The Reddit MeIRL crowd produces some of my son’s favorite internet snark — and provides a bridge between 16 y.o. consummate savvy and [mumble mumble mumble] technological cluelessness.
Here’s what he shared with me today:
May your day be one in which all your sneks are garters.
(And no, not that way. This is a family blog.)
Open. The Thread. It Is.
Step-and-a-half snake GI!
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
Another, Pwease no steppy. Link
Checkout this lil guy’s straight flush.
Is this an anti-whacking day thing?
Huh, when the fuck did this here blog become a family blog?
Tom Levenson
@raven: Ok that’s both wonderful and quite painful.
Tom Levenson
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Have you met my family?
The Tea Party has kinda ruined that snake for me.
@Tom Levenson: The little guy was so cool abut the whole thing!
@raven: That was cute!
@Baud: My favorite surprise from my second watching of Airplane was the sign Whacking Materials at the magazine stand.
My favorite is a gadsden snake with the caption, “Don’t grab my *ussy.”
@Tom Levenson: The Addams Family?
A historical/present mashup: Hotel Glendale.
RobertDSC-Mac Mini
The version in the picture is pretty funny, though.
I want to do a Gadsden Flag with “Corporations” in the form of a boot print (hobnailed of course) on top of the snake.
My buddy who was in Afghanistan showed up with that shirt Sunday. He Felt it adequately mocked the sentiment.
Good to see he’s not alone.
@Pharniel: He knows it’s all bullshit.
Betty Cracker
@Elizabelle: Same here, which is why I like the reboot pictured above; I see it as taking back the original sentiment that the teaturds defiled (even if that’s not the intent of the dudes pictured). A similar operation needs to happen to reclaim the word “liberty” from the Paultroons.
@raven: Very clever. I like that they made the bowl the candy reservoir. We had many cute trick-or-treaters last night, but the activities ended earlier than normal. Usually, there’s a wave of little kids just after dark, then older kids and teens after that. The latter materialized in much smaller numbers.
The snake needs to be completely smashed underfoot, with a semiautomatic, a cross, and American flag smashed and poking out as well.
The phrase on the flag should be “Liberals Warned You”.
Hillary Rettig
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: OMG did I lol at that!
How long have we been a family blog?
Corner Stone
@JPL: Life comes at you fast.
Very, very early alert.
Tuesday, Nov. 8, 4:30 a.m., TCM: Four Days in November. For those not around in 1963, as close as you can get to being whisked there as events played out before, during and after the assassination of JFK. For those of us who were around, a documentary record of what we saw, heard and experienced.
Here’s the kind of over-the-top action we get here for halloween.
Chucky Manson had a family too.
@NotMax: One of the Texas Rangers holding Oswald when he got shot was a Pearl Harbor survivor too!
Yeah, like I want to experience that again
All you sneks are belong to us.
I was at a stop light the other day & saw some jackhole with an “ISIS hunting licence” sticker on his pick-em up truck.
I rolled down the window but couldn’t get his attention. I wanted to tell him where the recruiting office was & let him know if he had any balls he was free to do it for real & not just pretend.
If there was a snek here I’d apologize!
Sixth year in a row with not a single trick or treater coming by.
Yet know deep down that should I fail to stock some candy, that’s when they’ll come by in droves.
Do kids still collect for UNICEF on Halloween? Those little orange and black cartons used to be ubiquitous.
Predictions I sent to my dad and bro today (we had all agreed to put in our guesstimates by Nov 1st, just for bragging rights afterwards):
Happy to re-copy the predictions into another thread if we’re going to have one of those…what do you say, front-pagers?
Three more canvassing/GOTV shifts coming up…good for the body and soul to ‘walk it off’!
@NotMax: We’re wondering how long this will last. The real action is a couple of block away but there were hundreds and hundreds of kids an their parents.
I’m just not getting it. Sorry–I’m not usually humor impaired, but I just can’t tell whom this is ridiculing, on which grounds, with what background presuppositions, etc.
It’s a variation on the Gadsden flag, i.e. “don’t tread on me” as voiced by a snake.
In this case, the variation that makes it funny is:
1) it’s not the snake talking, it’s someone else talking about the snake?
2) it *is* the snake talking, but pretending to be someone else, but it doesn’t know how to spell “snake”?
3) people who don’t know how to spell are funny?
Help me out–what’s snarky about this?
@NotMax: TCM is programming the Kennedy assassination and aftermath on the morning of ELECTION DAY?
How bizarre.
