I was basically offline all day doing things and out of town, so let’s recap the day:
1.) Mexico and the Fucking Wall
* Trump rolled out a 20% tariff proposal on Mexican goods to pay for the wall.
* The Mexican President told Trump to go fuck himself and cancelled a scheduled meeting.
* Trump White House is walking back the 20% tariff.
* As Anne Laurie noted, Texans are telling Trump to fuck off.
* Former Mexican President Vicente Fox continues to have all the fun in the world fucking with Cheeto Jeebus:
@realDonaldTrump's ego monument real cost is around 25 billion USD. I ask you, America, what would you prefer instead of that #FuckingWall?
— Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue) January 26, 2017
2.) Cybersecurity
* As Adam noted, Trump is controlling his online presence through an easily guessed gmail account.
* Sean Spicer is still a moron, and has two days in a row tweeted his password:
#FLASH – Trumps White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, tweets out password, not once, but twice in 2 days. Just amazing. pic.twitter.com/dwZFKx4RqB
— JΞSTΞR ✪ ΔCTUAL³³º¹ (@th3j35t3r) January 26, 2017
* This speaks for itself:
are you FUCKING kidding me https://t.co/LeDgZeFUJp
— Victoria Aveyard?? (@VictoriaAveyard) January 26, 2017
3.) General Governance:
* Basically the entire upper management of the State Department quit, choosing to retire or have other foreign service appointments rather that work the Tangelo Tyrant.
* Trump bullied the National Park Service director and called him personally to back up his claims about the size of his inauguration crowds.
* Trump and his minions have pulled all advertising about ACA signups, pulling even ads that have ALREADY been paid for and placed.
* The US has suspended all interviews with potential refugees, fucking people who may have been in the process for years.
That’s the big stuff- THAT WE KNOW ABOUT. Oh, yeah. The Doomsday Clock advanced but that’s almost an afterthought at this point. What is this- Day Six? A couple more weeks and I will be begging for the sweet radioactive release of nuclear armageddon.
You rescued us.
Except: no pet. Just more of that fucking Trump. Ohhhh….
Exurban Mom
Very interesting conversation I had at work today. I live in a very red county in Ohio. Big Republican volunteer comes in, long-time party member in county, spouse was elected official at one time. She was complaining that “all we hear about in the news is Trump…What about the rest of the world?” I think the constant negative press is getting under their skin. Bigly. We need to keep at it. This is the first indication I’ve seen of a big supporter getting uncomfortable. It gave me some hope. They will never admit they were wrong; they are hoping and praying that eventually we will be distracted or move off the topic. We have to keep the pressure on. It will work, I think.
Mike J
The State people quitting was Trump accepting the resignations that are always turned in at the start of a new admin. Closer to firing than quitting.
Sen Cantwell tweeted that she’s voting against DeVos.
Gin & Tonic
He flew to Philadelphia, where neither the Governor nor the Mayor greeted him at the airport. Reportedly, nobody did. Either his people are too incompetent to say he was coming, or the two officials said “fuck that noise.”
Exurban Mom
Yeah, we could use some emergency Steve or Lily pictures about now. Or cool house pictures.
Corner Stone
The Darkside is coming now, nothing is real!
Is that tweet from Vicente Fox for real? With our favorite word (fucking) in a hashtag. Wow.
Also, disgusting about pulling the ACA advertising. That is so low. Although so is everything else. What a dick. Is in the Oval Office. WTG, Red States.
Mike J
@Gin & Tonic: Also, didn’t turn and wave when getting back on AF1, as is the custom.
Warren Terra
I think I’ve figured this whole “Wall On The Mexican Border” thing out, and can offer a compromise.
Among the problems with the wall: it’s not necessary, it wouldn’t fulfill its declared purpose, it will destroy and divide a lot of wildlife habitat, and it’s ruinously expensive.
My solution would resolve or at least mitigate all of these, and it’s based on my remembering a simple misconception, which is this:
The Great Wall Of China is widely believed to be visible from space by the naked eye.
