From commentor The Mighty Trowel, down where Spring is in full bloom:
I work out on the verandah when I can and it’s really lovely sharing it with my kitties.
Gambit is the ginger fluff ball and Storm is the silver tabby.
I found the little sign under a flower pot in my garden (the previous owners left all sorts of stuff behind) – Gambit (who is not tough at all) was happy to pose.
Now, more than ever, learning from our companion animals to appreciate the moment seems vital.
As we steel ourselves to prepare for the upcoming national disaster, what’s on the agenda for the day?
I was thinking how my dogs don’t understand what happened yesterday. And how I wish I were them.
Morning Everyone????
Nothing good about it,though???p
@rikyrah: Morning, rikyrah. You are correct.
I keep waking up in the night, barely able to breathe. I just want to say that we’re all going to need to rely on love for one another. I hope we can all pledge to support one another like good neighbors and to lend a helping hand to those who will be in desperate need in the coming years.
Let the looting begin!
@WarMunchkin: Seconded.
Mary G
Mourning my America, which is no more.
P.M. Carpenter:
@Baud: Yep, I just woke up the household and we’re going to take out walk. Lil Bit will not want to go for the first third but when she shifts into cookie mode we’ll move quicker. I let them off leash at the bottom of the driveway and they run around the corner to the patio! If I am right the sun will be up. Keep up the fire.
@rikyrah: I’m a late shift worker so I’ve been up all morning anyway, but I’m at my chair just wondering where precisely to go from here.
There will be pain, we only have the recent Bush years to bear that out, but at some point the ‘bad guys’ win and we can’t rule in perpetuity. We always have to keep in mind that things just happen like this, and it’s incumbent upon us to properly assess what we did wrong, and fix it the next time around.
I wish these things weren’t so life or death so that people didn’t get so literally choked up about these things, but with the sensitivity of how policy affects us, it can be. So now the question is – how do we get everyone that we can to realize that conservative policy is bad for not only for society, but us as individuals?
And frankly, that should be the question we’re always asking when we’re looking at a D vs. R election.
However, in keeping with the thread’s soft theme: the Sun still rises no matter how many wins or losses you accrued the previous night. There is still life to be lived, even with the feelings running here from unease to outright illness. We have to find the things outside of the political sphere that gives us comfort and reason to wake up and get out of bed everyday, but not forget the job that comes around every time the ballot machine gets wheeled out of cold storage.
— that’s kinda where my thoughts are this morning, it is terrible that we lost, especially in this manner, but the planet doesn’t stop spinning and time marches on regardless, so we had better heed it while we figure out what to do next.
Mustang Bobby
I wish I didn’t care about things like climate change, civil rights, marriage equality, and a woman’s right to control her own body; about public education; about caring for the disabled, the sick, the mentally challenged and the poor; about the casual racism that seems to permeate nearly every thread of our lives; about religious intolerance that goes by the name of “religious freedom,” and all the other little things that make life hard for some and therefore make it that much harder for the rest of us.
I wish I could just watch my TV, read my books, drive my car, write my plays, go to work, collect my paycheck, and live in my neighborhood without caring about all of those things.
But I do.
We are all Kansas now.
@BlueDWarrior: Ding. I’m going fishing.
Living a nightmare. Wow.
Well, it is what it is; now the dems need to take a page from the thugs and just go all out obstruction; the small handed one and his thugs own this and when it all comes crashing down, they need to be left holding the bag.
@Mustang Bobby:
That’s my life now. I’ll continue to vote D. But I’m clearly out of sync with the American people, so there’s little more I can contribute except my vote every two years.
The Nameless One
Oh dear.
Angryblacklady has blocked me on twitter.
I’m sorry.
I meant to try to be supportful and let her know that there are people who are angry for her and with her but I obviously fucked up the tone.
I’m a white man, not from the US, but I really thought Hillary would pull this out and the racist sexist douchebag would be consigned to the dustbin of history.
As much pain as people are in at this moment, I really think all of you are stronger than you realise.
And that the fuckwits like Trump and his supporters will not survive.
I meant to be helpful but I’ve obviously hurt.
