Trump is being loudly booed at his polling place
— E McMorris-Santoro (@EvanMcS) November 8, 2016
Donald Trump makes good on his promise to have Election Day observers monitoring immigrants
— Freddie Campion (@FreddieCampion) November 8, 2016
Like father, like son
— Nathan McDermott (@natemcdermott) November 8, 2016
its 5:45 and Kellyanne Conway tells @chucktodd she's disappointed she didn't have the full support of the Republican party.
— Katy Tur (@KatyTurNBC) November 8, 2016
Worth noting that the Trump campaign doesn't know anymore about what's happening than the average cable viewer
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) November 8, 2016
Guy railing against illegal immigrants in Dade elections office is demanding to vote though he missed voter-registration deadline
— Marc Caputo (@MarcACaputo) November 8, 2016
CNN's Jake Tapper: Trump is lying about nationwide voting machine problems.
— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) November 8, 2016
Trump just said on Fox he's heard reports of voter fraud: "It's happening at various places…It's been reported."
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) November 8, 2016
I assume if there were freaks w guns outside polling places, we'd know (via Twitter) by now.
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) November 8, 2016
I never worried about it. Blowhards afraid to be around black people, too infirm to do it, & nobody to organize them
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) November 8, 2016
On Election Day, Trump still signaling he may not accept results
— andrew kaczynski (@KFILE) November 8, 2016
Thanks to @RileySnyder, we now see exactly what Trump is asking for: ballots to be sequestered until challenge is done. What clowns.
— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) November 8, 2016
Here's what Trump campaign in NV is asking for in early voting suit filed today
— Riley Snyder (@RileySnyder) November 8, 2016
In lawsuit, Trump campaign alleges Registrar's actions "very much appear to have been intentionally coordinated with Democratic activists."
— Megan Messerly (@meganmesserly) November 8, 2016
Judge reads lawsuit and says, in disbelief, "What are you asking for?"
— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) November 8, 2016
One of @realDonaldTrump 's volunteer "observers" outside a Columbus polling place this morning
— Robert Nedelkoff (@robtned) November 8, 2016
As the day begins, Chuck Todd fires up the ol' computer and opens the headline file he made 15 months ago
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) November 8, 2016
Note which organization paid for this poll…
Final Gravis/Breitbart (R) Poll
Clinton +8Virginia/Michigan
Clinton +5Nevada
Clinton +2Florida/NC
HRC +1— Political Polls (@PpollingNumbers) November 8, 2016
Yet CNN is reporting Trump’s claim of high white turnout.
The Weather Channel has devoted this evening to Escape the Election. They are broadcasting claiming scenery with music.
Two things I’m looking forward to tonight:
1. Darrell Issa weeping again.
2. Sarah Palin seething with resentment as Mike Pence gives his ticket’s concession speech.
Poor sad small fingered shit sack. The results are not even in yet and he’s already trying to blame voter fraud, and anything else they can pull out of their asses, for the coming humiliation. What a pathetic human being.
David ?▶️?Blue Wall?▶️? Koch
Trump is just cheating off his wife’s test.
I admit, I’m confused by the racist asshole’s t-shirt. When did the Clintons stop being white?
I’m getting nervous, I think she’s got it, but ther are a lot of deplorables out there.
Speaking of sad, angry, little men: my ex sent me a weird rambling letter this afternoon, telling me how “ecstatic” he was with his new life, and rehashing a bunch of stuff he told me recently he would never rehash. Seeing as he’s a dyed-in-the-wool Republican, I think this is a result of his existential dread at what he sees as the obvious outcome of today’s election. Much like Trump, he’s gone unhinged. Go Hillary!
Those photos of Trump and his son making sure their wives votes ‘correctly’ fill me with a visceral anger. Why this more than all the other bullshit, I don’t know, but it enrages me.
I’m still working my way through South Park Season 19. PC Principal, brah!
Fuck Trump and Fuck the Republican Party.
Good day!
All right, getting close to results time.
As the Joker said in the Dark Knight, “Here we go…”
@Mnemosyne: I think they’re the wrong type of white. Somehow.
Sarah Palin was in a northern suburb of Columbus last night (Powell) making a last-minute pitch. Watching the news report, she was as word-salady as ever.
