Important note from commentor Burnspbesq:
Speaking of memberships, some anonymous patriot has offered to match up to a half million bucks of year-end contributions to the ACLU.
So if you’ve got a little spare cash from a year-end bonus, or need a gift for that hard-to-buy-for friend…
Apart from seasonal charity, what’s on the agenda for the day?
Jared Bernstein and Ben Spielberg, at the Washington Post:
The Fight for $15 has been incredibly successful since 100 fast-food workers first went on strike on Nov. 29, 2012, in New York City. The movement they helped create went 5-for-5 during the most recent election, winning ballot initiatives in Arizona, Colorado, Maine and Washington, while defeating a subminimum wage law for teenagers in South Dakota. And with the anniversary of its original strike approaching, that movement is only gaining steam.
As Bryce Covert of the news site ThinkProgress recently reported, workers in more than 340 cities will go on strike again on Tuesday, while “fast food employees, airport workers, childcare and home care providers, and university graduate students” will engage in “civil disobedience at McDonald’s and 20 of the nation’s largest airports.” The workers have also upped the ante: In addition to their calls for minimum wage increases, they’re “demanding no deportations of undocumented immigrants, an end to police violence against black people, and the protection of health care coverage.”…
Raising the wage floor would clearly be good policy, too. Decades of research show that minimum-wage increases more substantial than those Republicans are proposing have their intended effects of helping low-wage workers without much in the way of unintended job loss effects. While the labor market effects of the boldest Democratic proposals are harder to predict, as they lie outside the range of prior research, such proposals still phase in over several years to give businesses time to adjust and are worthy of Republicans’ consideration.
That they should do the right thing doesn’t mean these politicians will do it willingly, of course. Their feet will need to be held to the fire. But that’s precisely where the Fight for $15 has been so successful over the past four years, and low-wage workers’ resolve appears to be as strong as ever…
It’s finally raining!
@raven: What is this “rain” you speak of?
Morning, Everyone???
@OzarkHillbilly: The last meaningful rain here was before my hernia operation!
All good causes, but I’m generally skeptical when a movement branches out into other areas because of the risk of losing focus.
Their call, though. I respect their decision.
@rikyrah: Morning.
“However, if our colleagues had known the economic consequences of their cowardice they would have bucked it up the chain of command and made sure somebody else was responsible.”
FTFY Delta, you’ll get my bill in the mail.
@Baud: If a “movement” branches out, don’t they just become another party?
Count the number of times Standing Rock protest is seen or heard on network news and newspapers.
“It’s all one big club and you ain’t in it.” George Carlin
You know what is news? The American people are turning away from network and print propaganda and finding there own sources of information and many times that information is not accurate. Inaccurately informed people are more dangerous than uninformed people.
Our country is headed into uncharted waters.
LA Civic Center from the LA City Hall observation deck in InfraRed.
ETA: San Juan Capistrano didn’t happen cause Amtrak still had holiday fares and it’d cost $10 extra, so I went to DTLA instead. I took about 250 pics.
@OzarkHillbilly: I wonder if they’ll get a call from Trump’s FAA.
Seriously, good for them. Any time the rules get enforced against the right, it’s a good thing.
@OzarkHillbilly: The magic of wintertime.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Not until they put up their own candidates.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Nice.
I think I like these guys. They’ll never make a dime off of me but at least they aren’t pretending they are doing anything of great purpose.
I can relate to that.
@OzarkHillbilly: Scott is certainly killing someone!
@BillinGlendaleCA: Pretty much, same shot: visible light.
Trump’s ed secretary:
Drain the swamp.
Amir Khalid
Did he explain how he set up a mosquito no-fly zone at Miami Beach? Because I’m sure a lot of people would love to know how he did it.
@Kay: Wall Street Speeches, Kay.
@Baud: EMAIL!
It’s like we told America, “Come with me if you want to live,” and America said, “I prefer death.”
The Free Press actually gave Betsy DeVos too much credit in that editorial. They said she didn’t break any laws buying the Michigan legislature. That is true. She was busy breaking laws next door in Ohio, where she was fined more than 5 million for violating campaign finance rules when lobbying the Ohio assembly. Her Ohio lobbying org said they didn’t have the money to pay the fine- they just moved the money out of the Ohio org and into the Michigan org when they were fined. It’s hard to drain the swamp. You drain it in one state and it just bubbles up in another.
