Just fucking stop already:
While some pundits are declaring the Clinton political dynasty dead, sources tell us that it is far from over. Chelsea Clinton is being groomed for the New York seat held by Rep. Nita Lowey.
Chelsea could run for the seat in NYC’s 17th Congressional District once Lowey, a 79-year-old respected career politician with nearly 30 years in office, decides to retire, we have exclusively learned.
Have we not learned from the Cuomo’s, the Bush’s, the Bayh’s, and so on that the spawn is always worse than the original?
It’s the media. Could be completely fake.
Fuck me, they really didn’t learn anything, did they?
Patricia Kayden
Accurate reflection of how Trump must be feeling just about now.
The Clintons need to just go away. For good. And take all their “third way” crapt with them.
Come on Cole. There are no source attributions and it’s all speculation. Bitch at the Post, not the Clintons.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
How much longer does this shit have to go on? We need to learn from this and stop doing this. No more political families.
Yes, let’s get all worked up about Chelsea running…clearly that ought to be our biggest priority as a party right now.
Democrats were ADD before ADD was cool.
I abhor this generational succession crap, but please don’t call Chelsea “worse.” She deserves better.
Just wait until the Trump boys start running for office
@Jeffro: Yep.
And are we doing safety pins?
God, this story can’t be true– it just can’t.
@debbie: She’s a Clinton. As we all know now, it’s our God given right as Americans to make up and believe whatever stories we want about them.
Adria McDowell (formerly LurkerExtraordinaire)
@albertZ: The Trump kids running for office? Please, Daddy will just do what he usually does- give them positions in his Administration.
I almost puked just typing that up.
Amir Khalidey was anything fundamentally wrong in their approach
For Heaven’s sake, calm down. So far this is just unconfirmed speculation.
Then we’re no better than the GOP.
It’s about the individual, goddammit. I defy anyone to say that Bobby or Teddy was worse than John.
The Thin Black Duke
White America just placed a bull’s eye on my back and this is what’s pissing you off? I’m sorry, but this is bullshit.
Why not leave the future to wealthy feuding families? Good motif for the Dark Ages, as the roads decay and things get climate- toasty in general. And fuck the Post, by the way.
Amir Khalid
Why is there some random text appended to my name?
McConnell might not get rid of the filibuster, because he might not want to take blame for the shit show that is about to happen. Ryan’s idea about privatizing Medicare will be sold as a wonderful deal for all, but late night comics will educate us about the truth. The reason I say late night comics, is because the MSM sucks.
I’ll wait for Chelsea to say it before I believe it. The woman has shown absolutely zero interest in politics as far as I know.
@OzarkHillbilly: And she would have to be a high level masochist after what she’s seen her mother go through.
Mark B
I like Chelsea. She would be a great congress person. I don’t want to see her run for president.
Another Scott
@Baud: J was railing about that news with her sister last night. “I’m not saying she can’t run for office if she wants but … Corruption™ … ”
Maybe Chelsea just wants to be close to her parents for her kids to be able to easily see their grandparents?
It sounds to me like a “make her deny it” story to try to rile up people and also try to prevent Chelsea from getting into politics if she wants. I hope they ignore the story – there’s no benefit to commenting on it. There’s no sense in us getting riled up about what Chelsea might or might not decide to do, either.
It’s a House seat. Who cares? I hope the next generation of political reporters aren’t planning on making careers out of bashing the Clintons, like the last batch did. They should find a new story. How’s about they start covering President Trump? That would be new and different.
No one knows jack shit about the President they just finished promoting although I am an expert on Hillary Clinton’s emails. They all should be filing FOIA requests or we’re all in for some nasty surprises. Least transparent President in history and they’re chasing Chelsea Clinton? Not a good sign.
I doubt if this is accurate, and there are far more immediate problems to face rather than slagging on the Clinton’s.
In case you didn’t notice cole, the other side just put a clueless dynasty nut on the throne for realz (instead of fucking speculations put out by fucking media sources). Fucking perspective, asshole.
Alain the site fixer
@Amir Khalid: just saw that. That’s odd. Will investigate.
@OzarkHillbilly: At most she has been a surrogate for her mother.
