If you you put your ray gun to my head and made my guess what’s going on with Trump and Russia and how it will play out, I’d say that Trump is probably being blackmailed in some way by Russia, that this will never come out explicitly, and that the lingering story will hurt Trump a little but not a lot.
It’s more than a little distressing that the only reason the story’s being discussed at all right now is the work two people: a former MI6 agent and reporter-turned-GOP operative
Mr Steele became increasingly frustrated that the FBI was failing to take action on the intelligence from others as well as him. He came to believe there was a cover-up, that a cabal within the Bureau blocked a thorough inquiry into Mr Trump, focusing instead on the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.
[….]Mr Trump’s surprise election victory came and the Democrat employers of Mr Steele and Mr Johnson no longer needed them. But the pair continued with their work, hopeful that the wider investigation into Russian hacking in the US would allow the Trump material to be properly examined.
On the bright side, history will likely see the Republicans and Tories attacking the reports the same way it now sees Nazi collaborators and appeasers in the US and England.
History? Who gets to write history?
comrade scott's agenda of rage
It might be something as old school as “compromising sex tapes” but I think what the Russians really have over Cheetoh Donnie are loans. People talked about this during the campaign but like everything with the man, nothing ever stuck. The assumption is that he’s massively leveraged and who holds a lot of that debt? The Russians in one form or another.
That’s what they got on him and of course we’ll never know because he won’t release his tax returns.
The victors, and that will be us, starting in 2018.
Another Scott
Someone a few threads down pointed us to this Howard Stern clip with Donnie from 2001 also too.
Smoke, fire, “clouds and shadows” NYTimes™, etc., etc.
Betty Cracker
Well, if the story never comes out explicitly and the lingering doubts only hurt Trump a little, it’s hard to see how the Republicans and Tories attacking the report will rightly come to be seen as collaborators. But I’ll take that silver lining!
O. Felix Culpa
Yes. Our working group is meeting today to develop strategy towards 2018. For sooner than that too, as school and community college board elections are coming up this spring. We’ve learned the hard lesson that we must attend to local affairs and off-year elections as well as to the national stuff. In some ways, local activism can be more satisfying because it’s easier to have influence and get results.
I think he’s being blackmailed, but congress will find some less treason-y reason to force him to step down (e.g., people in his campaign were communicating with Russia), and they’ll put Pence in.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Are his hundreds of millions in debt not enough to hold over his head, keeping him marching in lockstep with Putin? We’ve got Ouday’s word (or was it Qusay? Not sure which is which or if they’re interchangeable) that there was a disproportionate amount of their funding being provided through Russia.
Any info that they have through taps/video (which is sure to be a lot) would be insignificant compared to that. There was never any question in the minds of sane people in whose best interests the shitgibbon would act.
cynthia ackerman
Seems just as likely that he is not being blackmailed but simply manipulated, with the assistance of well-chosen handlers.
His inability to contain his own rage leads me to think the blackmail trap has not been sprung.
Rather, he’s been fluffed by years of fawning attention stewring him through “business” relationships in service of an agenda he’s too self-absorbed to recognize, and his own family understands as another brass ring.
Hunter Gathers
His approval numbers will never be above 50%. It will be like 2007-2008, where it was clear to everyone but the press that the current occupant of the White House is loathed. Trump’s Chicken can only be fucked so many times.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: They need to start making the arrests now. To do so after the inauguration, makes a mockery out of our justice system. The WSJ wants Comey gone. Trump will then put Giuliani in.
jake the antisoshul soshulist
Uday is the one who loks more like Patrick Bateman.
The First Protest-This Weekend
As for the blackmail,think belt and suspenders. If the flattery wears off somehow, he manages to somehow get out from under a billion dollar debt, blackmail assured to ruin his reputation comes out. He’s a spider trapped in a web woven by a rival spider.
What is getting the Republicans is that the Resistance is only ramping up. They’ve been yelling versions of “shut up” for weeks, and the rest and we.are.not.hearing .hat
@jake the antisoshul soshulist: One of them looks like Patrick Bateman? That doesn’t narrow it down for me — Patrick Bateman has always been cute (to me). I find them both quite similar in looks apart from the colour of their hair. They are ugly to me — the evil comes shining through, and that’s all that I can see when I look at them.
