If he lives another thousand years and keeps using that time to oppose the fascist kleptocrat who hijacked his party of reckless neocons, bible-humpers and plutocracy minions, David Frum might yet work off a fraction of the karmic debt he acquired in the run-up to the Iraq War:
Curious how many of those who identified with John Milius' “Wolverines” back in 1984 now do media work for the occupying force pic.twitter.com/mm9nqpnuMS
— David Frum (@davidfrum) December 14, 2016
For those of you who are not fellow old farts, Frum is referring to “Red Dawn,” a Reagan-era film that depicted brave American patriots taking on Soviet invaders. And Frum is right — the same people who envisioned themselves picking off Russians with pa’s squirrel rifle in 1984 are filled with admiration for Putin’s steely man-boobs today.
It’s not just the Republicans with a media platform either. Check out this remarkable turnaround in Putin’s poll numbers among a certain subset of our population:
Of course, we suspected Republicans of being nascent fascist lackeys all along. Still, the stampede to the docks to welcome the conqueror with vodka and caviar is remarkable.
Open thread, comrades!
Tom Levenson
How does one say “I, for one, welcome our post-Soviet overlords” in Russian?
First off, Kudos on the title.
Secondly, that graph proves it always comes down to two things: Power and winning at any cost, and Cleek’s Law
Doesn’t matter whose you sell your soul to for Republicans, it seems, long as they find a way to win and then punish their enemies, at any and all costs.
And Cleek’s Law? Enough said. Long as Dems like it, Republicans are obligated to opposite it, and vice versa. Doesn’t matter, long as it’s to spite those super evil EssJayDub commie…er…hrm….oh, right, GLOBALIST loving Libby Libs.
Felonius Monk
@Tom Levenson:
Fuck You, Comrade?
Thoroughly Pizzled
No one’s better at steamrolling through cognitive dissonance than Republicans.
An Events Marketing job will be opening here soon (DoN). Big events like X-Games, & scheduling touring assets. Pay starts at $48,900+Fed Bennies. West TN location.
Authoritarians stick together. It’s as simple as that.
Monkey! You need to make sure your account’s not hacked.
Also, I posted this at the end of the thread below, but in case people didn’t see it…
Focus group with Ohio Trump voters. Apparently done on Tuesday. Doesn’t look like they either were asked about or brought up the Russia stuff.
They love the Goldman Sachs guys.
And yes, Obama voters who voted for Trump.
Apparently they want him to “fix healthcare on day one.” WTF does that even mean? And how can they not ask them about Russia hacking our elections?
I just don’t even know what to say at this point.
Terry Buckalew
I think it was Cuban invaders in the original film? Part of what made it so ridiculous.
these blood-guzzling yaboos who think themselves mighty warriors for their God are eagerly selling themselves out to a foreign despot against their own country and their own people.
And it’s not over the issues, or ideology, or jobs. They’re doing this out of spite, and an unstoppable urge to tear down every last bit of social and economic advancement of the 20th Century.
Gordon Schumway
@Yarrow: The extent to which Republicanism is simply authoritarianism never fails to amaze me.
Major Major Major Major
Can I get a source on that graph before I post it to FB?
Gordon Schumway
@Terry Buckalew: No, Ruskies paradropped into Nebraska!
Yeah, but these dipshits will meet our new Soviet Overlords with Trump [tm] brand vodka, and then we get nuked for that.
They can’t even grovel effectively.
@Terry Buckalew:
the original Red Dawn was based on the fears that the USSR along with their Cuban and Central American allies could pull off an Afghanistan-style invasion in order to secure American’s farm belt (the movie’s premise is based on communist rebels overtaking Mexico, and a massive famine developing in Russia forcing the Soviets to wage war for food, which is why they don’t use more nukes on US soil).
the rumor is the script writers based the premise on a war game that the US military proposed as a possible invasion model. The end result of that war game was that the Soviets wouldn’t be able to maintain a foothold (too much land area to control, for one).
@Gordon Schumway:
Calumet, Colorado.
Tangential post title study question:
Red Dawn was a correct response on Jeopardy! last night.
I swear I asked my wife right then: Excluding movies almost exclusively referred to for their awfulness (Eegah, Plan 9 From Outer Space), what do you consider the worst movie ever mentioned on Jeopardy! , in clue or response?
Red Dawn has got to be up there. Your input is solicited.
What happened in late July? Did Trump say something favorable?
@Betty Cracker
Still, the stampede to the docks to welcome the conqueror with vodka and caviar is remarkable
Speaking of Putin and his conquest.
Stephen Colbert Congratulates Russia’s Cold War Victory (VIDEO)
@Gordon Schumway: Yep. It’s authoritarianism, plain and simple. That’s your answer. And we’re all going to find out what it feels like.
Speaking of which, Betty, Tom – is there any discussion going on behind the scenes at Balloon Juice with Cole about keeping people who post here safe? About keeping this place running? Because they’ll be coming for free speech with libel laws and anything else they can. They’ll be demanding data, shutting things down. Anyone talking about that?
@ThresherK: Roadhouse is up there. Another Patrick Swayze special.
lowercase steve
I think that is early August when Trump asked the Russians to hack Clinton to recover the “33,000 emails.”
low-tech cyclist
That graph says everything, doesn’t it? Their Dear Leader told them that Putin was great, and all of a sudden, they love Putin, even though they despised him six months ago, though I bet few of them would own up to it. And Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.
Having lived through 35 years’ worth of the Cold War, the turnabout in the GOP attitude towards Russia is causing my head to explode.
Reagan: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
Trump: “Mr. Putin, give us a kiss!”
Hmm. Good one, but Is the concept of Roadhouse some failed wet dream like Red Dawn? And has it been on Jeopardy! ?
Ooh: I wonder if An American Carol has ever been there?
(PS I have no idea if I’m going to split this into “original” and “adapted” like the Oscars, because there are three Atlas Shruggedses out there and I have no idea that the movie versions were cited.)
@TerryBuckalew It was mighty (!) Nicaraguan and Cuban troops who invaded Colorado, on behalf of their Russian overlords. Just as I always suspected, the problem was the “browns” lording it over us Amerikans and not the Russians, who look like us dontcha know!
The Fascist did cut a deal with the Reds a while back, but then the Fascists stabbed the Reds in their back. Did not work out very well for the world.
Daoud bin Daoud
@Tom Levenson: My question exactly.
Adam L Silverman
@Tom Levenson: Even better question: I have to ship a holiday package, which oblast do I live in for the return address?
This hasn’t been asked yet, but if it is…
What documentary film was the first sign of the end for America. If ” what is IDIOCRACY is the correct answer, then you know the end is nigh.
Betty Cracker, national treasure.
Rasputin's Evil Twin
No, no, no! It’s vodka, bread and SALT you bring to greet invading Russians! Sheesh!
West of the Rockies (been a while)
I think, Yarrow, that people who are reasonably bright and educated, who have intellectual curiosity, are stunned over and over by how approximately four out of ten people in this country are extremely stupid or ignorant. Wilfully, pridefully ignorant.
It takes so much less effort to say “I just think that Trump is a great leader,” rather than examine facts and extrapolate from them what will happen when we elect a Trump or Shrub or Palin, etc.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
Just proving that Mitch McConnell may be the smartest politician working today.
@PaulWartenberg2016: Hey, Paul! What account?
Betty Cracker
@Major Major Major Major: It’s all over the place, but here’s Vox.
Gross scary oversimplification of the day: IIRC, circa 2008 the Putin-sponsored elected leader of Georgia got unelected and Russia invaded Georgia. Then circa 2012 the Putin-sponsored elected leader of Ukraine got unelected and Russia invaded the Ukraine. So what happens when the Putin-sponsored party in power in the US gets eventually unelected?
I always suspected they had it in them, but I never suspected they’d actually get a chance to show it unless the United States were overrun and occupied like France in 1940, which our nuclear arsenal makes essentially impossible.
In the meantime, I thought their basic nationalism and obsession with America being on top would preclude any kind of playing too nice with foreign powers at Russia or China’s level (much less what we’re seeing now). Dreamy admiration for Putin and wishing we could have such a manly man in charge in our country, yes, total denial of a blatant attempt to manipulate the political system and/or suggestion that it’s totally cool if he did, no. Failure of imagination on my part.
The people are always fed up, at least people like Ms. Mars. They won’t be any happier four years from now, or even two. These are the people who will readily defect from the Trump coalition. They are perpetually disgruntled, and politics, let alone policy, has little to do with it.
As I said a couple of days ago, it looks like American conservatives were A-OK with the Russians as soon as they dropped that whole pesky lip service to racial equality (which was why so many Black Americans joined the American Communist Party back in the 1920s and 1930s).
Turns out that white straight male supremacy is a unifying force that overrides pesky things like international boundaries.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: Yep. And this is also from the article. Remember how Kay said the economy in Ohio is going gangbusters? Hasn’t been this good in years? Everyone can get a job? Remember these people are in Cleveland:
Bring back jobs! improve the economy! I thought Kay said the Ohio economy was good. The stock market is doing well. What do these people want that they don’t have now?
Also, too, the healthcare system? What do they even mean by that?
@Terry Buckalew:
They had Nicaraguan invaders too. This film was produced at a time we were destroying Nicaragua economically and with proxy contras. Yet somehow tiny impoverished Nicaragua swept through all of central America and Mexico to invade the US. Right wing projection has been with us for a long time.
