Here’s a bunch of wild turkeys in a meadow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many together in one place — usually they travel in much smaller flocks:
Did anyone read “Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk”? I have not, but I see they’ve made a movie of it. I heard it was a good book, but the movie clip I just saw contains a trope I wish filmmakers would retire as overused: folks flinching at the gunshots during a military funeral’s 21-gun salute. Just staaaahp already.
I envy those of y’all who are not in swing states. It’s like Trump and the Trump PACs are turning every smelly garbage can upside down on my TV. These are seriously the worst presidential-level ads I’ve ever seen — of the caliber usually reserved for ugly county commission knife fights. Tuesday can’t come quick enough to suit me.
So, Alabama vs. LSU or Georgia vs. Kentucky? I’ll be switching back and forth between the two.
Open thread!
Both, LSU-Bama on the pad, Dawgs on the bigun. Better than last Saturday night when I had 3 football games and the Cubbies!
Van Buren
Nebraska vs. OSU unless it’s a blowout.
I had a flock of about 30 turkeys – like 6 females and 24 babies – this past Spring. A sight to behold.
And it’s so weird to see them fly.
Got to think about my buddy who died in August, he lived in Eastern Kentucky for 30 years and became a big Wildcat fan. Here’s to you JA.
So what are the odds that drumpfs crappy commercials will xstill litter the airwaves like forgotten yard signs after the election…
Around here (NorCal / EastBay), wild turkeys travel in packs, and are generally obnoxious (esp. the males).
There were some news stories about a pack of wild turkeys terrorizing people on the streets of Brookline, Mass. Last year around this time I saw one on the sidewalk in Harvard Square, just looking in the window of the Harvard Bookstore at the books on display. I wonder which book it would have chosen?
Alison Rose
Hey, do any BJers consider themselves to be iPhone experts? I’m having an annoying problem that I feel like should be an easy fix, but futzing around on my phone and Googling hasn’t helped.
Worse still, try living in a swing state with a razor close Senate race and a shitstain Republican governor who has made himself about as popular as amoebic dysentery who the Kochtopus Empire is trying desperately to save.
Major Major Major Major
I have a picture from work that looks just like that, I’ll have to see if I can dig it up.
@Alison Rose: Back it up and restore it.
@Alison Rose:
I’ll take a crack at it. What’s the problem?
@Alison Rose: Describe the issue.
Totally with you on the terrible quality of the Trump ads we in the swing states are being subjected to! And the NRA ones are even worse, if that’s possible.
And why the fuck is PA a swing state? I think the last time PA went Republican in a presidential election was 1988. Pretty sure about that. If we haven’t gone GOP in thirty years, we are not a swing state.
As God is my witness. . . .
Betty Cracker
@Crashman06: Maybe a history of the Ottoman Empire?
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
I got an NRA robocall today that ended with “So get to the polls on Election Day and vote for Richard Burr. And while you’re there, vote for Pat McCrory.”
@Crashman06: The Chevalier Audubon, 1840 – the full set, of course.
TCU smashed Baylor 62-22! It is SO sweet to beat the Rapists and Ken Starr and take a 53-52-7 lead in the all-time series. Almost as sweet as the Cubbies.
@Alison Rose:
Did you buy the insurance? Drop it in the toilet & leave if for 20 minutes, retrieve it & take it back to the store
I’ve read that the movie of Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk was shot in 120 fps and ultra high definition. Which makes it very hard for people to watch because there’s so much detail. There’s a lot of interesting commentary on why that is and whether it will ever be possible for a movie to succeed in that format. My personal opinion is that when movie definition is so good that it looks just like real life, directors are going to have to do away with a lot of their editing and camera motion techniques. Because, you know, when you look out at the world, you don’t usually experience smash cuts or horizontal pans.
@Betty Cracker: Ha! This really did make me laugh! Thank you for some mirth in a time of great anxiety.
Oh and that photo looks like my sister’s back yard. Friday, she had 15 turkeys marching across the yard and 10 this morning.
Keith G
Home after cancer related radical, open prostatectomy. I have been amazed at how efficient the process is and how little discomfort I have felt since Thursday morning. Now, the home care part will be a bit more challenging as I will not have an amazing nursing staff (god they treated me well) keeping me going – catheters are not fun. Prognosis looks good, but the pathology report in two weeks will tell the tale.
All this after nine months (3 appointments) of slowly increasing PSA and then a biopsy. There is a moral to this story.
John Katko in central new York is blanketing YouTube with campaign ads about what a principled bipartisan centrist he is. Here’s hoping it’s a sign he is paying for waiting till pussygate to denounce Trump
I’m awaiting the start of a show by ‘the Jimi Hendrix of uilleann pipes’. I don’t see any fire extinguishers…
It’s afternoon here in Cali but it’s almost evening in NOLA! Got out a bit to see the Beautiful weather and pick up my birthday dinner and dessert!!!