It’s not. I’m sorry, it just isn’t. And this is a problem: given that the Mexico Border Wall would be so expensive, destructive, and useless, it’s inconceivable that anyone would be building it to reduce workforce participation by undocumented immigrants, a task it’s singularly unsuited to perform. But: what if they’re instead building it as a legacy project, in the mistaken belief that it will be visible from space for two thousand years, like the Great Wall Of China is widely if mistakenly believed to be?
One solution would be obvious: Pyramids. The Pyramids of Giza, unlike the Great Wall, are visible from space (well, the shadows they cast are). This option would at least make Ben Carson either very happy or very unhappy – I’m not sure which, and can use the argument either way. But, remembering who Trump is, I think there’s a more honest and more appealing alternative:
We will build a giant cock and balls on part of the Mexico border.
It will do just about as much to diminish illegal immigration and undocumented labor. It will be less of a disruption to wildlife habitat. It will be cheaper, and may even be a source of tourist revenue. Most importantly, it will be visible from space.
I still don’t think we’ll be able to get Mexico to pay for it.
Roger Moore
I see Public Policy Trolling is back to their good work.
Trump has tweeted that Miami has abandoned being a sanctuary city. The comments are very rewarding.
You cannot make this stuff up. A year ago, we would have thought this was the stupidest soap opera/reality show ever. Just not possible.
Superpower to a banana republic, in one week. Thanks Republicans.
You might have missed the interview that Steve Bannon graciously gave to the NYT:
Corner Stone
The Texas Tribune…hmmm…
Got bed?
@Aleta: So what exactly did sucking up to T and piling on HRC get the Vichy Times?
A real example of right but for the wrong reasons.
Yes. You missed house pics. Where are the house pics?
@Mike J:
I don’t think so. He wasn’t asking the career employees to leave, but they’re the ones who resigned today.
Jeebus. And now you’ve got a lot of us agreeing with Steve Bannon. Thanks, Aleta!
@Aleta: Godamn fuckity fuck Steve Bannon.
Also! Reposted from the end of the last thread: another way to resist any stupid Muslim registry. Madeleine Albright and Mayim Bialik vow to join any Trump Muslim registry. SIGN ME UP!
TaMara (HFG)
Right now I’m rooting for the doomsday clock.
Can I call Bannon a c*nt or is that a moderated word?
I don’t want to see the Fuck the Fucking New York Times wrapping themselves in a martyr’s cape.
They still deserve their tar and feathers.
Emails, fuckers. Don’t try to distract us by reminding us that other people detest you too. For various and sundry reasons.
@Warren Terra
The solution, of course, is to erect yooge (the bestest ever) billboards with the lunatic-in-chief’s face.
Anyone approaching would run from the border, screaming.
PS Mrs. Jeffro just saw the Vincente Fox Quesada tweet and is ready to move south. I had to break it to her that he’s the former president, but still…
Fixed it.
@Mike J:
Agree they were fired – but these were career staffers not political appointments
Entire State Department Management Team Fired By Trump Admin
@Exurban Mom:
That is a hopeful story. And helps explain why Spicer went furious on press about why are you so negative. And why Bannon uncloaked today to tell media to stop being media. Truth hurts. Good.
@TS: I don’t understand how career people can be fired. They haven’t eliminated civil service yet.
Roger Moore
They were both. They were career staffers who were given jobs that require a presidential appointment and Senate confirmation. So they could be fired from their positions but not from government service. It sounds as if they’ve all chosen to leave the government rather than stay in the State Department under Trump.
Это курам на смех
@Jeffro: I am Fenwick.
Today is India’s Republic Day. India gave itself a constitution on Jan26th 1950. The framer of the Indian Constitution was the Dalit economist and lawyer Dr. Ambedkar, has an American connection too. He got one of his two PhDs in Columbia. Harlem influenced him and his work a lot.
@Roger Moore: Ah, thanks.
@Roger Moore: Unass this motherfucker!
Hair Furor was a jerk about taking a ride to Philly at taxpayer expense, screamed at by record crowds fueled by cheesesteaks, lied about what a smart guy Paul Ryan is & fled for DC as soon as his man could bring the car around.
IOW, how Trump’s life is expected to work until he figures out that Presidenting is hard and quits.
