The blessing was actually written by John Adams, an excerpt of a letter he wrote to his wife Abigail in 1900.
— John Dingell (@JohnDingell) November 4, 2016
…May none but honest and wise Men ever rule under this roof."
— John Dingell (@JohnDingell) November 4, 2016
We have a unique opportunity to not only elect one of the wisest & most qualified individuals to ever run for the highest office in America,
— John Dingell (@JohnDingell) November 4, 2016
I look forward to living up to Adams's wish, FDR's belief, & the promise we make to our children to leave this place better than we found it
— John Dingell (@JohnDingell) November 4, 2016
Abigail and John Adams have been my favorite Founding Couple since I was tiny. It can be argued that there would not have been an American Revolution without John, and certainly the John Adams we know from history would never have existed without Abigail. Among the many things that make me happy when I think of Hillary Rodham Clinton becoming our first female President is the thought of how very happy Abigail Adams would have been to see it happen — finally!
Apart from happy thoughts, what’s on the agenda as we start the weekend?
Major Major Major Major
I wrote some bitchin’ code today.
Seeing Doctor Strange on Sunday, family and general social obligations tomorrow, maybe some reading?? Feeling optimistic.
A humble prediction.
After watching Obama get pilloried by Republicans with whom he tried to compromise to get things done, Hillary is going to smile right in their faces and then do everything she can to destroy them.
Time to go to the mattresses, folks.
FYI, Obama’s by Al Sharpton will air on tonight’s All In.
If Twitter is correct, he has some interesting things to say about voter suppression and GOTV.
I don’t think I’d be a big Yglesias fan in normal times, but he has been great this election on calling out the media’s anti-Hillary bias.
Went to a book reading/signing last night by a HS pal. Tomorrow going to an art opening for a friend’s partner.
Other than that, working on a lecture and doing some reading. Nothing looked interesting movie-wise. Looking forward to Loving, though.
Pretty sure that letter was written in 1800, not 1900. Abigail Adams rocked in a late 18th-early 19th century kind of way.
Major Major Major Major
@BGinCHI: yep.
@Baud: you know he’s gotten a lot better.
Viva BrisVegas
@Major Major Major Major:
I was going to see Dr Strange last week, but my local cinema only had it in 3D and I hate 3D. So I looked up the next closest cinema and it only had it in 3D.
So I gave up.
All my problems are first world problems (because that’s where I live).
@Major Major Major Major: Good to hear. We can use all the help we can get.
Nonsense. Sorry, Mr. Dingell, but you haven’t been paying attention.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
LIVE Stream: President Obama Campaigns in Charlotte, North Carolina
He’s firing it up!
@Baud: Ygliesias seems to have been studying up on some of the topics he claimed to know everything that anyone could possibly know anyway and he would tell us all the truth. He seems to be willing to change his views as facts and his knowledge of them change. That is a good thing. Let’s judge him on what he writes in the future.
@Baud: I’ve always liked Matt Yglesias.
There are several intriguing things in that sentence, but I’m not exactly sure what it means.
@Trentrunner: Sorry, Obama’s interview with Al Sharpton.
I’ve only followed him sporadically. He’s earned a second, more careful look from me.
I remember reading in on of his letters that John Adams gave democracy in the US about 200 years before it was so corrupted by degenerate aristocracies and wealth that we would lose it.
I hope that prediction is wrong.
Adams was a rather pessimistic conservative. We don’t have any conservatives to match people like John Adams or John Marshall these days, and haven’t had any for quite a while.
@WaterGirl: LOL, sorry. Proofreading fail.
Major Major Major Major
@Anya: I started to like him a lot more once he found the damn spell check button and somebody suggested articles longer than 300 words.
A number of funky dates today, earlier I cited wikipedia on Beyonce’s mother, they had her birth year listed as 1765. Oops.
We’re still within a standard deviation or so, right?
I wish a mofo would . . .
. . . carve “Remember the ladies!” on the opposite wall to the fireplace.
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
I think he’s too prone to contrarian think pieces, but he’s basically a smart guy. Give him something real and important to talk about, and the smarts show.
@Major Major Major Major: I saw it today. Loved it, but then I love all the Marvel movies so I’m not an objective critic.
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: Can’t wait until 2024 when Obama stumps for Baud!
@Baud: For a long while he was spouting nonsense about the relationship between economic growth and living standards and economic and civil rights for workers in lower income countries. He has substantially changed his stance on that topic recently. Don’t know if he cracked some of those econ 101 books he used to brag about knowing, or he saw data about slowing growth in working class living standards since late 1990s (which indicates the current international trade and financial regime does not obviously promise a greater and totally excellent tomorrow for them). At any rate, a pundit who explicitly states he is changing his view on a topic due to a new understanding of recent evidence that has come to his attention (as Yglesias has) is not all that common in our media, and should be encouraged.
