Via TPM, former Breitbart staffers are forming a Trump agenda enforcement group to “pressure lawmakers into falling into line with Donald Trump’s political agenda.” According to the report, based on a story in The Atlantic, the Breitbart staffers have formed a PAC and are creating a media arm:
The strategy [former Breitbart report Dustin] Stockton described to The Atlantic echoes the Tea Party playbook, complete with organized town hall confrontations and a team of reporters that would “ambush” unfriendly lawmakers. The group also had brainstormed giving out “Trump Enforcement Posse” or “Trump Enforcement Team” badges as donor rewards, according to the report.
Why not brown shirts? Still, they may find it harder to whip up angry mobs with their own gelatinous orange blob in the Oval Office instead of the uppity black fellow.
Meanwhile, Trump resistors have their own guide, which I’ve seen linked here a time or two [PDF link]. The tactics it advocates (showing up at local congressional offices, calling congresscritters, etc.) have already borne fruit. Despite what some moronic reporting implied, Trump didn’t get congressional Republicans to halt plans to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics or stop trying to ramrod cabinet picks through without proper vetting: We did.
We have to remember that the teaturds were a minority of cranks, yet highly effective because they were committed in their opposition to a president who won in a landslide and was enacting broadly popular policies. We’re the majority, and we’re opposing a malignant clown who lost the popular vote by nearly three million and his conflicted, compromised hangers-on who want to enact unpopular policies.
If we stay committed and connected, we win. And then tomorrow belongs to us.
Do these morons realize physically harassing a Congressperson is an outstanding way to wind up in the pokey, possibly after being tazed?
And even some of his voters are regretting their choice. Something tells me Blame Obummer For Everything isn’t going to work as well as they think.
Iowa Old Lady
Trump has a political agenda?
@Iowa Old Lady: No, but Bannon does.
A girl can dream.
I suggest “Trump Intelligence Team” and lapel buttons that read, “I’m a TIT!”
I understand that Trump wants the band to play “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” and “Springtime for Hitler” at one of the inaugural balls.
Me? I keep humming this little tune from Keef and the boys
Come on
Oh, a storm is threat’ning
My very life today
If I don’t get some shelter
Oh yeah, I’m gonna fade away
War, children, it’s just a shot away
It’s just a shot away
War, children, it’s just a shot away
It’s just a shot away
The Dangerman
I’m sure that “grabbing them by the Posse” will go over well.
As for Team Trump pressuring lawmakers, his ass will get impeached quickly if he doesn’t play the role they want him to play (which is “Reagan, the Sequel”).
The probably believe that law enforcement is secretlyon their side and will allow them to do whatever the hell they want.
We’ll find out soon enough.
Hang in there. When this is all over, we might look back on it and see it as America’s finest hour.
zhena gogolia
I keep hoping that’s how it turns out. I keep reminding myself that there are more of us than there are of them. And unlike Putin’s Russia, he hasn’t yet taken control of ALL the means of mass communication.
Same agenda as any other arsonist.
I’m afraid to check in with the budget hearings. Any news?
Jerzy Russian
I am not aware of all internet traditions. Where is that image from?
I linked to this in the previous thread, but I love Shepherd Fairey’s posters for the women’s march so much, I want to divorce my husband and marry them.
And he has some really good points about keeping the message focused on Trump’s policies rather than being childish about his looks.
Read that the Trump inauguration had finally scored a ‘headline band’. 3 Doors Down. Best known for their hit single, “Kryptonite”. Huh? I know Im an old fogey, but again, “Huh?”
Like I said. Putsch.
Mike in NC
Made the mistake of turning on MSNBC for a few minutes today only to see Steve Harvey blowing kisses at Trump. Just a couple of wealthy TV game show hosts who got together to talk about their golf scores.
Bannon is probably arranging for a fleet of truck-mounted water cannons to be on hand to interrupt that pesky women’s march.
@Emerald: I have been entertaining thoughts in this vein, alternated with abject terror and despair.
