Michigan officials admit majority of Detroit vote counting machines broke on Election Day – Palmer Report https://t.co/Gx9btLqqrF
— John Markoff (@markoff) December 11, 2016
I have covered many African elections. I have a pretty good idea how western election observers would respond to this in, say, Kinshasa. https://t.co/bYLn9UujlI
— Lydia Polgreen (@lpolgreen) December 12, 2016
A shonda for the neighbors!, my (impeccably lace-curtain NYC Irish) Nana would say. Sarah Chayes, in Foreign Policy:
… In the past 10 years, populations have rejected ârigged systemsâ that had stood for decades. They have risen up in mass protests in Brazil, Guatemala, South Africa, and South Korea. They have overthrown their governments in open insurrections like the Arab Spring and Ukraineâs Maidan. Or they have fallen in behind self-proclaimed Robin Hoods such as Venezuelaâs Hugo ChĂĄvez. Occasionally, they have joined violent religious movements like the Islamic State or Boko Haram.
With Trumpâs election, the United States just joined this list….
Whatever our affiliation or walk of life, we must also, each of us, discover and hold on to that dividing line that marks off the reasonable compromises from the unacceptable.
For, like the people of Mosul in Iraq or northern Nigeria, who traded intolerably corrupt regimes for Islamist crusaders who were worse, Americans will wake up in January under a system that is more corrupt than the one that fueled their rebellion. That is the irony of resorting to a wrecking ball to bring down a corrupt regime. Too often, the kleptocratic networks prove resilient, while those who revolted end up with crushed heads.
Already, President-elect Trumpâs questionable affiliations and potential conflicts of interest â as genteel vocabulary would have it â are making headlines. The issue is not one of technical legality or poor vetting. His actions and associations are deliberate. While tweeting out distractions to disguise the fact, he will unleash a feeding frenzy. Our laws and institutions will be bent to the purposes of personal enrichment. Industry lobbyists will draft the bills. He will negotiate business deals with foreign counterparts, confusing his personal interests for the good of the nation. Agencies that try to hold the line will see their budgets slashed, their officials belittled in public. Law enforcement will be even more selective than it is today. The labor of human beings, the land, and whatâs on it or under it will be converted to cash as efficiently as possible. And what canât be converted will be bulldozed out of the way.
And what will Americans do in the face of this exacerbation of our own brand of corruption? Will we further relax our standards, shrugging our shoulders and referring to the letter of ever-changing laws? Or will we reach for a definition of corruption that is in line with common sense and rebuild our foundations upon that bedrock?…
Seeing stories on my FB feed of voter fraud in Detroit. Headline says more votes cast then voters. What’s up with that?
So Politico “fired” Julia Ioffe for tweeting speculatively that Trump is fucking Ivanka. (Ioffe was already heading to The Atlantic, so not sure how Politico could fire someone who’d given notice…)
But the important thing is we all know Trump would never fuck his daughter. Sure, he sneaks in the bathroom when she showers and masturbates while he watches, but where’s the harm in that?
I am seeing stories on my Facebook feed from Trumpers that voter fraud has been found in Detroit. Gist of the story is more votes were cast then registered voters. What is up with that?
James E Powell
Nothing. The RWers are alll “We won, suck it libtards!” and the Democrats are arguing about who sold us out more, Obama or Clinton. The great mass of Americans don’t know or care enough about politics to correctly identify the part that controls all three branches of the federal government and quite a few statehouses.
The majority of the vote counting machines in Detroit broke on Election Day and haven’t been fixed. Michigan is using this as a reason to not do a recount — no, really!
And now the propagandists are doing their part to cover for the Republicans by spreading rumors.
Steeplejack (phone)
Probably an attempt to set a firewall against the real news of broken voting machines above.
Patricia Kayden
My fear about these kinds of stories (vote counting machines in African American counties conveniently breaking down on Election Day) is that they aren’t getting any traction or coverage except in smaller leftwing circles like ours. Where is the outrage by mainstream journalists and the 24-hour coverage of this important issue? Why is it okay for the African American vote to be so heavily discounted while we’re being asked to act as if this is normal for a democracy?
I wish our Democratic politicians were more aggressive and talked about this issue every chance they got. This is a big fricking deal.
Mike in dc
She’s at more meetings with him than Melania is. Melania is going to stay at Trump tower and Ivanka is setting up shop in a space normally reserved for the First Lady. If they’re not copulating literally, they appear to be doing it metaphorically.