The Dangerman
I don’t think Melania ever wanted to be First Lady and I could see her voting for someone other than Hubby (it’s NY, as if it matters).
Now there’s a Breitbart poll? Since Breitbart is run by Bannon, Trump’s campaign CEO, isn’t this an obvious conflict of interest (not being facetious)?
Voters in Azusa, California, who need to get to two polling places in downtown can’t. There’s been a shooting and an active shooter protocol is in place.
There is no indication the shooting is connected to the polling places but it has still meant those voters are stuck.
Clinton is what Obama wants, will work in favor of brown people, and Trump is specifically the candidate for whites, not just white himself. All of those things justify the shirt in the conservative mind.
They really, really lost their shit at Obama being elected.
Turn out appears way up in Florida; obviously due to massive influx of old, white males … wait, more likely to be a very high Hispanic turn out. Either way McCain is helped by … wait, wrong election. Maybe Hillary does take Florida by a larger margin than I had even hoped for. Maybe.
Pete Downunder
Just a reminder to ex-pats in the land down under – Democrats Abroad having election gatherings at Morrison Hotel in Sydney and Pig n Whistle Eagle Street in Brisbane, starting about now. I’m off to the Pig n Whistle shortly.
@jacy: Indeed. Sounds insecure. If you want to play the game, you could respond with a choice Hillary photo or quote.
I don’t recall but has it been actually confirmed that Trump voted before? If his kids never bothered that suggests a lot. Lack of participation runs in the family.
@Mnemosyne: He means get lets evict the Kenyan.Take it back and sweep away the black cooties.
Leave it to MSNBC to help Kellyann through her ordeal, with Chuck as therapist.
Will leisure suits make a comeback as the male pant suit?
@Brachiator: Wrong metaphor!
The Pale Scot
I’d pay good money to see that
So Kellyanne’s already going with the “didn’t fully support” (what’s that German word again), while Trump is claiming fraud at places where his campaign is too disorganized to have observers and too cheap to have done any polling, much less any GOTV.
What bananas these folks are. Good luck selling ads on ImNotACompleteDoucheReallyImNot dot com, Trumpy!
Mike J
Huffpo calls IN, KY for Trump, VT for Clinton.
? ? ?
Getting ready to do my stint at the Salvation Army soup kitchen. Not looking forward to it since our clientele is pretty much MAGA friendly. Hope it’s pretty well settled by the time I get home.
David ?▶️?Blue Wall?▶️? Koch
Ryan gave a dreadfully boring speech last night. But he’s already jockeying for the 2020 nomination, along with Pence.
Silly Pence. He really thinks his boring ass is going to inherit Trump’s base.
While I am horrified by the violence, from the voting angle, at least it’s in California. It will not make a significant difference in the election. So, I can put that aside and hope no more lives are lost. Any shooting is a bad thing.
Catherine D.
Me too!
According to TPM, Profile in Courage Pat Toomey waited until roughly five minutes before polls closed in PA to announce that he had voted for Trump.
Well you know it can’t be Trump’s fault, so it has to someone elses.
Apparently 27% of the Georgian populace is angry at the federal government. Love that number.
Getting goose bumps as polls close in the east.
The Dangerman
True, but it must not be too bad; not a single local station is covering it. Live, I mean (and LA like’s its live gore, especially high speed car chases, where there is the hope of gore).
Yikes! For non-locals, that’s out in the San Gabriel Valley, east of Pasadena. I know that nearby Monrovia was having some major gang war problems — I wonder if this is related to that.
If the polling places are having to shelter in place, I’m assuming they’ll stay open late? Scheduled closing time is 8 pm.
@hovercraft: Here are preliminary turnout numbers for Hamilton County (Cincinnati):
RT @ChrisCinciBiz: Adding in the early votes, the total HamCo voter turnout so far is 348,830 out of 580,354 registered voters.
That turnout is amazing.
Hamilton County is swing county for Dems in Ohio. Though I think our luster is diminishing, as the political establishment (both sides) is indicating it wants to start seeing other states.
Very early results from Georgia
The crack election team at CBS is really on the ball. Trump “has an edge” with 0% of the vote counted. Thanks CBS for keeping us infromed.
Patricia Kayden
@Mnemosyne: Good catch. LOL. Racists don’t have to be smart. They just have to be the right color.