Teriyaki Chicken & Shrimp and u can’t go wrong with chocolate cake!!!!
@divF: Also a good one, though I had to look it up to understand.
@Keith G: Good deal.
Alison Rose
LOL at some of you comedians :P
So, I’m trying to get a picture of myself for my new company to use on the staff page. (It’s a virtual office and a start-up, so it’s not like there’s a staff photog, and most of the other folks did it this way.) But the pics are all coming out low-res and small, like 90kb or less. I was told it needs to be a high-res pic of around 1MB. But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get full-size high-res pics. The camera settings on the phone have nothing about picture size, and no matter how I try to send it, it always ends up this tiny size.
So – is there a way to do this with the iPhone’s camera? I also tried a few apps but they only went up to about 400kb.
Thanks and sorry if this is a dumb question with an easy fix that I didn’t know :P
Betty Cracker
@Keith G: Glad you’re on the mend, and best of luck with your pathology report.
The Gophers beat perennial powerhouse Purdue and are well on their way to a 16 point drubbing at the Panama City Al’s Keys Made While You Wait Bowl at 2:00 EST the Tuesday after Christmas
He’s too cheap to pay extra.
Steve Schale’s Florida Update.
Through yesterday.
Things are looking good in Florida, so lets bring it home. GOTV
@Keith G:
Several survivors here, Let me be the first to wish you health.
Betty Cracker
@Alison Rose: Usually with my iPhone, when I take a pic and forward it via email, I’ll get a menu asking what size to send. Have you tried that?
White squirrels, flocks of wild turkeys – Betty, please tell us again why you’re moving…?
@Keith G:
Hope it all goes well for you. Just finished 9 weeks of radiation treatment instead of surgery.
I think if you strung all of Trump’s ads together, cut out the bits where he’s projecting his own behavior onto Clinton (and even onto Weiner, for Chrissakes), there would be nothing but blessed silence.
@Keith G: Good luck!
Major Major Major Major
This! this was the picture I was thinking of. Many many turkeys.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
I got one from Jerry Falwell, Jr. yesterday. I couldn’t stop laughing. Someone’s mailing lists suck.
Love the fire extinguisher joke! Give us a review, I am not aware of any uilleann pipers so it will be interesting to learn what you think. I love bag pipes so would give them a try.= if someone showed up here.
@Alison Rose: Are you using the front camera (the one on the same side as the screen) or the back camera? The front one has much lower resolution than the back. Also, when you attach photos to email messages in iOS, there’s a size option to select. Make sure to select ‘Actual Size’ (that’s OS10; I think it’s the same wording for previous versions), otherwise the picture will get scaled down when emailing.
Emailed photos from my iPhone 6 run about 1.4 MB for full size; newer phones will generate somewhat bigger photos (higher-res camera) and older ones a bit smaller.
@Keith G:
Best wishes for a good and quick recovery.
I’d known for over a yr that I had cancer before the treatment started. Second biopsy, serious infection, MRI, bone scan, consultations, etc, etc. Now is the second tough part for both of us, waiting to see if we were successful.
Betty Cracker
@CaseyL: To fulfill my husband’s ambition to become a gentleman farmer. We plan to stay in the same general area, just a bit further out in the sticks.
Betty Cracker
@Major Major Major Major: Nice! It’s a very similar scene, apart from the mountains!
Not sure but I understand one side of the cookies there makes you larger & the other side makes you small
@debbie: I was thinking incompetent, sore loser tantrum, take my tiny balls and go home without turning out the lights behavior…but yeah, NOBODY’S going to get paid, so it’s not likely.
@Keith G:
Glad to hear it all went well, make sure you take it easy. Hugs.
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: :)
I was super freaked out TBH. It was like something out of The Birds. Right by the office.
@Major Major Major Major:
almost seems like the same flocks!
They have almost gotten out of hand here in MN after being nearly extinct in the wild. The odd part about that is they used to be very shy and it was rare to actually see them though I heard them in the woods. Now they are parading around in traffic in several suburbs. They may become like the geese, annoying poop machines, at this rate.
@Keith G: Sending you good vibes during ur recovery time
@Schlemazel: Far out, man!
I read the book, liked it, and would recommend it. I have not seen the movie and most likely won’t, mainly because I am not that much of a movie person.
Was hoping to catch you out and about. You might find some of this rundown of passing interest.
Also was curious about your well-informed opinion of Busoni’s musical output.
Major Major Major Major
@Keith G: Welcome home!