I just don’t think it’s going to be dull.
zhena gogolia
And our cause is righteous. “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” From my new pep song, LMM’s Valley Forge.
had a disturbing conversation at my university today. Apparently there has been a large increase in hate incidents on our campus. Everything from racist graffiti to yelled insults, student standing up in class to express their white supremacist views, and minor vandalism. There was even one student who screamed a death threat (!) in class. Faculty are really nervous about next week.
@Jerzy Russian: Cabaret.
ETA: This scene always raises the hairs on the back of my neck.
I especially like the “We the Resilient” poster.
Major Major Major Major
The tea party people were so effective largely because they wouldn’t shut the fuck up at their Congresscritters’ local meetings during the recesses, particularly August. They carried countless media cycles this way and it really riled up the base.
Perhaps we could do that.
zhena gogolia
@Major Major Major Major:
The problem is, most of us work for a living, and we have no Koch brothers to finance this.
I just want to get a t-shirt that says
in big block letters and wear it everywhere.
@Jerzy Russian:
Sound of Music, I think.
@Jerzy Russian: From Cabaret, I believe.
@Mike in NC: The terrifying thing is that at least a third of this country would be okay with that.
I don’t know how to stamp out this authoritarian drive.
And just as bad—I am still so unbelievably fucking angry that I keep fantasizing about punishments. Like stripping the vote from all Trump voters and their children for life.
Major Major Major Major
@zhena gogolia:
College students generally don’t have classes during recess periods, and we have plenty of retired voters too. It only takes a few people to disrupt a meeting and there’s less than a thousand members of congress.
Mike in DC
I kinda like the idea of protesters waving small Russian flags and singing the Russian national anthem.
@Major Major Major Major:
They got a huge assist from media and lots of money from special interests. I attended a rally with over 700 people including elected officials of both parties. Media covered it. It they also went out of their way to give equal time to 2 tea parties holding signs and saying bizarre things.
I have no confidence that Dems would get the same volume or positive coverage.
ETA I’m still going to show up. I’ve already been calling my Senators and Rep every day. Just not counting on the same assist from media the tea party received
@Shell: Hehe, I didn’t know who they were so I googled. Someone was having fun with their wiki page:
Major Major Major Major
@MomSense: So we don’t try? This is not a huge organizing effort we’re talking about.
Yep. Trump’s “election” has emboldened the haters, and the more Trump is mocked and hated and disrespected, the more they will lash out.
Matching brown shirts and red arm bands for everyone!
@MomSense: We don’t need the media so much if we’re hounding people in person.
American media has been filled with warnings about Nazi takeover techniques for as long as I (born 1950) can remember. A large percentage of The Twilight Zone’s episodes pushed this theme including He’s Alive (1963), starring a young Dennis Hopper as a neo-Nazi inspired by the ghost of Hitler. Caberet (1972), based on Christopher Isherwood’s experiences in pre-war Berlin, shows how the elites thought they would be able to “control” the Nazis after undesirables (communists and jews) were shoved aside. Now we have Trump and his gaggle of neo-Nazis and Russia worshippers clearly announcing their plans to eliminate American democracy. Many seem to be reacting like the dog in the burning cafe (This is fine!).
What the Hell? I don’t understand.
They probably believe that law enforcement is openly and enthusiastically on their side. I wouldn’t bet against…
By the way, Cruz voted for that stupid Klobuchar/Sanders drug reimportation amendment. If you believe he is on your side I have a tower in Manhattan to sell you.
Keep on telling that truth
That’s why I’ll never jump on the “we must understand their economic anxiety” train.
Trump is the head of a fascist movement. Fascists need to be fought, not hugged.
Major Major Major Major
@JerryRich: Humans adapt very, very quickly to new situations, especially if it doesn’t really affect their day-to-day life. Sun rises, car still starts, gas at the station, lights are on. Add to that the fact that around half of Americans can’t even be bothered to vote in a presidential election…
@MomSense: Quiet, you, you’re getting in the way of our fifteen minutes hate against a vocal anti-Trump liberal that’s being pushed by a Russian-propaganda-promoting website.
No, you actually do. You have your people go inside to talk to them and then tell the press about it outside. You have to hold all kinds of rallies, press conferences, events, etc. It isn’t just hounding them especially if they are not supportive. You have to create the public support in their districts to push them your way.