Corner Stone
I hope the Trump admin universally lifts all sanctions against Russia. That would be the balls.
@Corner Stone: Me too.
@debit: debit! How is Walter? Please give him a hug for us. And Ellie. Thinking of you.
Corner Stone
@Это курам на смех: Hey, Fenwick. Have you seen my shield?
@PhoenixRising: The only bad thing about your very entertaining comment is that you know that Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are laughing about that situation even more than we are.
Corner Stone
@Jeffro: A dumb idea that does not actually work the way they think it does.
Talk up the cost of the new TrumpTax on imported goods, talk to friends, family, and your representatives. Complain about it on facebook and in letters to the editor of your local paper. He just proposed a new tax for all of us to pay.
He may have been told about it but my understanding is that the passengers in the presidential limo cannot see anything outside through the windows.
Gin & Tonic
@Corner Stone: Sure. Would be great for Ukraine.
Corner Stone
I made the mistake earlier today of reading the Trump-ABC interview that was part of an earlier thread. My brain is still broke. I find myself communicating in verses from songs on movie soundtracks from the last 30 years. I don’t think I can verbalize a complete thought or sentence in coherent English just yet.
putin: comrades, we did it and we did it on the cheap. heck, even bin laden had to shell out for those air tickets.
@Jeffro: How long until our Oval Office Occupier calls him Vicente Fox Quesadilla?
Mike in NC
On the bright side, we still have Friday’s Trumpian chaos and confusion to look forward to. Pass the vodka.
Corner Stone
@Gin & Tonic: Nobody’s going to do shit about it anyway. May as well give Pooty his $500B and get it over with so we all know what’s what.
Patricia Kayden
@Mike J: I thought the State folks were permanent employees and not political appointees. They quit. Only political appointees leave once the President who appointed them is out of office.
@schrodingers_cat: I wonder what he would think about Trump.
Yup. Hero to zero just like that.
Twist on Disney’s Hercules.
Patricia Kayden
@Elizabelle: I’m in shock that they’ve stopped interviewing all refugees. All. Refugees. So Christ-like.
Gin & Tonic
@Patricia Kayden: See Roger Moore @32.
@Patricia Kayden: But only till we “figure out what is going on”!
I’m trying to figure what the extent of the panic will be when our guacamole ends up costing more than caviar thanks to Trump’s border tax.
Mike J
@Patricia Kayden: Upper levels turn in a resignation, which is usually refused. Trump accepted them.
@Roger Moore: thanks – I didn’t understand that from the reporting – why am I surprised that the media confuses.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Elizabelle: I want to gay marry Vincente Fox. He trolls Putin’s Circus Peanut so well. Earlier this week or late last he tweeted at Spicer:
I already told @Real PCP, I’m not paying for that #fucking wall.
He had tweeted that a couple of times to PCP. You know it must annoy the snot out of him.
Metaphorical “Z” slashed across the front of you know who’s tacky suit.
(Zorro is Spanish for fox.)
@Corner Stone: At the beginning of the ABC video I saw this morning, they were standing in the Oval Office and Trump said “They offer you a selection of 7 or 8 rugs,” like this is the GREATEST hotel ever.
For a generation we should not have to hear from any sane person that there is not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democratic and Republican parties.
In other reassuring news, the documents definitely released by our only executive branch referring to a meeting Cheeto Benito has booked with Britian’s leader tomorrow…misspelt (okay, misspelled, be that way) her name.
While it’s possible to spell Theresa without an H–and therefore no spell-check was triggered by the error–I find it disquieting that even when it comes to detail work that doesn’t matter that much, Trump is surrounded with people so incurious that no one looked at a story in the BBC to learn Thing 1 (how to spell the person’s name).
No doubt the meeting will come off without a(nother) hitch.
@Oldgold: We’ll probably hear it tomorrow.
Ian G.
Bannon must be feeling the heat for him to have a meltdown like this, which makes me wonder just how bad Bannon’s fuhrer is doing at this point. I wonder when Drumpf orders Bannon to arm the war elephants with Greek fire in order to punish the traitors at “Us Weekly”.
