Here’s a picture of my two friends all dressed up for the occasion. Longtime readers will remember Brooke and Holly, and with them are Brooke’s two children. They’re outside the former fire hall now community center, which is where we vote.
Tell you what- send me your selfies of you in pantsuits voting, and I will post em throughout the day!
Yay! I like their attitude.
You gunna BIGFOOT your entire crew today?
I’m not going to get any work done today, am I?
Fingers crossed!
No pantsuit but so happy to have voted! Now I’m not going to think about it until tomorrow. Tomorrow’s reserved for the all-day party!
I don’t own a pantsuit but I am wearing my winter white dress pants. My roommate voted early and she said it was chaos. I always vote after work and it’s organized chaos. We’ll see if today is different. Then I get to go home and start putting together the Taco Table.
mike in dc
Just voted in MD(sue me, I was “in dc” when I adopted the handle).
Cast my vote in Baltimore. Slightly more than usual number of people lined up for the polling station to open despite heavy early voting here. No Trump poll “watchers” but there was a city cop on duty. Have no worries about the results in MD but keeping my fingers crossed for our republic.
Got my vote on already. The school parking lot was packed at 6:30 am, busier than I’ve ever seen it after voting there for more than a decade. Saw quite a few women wearing white, which I choose to interpret as votes for Hillary. Here in deep red Louisiana I will cling to hope where I can. Got in and out in less than 30 minutes all told. While we were waiting a young woman voted in her first election. When she came out of the booth the room gave her a round of applause and she took a selfie with her dad. Took my oldest son with me, next presidential election will be his first. Now we wait.
The picture made me smile!
Hopefully part of the never-heard -from-this whole-election “silent majority” Sharod is.
@Baud: Why should you be any different from the rest of us?
Hillary’s got at least two votes in Virginia that I know of. We brought our toddler with us and they were handing out “Future Voter” stickers. I’m jealous because I never got a sticker when my parents took me to vote with them.
Music for the day.
Mike J
For people in Washington who miss their I Voted sticker.
@Baud: Speaking of work, time to go.
So John, how’s your ass anyway?
Just a parting thought, tomorrow we should all pivot to removing the obstructionist from Congress, Unlike many, I miss good discussions with conservatives who are willing to put forward the effort to move forward. But those who just want to be a pain in the ass need to hit the road.
See you in the next world, don’t be late.
You’re unmet friend
FSM as if the election hasn’t been bad enough but Xmas music is already starting on the radio.:-)
Keith G
During early voting in Texas, my week was very busy with pre hospitalization checklists . Now that I’m out and about but with extremely limited mobility, and I’m unable to drive, I was worried about the hassle of getting to my polling place. Luckily a quick search has shown me that a local local cab company is offering free rides to vote. I’m very happy.
No pantsuit anymore now that I work in a doctor’s office, but wearing white scrubs for the day to honor our foremothers!
For those of you in Cleveland, Belle Sherwin is buried in Lakeview Cemetery here
Belle Sherwin graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Wellesley College in 1890 and then attended Oxford University to study history from 1894 – 1895 She taught history for four years at St Margaret’s and Miss Herseys school for girls, a private school in Boston In 1900 she returned to Cleveland and became the 1st President of the Consumers League of Ohio After World War 1, she became the director of the Cleveland Welfare Federation From 1921 – 1924 she was the Vice President of the National League of Women Voters and became it’s President from 1924 – 1934 where she earned a reputation as a dedicated suffragist leader.
Another one:
It’s nice that Wang explained why they were all talking about Michigan. They had an outlier poll that had Clinton up 20 which they didn’t trust so the average was skewed. Everyone was assuming there was some Trump “secret info” but he says it was a pro-Clinton poll that made it hinky. I don’t know why they don’t just explain these things.
I voted a week ago here in Florida. Reports are that 6.4 million early voted, which is predicted as about 2/3’s of the total likely. I passed a polling place on the way to work, a church, and the parking lot was full with people parking on the street too. Latino votes are reported up 100% already (doubled) and black voting exceeded 2012.
in 2012 only 4.4 million early votes were cast (I have read).