@Schlemazel: I was in the suburbs of Burlington MA at a red light and got surrounded by a flock of turkeys, one of which was pecking at my driver’s door. If I wasn’t so calm and collected I might have freaked out.
Just remember what the door mouse said.
@Keith G:
Wishing you a swift, full, and comfortable recovery.
The funniest 7 seconds of Trump
Man how time flies! #NiecyZoe slaying all the other babies this morning!!??
He might do something like that a few days after his loss has been certified.
Steeplejack (tablet)
Happy big four-oh! Saw your mention last night.
Adam L Silverman
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: I just saw Dana Mah Gunns! doing an NRA ad at the end of FX’s showing Captain America The First Avenger.
Had a similar experience in Golden Valley, MN. One just stood there staring at me as if “What ya gonna do about it, punk?
I keep thinking wild turkey might make an interesting, if less meaty, Nov. 24
We have a huge turkey problem in my town and I live in the path of one of the bigger flocks. But they look so cute as little chicks and once in a while, I get a nice pic of them.
Alison Rose
@Betty Cracker: Yeah, I saw that mentioned a lot of other places, but my phone never gives me the choice, whether I use the iMail or gmail or what. It just attaches it without asking.
@dmsilev: See above – I don’t know why but my phone does not give me the size choices when emailing.
HOWEVER I did notice that using the regular facing camera worked…….except it’s hard as fuck to take a selfie that way when you can’t see where your head is in the shot or if you look stupid. I had to do it like 20 times. Hopefully one of them will be suitable enough :P
@Schlemazel: Go see Doctor Strange in Imax3D?
Will do, trippy little mouse!
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: I’ve known Dan Smith for over 14 years since I was a post doc at UF and he was an assistant professor. If he’s saying this is what’s happening its happening.
I guarantee it would kill and eat you, if it could.
All over Iowas there are white guys saying, “Thats not fly even for a white guy”
When my cat saw a hen turkey and five adolescent cutlets (about 2 1/2 feet high, not little helpless fluffies) she tried stalking them. Or herding them. I couldn’t tell which.
All I know is that she slipped out the door when I wasn’t looking, and two minutes later these turkeys were leaving the yard, with her several feet behind.
People say they have an attitude. It was the tortiest tortieshell thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@debbie: What made me cackle was the “Oh, yeah, vote for McCrory, too” afterthought.
It seemed appropriate for a thread where any artist was identified as “The Jimi Hendricks” of thier craft.
Doug R
@Alison Rose: You need to take a mirror selfie and find an app to flip it, or find a friend who takes decent pictures.
Here’s one fast asleep.
@Steeplejack (tablet): thank you ?
@hovercraft: and @Adam L Silverman:
These figures always confuse me. All the details look like we’re kicking historic ass, then it gets down to ‘A +.3% lead! Yay!’
I could see 8-10 of them ganging up on a human. Beady-eyed killers they are.
I am trying to figure out why a man threatening me with a knife will get me to buy whatever Sling is.
I thought it was a one word name but spelled it with two “o”s so gave up
Have a happy.
@Schlemazel: They’re dinosaurs, basically, so yeah, if they could eat you, they would.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Pat Toomey is running ads featuring PBO thanking him for his work on gun control.
I thought he was buying himself a primary when he supported those laws
@Keith G:
Wishing you a full recovery.
@CaseyL: To get away from the squirrels?
Iowa Old Lady
I read Billy Lynn. Good book. I hadn’t heard there was a movie.
The end for Schlitz beer came from a commercial known in the trade as “Take my beer and I will kill you”. Maybe Sling is on its way under & wants to speed the process?
A batch of genuinely hopeful stuff to help people get to Tuesday safely…
Plenary 7 – Short-Term Politics Versus Long-Term Returns – Lessons From History
You won’t believe a talk with a name like that can be this cool, but it’s Mark Blyth. It’s from two months ago. He’s outlining a path toward a more well-balanced global future, and some of his fears re: Trump seem to have not come true (at the time, he gave Trump 60% chance of winning. It’s far from that, now)
A Greek-American friend posted this one: Hillary is pushing for debt relief for Greece. This is HUGELY significant. The thing is, Greek austerity was pretty much about bailing out and de-levering Eurozone banks which profoundly overinvested in Greece and got burned, and the important thing there is that it worked: banks are FAR less levered than they were, and the banksters got away successfully with the money.
What’s striking about Hillary seeking debt relief for Greece is that it’s her taking on the mantle of a political position/problem that is the opposite of what people have called ‘neoliberal’. It’s a sort of trial balloon, and yeah I know that to Juicers it’s annoying to even say the N-word but there are those of us looking for every sign we can get, to convince us she’s determined to go a different way than that. All the Bernie-or-Busters would’ve insisted no way Hillary would ever side with Greece against the banksters, but (conveniently after most of that story has played out) this is what we’re seeing.