@Kay: That’s on the state for not pursuing the fine.
@Amir Khalid: I think Stinger missiles and drones had something to do with it.
If any of you would enjoy an evisceration of Tom Wolfe that also bears on our brave new world of post-truth Trumpery, I offer this magnificently savage and extremely funny review of Wolfe’s attempt to write about language:
Read the whole thing – and get a free education in linguistic recursion with bonus ‘Minnesota salad bar cheese ball appetizer’!
Mustang Bobby
@OzarkHillbilly: How does he know? He can’t go out in daylight.
@Amir Khalid:
He built a wall and Mexico… *cough*
@Amir Khalid: Why would any self respecting mosquito stay in America after the last election?
@raven: @OzarkHillbilly:
It has been raining here hard on and off since Sunday. We have even had hail at least twice. I’d gladly send some of this your way if I could. I’m afraid we are about to become the land of 1 lake
@Mustang Bobby:
Daylight is something only politically correct sharia liberals believe in as a way of keeping hardworking Medicare fraudsters from leading us all into a glorious Randian future by the true light that emanates from their dazzlingly bald crania.
Some folks over at reddit doxed the guy, he is not hard to find though he does not keep up on his FB page the photos make it clear its him. His life could get interesting now that he is internet famous
@Schlemazel: We schedule our rain for weekends.
Lots of artisanal bloodsucking gigs will be available in the Trump-Ryan-Thiel White House.
@Mustang Bobby: Mosquitoes and leeches never bite him. You know why? Professional courtesy.
My gut tells me it’s coming from someplace else.
We had a heavy frost here Friday Night/Saturday Morning & it looked pretty much like that
Trump just posted a tweet saying that flag-burning should result in jail-time or loss of citizenship.
@Geoduck: And the libertarians praised his tax cuts.
Have you played with tilt-shift? I’m thinking of getting a phone app for doing that just because
@Geoduck: When’s the last time someone burned the flag anyway? Probably around the last time a Dem committed voter fraud.
@Schlemazel: You have a Hollywood sign there?
Where did you think those dazzlingly bald crania were located?
Does anyone know of a nonprofit that focuses on saving Medicare and SS?
FWIW, it’s very annoying because you can’t pause it. My one brother posts them on FB all the time.
The Ohio DeVos story has a happy ending. She failed. They passed a law regulating charter schools. It was the newspapers. Ohio has several large newspapers and they all carried charter corruption stories for months- every large paper in the state covered it daily not on the editorial pages- which are useless ranting- but in news stories. They did stories on corruption in the industry- named individual lawmakers as meeting with lobbyists. It worked.
It was nice to see because newspapers here all backed charter expansion for years- they admitted they made a mistake pushing to “flood the market” and turned against the industry. It was like the magic spell broke and everyone could admit this was a disaster.
@Schlemazel: Real tilt-shift is insanely expensive(a tilt shift lens), my camera will do faux tilt-shift. I’ll try it next time I go to the oberservation deck. Yesterday’s visit up there was unplanned.
so you’re saying we have a chance?
I am not saying I was actually present when Eric and Donald Jr burned all those American flags, but I can certainly testify that friends of mine knew a person who said that they had heard on the Alex Jones show that such flag-burning occurred when Trump was a Democrat….
So you live in Camalot?
The rain may never fall till after sundown
Iowa Old Lady
@Geoduck: I’ve become so used to Trump craziness that I shrugged at the flag-burning tweet.
@Schlemazel: Fortunately we’ve been getting some, 1/4″ here, a 1/2″ there, every now and again a drizzling. Fall is usually a fairly dry time of year here in the Ozarks. Come December tho, the rains ramp up. Last years New Years flooding was the result of a fairly normal weather pattern that was carrying a lot more moisture than is normal.
I have a feeling that will become the new normal.
Our hollywood sign is not as big, as Minnesotans we don’t like bragging
@Schlemazel: Yes, we usually also schedule it at night.
I have only ever sen them as stills, didn’t know that made ‘videos’
@Iowa Old Lady: That’s the idea.
