether Obama would join droves of voters — even celebrities — planning to ditch the United States if Trump wins the November election.
“He’s working very hard to make sure that nobody has to leave the country as a result of an electoral outcome that the President doesn’t support,” Earnest said.
Liberal media. It's was Josh Ernest who refuse to amswee teh ? Will Obama stay in the US if DT wins. I mentioned I'd pay a charter to …..
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) October 27, 2016
bqhatevwr https://t.co/eIGZl8mHrn
— I, Hoebot. (@eclecticbrotha) October 27, 2016
Hannity’s meltdown, like a ripening boil, seems to have been incubating for a while now…
Senator Wiki has done the USA a great service. 1) he showed us we have no cyber security. 2) He has exposed how corrupt our government is. https://t.co/nNuEGfbdxU
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) October 22, 2016
In 10 yrs @wikileaks has gotten nothing wrong & no one's been killed bc of the info released. #freejulianassange #freeinternet for all.
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) October 21, 2016
A massive change for republicans on Assange https://t.co/L43opehgGv
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 21, 2016
Fox News staff motto: Four legs good, two legs better!
I’m looking greatly forward to the simultaneous dronings of Assange, Greenwald, Sirota, Scahill and Hersh.
Is this the bar now?
Keith G
At this point, whatever Hannity says or Tweets is not important and even though I see AL has devoted space for him here (for some reason beyond my skill) I choose not to care and not to read. He and his ilk are unable to influence this election – at least in the way he would like to. It is out of his hands. Nov. 8 will be a great day, we just don’t know how great. Thus I refuse to give any attention to those voices who are trying to stir up shit in support of their lost cause.
You’re not a journalist? DO TELL!
AL does enjoy her trash talk. And this election, why not?
On an amusing note, Ukrainian hax0rz are now targeting the email accounts of Russian officials (saw it on LGF).
Much fun is to follow, obviously. I was wondering when that would start.
Mary G
The intrusion of reality into Sean’s bubble is driving him mad. Or into a long stay in a nice rehab.
the lick-spittle’s spluttering poutrage with all the misspellings.
well played, josh earnest.
He’s just acting out from bitter disappointment that Ailes never came on to him.
Anne Laurie
@Keith G:
Well, I try to save it for the pre-dawn low-impact time slots, but there’s a certain morbid fascination in watching all the separate “eternal” Reich-defenders drop away into betrayal or oblivion.
Keith G
@different-church-lady: I guess you put a finger on it. I never enjoyed trash talk. I grew up, many decades ago among those quiet midwestern, stoic farmer types. Stoicism even extended to HS sports where our football coach’s ethos was to quietly kick the crap out of the other team – let the score and the bruises on their bodies do the talking. Obviously, I seldom watch pro sports these days.
a serial adulterer of a conman+a russian tyrant+a rapist left wing traitor. What a trifecta of murkan wingnutz’ “principles” of hypocrisy and fraud.
Keith G
@NotMax: :Let me suggest that your observation might contain one word too many.
Steve in the ATL
Are you people always up this early? That is just sick.
@Steve in the ATL: I am. But then I usually am asleep during the overnight threads.
Can the TX latinos deliver the ultimate October surprise?
@Steve in the ATL: I blame my boss. At least there are podcasts.
I agree. He’s just an ordinary jackass.
Bruce K
@Keith G: Cheese on a cracker, I’m gonna need three Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters to get that image out of my head, and it’s way too early in the day for that.
@Steve in the ATL:
Since I retired several years ago my sleep pattern has gotten more and more bizarre. Wide awake here at quarter to 3 on W Coast. Next sleep period probably around 7-8am until 11 or noon.
@Chet: He’s just an extrordinary jackass.
‘Cause he takes jackassery to a new level.