@Elizabelle: Walter is currently licking my bare foot in what can only be described as an obsessive fashion. I don’t judge.
He’s the same as the last update. Still eating good and wagging his tail every time someone looks at him. We’re taking it day by day. And when I just reached down to scritch him for you, he wagged his tail and started on my leg.
@Brachiator: He was a prolific writer and did not suffer fools gladly and was scary smart. So one can only imagine what he would have said.
@debit: Sweet puppy. He is not giving up. Hope he’s here for a long comfy time. I like that he wags at everyone.
We could all be more like Walter.
@debit: Thank you for bringing the first genuine reading-related smile to my face in days.
Yo Walt
hiya puppy boy
Listened to a piece on NPR about the efforts of South Korea to counteract NK propaganda with the truth mostly through radio broadcasts They believe that an informed public will do more to push NK towards democracy than anything else. Ironic that here in the land of the free we’re going in the other direction. Can’t wait to see messaging from the new and improved VofA. Going to be a mix of Orwell and Idiocracy.
@Это курам на смех: you too???
I’m sorry I must have misread. Point 3, I thought I read General Government.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@debit: Hey from his Auntie Bella Q also too. That pupdate is a bright spot in a very dreary day.
@Ian G.:
No, I think that’s just the way he is.
@Corner Stone: none of it does.
every single stupid idea they have, if given a second thought, dissolves into “yeah…probably better not…”
You get more and better solutions from a reefer scented freshman dorm
@Elizabelle: The tweet by Fox is real. I follow him on Twitter. At last count 45% voted for improved health care, which, by the way, was my choice.
ETA: At this point, I am in love with Vicente Fox.
@Corner Stone: LOL
Mrs Jeffro is in pretty much the same state
@Elizabelle: probably something like -10 minutes ago
I love Walter so hard. And I’m mostly not a dog person, but Walter has captured my heart.
Gelfling 545
@raven: If we have to wait for Trump to figure put what’s going on, we will wait long.
I do not to be more afraid of a) the whole dominance politics with our southern neighbour, b) the complete dropping of sanctions on Russia, c) the intimidation of our cowardly press corp, d) the refugee/Muslim registration thing, e) the incoming federal voter fraud laws, f) the gutting of the competent government employees, f) the environmental onslaught, or g) Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan’s legislative onslaught on the poor and elderly.
Must admit to surprise that Palin isn’t being named ambassador to the Vatican.
Maybe she’s holding out for Russia, so she can commute.
Corner Stone
It’s raining, raining
Oh, baby, it’s raining, raining
Baby, come here to me
Come here to me
Ian G.
Maybe. But the public meltdown reminds me of one of the more notorious moments in the Enron collapse: when Jeff Skilling called a portfolio manager who was shorting Enron an “asshole” on a public earnings call.
Skilling was a sociopath like Bannon, but kept it under wraps until the pressure started getting to him. Bannon might be having a Skilling meltdown moment.
@NotMax: May be T will give Alaska back to Russia, so she won’t even have to do that.
@NotMax: She criticized him. She’s dead to him. But she would’ve fit right in.
Roger Moore
Given the competence of the current administration, that’s not going to happen any time in the next 4 years.
Ian G.
What efgoldman said. Noam freakin’ Chomsky, the high priest of the radical left, endorsed Hillary because of what Trump obviously was. Did it sway one Stein purity pony? Don’t make me laugh.
Jim Parish
@Jeffro: James Fallows has also made the pledge, along with his wife.
Who’s a good boy? Walter is, that’s who!
give Walter a big tummy rub for me. please
Fuck that fucking fuck. (Verb, adjective, noun.)
@PhoenixRising: Hitch? If they hadn’t been so magnificently sans ep up to now, I’d suspect it was just another of the usual demonstrations of power, right up there with always arriving late. “See all the foreign leaders? They not only run to his magnificence when he calls them, they answer to whatever name he calls them.”
@PhoenixRising: He is obviously never going to meet with anyone from a non english speaking nation. Have to call in Henry Kissinger to explain the spelling and the pronounciation.
@p.a.: To be honest, she is far more qualified than the nightmare on Pennsylvania Ave.