OT: more data on Trump’s decision making style
I’ll go with shrugging shoulders. If Americans gave a shit to do something they would have voted and this wouldn’t be happening. We aren’t going to save ourselves, we already had an easy way to do that and failed. Why should I believe now we will do it hard way? sorry, but we’re fucked. But, you know, emails.
Look, this is the holiday season. Americans are as interested in politics in December as they are in buying bathing suits. When Trump IS president and the shit starts to hit the fan, there will be resistance aplenty. Not just on sites like this one, among ordinary citizens. There’s going to be civil strife, including violence I’m sad to say. When ICE breaks in on some Hispanic American’s home in south Texas or central Florida in order to deport Grandpa Jaime, there’s a nonzero chance said householder will respond with deadly force. A nice massacre will ensue. People won’t shrug at that.
Mike in NC
Trump will make all critical decisions using the Magic 8-Ball on his desk.
@JMG: Also, people ARE interested. I haven’t seen this much energy in my lifetime. I don’t know if it will be enough, but people who aren’t seeing it need to get out more. Or make it happen themselves.
@Mike in dc:
Stop it you guys – she is TOTALLY not doing it with him. She’s just letting him put it in and wiggle it around some for fun. She doesn’t think he finished inside or anything!
I am leaving for the day, but I wanted to add this to the open thread. Ensuring decent wages is difficult, even under Democratic administrations.
When you get down to it, the garment industry has resisted paying fair wages, and providing decent working conditions for decades.
@Patricia Kayden: Our Democrats are passionless technocrats. They can’t get worked up about anything convincingly, except maybe Harry Reid, but he only speaks his mind because he’s on his way out. Bernie and Warren aren’t on this, which is telling. It’s feeble pantomime.
I’m just pondering the difference in the reaction to large city black Dem-voting populations having their votes scrapped because of crummy voting machines vs. the reaction of white voters in middle-class suburbs if their votes had not been counted.
? Martin
@Ocotillo: Detroit public officials are so underfunded and subject to state level constraints related to bankruptcy that their voting rolls are a disaster. This is well known among vote lawyers. Just because someone who isn’t on the list voted doesn’t mean they aren’t an eligible voter, at least in this case.
Yet another example of breaking government so you can later blame government for not working.
Remember, this is the same state government that is poisoning one of their larger cities, years after it was pointed out that they were poisoning one of their major cities.
So this afternoon I had a conversation with an acquaintance. She is in her late 50’s, single white and unemployed. She’s on Medicaid, through Obamacare, and says that over the last couple of years her coverage has been the best she’s had forever. She was heading off to a physical therapy appointment, when I ran into her, she joked that she had a whole bunch of medical care (including bunion surgery), that she wants to squeeze in before the end of January. She also told me she did not vote for the Shitgibbon, but her next statement made me doubt her. She said she is encouraged because he already has someone working on a replacement, so even though she is hedging she thinks everything will be just fine.I pointed out all the benefits of Obamacare, including things most people don’t focus on like the donut hole, free preventative care, and the slow down in the rate of premium increases. She said “wow, I didn’t know all those were part of the law.” I also pointed out that you can’t keep everything people like without the mandate, which she then blamed for the premium increases, I said no, the penalties were not harsh enough, so too many young people are still not signing up. Anyway the final thing she was that she is really encouraged by the Shitgibbons cabinet nominations, ” he is appointing people who were against him before the election, which shows how open he is, and that he will listen to other peoples opinion.”
Please shoot me now, this is an educated woman who used to be a consultant, she left her job because of family issues, but she’s buying this shit.
As in all things Trump, Ivanka The Entitled wants it both ways:
She can’t use the White House to build her brand. The idea that she would self-police is of course unimaginable so someone is going to have to rein her in.
These people don’t have any boundaries. They over step. They take advantage. They are the people who make rules and regulations necessary. Most people wouldn’t have to be told not to use the White House as a branding opportunity. She has to be told. After she’s told she’ll ignore the norm and wait for someone to enforce a law because that’s how they are. No one ever told them “no”. You don’t need rules and regs for 90% of people. The Trumps are the 10% who make them necessary.
@hovercraft: This is a normal post-election reaction. People don’t ever want to believe they’re in the shit because of how an election turned out. They all want to believe America is above that sort of thing.
She’ll learn.
White people.
I’m ashamed of the white side of my heritage.
? Martin
When you get down to it, consumers have resisted paying fair prices for apparel for decades. The fact that you can buy a sweatshirt from Old Navy for $7 isn’t curious to anyone shopping in that store?