Is that picture a Hitler youth or from Sound of Music?
I’m debating which day at Disneyland to wear my “pantsuit” t-shirt. I think it’s subtle enough that I won’t get thrown out or told to cover it up. On Inauguration Day or on the day of the protest march I can’t go to?
Looks like Cabaret.
Betty Cracker
@Mnemosyne: I can respect the idea of focusing on Trump’s awful policies instead of “being childish about his looks,” but fuck it, I can walk and chew gum! ;)
Jerzy Russian
@Mnemosyne: LesGS above provided a link, and it is indeed Cabaret.
I’d like to get a T-shirt that simply says “Trump l’oeil”. How many folks will get it?
Something’s going on with the Office of Governmental Ethics. It’s been offline for 45 minutes.
@MomSense: That doesn’t seem to be the case though. The Tea Party was never broadly popular, they’re just loud and active.
Both, if you don’t drip ice cream on it.
They received tons of media coverage. They were all over MSNBC every day all the other cable and network news outlets, too.
This is a nightmare.
@Mnemosyne: Yup. Singing “Tomorrow Belongs to Me.” As the camera pulls back, you realize he’s wearing Hitler Youth regalia. Very chilling moment in the movie. I remember years ago hearing a wordless version of the tune on muzak at a Burger King I was working at. Took me aback; what next, the Horst Wessel Lied?
Major Major Major Major
@SatanicPanic: they did have that entire news network shilling for them.
Because people generally don’t want to believe their own country is that bad. And especially that they voted for people that bad. The media don’t want to believe it, so they don’t report it that way. They’re also incentivized not to see what they don’t want to see.
All those bad things happen in other countries, but not in Murika, land of freedumb! So many people don’t recognize it when it’s happening here.
And let’s not get into the teaching of history and civics. People don’t know how things work and they don’t know about history, so they don’t know what it is that has happened before and how it can happen here.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Rule #3 of surviving the autocrat:
Institutions will not save you.
ETA: Also too: Message to American media from Russia.
Ella in New Mexico
One can only hope they think they’ll be immune to those consequences.
How about Trump’s United & Ready Deputies? With brown shirts, for sure. They can strut, perhaps even goose-step, around their communities boasting, “I’m a Trump TURD!”
@Suzanne: yes. massive re-education camps too. I’m not usually a mean spiteful person but the Wwc voters who did this deserve pain.
@Mnemosyne: Wear it the inauguration day. Wear a pink shirt the day of the march.
Miss Bianca
@Mnemosyne: Yeah, the images are great, but I kind of wish I hadn’t gone on to read the part of the interview where he said he didn’t find HRC “inspiring enough to draw.” i’ll never understand how shouty ol’ Wilmer got to be seen as the “inspiring” candidate in a race that had the first woman candidate who actually had a chance of winning, and who was probably the most qualified person ever to run, period.
Yes. Say it again. Say it louder!
The Truffle
@Major Major Major Major: Where do Congresscritters list schedules for town halls? I tried the web pages for my representatives.
@The Dangerman:
With “Grabbing them by the posse” as their motto. Perfect phrase.
No Drought No More
Why not brown shirts?
Because: “You don’t need to wear a brown shirt to be a fascist”.
It was the only sensible thing he ever said, but Lyndon Larouche got that one right. He hit it right on the nose…
Any other time, this would merit a “meh” from me, and maybe — if I were feeling particularly energetic — a shrug. But on the heels of everything else the last few days, it seems sinister.
@MomSense: But that’s not what made them strong. The daily calls and showing up at town halls was what got them what they wanted. And their repeatedly primarying reps that didn’t toe the line. National media doesn’t make reps get primaried, that happens at the local level. The results of their policy- a broken, ineffective government- were a much better advertisement for their cause than protests.
@Major Major Major Major:
How often do conservative congressmen hold Town Halls? Seems like it’s more of a liberal thing. Conservatives just try to ramrod stuff through before anyone knows what they’ve done. They don’t want to talk about it.
