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Open thread
ETA: Definitely one to follow.
Hi everybody! Back to the original handle. Is this thing still on? Michelle and I are off on a quick vacation, then we’ll get back to work.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) January 20, 2017
I will never stop loving that guy.
Roger Moore
I’ve actually kept following it the whole time, since it usually retweeted whatever @POTUS said.
Villago Delenda Est
May The Force be with you always, Carrie Fisher. And with you too, Obi-Wan Obama.
RobertDSC-Mac Mini
I can’t imagine what 44 is thinking right now. 8 years of doing the best he can, and he knows that Shitbag 45 is in way over his head. How would someone let go in such a situation?
Smiling Mortician
I don’t do Twitter, but this makes me want to start, just to follow my president.
Feeling kinda O captain! my captain! today . . .
The grace is almost heartbreaking. Meanwhile at Ricochet (the Koch Bros-Nat’l Review organ) we have jubilation that the climate change page is now gone. From a “Thatcher Level” member we get “It’s wonderful to see scientific sanity returning to government.”
zhena gogolia
TCM is trolling us — A Face in the Crowd is on right now.
Major Major Major Major
Slate had a pretty good read on “The best-case scenario for Trump’s America” the other day from one the writers who’s been very good on Trump. It’s what passes for optimism, these days.
I wore my Hillary “pantsuit spectrum” t-shirt to the Happiest Place on Earth today, and I don’t think I’m wrong to think that I got some extra nods and smiles, plus one, “Ohmygod I LOVE your shirt!” from a passerby.
However, it was only visible part of the day because it POURED rain. I’m finally ensconced in my hotel room trying to get warm and dry.
Big Ole Hound
You and the family have a great vacay…uuh it’s raining in Palm Springs.
Anyone marching tomorrow, small tip: holding a sign, no matter how lightweight, can get tiring over hours. Because you have to keep your arms in one place. You won’t last.
Punch two holes in the top of your sign, lace with string or ribbon, and be able to let your sign drop and your next support it. You can even let the sign hang behind your back if you get tired of it flapping in front of you. (Also, carry some extra pre-cut pieces because others will see your nice set-up and desire same.)
Say whatever you’d like to say on your sign. But since the “leadership” are still Bernistas who are determined to dis Hillary, by keeping her name out of honoring, consider something about She Won. Or any HRC thing you’d like.
If you’re making your sign tonight, test market your lettering ability first. Write first words on a piece of paper. Step back 15 feet. Can you read that? If not, augment before committing to posterboard.
Have fun. Send pictures.
Also, just an anecdote for the #NotAllWhiteGuys files — on the bus to the convention center/HPOE, one older white guy was showing a middle-aged white guy his countdown clock to when Trump leaves office in 2021. Living in Southern California is a great comfort to me right now.
@Big Ole Hound:
It’s raining everywhere in So Cal. It should be reasonably clear tomorrow for the protest marches, and then piss rain again on Sunday.
@Mnemosyne: We had a bit over 2″ of rain here in Glendale.
@Mnemosyne: I’m planning doing my b-day hike tomorrow, probably Griffith Park or the Verdugos.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Smiling Mortician: you can just make a bookmark in your browser to follow without joining, if you don’t mind not getting immediate updates
as Brian Beutler pointed out, Obama has four times as many followers as a certain individual who has been much in the news today, and whose media reach the MSM is determined to find unprecedented, unmatched, barely comprehensible by the mind of man, et cetera et cetera…..
I’ll be curious to know how many people joined the email list of the Obama Foundation (boggles my mind that such lists are such a big deal, but apparently they are).
@Mnemosyne: We are drying out from record river levels in Sacramento. Periodic hail too.
Chris Matthews just reported that some in the spectator crowd were screaming “Lock her up” during Pence’s swearing in. Did anyone hear it? I didn’t but I did kinda blank out during the Pence/Clarence Thomas crap.
It took me a moment to realize they were not showing the inauguration on the TV in my gastroenterologist’s office this morning but a video of how to deal with an irritable bowel. ;-)
A Ghost to Most
Hurrah for Cali snow and rain. Your bonanza is also Colorado’s. Epic amounts of snow in the mountains here.
One catastrophe ends as another begins.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Quinerly: I didn’t hear it but I’ve seen it tweeted
Where do we turn in our Obamaphones?
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: You hand them in the same place they’re giving the guns back.
It should be nice tomorrow. Don’t forget to wear your pink hat. ?
I have a friend who lives in the mountains in Santa Cruz county and it got pretty crazy up there. They also got to discover how many leaks there are in the roof of their new-to-them house.
I studied history in college (U.VA, ’76, third class to admit women), and what I’m feeling now is a loss of faith in this country. A country that can elect an ignorant, hate-full narciscist is not the one I thought I knew. I love the country Barack Obama represented, “we the people in order to form a more perfect union”. How the hell do we reconcile that faith with what is now leading our nation in Congress and the White House? I have no hope and no faith.