Libby's Person
I drove 2 people to vote today who probably wouldn’t have gone if I and some friends hadn’t knocked on their doors and offered them a ride. And they both voted Dem all the way down the ballot, as well as the good Judge candidates! GOTV is good for relieving stress – I strongly recommend it!
Rather *without* John, methinks?
@Viva BrisVegas: I’m no fan of 3D either, but this might be one of the few movies to really benefit from it. I didn’t see it in 3D, but now I feel like I have to.
Major Major Major Major
@Roger Moore: I think contrarian bullshit was just a habit he had when he was a philosophy major in his mid-20’s, which he has since kicked.
” We’re still within a standard deviation or so, right? ”
wrt to democracy or conservatives? Wrt to conservatives, no I don’t think so. Several standard deviations worse.
Adams’ 200-year-lifespan prediction. Sorry I wasn’t clear!
Major Major Major Major
David Brooks on All Things Considered giggling and citing figures from Nate Silver, in case you needed more reasons to shun Nate Silver.
I want to congratulate BJers: Everyone’s favorite hair-on-fire Brit critic “fifth-column” accuser was on TV a few days ago with his hair on fire that Trump was going to win.
And, unless I missed a comment/thread, no one here said a word about it.
Let’s keep it that way. Fuck him.
@Major Major Major Major: I saw it today. Really enjoyed it. Also bought the soundtrack. It’s my brand of trippy.
The weekend will be spent writing, mulching leaves, and cooking. Ina Garten’s meatloaf recipe, and my made-up recipe for baked apples with a McVitie’s biscuit crumble topping.
@Major Major Major Major: Nate does what he does to get media play.
ETA: Fixed link.
@redshirt: Love me some 3-D, that’s why I got the 3-D lens for my camera.
@Steppan: Guess we’ll know more about the democracy thing next Wednesday morning.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
@Baud: he means sully
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
Obama on Bill Maher tonight
@Baud: Not Nate Silver. The guy I’m talking about name rhymes with Dandrew Dullivan.
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch:
Fixed. I meant to link to MMMM’s comment.
Mike J
Moved a hospital bed into mom’s house today. She’s having valve replacement the day after the election, complete with cracked sternum and everything. The good news is the docs decided she was healthy enough to survive it.
So I’ve been falling down on my GOTV and even on my racing.
@redshirt: I didn’t find it as intrusive in DOCTOR STRANGE as I did in ULTRON, where it rattled me a little bit. It worked well during the building-morphing scenes.
Van Buren
@BGinCHI: I’m ready for NFLTG starting day 1.
Mary G
@SiubhanDuinne: I did not appreciate “Hamilton’s America” giving that line to Laura Bush. I am sure she’s nice for a Republican, but cripes. Why not give it to Michelle, who is much more like Abigail and Dolly M, who were fierce as fuck. A loaf of homemade sourdough bread fresh out of the oven is not equal to Wonder Bread.
@Trentrunner: I started recording All In on Tivo, but not until 15 minutes in. Do you know if I missed the interview or if it’s still coming up?
@Major Major Major Major: spelling is for elitists
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
I’ll admit I haven’t read him much recently. When I did read him, he had a tendency to buy into fairy tale stories about how we could privatize some public goods and use the money to help the poor people who would lose access. A good example was turning carpool lanes into toll lanes and using the proceeds to fund public transit. It’s a nice sounding idea, and it might even work if our government were run by computers or incorruptible philosopher kings. But in the real world, we know that the public transit money would be diverted into something else the moment people stopped paying attention- tax cuts for the wealthy if times were good or keeping the lights on if times were bad- while the toll lanes would stay a thing for the well off forever after.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: yes, and I wish people would stop paying attention to him. (I am fully aware that I talk about him a lot, but I’m scathing so it’s ok!)
John Dingell wins the twitters today. LOVE
schrodinger's cat
@Trentrunner: Does he have any hair left, to be on fire?
@redshirt: Did you like it?
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
@Mike J: Here’s wishing your mom good fortune and a quick recovery.
@Mike J: Wishing you and your mom the best.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
Bam is bashing the fuck out of the wingers and richard burr.
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: It’s great.
Latino J
I’m a proud partisan Democrat who was first eligible to vote in 1992.
Today perfectly encapsulates the past 24 years for me.
The Republican candidate complaining about a rigged election had a restraining order put against his campaign to keep his people from trying to rig the election.
The Republican candidate who claims the Democrat is a corrupt criminal had two members of one of his chief advisors administration convicted of conspiracy and fraud.
The Republican candidate who claims the media is biased against him had an anchor for a news channel devoted to electing Republicans admit that he was wrong when he claimed that the Democratic candidate or her people were facing indictments.