I have thought about that too. I’m hoping that this site is small enough that John will be able to protect our identities and that the trumpniks won’t notice us for a good long while.
The GOS is probably toast. Not much loss there except for the pootie diaries.
Betty Cracker
@Yarrow: I’m not involved in those decisions because I am utterly unqualified to assess security status or know what it would take to keep folks safe, but I know user privacy is a big deal to Cole, and one reason he won’t use a plug-in for comments is that it could compromise that. I believe there was a discussion about that here not too long ago…maybe someone can provide a link. I can’t remember who initiated it.
Roadhouse? That’s not fascist, that’s zen.
Pain don’t hurt.
Gordon Schumway
@PaulWartenberg2016: Thanks for the correction and the overview. I didn’t remember there was any logic to it.
“Unelected”? Overthrown by an unconstitutional coup. Yeah, yeah, I know, that makes me a Putin stooge.
Where’s that graph from? Source please?
On July 27, Trump asked Russia to find and release/publicise Hillary’s “30,000 missing emails.”
(It was, to date, his last press conference.)
Yarrow, re the need to prepare for the worst. I think we should try to do meet ups in cities where commenters live, so we can get analog info to use in case needed. I lived through the 60’s, where actual in person meetings was the way to make plans to March, protest, etc. I am in St. Louis, and would be glad to organize a meet up here. Any takers?
@Betty Cracker: In your behind the curtain discussions is there any way to bring this up with Alain and anyone else who is knowledgeable about security? I know we had that one post here from someone about security and nothing else. Can we have more like that please. And address the actual upcoming clamp down on free speech and what John is thinking about it.
@Chris: I think it’s basically “Sure the Russians meddled in the election, but they meddled on the right side, so who cares?” Like torture, when the right people benefit, it’s OK.
@Yarrow: yeah, yeah, sure.
Yes, they’re evil. Yeah, Trump is a fascist. But the job you’re describing is way, way too big.
I can see certain problems that could crop up. Like you work for Uncle Sam and you comment here from a work computer.
But otherwise? The web is too big and too messy. And for better or worse they’re not going to really give a shit about a mere blog. They’re going to be too busy destroying climate expertise in the Energy Dept, for example.
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: Thanks kindly!
@PeakVT: Was it the time when Trump had his last press conference, in which he called for Russia to hack Hillary’s emails?
Betty Cracker
@Eric: See #35. Also, the polling outfit is included on the graphic.
It’s that, definitely… and, it’s also a thing about property rights and who the real citizens are. Conservatives firmly believe that America is their country and no one else’s, and over the last several decades have increasingly come to view us as an occupying force, a treasonous insurgent power, basically not a legitimate governing partner. In this mindset, allying with Putin’s Russia to take their country back is no less legitimate than, say, De Gaulle and the French Resistance allying with the British, Americans and Russians to take his country back from Vichy and its Nazi bosses.
@Emerald: I hope so but I doubt it. Here’s why:
NHS-style socialized medicine, of course!!1!
Gordon Schumway
@Ian: OK, my comment was obviously completely wrong. Fuckin’ memory, how does it work?
There was a quote from one of the latter, shittier Tom Clancy books where a character says “it’s not love that makes the world go round. It isn’t even money. It’s bullshit.”
Say what you will about the source, I increasingly find it hard to argue.
Miss Bianca
@albertZ: No, I will dispute you on that one. Roadhouse is *brilliantly* dumb. A Zen koan disguised as a stupid action flick. Love that movie. Plus, Sam Elliott, yum. In fact, it might be time to watch that one again…
Major Major Major Major
@Yarrow: @liberal: They’ll probably just send us more trolls.
Many of the same horrible people who are demanding evidence of Russian hacking are the some horrible people who believe evidence in Sandy Hook leads to a government plot.
@Yarrow: LOL. They’re going to be really puzzled when they do all this fancy-smanzy tracking of Balloon Juice regulars and it all leads back to dog rescue services.
@Terry Buckalew: Cuban paratroops – in Colorado!!! Yeah, common sense got nowhere near that particular script. Most notable memory of that film back in the day was watching it on video with several others in my dorm a couple of years after release. As there was a bit of drinking involved, some of the more impressionable youths in the room took it a bit too much to heart. Once it ended, we had to physically restrain one of them who wanted to go beat up a couple of soccer players on our floor for being “Cubans”. One was a Latino kid from East Chicago, the other was a Spanish national. Good times. *eyeroll*
Yes that was his last presser, funny how that coincides with the sharp rise in Putin’s favorability numbers. Since they saw Putin as a means to defeat the evil bitch, he became someone they favored. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, too bad they’ve befriended a deadly snake.
They’ll shut down websites long before they go after individual commenters.
And Yankuyovich’s overthrow is complicated, shall we say. Were they supposed to let the guy who was openly looting the country stay in charge because there wasn’t a mechanism to remove him?
“karmic debt” is awesome, love it!
One response that will stop at least a not-insignificant fraction of Bible-thumpers-for-Trump in their tracks is:
“When did seeking to achieve something worthwhile by making a bargain with the Devil ever work out well or anything remotely like expected? Can you cite any examples in the Bible?” Of course, many of them will try to glibly leap over a mountain of cognitive dissonance by trying to rationalize why Trump’s not such a bad man after all, but some will be bothered enough by this paradigm to have serious doubts they did the right thing after all.
We don’t need to reach but a very modest fraction (around 5%) of Trump voters to cause an enormous shift in dynamics and voting results – because every “flipped” Trump vote effectively counts for twice as much as motivating a democratically-inclined but insufficiently motivated person to turn out.
Ellen R
@Monkeyfister: Does this mean you’re retiring and will bring your blog back? Always one of my favorites. Even got tomato seeds from you once. Didn’t end well, but it was the thought that counted.
Not so sure that being the genius behind “Axis of Evil” will ever allow Frum to pay off his “karmic debt”.
@Gordon Schumway:
I finally realized it in the giggly, pumped-up, fanboyish response I was seeing to the OWS crackdowns and even the more blatant and unjustifiable acts of police brutality. They really, really do get off on watching the nightsticks and jackboots come out and being applied to any person they disapprove of. Like sports fans watching their team win the superbowl. I suspect in more than a few cases, “get off on” isn’t even a metaphor.
@hovercraft: Heehee.
Speaking of Mike Judge, I guess it’s a good thing there’s no new stories to write about the fictional Hank Hill. The critical mass is shifted to Dale Gribble now.
i thought that picture at the top was Scut Farkus, from A Christmas Story, and did not remember him having an assault weapon.
EVERYTHING is political these days. Notice that your regression lines do not work on your graph. Opinions in our country are all now colored by hardened ideology. So opinion polls like this one need to be view as point-in-time measurements, not as a linear pattern.
Thanks, everyone. That specific impetus just makes the change all the more crazy.
Paging Andrew Sullivan. We’ve found your “Fifth Column” you insufferable fucktard.
Of course, there are no Reds and possibly no fascists in the equation now. Putin’s vision appears to be semi-fascist, but in some kind of weird amalgamation of Franco-era Spain and Capone-era Chicago. Which also seems to be Trump’s ideal.
Trump’s vision doesn’t necessitate destroying Putinism in the same way that Hitler’s vision necessitated destroying Stalinism, IOW. Not sure if that makes things better or worse.
@Yarrow: As others have noted elsewhere, they want their father’s jobs back. They want a simplistic, labor intensive manufacturing based economy. Ain’t gonna happen, ever. That ship has long ago sailed. And the morons who pine for it today, will forever remain disappointed. But first, they had to cast the rest of the country into the dustbin of history in their vain pursuit of that which will never be again.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
BJ sleeper cells! I’m in!
@low-tech cyclist:
Seems more to me that it’s DT saying “Comrade Putin, how are you enjoying the reach around?”
Gin & Tonic
@liberal: “Overthrown by an unconstitutional coup”?
Fled the country in the middle of the night with his tail between his legs.
But I don’t expect we’ll ever agree on this.
@Inmourning: This is a good idea. There’s a lot going on, so if some BJers want to join some existing things, that could be good too. I wonder if there’s a good way to let people know what’s going on in their city?
@Terry Buckalew: think it was Russians coming over the US Mexican border…they may have been based in Cuba as a launching off point..but definitely Russians.
john (not mccain)
Russia is a nation populated by the children of drunk skanks. Not a surprise Trump would feel a kinship.
“The real deal with the devil would’ve been to accept Hillary the genocidal abortionist just because Trump wasn’t a perfect Christian (and really, who of us is?)!”
– 99% of Bible thumpers, three seconds after hearing your suggestion.
I hope a few people are swayed by your argument, I just have my doubts. These people have advanced degrees in rationalization.
@PeakVT: think that was the first reports that the Russians may have been involved in the Dncc hacks.
Where are all those people who were yelling that Hillary wouldn’t be able to get security clearance to be the president because of the e-mail server, I’m looking at you Paul Shitstain Ryan.
Flynn, Who Improperly Shared Classified Info, Giving Trump Daily ‘Intel Updates’
@Gravenstone: Oh they may get some variation of it.