I don’t see how indictments could possibly come through before next Friday (which should forever more be called Black Friday, and that should be the only use for it, rename the awful holiday sales Frantic Friday or something like that). But I’d be happy to be wrong there.
ICYMI, the overnight thread of last night/early this AM was full of excellent posts from Dr. Silverman as “Adam Explains it All For Us” about the state of affairs in Trump vs. CIA.
This post (#25 in the thread) speculates that the Intelligence Community (IC) Trump Take Down is happening. Adam entered the requisite number of caveats, maybe’s, and have no concrete evidence disclaimers, repeatedly, but his posts in that thread on how the CIA is warning allies not to send info to US because it could be going to Russia are both riveting and scary. Hope he puts all the posts he made in that thread together into one FP illumination. (Maybe this has already been suggested by many others.)
Having had to turn in my hippie chick card several weeks ago for tweeting “Help us, CIA, you’re our only hope,” I am happy to see the Obi Wans of Langley do take their oath seriously. Really, there is no way the CIA is going to spend 4 years being happy with Trump attacking them and putting the nation in danger.
Charlie Pierce noted several times that the Brits are never stopping on the investigation of Trump’s ties to Putin. It’s a former MI6 officer who is now in the wind because of trying to expose Trump. Putin executed Alexander Litvinenko on British soil. “The Been never lets up” is Mr. Pierce’s belief.
mai naem mobile
I thought the Jeb Bush people were the first ones who used Steeles services?
Long form read re: the Russia ‘connections’ — the financial ones, rather than the salacious ones. http://www.the-american-interest.com/2016/12/19/the-curious-world-of-donald-trumps-private-russian-connections/
I wonder if there are parallels between General Flynn and General Benedict Arnold. Arnold’s betrayal came, in some part, because he felt he had not been duly recognized and rewarded for his service. (iirc, he was a great commander, but his superiors got the credit for his successes.)
mai naem mobile
Liz Mair said early on in this story that this dossier was making rounds around GOP campaigns fairly early on. If that’s true and Jeb! saw it, he should have passed it on to his brother, former POTUS. What a fucking self involved lazy family that they couldn’t do it for national security. Nobody would have believed it coming from HRCs side. But then,I have to admit nobody thought Lumpy was going to win. But still, national security . Shame on the NY FBI.
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
There are three reasons Trump won’t release his tax returns.
1) This – leveraged debt owed to Russian sources;
2) Revelation of other debts and business interest conflicts he would be vulnerable to attack for, if revealed;
3) Revelation of the fragile dependence Trump’s claims of net worth are to the accounting approach (tricks) used.
#2 was probably the dominant general reason to begin with, but #1 has now grown into dominant position.
@MazeDancer: As a resident of the UK I sincerely hope that this is the case. I am sure that my UK friends are tired of my never-ending political rants — in real life & on FB, but when we moved back here 4 years ago I saw the road they were traveling down (subsequent Scottish referendum & Brexit votes underscored the validity & importance of my concerns — there was some approaching-US-levels-of-hateful rhetoric for both), and it was sad and alarming. If they want to avoid going through what the US is going through they need to become politically aware & active STAT. It’s too easy to be complacent with all of the benefits that come with socialism, but as with so many other places, it’s all built on a very shaky foundation, and that foundation is being chipped away at whenever & wherever possible.
Is there any significance to Trump’s predilection for importing his wives from the Eastern Bloc? Are they really his Putin-assigned minders?
All hail Samantha Bee:
Did anybody else, upon hearing this story, think that the real reason Melania isn’t moving into the White House is because black people have lived there?
@oldswede: I think he just likes the type. And he probably goes there for his sex tourism.
@Feathers: That does sound like fake news. She found Michelle worthy enough to plagiarize her material.
A Ghost to Most
Actually, I assumed it was because the traitor would be there.
Corner Stone
@mai naem mobile: Liz Mair is a perfect example of caution that I have had to remind myself of several times during the ongoing troubles. The enemy of your enemy does not make them your friend. Liz Mair is still my enemy, no matter how she tries to portray herself as anti-Trump, and therefore above all the ongoing R perfidy.