Patricia Kayden
300,000 voters turned away because of Wisconsin ID law.
Alain the site fixer
@Alain the site fixer: also if anyone typed that text that got appended to Amir Khalid’s nym in his earlier comment, please let me know. I suspect your commment got eated and so you likely had to make a new one.
@Kay: Thanks Kay!
When we finally get some facts on President Trump after he’s ascended to the throne, when the shit starts to come out, will we get an apology for 20 months of focus on Hillary Clinton’s emails?
A giant media apparatus with billions in profits and sky-high salaries on the broadcast tv and cable sides and we somehow know nothing about the President-elect. How does that happen?
The ratfucking for 2020 has already started.
Alain the site fixer
@Kay: I suspect you’ll see fewer facts come than you expect. He’s already beginning to throw his domination game at the press blaming them for the protests. That’s day 1. They will buckle by day 90.
Another Scott
@Alain the site fixer: It was happening to Amir yesterday – it didn’t just appear in this thread. Also, one of my one-liner posts got thrown into moderation yesterday (it happened to others as well).
Maybe there’s a bit of dB corruption or something? Time to kick the gerbils off the wheel to “One the Machine”?
Amir Khalid
@Alain the site fixer:
I respectfully agree with John.
and I was JOKING. goddamn it.
This is NOT in reference to any Clinton running for anything, just think it’s an appropriate thought at this time (yes, it’s from the odious M. Thatcher): you may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.
@OzarkHillbilly: Chill pill John.
1. wait till she actually announces
2. might flame out as rapidly as Caroline Kennedy
3. or just maybe she will inherit her dad’s ability to talk the voters out of the trees.
Enough real problems in 2016 w/o woprring about a hypothetical 2 or 4 years in the future.
Now, Ryan moving on Medicare privatization – trying to exploit the Trump win by tying Medicare “reform” to getting rid of Obamacare – that strikes me as a little more of an immediate priority and rallying cry than whether or not frickin’ Chelsea Clinton is going to run for some office or another.
Is anyone else volunteering?
@Kay: Who owns those media complexes?
They are doing their jobs. That’s the sad and sick part.
They’re useless. The hot political beat will now be a minority Party House seat 2 years before an election?
Would someone tell them the President they got paid to vet but refused to vet is currently ascending to the the throne?
Democrats in Congress are all but irrelvant. We have a far Right one- Party government now. Do they plan on covering the Party that has all but unlimited power or do they get a complete pass? The GOP is in charge. No dissenters and no brakes on one Party rule. Cover that.
Alain the site fixer
@Another Scott: thanks for info! @Amir Khalid: my pleasure.
I’ll see if I get a chance to dig into it today. It’s a holiday here and so spending it with wife hoping to see Dr Strange. Couldn’t enjoy it pre-election cause I couldn’t not worry. And now I’m worrying 100x. So might punt until Sunday in which case I’ll try to check things out. I’m a little paranoid what with Democratic Undergorund down for so many days from being hacked. Think it might be wise to tighten up security on the back end a bit to avoid future crises.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Clinton hate sales for a lot of their audience.
@The Thin Black Duke: I agree with you. Steve Bannon a known White Supremacist is now promised a job in the White House.
If Chelsea Clinton was on the ballot, I’d vote for her.
My daughter in France reports that her co-workers there, ordinarily very supercilious about America, were super sympathetic to her yesterday. Also frightened. Also extremely more concerned with their own elections coming up (primary later this month, general and runoff (if needed) in May. They of course have their own white nationalist party and candidate, Le Pen.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Jeffro: See if all those red state elders think of that idea. It’s not like Ryan has any love amoung the right as it is.
Another Holocene Human
@Patricia Kayden: Accurate
Also, techy people, why is it when I try to reply to a comment with a link in it it loads the leave a comment bit and then follows the link (which I never clicked on)? And then I have to hit back to comment? This is annoying. Chrome/Mac.
I give it better than even odds that Trump gets bored/frustrated with being President and walks away from the job before his first (and only) term is up. You read it first here.
@Alain the site fixer: Yes, the mainstream media is owned by rich Republicans who care about profits – and only profits. The Donald has always had their number: threaten to cut off access, and the mainstream media collectively do their submission dance.