@JustRuss: I noted this in a different forum, but the less damning reason for Republican silence regarding Russian interference is that various principals are being privately compromised by Russian intelligence services. The more damning reason is that Republicans long ago adopted “any means necessary” to remain in power, so they’re perfectly happy to take advantage of Russian interference on their behalf if it means they can retain power. These need not be mutually exclusive options.
IIRC — because I know my Reagan-loving brother made me watch it at least once — the Cubans were ambivalent about the invasion (I think Raul Julia played the sympathetic Cuban commander?), but the Russians were just pure Nazi-style evil.
Little did we know that the grown-up Wolverines would say, Come on in! Would you like some ammunition!
@Ellen R: My plan is to retire from here in 4 years. A co-worker just got fired for being very stupid, so this is his GS-9 position opening up. Start pay rises with experience. Just posting up for those in search of a job. I’d prefer to work with a like-minded person, instead of trusting the Federal Wheel Of Fortune dropping some dirtbag on me!
Living in Armpit, TN is the biggest downside.
As to my blog– it is shuttered probably permanently. I appreciate the nice words, tho, Ellen!
Major Major Major Major
@john (not mccain): you apologize to drunk skanks right now young man!
Fortunately, Bernie Sanders is doing exactly that.
@Rasputin’s Evil Twin:
Must update to 2016: vodka, bread and a Kardashian.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Yarrow: Most people don’t know shit about shit. I challenge people who complain about how much tax they pay to tell me exactly the % they paid in income tax the previous year. Most people don’t know and they can’t even be arsed to a) figure it out and b) in some cases don’t know how to figure it out. I can’t tell you what I paid last year, but I can figure it out in 10 minutes, on the other hand I ain’t complaining either. But the larger issue is that all the things those people said are all just distillations of the right wing radio talkers, and Fox news. There is been a fire hose deluge for 8 years of “bad economy and Obamacare done fucked up health care” from those sources.
Corner Stone
Do you think they will eventually get tired of resolving the IP addresses back to one Mr. Doug J. Balloon?
J R in WV
@Tom Levenson:
“Я, например, приветствовать наших постсоветских повелителей” !!
according to Google Translate, which works well sometimes. Didn’t do so well on Hindi the other day, but has done well in Spanish in the recent past.
And to think, some people have the temerity to say we live in the stupidest country on Earth.
Bobby D
@Terry Buckalew: Cubans and Nicaraguans backed by Russia, and eventually actual Russians in the OG version. At least IIRC, been about 20 years since I saw the movie.
It was full of future “stars” btw, Charlie Sheen, Pat Swayze, Jennifer Grey, C Thomas Howell, Lea Thompson, and Harry Dean Stanton. Quite a cast.
Reading that article makes me wonder, whatever happened to former BJ Front-Pager Dennis G (Dengre)? This would be right up his alley. I checked the contact-a-front-pager drop down and he is still listed, but it’s been years since he posted a thread or even commented here.
Anyone know? I have a vague memory he might have been writing a book, but even authors need to come up for air occasionally.
@Gravenstone: The other thing is, what they don’t seem to factor in is that their “father’s good manufacturing jobs” were not only possible because of the state of manufacturing at that time, but the jobs were “good” because of strong unions. They don’t like those stinkin’ unions anymore. So just like the jobs, the “good” part is gone too.
Steeplejack (tablet)
It was Ron “Super Fly” O’Neal.
I really wish they’d try this:
Yes please. Bring it on.
They will so too get it back the Shitgibbon and Franklin Graham said so: (re-post from downstairs)
Matthew Yglesias has some news about this
Rising inequality has crushed the dream of upward mobility
Unless the Shitgibbon has a way to return us to the days when we grew at a very rapid rate because we were coming out of the Great Depression, they better start learning how to use computers.
We have a very different economy now, to make it, you actually have to do some book learning. I’m not trying to denigrate anyone, just stating a fact, booklearning isn’t just for elitists.
What I want to know is who is going to clean up all the goo when their heads explode after they discover Vlad Putin is a Kenyan Muslim. Or do you suppose they’ll just pop?
Mike J
Anybody ever read the Phillip Roth book about Lindbergh beating FDR? It’s a good read. For some reason it’s been on my mind.
@J R in WV:
Can you please put that in American, we don’t learn no stinkin ferren languages, we speak American as god intended !
schrodinger's cat
@J R in WV: It didn’t work because it was not Hindi. It was Sanskrit, which has the same script has Hindi. Sanskrit::Hindi as Latin::English.
Mike in dc
I’m going to laugh bitterly in 2020 when China hacks the GOP and the Trump campaign and Republicans are complaining about the national security implications.
If my fundie cousin in Wisconsin pisses me off one more time, I’m going to tell her that she’s a goat who’s pretending that she’s a sheep, but we all know the truth.
In the Bible-thumping world, that’s going nuclear.
(For those unfamiliar with the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, it’s Matthew 25:31-46.)
ETA: Even my coworker who’s getting a graduate degree from Fuller Theological Seminary thought that might be a step too far.
Betty Cracker
@hovercraft: Good point, but honestly, I’m less troubled by Flynn’s lax handling of classified information than I am by the fact that he is a crackpot who believes in outlandish conspiracy theories like PizzaGate and distributes anti-Semitic material. He’s a gibbering loon, and he’ll be whispering his demented, unsubstantiated stories into the shitgibbon’s ear every day. Scary AF.
You know, I completed my first BA back in ’89 and it was in International Studies specializing in USSR and Eastern Europe. Shortly after graduation, my degree turned into a “history” degree. Needless to say, I went into software as a career. Makes sense if you consider the 90’s. Anyhoo, I never, ever, ever dreamed that BA would ever come back to haunt me in my life and provide any real purpose. My Russian is mighty rusty but I have to say I’ve been digging the cruft off of it and trying to get it back into my old brain.
Geeze, now I’m depressed again.
Am I in moderation because I changed my nym for my last post?
Bobby D
@Yarrow: Yep. And the disconnect between “hope for the future is if a kid goes to college and comes out and knows, ‘I can get a job and I can get a good paying job and maybe I can work my way up the ladder” and wanting the jobs their ancestors did…it doesn’t square. Why on earth spend $50k-$100k on a college degree so you can do high school level wood shop work, or crawl down a dirty hole to mine coal.
The cognitive dissonance is just stunning.
There’s a reading of Red Dawn I’ve heard in which it’s supposed to be a stealth portrayal of the U.S’s behavior in Central America and other similar places. Hence the sympathetic Cuban pointing out that he used to be exactly where the Wolverines are now.
Yeah, this is something I never seem to hear mentioned in the “economic anxiety” arguments. It’s not just the awful, highfalutin’, heavy-handed, corporatist neoliberal Wall Street Democrats that are being rejected by white voters. Or even just the local Democratic Party. Even the local unions, the most basic and archetypical institution that’re there to do nothing but protect the economic livelihood of workers, have been doing it for a hundred years, and were a massive part of what made the Great Lakes and the Northeast so successful, are being abandoned. Walker and a few other Republican governors got elected in the heart of what was supposed to be union territory, passed union-busting laws, and the public declined to either stop or recall them.
Economic populism isn’t selling with white people like it used to. Period. It’s not that no one’s offering it. It’s not that they’re not being told about it. They’re not interested, and they’re abandoning even the most elementary institutions designed to ensure it.
@Mike in dc:
2020? Why wait? Why not 2018?
And I’m going to say it again, when Mitch McConnell got up and did his announcement that he was calling for investigations into the Russian hacking, he did NOT look comfortable. He looked like he’d been forced to go up there and say that. I watched it more than once and he just looked off – very different from how he usually looks.
I think he was forced to go up there either because of what he knows they have on him and/or his family or because of what he fears they have on him and/or his family. He’s at risk of blackmail, if they aren’t already blackmailing him. As are a lot of our Republican officials.
People should be shouting this from the rooftops. Our Republican officials can be blackmailed by the Russians! It’s short and easily understood by people. Blackmail means something and people know what it means.
Why do my comments with links to my tumblr page disappear into the ether?
Stop lying to the good people of America, everyone knows that unions are the reason that manufacturing jobs have disappeared, they demanded things like fair pay, safe work places and benefits for workers. Now that we’ve elected people to do away with those blood suckers, we no longer have to pay those onerous union dues, and now we have the freedom to negotiate for ourselves, yeah!! Do you have good wages, benefits, job security, or anything else that improves your life? No, but we have freedom from their tyranny. I would at this point refer you back to the Cornell Belcher piece that was posted yesterday, it’s cultural, not economic, they are voting for their identity not economics.
Ironic isn’t it?
Betty Cracker
@NR: Stop trying to make Bernie happen! ?
Doug R
@Yarrow: Have the Koch brothers been GRU agents this whole time?
Mike in NC
John Milius was the idiot largely responsible for the making of “Red Dawn” (the terrible 1984 film and the even stupider 2012 remake). I think I read that he was very close to the late, still dead Andrew Breitbart. Would not be surprised to see him pop up at Trump Tower for lunch with Steve Barron and the rest of the asshole Alt Right crowd.
J R in WV
@schrodinger’s cat:
Oh, I see. Thanks for the additional education. India is SO complex. When I read the local mews media from India, it just overwhelms me how little I understand about the nation, even after studying it to some extent.
So Sanskrit is more or less an antique language, still used for special purposes?