Things are going on this weekend!
First #DNCForum, the #weshallnotbemoved march in DC
And with Trump, every weekend will be an activist weekend. For some it will become an everyday thing, others a career, and still others a life well lived.
Indeed, I think the Republican Party will badly regret the day it ever decided to mollify Orange Cheeto. It’s created a largely unified force of Democratic opposition-which opposition will lead the rest of the world to fight back against the neo-right.
Someone else (Bush, Kasich) might have recieved muted opposition. Obamacare might have died a death of a thousand cuts over a decade or so. Things might have been snipped away gradually. But Trump has made everybody come out for the fight.
Frank Wilhoit
“…will never come out explicitly…”
1) Never say never.
1a) In politics, a week is forever (h/t Harold Wilson).
1b) It already has, as far as it ever will: i.e., as with every other proposition, it is believed by 50% and disbelieved by 50%.
2) Please (if only for our amusement) speculate on the likeliest manners in which it will come out implicitly.
I suspect he’s like a lot of guys. Besides the type, the fact that she’s foreign makes them easier to manipulate and separate from their family. They are more easily dazzled by the flash. And he doesn’t have a whole lot of options here. The local upper crust hates him and thinks he’s crude. Hollywood wants to keep up a career and his reputation precedes him there: political families?
This is like a John LeCarre novel if he was writing while dropping acid.
I don’t think any tapes matter I believe most of his supporters would be ‘hey if I were rich I’d hire hot russian prostitutes to pee for me, too’.
It’s obviously the money/loans/etc that are keeping him afloat. While I think Trump has means he had to, to protect his image, live ‘above his means. The other thing to keep in mind is that – even well before Trump had visions of the Presidency – he had screwed over every major US/NYC bank in the 90’s and he is person non grata amongst the major US banks. And keep in mind the CEO’s of every major bank would sell out their grandmothers if there was money in it so that they all avoid Trump like the plague it is telling.
@MomSense: This.
@Frank Wilhoit:
Trump has a simultaneous Russian translator standing next to him as he gives his inaugural speech.
Oh, wait, you said “amusing.” Sorry.
Also, too, riffing off Doug’s title, it also feels like the run-up to the Iraq War, because all of our allies are screaming at us that there’s a problem, and so far our answer has been, You’re not the boss of me. Now hold my beer and watch this, LOSERS!
@A Ghost to Most: Yeah, I don’t think the White House living quarters are large enough to (1) keep Baron’s typical childhood behavior far enough away from daddy, who hates that stuff, and (2) give Melania enough space to be out of his area of attention. She’s just a trophy wife who birthed her economic security guarantee and would prefer to limit his pawing at her at this point.
To me, Melania is a classic example of the difference between liberals and conservatives. Liberals like the idea of egalitarianism in life and in relationshios, and conservatives hate that and prefer power structures with partners under their thumb. What are men’s rights followers but guys who are angry they can’t get that anymore just by being guys? They love Hair Twirler because he’s got the $ and power to dominate like they aspire to.
There are a surprising number of leftists who have NO problem with the US being controlled by Russia. Because Russia is a civil liberties paradise compared to the US, don’t’cha know.
Villago Delenda Est
The Village is infested with collaborators.
Give them the same treatment the French gave their collaborators.
@Mnemosyne: Luckovich
Who’s the puppet
Marcy Wheeler, who someone here bashed gratuitously the other day, pointed out that re mistakes in the dossier that the guys given job was HUMINT. The task of cleaning it up is analysis, which was beyond his preview.
Lizzy L
Is it illegal to create and publish fake tax returns if they are labeled “fake”? Because I can think of few things that would enrage T more than having multiple pretend 1040s circulating through the internet, showing him with massive Russian debt and much less income than he claims. There ought to be a way to do this that would protect its creator.
Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman would approve.
@scottinnj: Maybe the male ones. Women find that disgusting and degrading. Some men think he’s a sick fuck with mental issues. While it might not be the last straw, its certainly is creating space here.