@Jeffro: When Secretary Clinton is declared the winner, I want a gif of Kellyanne’s sad face to memorialize that perfect moment forever.
@Frankensteinbeck: maybe the two of them are so stupid they didn’t know how to fill out the forms and had to look to see how their wives did it.
Trump isn’t trying to see how Melania voted — he’s trying to figure out how to fill out the ballot.
Roger Moore
It’s probably left over from the 2012 election; his good Klan robes are in the wash right now.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Voting hours extended to 8:30pm in 8 precincts in Durham County, NC. Technical problems this morning meant people were turned away.
Love the GA info
30% black
5% Latino
5% asian
61% white
thats why its too close to call
A good sign for our side.
When she got a vagina
@Mike J: Trump is more than welcome to rule InKenKlanna. A match made in hell.
I want to marry this comment, I love it that much
Time to start drinking…
Patricia Kayden
@Oatler.: I assume Chuckie is suffering pretty badly too. I recall very early in the GOP primary season when he opined that Republicans had the best presidential candidates in decades. Couldn’t figure out what he saw in that collection of Clown Car Occupants. It will be a long sad night for him and Kellyanne. (smile)
I have to admit, I never know what makes my fellow white people decide that someone’s White Card needs to be yanked. I was Provisionally White from the beginning since I’m a (part-) Italian Roman Catholic, but I’m pretty sure my card was forfeited years ago with my first vote for Bill C. Not that I ever noticed.
Hell is Chris Matthews interviewing Rudy Guiliani on an endless loop.
Tom Brokaw still trying to appeal to the white folks on NBC.
David ?▶️?Blue Wall?▶️? Koch
…………and the backstabbing begins.
Patricia Kayden
@Frankensteinbeck: They’re dyed-in-the-wool sexists and keep “their” women in check. I still hold out hope that Melania will kick Trump to the curb — especially since it’s obvious that he’s not faithful to her.
@Patricia Kayden: Wasn’t the buzz word “deep bench”?
FFS Tweety is talking to Rudy. Time to wandaer out of the room.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@jacy: I was just making up my mind to endure Nicole Wallace, about to un-mute, when they announced Rudi Grossferatu. Maybe media matters will do a tally on who gets more minutes on MSNBC tonight/ Rudi or Kellyanne.
Too bad cause I really do like Gene Robinson.
The Dangerman
When did Rudy Guliani become such a complete and total shit?
Davey C
Hi folks, any suggestions for what I should be watching/listening to tonight? I don’t have cable, so something available on the internet would work for me.
@khead: I predict that tomorrow morning, NPR and all the morning TV shows will scour the heartland for scared, angry white people and not able to find one person who voted for Hillary.
Patricia Kayden
@dmsilev: I would presume that the vast majority of Republican politicians currently running for office will support their Party’s presidential nominee. Not sure why I would give them the benefit of the doubt to do otherwise.
@hovercraft: GA almost went for President Obama in 2008. It would be great if it slipped into the Democratic column.
@The Dangerman:
Did he ever stop? He was an asshole even when he was the mayor.
BJ Lurker
Can someone please reassure me that this is going to end well? I’m looking at latino numbers and starting to freak.
I just can’t imagine a cabinet of Gingrich, Guiliani, and Rancid as chief of staff.
Please talk me off the cliff.
David ?▶️?Blue Wall?▶️? Koch
@Baud: this afternoon David Gergen said on CNN, “the big sleeper story of this election is the Latino turnout. Nobody saw that coming.”
They’re really swift over at TNN.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Davey C:
I’m watching Bloomberg. It’s just more news and not opinion. They also talk international – much broader perspective.
It’s not close. NBC seems to already be in “filler mode”.
@The Dangerman: Ever since he started making blood money off of 9/11.
Just got the latest update
tRump knows Florida is likely lost and they are melting down. Yeah! Still, until the official line calls Florida not in any way a sure thing. Game over then; Hillary can lose Florida and it means little. So, the race is on then. Will the media hid a Hillary win in Florida to hold viewership?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m holding out for Nehru jackets. I think they’ll be slimming.
@Pete Downunder: Morrison Hotel? I’m sure the music will be excellent.
@Pete Downunder
Presume the Trump supporters are going to gather on Christmas Island?