Mike in NC
Correction: Steve Bannon
Some people understand what’s happening:
@Betty Cracker: I know Bernie is never going to be president. But I’m really glad that people like him are taking the lead these days, instead of people like the commenters here. Somehow I don’t think that you guys’ approach (i.e., screaming at her that she’s a racist over and over and over) would have worked nearly as well with this voter as Bernie’s approach did.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: Right wing sites, Reason, the Blaze, Lucianne dot com, were thrilled with St Bernards discussion of political correctness. It’s even less coherent in print
@Rasputin’s Evil Twin: You don’t take salt to invading Russia. Invading Russia salts you.
@Terry Buckalew: Cubans and Mexicans in the original film with Russian advisors. IIRC, the opening scroll says that a Cuban sponsored revolution in Mexico was successful, and that the invasion force came up across the southern border disguised as commercial airliners. Also, apparently, the Russians nuked China. One of the kids asks downed fighter pilot Powers Booth who is on our side and he replies “800 million screamin’ Chinamen”. Someone else says “Weren’t there a billion screaming Chinamen?” and Booth replies ominously, “There were…”
What makes you think that anyone cares? Trump supporters are convinced that the warnings about Russian interference is only the whining of sore losers.
Major Major Major Major
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I found this piece about “PC” to be excellent.
@Yarrow: Yeah, without unions? They’ll get back their great-grandfathers’ murderously dangerous child-labor manufacturing jobs.
@Mike J: I was just leafing through my copy yesterday. Somehow I feel inspired to re-read it.
This. I’ve been saying that, if you look at American history, the times of the worst outbreaks of racist violence have been when white people have been doing pretty well economically, not when they’re having trouble. Jim Crow laws weren’t prevalent until Plessy v Ferguson was decided in 1896.
White people didn’t vote for Trump because they’re hurting. They voted for Trump because they were feeling a little more secure and started looking around to see who needed to be pushed down. It’s what Americans do.
I’ve got a comment in moderation. No idea why.
@NR: Speaking of Bernie Sanders, he’s been conspicuously quiet about the Russian hacking of our election. As has Elizabeth Warren.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
More of Bernie! winning over Trump voters
@Brachiator: They’re convinced of that now. Enough people saying “Republicans are being blackmailed!” and things might change. If even a small percentage of Trump supporters understand this is a risk, that could be enough.
US raises interest rate by 0.25%
Incoming Education Secretery, Betsy DeVos is on record supporting child labor.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Major Major Major Major: Yeah, I read that this morning. This rather clear and direct paragraph ought to give a few people pause
When your only tools are a hammer and sickle, everything looks like a class war.
Fuck Bernie Sanders, fuck his bullshit ideology, fuck his lies, fuck his concerns and fuck his partisans. He’s a fucking incompetent.
The sooner he dies, turns into a bigger gibbering idiot such that he is completely ignored or is defeated, the better.
And fuck you.
Betty Cracker
@NR: I hope Sanders devotes the rest of his career to attempting to convert WWC Trump voters one by one. That would be a far better outcome than his successfully influencing the Democratic Party (of which he is a non-member) to downplay its emphasis on equality to chase those lunkheads.
@Thoroughly Pizzled:
Oh my god, I know, right?
/teeny-bopper voice…it couldn’t be helped
Major Major Major Major
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It’s really just a very good essay.
Such bold sentiments shaking up the neoliberal status quo…
Betty Cracker
@raven: And right before I make an offer on a house. My timing sucks!
@Betty Cracker: Whoever the incoming DNC head is, one thing I hope they change is whatever rule allows just anyone to declare they’re a Democrat and run for President using the Dem party infrastructure, something that person has never contributed to building at all. At least there should be some minimum time someone is a Democrat – a year possibly? They should have some track record of actually BEING a Democrat before being allowed to run to be the party standard bearer.
I guess MaCarthyism is still not that popular, give it a few months.
Trump Team Disavows Request To ID Climate Staffers: ‘Not Authorized’
“The questionnaire was not authorized or part of our standard protocol. The person who sent it has been properly counseled,” an unnamed Trump transition official told CNN.
Nothing to see here folks, it never happened. We’re all just hallucinating.
Jeremiah Wright was correct.
Major Major Major Major
@Yarrow: I’m fine with a year. This is running for president, not like… voting. And we have restrictions on that in a lot of states.
Btw I’ve been tied up all day (for once) and just now see that
1) Trump’s skipping intelligence briefings ’cause Flynn’s telling him everything he needs to hear. Wee-ooo
2) GSA has told Trump he has to fully divest himself of the Post Office building before his inauguration
3) Trump has to testify in the Jose Andres case before the inauguration
4) Romney wasn’t made SoS because he refused to apologize during their meetings…way to show him, Mitt! (NOT)
5) Team Trump is pretending that the “who at EPA worked on climate change?” witch-hunt ‘wasn’t authorized’. Uh-huh.
And the Gish Marathon rolls on…
Hey PBO, how about addressing the nation tomorrow night on the extent of Russian hacking and Trump-aiding in the election? Any day before the 19th of December would be fine, actually.
@Yarrow: Ain’t no better education than learnin’ to haul coal outta the mines!
@hovercraft: You beat me to it (#5 at comment #149)
It’s almost like…timely & accurate reporting, coupled with some backbone by EPA, made der Trumpsters back down a bit. How ’bout that?
I think the market for Democratically leaning cyber security teams is very good right now. I suspect that the DNC, DCCC, etc, will make sure this does not happen to them again.
Whether there is also a market for Democratically leaning cyber breakin teams will remain a mystery.
@Jeffro: Perhaps he could do it in dramatic fashion on Sunday night – the eve of the electoral college vote.
J R in WV
Moderation for the first use of any new ‘nym. Sorry.
schrodinger's cat
@J R in WV: It is like Latin is to English and other western European languages. Many of the current Indian languages are derived from Sanskrit. Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi etc are derived from Sanskrit. Most north Indian languages have also been heavily influenced by Persian, the language of the various Muslim courts in India.
Sanskrit == Is the language of culture/learning and religion.
The core of most Hindu religious ceremonies is performed in Sanskrit.
Like this Shiva Tandava which is Sanskrit poem that describes Shiva in his magnificent glory as he does the tandava, the dance of cosmic destruction.
Sanskrit also has ties to most European languages, they form the Indo-European language group.
Deva = Deity
Agni= Igneous=Fire
Path=path (pronunciation is different, the a is short not long a like in English)
Sant= Saint
and so on.
I find languages and the connections between them fascinating. India is complex, its like Europe, if it were one country.
Major Major Major Major
@catclub: The ‘hacks’ as such weren’t actually sophisticated at all (spear phishing). What was really hacked, in the traditional sense of the term, was the voters and the media.
And hey how about this: good on you, Don Beyer! NoVA congressman calls to delay the EC vote!!!
After Romney gave his principled speech on how Trump is a fraudulent businessman and fraudulent conservative, why he even bothered to meet with Trump is just idiocy.
Gin & Tonic
@Botsplainer: So, um, you’re not a Sanders supporter after all?
@Betty Cracker:
These kinds of bullshit straw man arguments are tiresome. Here’s Sanders’ own words on that subject:
And again:
And again:
Stop trying to pretend that Bernie Sanders only cares about white men. It wasn’t true in the primary and it isn’t true now.
Trump’s a bully, among other things. When people stand up to bullies they very often back off. Trump will have a big arsenal at his disposal that is going to make doing this increasingly difficult. All the authoritarian experts are warning we have to do everything we can BEFORE they get into office. Once they’re there laws will change quickly. The EPA people won’t be given a choice.
@Major Major Major Major: So the DNC and DCCC will have cyber security training for users.
@Botsplainer: Maybe Obama will kill Bernie Sanders with a drone strike before he leaves office, the way you want him to do with everyone else you hate.
@Yarrow: I was hoping for a ‘We are all Spartacus’ response from the EPA to that questionaire.
OT – to sum up in the emoluments clause issue, office consensus is that he takes office but gets stuck with an injunction preventing him from doing business and a likely court appointed receiver.
This could get really interesting as the receiver starts untangling things.
We’re a little concerned about standing issues under traditional standing analysis, but think that could be done with the right sort of commercial
@hovercraft: Wow! Is “properly counseled” going to be the operative phrase for “disappeared” in the Trump years?
That questionnaire was pretty detailed (and, I think, done by a DOE insider who knew the programs involved). It wasn’t just thrown together on a whim.
@PaulWartenberg2016: Funny, when I was in the Army, we trained for possible invasion from Russia through Alaska. It was called Jack Frost Training. We were sent to Alaska in January for a month of cold war (no pun intended) training.
@Chris: No, it’s like the French aristocrats and politicians allying with the Nazis to keep France strong. The dirty not-so-little secret about the collapse of France in 1940 is that many of the country’s elite preferred to have to answer to Germans than to share the wealth of their country with the working classes, and were not so unhappy to see the Third Republic vanish.
Davis X. Machina
@schrodinger’s cat: Indo-European comparative philology begins when English scholars who had Greek and Latin with their mothers’ milk turned to the study of Sanskrit in the days of the East India Company.
@Yarrow: here’s hoping that they come up with a bad case of “Gee I can’t recall…”
Or barring that, have everyone agree it was all Carl, the guy who’s retiring next week. Carl sure did a bang-up job of all that researchin’ and writin’ and stuff. ;)
Betty Cracker
@NR: I actually don’t believe Sanders only cares about white men and spent some time defending him from those charges early in the primary. But he has displayed willingness to downplay equality issues in favor of economic ones throughout his career, and he’s incredibly tone deaf on issues like gender equality and race.