I’m not asking to be unblocked but John, if you read this – or anybody who knows her personally, please – if you think it’ll be helpful – let her know I’m truly truly sorry.
Twittername: howardtduck
H. L. Mencken
@Mustang Bobby: That’s where I’m at. I’m trying to separate myself from the reality at hand, but it’s difficult. If I were a Muslim American, I’d be very afraid. Hell, if I were anything but a retired white female, I’d be afraid.
@Baud: co-signed. Except that I don’t even much like a wide swath of Democrats anymore.
Soylent Green
On the left coast it’s the middle of the night, but sleep is escaping me.
There’s a cat on my lap.
I’ve had a good acoustic guitar in my closet for 40 years. I think I’ll finally learn to play it.
I think I’ll get started reading all the books on my shelf I bought but haven’t read.
And in other ways I will be tuning out the world at large for a period of time to be determined.
@Emma: That’s the saddest part for me. Until yesterday, I was feeling pretty good about us. But we didn’t show up.
I have long thought Sam Wang is a fucking joke with some of his prognostications, but this election seals the deal.
No sleep. Nothing but sorrow. And fear. I will visit here because you are my friends. We will need each other very much.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
There’s been a couple of videos floating around Facebook the past few days. As a favor to a friend, I analyzed one. Alex Jones has his people convinced that the NYPD raided a farm somewhere nearby where the Clintons and Podesta and some other people supposedly in an email discussion have been partying. Wikileaks supposedly has the photos.
Does anyone here put it past the RThugs to fake an SRA scene complete with dead children and arrest the Clintons et al for the “crime”? I certainly don’t.
I want them all out of the country ASAP.
It’s going to be a long day at work today with so little sleep.
I’m numb. I really just don’t care about politics right now. I’m done.
obstruct how? The bastards control all the levers of power, they now will control the USSC for another generation, there is noting anyone can do in the House & damn little of value in the Senate because you bet your ass the filibuster will be gone if the Dems try to use it next year. We are completely and fully fucked & pretending otherwise is pointless. The damage done by Bush isn’t even a taste of what lies ahead and there is not a damn thing we can do about it. Fuck the voters of this country because they have fucked all of us but good.
Sorry, but this is life and death. People are going to die because of this election and the policies that it will bring forth.
Will President Trump release his taxes? I know that it is normal for Presidents, but is it required by law?
Its too early for comedy. Of course he won’t and no, he is not required to.
Mary G
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Yeah, I have been worrying that Hillary’s humiliated the Combover Caligula so badly that he will lock her up.
Hey all! Hope the cat pictures are soothing. I’m unplugging for a few weeks to recharge. see you all in Dec. be kind to yourselves and each other, cuddle your furry companies.
Fair Economist
@Soylent Green: I’m also on the left coast, unable to sleep. I’ve been wandering the internets trying to get a grip on what happened and what can be done about it. Haven’t got any clear answers other than on the argument of “was it racism or was it economic issues” I’m coming to the view the answer is “both”. There was a big increase in turnout in the rural south that’s probably driven by racism and a big shift in the industrial north which is probably more economic issues.
Ironically I think our own campaigns against trade issues created part of the problem. The left has been screaming bloody murder about NAFTA for 25 years. It’s probably not great, but economic trouble in the heartland started about 15 years before NAFTA and NAFTA is at most a small part of the issue. The real drivers are automated and market power of employers, used to drive down wages. Trump promised to roll back NAFTA, and after a quarter century of telling them that was the cause of their troubles, they believed it and supported him.
@Napoleon: Is anyone going to look at any poll the same way again?
6% error across the board?
It’s nearly noon here in England. Sat in the corner of a cafe, feeling like I am separated from everyone here– busy place, people chatting, doing business, soothing fussy babies– by a haze. Reading messages from family in Pennsylvania, all of them shocked and sorrowful, but glad I am “safe” here.
But you know what? After eleven years, I’m thinking it’s time to come home. Time to use my voice for something. I thought I was doing enough where I was; I obviously wasn’t. And nowhere will be safe for us soon.
@Schlemazel: Even as President?
Anne Laurie
Yep. And the only consolation I can find, right now, is that many of them will be people who enthusiastically supported Trump and all the vileness for which he agitates.
