OpieJeanne would like to remind all the LA Balloon Juicers that:
tomorrow we’ll be at Story Tavern in Burbank at 11am, looking for the locals. Hope to meet a bunch of you tomorrow.
Those of you in the area know the drill!
Also, obligatory:
by Adam L Silverman| 58 Comments
This post is in: Events, Open Threads
OpieJeanne would like to remind all the LA Balloon Juicers that:
tomorrow we’ll be at Story Tavern in Burbank at 11am, looking for the locals. Hope to meet a bunch of you tomorrow.
Those of you in the area know the drill!
Also, obligatory:
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One of the owners of that racetrack was the butcher at the little grocery store my mom shopped at. She didn’t like the supermarket at all, said they cut up the frying chicken all wrong, and the produce was not great (Market Basket).
Adam L Silverman
@opiejeanne: Well it looks like I was more topically relevant than I could have imagined.
Omnes Omnibus
@opiejeanne: Snob.
OH hai. I didn’t realize the time had been decided on, but I think that works for me. Did you reserve a table? They like that.
Also, Mnemo +2 right now, so I hope this is written in English.
Mary G
I can’t come, the rain has frozen my joints up. I’ll miss meeting you, opiejeanne, and everybody else.
Hope you guys have a great turnout! I still fondly remember the meetup I went to in LA in early 2013 (I think?)…talk about time flying fast.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: If I ever buy a local race track or drag strip I promise you get to do the commercials. How’s that?
@Mnemosyne: I didn’t reserve a table because I thought (wrongly, apparently) that you’d said you would do it. Duh.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m nostalgic, and that raceway was not much of a place back in the 1950s. Irwindale didn’t have a school of any sort because hardly anyone lived there. It was all barren ground and rock quarries in what was the river bottom thousands of years prior.
We lived in a nearby town. I think the butcher owned it with his brother, and I think the brother owned the grocery store. I’m pretty sure their last name was Cole, but it’s been such a long time ago.
@Mary G: I am so sorry to miss you. We will be back again, and again, and again.
@Mnemosyne: reservation is made. :-)
I tried asking about a time for everyone on that earlier thread, and no one responded; 11 am is when the brunch starts so that makes a bit of sense. We’re inside, but I’ll bet we can switch to outdoors if we want to.
Out of interest, does anyone else read Balloon Juice in Singapore?
@efgoldman: No, and they only stocked one kind of mustard: French’s. It was a very small store.
@efgoldman: Has anyone seen Amir lately?
I was confused about the time, but it sounds like it’s all set now. There’s a TON of free parking in the area, including a parking structure that’s kind of hidden behind the restaurant. People should be able to find parking even during the holiday shopping season.
Roger Moore
I should be able to make it. Does anyone have plans to get the traditional green balloons to put at our table?
@efgoldman: Yes, especially after this crazy election his insights would be most welcome. I hope he’s doing okay.
@efgoldman: In Irwindale, the car and the mustard are in a gravel pit, that’s about all that’s in Irwindale.
@BillinGlendaleCA: What about the mop?
@Roger Moore: I almost got some at the local dollar store, but I don’t have any helium to inflate them; just hot air, lots of hot air. I’ll be there with my ever present cameras.
@Yarrow: Gravel pit.
Roger Moore
That’s totally unfair. There’s plenty of other stuff in Irwindale. For example, one edge of my employer’s site is in Irwindale; IIRC, that includes our blood donor and outpatient surgery centers. More important to people who don’t live around here, Huy Fong Foods (maker of the originally rooster label sriracha sauce) are now located in Irwindale.
@Roger Moore: I didn’t know about this tradition. That would be nice. I was thinking I’d just wear my Seahawks shirt and you’d all find me right away.
@Roger Moore: They moved from Rosemead? I know the people who lived nearby had trouble with the fumes.
@Yarrow: The thing about the gravel pits, and there were several huge ones, is that they usually have quite a bit of water in them. Because of the drought that may have changed, and when the water level goes down in places like, interesting things are sometimes found.
@opiejeanne: Is it that dayglo green they were wearing the other day? Yikes. No way anyone could miss that!
@Yarrow: No, EWWW.
It’s the traditional dark blue. There is some lime green contrast on it.
@opiejeanne: Well no wonder the mop is in the gravel pit Something that to clean up all that water.
@opiejeanne: Well, a Seaweeds shirt is probably green, though hopefully not the green they wore when they played the Yams this past week. Blinded for several days by that color, yes I was.