Not too long ago, Republican establishment figures were insisting that the Constitution and separation of powers would prevent Trump or anyone like him from every becoming a tyrant.
@MomSense: @SatanicPanic:
You’re both right: we don’t have to go the full monte here (having people handy to work the press after each meeting, etc), but calling & attending the meetings are crucial. For the meetings, the more coverage, the better. It’s the same thing with calling Congress, writing op-eds and letters to the editor, taking part in voter reg drives, etc.
Follow that Indivisible guide as closely as you can, even if you only put a couple hours a week into it. It doesn’t take long at all to call your 3 MoCs and to dash off a quick letter to the editor or email a media organization.
From Cabaret.
Oh, yes! With the matching pussy hat!
I was at a lot of those town halls in my state. We would often have more participants and yet the reporters would focus on them.
Whatever. I’m going to fight. I always do. I’m just saying that I do not think it makes sense to copy their tactics. The media wanted a protest movement and they gave a huge assist to the tea party including never correcting their blatant lying and misinformation.
Zero Trump voters, to be sure. :-)
Maybe it will be streaming an RT video feed soon, just like C-Span yesterday. I have $10 bucks that says it been hacked or is undergoing a denial of service attack.
All MoCs hold public events and town halls and make appearances. They all have phone lines and staff, too. Whether a MoC needs congrats for standing up to Ryan and Trump or a tongue-lashing for caving, it’s important to show up (even if ‘showing up’ just means making calls on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or donating $10 to a campaign or cause)
@zhena gogolia:
I think there are cultural differences between American peasants, and Russian peasants: differences that go back hundreds of years.
While Trump and his Russian advisors are operating under the cloak of Republicans and positioning themselves against Democrats, this isn’t apparent.
When it becomes obvious that both Democrats and Republicans are pretty much over, Trump and his people will be living in a world of hurt they will not believe. Americans can be pretty nasty when cornered, and we’re fucking really heavily armed to boot. Trump and his people could start looking like ‘revenooers!’ or worse, and America is as big and cumbersome to invade as Russia.
I just don’t think it’s going to be so easy for Trump. I see what he, and Putin, are up to, but I don’t think it’s gonna be that easy.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
The Dangerman
Amen. I’m having fantasies of all sorts of people getting frogmarched for illegal activities (Flynn violating the Logan act is top of my list today) before the inauguration. Never happen, but a Man can dream.
I laughed out loud.
Miss Bianca
@MomSense: Well, I dunno…60s-style protests used to get a lot of press. Altho’ the older I get, the less attracted I am to any of those sorts of tactics.
A good set of hints from a Russian journalist:
@MomSense: Fair enough, what would you suggest as an alternative though?
OK serious question- what’s up with the big puppets? Why are those a thing?
William Peter Blatty, Author of ‘The Exorcist,’ Dies at 89
A movie that got under my skin, and caused a real crisis of faith for some of my Catholic college roommates.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I’m finding it interesting I can’t post something.
A hit in the early ’00s. One hit.
Because that’s not authoritarian, oh goodness noes o_O
I think perhaps some of you guys have not completely mastered this ‘not looking like a bunch of history’s greatest monsters that deserve stamping out because they cannot be peaceably lived with’ thing. It’s gonna be… interesting, to watch how you do with that going forward.
Let them enjoy their moment in the sun, actions have consequences. Hey Bibi, karma’s a bitch.
What Bibi Has Wrought?
For the first time in the history of the Pew poll, “Democrats are about as likely to say they sympathize more with the Palestinians (31%) than with Israel (33%); 11% say they sympathize with neither, while 8% sympathize with both and 17% do not offer an opinion.”
Some people will be chagrined by this finding, others will be cheered. Different people will use it in ways that advance their own views. But I think there is a very, very strong case that most or all of change is a direct result of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s increasingly overt interventions as a partisan in American domestic politics……..
why the dramatic change? What happened during this period?