@Oldgold: no. Our progressive betters have decided that the most important difference is that democrats suck and republicans are manly and bold.
Can’t fathom how any of the handlers from the campaign, after being around him, could think that, once he was actually elected, they would be able to guide and control this homunculus.
Found an interesting article from Germany, ever heard of Cambridge Analytica?
It appears that someone has figured out how to exploit the ‘personalization’ and intense fragmentation of things like Facebook. We may be all in a hundred different epistemic closure bubbles, but Trump’s people worked out how to micro-target messages to those bubbles and some fucker actually went and did it.
Sociopathic. Rich sociopathic fuckers playing God with big data. I’m given to understand (from Y Combinator’s blog) that Facebook is panicking and trying to defuse their targeting (i.e. epistemic closure mechanisms). A little too late…
Julie Chita
@Corner Stone: next week my bet
First words to Ms May: “I always liked your work with Mike Nichols.”
Roger Moore
Sure, but what about the Greens and Libertarians? We’ll still have to listen to them.
@Roger Moore: Ding!
@Applejinx: there were A number of articles out about Robert Mercer and Cambridge analytica during the summer prior to the election… A lot of that data led to the generation and direction of all the fake news
There have been only a few articles about Roberts daughter Rebekah and her close direction of the various players in the Republican Party during the primaries . She’s the one that cracked the whip and got Ted Cruz phone banking for Donald Trump in October
@Baud: @SiubhanDuinne: Answered you SD in the last thread and then the blog went kerfluey. Yes you and Baud can come visit together.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Exurban Mom:
That’s the thing, this is Trump’s own fault. It’s just breath taking the pure derp of it all.
Mike J
Another thing John left out at the top: Hero of the left, Jeremy Corbyn, issued a three line whip[1] to approve Brexit. But hey, at least he had never worked for Blair.
[1] Always make me think of this.
Bill Arnold
Yep, appears to be, see Vicente Fox Quesada. If you have a twitter account log in and vote. 219,474 votes (as I press post).
Gin & Tonic
@Applejinx: Pretty old news, dude. So is the fact they’re funded by the Mercers.
Nice one by Duncan B:
John C if you’re still here- how did the menagerie react to the move?
@Mike J: That’s a flip flop, right? He campaigned against it?
Are you all moved in? Are the animals happy animals. We need to know!
Patricia Kayden
@raven: Or until refugees can be determined to not be Muslim. Funny that Trump does business in Muslim countries but doesn’t want them here.
@HeleninEire: Tempting.
@Denali: Steve does not approve living in a sea of pink. His street cred with other W Va kittehs is on the line.
Fuck you
Fuck you
Patricia Kayden
@Roger Moore: interesting. Learn something new every day.
Food dish and chunky dude are there, that’s all they need to know.
Ghost of Joe Liebling's Dog
A lot of this is squarely on them.
The nature of the threat is different now.
@Baud: Dunno where you are, but most flights from America into Dublin are <$400 now. Come visit!!!
Bill Arnold
@Warren Terra:
A friend suggested using massive earth-moving equipment to dig deep trenches, and use the dirt/rock to build a high berm in the next section, repeat. That way, it might be visible from space, as a dotted line, like borders are supposed to look like as seen on a map.
I don’t recall, maybe he suggested hungry alligators in the trenches, and landmines and barbed wire on the berm sections, or something similar.
Notice that Pence is always on the dais when trump is speaking. If he supposed to be adult supervision he isn’t doing a very good job. If he’s the Terminator, he should get to work.
Mike J
@Baud: He said he was against it but never did shit to oppose it.
@HeleninEire: Wow. That’s pretty cheap. Unfortunately, I can’t get away anytime soon.
@Mike J: Whatever. We have enough problems without worrying about the opposition leader in another country.
@Bill Arnold
The wall may not be visible from space, but the giant flashing neon TRUMP signs atop it will be.
@Baud: he was aggressively passive about it.
@Gin & Tonic:
Did Trump get back on the plane and leave, liked he claimed he would’ve when China didn’t put out stairs for Obama?