I will be there, probably without Mrs. Cthulhu.
@opiejeanne: I had never seen those uniforms until the other night. I turned on the TV to check the weather and the game had run a few minutes long so I got a glimpse of them. Wow. They almost didn’t look real.
@opiejeanne: My college roommate’s BIL played for the Seahawks back in the late 70’s early 80’s.
Roger Moore
The thing with the fumes was actually at their new location in Irwindale, not at the old one in Rosemead. That was part of the reason I assumed it was just a bullshit attempt by the local power brokers to shake them down rather than a serious problem. For those not from the area, Rosemead is a fairly typical city, with a reasonable mix of residential, commercial, and industrial users; it’s the kind of place you’d expect the neighbors to have problems with fumes from a food processing facility. In contrast, Irwindale is predominantly industrial, with only about 1000 residents and the kind of chronic graft that comes from having a small population with a large property tax base from all those businesses.
@Cthulhu: Oh good. Sorry to miss your mrs.
Didn’t know Cthulhu was the marrying’ kind.
@Yarrow: They aren’t real. We’ve never seen them before and hope never to again. The normal uniforms are blue and white or blue on blue. They’re nice.
@Roger Moore: No schools. The taxes are low because of that and the industries there liked to keep it that way.
@opiejeanne: Maybe Paul Allen lost a bet with Phil Knight.
I plan to be there, I see that I’ll have to get up early for a Sunday.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I read that it’s the rule for Thursday Night Football, that the uniforms are chosen by some marketing guys for the station. The lime green is the contrast color on the team uniforms, and I guess they thought it was a clever switch, but those things were gawd-awful and looked like they were made from lycra. Neon lime green.
@Ruckus: Yay. Just think how early we’ll have to get up and you’ll feel a lot better. We have to get gasoline when we get off the mountain. Probably at the Costco in … Upland? Not sure what town it’s in.
Dang, cannot catch this meet up. Family having brunch at same time
Only Costco that I know the location of on the way is in Azuza, on Foothill between Azuza (hwy 39) and, wait for it…. Irwindale. Can’t imagine that there isn’t another one farther east though.
Wow, you guys are going to have fun! Pictures!!
@Ruckus: It’s adjacent to the 210. Newish development, maybe 10 years old. rRancho Cucamonga?
There’s another one in Fontana but it’s not on our route.
For a number of years, Irwindale was the home of Miller Lite (there’s a big brewery there). More recently, it’s the home of the world’s number one brand of sriracha.
That’s the municipal color in Seattle. Also worn by the Sounders.
Dragstrip radio spots were very similar all across the country. If you grew up in the New York radio market, you got them for New York National Speedway and Raceway Park, both of which were in the middle of nowhere at the time but would be in the middle of suburbia if they still existed.
The other big dragstrip in SoCal, Orange County International Raceway, is now home to the Irvine Spectrum Center.
Looks like there’s room at the table for me so see you all there (after reading you all for years!)
@burnspbesq: Riverside Raceway I believe is now under tract houses in Moreno Valley.
Looked last night and it’s Fontana and Azuza. The Azuza store is just north of the 210, exit Irwindale, turn right (north), turn right at the signal, which is Foothill, 2-3 blocks, on the right. I’ve been in there and driven right up to the pump and waited for 20 min, which is much more likely.
My second favorite place to race. Rather dangerous but oh so interesting.
Mike in Pasadena
@Roger Moore: sounds like Vernon, or as we used to call it, Vermin.
@Mike in Pasadena:
Vernon is much smaller than Irwindale, population wise.
Irwindale, less than 1500.
Vernon, less than 150.
Both of those are during the night. During the day it is much different. It used to be said that Vernon had a population of over 50,000 during the day.
I would really like to make it, but I’m sick as a dog and don’t want to spread this crud to fellow juicers. Have a good time.
Thanks :)
@Ruckus: We just passed the Rancho Cucamonga store a little while ago, heading home. I know where the Azusa store is, sort of; I know the off-ramp.
@Feebog: I’m so sorry. We missed you, but get better. I had a form of crud early last week that is gone now, and i’m convinced it was just a reaction to the much dryer air in the Los Angeles area. It went away very quickly but I feel like I’m drying up now, and my hands are rough and almost chapped. I haven’t been here long enough yet to adapt.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Zacky’s Duck Farm Is there to I, right next to the 605 near the 210 junction. I haven’t lived there in ~40 years, but had an uncle whose nickname was Zackie so I always got a chuckle out of seeing the poultry there.