@Iowa Old Lady:
That sort of crazy is old hard right crazy, which is probably why it feels relatively familiar. I wonder when Shrub and relatives will be dragged out and forced to bend the knee before the Gibbering Mouther whose forerunners they were.
The missus had surgery on her ‘trigger finger’ and thumb yesterday so I am home for a couple days as she needs help with just about everything. I am hoping to break out of my slump but doing useful things around the house between caretaking but am sort of stuck on the sofa so far this morning.
Iowa Old Lady
@Baud: Didn’t the Supreme Court already declare flag burning to be a First Amendment issue? I seem to recall that during the Vietnam era.
@Iowa Old Lady: They did, but it was in the 90s, I believe.
@Iowa Old Lady:
You think Trump gives a shit about the First Amendment?
@Morzer: I read on Stormfront that the Donald used to make American Flag toilet paper.
I;ve been thinking about it because newspapers kind of cover their lack of investigative or factual reporting with these “blistering” editorials. The editorials are bullshit- they just get blown off because no one is ever named and there’s no specifics. DeVos responded to the Free Press editorial with a barrage of slogans- she can’t do that with news. There was no real rebuttal from the Ohio charter industry because they can’t do the “war of opinions” thing with news stories. You need X charter school on Y street in Toledo laundered this money.
Well, he wears diapers while tweeting about it, so…
@Baud: Yes, but the Court was filled with a bunch of liberals back them.
ETA: Ya know, like Fat Tony, Silent Clarence, and Chief Bill.
Iowa Old Lady
@debbie: I’m not sure Trump knows about the First Amendment.
What is up in TN with the fires? Has anything happened like this before?
I’m not so sure. But news is better than op/eds.
@Geoduck: Already resolved during the Clinton years.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Fat Tony was good on flag burning.
@Iowa Old Lady:
That was the old supreme court, President Trumps court will rule flogging and debtors prison constitutional.
This is who they are.
Gold-plated American flag toilet-paper. At least, that’s what Giuliani told me off the record at Peter Thiel’s vampire orgy.
That was made in China.
So I guess we have moved on from the Old Republic to the Fakefur Imperial stage.
Petraeus for state department. It’s another giant “fuck you!” from Team Trump. It’s an admission that the entire email story was bullshit, no one really cares about it, and the whole thing was a smear that applied exclusively to Hillary Clinton.
They don’t care and why should they? It doesn’t matter at all. There will be some ineffectual whining but since it was trumped up bullshit no one really cares now that the campaign is over.
By enslaved white Christian children!
@Morzer: I blame Obama.
It makes it almost impossible to take this seriously. We spent 20 months dragging Hillary Clinton over the coals for “putting national security at risk” and Trump floats Petraeus for state department because he knows he can do anything he wants.
He knows the Clinton email story was bullshit. Now that the campaign game is over they can all stop pretending they gave a shit about emails and breaches of national security.
This is my shocked face.
It might be just an attempt to cash in on Petraeus’ residual status as a mighty warrior against terrorism. At least in the right wing mind. Besides, he’s got the very Trumpian quality of public infidelity on his CV.
A man who gave secrets to his HO.
Uh huh
Uh huh
@Kay: All I can say is, “Suckers.”
@Iowa Old Lady:
He knows it comes right before Two Corinthians…
@OzarkHillbilly: I actually think that’s the correct response to anyone who voted for Trump. “You were conned.” Policy based responses are a waste of time with that group.
You’ll be amused to learn that Baby Doc agrees with you and Kay:
Can’t wait to see who he shares classified information with!
I plan on printing gift wrap with that statement for my family this Christmas.
Give them an empty box and tell them it’s a Trump Christmas present.
For the record, you realize that’s a lie?
Or a donation to the Dems in their names.
*rolls eyes*
@Morzer: No, Petraeus was “persecuted” by Obama. Remember when all liberals were calling him General Betray-us?
@Baud: I have little tubs of Vasel!ne I hand out with the little reminder that, “This is the first of many fuckings you are gonna get.”
@Morzer: That’s how they sneak lies into every day consciousness.
Well this is a sickening article in case anyone here wanted to have their appetite ruined for the next four years.
WaPo NYT worked with Bannon before denouncing him. Bonus FBI
Just like poor General Flynn who was forced into the arms of Vlad totally against his will.