@Gin & Tonic:
of all the news of the day, Everytime I think about nobody being there, I smile ??
Mike J
@Baud: I think it’s important to remember we’re not the only fucked up country.
@debit: I empathize with you. My fifteen year old mostly lab is snoring at my feet. We had her scheduled for euthanasia last Friday because she could hardly stand up, but by Thursday she was better. I rescheduled for a week. Still better so I cancelled. Awful to schedule killing a dog I’ve loved since we found her abandoned in a blizzard in northern Ohio a at 6 or 8 weeks old. All her life she has trusted me and I am going to have to put her down sometime this year. Yikes.
@Mike J: Misery loves company.
Mike in NC
After the new British PM meets with Trump tomorrow she’ll probably be thinking that time they burned down Washington as “the good old days”.
Stairs? Tangerine Torquemada will demand an escalator.
Fermion T. Clown
d00d, you missed the really funny part.
8 character passwords can be broken by a brute force attack within seconds by anyone with access to Amazon Cloud Services.
Which is to say, “anyone with a credit card”.
Run the numbers. If you use passwords of length less than 14 characters, why bother with a password? Passwords of length less than 14 chars do nothing to hinder hackers, they’re a nuisance only to you.
Use an online password generator and some arbitrary field within the password the generator proposes.
I used gibson research (https://www.grc.com/passwords.htm) but there are a gazillion random password generators out there.
Or use yubikey, which AFAICT is reasonably secure. (Guarantees in this space are inherently untrustworthy.)
The real “tell” here is that anyone in the White House thinks that 8char passwords are secure.
(And no punct… [eye roll])
FWIW I use 32+ char passwords.
@Baud: Well, Labour campaigned against Brexit. One of the complaints after the referendum was that Corbyn was less than enthusiastic in his campaigning, being an old lefty and all that. But a three-line whip is very contrary to what Labour stood for, and has already led to yet another resignation from the shadow cabinet.
@Roger Moore: In the WaPo they said Mr. Kennedy would all-out resign and the other three would accept other For. Svc. appointments.
@Sab: I am glad your pup is feeling better, but totally get where you’re coming from. I don’t want to bring Walter’s time here on earth to an end, but if he’s in pain, I’m going to have to. You’re doing what you’ve always done: taking care of your dog. It’s hard (and you can’t imagine how hard and often I’ve cried) but they trust us to do what’s right.
@Jeffro: Thank you so much for posting that… and yes,
So glad to see that the current head of the ADL has already said the same, YES!!! but NOOOoo to the cruel Cheeto
Kellyanne denied that Tiffany is registered to vote in two states – she strongly denied public records again – that rounded things off for me.
Patricia Kayden
@Sab: Wow. Don’t even want to think about my dogs in that situation. Glad you’ve had your doggy for such a long time.
Fermion T. Clown
Not to beat a dead horse, but if you use passwords of length less than 14 chars, there’s a good chance you’re already p0wn3d.
Corner Stone
@Fermion T. Clown: Hmmm…how many times can you fit the word “douche” or “douchecanoe” into those 32+ char?
Reading between the lines, that means she’s registered in three.
@Baud: No, not whatever. The fact that the supposedly leftist leader of the most liberal political party in our closest ally has abdicated all opposition to nativism, bad economic policy and bigotry is a terrible precedent for worldwide democracy and a harbinger of how all opposition will do across the planet to the rise of the right-wing. Corbyn should be one of the leaders (both rhetorically and tactically) and strategic innovators and he has instead decided not only to forego all opposition but to actively demand support for demonstrably bad policy.
When Lindsay Graham makes fun of the proposal on Twitter, you know it’s cuckoo land stuff.
@NotMax: As he is quickly finding out, what Trump demands and what he gets are very different things.
Another Scott
I mentioned downstairs that I saw an Obamacare Signup ad on TV tonight, on Comedy Central, I think. I thought it was strange given recent events, but it’s yet another indication that the Trump folks trying to run things in DC really have no idea of what they’re doing, yet…
@Mothra: mebbe she is registered in more than two states.