Bizarro world.
@Mike J: ::good thoughts::
@Major Major Major Major:
Agree with the since kicked, but it seemed like Matt spent the earlier part of his career auditioning for Slate. I’m guessing that once he finally got the Slate gig, he saw up close the futility of centrist contrarianism, and has since dropped the pose now that he’s at Vox – which seems to suit him much better.
Gin & Tonic
For Hub-area folks who like beer, Garrett Oliver, brewmaster of Brooklyn Brewery, will be at Townsman restaurant downtown a week from Monday. Very special brews are promised. You have to buy tickets, and I can’t link from here, but Google and a telephone should help you.
Oliver is the only brewer to win a James Beard award.
@Mike J:
Best of luck to you and your Mom.
@Anya: Quite a bit, but like I said earlier, I’m not very objective. It was surprisingly funny.
I think that should be about right. If you miss the beginning, they will rerun the show at 11.
ETA: I just checked you’re fine the interview started well after 8.15
@WaterGirl: Obama interview starts past the 30:00 mark.
Major Major Major Major
@JGabriel: I stand by my analysis–I know exactly the type of person I’m describing and think he fits perfectly in the category. Well-off, vaguely econ-literate, smart but a know-it-all, mid-20s, no real quant background. Reminds me of some folks I know. He and they have grown up.
Isn’t he one of the founders of Vox?
@hovercraft: oh yay! thanks
@Trentrunner: thank you.
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch:
He beat the crap out of him with Sharpton too. Stern Obama is breaking it down, if you choose not to vote you have to own the fact that you are voting for Trump for his ideas, for his behavior,
@hovercraft: Yay!
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: Thank you for putting up the link to the lifestream. That was awesome.
I NEVER read comments on the internet – except here at BJ – but they were rolling comments on the page with the video. Yikes, there are a lot of people who are disconnected with reality. Still calling the President a monkey. Yikes. There’s a reason I never read that stuff.
@WaterGirl: YouTube comments are notoriously awful, even on nonpolitical things. I turned off the rolling comments.
I inadvertently read his latest piece in NYMag — it made me remember all the reasons I want to punch him in the throat. Our national discourse has not been harmed by his absence. I am now going back to forgetting his existence.
If you haven’t already, watch the Adams series. Abigail is such a star.
Major Major Major Major
@jacy: yeah, every so often I think I miss his blog, then I read his writing and remember that what I miss is his interns.
I usually close the chat window, it fills up with creatures that are not even trolls, they are scum, vile, vituperative scum. Youtube comments are not your friend at any time but on anything political, Danger Watergirl Danger.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
@WaterGirl: they’re just deeply insecure, steeped in self hatred, lashing out, projecting their self loathing on to others. just like trump
@Major Major Major Major:
OMG, exactly! I loved all the stuff they aggregated. And the View From a Window. I got a view from a window once.
@Baud: Nate bought his own hype and became a thin skinned douche. I just can’t with him anymore.
@Mike J:
We’ll pick up the GOTV slack for you. Sending my best to you and your mom.
@Anya: I hope we’re all being objective when it comes to Nate and not doing our own version of skewing the polls.
@Anya: Not to be shallow (moi?), but he also hasn’t aged well. I expect he has a future playing Willie Loman in Death of a Salesman at a dinner theater near you.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: he’s a major outlier among the aggregators.
@redshirt: Possibly, but if we’re doing it, so are other aggregators like Wang. Maybe Nate is proven a genius, but it’s not like the criticism is based on nothing.
@Baud: oh, how do you turn off the comments? I had no idea that was possible.
Jay Z and Beyonce for HRC LIVE
@WaterGirl: At the bottom of the comment pane, there is a link for “hide chat”.
@Baud: It’s his hair. It’s shockingly bad.
I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been.
– Biff Loman
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: Wang isn’t even interested in making fun of the other aggregators and he makes fun of Silver.
@redshirt: I don’t even look at the polls. There’s no point to freak out. I just decided I will try to do what I can instead of obsessing over polls. Nate annoys me on Twitter. He’s such a thin skinned douche who tends to lecture ppl.
@Baud: thank you. will look for that next time.
Silver could be right, but he does stand apart from the others in his field. For a really cheery little read, try a tweetstorm by economist Noah Smith in which he explains how American democracy is doomed to be at least Latin American style unstable swings between democracy and authoritarianism and at worst a state where a white minority rules a disenfranchised multi-racial majority. Too bad he’s so logical about it.
PS: Sorry, just see that John is posting it on his twitter feed as I wrote.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
@Baud: ok– that was funny, not just terms of satire and irony, but also too intellectually.
@Viva BrisVegas: I heard that people should beware of seeing it in 3-D since the special effects are so dizzying
Jay Z is on CBSN… I had trouble understanding rap twenty years ago, and now it’s just sound. The crowd is happy though.