@MomSense: Sounds like a great diet plan.
Gosh, you mean…someone from the party of Lincoln…fibbed?
The Trump Diet: zero calories plus a slap in the face.
@Morzer: I was trying to point out the style of fibbing here.
You notice that evem TPM ran Paul’s quote without explaining the lie it contained.
@Morzer: Sounds like a BDSM flick.
ThresherK (GPad)
Spousal ThresherK has gradated from walker to cane, owing to very good results in her PT.
I keep asking her if she needs things from home, Like her high hat, Arrow collar, and white spats.
Patricia Kayden
@BillinGlendaleCA: Because he betrayed us by giving classified information to his girlfriend, but who cares about facts when you’re a rightwing wacko.
Patricia Kayden
@ThresherK (GPad): Nice!! Great to hear good news in the morning.
Iowa Old Lady
@Iowa Old Lady: This is actually one of the most astounding thing about Trump. The Supreme Court decision about flag burning was made during his adult lifetime. It was all over the news. Either he was too absorbed in his own world to take in current events or he’s forgotten. Neither thing is promising for good governance.
I suspect that TPM has faith that their readership is well enough informed not to need the reminder. They may be wrong.
Betty Cracker
@ThresherK (GPad): You might want to stay out of cane-range when you ask questions like that! :)
@Patricia Kayden: That was a thing before his gf came to light.
@ThresherK (GPad):
Speaking of BDSM…
The woman who went off in Michael’s after being charged a dollar for a bag apparently is well known in the neighborhood for that sort of thing. There was a youtube video of her pulling the same attitude in a Peets coffee shop in July but the video was removed recently. The doxers have posted her name, address and phone number (no reddit this time)
I am very much against this doxing thing even for people like the two recent ones who richly deserve notoriety for their behavior. It is scary how quickly a group can dig this stuff up without even a name to start with. It is scarier still to think some loon will act on the information
@Morzer: Never have faith in others. That’s my motto.
It’s almost as if there was an overlap between white derangement and support for Trump.
That could be a winning slogan for the Baud 2020 campaign.
@Morzer: I’m focus grouping various alternatives.
@ThresherK (GPad): Good news.
@Morzer: I think it already replaced “in G-d we trust” as the national motto.
“Baud 2020: The alternatives are even worse!”
@satby: Our national motto for the next 4 years is “E Unum Pluribus.”
I’m sure she is a one-off. Couldn’t possibly be a thing with Trump voters
@Schlemazel: Hope her recovery is swift. And that you’re feeling better soon too. We’re here for you to vent or whatever.
@Morzer: Nah. That was true for Clinton, and it didn’t work.
I’m partial to “Nach Trump, Baud!”
I figure the German would help win back the midwest states.
@Baud: still too optimistic.
@Baud: In a Baud! Presidency the motto would be, “You gonna finish that beer?”.
The Clinton email story is the Whitewater of 2016, complete with the NYTimes promoting it.
What’s amusing about it is the Clintons were always treated as sleazy by political media- the distaste always had a snobby element- so grasping and low class!
Trump and his family are sleazy as hell and for some reason that’s delightfully eccentric rather than just sleazy.
“Baud 2020: Because You Thought It Couldn’t Get Worse!”
Agreed. It’s dangerous.
@Mustang Bobby: Well played. And belated congrats on your win with your play!
@ThresherK (GPad): Good to hear she’s doing well. Continuing best wishes!
@Morzer: “Baud! 2020: Refill the swamp! God, how we miss the swamp!”
@Baud: That really bothers me — somehow, at no point did anyone make clear that Hillary Clinton’s supposed recklessness with confidential and classified information resulted in a total of ZERO people seeing confidential and classified information who weren’t supposed to see it. Nor, as I understand it at least, was it ever the case that Clinton herself sent anything. I get that in politics “if you’re explaining, you’re losing,” but I wish Team Hillary had made a bigger, angrier attempt to make people say what the fuck they thought happened in this story, and then refute it. It probably wouldn’t have helped election-wise, but it might have had an effect on how people understand the story now.
“Baud 2020: Double the Swamp And Four Times The Alligators! Bonus Mosquitoes For Early Donors!”