Bruce K
@Steve in the ATL: Some of us are in European time zones. Five AM Eastern time is noon my time (and eight PM Eastern is stupid o’clock my time, so I can’t watch the World Series)…
Villago Delenda Est
Of course Hannity sees Assange differently. He’s discovered Assmunch is a fellow fascist.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@Steve in the ATL: For the time being, because of work. But I do like seeing the sun come up, so I’ll probably always want to be up before 6. (My current alarm setting of 4:15 is a little early for my tastes).
But I also like staying up past midnight and those two things aren’t very compatible.
I know conservatives complain that Hollywood doesn’t represent their values very well, and as far as conservative complaints go, that one has a degree of truth to it. But it occurred to me that liberal Democrats don’t have a news media that represents our values very well either. I would like to stay informed, but it’s as if the media physically drives me away. I find it depressing.
Mustang Bobby
Which means he should be doing traffic and weather together on the nines out of an AM station in Buttfuck, Montana.
Moanin’ Joe is leading with some b/s about how Bill Clinton is bragging about shaking down corporations for his foundation, while Meeka screws up her face as if she could smell Joe’s “cologne”.
Had to turn to Phineas and Ferb.
Steve in the ATL
@Bruce K:
Ok you’re excused. But the rest of you? You need help!
Shifted from Morning Blow bs about NYT obsessing over the Clinton Foundation to CNN, where they tell me they are moving various swing states to Trump cause… HORSERACE must never end.
Thank god for web based rational content, and 538.com analysis of same data.which pretty clearly debunks CNN baloney.
But on the other hand, horserace hyping probably good to keep Clinton forces motivated to turn out the vofe.
kd bart
Outside the Fox cocoon, has Sean Hannity ever been in a room where he is outright despised and ridiculed by at least half the occupants?
kd bart
@Dmbeaster: Of course there is a new poll out from Texas showing Trump with only a 3 point lead. The same lead that most Florida polls have for Clinton but CNN would never move Texas into the toss up category.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
Yeah Sean, well if Hillary wins we’ll get a fund together to send you coach to Siberia so you can live in the paradise Trump’s best bud Putin has created there. You can buy your own champagne asshole.
karen marie
Who goes to a WH press conference and asks whether the president of the United States intends to flee the country if the candidate for the opposing party wins the election? Who does that? And why do they view the US as some tinpot country where the dominant party jails and/or exiles leaders of the opposition?
There is something seriously wrong with Republicans.
Uncle Cosmo
Dear Mr Hannity,
We are starting up a GoFundMe site to buy you a one-way trip to Neptune.
It shouldn’t take long. You’re so far up Uranus already that we only need to cover the last billion miles.
Sincerely, Sane Americans
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Don’t forget Donnald’s foray into pimping underage “models”.
Ben Cisco
@bystander: “Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!”
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@kd bart:
Since when is CNN a news source? It’s CEO pretty much admitted he’s in the tank for Trump because of ratings.
@Keith G: word! It’s like you read my filthy mind.
c u n d gulag
Ok, Unibrow, I’ll one-up ya!
How about we weld YOU into a gorilla cage, and drop you into an active volcano from your BFF t-RUMP’s helicopter?
I’d pay for THAT!!!
Though, I imagine that poor volcano would barf-up tons of magma.
Captain C
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?: Let’s make sure to send him via Aeroflot with at least two stopovers inside Russia.
low-tech cyclist
“It’s was Josh Ernest who refuse to amswee teh ?”
“We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.”
-H.S. Thompson
@Bruce K: I’m right there with you! I wake up in the morning and basically read through the previous days topics. Even when I’d like to comment on something, most of the time the thread is dead. Occasionally I’ll post something on a weekend thread where I’m sort current for that topic. Past that, I read a lot of comments, nod in agreement, and share posts via FB and email.
He denied being a journalist jackass. He admitted being a talk host jackass.
Troy Aldrich
OH I wish we had a Liberal Media..
Those of us on the left coast who wake up at a sane hour are already three hours behind because most of the frontpagers are on the East coast. I would comment more frequently, but when a morning post is already at 200 comments, what’s the point?
When you have to explain to people that you’re
you’ve already lost. Sean Hannity eats poops and leaves.