Maddow is playing extended footage from election night 1960.. with extensive explanations of data operations at NBC.
I kind of wish she would leave this on…
Nate has forgotten about what made him great and got him all the attention in previous presidential years. He sold out when he left his original blog, and it seems to get worse each time he moves to the next place.
If you were a great success by just looking at the numbers and ignoring all the pundits, then it’s a bad move to start adding a secret sauce and an even worse move to start behaving like you are a pundit. Nate, you are such a disappointment to me. If I weren’t so lazy, I would go looking for the comments I made years ago on Al Giordano’s website when Nate left, hoping he wouldn’t sell out but fearing the worse. Sometimes being right isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
Actions speak louder than words. Internal polls and early vote analytics must show other states stable (crucially Florida) and Ohio on the edge of turning blue.
@Jeffro: Why beware? Like if you have epilepsy?
@WaterGirl: Poblano, you’ve forsaken us!
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: Right. She’s devoting a lot of time to Ohio for a state that’s supposedly lost. Some of that may be for Pennsylvania too, but it’s still interesting.
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: I very much like that Lebron is willing to be active in Hillary’s campaign. I’m sure he’s got managers telling him it will hurt his brand (which is correct).
@JPL: waiting to see which GOP/RWNJ/Conserv is gonna get pissy about the “vulgar” language…
But tots defending “grabbing the ….”
@lamh36: Have you seen Doctor Strange yet?
@JPL: Not my thing, but it is nice to see.
Someone posted a link to Louis CK endorsing Hillary. I was amazed at how positive it was.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J:
We will give you a pass this time. Get well soon to your mother.
@JPL: Jay Z was doing rap over 20 years ago. He’s older than me and I’m old.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
Nate Cohn — The Upshot/NYT
@Mike J: it’s okay. Take care of your mom.
@lamh36: Of course they will because they are the party of family values. The NYTimes has an article about what teenage girls think about the election. link
I’m disgusted that Trump is within reach of the presidency.
Southwest looking better and better!
Major Major Major Major
@OGLiberal: I remember seeing him (and The Arcade Fire) at the 2009 staff inaugural ball. He did “99 Problems (But a Bush Ain’t One)”
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: It will be nice to know early in the evening on Tuesday if she has won Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. That should effectively do it, I believe.
@lamh36: Does Obama control the weather now? Thanks, Obama!
@dmsilev: Assuming it’s not a flat out lie, Obama is in NC, so that may have caused some air traffic delays.
Mike in NC
@Mike J: Best wishes to your mom.
@JPL: If at least 1/2 of these young folks come away with this willing to vote or just willing to talk amongst their friends about voting…this will have been worth it.
@Baud: Right, we should know well before CA closes(8pm PST) who’s the next President.
@Viva BrisVegas:
I read somewhere that non-3D Imax is the way to see it.
I usually don’t like 3D. Can think of only two or three movies where it worked for me. The best, strangely enough, was a documentary—Werner Herzog’s Cave of Forgotten Dreams, about the prehistoric cave paintings in France.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
Hillz backstage with Beyonce and JayZ
Yeah, this. His statistical model went from being simple and straightforward to being this tottering mess with all sorts of weird things glued to the sides that has so many knobs to turn that you could make it output whatever you really wanted.
Major Major Major Major
@Steeplejack: Cave of Forgotten Dreams was amazing.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I hope. It depends how close those states are. Also, not sure how early voting affects how quickly they can announce results.
Caption Contest: Jay Z, Beyonce, HRC
@lamh36: Heh.
@Steeplejack: The most popular movie in history that everyone has completely forgotten about – Avatar – was pretty awesome in 3D. I saw it in 3D Imax with vibrating seats and it was truly an experience.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
Prediction Market — Who will win?
The invisible hand of the market has been stable all week (chart)
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: There’s a 103% chance that one of those two will win?
@redshirt: Yes!!!
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: in many states the early vote is tabulated as it comes in and the figures are released when the polls close.
Lizzy L
@Mike J: Sending good wishes to your mom and to you. I hope the surgery goes smoothly and that she heals quickly, with no complications.
No early voting (only absentee, a small number of those) in PA.
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: Those are great odds, but they should be like 98% to 1%.
@Major Major Major Major: Good. So hopefully we’ll hear about NC and FL early. VA hasn’t even made the news in a while. Hard to believe that used to be a solid red state. Then I guess we wait for PA or OH. I remember in 2012 it was over when OH was called, which I think was about 11:30, but it was called before Florida, I think.
@Baud: Do you get Al Giordano’s newsletter?
I wonder if the strange rounding error is 1.5% who are going for a tie. Which may have a huge payout.