You mean, your Senators and Congressfolks? They’re the ones that need to hear from us, like, yesterday. Rep Price is interested in phasing out Medicare in the next 6 to 8 months.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth, I say, but it means we have to get going here, folks.
Time to get ready for my now shorter work day. Have a good day everyone.
@Kay: That doesn’t surprise me. I just thought we were stronger this time.
Even here, there were some “serious” discussions about Clinton’s server. We are collectively still the media’s patsies, or enough of us are for it to make a difference.
@satby: You too. Shorter is good, right?
@Kay: IMHO, for media people especially in NY, Trump’s sins are Mafia-like, hence colorful rather than troubling.
We got this fucking moron but we weren’t subjected to Hillary Clinton’s server management issues so it’s even-steven.
The President-elect spends an awful lot of time threatening to put people who disagree with him in jail. Relying on “our institutions” to rein this lunatic in is not reassuring.
In order to make America both safe and pure, I hereby offer the final solution of deporting all Germanic, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Czech and Slavic people from the United States as some of them have tendencies towards fascism. Besides, to us Englishmen they all look the same anyway.
Have the best day possible. I’ve given up on “good”.
The lunatic is running the institution.
@Baud: Chiefly of the “SHE KNEW SHE’D BE A TARGET SO WHY DID SHE GIVE THEM THE AMMUNITION!” sort. But the whole thing has always seemed to me a bit like getting all worked up that someone in a government agency is making copies of personal papers on the office photocopier. Fine, strictly speaking, you shouldn’t do that. No, it’s not a cataclysmic error of judgment, knock it off.
@Baud: oh boy yes. I mentioned the change at the bottom of the last thread. Tl:dr I lose 8 hours a week, but with the latest stir-crazy dogfight that happened while the dogsitters were here I officially have spent almost my entire take home pay since I took the job on vet and boarding bills. It’s been depressing and exhausting, but I’m hoping this will work much better.
I really don’t know.
The NYTimes has started this thing where they say to “understand” Trump (like they do) you have to understand how he manipulated and used NYC tabloids. They present it as masterful. Like only a genius could hoodwink the savvy.
Seriously- fuck these people. They’re silly and vain and shallow. They’re lousy as elites. I demand higher quality elites. Our current crop are only good for high-end food and fashion reporting- they’re “lifestyle” reporters.
@FlipYrWhig: Agreed 100% with your analogy.
@satby: Great. I hope for the best.
They are sending us their Johnsons and Farages and some of them, I assume, are.. oh fuck it, why even pretend that they are within a million miles of being good people?
@Kay: Drain the elite swamp!
Word out now is that the guy doxed as the Delta screamer is not that guy. The photos on reddit sure looked like him but it is always possible they got it wrong anyway. That is one of the reasons I hate doxing, too easy to get it wrong. Even if right it is the wrong thing to do but when they get it wrong it is so much worse.
Says who?
I posted this here before
The national committee to save social security and medicare. They appear to be the real deal
I hate to break it to the Times, but it’s not just the NYC tabloids that Trump used and manipulated.
Or, as our new dear (expensive?) leader might say:
Elite the swamp drain!
We actually have a sleazy real estate family like the Trumps where I live. They own a lot of property and they have many other irons in the fire, most of which are scams. We just call them “sleazy” and no one who knows anything about them does business with them. If they had inherited more valuable real estate they could be running the country.
Location, location, location. Trump was lucky enough to be born in NYC instead of rural Ohio.
@Baud: So, my kid got me Trump toilet paper for my birthday (no flags — just his face on it) that was made in China. It was really low quality. Would not buy again.
Btw this is excellent: a guide to defending democracy under a Trump presidency
How many divisions does the majority of the American people have?
Not enough, it seems.
Thos morning, our POS Elect (did I spell that right?) called for prison or stripping the citizenship of anyone burning the flag.
You can donate to the ACLU here.
@Morzer: The mockery of their cognitive dissonance is delicious! I’m surprised they put their shoes on the right feet. Wait a minute! I’m surprised they don’t put both shoes on their right feet.
@Schlemazel: I await with bated breath my turn at the doxxing gallows for something I didn’t do.
What’s a year end bonus?
Under Trump, bonus rear ends you!