@liberal: Well someone got to Democratic Underground right around Election Day and it was down for a couple of week.s
The receiver’s probably going to need to look at some tax returns, I’m just saying…
Bernie never really pretended he was in personal danger like those other tools, so I’m not inclined to so fantasize that conclusion to his tenure on earth. For The Bern, the pain of obscurity is a mighty fine tonic.
For the ones I want droned, their screams as the drone flies in would be the rhapsodies that call to my heart.
What does this even mean? What are all the magical jobs that are going to be available for people with book learning?
Major Major Major Major
@catclub: Sure. And inculcating the notion that this should be considered sensitive/potential national security work into the culture there is a good idea.
ETA: @Shana: This sort of thing (and that specific example) is on Alain’s radar, FYI.
@Chris: They have status anxiety, not economic anxiety. Deep down, they feel inadequate, so a lot of this is about fixing their wounded self-image. All the claptrap about economic populism only serves to reinforce their status anxiety, gives them a claim that they’re at risk from ominous forces when their own circumstances don’t seem to compel them to do anything tangible about it, particularly since they’ve got a safety net generously provided by the Democrats they periodically shit on for being elitist. The vast majority of them know that Trump won’t bring back the old jobs. He’s just restoring their self-image by doing his whole “politically incorrect” schtick. It’s Reagan II, except the sequel is even cheesier because the budget’s lower and the director is an even bigger scumbag.
Davis X. Machina
@Yarrow: You haven’t been hanging with the bien-pensants much.
The three-step plan to fix American politics:
1.) Get the parties out of politics.
2.) Get the politicians out of politics.
3.) Get the politics out of politics.
Totebags for all!
Davis X. Machina
@Shana: This isn’t necessarily a bad thing for actually-existing Democrats. DU can make Daily Kos look like the Brookings Institute.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Words have meanings, and making shit up to change their meaning is standard gop bullshit. Talking points are talking points, being politically correct means not saying things that are offensive to other people, when there’s another way to get your message across without causing offense. Coopting the gop definition is aiding them in their effort to not be held accountable when they insult people on purpose.
Go away Bernie, I still have no use for you, perhaps if you actually join the party and show some desire to improve it. I will give you the time of day. So far all I’ve seen is you trying to re-make it in your image, you already gave us that opportunity in the primary, and we said no thanks.
@Botsplainer: You’re a pretty sick individual.
Tax returns, bank accounts, notes, statements of account, along with Trump’s screaming asshole stereotype lawyers fighting every step of the way so that it all finds its way into PACER and the public record…
schrodinger's cat
@Brachiator: I checked out the promos for Dear Zindagi, I will definitely see it when it becomes available for streaming. Thanks for the suggestion!
C’mon, doesn’t a blasted-to-bits Assange or Griftwald fulfill some index of joy with you? You’d have martyrs to the holy cause and I’d get to chuckle about the scalps.
Stop trying to pretend that Bernie Sanders is important.
No it doesn’t, because I’m not a fucking psychopath like you.
@schrodinger’s cat:
My pleasure.
@Betty Cracker: Economics has always been his top priority, but he is fully committed to the rights of everyone regardless or race or gender. Just look at the statements I quoted. He’s made many more like them.
It’s always struck me as pretty revealing that the two Ku Klux Klan revivals took place in the 1920s and the 1950s. In other words, two of the decades that are most associated with widespread peace and prosperity, especially for WASPs. Those decades also witnessed Red Scares, puritan religious campaigns, conservative electoral backlash against recent liberal reformers, and general conspiratorial hysterics about poorly defined foreign enemies plotting against Our Pure American heritage.
Much as I love Star Trek, it’s wrong. Peace and prosperity don’t turn people into saints because there’s nothing to fight over. There’s no absolute rule, but peace and prosperity are at least as likely to simply turn people free to ignore their material conditions and indulge their whims and prejudices… which frequently include fucking over other people.
@Mike J: The Plot Against America. It was, indeed, quite good.
glory b
@NR: Uh huh. And at a half an hour or more each, how many years will that take?
schrodinger's cat
@Davis X. Machina: And?
Major Major Major Major
@hovercraft: He isn’t co-opting the GOP definition; he’s stating the hard left definition. They just happen to be very similar. The GOP definition doesn’t include not offending the powerful, except insofar as they think trans rights activists are somehow powerful.
@Jeffro: Good to see! And good for him for calling out the conspiracy theorists!
I hope everyone here is making at least one call a day – more is better – to at least one of their representatives. Or, call one of the growing list of other Reps and Senators around the country who are concerned about Russian involvement in our election. The more voices the better. Get on the phone, people! Let them know you’re here! Ask to delay the electoral college vote. Ask for an independent prosecutor or at least a special committee to be created to investigate it. Keep up the pressure!
They are evil from top to bottom.
Just loathesome creatures.
Betty Cracker
@NR: He’s also made statements like this:
Before saying that, he cleared his throat with statements about how committed to gender and racial equality he is. But implicit in the statement above is the notion that the Democratic Party prioritizes so-called identity politics over policy, and that’s not only NOT true, it’s a harmful lie that plays right into the hands of people like Trump.
Sanders is a one-note pony. That doesn’t mean the note he plays isn’t important — it is. But remaking the party in his image would be madness, IMO. So I hope that doesn’t happen. And that is all I have to say on the subject of Sanders.
schrodinger's cat
@Major Major Major Major: So is Bernie a useful idiot or a Putin puppet? Why did he even run this year? If not to weaken HRC, T campaign weaponized Bernie’s innuendo against her.
Dengre is very active on Twitter. Same name. Just follow him.
Look who’s sitting at the head of the table in Trump’s official meeting with tech CEO’s: Don Jr., Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump.
Davis X. Machina
@schrodinger’s cat: Real understanding of our — English, German, Latin —language didn’t happen until the ‘discovery’ of Sanskrit. It’s pivotal. And if God spares me, it’s my retirement project.
On the “utility as human beings” scorecard, I find that each one is at a negative.
Greenwald has never met a white supremacist whose cause he couldn’t champion in court and in public opinion, and Assange is a narcissistic tool of Putin.
Each deserved a good droning, for which I choose to blame Obama.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodinger’s cat: Useful idiot, by my reading. More likely he’s just an opportunist who used the Democratic primary for a vanity run, and (ETA: Trump &) Russia seized on and encouraged dissension in the Democratic ranks as a result.
Sessions Pretends Senate Never Rejected Him for Racism
by Martin Longman
December 14, 2016 11:48 AM
The Democrats’ opening salvo against the nomination of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III isn’t all that impressive. It comes down to a complaint that Sessions swamped them with so many documents that they can’t adequately review them between now and the scheduled confirmation hearings on January 10th and 11th. Maybe so, but the public couldn’t possibly care less.
Their more salient (politically) attack is that Sessions pretended that the elephant in the room simply isn’t there.
I’ve written about this several times, but one of the most noteworthy things about Sessions’ career is that he was nominated for a federal judgeship by Ronald Reagan and rejected by the Senate Judiciary Committee because he was too obviously a racist.
@Major Major Major Major:
Was this Niskanen Center named after William Niskanen who was president of liberarian Cato? Why I remember Niskanen is that he wrote an opinion that trickle down economics doesn’t seem to work.
schrodinger's cat
@Davis X. Machina: Its my project too. I tried to study it on my own but its too difficult. I understand some because of my upbringing, although my diction could be better. I know some prayers that I learned as a kid and some just by osmosis.
Don’t you teach Latin? Or am I not remembering it right?
It means that the better educated you are, the better your chances are of being gainfully employed.
Employment and Unemployment Rates by Educational Attainment
(Last Updated: May 2016)
The employment rate was higher for people with higher levels of educational attainment than for those with lower levels of educational attainment. For example, among 20- to 24-year-olds in 2015, the employment rate was 89 percent for those with a bachelor’s or higher degree and 51 percent for those who did not complete high school.
This indicator examines recent trends in two distinct yet related measures of labor market conditions—the employment rate (also known as the employment to population ratio) and the unemployment rate—by age group and educational attainment level. For each age group, the employment rate is the number of persons in that age group who are employed as a percentage of the civilian population in that age group. The unemployment rate is the percentage of persons in the civilian labor force (i.e., all civilians who are employed or seeking employment) who are not working and who made specific efforts to find employment sometime during the prior 4 weeks. Trends in the unemployment rate reflect net changes in the relative number of people who are looking for work, while the employment rate reflects whether the economy is generating jobs relative to population growth in a specific age group.
glory b
@NR: What, to tell people of color that as soon as white people’s money gets straight they won’t be racists anymore? Because that’s what he said during the campaign.
The other day I was listening to Tom Hartmann. a caller told him how glad he was that Bernie was directing Chuck Schumer’s moves now and the social justice stuff has to take a back seat to Bernie’s priorities. I thought Tom would push back a little at least, but he just agreed.
To quote rikyrah,
Uh huh.
Trump will clearly shake things up by challenging the elites. End the neoliberal status quo!
Employment and Unemployment Rates by Educational Attainment
(Last Updated: May 2016)
The employment rate was higher for people with higher levels of educational attainment than for those with lower levels of educational attainment. For example, among 20- to 24-year-olds in 2015, the employment rate was 89 percent for those with a bachelor’s or higher degree and 51 percent for those who did not complete high school.