Mike J
@Major Major Major Major: I’m so old I’ve seen Ice T do 99 Problems at the old 9:30 club in DC.
Did I miss some Balloon Juice rule changes? I can’t seem to be able to post a story I found disturbing of a home-schooled child signing about Trump and genocide.
” Officials estimate that 5 million people showed up to the Chicago Cubs parade and rally Friday, making it the 7th largest gathering in human history.”
@WaterGirl: No. Would his ideas intrigue me?
Mike J
Thanks to everyone for the good wishes.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
Prediction Market — Who will win Flordia?
@Mike J: Add one more.
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: Is there any knowledge about how accurate those markets are?
@Anya: By all means post some disturbing information.
Yes but if Kid Rock and or Ted Nugent want to do a GOTV concert for Trump and they want to call her the c-word, that’s just fine, and we’re being prissy libs. Redemption stories for goper supporters are great and lauded, but I was a pimp and a dealer, and now I’m a gazzillioaire and by the way so is my hot wife, is a sign of libtard lawlessness. FFS, they need to GFTS
Perfect. Absolutely Perfect.
@raven: What were the first six?
@Baud: YES. Your comment reminded me of something he had written recently, related to states that would be called early and what it would mean if X state is called for Hillary, for example. I will go read it again and copy an excerpt if I can find the comment I am looking for.
Lizzy L
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: No vote breakdown by gender. I really want to see that at some point.
1. Kumbh Mela pilgrimage, India, 2013 – 30 million
2. Arbaeen festival, Iraq, 2014 – 17 million
3. Funeral of CN Annadurai, India, 1969 – 15 million
4. Funeral of Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran, 1989 – 10 million
5. Papal gathering in the Philippines, 2015 – 6 million
6. World Youth Day, 1995 – 5 million
@redshirt: I have not…
Big/little secret…
I’m not at home in NOLA right now.
I’m in Hayward, CA.
Decided to take a trip to the bay area for my birthday weekend (I’ll be 40 tomorrow).
It’s both a pleasure and bussiness trip. I get to enjoy my birthday how I like it…low key, no fanfare, no big to-do…just me, myself and i, some peace and quiet and reflection.
I’m pretty low maintenance that way.
But I will of course be seeing it when I get back home…
@Baud: I hope I never forget that Karl Rove 2012 Ohio moment. I, like many others, got to see it live out because I turned to Fox news to drink their tears. It was like an open bar of Republican tears! If you’d like to relive it.
@Mike J: Not from DC but have a 9:30 t-shirt from the only show I saw there….local faves Velocity Girl. This was at the “new” 9:30 Club, which opened in ’96, same year I went there.
Oh you youngling. He’s not old yet.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: I too hope to never forget having seen that live. We were howling.
@raven: Wow. The Iraq thing was pretty recent. Missed it completely. Interesting given all the issues there.
@lamh36: The big 4-0! Congrats! 40 is the new 30 by the way.
@Baud: Sadly, I seem to have deleted my links to issues #31 an #32, which were the two issues after the primaries ended. So I can’t see if what I am thinking of is in there.
Issue #33 is a discussion of what the world will look like if Trump wins.
@Major Major Major Major: I’m not sure I’ve ever tasted better schadenfreude. Like 100% pure, uncut.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
@dmsilev: Actually Obama does control the weather. It’s one of his super-powers.
Have you not heard of The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP,
Obama is also scheduled to appear in next X-Men movie as Storm’s husband.
1969? A mere sprat.
@lamh36: What I found interesting is how quickly that Delta popped up thanking their customers. In another world, this would make the news.
Once again, CBSN is doing a great job covering the Jay Z concert. link
They have also been covering Walter Cronkite all day
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
I’ve got a shift observing early voting tomorrow at our only location (Board of Elections). The voting time ends at 4pm, and it will be interesting to see how many people are in line at that time. Monitoring wait time is one of the things we do, with 1/2 hour being the point at which we report the time.
A ND OH judge enjoined
Or course the campaign filed an appeal with the 6th Circuit because why wouldn’t it. Never mind that nearly all of the conduct precluded by the order is already illegal under Ohio law. The specifics of the order are at the second link.
In 2012 95 % of the PA vote was election day.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
@Baud: I haven’t looked at accuracy. but the media tells me markets are always right. odd that they’re not reporting on this one particular market scoreboard.
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: Christ, that’s awesome.
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: That’s silly. We all know that Obama’s superpower is that he’s a Time Lord.
@Anya: Poor baby. Maybe someone in the audience has a kazoo or something they could lend him.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
@Baud: I blame the metric system.
At least. If not more.
Gin & Tonic
@Baud: You were probably going to Arbaeen before it was cool.