This is a two way street. If consumers insist on paying below market prices for goods, you’re demanding that producers pay below market wages. To deny that is to suggest that supply-side economics are the real driver, and if so, then we should all be pushing for tax cuts for our job creators. If you believe in demand-side economics, you have to carry that into all of the corners where it makes sense to do so, which puts responsibility on the consumer.
A lot of people are. On my evening commute, I am going to listen to a 90 minute conversation held between 4 Trump voters and 4 Clinton voters. The dialog was held at the studios of public radio station KPCC after the election. Some of what I have heard so far indicates a lot of enthusiasm from Trump supporters.
Yesterday, on a talk radio station, one of the female news readers noted, enthusiastically and breathlessly, “It’s just fascinating to see how Trump is governing the country like a business!”
@? Martin:
Horse puckey. People will pay hundreds of dollars for a designer shirt that cost pennies to make.
You cannot simplistically put this on consumers pushing down wages.
Roger Moore
At least a century or two. Triangle Shirtwaist was 105 years ago.
The fact that it’s not inconceivable that he is, is a testament to how terrible this man is.
@Brachiator: Is this how people think successful businesses are run? LIke the Apprentice with it’s hey look I have an idea squirell style? Does they know that Trump’s history of failure? oh nevermind
I don’t know. Perhaps to a lesser degree, but what she and Daddy sell is the name/brand. Either one can say they’re not doing more deals, or that junior is running the biz, I’m clean now; but they can’t be out of the biz, and surely won’t forget about it while acting for the country.
@hovercraft: I rest my case.
aside from the fact that he isn’t governing yet at all. Obama is. My god this is going to be so horrible when he actual does have to do some work. Shitshow. But people like this will paper it all over in their minds. Is another Mothership coming behind a comet again soon?
@hovercraft: Actual statement made by a neighbor: “He’s appointing all those billionaires. It’s good. They don’t need the government money.”
randy khan
I just read the tweet. It was obnoxious and tasteless, but doesn’t quite go to the point of saying there’s incest going on.
I suppose Politico, always sensitive to its need to get whatever information an Administration is willing to shovel towards it, figured that firing her was a painless gesture since she was leaving already, and might get it some props with people like Bannon (Politico and Bannon both being the sorts that think that way). They’d probably have done the same thing if there’d been a similar tweet about one of Obama’s daughters from one of their reporters, except of course that Obama never said anything that would make you think that sort of thing.
Guess the neighbor never met many wealthy people.
@hovercraft: I am pretty sure he does. Probably has since she was very young. Occam’s Razor suggest it. Simplest explanation. It is an absolute fact that he was a sex monster. In his forties he was described as “an animal” by a participant in one of his NYC sex parties that featured 15 year old girls. His wife is never around. Do we believe he has lost all his sex drive? He’s fucking her. They.are.that.vile.
@Phylllis: entered into evidence, your honor.
@randy khan: I read that tweet as forcefully suggesting that he is, without question, violating nepotism laws. But, a reporter saying that the president is fucking his daughter publicly, not an everyday event, now is it? bizarre. But I believe that he is indeed doing it, so I wouldn’t have fired her. We report, you decide, right?
Just a stab in the dark but I think there’s a cohort of Trump! voters who aren’t supporters and can vote for him because they literally don’t know anybody like him and his many, many shortcomings and further, cannot even imagine anybody like who he actually is. That’s a lot of Gumby-like bending but it’s also worth noting millions of voters don’t put any energy whatsoever in their choices. They show up, they vote. There, done.
So the Donald was all about building the wall because we are not a country if our borders aren’t secure. But hey if the Russians waltz right in through the intertubes and interfere/hack with our election that’s totally cool.
If we had an ounce of integrity and patriotism we would set a new election for a month from now, declare that day a holiday with paid time off from every patriotic business in the land, and all cast votes on paper ballots that we would painstakingly count by hand. For love of country and to save our democracy from enemies foreign and domestic.
I found this kind of flabbergasting, what say you juicers?
Pass some laws quick or get used to the United States of America being run as a Trump family business. They won’t respect any limits without laws and enforcement of those laws. The idea that these people will voluntarily respect some sort of boundaries or norms is delusional. Never in their lives.
It’s a way of thinking and acting. Donald Trump doesn’t pay people unless they sue him. Imagine if everyone did that. Contracting would grind to a halt. When I was small and I took some special exception- cut in a line, litter, make noise in a place where people need quiet, my father used to say “what if everyone did that?” That’s what the Trumps are missing- no one ever said that to them. It’s “I’m special so the rules don’t apply”. People like that need codes and rules and laws and cops and fines -they don’t self-police.