Combine those two links and the picture is of a Hillary who’s gonna win, and who’s gonna do what’s needed politically, with a clear vision and a fearless attitude. I think we may be looking at our new FDR. The upside gains here are amazingly high. All she has to do is not be a Jill Stein voter’s parody of herself: and it’s plain that she’s way smarter than that.
@ThresherK: English shepherds have been using tortie cats for centuries.
Steeplejack (tablet)
Deviated septum.
Major Major Major Major
@Frankensteinbeck: +.3% in Florida is a Democrat kicking historic ass…
Adam L Silverman
@Frankensteinbeck: So one of the issues is, in the case of early and by mail (absentee ballot) voting in FL (and other places) is we know who voted. We have a breakdown of voting by party affiliation. We have a breakdown of who voted by demographic – this latter one is done through surveying/sampling. What we don’t have is ballots counted. Each county elections board has that data and is prohibited from releasing it until Tuesday night. So, I think, that’s where the discrepancy is coming from – its in the difference between who has voted by party and what we know about demographics from a form of exit polling. We won’t know for sure until Thursday.
Samba makes me happy.
@Adam L Silverman:
I want him to get less EV’s than Romney got, I hope the Florida results come out by 7.30 or 8, along with the NC result, I want him to realize that those democrats in name only switched parties to vote for him in the primary, but had long ceased to be democrats, so they didn’t add to his vote count, but his disparagement of Mexicans has brought about his defeat. Let him sit and watch the returns all night, with an ever increasing awareness of just how integral Latinos are to his defeat. Someone on TV earlier said that Latinos are building a wall around the White House that he can’t scale, they are going to keep him out.
@Keith G: Take care and remember that Wednesday will be morning in America.
I’m with her.
@geg6: No, you are not. I spend a lot of time in NEPA at our vacation trailer and see a lot of Trump signs. But this county – Lackawanna – went for Obama with 63% in 2012. Ain’t no way Clinton significantly underperforms that and if she wins here, she wins PA. And she will.
Iowa Old Lady
@Adam L Silverman: I heard the guy who did the Florida survey showing 28% of Rs were crossing over. They apparently got the names of people who early voted and surveyed them by phone.
Major Major Major Major
…next to his illegal immigrant wife.
Adam L Silverman
@different-church-lady: Because if you don’t he’ll cut you long, wide, and deep!
Apart from the Bach transcriptions, and an abridged recording of Doktor Faust, I must confess I’m not all that familiar with Busoni. I don’t dislike his music at all; he’s just clearly never grabbed my attention.
I am pretty sure I read (or at least referred to chunks of) his book The Essence of Music in my student days.
Wish I could be more useful. Curious as to what prompts your question, if you don’t mind saying.
Love the list of composer weirdnesses!
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That is not going to play well in the parts of PA where he needs support.
If Trump loses Florida, you will be in the God King of all Schadenfreude situations, although alas it will surely not be on camera. He will have lost early, know he’s lost, be told he’s lost, but his towering ego will construct scenarios of his victory where he wins California or whatever. Trump will spend the entire rest of the night slowly getting twitchier and more defensive, until he reaches the point where even he can’t lie to himself, and he explodes in rage and whining.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Keith G, @Ruckus:
Sending good thoughts to both of you for your continued recovery.
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: The only person I’d trust more would be Richard Scher, but he’s now emeritus. He’s forgotten more about Florida politics, and elections, and electoral rules than most people know.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
It seemed to be going around on RW twitter that the goal is to get more EV’s than Romney, some kind of nanny-nanny-boo-boo argument for the upcoming GOP civil war? /he typed hopefully
@Adam L Silverman: I was wondering if thats’ for those fabled Philly suburbs while the NRA runs “She wants your guns!” ads in Pennsyltucky
Adam L Silverman
@Iowa Old Lady: That was the TargetSmart/William & Mary survey about a week ago. I’ve looked through the actual write up, I didn’t see anything funky, but others have called some of the findings into questions. Should that number hold up not only will Clinton win, but Murphy will unseat Rubio, and I’d expect some turnover among House seats as well. We have to wait to see.
@raven: I just saw that Last Tango in Halifax was cancelled. Bastards!
I came in on the show last season, but they have started showing the series at the beginning – one episode every week. It was a good show even just coming into it with no backstory, but it’s interesting to be watching from the beginning. I had assumed they were an old married couple for decades.
I’m bummed to see that it’s cancelled.
I think that bunker movie that has been meme’d to death pretty much indicated those hours. I may stay up till the wee hours just to be there IF he concedes. I did that in 08 because I was not going to sleep through the election of our first President of color. This one, while important because of the next historic win, I want to taste their sweet, sweet, tears.