@oldster: It is done as a 2nd grader would do it…. Which perfectly matches the maturity level of those who parade about town with a Gadsden flag.
LOL Exactly as my mother did speak. She may very well have even said it at one time.
@Betty Cracker: We need to retrieve “Freedom” from the Tea Partiers too.
They have the Trump touch too, don’t they? Ruin everything they touch.
The Moar You Know
The military guys I work with don’t like the Gadsden sons of bitches any more than I do. Glad it’s universal.
@OzarkHillbilly: Ah. Thank you. That was too inside joke for me.
so, is amurka made great yet?
@Elizabelle: That was MY read on it. There are other interpretations as well, I am sure.
For those of you who were asking about the 13 point swing in the ABC tracking poll, Steve Kornacki explained that it’s not that a whole bunch of people have changed their minds, it’s that a lot of republicans have moved into “likely voter” from just supporter. They were with Trump a week ago, but they were not sure if they were going to go out and vote for him, so it’s almost entirely a change in enthusiasm. As the whole I like to sexually assault women thing faded from the headlines, they slunk back to their candidate. So at this point his hordes are more enthusiastic than our side, so as BR would say GOTV. Seeing the polls close usually lights a fire under our side, so lets hope everyone gets out and votes.
Samantha Bee interviews Obama.
Listen to the Kenyan Mooslim Socialist, get out and vote.
Apparently it’s something which originated on 4chan, reason enough to shun it and move on.
Used to like Kornacki until he seemingly decided he was placed on the planet to fill the shoes of Jeane Dixon.
@hovercraft: Kevin Drum-
The graph is very reassuring.
@hovercraft: ” As the whole I like to sexually assault women thing faded from the headlines, they slunk back to their candidate.” Out of site, out of mind – ie, if you’re not telling me about it I’ll forget it ever happened? These people are as sociopathic as the candidate they support. But you can count on the media to harp on about emails that nobody has even read yet so, yay!
Our country is freaking nuts. The white folks, that is. I give up. Clinton will win but it will be tight and in a sane world she’d be winning 40 states. To paraphrase the crazy guy running for president – SAD!
Yeah, yeah, GOTV. That’s not going to change the fact that a large majority of white people in this country are simply arseholes. I don’t know what does – white arseholes raised white arseholes who are now raising their kids to be white arseholes. Vicious cycle.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Exactly. I have a tshirt from a gaming convention that was American Revolutionary themed that year and it’s yellow with the Gadsen Flag symbol. In 2011 I drove cross country wearing it and wondered why people kept starting. Then it dawned on me…
Tshirt’s been in my drawer ever since. Fucking Teanderthals.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Back in the day, early early days of HBO, they’d play movies on seemingly an endless loop. When Airplane! was in rotation, it was a godsend. Why? You can watch that movie at least a dozen times (raises hand) and *always* find something you missed the previous gazillion times you’ve watched the movie. It’s incredible.
The Gadsen Flag was also used heavily in the “People’s Bicentennial.
If the week wasn’t bad enough here is today’s Plum line nightmare scenario:
Also a third GOP Senator has come out in favor of not confirming any of Hillary’s SCOTUS nominations (as well as suggesting she be murdered).
Ben Franklin said in 1787 that the Convention had give the people a republic if they could keep it. Looks like that proposition is really going to get a test this year.
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
(holds hand up)
I do love the stupid throw-aways in that movie
He’s still good with the numbers when he just reports on them. The thing that bothers me is that just like the rest of the media he searches for that one number that says she is doing badly. The only reason he did the deep dive is that Stephanie Rhule asked him to explain the discrepancy between the NBC/SM, 6, the Reuters also 6, and the ABC tracker Trump up 1. I’m sure that he will harp on Trimp’s momentum on his 4 o’clock show.
I see the typo, but I like it.
Steady as she goes.
Groping women was so last month, now my Obamacare premium is going to rise 11ty billion percent, and Hillary’s aides husbands laptop shows she was sexting with a 15 year old girl. I always knew she was an evil lesbian.
@OGLiberal: Correction: But you can count on the media to harp on about emails that EVERYbody has ALREADY read so, yay!
What have they touched that they haven’t sullied?
Corner Stone
@hovercraft: CHANGE ELECTION! The people want change!
They’ve had 8 freakin’ years of a president who is too good to allegedly rape a 13 year old girl. For heaven’s sake, why can’t you get it that they’re ready for a little something different?!
Heh. I love Juanita Jean’s beauty salon:
There’s a totes adorbs picture on the front page of the paper featuring California’s first dog Sutter Brown awaiting trick or treaters with Jerry, Ann Gust and a friend.