I do expect a steady stream of “Clinton Spawn Are Invading the Body Politic” stories coming from the various fringe sites, sourced by rumors started by folks who have made their living by either bashing or supporting the Clintons. It’ll die down at some point – the Clinton Dynasty has been driven into exile, never to return (unless the Republicans force Chelsea to run so that they have a boogieman to use to scare their base,)
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Please please please let there be a “You don’t mean ME?”
Will they realize that all that suffering they wanted to dish out to liberals is also coming for their sorry asses?
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Amir Khalidey was anything fundamentally wrong in their approach:
You’re really exploring the nym space. Edgy!
Another Holocene Human
@debbie: Yeah, to be fair she’s actually had a real job. No signs of her being a Junior Cuomo yet.
I could care less if she becomes a Rep from NYC. NYC elects plenty of dead weight from its safe districts. At least she won’t be virulently anti-gay or get caught groping interns.
In many ways Bob & Ted were better than John. JFK was not a believer in racial equality for one big thing. Eleanor Roosevelt wouldn’t support him in 1960 & left the convention when it became apparent he would get the nomination. He had to beg her to come back. LBJ the, the good ol southern boy, was who drove on civil rights. Both JFKs brothers were much better.
I have no opinion on Chelsea & the story smells funny but am amazed at the Clinton hate here. Sure, neither is a liberal as I like but then that liberal cannot get elected. He was miles ahead of Poppy & Dole, she was more liberal than he is & it is obvious better than the alternative.
Another Holocene Human
@albertZ: I’m going to give it a go on Monday.
@Alain the site fixer: Go see Dr. Strange ASAP. It is excellent, and of course in the Marvel universe the good guys always win.
Agree with Kay. We have a lot more to worry about than Chelsea’s politcal future. We need to focus on the important issues.
Travels with Charley
My refuge these last few days has been this community! But – I’ve been skipping the blame wars…they are NOT productive and they tear us down instead of helping us to build ourselves up. Yes, we are stronger, together – but not when we are finger pointing. This is not to say cool analysis & willingness to confront difficult truths won’t be needed.
I’ve really appreciated both Kay & Betty’s comments. I will return to work on Monday with my trump co-workers…what conversation is even POSSIBLE? We don’t agree on simple facts! If I say that Paul Ryan is getting rid of Medicare, they reply that he isn’t. For god’s sake, he announced it! How do you fight that? How do you stand for what is right ? This is what I’m struggling with.
I’m also in northern Virginia and have been inspired by Jeffro & Adam’s call to action & service As a veteran, I’m going to spend Veterans Day figuring out how to stand for my community, fight what is wrong, and make things better. Somehow.
Who gives a damn? If she wants to run for the Westchester County seat (where I grew up), she will almost certainly win it. Nobody slags the Kennedys for running for public office all over Massachusetts the past 50 years.
As others pointed out, Ryan’s open statement about privatizing Medicare via reconciliation should be the much more urgent matter to deal with.
WTF Cole. Seriously, what the ever loving fuck. This is what has you upset this morning? This?
I really am taking a BJ break. Between Cole, Mistermix and all the purity ponies with mother issues, I just can’t.
We have to try to buck up for the fight of our lives and we’re going to spend our time here with Clinton bashing?
Fuck that and fuck you.
@The Thin Black Duke:
That is the correct response
My kid mentioned yesterday that he feels like he wants to apologize to every person of color he sees. I fully understand.
mai naem mobile
Saw this on twitter. Do. Not.Believe.This. This is more RW shit. After the Beyonce/Jay Z concert for Hilz, I saw some RWNJ say that Beyonce was paid 62 million dollars by Hilz for the concert!!!!!! Not 60 or 50 or 75 million but 62 million to make it sound more legit.
Say what you want about the Clintons but do not sit there and let the RW ruin their name which will lead to ruining the rep of their Foundation. They’re going to pull this shit on Obama too. Just wait.
Well she’d be my congress person if she ran. I guess I’ll know if she’s running if I meet her a the street fair next year.
Nope, ain’t gonna happen.
Baud nailed it at #1.
