Okay, now it’s real so let us rely on two great philospophers for the next four years:
And it looks like America agrees with Ron Burgundy
It has been 10 weeks since Donald Trump was elected president, and more Americans disapprove (48 percent) than approve (37 percent) of the way he has handled his presidential transition. They are split on his cabinet picks. Views divide heavily along party lines.
Just days before his inauguration, Donald Trump’s favorable rating (32 percent) is the lowest of any president-elect in CBS News polling going back to Ronald Reagan in 1981, when CBS News began taking this measure.
Well we’ll have to survive being “governed” by the Brietbart comment section so we can either laugh or cry while we bang our heads into our desks today.
Thoroughly Pizzled
The end of an era of growth and dignity, and the beginning of an epoch of terror and hate.
Fuck ’em. I hope they spend the next months and years pulling splinters out of their rectums. May be the only way some of those folks learn.
I hope the same months and years are kinder to us.
Our long national nightmare has commenced.
Fingers crossed some of the marchers tomorrow will be carrying placards displaying a reproduction of Edvard Munch’s “The Scream.”
@NotMax: Yeah, I was thinking of that. Munch has found his moment.
I am afraid, but I don’t feel powerless, my voice and my vote are my power. I don’t have the power to undo what has happened, but by talking to people getting them involved, I can affect the next election and the next. We’ve learned the hard way that change takes time, it happens in fits and starts, but it only happens when people are willing to keep fighting even when, actually especially when it seems bleakest.
Yesterday walking home, I stumbled into a small rally outside City Hall, there were only about 20 or 30 people there, they were talking about tolerance, and being welcoming to immigrants, and about the safety of Dreamers and all of our children. people from the town spoke up about the community, there was a woman in her late fifties who spoke bout being born here and raising her family here in Perth Amboy, she spoke of the years when people were moving away, and the city was dying, then the immigrants started coming, and they started to revive the city. The demographic makeup has changed, but the economy is growing and there is life again in what was a deteriorating city, this is what immigration has wrought. The rally was to ensure that people know that we the people of Perth Amboy and it’s local government and police will not be participating in any efforts to hunt down “illegals”, we value all our children, native born and the Dreamers, we favor keeping all families together. As I said I just happened upon the gathering, what struck me most was the diversity of that small group, racially, and age wise, it looked like America, but the young people were overwhelmingly Latino. This is what scares them, when you go to a school here, the proportion of kids who are Latino is incredible, and there is nothing they can do about it, these kids are Americans, they are our future. And that future looks incredibly bright.
I think it’s pissed a few people off, but I have been pointing out to the people who voted third party or left the presidential slot blank that they had their chance to resist fascism, and they failed. They could have prevented this from happening, and they chose not to.
If they couldn’t be arsed to resist fascism when it counted, why am I supposed to listen to their advice now?
Noted from my seat on Amtrak where I am wearing my Hillary “pantsuit spectrum” t-shirt. Because fuck Trump.
Trump World tries to explain away broad unpopularity
01/20/17 09:22 AM
By Steve Benen
As President Obama passes the torch to President-elect Trump, Americans are witnessing all sorts of firsts, including the largest-ever gap in popularity from one leader to his successor.
Obama is exiting the stage on a high note, with an approval rating at 60% or higher in several new surveys. Donald Trump, meanwhile, is the least popular new president since the dawn of modern polling, with the latest CBS News poll giving an approval rating of just 37% and a favorability rating of just 32%. A Fox News poll released last night showed similar results.
For his part, Trump seems to believe there’s a giant media/polling conspiracy underway – he insisted this week that the polls are “rigged” – and his team is under the impression that the data doesn’t matter.
It’s not quite that simple. Polls were right when they showed Trump dominating in the Republican presidential primaries, and they were right again when they showed Trump trailing Hillary Clinton in the popular vote by millions.
@Mnemosyne: I have been doing the same. I had a friend tell me the night before the election that she didn’t think that the outcome would make a difference so she wasn’t going to bother to vote. (My response, “Lucky you.”) Now that the reality is sinking in, she wants me to soothe her feelings about what might happen. Seriously?
I’ve decided my sign for tomorrow, and my motto for the upcoming four years will be “Preserve, Protect, Defend.” Because that’s what I am trying to to – preserve, protect and defend the ideals of who we are as a people and as a nation. Lincoln of course said it better. “…that we here highly resolve…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that the government of the people,. by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
…though I have not yet gotten to the place where I can have malice toward none and charity for all.
Doug R
Ponies for everyone!
Ian G.
Disappointed that the “two philosophers” weren’t Beavis and Butt-Head. On that note, Mike Judge is the H.L. Mencken of our time.
@Doug R: Ponies that poop ice cream!
Villago Delenda Est
January 20th, 2017. A date that will live in infamy…
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Of course we will have to wait for next monday for the full horror of Trump, since after all he doesn’t work weekends.
Still, I don’t see the cult of personality that Bush had going for him. Were at the David Brooks trying to argue Trump is the philosopher prince with his 3:00am tweets?
Lurking Canadian
@Villago Delenda Est: Just think of how many senior theses will be written in the future, assuming our species has a future, on the general theme of “What the holy hell were they thinking?!?!?!!”
Of course, most of those essays will be written in Chinese.
@Lurking Canadian: I would love to go back to school so I could write that paper now. Maybe I will simply BLOG about all the awful. Like Jonson and Pepys. A diary of sorts. Chronicling the nuclear level STUPID that engulfed a 21st Century democratic Republic. In English, for the children who still read. WASF
Mr. Mayhew, a question if possible. One of my fellow employees was insisting last night that major parts of ACA were accomplished through Executive Order, concerning payment plans and being dropped etc. Can you let me know WTF he is talking about? The only thing I remember was the Hyde Ammendment kerfuffle. I am heading to work, so no rush. Whenever you get time. I just like to work from facts. I got called a Liberal last night by a 40 year old dishwasher with no prospects and chip on his shoulder the size of Albuquerque! I told him to stop acting like that was a dirty word. The jacka– has no idea how much Liberals have protected him.