One big thing is Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech before Congress, focused in opposition to President Obama and arranged behind his back. That was in March 2015 – a completed unprecedented event. That was the most high profile event in Netanyahu’s increasingly open alliance with the Republican party. But it was only one of many. Many are tied to Netanyahu’s appointment of Ron Dermer as Ambassador in late 2013. Before Dermer emigrated to Israel he was literally a GOP operative in Washington. It’s a way of approaching US politics he’s continued as Israeli Ambassador. Obama’s second term has also seen Netanyahu and members of his government taking an increasingly contemptuous stance toward Obama and increasingly open alliance with the GOP. I do not believe Israelis or many in the US foreign policy community grasp how much this has become the foundational political experience of Israel for many Democratic partisans, particularly younger Democrats.
zhena gogolia
So depressing. But the Russian tweets he links to are funny.
@geg6: A couple other songs charted, but yeah, the idea is the same…this is not like having U2, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, etc.
I hear even Paul Anka dropped out…OUCH!
I do wish more of the “no” artists would have found their way to a mic for a louder “HELL NO” but just declining is enough.
Maybe they charted regionally because I have only ever heard the one song and I listen to rock and pop radio all day in my office.
@hovercraft: I’m not surprised. The people who remember Israel as a plucky gang of upstarts are rapidly aging. One of the ways the media and the political class are stuck in the 1960s is not only the hippies vs. hardhats stuff that Chris Matthews and Bill O’Reilly are always hung up on but also this idea that Israel is a scrappy underdog oasis of civilization in a benighted, barbarous realm.
@JMG: they forgot that O’Keefe tried something like about 10 years ago? Ended up on probation for what he did (it should have been jail time for that scuzbucket).
Felonius Monk
ETA: Guess what “color” General Schwartz is?
Michael Bersin
@Mike in NC:
Best Twitter caption of the photo: “I’m sorry to tell you this, Donald, but I made a mistake. Popular vote winner Hillary Clinton will be our next president.”
Here Without You
this the only other song of theirs I think charted.
Top TracksAlbums
Here Without You 3:56
Kryptonite 3:55
When I’m Gone 4:28
It’s Not My Time 4:10
Let Me Go – Rock Version 3:54
Let Me Be Myself 3:58
Be Like That – Radio Edit 4:05
Landing in London 4:33
Loser 4:24
Away From the Sun
It was a brief return to glory, the self-titled album…if you heard “Let Me Be Myself” or “These Days”, you might recall them. Then again, you might not ;)
@hovercraft: Oh too funny – great minds and all that!
Another Scott
@Michael Bersin: No, no. Lisa is after Trump (1:07) (from March 19, 2000).
That was rather my point. I am feeling awful that I am feeling this way. I recognize that it is a bad impulse and I won’t give into it. But the fantasy of Trump supporters getting What They Deserve is…..comforting and appealing. I am not proud of that, when I am listening to my better angels.
I actually think we need to do very much what we did with HCAN in support of the ACA and I think we have to focus on competency. Lots of local news stories about families who lose insurance with illness. Then I think just constantly highlighting the consequences of their policies -yes going to town hall meetings. Hold our own events. Hold our own forums. Invite our reps. Invite teachers to discuss education. Invite local media to these events. We need to be in every newspaper with op-eds, letters to the editor, articles about our issues. Need to be on the local tv news. Stage events at our Senators’ offices and invite the press, local doctors or nurses, etc. Find out what the mall/store/school policies are on tabling for different issues. I do think teachers will be allies because DeVos will go after schools. It is going to be a constant but I honestly think it needs to be local.
That song is so bad that Mr. Suzanne and I use it as an example/touchstone of bad songs. We measure songs’ badness by their degree away from that song’s shittiness.
It’s the spotlight that’s done Bibi in. It always happens. Remember all the protests when Ahmadinejad spoke to the U.N., and then what a fool he made of himself? Bibi’s mouth is his own worst enemy. It’s taken longer than I had hoped, but now he’s seen for the snake he really is.
@Miss Bianca: I hear you. I saw him last night on Chris Haye’s show and I thought to myself again it’s amazing at how much he simplifies everything and ends up misrepresenting the issues he’s talking about. What I gather from people who love him is that he strikes them as authentic, someone who isn’t bought and “tells it like it is.” One of the reasons I suggested in an earlier thread that HRC supporters wear HRC buttons and the like to the march is to counteract the false impression one may have from both the blogosphere and the media that Wilmer is the standard bearer of the party. I checked out LGM today. They’re convinced they speak for the unwashed masses and are eager to take over the party.