Another Holocene Human
@Patricia Kayden: wow, the link following thing just happened AGAIN, wtf
I think this is a game of telephone. 300,000 registered voters didn’t have ID. This doesn’t mean all 300k wanted to vote and were turned away. However, even if a third of them wanted to vote and couldn’t (and maybe they stayed home knowing they didn’t have ID) it’s a scandal.
Here’s my issue. 5 MILLION Dem voters stayed home. WTF. That’s an order of magnitude higher than the number whose votes were suppressed.
From what I’ve heard and seen, combination of failing to reach over the media wall to lower income/no income voters with a direct message and very misdirected GOTV efforts in some places.
So just to recap here:
1) Paul Ryan’s already moving to tie Medicare privatization to Obamacare repeal
2) Trump’s already filling his cabinet with morons and Washington insiders
3) Info is still coming out about the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia from the very beginning, including the hacks
4) Schools all across America are experiencing racist incidents and having to calm their students (as well as deal with the racist parents who are no doubt trying to insist their kids have a right to chant ‘build the wall’ and ‘you’re about to be deported’)
Oh and by the way, Hillz won the popular vote and lost the ‘blue wall’ states by about 1% or so.
Nothing there to work with, Dems, so by all means let’s keep talking about Chelsea Clinton’s plans for some office someplace…
@The Thin Black Duke: consider the source. This is the focus of this blog – it boggles the mind. In the real world, we got other things to worry about.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Another Holocene Human:
I believe (don’t have the tools to check it) that there is a FYWP bug that does this when the very last thing in the comment is a link (maybe with no CR/LF following). The Reply button gets included in the link. Something for Alain to look at.
@Patricia Kayden: To me he seems to be the dog who caught the car.
@geg6: I might have to join you.
Yes…he strikes me as the kind of person who’d walk away from being the most powerful person on the planet…that makes a lot of sense. Or as the kids say, NOT.
It’s not like he’s going to be doing any homework, but give up the job? You must be kidding. Unfortunately, what will happen is he’ll expect his yes-men and women (and worse yet, folks like Ryan, McConnell, etc) to bring him policies so that he can think about them for .2 seconds and then make a ruling based on his gut. And that gut is operating on about as much actual information as your average 2nd grader, with a heaping helping of Alex Jones on the side. Not good.
Alain the site fixer
@Another Holocene Human: what toolbar or extensions do you run? Run Cleeks or other filter?
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Co sign
Fair Economist
@geg6: Thanks, and please don’t take a break. If Chelsea runs, she should be evaluated on her stands and political skills, not her ancestry. People don’t chose their parents.
@Baud: I’m going to hang in here through this week and see if the majority of folks on BJ want to fight the GOP or engage in the circular firing squad nonsense.
The election was close, and the flaws are eminently fixable on their own (even without GOP over-reach working for us, which it will be in about 3, 2, 1…) But I don’t have time to waste on purity ponies or ADD Democrats.
The VA governor’s race is next. frickin’. year. 2018 and 2020 are right behind that. I’ve already made the mental leap that this is my 20-hours-a-week part time job now, for my kids’ sake. I don’t have any time to waste talking to people about Chelsea blessed Clinton.
God help us all, Cole is on a rampage against plural forms. Smite your gratuitous apostrophes, Cole, I beseech you!
I have to agree though that Chelsea Clinton probably isn’t what we need in a candidate at this time.
Alain the site fixer
@geg6: don’t go. There’s much of value here. Ripping one’s garments as such is completely normal in grief, so give folks a break. We all suffer in different ways and don’t often express it well.
Esme's Mom
A quick de-lurk to approve your statements. Also, this blog has kept me somewhat afloat throughout this terrible week, even the shitbots, so love to all.
Based on the incredible amount of crap thrown at the first female candidate for the presidency, which I feel went way beyond “clinton” bullshit, though can’t for my life put a finger on exactly what it could be…would a Chet Clinton be more palatable?
They did the same to Obama – we can’t hide, we need to call it out for what it is. It might be your family name, your color, it will be something. I’m all in for any nepotism that doesn’t involve humans who saw off an elephant’s tail.