@PhoenixRising: It’s worse than that. Britain’s PM is Theresa May. Teresa May is a porn actress. She starred in “Celebrity Shags 13”, “Dirty English Bitches Volume 3”, and “Teresa May’s Punishment Party.”
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Fuck you:
Holden Caufield was right….
I used to find West Wingish hippie-punching from Democrats fucking unbearable, but between that guy there and Sanders here, damn if I’m not at least a little more understanding of where it comes from. These people really are dumber than a bag of hammers.
@debit: I am SO glad to hear this. I’ve wanted to ask about Walter since the bad news broke, but have been afraid to. Please give him some scritches for me – and consider yourself (virtually) hugged.
Isn’t this the alternate name for UK Conservatives?
randy khan
Just saw Al Franken on Maddow. He said all 48 Dems will vote against DeVos and strongly hinted that she’s just the first in line.
@Baud: Because they are SES employees. Senior Executive Service employees do not have all of the job protections that other federal employees.
@randy khan: guess the dem cong critters are finally lurning. STOP PICKING ON THEM.
Another Scott
@randy khan: Excellent. I hope he’s right.
The 20% tariff is still hilarious hours later. Our great businessman president doesn’t know the difference between trade imports and trade deficit.
@Fuck you: redstate & brainfartland that way.
Ridnik Chrome
@Aleta: I initially misread that as “they offer you a selection of 7 or 8 drugs”…
Unfortunately, I’m not surprised if Miami caved. Not only is it in a red state, but its immigrant population has a huge chunk of Cubans, who’ve always been exempt from the ship we put every other immigrant and refugee through. Makes it that much easier for them to be right wing assholes. I was, sadly, half expecting this.
Hopefully New York, California, and Illinois fare better.
Bill Arnold
@Ian G.:
I’m not entirely sure Bannon himself is stable mentally ATM, though it’s hard to tell with that one; he’s bright. The real puzzler for me is why he is so trusted by Trump. His willfully disheveled personal appearance must be strongly grating to Trump, who cares about such things. He’s talented politically, sure, but why would Trump trust him so much? Perhaps there is some hook; surely Trump has a visceral (and proper) dislike for anything resembling manipulation directed his way?
Normally, I agree with what you write here, but …
Bannon is not a moron. He’s just a monstrously evil fascist fuck, who cannot follow in Dead Andy Breitbart’s steps soon enough.
He’s just the latest piece of
shitevidence that there is no such thing as a just God.ETA: And speaking of Dead Andy, if there actual IS a just God, perhaps He (or She, for youse Libber-types) will bring Bannon “home” to be with Dead Andy on the fifth anniversary o0f Andy becoming Dead Andy, about 35 days from now
? Martin
Obama rescinded that rule just before he left office. Cubans are in the same boat as everyone else now, and it’s a rule that Trump can’t put back in place – it’ll need to go back through Congress.
@Bill Arnold:
If he cares so much, why can’t he find a suit that fits?
So there’s this great old film noir called Alias Nick Beal, starring Ray Milland and Thomas Mitchell. Mitchell plays an honest DA who gets so frustrated trying to beat the gangsters running his city that he ends up making a deal with the devil (Milland) to do it. Of course, as with all deals with the devil, all of the things Mitchell thinks he wanted go horribly wrong and cause him far more pain than he was already in.
Draw your own conclusions about what my point is here. ?
wasabi gasp
Yeah. Those damn emails. Get a compass and find your mustard you lost bastard,
coin operated
I am sooo stealing this line.
Edited because I had the wrong line in the clipboard….
Bill Arnold
Are you suggesting that his suit doesn’t fit? That his garments are anything short of enchanting?
Gee, Thomas Mitchell as a fuckup, who’d’a thunk?
[OK, so maybe Uncle Billy was not a Spockian role for him.]
From your lips to Her ears…
@Bill Arnold:
Goddammit! Why the fuck would you raise the specter of Deadbeat Shitgibbon parading in public in the raw? You bastid.