@Frankensteinbeck: Sadly for fans of schadenfreude, it may take a while for Florida to be called. I think the panhandle still closes their polls an hour after most of the the state, so nothing will happen until 8 Eastern at the earliest, and unless it’s a complete blowout the networks will wait until a reasonable fraction of the vote is counted before making the call.
Chris T.
@NotMax: Well, yes, but it’s not just a dormouse, it’s The Dormouse.
I have recorded an episode or two but haven’t watched it yet.
@lamh36: OMG too too cute!
Almost neighbors. Lived for quite a while in Pike County.
Was funny every time happened to find myself at the bus station in Scranton, hearing the announcement of the stops for a certain bus route. Between the abysmal sound quality of the P.A. speaker and the desultory pronunciation of the announcer, Shickshinny came out sounding like Sh*t City.
@Schlemazel: [searches “Schlitz wilderness man”]
[watches commercial]
Holy mother of….
So, aside from the whole thing being incredibly badly executed, the single biggest mistake was having the actor address the camera directly. It’s like, “Whoah! Dude! This wasn’t even my idea!” Did this agency not understand even the entry-level fundamentals of cinematic language?
Hmmm. From previous Trump experience, the most likely scenario is that he gives a concession speech. He has two or three dignified, presidential, ‘I accept my loss and congratulations to the winner’ sentences. Then he veers off into whining, insults, threats, and takes it all back.
@NotMax: ? thank you
@WaterGirl: I have been. It’s nuts, very uneven and I simply don’t see the guy playing Dirk as Dirk, but it’s weirdly intriguing. Can’t say it’s good, but intriguing. Like fermented tofu.
all snark and cynicism aside, this is legit a nice lil clip!
Hilary Clinton – Story of this campaign
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@WaterGirl: I liked the first one. Plus it has a Corgi.
Chris T.
@WaterGirl: Yes, it’s been very interesting / entertaining so far.
@OGLiberal: Yet another ground hog day discussion. Every prez election they say PA is a swing state and everytime they are wrong.
PA is a swing state because it went GOP in 1988 and the population in the western half and some of the middle of the state are, to put it bluntly, Dumb as a Sack of Hammers. That makes it right up there with Kentucky and West Virginia as a swing state should the east half of the state fall into the Atlantic.
@different-church-lady: Hey hey easy pal! Keep your Schlitz. And your gusto. I was just watching Happy Days here!
Tweet from Jon Ralston in NV, commenting on NV GOP Chair whining about late voting hours.
“A certain group.” This from NV GOP Chair @McDonaldNV, who also has funneled tens of thousands of party donations into personal slush fund.
‘ Chris GeidnerVerified account
@chrisgeidner Chris Geidner Retweeted Igor Bobic
Nevada GOP Chair, Trump rally: “Last night, in Clark County, they kept a poll open until 10 o’clock at night so a certain group could vote.” ‘
Two things. One, nice ‘outreach’ by GOP two and a half days before election. I hope his comment does get more ‘a certain group’ out to vote next Tuesday in NV.
Two: slam on the NV GOP Chair’s ethics is typical Ralston. He’s got some info on everybody in the state and loves to let everyone know when the time is right. A little touch o’ Harry in Ralston? Anyway, he is very influential in NV, though his showwas canceled recently. Not sure why. I need to ask my NV connections what he’s been doing for money lately. Think he still has his newsletter and doing web based documentaries and shows.
As an ex-Sanders megdonor, I should hate his guts, since he is supposed to be the HRC goon who started story about Berners throwing chairs at the state convention, but what the heck… things get crazy during the primaries.
@Frankensteinbeck: I’m hoping for crazed election night Tweets.
Betty Cracker
@hovercraft: I like the analogy to a wall of Latino votes. I want Trump to realize everyone he denigrated — Latinos, women, African Americans, people with disabilities, etc., banded together to kick his sorry ass to the curb. Sadly, he likely lacks the self-awareness to comprehend it.
Something recently pointed me to the tarantella movement of his Pantagruelian piano concerto, complete with the sheet music so one could see how fussy his composition was.
@Schlemazel: He’s good. Here’s a u tube link.
Here’s my favorite bagpiper, she’s from Spanish Galicia, plays the gaita; Spanish Celtic bagpipes (lung not bellows.)
I would so love it if Latinos could be the reason he loses, almost as much as I would love it if women could be the cause of his downfall. He has denigrated both to such an extent that he deserves complete humiliation from both segments of our population.
The Golux
@Keith G:
No fucking shit. If you start to get a burning sensation, call your doctor; it’s probably a UTI, which is no picnic. I didn’t realize I had one until a day or two before the catheter removal.