Alain the site fixer
@Steeplejack (tablet): good thinking. I’ll try to take a dive in FYWP code. That should remove any higher level thought processes!
This is the least of our worries.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
From the ones I talked it is the opposite in their minds “It’s us whites who are the oppressed ones now” kind of stuff so I can see them going for Ryan’s head over this.
I hear ya, but don’t go.
This is who they are
Steeplejack (tablet)
LOL, I apologized to my pizza delivery guy last night. I usually get the same one—POC, very nice guy, always cheery. Occasionally we talk soccer for a minute.
I have been feeling like I need to preëmptively apologize to everybody because I probably look like a typical Trump voter. Reminds me of how Cole had to announce to the whole waiting room at the vet’s that he wasn’t responsible for Walter’s condition when he first took him in.
Alain the site fixer
@Jeffro: use the form, pop me an email as I live in va too. Not a big fan of tmac and when I met him he just oozed sleaze and Clintonian third way, prostrate before big money, but he’s proven to be pretty good as governor and I’ll vote for anyone who can help fight this horrible turn in our nation.
I intentionally did not read BJ the last two days because I knew what was coming. I peeked in yesterday saw one thread without and stopped because all the surrounding threads were exactly what I feared. I think we all have to come together and agree we all know whos fault it is Clinton lost, those people. Not us, them. They cost us the election pure and simple. Who are those people? Whomever you want them to be, take your pick. JFK was exactly wrong when he said defeat is an orphan, defeat has a thousand fathers and people are very good at pointing them out as long as it is not themm
I admit to being curious as to how Ryan’s plan to Make America Great Again By Skull-fucking Your Beloved Granny will fare among the passionate Trumpite masses. I rather suspect that the Ramsey Bolton of Janesville is determined to push this through at any price while Peter Thiel works on deleting the 19th Amendment.
Cole’s axiom must be true, so Jack, Bobby, and Teddy were all certainly worse than Papa Joe.
@Steeplejack (tablet):
Collective guilt. I am an old white guy it is my group that made this happen so I don’t feel I can ignore it.
Alain the site fixer
@Steeplejack (tablet): yeah I’m about to do my Friday ritual of hitting two different international grocery stores where I will be only white person amongst immigrants from around the world. I’m prepping to make a lot of comments to everyone. I truly grieve; our appeal and message to the rest of the non-white Christian world has soured. As the son of an immigrant (Swiss) and my mother who spent her childhood growing up in Colombia (non Hispanic), I’ve always felt kinship with the immigrant community of all forms. Time to make those feelings more apparent and let them know they’re not alone and we have their backs. This is their country too.
On one of the post 8 p.m. MSNBC shows last evening, one of the hosts put up a graph of how voters decided their vote in the last weeks of the election. All of the breaks were in Trump’s favor by a substantial margin in the last 2 weeks, thanks to college educated Republicans who overcame their disgust with the candidate to come home and support their candidate. I call it the Comey effect and then one looks at voter purges in the blue wall states and NC, there you have it.
Of course, a less than stellar get out the vote effort did its bit too. But, does it bother anyone else that the GOP doesn’t even have to mount a GOTV ground game. Hate and resentment, ginned up by their many media arms, are easy motivators and have been for the last 3 elections, even though we won the first 2.
I salute HRC for doing her darndest to overcome the odds and I’m not going to be a party to any Clinton bashing.
I’d vote for Chelsea.
Inquissima haec bellorum condicio est: prospera omnes sibi indicant, aduersa uni imputantur
Tacitus, Agricola 27:1
“This is the most sordid aspect of wars: successes are claimed by everyone; failures are blamed on one person alone.”
@Alain the site fixer: Will do. My first thought is to write McAuliffe, Warner, and Kaine for their help rallying the troops and sounding the alarm. We can’t let what’s happened to MI (much less KS) happen here in VA
@dww44: Tried to do minor edits to my comment and wasn’t allowed to?
Seriously. This is huge. Almost EMAIL level. Why are you people talking about Ryan gutting Medicare?
Is the single Washington Post reporter who did investigatory work on now-President Trump around?
Maybe they could give him a fresh legal pad with their multi-million dollar budget. The country needs him.