Gin & Tonic
@Major Major Major Major: And Tad Devine was just a coincidence?
Major Major Major Major
@Davis X. Machina: @schrodinger’s cat: Eight cases, three numbers, just the nouns are a doozy.
ETA: @Gin & Tonic: Longstanding associate, isn’t he?
@schrodinger’s cat:
One does wonder. And he does have some known connections to Russia. And his lack of speaking out on the Russians hacking our election is notable. Where is Bernie on this? Why so quiet, Bernie?
@Gin & Tonic:
Tad Devine, Paul Manafort and Tofu Barbie walk into a bar…
Republicans, 30 years later, will move in lock-step to get Sessions confirmed, no matter what. For them, Party and power are more important than country.
Davis X. Machina
@schrodinger’s cat: Yes, Latin, Greek, and a little German. That’s English. I burned my English dictionary years ago. But that’s only one branch of the tree. Then after Sanskrit, in another lifetime, a non-Indo-European language… And Chinese in the third lifetime after that.
I’ve always joked with my students that if I hit Powerball, I’m going to some Enormous State University where they teach everything, diving in at Afrikaans, and studying through the catalogue till I hit Yiddish, go broke, or die.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I’m pretty sure that Bernie is a useful idiot. But if I were the Democratic leadership, I wouldn’t tell Bernie anything that I wouldn’t want Tad Devine to tell his buddy Comrade Putin.
I’ve lived among the Trumpsters all my life and have always thought they were so reactionary and belligerant due to low self-esteem. When they say college educated, liberals, tree huggers, you name it look down on them, it’s because they feel inferior in various ways.
Gin & Tonic
@Major Major Major Major: Longstanding associate of Manafort’s, you mean?
Millard Filmore
Think of it as Revenge Porn.
Davis X. Machina
@Major Major Major Major:
OMG, they have a dual!!! Now I have to do it.
Major Major Major Major
@Davis X. Machina: English is basically Dutch and French.
ETA: Never mind, I thought you were saying English was Latin, Greek, and a little German.
@schrodinger’s cat:
English path has a short a. Long vowels sound like the letter, e.g., bay or date.
@rikyrah: Sessions racial views and his past failure to win approval for federal judgeship should be pretty much the only things the Democrats bring up in his confirmation hearings. He’ll get in since being a racist didn’t disqualify the predator-elect from winning, but at least the Democrats should emphasize Session’s history, especially his kaln affinity.
The Rising Cost of Not Going to College
I tried to post a couple of links to BLS, but they kept getting eaten by the gremlins, google them, they are more recent, than this which is from 2014.
@Gin & Tonic:
I’ve been told that I’m just paranoid for asking about Devine’s connections to Putin. They’re totally coincidental, just like all of the other unrelated and totally coincidental connections to Russia in this whole election.
@hovercraft: But Trump likes the poorly educated. One of the most ignorant remarks of the campaign.
@glory b: The forum was on TV, you know.
But nice job shitting on someone who’s out there doing something.
Davis X. Machina
This doesn’t take into consideration our new political world, where their peers with less education, if they’re white, have their votes count more.
schrodinger's cat
@Major Major Major Major: What do you mean by three numbers?
Major Major Major Major
@Gin & Tonic: I thought him and Bernie were buddies.
@schrodinger’s cat: Singular, dual, plural.
@glory b: Bernie Sanders says stuff like this all the time.
But keep pretending he doesn’t care about anyone but white guys.
I completely agree.
@Mnemosyne: Once again I’ll ask: Where’s your evidence that Devine works for Putin?
so when does that voter who was turned into a liberal get to vote for clinton?
@SenyorDave: That was not an ignorant remark. It was a tell. He does like the poorly educated because those are his voters. The poorly educated are also more easily fooled by his propaganda.
Major Major Major Major
Where do you guys get all this troll food? Is it cheap?
schrodinger's cat
@Steeplejack: Sanskrit पथ is with an even shorter a sound than your example.
Millard Filmore
Sorry, I do not understand. Who is blackmailing McConnell into an investigation? The Chinese? I cannot imagine that Russia or Trump wants an investigation, so why would they blackmail anyone to get it started?
gogol's wife
Maybe I’ve missed it, but has anyone here discussed the WaPo article about Flynn sharing classified information with Pakistan?
coin operated
Quoted for truth….
@Yarrow: That was not an ignorant remark. It was a tell.
You are correct. From my perspective it is openly anti-education, and I would like to think a candidate for POTUS would talk about expanded educational opportunities, but I am projecting. From the perspective of how he ran his campaign it was a shrewd move. Another reason why I loathe the man. He normalized so many abhorrent behaviors.
schrodinger's cat
@Major Major Major Major: Don’t we have that in English too. Couple, both, quite a few nouns to signify two of something. Your formal knowledge of Sanskrit far exceeds my own.
Gin & Tonic
@NR: His own Wikipedia page puts him as working for Viktor Yanukovych’s campaigns in 2006 and 2009-10. If you don’t see a Putin connection then you’re too dumb to exist.
@tybee: Hopefully never. The Democratic party would be insane to nominate her again.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodinger’s cat: there’s a few vestiges in English but they’re just that, vestiges. We have a number of indo-European archaisms that survive in a handful of words. I especially like these two:
Causative verbs. A form of a verb that means to make the verb happen to something else. For example, to fell a tree means to make the tree fall.
-n suffix on nouns meaning “made of”. Gold, golden. In older texts you’ll see silvern and leathern.
These sorts of things used to be something you could do to a lot of words, like the dual.
@Gin & Tonic: So because you worked for someone seven years ago, that automatically means you work for them for the rest of your life?
If your boss from seven years ago, who you no longer work for, called you up and told you to do something, you’d just drop everything and do it?
You’re pretty strange.
@Millard Filmore: McConnell determined that if he didn’t hold an investigation that McCain and Graham would do it instead. He knows the Russians have stuff on him. He wants to control the investigation so he changed his tune from Friday when he said investigations weren’t necessary. But he wasn’t happy about it. He hopes he can control how it goes but if he doesn’t….
Between that and the new (reported/floated) head of the FDA not believing in drug trails, he says that drug companies would never bring dangerous drugs to market, and if they did the market would fix it, we are in for some interesting times.
I guess America was great right after the turn of the last century, no minimum wage, child labor laws, meat inspectors, education standards, wait a minute, it’s almost like they want to roll back the New Deal and all the protections that it came with.
Gin & Tonic
@NR: Well, my boss from seven years ago isn’t an ex-KGB kleptocratic dictator who has his political opponents and other nosy questioners loudly and publicly assassinated, so I’ll decline to accept your “argument.”
Davis X. Machina
@Major Major Major Major: No real English duals left. Even E “oxen”, and ME ‘eyen”, sometimes adduced as fossilized duals (oxen and eyes naturally occur in pairs), are just -en plurals, which are as common as muck in German. “Scissors” and “pants” should be duals — but they take plural verbs in sentences.
Homeric Greek, but not later dialects, still has a number of dual forms, both noun and verb. But that’s about it. I can’t think of a live IE dual off the top of my head in the western branch, anyways. Maybe in the Caucasus? There are weird things up in those mountains.
You do know Robert “Sheets” Bird was the fucking Grand Wizard of the West Virginia KKK and a hero to many Democrats, including Hillary Clinton?
/right-wing response
As I said the other day, undecided debate-watchers came away liking Hillary Clinton, too, so I don’t know why the Bernie-philes have decided that his sweet angelic voice is so magically effective it makes more lasting converts than anyone else. And “political correctness” has nothing whatsoever to do with being inoffensive so as not to challenge power. He’s so unctuous and smug.
Donald Trump’s German Debt Bomb
“Could he continue in office while fighting a personal bankruptcy action?”
by James Wimberley
December 14, 2016 12:15 PM
Deutsche Bank is in trouble. WSJ in September, December.
The $14bn fine levied on the bank by the US Justice Department has exposed Deutsche’s thin capital cushion. It is retrenching, and struggling to avoid a bailout. The German government’s formal position is against bailouts. But that’s for show: you always deny these things to the last minute, like devaluations. In reality, it could not afford to let the country’s largest bank (and the 11th in the world) crash. We can safely assume Bundesbank and Finance Ministry officials are riding herd on the bank’s every move and keeping up the pressure.
The bank is also the largest creditor of the Trump Organization, to the tune of $364 million. Which creates a very interesting situation for all parties, in the sense of the Chinese curse.
The bank needs cash, lots of it, and therefore must realize some of its assets. Where do they look? Well, one place is high-risk loans to borrowers with a poor record – like Trump.
You may object: these are not callable loans but fixed-term ones like mortgages. Here I call on apparently well-informed commenter MacK at LGM:
Calling the loans is very much an option. Since Deutsche is the largest creditor, it could spark a panic among other creditors, leading to the bankruptcy of several Trump Organization businesses and, if Trump has issued personal guarantees, of Trump himself. Could he continue in office while fighting a personal bankruptcy action? I doubt it. Ryan and McConnell have a nuclear weapon in that they could threaten to stand aside in an impeachment launched by Pelosi. The situation contains an existential danger to Trump.