The removal itself was, shall we say, eye-opening.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
ETA: Nope, looks like the Trump rally in Reno.
CRAP! I had forgotten all about it being on! I hope my
trustycable company is offering it on the on-demand feature.Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Unlikely. I honestly don’t have any idea who he thinks he’s going to positively reach with that ad. I have a large idea of everyone he’s going to piss off with it though. The first day of hunting season is a state holiday in PA. Schools are closed as are municipal and state offices. USAWC also builds it into the Thanksgiving recess because at least half the faculty and staff and probably 2/3 of the students would all have a 24 hour case of the flu or something.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It’s the Trump rally.
A bunch of bigots and racists, IOW.
A likely scenario! Certainly once the first state he couldn’t win without is called against him, he will grow increasingly crazed. Tweets are an option, although I’m sure his staff will be trying to divert him into some other compulsive behavior that’s less public.
@Betty Cracker:
That would be a beautiful thing.
bagpipes? Did someone say bagpipes. Here’s some bagpipes.
The beginning almost caused me to seize up, but it’s getting better now.
Hungarian bagpipe & hurdy-gurdy music
Edit: …ummm… what kind of ungodly squeaks is that guy with the big black bagpipe making, and why!? Oh God, why!?
George Carlin once said, “I have known for a long time that ad agency people do a lot of drugs. Given what companies are now approving from agencies it is obvious they are doing a lot of drugs too.
Saw that commercial during an NFL game & thought, “WTFF? Do these people WANT to lose customers?”
Apparently fight breaks out near Trump speaking in Reno. SS rushes Trump off stage. Small melee ensues. Person(s) escorted out by SS & camo cops.
Trump still not back out.
If the Pasta Goddess exists, someone on the catering staff will film the entire thing for posterity, or perhaps like Romney, Trump will be filming the night for his historic win, and they will leak the tape. A girl can wish. I want to see him lose, I need to see him lose dammit !!
ETA: Republicans usually win the vote by mail, whereas the dems win early in person, the dems overtaking them before the final weekend with the biggest weekend still to come is a huge boost, plus the dems still have a lot more VBM ballots still out, all good signs that make that + 0.3 look great.
Steeplejack (tablet)
My provider, Cox, has it on demand.
And there’s a new episode on BBC America right now!
@ruemara: @Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: @Chris T.: Sounds like I should give it a shot, then! Besides, its’ BBC America and they have a pretty good track record.
Matt McIrvin
@hovercraft: Hmm… That last bit is actually not reassuring to me: if so many of those Democrats from last time were not real Democrats, how many of these Democratic voters still aren’t real Democrats?
Still, Obama (barely) won last time, so running ahead of 2012 is a good sign. It’s also consistent with the polls. Florida was absolutely impossible to call in the endgame in 2012; this time it’s got a distinct blue lean.
Except, oddly, in 538’s model, which is freaking people out. It looks like what’s happening there is that some of the highest-ranked polls in their collection are actually pretty old, and then they apply this trend adjustment to them to attempt to correct for Comeygate, which adds several points for Trump.
In one way I am hoping he thinks he has nothing to lose & just unloads with the full on insane rancid cheeto scream fest. If he directs that at the GOP it would be ideal. But I fear that having a speech like that might unleash the loons that support him. If the end result from that is violence against minorities or other decent people my other fantasy is that he has a hysterical crying breakdown and has to be helped off stage by his boys because he is crying so hard he can’t walk.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
ETA: from Cole’s tweet, looks like that charming get is the chair of the state party. Gov Sandoval? Your response…?
ETA: Trump is back to talking so I guess it’s not too soon for me to laugh at that footage of Trump being hustled off the stage
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yep, here’s a link with video:
@Matt McIrvin: 538 seems to be running a model based forecast running off of polling aggregates, where the various judgments are put into math and inserted into the model on the fly, with no possibility of any validation. I don’t think a reliable approach. Might be right, but probably high variance and lots of noise from intrusively inserted judgments.
Wang has forecast elements too, but he clearly separates out the current poll aggregate and the forecast, and the forecast is pretty straightforward statistical forecasting, and you can see the guts of what he does. I trust Wang more than 538.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
People reporting gun pulled at Reno.
@Schlemazel: I see that episode 3 is recording as we speak. I have the first 3 episodes on my Tivo box and haven’t watched them yet, so if your cable company lets you down, just come on over and watch them with me. Your lovely wife is invited, also.
Steeplejack (tablet)
CNN and MSNBC covering it, showing footage.
ETA: Fox joining in.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: Something something just to watch him die….
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: MSNBC says protestor.
Ugh. Michael Moore back on MSNBC.