FWIW, the exit polls seem to show Bayh losing pretty handily. Sucks because I thought that would be a gimme, but I will be happy to still be rid of Evan Bayh’s presence.
@David ?▶️?Blue Wall?▶️? Koch:
Funny how only paying attention to conservative white voters means you end up missing the giant story taking place right in front of you.
@PsiFighter37: Exit polls don’t mean much but he will probably still lose.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
C’mon, Hillary! C’mon, Maggie!
@PsiFighter37: Well, I hope all the polls aren’t that far off.
The Dangerman
I guess my particular problem with Rudy G. is that still trying to spin/politic at 7p (EST) is pointless. Rudy, my man, it’s over, have a drink and call it a day…
Mary G
I am so anxious.
@Mary G: Me too.
@Mnemosyne: maybe hispanics should be angry and wear “make America suck more” t-shirts. Then they’d get coverage.
@The Dangerman: In the womb.
Davey C
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Thanks, I’ll check it out.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@The Dangerman: the small man sees his last chance at a balcony slip away, slip away …
@Mary G:
I should probably wander off and do some actual work. Good thing my boss was out today.
Roger Moore
Azusa is just down the freeway- or two stops on the Gold Line- from my work; my boss and his boss both live there. And FWIW, that part of Asuza has plenty of its own gang activity without having to import any from Monrovia.
The Trump campaign sure isn’t reacting like a campaign expecting a win.
Let me also say how amazingly disappointed I am in so many people I went to high school with or have worked with since moving back to upstate ny almost six years ago. On Facebook today I have seen people invoking God while voting for Trump while wearing a Trump hat, bragging about being proud to vote as a natural born US citizen, talking about “real” change coming as if that change isn’t just code for having a white man as president again.
My coworker and I are both black. We were talking today about how we look at people we know who voted for Trump differently now. With a certain suspicion about how they really feel, what they really think. I grew up biracial, being raised by my white mother, and I have heard what some white people say behind closed doors when they are in safe company.
Trump has exposed a raw, racist, hostile American underbelly that now feels safe out in the open. I hope a defeat of Trump will at least push back on this frightening rise in ignorance and hatred.
I’m not.
I’m not very bright either. But I’m not. More nervous about Congress and Prop 64.
Patricia Kayden
@Cermet: No. I think the media will show the results ASAP. It’s just as fun to see a candidate get crushed as it is to see the race go neck-to-neck. This race could go either way given how divided this country is.
FEMA Camp Counselor
@Cermet: They could try, I guess, but with social media likely hounding them they may not be able to.
True enough, and I say it as a (more or less) lifelong Indiana resident. As was said in relation to Kansas…
Q: what’s wrong with Indiana?
A: it’s full of assholes.
@The Dangerman:
The day he was born.
MAGA hats by the gross going on eBay in 3… 2… 1…
The guy’s full name is Birch Evans Byah?
@humboldtblue: My anxiety isn’t rational. It just reflects the importance of the situation.
So one active shooter at a polling station and one suspicious package both before polls even closed.
Normally I’d agree, but if you wandered out, you missed an early slap (for which the Pepes of this world will never forgive)
Tweety: “I’ve known you a long time and never had a problem with you until this campaign…why join in with…this” (i.e. Trump) The disgust was so clear, even I was like ‘daaaannnngggg, Tweety’
Giuliani: “I believe I have conducted myself honorably”
MSNBC panel:
Hat tip to you. You beat me in more ways than one.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Good news, bad news…?
On balance, I’ll take Yglesias opinion over “the markets”, who wet the bed worse than Democrats at every sparrow’s fart
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I can’t watch. I’m just too nervous that something will go wrong and that idiot will pull out a win. I feel sick. Time for more wine.
Have an older dictionary in which the first definition for Hoosier is “an ignorant rustic.”
@Roger Moore:
It appears to be a personal dispute could have gang ties but it still impacts those polling places. Shooter barricaded in house near shooting location in residential neighborhood.
I’ll say. Charging supporters $13 for a drink ($11 for a beer) at their victory party…???
I lived in Kentucky at least half my life, and I will be interested in the final totals there. I expect a giant wave of white support for Trump, maybe better than Romney got. Numbers to confirm my personal experiences of the state’s culture are useful to my understanding of the world.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The markets are not all-knowing. People in finance who are foreigners know as much about US politics as I know about Japanese politics. Ignore it.