And I most certainly hope the disasters quickly overtake the “good” Republicans like Ryan, Cruz, and every single revanchist now pandering for a spot in the Trump cabinet. Hell, I haven’t given up hope that Trump will do himself a fatal injury before his inauguration, and that the ensuing bloodbath to climb over his (real or political) corpse will take out Mike Dense in the process.
Giuliani says Trump victory greatest for Americansince Andrew Jackson.
Oh god
Nate Silver sure had it way more right then Wang
So 63 year old woman here. I’m on a state government pension, so god knows what will happen financially. I’m in shock and feeling sick. I have a few plans. 1) Find the UU church in my area. I can find kindred spirits and maybe we can start formulating ideas on how to stem the worst of this. 2) contact the local Democratic Party and see where we go from here. 3) Stop watching the news and political channels. I won’t be able to cope for a while. I’ll swing by here to see what’s going on. 4) Figure out who is protesting on our side and work with them to put as much pressure on our government officials as I can.
I’m a little old white lady who happens to live in a pretty diverse area. I moved here last year and the house was reasonable, the neighborhood was nice. I have young white neighbors. I have black neighbors. I have Hispanic neighbors. I have neighbors who are in biracial relationships. I have the Indian man and his wife who live down the street. I have the man who wears a turban (haven’t had a chance to talk to him, so no idea of religion or ethnicity). I have neighbors who wear a hijab and full body clothing. I have at least 2 Japanese families living in my neighborhood. Basically, I moved into a neighborhood that is where immigrants have settled and where people getting started bought their homes. How do I help keep my neighbors safe? I’m new. I mostly know them only from saying hi when I walk my dogs. I’m scared. I’m scared because if the economy tanks, I’m in trouble. I’m scared because I have a daughter who works and who wants to choose how many kids she will have. I’m scared because good people who live near me have been told by our electorate that they aren’t wanted. I’m sickened by this election.
Propaganda works!
Demographics favored Hillary and the entire slate of Democrats.
Wonder how soon the breakdown of electorate is out.
Sat in the kitchen of one wealthy Republican as a pollster called him. Answered every question in a random and contrary manner. Not sure if this is typical Republican poll jamming behavior or not.
@Mustang Bobby: Beautifully said. As someone who lives outside the US, I can tell you that the impact of this election is just as hurtful and shocking out here. I personally will be OK, but there will be lots of suffering. And with the Supreme Court at stake, that will be long term.
You’d think repeatedly losing elections in atrocious manner would be a wake up call to establishment Democrats. Newel was way more right than you or most around here. Those of us lambasted for pointing out her flaws all primary season have proven right. You’d think you’d listen finally.
You’d think.
@Mustang Bobby: Same here. My regret is that when Title l and IDEA funds are gutted, I won’t be there to see the ‘wha happened’ look on the faces of my coworkers who so gleefully voted for Trump.
@Percysowner: My plan, such as it is (I, too, have not been able to sleep) is to focus on the local. I live in a very blue city in a mostly-blue state. My concern will be how we keep what we value safe: our diversity, our wilderness areas, our social nets and schools. I desperately hope our Governor and Mayor will speak to this.
Just a few notes from the 12th floor window sill: I’m not picking up the Times at the door, I’m not looking at anything on the intertubes except this and pr0n. A sleeping pill and a half gave me a few hours of relief.
But thanks everybody for being there. It’s still important that we get verification from random strangers that we’re not crazy.
Wait til the electorate breakdown before grabbing your favorite conclusions.
Mary G
Lavoris Anusol
@Napoleon: Silver was just less wrong. Let’s not put him up on a pedestal for screwing up less.
Wishing I could put a sign on my office door that says “If you voted Trump fuck off and don’t bother me ever again.”
@Baud: I’ve never been so crushed by an election, and I bounced back after Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes. This is the worst, and I’m ready to pass the torch, because clearly my countrymen don’t believe the things I do.
Mustang Bobby
@PhylllisBetween Title I and IDEA here, we have over 2,000 full and part-time employees just running the programs, and nearly all of our schools are Title I qualified. We made it through Bush’s recession without laying off one full-time teacher, but the possibilities of holding the line now seem to be dimming.