As noted below, I”m wearing purple, green, and white (well, beige . . .)–and I got my mom to change her clothes to those colors too! She was going to spend the day at home, but she just can’t–she’ll be doing GOTV stuff all day–in Pennsylvania! (and my dad, too, who is every bit as awesome).
@EZSmirkzz: ??? Are you OK?
Oh, ok I get it. Top this!
It’s the centenary of:
Inez Millholland, suffragette martyr
Buried in her birthplace, Lewis, NY.
@Poopyman: Quoting Hendrix Voodoo Chile.
@Kay: A lot of militia types in MI. The kinda peeps I envision would answer the phone to talk to a pollster but not care to drive 20 mins out of their fortified bunker down gravel roads past 6 trailer parks and 3 raccoon roadkills to vote. I suspect MI will be much bluer than the polling indicates.
Then again, dark red governor, intentional voting issues in the cities, general shenanigans.
grandpa john
@D58826: and Christmas movies on Hallmark and other cable movie channels. They must of run all the made for TV thanksgiving movies before Halloween
Lurker checking in from Salem, MA…I didn’t go for early voting even though it’s finally available in MA, because I like being there on Election Day right when the polls open at 7am. I was #5 in my precinct’s line at 6:40, and the lines were out the door when I left. Everyone was in good spirits, chatting with the poll workers and the two cops who were on duty.
I thought it was funny that because our ballots are in alphabetical order by the candidate’s last name, Clinton was at the top and Trump was at the bottom. Most of the local races (Seth Moulton included) just had unopposed Democrats anyway, except for county sheriff which has been a bit of a free-for-all. No on the first two ballot questions, yes on the other two. Easy peasy.
There was a hold up at the optical scanner machine because someone forgot to remove the seal to activate it, and we all gave a little cheer when that got straightened out. Even with arriving early, I was in and out in half an hour.
No pantsuit for me today, but I am wearing a green sweater and purple boots (trust me, it works!).
Ben Cisco
(The S is silent.)
@raven: Shouldn’t that be from srv, then?
hedgehog mobile
No pantsuit, but a white sweater, green amber earrings and my mom’s wedding ring.
It could be, as srv was Silvermanned the other day.
Chuck Todd says Hillary has to do town meetings with Trump voters after it’s over. You remember the town meetings Bush held after 2000, right? With black people in Florida? Oh, that’s right. He claimed a mandate and massively cut taxes and invaded a country.
I’ll be watching the results by myself, as per usual. I’m a sore loser and I’m not generous enough to be all accepting.
They still don’t get it. They think Trump “came out of nowhere”. David Brooks compares it to a flash flood. Trump is the logical and completely predictable result of their actions. These are the people who won the 2010 elections on saying Obama cut Medicare! The problem is they lie to their base. It’s no more complicated than that. They lie to their base for money or power or their careers, but it has to stop. The email controversy was a giant fucking lie! They just finished lying to their base!
I do remember Holly, and I remember when she had a stroke, so it’s fantastic to see her looking so good!
No pantsuit for me, as I voted by mail already. Hell, we don’t even get I Voted stickers unless we go out and find them ourselves.
Fingers crossed; hopes high; fired up and ready to say Congratulations, Madame President!
But they never take responsibility for anything.
I think I saw it on Kos: “Republicans make me realize Freud was right.”
the Conster, la Citoyenne
There’s a secret group on Facebook called Pantsuit Nation. When I was invited to join right after the last debate, there were not quite 200,000 members. Today, when I checked, there are over 2.5 million. The posts are AMAZING. My favorite from yesterday:
This is what it feels like to make history, again.
@Kay: Wasn’t Todd the one with the dinners theory? As in, Obama should have republicans over for dinner and viola! No more Republican obstructionism. Well, at least even he seems to acknowledge Clinton is going to win.
It’s OK, they lie to themselves as well.
They lie about their motivation. They lie about actually working in government. They lie about wanting to see the country work. They lie about taking government handouts. They lie about everything. To their constituents, to those they want to be their constituents, to themselves. Their entire basis for politics is lying. Because their policies are hurtful, harmful, hateful and dishonest.