Shit gibbon inauguration – irritable bowel
I’m thinking that the two are the same thing.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@BillinGlendaleCA: Enjoy your hike! I don’t have a plan nearly that good. Truth be told, I don’t have a plan.
tRump is such an ingrate he hasn’t nominated Jill Stein for anything even though he owes her big time. I propose ambassador to hell.
@Mnemosyne: You know I only have blue hats.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
It’s okay, we’ve already been assured that misogyny didn’t have any place in this election.
Well, don’t blame me if the kid gets mad at you on your birthday. Heck, maybe she’ll bring you one as a present.
(I don’t even know your kid, but it would be really funny if she did.)
I did not watch the ceremony, but I’ve seen it reported elsewhere. Hillary was absolutely correct about her “basket of deplorables” comment.
Oh hey Mr. Still My President! Great to hear from you.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Thanks, saw that you’re having back spasms, I think? Hope you’re feeling better for your b-day.
@Mnemosyne: She took me out for dinner last Friday, she’ll probably just send a card(she forgot it then as well as her change of clothes, had to barrow her mom’s).
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
I saw a reference on Facebook to some kind of online protest designed for disabled people who can’t go in person. If you’re feeling cut off tomorrow, it may be worth tracking down.
Me, I’m going to be at Disneyland all day, so I’m going to Disney Bound my protest: pink thermal undershirt, pink and white “Star Wars” t-shirt (with Rey on it), and the pussyhat I made for the occasion.
I still can’t get over this:
Trump wants to be Obama so badly. It must eat him up inside that he is so unpopular. I heard some new blip about how the festivities were limited on inauguration day because Trump wanted to get right to work. Right. Complete lack of popularity and practically having to beg people to come to your inauguration has nothing to do with the sparse post celebration.
Like the Simpsons episode where Bart is the only one who goes to Nelson’s birthday party, and Nelson is oblivious to the fact that none of his classmates want to go to a celebration for the person who bullies them everyday.
Don’t really have an answer for you, just that there at least seems to be more of us than there is of them. That there is a chance that we will survive till 2018 and maybe we can get a congress that isn’t as retrograde and make some progress. If it’s half as bad as I expect, I’d bet we will be able to elect a reasonable person for president in 2020. And maybe we can then rebuild the things that will be torn down even better than they are now.
I like JOsh Marshall’s take:
Except that Trump himself already said he’s taking the whole weekend off and won’t start presidenting until Monday.
In the shit gibbon dictionary the word work does not have the same meaning as the rest of us use.
ETA Also he lies. And it’s not all that difficult to determine which is the lie. All of them Katie is the correct answer.
Trump just signed an Executive Order about the ACA https://twitter.com/Bencjacobs/status/822610592552906752/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw I don’t know what it means, maybe Richard can interpret it?
@lamh36: Well that’s just ducky.
@Mnemosyne: Yeah, that presidenting job is a M-F, 9-5 one.
Any word from redshirt or Amir lately?
Hold up–Tony! Toni! Toné! told me It Never Rains In Southern California
@Hellbastard: Maybe his words of wisdom would help next week, but not now. I’m horrified.
@Ruckus: Who ever Dems put up in 2020 will be running against Ivanka Trump. Experience in the White House. Woman. Mother. Business owner. Jewish. Wealthy. Hooked up w/ Murdoch and Koch bros. Media savvy.
We have to start attacking her brand yesterday.
Hey, have y’all heard that the Women’s March people issued a list of women being honoured by the march and Hillary Clinton is not on it, and people are saying it’s because the organizer is a Wilmerstan? I guess the latest excuse is something about bad optics because Hillary attended the inauguration. They’ve quoted her without attribution, too, that women’s rights are human rights. I can’t believe how much this stings to hear, today of all days.
Another Scott
I have no interest in seeing or reading the thing, but lowkell at Blue Virginia has an interesting Word Cloud analysis of Donnie’s speech compared to Obama and others.
He really likes the word “America”…
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’m on the O Foundation email list.
I doubt Trump has ever managed to work a full 8 hour day in his life.
Chet Murthy
@martian: Crikey. *progressives*. Rs would never do that. They defend their own. Shit. She took and keeps on taking shots for the team. Damn, now I wish I had a Nasty Woman tshirt.
Another Scott
@Smiling Mortician: Same here. I’m sorely tempted…
Michelle Obama really was ALL of us today…LOL
She had NO time for fakery
@MazeDancer: Oh, I see you’ve mentioned it. I’ve been trying to detach from the day, but this deliberate disrespect got right under my skin.
@Johio: again, it wasn’t “the country” that elected this clown – it wasn’t even a majority of voters
I’m on the list, and I already got an email from Barack that was infinitely more inspirational, substantive, thought-provoking, humorous, and literate than the Shitgibbon’s inaugural address.
(Edited because Shitgibbon)
@Chet Murthy: For real. I think some of the leftier-than-thou haters hate her even more now since the Trumpocalypse, because blaming her is easier than facing up to having been chumped by Putin. Same bullshit misinformation as ever about Clinton is being feverishly spread on the Twitter today.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Thank you, TaMara,for the positive threads. It really helps a lot of us.