I know he’s probably exhausted but he has to go back to work, now. The rest of them are still on the email beat or penning think pieces on Trump voters.
@Weaselone: I blame Zach.
Can we crowd source coverage of President Trump? This isn’t getting better. It’s an emergency.
The President of the United States is a mystery. People are scared.
@geg6: Do what you have to do, but know I will miss seeing your voice of reason until you come back.
@cole Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Has Chelsea ever indicated that she merely wants to ride the gravy train? What has she ever done in word or deed that makes you automatically consider her unqualified for public service? What the fuck, John.
Worse, he’s an orange, rapist mystery.
Her case as a candidate, arguably unfairly, isn’t going to be enhanced by her husband’s recent financial issues. I also worry that the party may get distracted by the idea of a Clinton restoration. She may well be a fine person and do an excellent job for her constituents if she wins, but I am not sure this is the right time for her to enter politics (assuming she actually is planning to do so).
This is what they’re covering:
People should be scared. They’re simply not up to this. They don’t have whatever it takes. It’s an extraordinary situation and they failed and continue to fail. It won’t get better unless something changes. Institutions are just failing one after another. It’s like falling thru a series of nets. I don’t know when we land.
Esme's Mom
Help, I’m in moderation – please to come out?
We’ll know when we land – the rusty iron stakes impacting our anatomies will be pretty memorable.
Doug R
You forgot Adams and Trudeau and Kennedy and Koch.
Although Kennedy may be the exception to the rule.
Jesus fuck, people. The thread about brainstorming ideas for how the Democrats move forward and attract the people who didn’t vote for either party this year has 25 comments and this one has over 100?
@geg6 – Ranting about ‘purity ponies with mother issues’ and then doing a flounce away from the site? That’s rich. A tantrum in response to a tantrum.
This site needs to be a place where it’s perfectly fine for people to rant and rave, then find their center again, then move on to get the work done. John has done an amazing job of creating that space. If there’s no tolerance for one another’s vulnerable and even extreme moments here on BJ, then we are more fucked than I thought we were.
Okay, deep breaths…
Thanks all. But the Coles and Mistermixes and the Clinton haters have got to give it up. It is counterproductive, morale crushing and just simply gratuitously mean, to the Clintons and to those of us who don’t have an irrational hate of them. Give it up, dudes. Your protestations of innocence of any misogyny involved is belied by your words and actions here, no matter how truly you believe yourself innocent of all charges, simply rings hollow to those of us who have experienced these things directed at ourselves all our lives. You hav no idea how you come off, which is the best interpretation I can put on what too many of you men have been doing. It is not helping and is actually actively making matters worse. It is not giving me any confidence in this people who I would want, under other circumstances, as allies. I’m not feeling I can count on any of you now that the chips are down. Show me that I can because I’m not feeling it.
And so we see how it will go. Fuck off. Take your own advice, asshole.
Esme's Mom
Republicans want to yank out our history.
And they want our help to do it. We’re supposed to deny people who for all any and all faults, have still served us and the country well, honorably. Hillary’s healthcare plan failed – I’m bad at political history, but didn’t a kernel of it survive in ACA?
Not the “real” SRV, but gotta go with geg6 here. Former Republican John Cole is the worst writer on his own page.
Omnes Omnibus
So fucking what if she runs for a House seat.
That’s the thing. I AM taking my own advice. It’s fine with me that John ranted. It’s fine with me that you ranted back. But “I’m leaving here because of you people” (even if it’s supposedly just for awhile) always yanks my chain – because it cuts off dialogue and relationships. I can see doing that on some huge, more anonymous blog or site like kos, but here? Not so much.
I don’t want to see anyone (except maybe a couple of the trolls) leave or take a break from this site right now. Not you, not John, not anybody. We all need one another too much.
I’m a life-long feminist and far, far to the left, and Clinton just didn’t work for me. I voted for her, though, and worked my ass off on GOTV for her because this election was too important. I get what you are saying regarding your responses to criticism of her, but I’d like to hope we can tolerate one another’s differences of opinion here, especially since right now most (all?) of us just need to be able to vent occasionally. Even if it’s not entirely rational.