Bill E Pilgrim
I could send you one of voting in suit pants, does that count?
Hey it’s just reversing the words.
I borrowed one of mom’s pantsuits. I’m not voting, it just seemed like fun.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Hal: Digby has been mocking the “Tipnronnie” meme for years, though not sure if she came up with the nickname for it. (Things were great when Tip O’Neil and Reagan would have a drink and “get things done” despite partisanship. Doesn’t matter what, you know, just “things”.) The idea predates Chuck Todd being on the scene by some time I think.
Ohio Mom
Suffragette white shirt and a blue scarf. More noteworthy, I just came back from a quick run to the Starbucks in my heavily-Red suburban neighborhood, and three others were wearing the same color combo. One of them was a white-haired man in a white shirt and baby blue sweater. It’s like a secret code or handshake. Such fun.
Mom is 92 and has advanced Alzheimer’s, sucks she can’t witness this. Hillary reminds me of her, tougher and more competent than the idiot males she’s had to deal with.
Christ, if a site is going to call someone a martyr they should at least explain it! Had to go to the Wikipedia:
They drew the wrong conclusion from Obama’s efforts. Obama is an extremely talented person. There aren’t that many people who are that charismatic and at the same time so calm and patient.
They should have thought “wow, if this guy can’t get a single Republican on board Republicans are really a problem”
Instead they said HE was the problem. It doesn’t get any better than Obama as far as “working with others”.
The Lodger
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: It’s all about Life, Liberty and the Pantsuit of Happiness.
Felonius Monk
What? Can’t read the ballot or just don’t give a shit?
They’re weird to me because here’s the thing. People can work really hard, be the best available at something, and still fail. At some point they have to drop this fantasy they have that everything is a failure of “leadership” or “will”. That’s fiction- it’s a movie. Why did Obama fail at getting Republicans to go along with him? Because Republicans refused.
They won’t get a person better than Obama at that. The only way Clinton will get anything done is if Republicans move. You can’t bargain with yourself.
Kayla Rudbek
Green suit, white shirt, purple scarf, gold earrings, my great grandmother’s watch, my grandmother’s wedding ring, and a picture of my WWI Army nurse great-grandmother on my cell phone.
@Felonius Monk:
Note that Srv is a meta-troll of srv.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@The Lodger:
Good one\!!
Felonius Monk
@Steeplejack: Thanks for the reminder. I didn’t have my glasses on. :-)
My next door neighbor, a lawyer and local republican committeperson, just walked by the house on his way to vote. Several weeks ago he admitted that Trump is a f*vcking idiot and he will enthusiastically vote for Hillary.
@Kay: Exactly. It may sound counterintuitive, but Obama was an opportunity for the GOP to make inroads in growing demographics, if they had cooperated just a little bit (e.g., a big infrastructure package for the stimulus, something on immigration). Obama was not really a core Dem guy in 2008; that was Hillary. He was initially willing to give the GOP a gift in the form of bipartisanship, and they either were unable to see the advantages of it to them or were structurally unable to accept it. All they had to do to return to national office is ride out a period of Dem governance, and then take advantage when the Dems inevitably stumble. Now he’s remade the Democratic Party with a solid and growing core of loyal AA and Latino voters with all the talents they can bring, supplemented with a built in advantage with women and, ironically, financial elites. The GOP is stuck with Pepe.
@Steeplejack: Not everyone knows how to build a website :)
Voted in San Diego county when the polls opened, 10th in line. There is never a line. Brought my daughter to see the moment. Hope we hold the line for our Dem rep Peters and hopefully Issa up north gets kicked to the curb.
PS Why is it called a pantsuit? It is just a suit, male or female. Am I missing some weird fashion designation?
The Golux
Perfect for Hillary’s victory speech.
@EZSmirkzz: “tomorrow we should all pivot to removing the obstructionist from Congress”
“Pivot”? Plenty of people have already been following and helping out with Senate and House races this year. I’m particularly looking forward to waving at Darrell Issa’s sad ass as it sails away over the horizon.