Shouldn’t we stop worrying about whether his supporters peel away from him or not? This is the honeymoon phase for a lot of them, where they still think he will deliver the America they want. Nothing will move most of them now.
But that’s not important. Indeed, worrying about them is a form of looking for approval for detesting him. If they stop liking him, then we can find validation in opposing him. That he doesn’t like us and plans to do us some kind of harm is validation enough for detesting him.
@Mnemosyne: And the righties are cool with Russian control because Russia Will Save Us From Communism!
Roger Moore
Which is the core of his support. I get the feeling that most of the people who were holding their noses and voting for him (e.g. the people who thought he wasn’t qualified and voted for him anyway) were women who let their racism overcome any other concern. If he fails to reverse every last thing Obama did, they’re going to turn on him.
Ann Marie
I don’t see any question that Putin has significant leverage over Trump. Trump has cheated everyone he’s ever dealt with. Putin would want some guarantee.
@cosima: #22
I believe the increasing hyperbolic rhetoric and it’s corrosive results can be attributed to a Murdoch style “tabloidization” of the general populace. It used to be that the tabloids focused their conspiracy theories and overall craziness on celebrities and aliens. Now, they’ve included politics and politicians. They had an enormous following which assisted in the explosion of Fake News and those who believe and disseminate it.
Aunt Kathy
We may never really get the skinny on all of Twitty’s issues, but we can still try and control, or at least stay abreast of, what the executive and legislative branches are getting up to. David Cay Johnston is starting up a new venture to look at the output of federal notice publications. You can donate money or time (by volunteering to read the stuff each day) or both. Even the journalists we like will still be paying more attention to the tweets than the boring policy minutia, and THAT’S the stuff that affects the average American. Here’s the info:
Thor Heyerdahl
I’ve wondered recently about how language evolves. For example how the word definition of “gay” has changed over the last 50 years (only an example I could think of and there are probably better ones).
We could do the same to “trump”. Rather than meaning an outranking card or overriding things, we could use it in our speech – replacing where we say “bullshit” with “trump”.
As in “that’s a load of trump”; “he’s a constant trumper”; “the politician was trumping his way through that interview”.
Ella in New Mexico
Lots of good Twitter stuff out there in the same vein.
I think whether he gets to swear in or not, Trump is now irreversibly on his way to “Toast Status”.
Not unlike his dick, he can’t keep his Twitter phone in his pants. Only 37% of Americans like him anymore, and the more the stories and weird behaviors come out, the worse that’s gonna get. He makes one crazy appointment after another of people over whom Congress will have no confirmation control-the scary latest being Rat-man Guiliani the leader of the FBI Muntiny and most likely assisted in covering up much of the Trump campaign’s collaborative and/or illegal activity with Russia. I think it highly likely that thanks to his essentially challenging the IC to “prove it” they are pissed. It’s clear now that unless martial law is declared and a full fledged bloody coup happens, there will be multiple indictments and investigations into the people closest to him that will make Trump a huge liability, and at that point he’ll be next.
Its all coming together nicely at this point to make him not only irrelevant to Congress and it’s evil plan to rip the stuffing out of America, but now a true liability to them.
I’d also like to see how Pence slips out of this cesspool clean and untarnished. How many folks think he wasn’t knowledgeable about the inner circle’s Russian collaboration and of Trump’s being unfit? I’m not so sure he’ll be VP for long should he get there.
I’m thinking that Dems in DC need to focus almost all their energy in the next few weeks on the corruption, national security and treasonous aspects of not just the Trump group, but of any Republicans in Congress who support him. If all we do is that and also work to bog down some of the more egregious effects of Obamacare repeal, these clowns will do our work for us and drive themselves out of control for decades to come. Meanwhile, the rest of us need to get to work locally, building our presence at the community and state level to create a pool of talent from which to draw our national leadership.
Apparently, nothing is permanent in America anymore. So anything they can undo overnight, from Social Security and Medicare repeal to outlawing gay marriage and abortion, we can return to full functioning overnight too. If we wast too much time “cooperating” and trying to soften the blow of their changes and hoping for scraps of food to hit the floor around the “Big People’s Table” we just keep the full, painful effects of what the Republican Party is really all about from the crossover voters who put them in power. Like some addicts who simply don’t believe they have a problem, Republican voters need to hit rock bottom before you’ll get it into their thick skulls these guys are con artists.