Gawd, I hope not.
@The Dangerman:
Dunno, but I’m pretty sure his kids would have the answer, assuming they’re able to remember that far back.
NYT has a nice visualizer doing a realtime summary of all the Presidential results; current forecast (which is pretty twitchy because the night is young) is Clinton with about a 4 percentage point edge in the popular vote and about 315 EV.
@Hal: As if this country wasn’t fundamentally racist (be realistic – Amerikan religion is the basis of much of modern racism)- we like to think otherwise (and compared to most all countries our levels of racism is, really, far lower!) But this country will have this battle for many more generations, but it is getting better.
It’s too early to be sure, but the shooter appears to have nothing to do with the election. As I expected, the racists are too chickenshit and disorganized to follow through their threats. They’re too scared they’ll run into some Black Panthers.
Georgia being “too close to call” is uplifting and excellent news no matter what.
Kornacki reported 10% of electorate in Georgia is either Asian or Hispanic. Doubled in past 8 years.
That’s one of the benefits of not being very bright is ya don’t have to futz around with reason and stuff. Ya just go.
Ongoing GOP disaster in Florida.
Central Planning
I caught a few minutes of the Wilkow show on XM today on my drive home. He was totally unglued. He literally yelled a 5 minute answer to a caller’s question about Democrats destroying the country, supporting socialism like in Argentina, and so on.
It was as impressive as it was wrong.
He finally said at some point he hopes one party gets utterly and totally decimated. I’m sure he meant Democrats. I wanted to call in and ask what winning margin he was talking about, and if it was only if Democrats were on the losing end of the vote. But like I said, he was completely unglued and I didn’t want to help his ratings.
Murphy way underperforming Clinton in FL. Can’t believe there are enough idiot ticket-splitters to send that lazy-ass motherfucker back to the Senate.
The only surprising thing is that they weren’t serving Trump-branded wine. However, I’m sure we’ll get some Trump-branded whine soon enough.
Georgia wasn’t called when the polls closed. Interesting.
please please please can we get one of those CoverItLive chat thingies again?
Mary G
@Mnemosyne: I keep starting things then watching John King push buttons on that stupid map. At least Palm Beach County is repudiating Trump despite Mar a Lago.
My prediction:
Hillary wins by 7-8 points.
Dems win the Senate.
2012 map with Iowa and NC switching.
Voter protection in a heavy immigrant precinct in MN today. Not one unruly challenger (actually no challengers at all) and I teared up more than once at the humanity on display. Go MN!
Adam L Silverman
@The Pale Scot: How could you tell if he was on his knees? That dude is short!
@PsiFighter37: Supposedly a lot of Republicans are voting for Clinton.
The Pale Scot
Mexican American Grocers Association ?
OH is too early to call, as is NC. Is that a good sign?
WV goes for Trump….waiting for the sound of Cole breaking windows in 3…2…1….
Patricia Kayden
I’ve heard this said by other Black people. Unfortunately, I wonder if the underbelly will push Republicans even further to the Right and result in more extreme candidates in 2020 and going forward. I don’t see how you can retreat to supporting diversity, multiculturalism and tolerance after your candidate was Donald “Mexicans are Rapists” Trump.
@Baud: Rubio got his ass handed to him in the primary. I can’t believe there are enough fools to send him back to the Senate when he has said he hated working there.
@PsiFighter37: Mook thinks NC won’t be called tonight because it’ll be that close.
@Pete Downunder: Amazingly, Ive eaten at that Pig N Whistle just last year! The nachos were def sub-par, but people watching was amazing.
Ah memories…
In both cases, an inevitable sign. You can only call total freaking predictable landslides this early. Places like Kentucky, Indiana, and Vermont.
Go, little horsies, GO!
@Haydnseek: I went to the Morrison Hotel here in LA* last Thursday, not much happening there.
*Where they shot The Doors album cover.
Patricia Kayden
Rove is gloating about how voter suppression tactics worked in North Carolina, effectively decreasing the Black vote. Disgusting.
How is it possible that I am both confident of a win but also scared? If anyone else feels this way, please be aware that is how I feel when I watch my Clemson Tigers play football when the spread is under 20 points.
It looks like Florida will be one of the first states to report in. If Clinton wins FL it almost doesn’t matter how Trump does anywhere else, right?