And no, I’m not going to react in kind to your “fuck off” and “asshole”. Most of us, for very good reasons, are struggling to maintain our equilibrium and sanity right now. Trashing John, trashing John’s writing or opinions, trashing each other, or abandoning the site, even temporarily? I dunno. It just doesn’t feel right to me.
Take care (no snark there, truly).
@geg6: I agree with you 100%. I hope that this is a phase here, but I am not optimistic. I feel like it is turning into “now you ladies, PoCs, LGTBs shut your sweet little pieholes while we, white guys who know better, berate the candidate who won the primaries and the popular vote. We know that your civil rights and lives are at risk here, but Chelsea Clinton might run someday and what we really need is to vindicate me for my ceaseless purity temper tantrums over this election cycle”.
@Jeffro: Thank you. I can’t stand the despair either. Although I want a timeout from politics.
Some of us cannot keep it at 11. Need to recharge.
Davis X. Machina
@Omnes Omnibus: Maybe not worth a ‘Fuck’ — more like a ‘Meh’.
There are 435 seats in the House. She has to run, and be elected.
It’s not an appointed office, after all.
I don’t think this spells the end of the Republic.
Not interested in reading this thread, but the topic strikes me as someone salting the field, since destroying Hillary was not enough. I know — let’s go after Chelsea!
This blog becomes a responding to rightwing echo chamber sometimes. Actually, a lot of time. This is not the week.
Exactly. Intentional or not, this is how it sounds.
Davis X. Machina
@bmoak: Tainted by association with Big Money, and Organized Crime.
We need a time machine so’s we can go back and primary them.
Omnes Omnibus
@InternetDragons: Jesus Christ. If she can’t bear the discussions here right now, then she can’t bear them. Don’t judge her. There have been an awful lot of people here doing a sick end zone dance about HRC being a poor candidate or arguing that maybe we need to compromise on social justice issues in order to reach out to white economic populists who just can’t deal with equal rights for other people. I can see why people who were deeply invested in HRC’s candidacy and interested in social justice might be frustrated by this place right now. I know that I’ve lost my temper with a few people over these things in the past few days.
1. Who cares what might happen when Lowey retires, since she just got re-elected and has shown no sign of impending retirement?
2. Chelsea Clinton seems like a good, level-headed person. She doesn’t have the charisma of her father or networking skills of her mother, so there doesn’t seem to be any danger of her being groomed for a presidential run in the far future. If she wants to use her name recognition to get elected to the House and try to help people that way, what is the problem?
Omnes – I do get that. She snapped. I snapped. In my view, we both came off as being judgy, and for my part in that I apologize. I have zero interest in making anyone who was enthusiastic about Hillary feel any worse. Hillary isn’t the reason we lost this thing, regardless of what some of the Bernie-bro types want us to believe.
I’m as on-edge as anyone else here these days. I just wish all of us (MYSELF INCLUDED) could go a little easier on one another – including being less quick on the trigger with criticizing John for the outbursts we all know he sometimes has.
For what it’s worth, I am finding Al Giordano’s twitter feed (https://twitter.com/AlGiordano/with_replies) to be a touchstone of sanity now. I’ll definitely be looking to him to continue providing practical, solution-focused, and cool-headed advice and encouragement.
And I’ll do a little personal work on the ‘cool-headed’ part ;)
Juice Box
Lawyers’ kids go to law school, doctors’ kids go to med school. Here’s a very incomplete list that I put together off the top of my head:
Adams, Harrison, Taft, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Bush, Udall, Hunter, Levin, Sanchez, Dingell, Bayh, Chaffee, Pelosi (D’Alesandro), Stevenson, Paul
Tim Kaine is the son-in-law of a former governor.
Cuomo, Brown, Daley
1) Barbara Pierce Bush, mother of W, is a relative of Franklin Pierce.
2) One of the Senators Udall is also the nephew of former Sen. Gordon Smith of Oregon.
3) Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi is the daughter of former Baltimore Congressman and Mayor Thomas D’Alesandro.
here here.
Me also. All this hate and anger turned on the Clintons is too much
Dave in Dallas
Seriously? I just got through checking the hate crimes list for this morning. I’m wondering how long the list is going to be at the Transgender DOR on the 20th now that it’s a free for all out there. I guess some folks will have their lives destroyed while some fret about another Clinton.