@Gin & Tonic: It’s better than your utterly nonsensical “argument” that because someone worked for Putin on a contract seven years ago, that automatically means they’re an undercover operative for him for the rest of their lives. That’s some tinfoil-level shit right there.
It really cracks me up that Donald Trump, who hosted Celebrity Apprentice, can’t find anyone above the D-list to perform at his inauguration. Despite offering bribes to their bookers.
(Sanders on Face The Nation)
I stopped watching shows like Face the Nation after the November electoral decision, but I found the above after a quick online search.
The cry of “political correctness” is a snarl term from those who want it to be socially acceptable to punch downward.
Major Major Major Major
@Davis X. Machina: I think Scots has some but it’s been a while since undergrad.
Ben Cisco
@SiubhanDuinne: He’s active on the Twitterz” https://twitter.com/denngree
@Yarrow: But remember, it’s the OTHER candidate who’s untrustworthy. SM motherfucking H.
@Davis X. Machina:
You are very optimistic, some of us are preparing for a life spent working till we die. Or if we are lucky, standing outside of Trump Tower waiting for our daily sighting of the Emperor, when he throws down sustenance to the masses (Mad Max Fury Road, ref.)
But if you do get to retirement, good luck with it, it sounds like a worthwhile project.
@hovercraft: I don’t dispute the value of a college education. But this does not answer my question: Where are the jobs?
And even looking at this study, there is evidence of wage stagnation.
And the group that seemed to have the best shot at later economic success were science and engineering majors, a rarefied group. Jobs are disappearing, wages continue to stagnate and I don’t really see that either political party has a good answer to the problems presented by a post-manufacturing society.
Thanks for the link, though. The info is useful,
@Gin & Tonic:
The reason Comrade NR is so adorbs when it comes to politics is that he has no idea that it’s all about personal relationships and who knows whom. He actually thinks that after Devine runs a campaign for someone, he cuts all ties with them immediately afterwards.
Iowa Old Lady
@Botsplainer: I like it. I like it a lot.
Is that former boss offering me a moonlighting gig that would dovetail perfectly with my current job so I could make money doing both? And am I a political hack with no scruples whatsoever?
@Mnemosyne: The reason you’re so hilarious when it comes to politics is that you think your paranoid delusions constitute evidence of anything.
Last night, you said that Putin put a few million dollars into a Swiss bank account for Tad Devine in order to get him to run Bernie Sanders’ campaign and do… something. Where’s your evidence that that ever happened?
schrodinger's cat
@Davis X. Machina: I has an impressed! Besides English, I can speak in two other languages and understand several more. I picked them up as a child though. Learning new languages as an adult is hard.
@Millard Filmore:
I’m pretty sure Elaine Cho has ties to Taiwan, so I don’t think he’s working for the Chinese.
Say what you want about Bernie Sanders, he’s still got his head screwed on a lot better than his diehard fringe of supporters.
@NR: so bernie’s too late yet again.
Covering Assad’s state visit next year should be a hoot for the DC media.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): Me too, me too. The cut of your jib is liked.
You mean other than Putin’s history of secretly funding opposition parties all over Europe?
But I guess you think that the US is the magical exception to that rule. Putin wouldn’t dare to mess with us, amirite?
@Yarrow: Conspiracy theorists?!? Why…he isn’t calling out head Trump wackaloon Michael Flynn, I hope? Perish the thought!
I love it when Dems remember how to throw a punch.
@Millard Filmore:
McConnell’s “investigating” to look like he’s doing something about this, hoping it will blow over until at least past the EC vote, much less the Inauguration. He’s doing it under regular (read: slow) order, not as a special investigation of Congress.
ETA: ah, as usual I see someone else (Yarrow in this case) got there first.
Mike in dc
Hey, just wait until the Age of Robots arrives over the next few decades, wiping out half of all jobs. The pivot to a universal basic income will be protracted, awkward and painful. The cluelessness of the political class about what’s coming next is jarring.
Seriously: it’s not like there isn’t tons of tons of precedent. This is what Russia does.
Again with these lying media liars, this has already been debunked, last week they denied this story, they said they do too have A-listers lined up like umm, ….. we’ll get back to you on that. Hey who knows maybe that’s why Kanye was at White House NYC yesterday, he’s the headliner. The fact that he just got out of a mental institution can be used as cover with his fans, it was temporary insanity, it made me perform at the inaugural ball.
@tybee: There are elections in the future to think about, you know.
Jesus, the ridiculous lengths you people will go to to shit all over Bernie Sanders are really something to behold. So now we shouldn’t bother talking to voters at all because we just had an election? Unbelievable.
Millard Filmore
Ah! Ok. It all makes sense now. Thanks.
Roger Moore
IOW, they didn’t like getting caught. They’ll try again once the furor dies down, preferably when everyone is distracted by some bigger, more awful thing they’re doing.
I think reduced work hours would work for quite a while — there are still a whole lot of people out there working mandatory overtime because the company or government agency they work for can’t or don’t want to hire more people.
If the standard work week went to 30 or 35 hours plus mandatory overtime for anyone who’s not a manager while increasing hourly pay so everyone stayed at the same income level or better, that would solve a lot of problems.
There are a lot of ways to solve the problem, but very few that our current corporate oligarchy is willing to accept.
@Mnemosyne: Quit deflecting. Where is your evidence that Putin paid Tad Devine to do anything in 2016?
Innuendo and “Boy, there are are a lot of coincidences around her, hurr durr!” don’t constitute evidence.
@NR: it’s your fellating of bernie that is the tell
Yes, but this is about St. Bernie the Incorruptible. It’s literally inconceivable that he could have been conned by Putin and Tad Devine. Sure, other people have been repeatedly burned by Devine, but not St. Bernie!
schrodinger's cat
@Mnemosyne: He is just pretending to be asleep, you cannot wake him up.
@Yarrow: Wait…Ted Nugent and Kid Rock aren’t A-list???
The guy’s way underwater in approval ratings before he even gets officially elected, much less inaugurated, and now he can’t even get a few boy bands who need the dough. Love it!
We should have a Lollapalooza-style band fest down at the Verizon Center on the same day – keep everyone warm and well-inebriated and listen to some good music too.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I know. But hopefully some of the lurkers will read the links he refuses to click on and educate themselves.
Sorry about that, I did actually answer that in a couple of my earlier replies that got eated. The world economy is changing all economies, automation/ AI is going to continue to eat away at the opportunities for our population, but not enough policy makers are ready to tell us all that we are going to have to look at alternate economic structures like the basic wage for all working age adults, or come up with something entirely new. But in the meant time, education is still the best way to positioning oneself in the best possible position. Wage stagnation is another long term project of the right that has worked out just as designed, with the blame going everywhere but where it belongs. Busting unions has produced a poorer more productive workforce, whose efforts have improved the profitability of corporations and caused top execs compensation to skyrocket, just as intended.
Policy is what is needed to address both of these issues, but in the mean time, education will mitigate what is currently broken.
@liberal: Point taken. Two half-hearted defenses: 1) I did call it gross oversimplification on my part. 2)The characterization of “unconstitutional” loses some of its rhetorical potency when Ukraine’s constitution appears to get ‘reformed’ with each change of government. I’m certainly guilty of selfishly thinking about this in terms of what it means for the US and less so for other countries. But yeah, valid point.
Major Major Major Major
@Brachiator: I don’t see how $35,000 is “only somewhat higher than” <$31,000. That’s like over 15%.
You erroneously try to shift the terms of the debate. I said yesterday, and still maintain, that Bernie was more persuasive, using the example of a link that a poster provided. This is not the same thing as likability.
Also, I am not a Bernie-phile. I decided fairly early on that he was not my candidate, but I saw that he connected to people, and not just young men, in California.
And I don’t know that it would have made a difference in the past election, but I wish that Clinton had changed up her message and campaigned harder in the swing states that she lost. I noted that this election was and always will be strange, but that obviously Hillary connected well with a majority of voters, but could not reach that needed electoral sliver.
Finally, it is not Hillary v Bernie anymore. Hillary is done as a presidential candidate. Bernie is too, even if he doesn’t realize it yet. Anything to be learned about trying to connect to the voters is for a future Democratic Party nominee.
Sure, let’s look at the evidence:
It is well documented that Putin has been secretly funding opposition organizations all over Europe, especially (but not only) right wing ones.
It is well documented that Tad Devine worked for Putin more than once.
It is well documented that most of the people surrounding Trump — including Devine’s old boss, Paul Manafort — have strong ties to Russia.
It is well documented that Russian hackers meddled in the election, and that their “revelations” were mostly about how the DNC was totally in the bag for Hillary and mean to Bernie.
And you still think it’s a total coincidence that one of those Russian-tied campaign operatives just happened to show up to run Bernie’s campaign? Not just run it, but run it on a message that Hillary and the DNC were totally corrupt and couldn’t be trusted, the exact same message that Manafort was broadcasting through Trump?
I would ask you what you think 2 and 2 add up to, but I’m pretty sure at this point that you don’t know what numbers are.
Gin & Tonic
@NR: You really think Vlad’s Quickbooks ledgers are going to come to light on this? “Evidence” is hard to come by. But say, hypothetically, that you’d paid a consultant, oh, $12M in cash over the span of a few years, cash payments which could get said consultant in a lot of hot water with consultant’s national tax authorities and both you and consultant knew that, and then you needed another favor and reached out to said consultant with a proposition: do this for me or evidence of my cash payments to you will be leaked to the WaPo — what do you suppose consultant does?