@The Golux:
I skipped right over that part. I cath daily because of an F’ed up bladder. Different doctors are giving different theories on how it came to be (it held a gallon the first time they figured out what was wrong). Just getting over my first UTI in a couple of years but there are a whole bunch of other issues that make it a treat.
Last doctor was sure he was going to have to resect the bladder the new one (who is also the Prof for Urology at MN Med school) says no need and he thinks he can ween me off the caths also so I have my fingers crossed.
Amaranthine RBG
So I left the SF Bay Area on Wednesday and came here to Reno to volunteer for Clinton. GOTV is what wins elections, right?
I also signed up on the Trump website and indicated I wanted to volunteer – just so I could be a sense of what sort of ground game he had here on the ground. The good news, he doesn’t seem to have a ground game. No contact from them except to solicit for donations. I looked around and found a PAC that was supporting him where you could get signs if you want but nothing other than that.
In comparison, at just one of the Clinton field offices here, there were about 10-15 people staffing it just to coordinate a the volunteers pouring in. I have no idea how many people are actually on the ground for Clinton in Reno but I am going to guess that it is at least 100 through just the one field office. Very well organized, excellent targeted data getting canvassers to hone in on potential voters. The first day, I was thinking – fuck Nate Silver – there is no way that his forecast can take this into account.
But now that I have spent a few days here actually doing the field work, I am not so sure. The appreciable yield I get from a list of 50-60 potential in person contacts is, maybe, 1 or 2 votes. Most people aren’t home, lots have moved, and there are a few refusals for anyone that will actually speak to you. And I got the sense that people I contacted successfully, would have been voting for Hillary even if they had never been contacted.
And now the cherry on top, you can’t even get through downtown because Trump is in town for a rally.
I don’t have the big picture and I am probably just tired and grumpy, but I am not encouraged.
@Schlemazel: I just hit the wikipedia page for Schlitz, because I always wondered what happened to it. My guess is a big part of the problem is Schlitz probably gave the agency about five bucks to do the campaign.
Oddly enough I love the hurdy-gurdy also. I think it is the drone thing that is appealing.
Adam L Silverman
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: Given that they have metal detectors at these things and everyone has to go through them and then, if necessary, get wanded, I find that hard to believe.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Adam L Silverman: Unless…. oh never mind.
@Amaranthine RBG: First of all, thanks. Second, I think your experience is not unusual. Glad to hear about Clinton’s organization.
@Betty Cracker:
I want all us old white guys who voted for her, against him to let him know as well. Actually I want every person in the country who voted for her to stand up Wednesday morning at the same time and laugh at him. And his supporters.
Dueling bagpipes.
@jl: I agree. It seems odd to me that Al Giordano is being so touchy about criticism of 538 right now. Thought I can see that support 538 predictions benefits Al G’s stance, which is stop fretting and GOTV.
Still, it seems a bit ingenuous to me because it doesn’t seem possible that Al can’t see the issues with 538 this year.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I saw that the realists in the campaign have this as a goal, but I also heard today that his two ‘pick up’ states Iowa and Ohio are beginning to look shaky, if that holds and he loses NC and AZ, he could be even lower than McCain. Sheriff Joe may cost him Arizona because he is so hated in the Latino community he is bringing out people who never vote, who are not being accounted for in any of the polling. That’s why even though the polls are closer in Georgia, they have not spent any time or money there but have in AZ.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: ballcap or no ballcap?
@Adam L Silverman: Not on yet. The Trump rally scare may have bumped him.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
…yes? I mean, people getting to vote is close to the definition of freedom. So the more, the more free.
But I understand. His base do not feel like their votes count if it is possible for non-whites to outvote them. They don’t even need to individually win all the time, but their group must always be the one making the decisions. If outsiders can tell them what to do, they are not free.
Omnes Omnibus
@Matt McIrvin:
332 to 206 is not barely winning.Never mind. I misread the comment.
@The Golux:
I was, shall we say, fully informed about the surgery before I made my decision. It wasn’t too difficult for me to go, I can do 9 weeks, 250 miles of travel each week, missing half of work for that time, to give radiation a shot. Hopefully we all made the choices that work best for each of us.
Yes they will wait for the panhandle to close, but if as they are predicting 67 to 70 % of the votes are cast prior to Tuesday, those ballots will be counted by the time the panhandle closes, and if the Latino vote is as lopsided as expected, even with Cuban Americans he is only winning 49 to 42, they will call it almost right away.
ETA: Plus once the polls close they will start to show the actual returns, so we will have a very good idea of which way it’s going.
@NotMax: Thanks, try it out when I recover from the Hungarian squaks. Man, some of that was weird.
@Schlemazel: Interesting music, but I wonder if some it might trigger seizures of some sort.