These next few months are going to be very interesting. And oh so very gratifying.
@scottinnj: Unfortunately, I think what we will find is Trump wanted the hookers to pee on the bed the Obama slept in, not him. Which is bad enough but it won’t go full blown pervert enough for a lot of his people.
Ella in New Mexico
@Thor Heyerdahl: lol I already do that ??
I’m guessing the leverage is financial. I just don’t think there are too many sex scandals that would actually sink him. His supporters don’t care about HIS sexual misdeeds.
Juice Box
@Ella in New Mexico: I’m thinking that the Dems in Washington need to focus their attention on something, anything, and speak the fuck up.
@Thor Heyerdahl: I know that after George Bush I threw up on Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, “bushiru” became a slang term in Japan for vomiting. Don’t know whether that’s still the case though.
There’s way too much hope here. This probably isn’t going to sink Trump precisely because the Republican Party itself has been cruising down the slippery slide to authoritarianism and corruption for decades. Even if this somehow does ultimately lead to Trump’s premature departure from office, he’s going to inflict damage as he goes out.
Villago Delenda Est
@weaselone: The GOP needs to go the way of the NSDAP and the CPSU.
Sloane Ranger
@cosima: I don’t disagree with this but there are still a fair number of adults among the political class here and I haven’t heard any senior Tory express any real enthusiasm for a Trump presidency. More a grim acknowledgement that he’s there and the UK needs to work with him. Our civil and intelligence services are not heavily politialised and MI6 works closely with the CIA. If evidence is found that Trump is undermining British interests, action will be taken. And never underestimate the ability of a British politician to smile in your face while stabbing you in the back!
Or Trump is Hunter Thompson on acid. All id, all chaos, all the time.
I doubt he ever screwed over the mob. You don’t screw-over people who will kill you. Plus, he’s a bully, Bullies only pick on those weaker than they. Putin isn’t weaker.
@Villago Delenda Est: yes, you and I see eye to eye on this- the GOP is a goddamned disease
Has anyone heard anything reliable as to whether those piles of documents stacked up at Trump’s press conference were really just blank pieces of paper?
@Sloane Ranger: I don’t get to talk to anyone in the political class, so can only hope that they hold firm in being unified against both the US and Russia (I see them as interchangeable effective next Friday).
I’m concerned that the voter/political apathy here will get them to the same place that the US now finds itself. Whatever is done by the political classes, the average person needs to become politically aware, informed & active — they are under siege here as well, they just don’t know it. Not on the same scale, but it’s real.
John Revolta
@Thor Heyerdahl: Why not? Worked for “quisling”.
John Revolta
@pamelabrown53: I saw in the grocery store yesterday that the Enquirer claims that Trump is gonna go after the REAL election fraudsters.
@Ann Marie: Putin’s guarantee is six feet deep.
James Powell
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
I’m not picking on you, but the “nothing ever stuck” isn’t accurate. It would be better to say “the press/media let it slide.”
The reason “OMFG! EMAILS!” stuck was because the whole press/media, including and especially the supposedly liberal New York Times, decided to stick it on their front page over and over and over.
James Powell
I certainly cannot speak for women, but I can see how they vote. I have a feeling that if after hearing “Grab them by the pussy and you can do anything” white women still voted for him by like 10 points, then this latest will not harm him at all.
Villago Delenda Est
@James Powell: Hence my nym.
Wipe them out. All of them.
mai naem mobile
@Corner Stone: I didn’t bring up Liz Mair as an ally. I actually find her really annoyING and that’s before I even discuss ideological differences. I brought her up because when they were discussing whether the dossier was even legitimate last weekend, she was basically saying it was one that that had been shopped during the GOP primary. I am disappointed(wrong word?) that Jeb! didn’t see the importance of a blackmailable POTUS when his brother was POTUS and his dad was ex Director of the CIA and POTUS.