In other news, my wife who had the allogenic blood stem cell transplant is in the hospital for pneumonia. Luckily she was able to vote. Unfortunately, we’re not sure what is causing her lung issues. Hoping it’s not graft-vs-host – not very common this far out. Plus she had a lung event 2 years ago which almost killed her. She is better than 2 years ago or I wouldn’t be wasting my time fretting about this election.
Hillary has an edge in NC and combined with heavy turn out in Florida, this really means the small hands is in trouble – Hillary needs neither and her “lean states” look secure.
Adam L Silverman
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: The State Board of Elections didn’t have much choice given that 1) the law states that any disruption over 15 minutes shall lead to an equal corresponding extension, which if they’d not gone along with the county board of elections they’d have 2) made a judge late for dinner for without a decent legal basis, which would not have gone well for them.
Splitting Image
Christ that picture of Trump and his son looking over their wives’ shoulders makes me mad.
Why feminism was necessary in one picture.
@Adam L. Silverman
Clever use of shoes-on-the-knees shtick.
Caveat: Moderately NSFW.
Right. Wang has been pretty clear, Florida is the swing state Trump needs the most. Without it, he is shit out of luck.
dance around in your bones
I am so glad that I have us lovely snarling jackals to filter this evening’s results through….my sister is going to come home from work soon and no doubt ask me if I want to watch the tv machine, and I will say (as always) ‘really, I prefer to ‘watch’ this through Balloon Juice and the hive mind there’ and she will nod sagely and understand. Sort of. She trusts my judgement, I guess. We’re Nasty Sisters!
If you need ‘away time’ youtube has the men’s and women’s 2016 college lacrosse finals; both good games, men’s went o.t. and a bit chippy.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
the Conster, la Citoyenne
The Pale Scot
All the Abrahamic religions are racist, the sandal wearing hippy tried to go a another way but the followers of the Prince of Peace weren’t having none of it.
Really, even the the Buddhists in Myanmar are getting down with their inner bigot. (How does a south Asian ascetic become a smiling chubster ) Maybe the Taoists or Zoroastrians roll differently.
Seth Owen
@Hal: I feel the same way.
SkooL Sekriterry
@Frankensteinbeck: Same here! Initial reaction was “How dare they!” followed by a surge of anger that surprised me. I’ve been pretty stoic up to now, but I might finally be cracking. Just a tad. A bit.
@Seanly: I just heaved a big, cranky sigh when I read about your wife’s problems with her lungs. I’m sorry, that’s so hard. Another sigh. Sending good thoughts your way.
Adam L Silverman
@PsiFighter37: Yes, and SC too.
@Jeffro: To bad I missed that, oh well for every moment he’s useful Tweety will have fifty more when he’ useless.
@Patricia Kayden: I think we will see more extreme candidates, sad to say. Trump is a symptom.
Davis X. Machina
@The Pale Scot: It’s not that simple : There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:27-28)
@Patricia Kayden: What channel and how are the “journalists” reacting? That’s just how so many of them deal with that – “Politics as usual both sides blah blah blah”. It’s unconscionable and media should be excoriated for that. (Actually Soledad O’Brien did call media out for that very thing in interview on CNN. A thing of beauty.) I’d provide a link but I have yet to master WordPressLinkage 101.
The Pale Scot
A friend of mine who was a cameraman for NYC produced adult films back in the 70’s and worked at a Time Square store with those booths said it smelled like bleach. I assume that’s from salt being split to maintain the sodium channels. Swimming is an energetic activity!
@efgoldman: That is amazing. I really believe this is going Hillary’s way (and I stand by my prediction she’ll take Ohio, but down ticket benefit may be negligible.
How sweet! I have two first time voting grandsons in Florida. I’m glad they voted. Not glad who they voted for. MeeMaw (they still call me that) has her work cut out.
Pulling my hair out that MSNBC doesn’t have breakdowns by gender.
The Pale Scot
@Davis X. Machina: I’m referring to the most adamant x-tians constantly referring to the most tribalistic books of the OT to justify their beliefs.
Edit: Must be a another thread up
One of my fellow employees is in the National Guard and he was told to keep his phone nearby today. Just after he walked out of the door he came back in and told us about the shooting. We work in Covina, were probably a couple of miles of the shooting.