Hey all. i’m a longtime reader of the Juice, am sister to Phoebe’s mom who has gone to the mat here asking for contributions for my beloved NC NAACP. i’m a 3 time Moral Monday arrestee – my last on Dec. 16th 2016 when our equally mean shitgibbony general assembly played more restrictive tricks.
today i accidentally stepped on my cat and the floodgates opened/ended up on the kitchen floor in tears apologizing for not working hard enough on Clinton’s campaign – and of course, stepping on my cat. anyway, i thought i might just need to vent and join in from time to time, so here i is, ms North Carolina.
Bonne chance, Obi-Wan Obama <—- must use, thanks Villago Delenda Est
@martian: I wait in hope for some CafePress stuff with Hillz photos and “never ever ever give up!”
if I were marching, my poster would be about John Lewis, though —
John Lewis is right
and Putin is wrong
To protect our rights
we must stand strong
@efgoldman: I hear he makes deals, the best deals.
@Chet Murthy: Wearing my Nasty Woman t-shirt tomorrow!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@AxelFoley: Me too. I sign “petitions” from people like Sherrod Brown in full knowledge that he’s collecting addresses for fund-raising, it just baffles me that something so banal is treated like the lost treasure of Midas by pols, but those lists represent clout, so I’m happy to let pols I like fill up my junk folder. And yes, I do send money to some of them, but not based on emails.
Fun and true fact: the crowd image is from one of Obama’s inaugurations. Not Trumps. Ha.
@Jeffro: I understand that, but it doesn’t help much. Sharing a continent (country/family!) With anyone who would vote for that total nitwit makes you think that evolution is totally over-rated. Fortunately, global warming should kill us all off within 200 years. Maybe cephalopods will do better!
@Mnemosyne: I got lucky yesterday and today with my dog walks – got them done in between some ferocious squalls (just north of San Francisco). Another squall is moving across the headlands right now like a mass of clenched fists. It’s scary driving, and there’s a leak in the roof of the condo (bucket out; owners know), and trees are coming down, but damn it’s still just such a relief after years of strangely dry, bleak winters. Everything is coming up so green it’s like the vegetation is plugged in and glowing.
Yes he is so eager to get to work that he’s taking the weekend off, so that he doesn’t distract from the weekends celebrations and festivities. These people can’t even keep their fucking cover story straight.
Uncharismatic megafauna
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I am. Their final goodbyes got to me today. FWIW, to the question posed under “share an idea” of what makes a good citizen, I offered this: Being informed, involved, and inclusive.
@Maoserati: Hey hi. Contrary to many people’s opinions, cats are very forgiving – they can tell accidents from meanness. Plus, unlike dogs, who will immediately assume it was their fault for being in the way of your feet, cats can assess inadvertent human clumsiness, be amused by it, shake off the owie, and still like you. God, I love cats and dogs. And pigs and chickens and goats and sloths, etc. Dehydrated salmon treats are good for apologies too. You know all this already, of course; I’m just wanting to comfort you and say I’m happy to see you here.
Oferfuckssake. Wish they would grow the fuck up. I’ll give them one more week (which is over-generous), then we all need to get working on 2018.
joel hanes
@A Ghost to Most:
Hurrah for Cali snow and rain.
(though the creeks tell me that the reservoirs are still not full)
Looking good for the first time in five years.
I can grow tomatoes again next year without guilt, I hope.
@Larkspur: thanks so much for the welcome. of course needing to assert who’s boss, cat forgave me after yowling like i’d killed her.
i can’t for the life of me get the thought contortionss supporters of Our New Improved Mussolini must master. he’s so insane, so unfit and a grifter. his adult children’s eyes are dead. how do people support him? yes, all rhetorical. that and Vlad The Bad, BUT EMAILS! & white people.
Another Scott
@SiubhanDuinne: The march is bigger than the organizers. I thank the organizers for their (too often thankless) work in getting it arranged, but they’re not determining who I support (or don’t).
The Virginia Group for the Women’s March has that famous HRC quote on the front page:
I agree that giving them another week is fine, but let’s not expect that passionately held beliefs are going to be easily changed! :-)
Lizzy L
I’m wearing a blue hat tomorrow.
@efgoldman: I lived in the Midwest for 8 years, thanks. But you misunderstand the Californians: we’re not complaining, simply reporting. Rain is GOOD.
Per NYT:
3Jane Tessier-Ashpool (a/k/a Lorinda Pike)
@AxelFoley: Me too. Got my first email about an hour ago. They’re going to rest for a while. So would I.
@Maoserati: welcome! A fresh voice is always great to hear, and we’ve been eooting for the Moral Monday people for a long time!
randy khan
I think Hillary herself would say it doesn’t matter – it’s not about who gets credit.
And I guarantee there will be a ton of pro-Hillary signs there tomorrow.
Couldn't Stand the Weather
If I were BHO (and Michelle and the kids), after the last two months, I’d want a vacation, too.