@Napoleon: @Napoleon:
Nah. Wang and Silver and the rest had only the polls to rely on.
Blame the pollsters, not the people who interpreted them.
One thing I can feel good about. The entire election I have been reading stories how a place like where I grew up, Youngstown Ohio, would go for Trump. Well they did not and stayed true to the Dems as they have since 1932.
Li'l Innocent
@Cermet: How to do effective obstruction with a minority, is the question.
JosieJ (not Josie)
What’s on my agenda today? Today I get to check into the hospital so I can be evaluated for a heart transplant. This election is the cherry on the shit sundae that is my life at present.
Bruce K
This is probably going to sound phenomenally stupid, but back in early 2008, I was thinking that Barack Obama may have thrown himself into the presidential race a few years too soon. I didn’t realize that he’d have the power to capture the imagination of so much of the country, and I thought he might have needed some political seasoning – a couple of terms in the Senate, perhaps.
I’ve wondered since if that was some of my own prejudice talking as a graying white guy – accepted that perhaps I’d overestimated how long the nation would be ready to accept a black President – and now this happens.
It sounds crazy, but the perfect candidate for 2020 might have been Barack Obama. Except now he can’t run again.
@CaseyL: Sadly, I live in blue city in Ohio. Portman MAY not be bad on keeping diversity in my state, but my daughter’s right to control her own body is going out the window.
@Bruce K: I wonder if Michelle Obama will run in 2020.
But I doubt it.
I’m going to hand out over here with the cat people and pretend I live in New Zealand. Great photos!
@Mustang Bobby: Ours is obviously a much smaller scale, but there are five full-time teachers in Title I, and two in Title II. That’s about half a million the district will have to find, because they can’t get along without them. Good luck with that.
@Emerald: Silver had a fairly high chance that Trump would win and he was very explicit in stating that what ended up happening was a real possibility, while wang had HRC at 99%. Wang is quite simply a joke.
Li'l Innocent
@Percysowner: I’m in a similar situation with the added factors of no financial cushion and my sister’s Parkinson’s. Many wonderful immigrant folks around here whom I’m fearful for. I predict a big upswing in activism and community outreach among groups like Unitarians, not to mention old members like me seeking fellowship and support.
Though I do have a cat on my lap, warm, sleepy and affectionate.
Well, since y’all are talking politics, too, I’ll just say that my formerly purple state has just handed the legislature over to the forced-birthers. Our forced-birther governor is in the middle of his (of course) term, so he’s got free rein now.
I imagine other nations, from Denmark to Somalia, are busily tightening their immigration laws to keep the likes of crazy USians out.
@Mustang Bobby:
well said. And me, too.
Linda M
I am a 68 year old white woman. My husband died in January and my mother died in February. This whole year has been one hell hole of grief. Now this. I worry so much for the future of this country, especially children. I will force myself to go deliver meals today to my clients with Meals on Wheels and try to stay connected with my community. I’ll be glad when 2016 is over, but don’t have a lot of hope for 2017. I’ll keep coming here to get support and maybe some levity.
Bad day at Black Rock.
And everywhere else.
Got a barbed cast iron gnomon which Trump is invited to pivot on.
I don’t think i can even read this thread right now, but it’s a comfort to see familiar names here this morning. I feel sick and I can’t seem to stop crying this morning. love to all of you on balloon juice.
low-tech cyclist
There’s always kitties, but as of yesterday, there’s one fewer in my life.
The Princess Charlotte, who at the age of 16 had gradually been losing weight and going downhill, had her back legs suddenly stop working yesterday. At 7am, she had still been able to clamber up the stairs from the basement. At 11am, she was reduced to dragging herself across the living room carpet by her front paws. There was nothing to do but call the vet, and spend a few final hours with her in my lap before taking her to the vet to be put to sleep.
I had been hoping that that would be the worst thing that happened in my life yesterday. Then the Trumpocalypse.
@Linda M: Linda, you’ve had a very hard year – I can empathize. My husband lost his father in May and his only sibling 4 weeks ago. 2016 has been a horrible year, and now this. Bless you for being a Meals on Wheels angel.