Sutter is home after surgery for invasive cancer and prospects are grim.
@D58826: I am sick of the disaster porn.
People: stop reading this crap and go call some volunteers or voters and do something positive. We can do something this week. Next week is back to whining and complaining.
Call voters to make sure that endangered GOP senator gets his/her defeat.
I’m serious. If you have time to be posting this shit to scare and demoralize the rest of us, you have time to get off your ass and contact an actual voter.
@Elizabelle: +1.
Alas, once again I’m late to a meme.
@Elizabelle: We’re Democrats, we like to be scared and worried and all that. Wing nuts just yell “skewed” and go on oblivious to their fate. Us? We like to worry until days after the election.
Hillary will win but as I noted earlier, that this sociopath, groping, dangerous buffoon will get at least 47% of the vote is very, very unnerving. And every year we say, well, they’re dying, the kids are different. But every year, the Republican candidate has a floor of about 46-47%. The markets exploded under a Republican president, their candidate was an old guy who suspended his campaign and who chose a person not fit to be president of the student council in a small Alaska high school as his running mate and that dude still got 46% of the vote. That was 8 years ago and it was closer in 2012. Stuff ain’t changing – we just need to win on the margins. And above all we need to take the 2020 election seriously because we need to control redistricting – that we didn’t in 2010 is effing us until we can change it…until then it’s unlikely we win back the House and all a Dem presidency does is serve as block against conservative insanity. Even if we hold the Senate 51-50 we’re still probably looking at an 8 person Supreme Court for the foreseeable future. And that’s hoping at RBG can hold out/stay alive for as long as possible.
Do we? Because I sure don’t. I’m already avoiding cable news, like the plague it is, and not reading political news from most of the major dailies.
At some point, people get cynical and tune out.
I like BJ, because I like hearing what some of the brighter sorts here have to contribute, but the “hey, I got a cloud for that silver lining!” smarty types are starting to make me want to vomit. Or flee.
@OGLiberal: if we have a 50/50 shumer changes filibuster rules just like Reid did and Hillary confirms all the Justices she wants.
Yes this is very important, but there is a still the problem of democrats being concentrated in and around the cities. It’s true that gerrymandering has rigged the legislative election against us, but with the exurbs and the rural areas become redder each year we will still have problems winning out there. In order to dilute our vote we will need to draw districts that are as contorted as the ones they have drawing for themselves. Our ideological segregation is not healthy.
ETA: Of course we wet our pants, we are democrats, that’s what we do.
@EBT: Except when some douchecanoe like Manchin decides he can’t, in good conscience, appoint that person and Susan Collins doesn’t have the cojones to go against her crazy party’s base.
The Moar You Know
@raven: Hilarious. Rattlesnakes absolutely have eyelids, and more often than not will strike without rattling.
That’s actually quite a slice of history I didn’t know about. I was only ten at the time.
This is the danger. In 2000 there was a lot of grumping on the left about Bush v Gore but Al Gore made a gracious concession speech and the democratic leadership backed the outcome. Bush was president and that was that. What ever ‘birther’ equilivant did not have the backing of the party leaders.
It may be disaster porn but the GOP will not accept the results of a Hillary win, Trump will continue to rant about the fixed system and the militias will be buying more guns and ammunition.
A democratic senate may be able to get nominations approved if they go nuclear but there is something called a senatorial hold. In the United States Senate, a hold is a parliamentary procedure permitted by the Standing Rules of the United States Senate which allows one or more Senators to prevent a motion from reaching a vote on the Senate floor.
If the Senator provides notice privately to his or her party leadership of their intent (and the party leadership agreed), then the hold is known as a secret or anonymous hold. If the Senator actually objects on the Senate floor or the hold is publicly revealed, then the hold is more generally known as a Senatorial hold. The hold can be defeated by a cloture vote, but unless the nuclear option applies then that is 60 votes.
In the meantime the House will crank up it’s investigations and make life as miserable as possible for anyone confirmed by the Senate.
Any Goper who would risk voting for a Mother’s day resolution if Hillary supported it would be primaried.
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage: Absolutely! I have seen it so many times. The only other movie I will watch whenever I happen upon it is Overboard.
It’s getting ugly
Trump supporters are showing up at Democratic headquarters to harass workers.
I witnessed something similar in 2012, but nothing this dramatic. They just stood around outside and smirked at the nice Democratic ladies who were inside phone banking. I asked them what they thought they were doing and one of them told me they were “just having fun.”