@JMG: Not fast enough.
@Botsplainer: There are many white people who voted the correct way, the rest are, say it together now, deplorable.
@Brachiator: I saw that yesterday, I wish someone had asked her what happens to failing businesses, how would you liquidate a nation. Since we are citizens not employees, how does the country get rid of unproductive citizens. Since businesses are not responsible for their employees when we aren’t working, what is the governments responsibilty to it’s citizens?
@magurakurin: I hear you, but I’m not there yet.
@Phylllis: Has (s)he ever heard of corporate tax breaks, subsidies, incentives, tax shelters? Morans.
Russian agent says wut?
@magurakurin: I hear you, but Iâm not there yet.
@Phylllis: Has (s)he ever heard of corporate tax breaks, subsidies, incentives, tax shelters? Morans.
@magurakurin: The application form for the White House intern program is probably going to be limited to name, vital statistics, and 6 photographs.
my advice. Don’t come here. It’s not a happy place.
@Calouste: and the single question “would you mind if the president sometimes grabbed your p*ssy?”
It is pretty ballsy for a Russian agent to keep pretending to scold us about “information leaks” that he facilitated.
@Calouste: in moderation, maybe you can’t say p*ssy?
@hovercraft: They would say with a straight face those folks are wealthy because they worked hard and earned it.
? Martin
@Brachiator: I have never paid hundreds of dollars, so don’t generalize ‘consumers’ to a very small subsection of the population. Old Navy sells far more apparel than Barney’s does.
And I’m not putting all of the responsibility on consumers. If a manufacturer is pulling large margins and not paying wages, then yes, that’s on the company. But if consumers are paying below market prices, how can anyone claim that they aren’t responsible for below market wages to make that item? If you pay $0.50 for a dollar, are you really so stupid as to claim that you didn’t suspect the dollar was stolen or counterfeit?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Indeed, who amoung us has woken up from an all night with our daughter’s lips stick all over the old wedding tackle? But that is not what is importent here – Trump is a winner and winners are goal focused on don’t distract themselves over worrying trival about is that their daughters body they are penitrating or not.
@Mnemosyne: Also, too have you seen the latest poll that shows the Repugs now loves themselves some Wikileaks and Julian Assange. Many of us tried to warn our more pure left brethren that Assange wasn’t a good guy…
i think the old “information wants to be free” crowd have taken a real credibility hit, so it’s time to blame it on The Man.
I don’t know who was playing whom in the Wikileaks clusterfuck but I do know the public interest was not served. Bottom line. As it turns out. Very innovative and cage-busting idea. Needs some work, however. You know what they need? Transparency. And accountability. Until they figure that part out they can’t play any useful “oversight” role.
@? Martin: maybe they should know, but I don’t think most people in Old Navy have any idea what it costs to make a shirt. And there is nothing to say that the 7 dollar shirt was made by cheaper labor than the 20 dollar one on any given day. Pricing isn’t that linear, I’d reckon. I don’t disagree with you that we should be more responsible as consumers, but we don’t actually have enough information to do that. If the stores and makers had to label their goods reporting the wages that were paid to make each shirt, then maybe. I try to buy locally made things and tend to avoid things made in China, but I simply don’t have any information as to decide. I could go straight up on price, but that wouldn’t insure I am buying clothes made by well paid workers. Sometimes the 7 dollar shirt is just a closeout.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Brachiator: Eh, why is that a surprise. We are talking about his marks after all.
Steve in the ATL
@MomSense: I’m not sold on voting day as a national holiday. Lots of people won’t vote because they have to watch their kids who would otherwise have been at school; others will treat as a free day off and party the night before and skip voting to sleep in and take aspirin; etc.
Not sure what the best answer is. Probably vote by mail or internet so the day doesn’t actually matter.
I say this motherfucker is trying to retroactively walk away from the damage he’s done to this country. No fair, if Obama had only shown the world everything we are doing every day, and given every reason for doing it, then I wouldn’t have been forced to damage our national security and give our enemies access to our secrets.
It’s not like Russia, or even the most benign nations like say Denmark have secrets, I’m sure their citizens know every single thing that they are doing, right? These fucking moron “transparency” disciples, are going to be the death of all of us, between Snowden, Manning and Assange, they have done irreparable harm to this country. I’m not saying we shouldn’t demand more transparency, but Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, fuckin’ restaurant chains have “secrets.”