Do you know how much a house on Block Island costs?
But they don’t even really want that. Most people outside of the construction industry don’t really do physical labor any more. We couldn’t actually provide the labor necessary to sustain those kinds of industries, like high volume clothing manufacturing. For many Trump voters, the value of their skills has gone way down, precisely because “hard labor” is not really required any more and they don’t have the alternative skills that are valued. I think what they want are the union protections that went with their manufacturing jobs. They have conflated the protections they received with the types of jobs that they were doing, and the two were never the same. I can’t blame them for that, but Trump is practically the last person in the world who would make that a priority.
Oh look they’re cooking something up before Cooper gets in there.
NC Legislature Calls Mystery Special Session With Just Hours Notice
These fuckers just don’t give up.
Major Major Major Major
@hovercraft: and this is what we’re up against. They are unfit to hold power anywhere at any time. Given the nationalization of politics in the last 20 years this means ANYWHERE.
We agree more than we disagree, but I am seeing jobs going away at a faster clip, and education provides some flexibility in being able to get a job in different industries, but a college degree does not ensure stable long term employment.
And the reality is that not everyone wants to go to college or is suited to college. Hell, a chunk of people in college and who get degrees are essentially faking it, which may actually be a useful job finding skill. It does not work to insist on a single thread approach to future success.
@Mnemosyne: Again: None of that is evidence that Putin paid Devine to do anything whatsoever in 2016. Devine worked on the Gore and Kerry campaigns, so it’s not like he came straight out of Russia, walked into the United States, and got a job with Bernie.
What evidence do you have that Putin paid Devine to work for Bernie Sanders? Not innuendo. Not “Hey, look at all these coincidences!” Evidence.
@tybee: The tell for what, exactly? That I like that there are people winning Trump voters over to our side? Oh no, how horrible!
Gin & Tonic
@ribber: Not a “valid point,” IMO. I’ve long disagreed with “liberal” on the history of events in Ukraine in the fall/winter of 2013-2014 that led to the change of government, but calling it a “coup” misses the point completely. It was a mass popular movement with very broad-based support, which culminated in events over about 48 hours in the period from Feb 18-20, 2014, that made Viktor Yanukovych’s position untenable, and he fled the country in the dead of night. Nobody in his circle was arrested or shot, and some of his associates and supporters remained in the successor government, so not even that much of a revolution.
@Gin & Tonic: You realize that article is about Paul Manafort and not Tad Devine, right?
glory b
@NR: I’m not talking about the forum, I’m talking about Sanders actually speaking to a group of African Americans during the primary. His inability to connect was more than obvious. He couldn’t figure out that this wasn’t what they wanted to hear? Participating in one march a few decades ago wasn’t impressing anyone.
Also, On msnbc, Katie Tur noted that Sanders rallies were about as diverse as Trump’s. We weren’t feeling him.
glory b
@NR: And he wasn’t overwhelmingly successful during the forum either.
And he just ought to do something, considering the damage he’s done
@Brachiator: We are at a distinct disadvantage in coming up with practical approaches because of the likelihood that tracking into something less than the highest academic level will be heavily influenced by race. I think the most practical solution is to heavily fund community college and make it dynamic in terms of implementing training programs that reflect local economic needs. That way no one is locked into a long term path that can’t include a four year university but a lot more resources are devoted to developing current skills without requiring students to take on debt. Retraining should take place as a matter of course, not as a last resort. I find listening to displaced workers sneer at retraining to be incredibly offputting, especially when I know so many people who have devoted so much energy and took the risk of going into something new.
@glory b: He is doing something. And he hasn’t done any damage. President Trump is Hillary’s fault, not Sanders’.
glory b
@NR: Actions are greater than words, and he ain’t done much, considering the damage he did to a party he wants to control but not take responsibility for.
He said people of color will BE FINE once whites are economically moer secure. We’ve been there ourselves and know it’s not true.
@Major Major Major Major:
And yet, they are in power …
glory b
@NR: For enough money, sure he would.
Major Major Major Major
@NR: oh, go fuck yourself, by the way ??
@glory b:
You want to talk about damage to the Democratic party? This is what the states looked like in 2009.
And this is what they look like today.
Bernie Sanders didn’t cause any of that damage. That is 100% owned by the neoliberal Democratic party leadership. They’d done far, far more damage to the party than Bernie Sanders ever has, or ever will.
Your anger is misplaced.
This sounds good. Very creative if implemented correctly.
glory b
@NR: No, it means Putin is a client of the firm and goes back when he needs Devine’s services, just like any law firm.
'Niques (frequent visitor; occasional commenter)
@SenyorDave: and the crowd cheered! smh
@glory b: But there’s no evidence that any money was ever offered or accepted.
@glory b: Again, what evidence is there that this happened?
Gin & Tonic
@NR: Of course I do, which is why I said “hypothetical consultant.” Are you sure Tad Devine did not also get large cash payments for his work? If Manafort did, why wouldn’t Devine also?
glory b
@germy: “But I don’t want to go backwards. I think we have got to go forward.”
What does that mean?
@Gin & Tonic:
I don’t know. Is there any evidence that he did?
glory b
@Chris: Not saying much.
@Gin & Tonic:
Like I said, we can’t even tell NR to add it up, because he refuses to admit that numbers exist in the first place.
@Mnemosyne: Like I said, your paranoid delusions aren’t evidence of anything.
Gin & Tonic
@NR: Let’s say I’m remodeling my office. I need a carpenter and an electrician. At the end of the job, if I wire the electrician’s payment from my business account to his business account, what’s the likelihood that I pay the carpenter with an envelope full of non-consecutive 50’s?
@Gin & Tonic: Is that your idea of evidence? I sincerely hope you never serve on a jury.
Gin & Tonic
@NR: I know a lot more than you do about how politics and business are conducted in Ukraine.
There is no peak wingnut. The tide only ebbs and then rolls in higher.
The election of Bush over Gore was tragedy. This is both tragedy and farce.
you’re gonna need knee pads
@tybee: Thank you for that useful little example of incoherence.
I don’t think that this semi-job sharing will solve the problem. I also don’t think that there is a lot of mandatory overtime happening in private industry.
The California minimum wage is a little higher this year. One company I do business with has eliminated overtime for all customer support positions. They also eliminated a number of key sales jobs to save money (the sales staff also helped with support). The result will be degraded customer service, but management has decided that this is acceptable. The loss of the sales jobs has also eliminated a step up to higher wages for many of the remaining staff. I see similar moves in other companies.
The other part of the problem, along with the loss of jobs, is the fact that the cost of living is increasing for many people in California, even though the official inflation rate is low. Reducing hours doesn’t work, and you really cannot impose mandatory overtime on private businesses.
This is not just a problem for evil corporations. Small businesses have to deal with staff and payroll issues as well. Any company would be resistant to proposals that increased their overall payroll costs if it also did not increase revenues.
Yes, I’m just imagining all of the stories about Russian meddling in the election. I’m imagining that Tad “Our Brand Is Crisis” Devine worked for Putin. I’m imagining that Putin has a long history of secretly financing the opponents of people he doesn’t like.
I must have a pretty powerful imagination to have the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Guardian all willing to publish stories solely based on my delusions.
You are probably correct about there are no more Reds or Fascists – they have all become authoritarians and they will cut deals with each other if it serves their own purpose until the deal does not serve their purpose..
Really? All of those newspapers published stories confirming that Tad Devine was an agent of Putin in the 2016 election? I must have missed all those stories, could you provide some links?
I see you don’t work in the same industry I do. Mandatory overtime is standard here, and not just in production. The finance people routinely work until midnight year-round.
schrodinger's cat
@Chris: Ribbentrop-Molotov pact did not last forever.
Steeplejack (phone)
Excellent point.
That’s right, comrade. No need to look at the evidence of the many, many other instances of Putin acting to influence elections and political parties in other countries when you just feel that it can’t be true about Tad Devine, because he’s so well-known to be ethical and scrupulous in all things. Don’t let any pesky facts get in the way.
What facts? You have offered no facts whatsoever to support your contention that Devine was paid by Putin to act as his agent in the 2016 election. You just feel that it must be true because he worked for Putin once upon a time, and you hate Bernie Sanders, and that’s enough for you. Well guess what? The real world doesn’t work that way.
@Davis X. Machina: actually, it was not so much the discovery of the similarities of Sanskrit to Latin (the Jesuits had discovered those in the 17th century) as the disconcerting revelation that they were much more similar to each other than either was to Hebrew, which was supposed to be the ur-language that all the descendants of Noah spoke.
Was a seriously sucky movie.
@Roger Moore: The clown who ordered this was an idiot, given that the American Geophysical Union fall meeting (20000+ attendees) from all over the world is being held this week in San Francisco. There is no way this isn’t going to get lots of attention.
@Yarrow: Jim Brown has given his sign of approval to Trump, providing legitimacy that no other celeb/athlete can. Aretha Franklin might even perform: http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/308715-would-aretha-franklin-perform-at-trump-inauguration-good
Sixth Column
@PaulWartenberg2016: “Opinions vary.”
@Tom Levenson:
In case no one above translated this:
YA, naprimer, privetstvovat’ nashikh postsovetskikh overlordov