Eliz Warren’s speech to the AFL-CIO might have made a good concession speech (while not conceeding much).
I give it better than even odds that he keels over in the first year or two. being president is the most stressful job in the world and its an 18 hour-a-day one. even for those lazy fucks like W who delegated half of it away – look at the shape W is in now. he shuffles around like he’s 85.
trump told dr oz that his exercise regimen is ‘waving my hands as I talk’. he’s doughy and ha the complexion of a rotisserie chicken. the stress of this job is going to give him a stroke.
Omnes Omnibus
@chopper: Assuming he takes it seriously.
@dww44: And also the media: their nice horsey racing and dollar chasing fun romp through the landscape.
@geg6: Amazing how cole, ‘mister’mix and other librul loons on this blog turned on a dime within 24 hours. Fuck’em all with their fucking misogyny.
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: Cole came of age politically as an anti-Clinton Republican. His CDS was always there under the surface. I was surprised that he chose her over Bernie. mistermix has always been a Bernie guy and never said much good about Clinton. The rest of the people jumping on her are people who never liked her in the first place. IOW no one is turning on her; people who never liked her are breaking their silence.
I think it was only about a week ago that I commented here that my strongest reason for feeling an aversion to Hillary’s candidacy has always been that the Clintons are creating yet another dynasty. And of course that brought mockery from the Clinton uber alles crowd.
How about all of you stop it. How abound if you let her decide for herself what she wants to do and let her succeed or fail based on what she does? Jesus. Fuck your dynasty comments. Fuck your anti-Clinton biases based on nothing. Grow up and quit being as judgmental as conservatives.
Bobby Thomson
John Quincy Adams was OK.
Chelsea has never impressed me, but it’s up to the voters in that district.
Bobby Thomson
@geg6: Cole’s all right, but mix is just a dickhead. I can’t remember the last time he posted something insightful or even worth reading.
I agree that we can just put a moratorium on Clintons running for office, although in Chelsea’s defense she seems like a fairly grounded and well-meaning person, considering what she and her family have dealt with. She also seemed like the Clinton who was most concerned with making sure the Foundation was dotting its i’s and crossing its t’s and warding off the shady stuff.
But that doesn’t mean I think she should run for Congress. It’s time for the Clintons to step out of the public sphere and do what they can to make the world better as private citizens.
The irony burns.
@smintheus: and yet not as brightly as your uselessness.
@smintheus: says the slowly cooked stupid frog.
Why couldn’t they just inherit the job?
@geg6: Clinton lost. You were wrong. The critics were right.
I’m looking at the scoreboard. Its time for all you Clinton supporters to eat crow. Because you LOST. That is what the LOSERS have to do. STFU and listen to those who saw this coming.
The Trump boys are obvious bozos. Ivanka, on the other hand, scares me; she appears to actually have a measurable IQ, and with a father like that, who knows what weirdness went on in her childhood?
O. F. off. Hillary won the popular vote and if we lived in a civilized country with laws not set up to protect the rich and assholish, that would be all that was needed. President-Elect Loser can fuck off too, along with you and the rest of his fascist wannabe supporters.
I started to wonder to myself why the Kennedys escaped this antipathy. Perhaps the Bushes or CLinons would get some sympathy if one of them got shot.
@goblue72: Echoing Tehanu here.
Clinton won the popular vote by a mile. She will probably have won with 52% of the votes cast when counting finishes. She did what she was supposed to do. She made errors based on reasonable assumptions. She is human as many people have pointed out.
A lot of what I am hearing from the Bernie Bro crowd is ‘See, we told you.’ Told us what? That we should ignore minorities and women’s priorities once again? Because Clinton didn’t ignore that. She did what we want Presidents and others to do-she had the courage to face our country’s deep racist and sexist beliefs head on. She did what Democrats have been doing since Lyndon Johnson threw away the south. The right thing. And trust me, plenty of minorities and women are hearing what you have to say and it is this:
“Shut up and let the white man decide. Or else.”
@Morzer: that is it exactly he is commenting on how “Tone Deaf” this appears.