Lizzy L
@lamh36: Not so very far from me. Did you get to see the sunset last night? One of the good ones. I hope you have a great visit, low-key, quiet, so on — and BTW Happy Birthday.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Gin & Tonic:
Their Brooklyn Lager is pretty good.
My current everyday beer (note: “everyday,” not “every day”) is Band of Brewers’ Third Shift Amber Lager.
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: We should have listened to Lincoln Chafee.
Poor baby, what Wayne Newton not available? For such a big celebrity, all those people who were on his shows and who he has partied with, and he couldn’t find anyone to come jam for him? SAD!
@burnspbesq: The Never Trumpers think that there will be a tie and McMullin will be elected the pres.
@Anya: I never pass up the opportunity to post this link. Beaker sings feelings.
Matt McIrvin
@redshirt: Sam Wang and Andrew Tanenbaum were doing this before Nate Silver was, and they’ve always been better than Silver, because they keep it simple. Tanenbaum doesn’t even try to compute probabilities; he’s just modeling what the electoral map currently looks like.
Wang has been trying to do a November projection for the past couple of cycles, but before that, he just produced the “if the election were held today” snapshot, with the distribution of possible results calculated in a very simple way. He burned himself in 2004 with a naive unskewing maneuver based on a bad theory of undecided voters, and he resolved never to do that kind of thing again. But his “Meta-Margin” and his alternate maps adding two points in each direction help you see how the map would be different if there’s some kind of systematic effect.
Anyway, both of them show Hillary winning this. Wang’s numbers have been sliding ever since slightly before the Comey letter broke (which makes me think it wasn’t the sole cause), but even if you assume the slide continues linearly through Tuesday, Hillary still wins with a little over 300 EV. And, personally, I think the slide has bottomed out anyway. People just need to vote and turn these polls into real numbers. Based on how Wang and Tanenbaum’s calculations did over the past few cycles, I think the collective polling miss required to get Trump to win with these numbers is unreasonably large.
The only thing that changes that is some kind of new catastrophe developing over the next three days, and I’m sure plenty of people are going to try to make that happen. But we’re so close to the election that a lot of things might not even have time to get traction.
@Anya: He could have brought out a chair. Eastwood did wonders with one in 2012.
@JPL: The haters on FB are hilarious…yet they are watching the concert of course.
I contend that all the haters of Beyonce from the CMA are the same types who lust after her physically in private and who want want she had her husband has if they could it…
It’s that “they hate us cause they ain’t us” mentality…
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: We are already giving 110%!
I will second, or third, or whatever, a ++ for Dr. Strange. For me it’s usually Marvel > DC. Except huge props to the late Heath Ledger for his Joker. And Harley Quinn is the sexiest cartoon character ever. (Jessica forgive me.)
@lamh36: The same folks think that Trump is a billionaire.
Steeplejack (tablet)
For all his sins, Sully’s blog was my gateway to Balloon Juice in ’08.
Gin & Tonic
@Steeplejack (tablet): This is special stuff, like a golden ale aged in mezcal barrels, that sort of thing. A 10% abv Belgian quadruppel. You get the idea.
Agree. They hate us cuz they anus.
@Ruckus: @Steeplejack (tablet): Brooklyner Weisse one of my favorite beers…served with a lemon at The Scratcher in NYC. Went to the brewery’s Octoberfest event in Williamsburg many years ago…a very fun time.
Beyonce takes the stage
mike in dc
Looking like the big oppo dump the NeverTrump people were suggesting was imminent isn’t coming after all. The 24 hour news stations will go into repeats at 11pm EST. Sure, there are 3 more days, and 3 news cycles per day(morning, afternoon, evening), but this was the last effective time to do it. Multiple possible reasons no bomb dropped tonight:
1) There was nothing after all, it was just hype
2) It involved The Apprentice outtakes, and/or NDA agreements, and they either couldn’t get the outtakes or they couldn’t convince people to break their NDAs
3) The facts alleged in the stories couldn’t be timely verified(or ever verified) by the media who got the oppo
4) There was a strategic decision to not release the oppo
5) The people with the oppo don’t understand timing and just plan to dump it with no time to respond, like Monday night
6) The campaign caught wind of the oppo and moved to suppress it effectively
4 and 6 seem implausible to me. 5 is possible but unlikely. I think 1 is also unlikely, there probably was something actually. So the most likely explanation was that they couldn’t get the info, or they couldn’t confirm it with enough confidence to go forward with the story.
Oh well. She’ll win anyway. It would have been nice to have a ghost of a chance to flip the House, though.
@Mike J:
Not Ice T, lemonade, can’t you read?
Rachel just reported on some Bernie or Bust asshole in Washington State who says no matter the result he will not cast his electoral vote for Hillary. He is of course one of the 538 electors who actually elect the president. He says he thinks she is a criminal, and she doesn’t care about American Indians, he is Native American himself. WTF is wrong with these people!!!!