@Kay: The Trumps are certainly no better than the Helmsleys.
@Morzer: I don’t know about divisions but there is a serious lack of brain cells among the electorate.
We had a physician from out of town buy the patriarch’s house, which is across the street from my house. Too late to warn her! There is a service truck in that poor woman’s driveway every day. I hate them. I feel like they spread misery everywhere they touch down. OMFG buy NOTHING from these people.
@Betty Cracker: Actually, even though she’s mumblemumble years older than I am, I’m the one who brought the movie/theater geekery to our marriage, especially the old-school variety.
Of course, like everyone, she knows “Puttin on the Ritz” from Young Frankenstein. But thanks to decades of my movie habits she knows now (unlike when we met) why “I’m Tired” from Blazing Saddleswas so funny.
And thanks to her I know more about all the Oz universe than ever existed.
@Morzer: Loved that, thanks!
Our school went to mixed grades because we’re trying to be groovy and innovative. So they’re in mixed age classes. My 8th grader is now friends with older kids, almost exclusively. I feel like this is a mistake. They’re emotionally ahead of him- more mature and harder in some ways. He’s impressed by this and thrilled they’re friends with him so adopting this kind of fake sophistication. I’m like “oh THIS is why they put them in classes grouped by age!”
I want him back with the goofballs :)
Therein lies the one big difference between a liberal and a conservative. A liberal can imagine what it would be like to have someone else’s fate befall them. A conservative can’t imagine that ever happening to them & assume the person deserved it
I feel you,Kay. Keep kids with their same age group
Central Planning
@Bostondreams: I’m thinking a flag burning party might be in order if Trump follows through on trying to do that.
@Geoduck: Government by tweet. That will be interesting.
Wildfires burning up a good bit of Tennessee real estate. Any one want to start a countdown clock till the Tenn. GOPers ask for federal disaster money?
gogol's wife
Yesterday I donated to ACLU and SPLC and subscribed to the Washington Post. I have a little to-do list every day. Unfortunately most of the items on my list involve spending money. Oh well.
Lizzy L
@Bostondreams: Please note: you can also make a tax-deductible donation to the ACLU Foundation. It’s on the same website. Your membership is not tax deductible.
Trump tweets outrageous stuff – like that tweet this morning about flag burning – because his narcissism requires him to seek attention constantly. It’s gonna be like this from now on.
I’m like “where’s Zane? I miss Zane”. He had the same crew since kindergarten and now he’s with these older …people. I’m not ready for giant, glowering teenagers draped on the furniture. This whole thing is a mistake.
Our daughter played hockey and, because she was good early, she ended up playing with high school girls when she was still in 8th grade. It was not a positive experience as far as I could tell. There is a huge difference in the teen years and I think it is not a good thing to put early teens with older ones like that.
I will also throw in that sports are not the suzi sunshine environment it is projected to be. When I was in high school the biggest drinkers and the biggest partiers were the jocks. That did not change when my kids were in sports 30 years later
It’s “personalized learning”- they move around according to (basically) test scores. I was thinking about the flip side too- there must be older kids stuck with younger kids all day. That can’t be great for them.
This child in particular is sort of sunny and easy-going. He’s goofy- he laughs a lot. These people are too serious for him, too mature.
On the bright side, he’ll be well prepared for the Betsy DeVos Labor Camps.
There was the “possibility” that the server “could” have been hacked, just like there is the possibility that I could become a supermodel, if I grow 7 inches lose half my body weight and start looking like a teenager. It was always a bullshit story and they knew it. Speculating on what might have happened is stupid, there are endless possibilities of things that could happen, but in this election the only important hypotheticals seemed to concern her server, none of the stuff that was obviously happening and is now ongoing at warp speed, was worth dedicating as much time to as the dammed e-mail server. Every time it came up they media said that there was nothing there but it was the “appearance” of wrongdoing that was the problem. It’s funny how “appearance’s” no longer seem to be a problem for the Shitgibbon and it’s merry band of reprehensibles.
Rightwingers have a zero-sum game mindset about social contracts. They deeply resent government using their hard-earned tax dollars to help anyone more disadvantaged than they are and can see no direct financial benefit to themselves. All they see is X number of dollars of aid given to others is the equivalent to X number of dollars stolen right out of their wallets. I’ve been searching for some good essays or opeds on this but no luck so far.