Sadly, I sweat too much to be able to re-use a shirt. You’re welcome for that bit of TMI.
I also have a Stronger Together shirt, but that would definitely get me a request to cover it up.
Good idea. Let’s keep that antagonism going for the next four years. That’ll work out for sure!
@debbie: We’re a big tent yet a very small portion of it has grabbed the megaphone and is drowning everyone else out. I’m wearing a pink hat and a “Love trumps hate” button to the march. How ’bout you?
Will Munny: It’s a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all he’s got and all he’s ever gonna have.
The Schofield Kid: Yeah, well, I guess they had it coming.
Will Munny: We all got it coming, kid.
— Unforgiven
I don’t think technically own any pink shirts right now, though I do have a magenta shirt that’s right on the pink/purple border. And I’ve made two pussyhats so far and will be keeping one for myself if it’s not too hot.
@Mnemosyne: A pink t-shirt shouldn’t be too hard to find.
Question: Why would you be asked to cover up a “Stronger Together” shirt? Are political shirts, etc. not allowed at Disney parks?
@MomSense: I agree, local is where it’s at.
@Felonius Monk:
Looks like Conway is getting her dream job: head of the nely-repurposed SD, formerly known as the D.C. National Guard.
Political shirts are not allowed at Disneyland, or are at least frowned on and they can ask you to turn them inside out.
It’s California and it’s at the employees’ discretion so I would probably get away with it as far as the employees are concerned, but I don’t want another guest bitching at the employees and making a scene.
John M. Burt
Next Friday belongs to them, and let them have it. We can just go to the Freedom Concert and enjoy ourselves.
Next Saturday belongs to us, and we need to show them what it’s like when a confident majority speak up.
A Ghost to Most
Link no work – see huffpost about classified Congressional MTG with Comey – people came out pissed
Bubblegum Tate
The Trump Enforcement Team. TET. Offensive.
J R in WV
Don’t you get arrested for a death threat? Even – or especially – in an educational community?
If someone threatens my life, I am legitimately in fear for my life. They, the threatener, are now eligible to be killed in self-defense almost everywhere. It’s that simple.
I’m amazed these so-called conservatives aren’t aware of the rules and law regarding threats and self-defense. After all, those laws were championed by Republican so-called conservatives.
Just great. I now have that song stuck in my head…
KS in MA
@zhena gogolia:
Speaking of Valley Forge …
KS in MA
@Major Major Major Major:
Let’s try, shall we?
@J R in WV: I do not know what happened to the student. I hope they were, at minimum, expelled.
J R in WV
That would be appropriate. Whomever was threatened needs to feel safe, too, though.
Three Doors Down has a song called Loser. Maybe that will be their tribute to Trump: 3 doors down loser
The amendment itself was flawed, but I did not buy Mayhew’s analysis that drug importation/re-importation is a flawed policy. In his (R.M.) analysis he correctly pointed out that the VA pays less for drugs but has fewer high brand and price label drugs. If we would enact that across the board it would indeed limit a handful of customers who want access to these overpriced and often unnecessary (in the sense that there is often a generic less advertised equivalent) drugs. I also believe that knocking the patent rights to these expensive drugs would do more for the consumers than the government bargaining en-mass for drugs. I also believe both of these steps should be taken because life saving medicine should be a right, not a luxury of wealth.
Uncle Cosmo
Small gesture of defiance: A couple of weeks back I bought a book of “forever” stamps featuring an American flag. Today I had to mail a couple of letters and, in a moment of inspiration, stuck the stamps on upside-down:
I submit that this is precisely the current situation.
I suggest that anyone with flag stamps do this from now until this travesty leaves office.
I further suggest that the proper display of flags for the InAngerAll Parade is an upside-down Stars & Stripes crossed with the old Hammer & Sickle.
No One You Know
@kitfoxer: ISWYDT. I want one, too.