@WaterGirl: Stop fretting (or gloating) and GOTV should be motto no matter what the polls say. So I don’t see what this Al guy is so sensitive about. His argument will fall apart if the polls looked a little better, But that would mean shouldn’t push GOTV hard? No way. Always GOTV come election time.
The beer industry in the US was undergoing a lot of change & consolidation. The big guys, Miller & Bud, were picking up market share at the expense of all the smaller, often regional, breweries. The economics of beer is pretty simple, if you are operation at 100% you can’t lose money, if you are nearer 70% you can’t make it (reducing the price of your beer actually hurts sales because people believe there is something wrong with cheap beer). Schiltz was the national brand that died first & it was a big deal. Dozens and dozens of regionals like Hamms, Heilamann’s and Black Label followed. A smart operator bought up a bunch of them and continued to brew the local stuff while using their surplus capacity to brew Olympia and for a time Special Export as national brands. It worked for a while but that failed as they could not spend with the piss-water giants in St, Louis and Milwaukee. Failing companies make many mistakes, mostly try to do things on the cheap like advertising.
Not sure I understand Ralston’s latest tweets, but apparently the NV GOP Chair went on a rant at Trump rally about rigged and unfair elections, and election fraud, because quite a few NV polling places were open past 10 PM last night, just so a ‘certain group’ could vote.
Of course, the polls were open late in strict accordance with NV state voting laws and regulations.
Ralston: ‘What a moron, what a racist!’ and predicts in a small pop state like NV, that crap will be very loudly heard by Hispanics in time for election day.
Thankfully though Philly and it’s collar counties and Pittsburg out west are full of people with brains who save it from sliding into the abyss. Also too the lack of opportunity in the middle of the state, which is what is feeding their discontent, is also draining the population, so in spite of it it being very similar in demographics to Ohio, it is older and pretty white, PA is more affluent and better educated, and Philly is a bigger city.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: here’s what the guy said:
I see that The Librarians is returning for season 3 later this month.
You can probably guess from all this talk about TV that I am kind of electioneer-out at the moment.
One more.
Now that’s a BAGpipe.
I am totally out of Give a Damn for them. Maybe they should stop electing TeaBagging conservative assholes and maybe they should look around and realize it is 2016 not 1916 and coal is a dying industry.
@NotMax: Crikely. Is that goat still alive?
@Adam L Silverman: I agree with Ralston. Except Ralston forgot ‘whiner’.
That’s very cute.
I was actually expecting this.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: Trump then followed it up with people being bused in to commit voter fraud. And the Nevada GOP chair also included a line about “those people funding this”. Those people would be Jews. The Trump campaign released a very anti-Semitic add earlier this evening before the event.
Well, Western PA with the pretty huge exception of Pittsburgh. Love my city!
@WaterGirl: Not that it matters, but that was supposed to be “electioned-out”.
impressive rack on that goat! He seems very docile though to let the guy carry him like that.
Right there with you. Idiots around here are totally buying into Trump’s bullshit about bringing back all the jobs from the old steel industry. Like the people in the “T” who think there is a war on coal, they are totally ignorant to the fact that it’s not 1963 anymore.
@Adam L Silverman:
And yet Sheldon Adelson and Jared Kushner are still stuck like glue to him. The lure of power in one case, and the need to ensure the continued viability of your Macau cas!nos is obviously paramount.
Late to say I read “Billy Lynn” and thought it was really good. I’m not impressed with the trailers. Way too much Iraq footage. It’s occasional flashbacks in the book while the soldiers try to deal with all the faux-patriotism dreck from the NFL. Scenes with the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders were great, though.
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: And his speechwriter and chief strategist Stephen Miller who is on loan from Senator Sessions.
I shall make a point of hearing it and finding the score! Thanks for the tip.
That’s where my mom grew up and my son lives. I always use Carville’s explanation to describe PA to out of staters:
“Philly on the right, Pittsburgh on the left, Alabama up the middle.”
/from South Alabama-up-the-middle/
@WaterGirl: My husband and I have seen 2 episodes now and it is growing on me. Give it a try!
@Adam L Silverman:
Not everyone lives their heritage or their visible ethnicity. Some actually try hard to run away from it. Of course some are just morons being another explanation.
M. Bouffant
In the civilized world, we’ve been watching Oregon State at Stanford, Oregon at U.S.C., & now Washington at Cal., proving once again that the real divide in this nation is not along the Mason-Dixon line but the Rocky Mtns.
@geg6: Yup. When you look at a map after a presidential election, PA looks very red, except for the following relatively small areas: Philly, Erie, Pittsburgh, Scranton-Wlikes Barre, Harrisburg. You know, where people live.
This is one of the cool things about Portland and probably the northwest in general. There are so many breweries and an audience to consume the beers that one possibly doesn’t even need national distribution to turn a profit.