It’s not that I think many rightwingers would believe that any money going to help other Americans can improve their own lives or their own communities. Everyone not them are losers and moochers yet they never seem to resent the very wealthy for getting a huge amount government welfare dollars or calculate how much that is draining their wallets.
@Baud: Flags get burned all the time, when they are properly disposed of. there is a box at my grocery store where you can have a veterans group do it for you. I have considered it because I wonder if some of my nutty neighbors would misinterpret it if I did what protocol says. I wonder of reactionaries like Trump even consider that.
Flags are symbols, not the actual things. Burning them doesn’t even always mean you hate America, it can mean you think it’s doing something wrong. Flags aren’t alive and I actually prefer flag burning to other ways of expressing anger where someone gets hurt. I have noticed quite a few of what we currently call conservatives really have a kind of magical thinking where the symbols are the things. It causes all kinds of problems.
@hovercraft: Yup. The whole election turned on the idea that Hillary Clinton supposedly ACTS LIKE she has something to hide, while Trump supposedly ACTS LIKE he’s an open book. The fact that Trump conceals all kinds of things, starting with his own taxes and record of sheer fraud, while Clinton has been minutely scrutinized for 30 years… that just doesn’t enter into it, because one projects carefulness and defensiveness and the other projects straight-talk and tellin’ it like it is. That was what determined the election: Trump runs his mouth so much it COMES ACROSS AS un-politician-like unguarded honesty. This is a stupid, stupid way to choose a leader. And the media likes it this way because digging for facts and connecting dots is a lot of work, while talking about what other people are accusing other people about and how those other people come across is easy. Who’s on the attack, who’s caught flat-footed, and so forth. When Rachel Maddow started talking about “body language,” that was when I started to give up on even the liberal media. Fuck “body language.” This isn’t a show. It’s real.
I have come to believe this is another facet of their essential nature: they are suck-ups. They are totally kick down/kiss up in their hierarchical structure, and they are totally about the hierarchical structure.
Which is why “equality” sounds like one of those politically correct things they hate so much. Deep down, they are not Americans.
@hovercraft: Also, and I know you know this already, there’s a POSSIBILITY that Hillary Clinton COULD have lost the key to her office. This doesn’t mean that it was reckless and irresponsible of her to carry her office key in her purse, or ask Huma Abedin to hold said purse while she went to the bathroom. The whole thing was an immensely idiotic story that I guess sounded intriguing to people because it involved The Computer.
@bemused: @WereBear:
That’s because outwitting the greedy government is cool. That’s the promise of every tax preparation commercial. When Trump said not paying taxes made him smart, I’m sure they cheered. Getting handouts from the government is the lowest of the low; tricking the government is the highest of the high.
@gogol’s wife:
That’s awesome! I had ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and Sierra Club covered but forgot to re-up with the SPLC, thanks for the reminder!
Don’t forget to call your Senators and Rep: NO CHANGES to Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare. Calls are free! =)
Has everybody finally realized how well and truly fucked we are this time? Movement conservatives tried to do it the nice elected way in W’s terms, but the natural order of things is that conservatives run vital functions of government about as competently as a drunken 19 year old frat boy trying to fuck while having a bad case of whiskey dick, so they got dumped in 2006 and 2008. Eight years of raw obstructionism paid off, they cheated via vote suppression in 2016, and now intent to both jam the entirety of movement conservatism through as if by mandate, followed by massive vote suppression and police state measures in 2018 and 2020.
Drum circles, peace marches, giant puppets, non-violence and legally compliant strikes aren’t going to cut it. This time churches, gated communities, country clubs, charity events all have to face potentials for everything from Pu55y Riot type action to potential violence, all while the Oaf Creepers and the camo clad fat militia thugs act in support of law enforcement.
The only alternative is to learn from our brothers and sisters of color in how to order our lives when neither government nor our businesses or institutions can be counted on for support, in the knowledge our votes are worthless.
America claims to love George Bailey as it cringes in support of Old Man Potter. It claims to love the redeemed Scrooge while it votes for the Scrooge from the opening chapters. It claims to admire Lincoln while idolize Calhoun and Davis. We’re a diseased, debased culture.