This thanks Obama will not wash, unless the Shitgibbon decides to pardon him, I suspect that Snowden will end his days in the bottom of a whiskey bottle in Moscow. Enjoy your life in Moscow asshole, you deserve it.
Steve in the ATL
What do I say? The same thing I say about anything Snowden. That Russian/Chinese agent can fuck right off.
So, 2 things Since Clinton and Democratic House members were basically stripped naked to the glee of the gross press corps, we should all get to see any politician’s hacked accounts AND Lindsey Graham and Republicans could be being blackmailed right now.
There could have already been a kind of coup and we wouldn’t know. Yet. Just wild.
@Steve in the ATL:
I just think we need a revote for this election. As someone who grew up in the Cold War, it seems like the ultimate betrayal for all of these Repubkicans to just go along with Russian interference. I’m old enough to remember the Domino Theory.
@hovercraft: Vodka not whiskey.
I’m predicting that Snowden will be pardoned by June. Hell, at this point I’m expecting Comrade Putin to give him a medal before the ticker tape parade.
And even if that happens, people on the left will still defend him as a whistleblower.
We need more info. What if it turns out it wasn’t just Democratic opponents of Trump but also Republican opponents of Trump? What if the common connection is “opponents of Trump”? We need a patriotic leaker. Senate Republicans aren’t going to do shit and Obama still believes in process. I don’t so much anymore but he does.
I don’t know how I did that, I thought I typed vodka, my bad, I stand corrected. I had an uncle who basically drank himself to death on vodka, living in Moscow, I know better.
@Steve in the ATL: vote by mail, all the way.
Victory Gin
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
How is a consumer supposed to know what a fair price for something is? If many different companies are selling stuff for about the same price, it’s hard to know that they’re all cheating their employees. Yes, there are some companies that charge more, but especially with clothes it’s hard to know if that’s because they actually cost more to make or because they have a fancy brand. And you can’t just say that they ought to know because the prices are so low compared to what they used to be, because plenty of goods actually have kept getting cheaper because of technological advancements rather than businesses cheating their workers.
And he wanted Trump. So they have to tell us WHY he wanted Trump, right? Because no one really knows.
@Ian: yeah, keep fucking that it’s all obama’s fault chicken
And Clinton knew it- from a speech:
She should go out and tell what she knows. She’ll get slaughtered for it in the media but who gives a shit ? They hate her anyway. She’s a private citizen now. We deserve to know what’s going on and unlike the rest of these clowns she’s credible.
@Kay: u
They are just as prone to conspiracy theories as any right-winger.
They will blame anyone but their heroes like Assange or Snowden. To blame them, would destroy the fantasy world the info wants to be free crowd lives in.
Steve in the ATL
Without question
We fell under Russian influence. Only a matter of time before Canada and Mexico fall. And from there the Caribbean, Central America and South America all become Russian client states.
sunny raines
so you have 62 million people – nearly half the electorate knowingly willing to forego their own personal interests to follow the clearly mad insane rantings of a psychotic narcissistic demagogue and you think that is a serious question? Only 2 options: wild optimist, or detached loon.
That is so cute and naive. They didn’t get to be billionaires by subsisting on only what they need.
Does she make hubby watch?
I think she has to wait until after the Electoral College meets. It sounds like a lot of the electors are starting to get nervous about Trump.
Well, you know, with the number of laws on the books now, and complete prosecutorial discretion, they don’t have to actually change the laws. They get to choose which ones they enforce and which ones they don’t. It changes from case to case. I have read one estimate that the U.S. Code defines 2,500 felonies, in another place that it defines 5,000 felonies. Either way, who could possibly know about all of them? So, of necessity, we have to allow prosecutors to decide not to prosecute. That gives them plenty of cover to allow anyone they like to commit crimes that other people (Aaron Swartz?) to spend decades in prison for.
I don’t suppose you mean that if more people voted, Trump would have actually gotten a majority of the popular vote so we wouldn’t have all this arguing. I don’t think we’ve passed the stage of denial yet, to where we can accept that lots of Americans can’t stand any more “lesser of two evils” elections. Vote for Cthulhu! Why settle for the lesser evil?
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@BillinGlendaleCA: yeah, need has nothing to do with it. It’s about wanting more and rigging the system so they get it.
Kinda low-hanging fruit there:
1) “Who do you think these billionaires are likely to look out for?”
2) “Doesn’t Trump know any regular working-class Americans?”
3) “I wonder if their experience as billionaires qualifies them as America’s top diplomat or top education official?”