ETA: The penalty for not casting your vote the way your state voted is $1000, and he says he will pay it, but will NEVER vote for her.
Major Major Major Major
@Steeplejack (tablet): me too. Wonder what post it was?
Sitting in my (almost) empty apartment drinking wine out of a coffee mug. My only drinking vessel left. My friend Otto came and took all my kitchen stuff today. And on the way home from dinner in Manhattan I thought “Oh do I have a wine opener?” But yes I do. Cuz Otto is my friend. And of course he already had a wine opener. 11 days to liftoff.
@WaterGirl: so funny. Thanks for posting
@Mike J: I’m so old I remember when Ice T was a heavy metal head.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
Beyoncé taking stage in Cleveland
@hovercraft: It’s always something. Hopefully that won’t matter. But there needs to be a reckoning.
@Baud: People are putting real money on it. Then again, people put real money into
@WaterGirl: Glorious.
Did anyone here watch the recent Muppet Show on ABC? It got canned pretty fast, but I loved it. No idea why it didn’t do better.
Major Major Major Major
@hovercraft: New Hampshire Maine’s 2nd this guy constitutional crisis, 4992 other words. There I wrote all this weekend’s think pieces.
Sam Wang is on with Lawrence right now. Says basically no difference between 91 and 99 % probability. He’s now mathxplaining his methodology.
@dmsilev: Obama’s not a Time Lord, he just has a time machine.
@Baud: We should have listened to Baud!.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
In 08 I seem to recal hearing that “no candidate could win the White House without Missouri,” but now CNN is saying the same thing about Ohio. Do they just change these things or is there a science to this?
Omnes Omnibus
@Anya: Anal extraction.
Major Major Major Major
@Anya: no, they just sort of change them when they feel like it. Turn off CNN, watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend season one on Netflix or something.
I bet. Trump has electors too.
@Lizzy L: actually I was in LA last night for an overnight stay until my flight to Oakland today.
I’ll be in Hayward today and my birthday tomorrow. I’ll be checking out on Sunday and going to a motel in San Fran until my flight on Tuesday back to NOLA
It’s been Ohio that I’ve heard that said about the most, I also know that no republican has won the White House without it in something like 40 years. As far as I know Missouri hasn’t been a swing state in a while, though Obama made it close
Major Major Major Major
Are we allowed to direct our vitriol at this Bernie-or-buster, or is some delicate flower going to show up and ask if we don’t want their 13 million votes?
@Major Major Major Major: You don’t care about his fire?!
@hovercraft: I read about that guy. If nothing else, where does he get the infernal arrogance to decree that his personal feelings take precedence over the votes of several hundred thousand people that he’s declaring to be irrelevant?
mike in dc
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch:
The AP is reporting that Melania Trump worked in the US for 10 months before getting a work visa. 10 modeling gigs.
I doubt either of these is the big “bomb”, though they obviously are embarrassing for the Trump campaign.
@Anya: It’s half right. No Republican has ever won the WH without winning Ohio. It’s why Karl Rove went Looney Tunes on EN in 2012 when Ohio got called for Obama; everyone knew that was the ballgame for Romney’s chances. Democrats really don’t need it, but winning it pretty much slams the door on any Republican hopes (although this year if Hillary wins any of the tossups it’s over).
For some basic math, these are the eight top states electoral vote-wise; CA, TX, NY, FL, PA, OH, IL, and MI. Three of those (CA, NY, IL) are Democratic locks and two of them, while not quite locks, are pretty much sure things (PA, MI). The GOP can only count on one of them (TX and given the Hispanic vote, who knows how much longer). So to win, they need both of the big tossup states (OH, FL). They lose even one, it’s over.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
Illegal immigrant.
Lock her up!
Lizzy L
@lamh36: Ah, you missed a sterling sunset. Enjoy the visit, especially the stay in SF, and the travel. Can’t believe you’re traveling on Tuesday, but the news is the news wherever you hear it.
But hey…she not one of “those” illegals…cough…bullshit…cough…
Melania Trump modeled in U.S. prior to getting work visa | Getty
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: that’s absurd. The entire advantage of the metric system is that it only uses round numbers.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
JayZ: “Trump is not an evolved soul and he can not be our president” (Cleveland crowd roars).
Corner Stone
Holy shit. HRC dropping it for fucking real.
@Major Major Major Major: So true. CNN is trash.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
I wonder which Playboy model Baud! is having an affair with?
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch:
Ah shucky shucky now!!
How about them apples!!
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: All of them, Katie.
Major Major Major Major
@lamh36: Baaahahahahahahahahahaaahhhahaaaaaa
@Major Major Major Major:
How unbelievably undenocratic of that jerk. Wonder if he made any public comments about superdelegates.