They worship the plutocrats. If they really hated elites, they would have recognized Trump was playing them for fools right off the bat.
@debbie: I’ve been contributing to Social Security Works, a lobbying organization. They can be found here: Social Security Works.
@bemused: They wanted to believe Trump’s lies so they did.
And Trump will be prevented from making their dreams come true because liberals wouldn’t let him.
It’s always libtards standing in their way to freedom from big government.
@bemused: Yep! As Big Cons go, it’s brilliant.
@gvg: When I was a kid we burned the worn out lawn flags in the laundry tub in the basement.
@Lizzy L: A mass un-following might be effective. Narcissists hate it when you cut off the supply of attention and reaction.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kay: not just that, but I think this is about the fifth non-crime that he’s decided should come with a loss of citizenship. What he plans to do with all these non citizens is beyond me. Send them away somewhere?
btw, with your expertise on all things kitty, do you use dryer balls in your clothes dryer that collect cat hair? Some dryer balls are said to be good for that purpose. I try to brush as much cat hair off laundry as I can before washing and drying. Our two long hair black kitties are big shedders. I try comb them a lot and give them laxatone but they still puke up hairballs. Sigh.
Trump has just named Mrs. Mitch McConnell as Transportation Secretary.
@bemused: I feed a lot of canned, we have a drinking fountain, and add Brewer’s Yeast to their food. Seems to help a lot; we have 3 longhairs.
Damn, canned food is such a mess, dirty cat food dishes every day. Is all dry food a problem? Any that contain brewer’s yeast?
@WereBear: America was founded by a bunch of semi-educated slave owners (and Ben Franklin). The notion that they thought equality applied to anyone but themselves is laughable.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
from RootsCamp, an “un-conferece” (fercrissake) of activists in DC
@bemused: AHA.
Dry food is a problem because it is full of grains, and cats don’t graze in a wheat field; they eat meat with a high water content.
So lot of what you are paying for with dry food is something that only makes them hungry and eat more; encourages illness like diabetes; and contributes to your shedding problem.
Almost a third of a cat’s metabolism is for maintenance of their skin and coat. So nutritional deficiencies are going to show up there, first.
@Calouste: But it was a fine Enlightenment notion that made some progress over the years.
But our Trump voters don’t even pay it lip service. They don’t want it!
I don’t even know where to start with wet cat food brands.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: And that’s why we’ll never recover from this.
J R in WV
@Iowa Old Lady:
Just doesn’t care because he has no intention of allowing the Constitution to shape his actions in any way whatsoever. After all, we know he has never read the Constitution, he didn’t even know the number of Articles nor what they contain. No less, he is completely ignorant of the Bill of Rights and the other, what 15 or 20 Amendments passed over the last 250 or so years.
In fact Trump is pig-ignorant of how the United States is governed in every way, except he knows that if he pays enough to building inspectors, permit issuers, and zoning board members, he gets to have his way on his Real Estate Developments [caps because that the most important, most precious things evah!].
We are so fucked. I’m so jealous of people who have commented about their dual citizenship in Canada, Ireland, Brazil, etc. I know these countries have problems of their own, many similar to the problems we have just created for ourselves, voluntarily, but still, to be able to just ship stuff and buy tickets to fly….
Barcelona, I can hear you calling!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Further proof that self-identifying as an “activist” is masturbatory.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@J R in WV: I have too many obligations to emigrate, but if they haven’t changed the rules (4 Irish-born grandparents), I could get Irish (and so, EU?) citizenship. A few of my cousins did it, I think in the 90s, just to say they had Irish citizenship, I always thought that was kind of silly As those ties unbind with time, and things continue to go to hell, I may change my mind.
@J R in WV: I don’t think Trump understands ideas like “cause and effect” and “consequences” and “time.” He dwells only in the now. He doesn’t learn, doesn’t plan, doesn’t cogitate. He has only sensory knowledge that comes from what he immediately sees and touches.
Matt McIrvin
@Central Planning: I’ve heard it suggested that Trump is trying to provoke his opponents to burn flags to make them look stupid and unpatriotic and justify cracking their skulls. Whether or not he’s calculating enough to do that, it’s probably worth treating this as bait.