4) “Billionaires or not…isn’t it weird how he’s appointing people who hate the departments they’re going to be running?”
@? Martin:
I don’t think “the market” works that way. Consumers don’t set prices. They can’t “insist on” paying “below market prices.” They pay the price “the market” sets. More or less, they look around and go to the retailer who offers the quality of goods they want at a price that is acceptable to them. Manufacturers, on the other hand have the power to set wages, and they set the initial price they offer the goods for. If they can’t sell all the goods they want to, they lower the price and lower the wage they pay. They don’t pay “below market wages.” They pay the lowest wage they can get away with. That’s why the Federal Reserve Bank is going to raise interest rates this month. They need to keep the economy below the point where there are not many unemployed people. If there is no “reserve army of unemployed” then all manufacturers will have to raise wages. Then they will try to raise prices, and may not succeed, so the Fed has to raise interest rates to “cool off” the economy.
randy khan
I wish she would, but I understand why she doesn’t – it is not that likely to do her any good and would make her look like a sore loser.
So you’re saying the Russians made the difference between Madame President and President Drumpf? Seriously? If that’s not what you’re saying, then how do you feel about AIPAC? Is it okay for the NRA because most of their members are in the US? How about oil giant BP, or whatever they call themselves now?
The Palmer Report is a garbage news source. If you read the linked article from the Detroit News, you’ll see he’s taking a figure representing one thing — the percentage of precincts that can’t be recounted because of a discrepancy between the tabulator count and the poll book count — and claiming it represents something else, the percentage of machines that broke down in Detroit on Election Day. The actual number of broken optical scanners is cited in the article: 87, which if the 59% figure is true means there are only 147 optical scanners in a city with 662 precincts. That, to put it mildly, strains credulity. I don’t know if Palmer’s reading comprehension is subpar or whether he’s being intentionally misleading, but either way he’s not to be trusted
randy khan
There’s some suggestion in the LGM comments that her other tweets actually suggest that she thinks there may be something going on. Ick.
I should add something I said there, which is that the problem with posting something like this is that, if it’s true, she’s likely a victim, not a perpetrator, so she doesn’t deserve to be tarred with it. (I realize that, even if it were in genuine story, I don’t know how you’re report it without naming her, or implying that it could be either her or Tiffany.)
J R in WV
They’ll need proof of age, like a Driver’s License or a stamped birth certificate. Or a passport.
@nastybrutishntall: Check out Jerry Brown at AGU today.
@randy khan:
But it isn’t about her and “sore loser” doesn’t matter any more. She knows more about this than anyone. I would appreciate it if she told us what she knows. I know half the country won’t believe her. I don’t care. The other half of the country will, and we’re citizens too.
Hillary Clinton is free. She never again has to worry about how people perceive her, or how she’s portrayed by a media who have targeted her for 30 years. That’s all irrelevant. What are they going to do? Accuse her of sex crimes against children? Accuse her of murder? They already have.
@magurakurin: so you’re saying he’s Baron Harkkonen. Amazing I never saw the resemblance before .
@Roger Moore: well it used to be you could buy made in Canada apparel with the union label. that would be one way the consumer could tell. sadly most companies don’t seem to exist anymore even Sorel went broke.
randy khan
I realize, upon re-reading, that I failed to properly edit the sentence – I meant to say “it is not that likely to do any good” – the “her” didn’t belong there.
The distinction is that her talking about it is much more likely to be a distraction than to galvanize action. In a rational universe, people would listen to her, but it’s not a rational universe.
J R in WV
@sunny raines:
No, no… my option is wild optimism AND detached lunacy, it isn’t an OR kind of thing! I know I’m crazy, though,, so maybe not completely loony.
I want to stockpile toilet paper, canned goods, dried beans and rice, bleach, (I wish I could stockpile meds, but the infrastucture makes that impractical) and everything else I can think of…
Turn paper investments in equities and bonds into physical piles of important stuff, is that loony? People talk about selling out their 401K or other accumulation of assets, sure. But what do you DO with those now-liquid assets? That’s the big question!
@randy khan:
Trump flouts all the norms but expects the protection of those same norms. He assumes everyone else will play by the rules while he’s a special snowflake. Norms work both ways. If he doesn’t accept the constraints he doesn’t get the protections either. She owes no deference to the person who is still holding “lock her up” rallies a month after the election. He wanted a free for all. He should get one.
Vladimir Putin was personally involved with the hacker attacks.
But, hey, it’s no big deal, right? Just another form of lobbying. Nothing to see here, comrade.