Strip her citizenship!
Deport Melania!
I am trying not to laugh and wake my wife up. This is too rich.
Well dang everybody had the same Melania Trump story ready to go…lol
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
On this date in history …. (photo)
Trump hung Melania out to dry AGAIN. He had to know that stuff like this would come out when she was visible again.
Two things:
What a wonderful husband he is.
I think Melania is toast shortly after the election.
Mike in NC
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: Probably should read “Trump has no soul”.
@WaterGirl: What does that mean?
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: LOL should be a scandal but I’m just happy that Donald had a sexual encounter that appeared to be consensual.
(Baby steps for baby hands.)
Matt McIrvin
@Anya: No science to it, it’s stupid. Ohio was the critical tipping-point state that Kerry lost back in 2004, and Obama barely won it twice, but it’s polling more Republican than the electoral-vote median now, so it’s not the great bellwether.
According to’s “tipping-point state” list, the key is probably going to be Hillary winning either Florida, or NC, or both NH and Colorado–and she leads in at least three of them at the moment (NH is kind of questionable, though I suspect she’s going to pull through there too).
(I’ve been hearing encouraging chatter about early voting in Nevada, but he has it in Trump’s column; that could take the place of NH.)
The Republican electoral math necessitates a win in Ohio.
Missouri was once considered a belleweather but not any more.
David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch
@Baud: Melania is toast? I think their marriage is over. If he loses, and her surely must, I think he will blame her. She will be gone in a heartbeat, unless he decides to wait a bit for appearances sake.
Think I’m wrong?
@Matt McIrvin: NV appears to be locked in for Hillary per Jon Ralston. Clark County is headed for record turnout today and Hillary looks like she’ll have as big a firewall there if not larger than Obama’s in 2012.
Feel free to ignore polling on NV. They always seem to get it wrong, especially when it comes to Democratic support (partly due to underestimating Hispanic voters, partly because NV’s just a difficult state to poll).
@WaterGirl: Don’t know. I just didn’t know what you meant by “toast” in this context.
@WaterGirl: White privelege/rich man privelege…you get away with so much that you always think you will…til ya get caught!!
@Baud: If I am Melania, I don’t want to be in a room alone with Trump if he loses.
Christ. I didn’t think about that. She may not be a great person, but now I’m worried for her. Trump has clearly shown that when he feels weak, he hurts the nearest thing that can’t fight back, and particularly targets women.
Omnes Omnibus
Edited slightly.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Gin & Tonic:
Yes, I get it. Just felt the urge to throw in an opinion from the bottom of the craft-beer food chain.
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s for sure! :: shutters ::
Steeplejack (tablet)
I hate that ad.
@WaterGirl: right…didn’t the rape that was alleged to have happened to Ivana during her marriage to Trump when he had some sort of issue with hair loss or something?
@lamh36: yep.
edit: i think she made a deal with the devil in her marriage to trump, but no one deserves to be beaten or raped.
Steeplejack (tablet)
WTF? Are you channeling Corner Stone now?
@David ?▶️Bad Hombres▶️? Koch: well technically she came here as a tourist and worked illegal. So maybe that counts. Trump only cares about people who don’t pass through border control at the airport. Lying about why you’re here might not be an issue, as long as you’re not one of those lying Muslim refugees, who are totes living high on the hog on the UN dime but plead poverty so they can come here and plant bombs.
@Steeplejack (tablet): I seem to recall that being a standing joke from way back in the time of general stuck. Am I remembering incorrectly?
Mike in NC
Seems like nobody cares about Trump’s ex-prostitute Slovenian illegal immigrant trophy wife.
@Major Major Major Major:
I think for me it was the accumulation of several links to here—probably Cole political rants. I came here to read those, started browsing the comments and was pleasantly surprised to find an almost complete absence of the pure crap in a lot of other blogs’ comment sections. And then I noticed the blog content was not just politics. I started checking in here every day, and quite soon Balloon Juice was my home on the Web.
It always cracks me up that so many rappers’ real names are like Dana, Tracey, Sean, etc.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike in NC: She got a front page post on this very blog.
I have no such memory, but it could be true.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: IIRC, Stuck misspelled the word as he was wont to do. Corner Stone caught it and latched on as he is wont to do.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Ah. Good times.
@Omnes Omnibus: @Steeplejack: I am having a slightly tearful moment of silence for the general.
James E Powell
@Steeplejack: @Steeplejack:
Like Christopher Wallace, which is not that far from John Smith
My favorite though is Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr.
@redshirt: Yup, so old I saw Ice T perform with Body Count twice, once at the first Lollapalooza and once in NYC. NYC show was at the now defunct Ritz (formerly Studio 54) and it was great, first half was rap, second half was Body Count.