@Ella in New Mexico: I think Pence has a pretty safe “I was out of the loop” defense. Back before the election it was pretty clear his presence on the ticket was just a formality, despite all the talk of “Pence will do the work, while Trump will hold the rallies and cut the ribbons”. This would become especially clear if he cleaned house on the national security and foreign relations side of political appointees were he to ascend to the Presidency.
Corner Stone
@mai naem mobile: No, not implying you did. Only that I have been skimming R political operative’s twit threads the last two months and find myself nodding along for a few and then being hit in the face with white hot fire of ideologically based stupidity. Like they still have to all trash the F out of HRC, de facto style. And push simply false garbage narratives.
I especially can’t stand Liz Mair because she tries to be really cryptic so she can act like she’s “deep inside the know” without giving anyone any actual details to know what the F she is actually alluding to. Rick Wilson does that a lot too, but not to the degree LM does it. They are both so cool and professional and smarter than all the other operatives out in trashland.
Both still my enemy.
Villago Delenda Est
@mai naem mobile: We’ve established pretty firmly that ¡Heb! was never “the smart one”.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: this is EXACTLY what bothers me about Mair and it’s so annoying I just ignore her.
@John Revolta: and that trump had a secret meeting with Putin to form an alliance to take out China, North Korea, and Iran.
If you read some of the sidebar stories in the Independent (UK) … (barf) they apparently talked to some Trump supporters who are either: paying no attention to all the various compromising issues; or don’t believe them; or think they are made up, and so on. So the great unwashed deplorables are also purposefully unknowing.
Gee, I wonder what the news source might be?
@Woodrowfan: I thought Putin was okay with Iran.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
Trump naked and little Trump for all to see.
@JPL: The lifting of sanctions on Iran means they get to sell their oil on the world market again. Putin wants to raise capital on Russian oil so having a new source of sweet light crude in competition might not be favored.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Jeezus, I just threw up in my mouth a little. Maybe a lot. Ew.
This is the reason I’ve stated before, drumpf wants both the protection and the level of equality in the world’s eye with Vlad that comes from being president. He doesn’t want to be president, he wants the perceived trappings of it. This, along with all of the major banks shunning him, is why I think he’s in debt way over his dead ferret head, OK that and the way he’s run his entire life and has absolutely no way to pay it all back to people who he can’t stiff and sue.
John Revolta
@Woodrowfan: Yeah. I guess we’ve always been at war with Eastasia now!
mai naem mobile
A lot of people underestimated the stupidity of about a third of Americans . Nobody thought this moron was going to.be elected.
J R in WV
I was really uneasy the last couple of weeks of the campaign. I did phone banking into Ohio mostly, and while it was pretty normal, I was calling Democrats, they were enthused for Hillary for the most part… there were people who were convinced she was “crooked Hillalry…”
I didn’t understand it, but gradually I began to realize that the 25 year drum beat in the media had sunk in deep for many folks. Crazy to me, she has been investigated by people who hated her for decades, and never got anywhere with it. Never.
Hillary is the cleanest politician in America, ever. Proof in the lack of indictments after 25 years of Republican prosecutors investigating her. Nothing, ever. But who am I? Just a hippy upaholler.
I’m hating Donald J Trump for his immoral behavior, and the despicable speeches he made, full of hate, sexual violence, racism, xenophobia, did I mention hate.
@Corner Stone: … Only that I have been skimming R political operative’s twit threads the last two months and find myself nodding along for a few and then being hit in the face with white hot fire of ideologically based stupidity. …
I have been reading some of these as well. Yes, we don’t see eye-to-eye on many (most?) things; the folks we like are not necessarily folks they like and vice-versa. But they provide another perspective on this … exceptional?… time and there are things we will agree on. The prospect of this incompetent bigot and his cronies taking over repels all sides.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Smooth and efficient, two characteristics a Trump* presidency assuredly will not have, thank FSM. Patriots must keep tossing our sabo in the gears until the crooks have been removed from office!
Corner Stone
Difference being they loudly spoke out against Trump…and HRC. There were two choices this time around. They all hated Trump. But they also hid their future economic prospects behind equally hating HRC in a different way.
They knew better than most what was coming. But refused to drop their fucking wallets and their garbage BS ideology sham. I would put them right beside Chuck Todd when the time comes.