Btw folks, taking a hit for the team here, I went over to Faux News and watched Hannity’s hour long fella…er…interview of Trump about all the latest controversies. Holy cow. Can’t we just seal them both in a room together (and I mean that, SEAL it, so that the oxygen runs out in a day or less) and let them both reassure each other that Obama was the worstest ever and Hillary was about to be even worstest until they start to turn blue?
jake the antisoshul soshulist
Maybe she could semaphore or use a bullhorn.
The suits from Barney’s are the BEST and CLASSIEST polyester you can find! You loser! Pathetic.
@Fermion T. Clown: 8 char passwords have too many combos to brute force, if you have to use a rate limited endpoint. 26^8 is… 2 e11.
If you can run the hash function locally, that is a different thing.
@Bill Arnold:
Frankly they are both abusers, both assured that they’re deserving of much more praise than they’ve gotten, both resent “The Establishment” (i.e., actually working for your achievements instead of resting on your laurels as a white guy) They both revere Hitler – no Godwinning here, that’s fact – and both think their rage-gasms are more important than things like the rule of law, free speech, and democracy.
@jake the antisoshul soshulist:
Or an Aldis lamp, if she wants to present Julius Caesar.
KS in MA
@Elizabelle: Just saw an ACA ad early this evening. Hmm, maybe they overlooked us out here in western Mass.–we’re not exactly a major market.
More Mercer/Bannon/Trump connections…
@VOR: in other words, an honest mistake by someone in the trump admin more familiar with the alternate spelling.
Oh ouch.
Omnes Omnibus
@pluky: Honest and Trump admin used in the same sentence? Without the word not?
Another Scott
White House Security Adviser Facing Gun Charge for Trying to Bring Gun onto Plane at DCA.
WSJ (cited in the tweet):
Nobody could have predicted…
I ask again, how do they manage to brush their teeth without drowning?
Bill Arnold
Edit: Gin & Tonic says this is old news. OK, still interesting though.
Ah good, thanks for the pointer. There’s more to it than that (the asymmetries in political marketing capabilities had a few additional dimensions, including some intuitive stuff I believe) but that’s a very good read.
Still, probably wouldn’t have won without Comey and Assange and Putin.
Though maybe his campaign, as the infamous Trump dossier alleges, paid the DNC hackers. That would align well with his claim that he knew more about hacking than most people, before he was briefed by the CIA and realized that the CIA itself thought that he wasn’t responsible. Hey, it’s just a conspiracy theory spun from available information, true or not. :-) Got lots more, since the Trump conspiracy space is under-constrained and the Trump team has declared war on objective truth.
Señor Fox has my vote… Can we trade drumpf for him?
@sukabi: no. Good god. Please let us not forget, while we have had stable relations with Mexico for the past 100years, Mexican leaders actually are the type of corruption we’re trying to avoid taking root here.
I think that when the deeply corrupt one-party state thinks you’re taking things too far, that should be a wake-up call. Like when Ed Begley Jr. said he knew he should stop taking drugs because John Belushi was concerned that Begley was overdoing it.
@efgoldman: If KellyAnn is Ophelia I’m for it.
Listening to the local news just now, the mayor of my city stated we’re a sanctuary city. News to me (and welcome at that), but he’s a Democrat. I wonder if there’s a move by Democratic mayors to oppose Trump on this? (“I’m Spartacus!”)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Yon Paul Ryan has a lean and hungry look in his eye….
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Milwaukee. Madison.
John Cole:
Please don’t. I live in one of the most likely cities to be targeted in a nuclear strike – which seems far more likely to occur now than at any point since the first few years after 9/11, or maybe since the early 1980’s.
Though I suppose the risk is not as high as it was during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Yes.
She will trust you even when it is time to go as well. Shit, I feel like crying thinking about it. I have my old cat sitting next to me.. I’ve found her becoming more and more frail. I love her. She is the only relationship I have (not friendship) I have left having lost my wife and job last year.
J R in WV
I’m officially requesting that you scritch Walter some for me and MRs J. We have two dogs, one older and one young. They get scritches every day.
So please do scritch Walter for just a couple of minutes for me and MRs J…
PS, what a wonderful thing you and John Cole did rescuing old Walter. So glad for his second life being so wonderful. Thanks so much!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@efgoldman: Yeah, but I don’t know any lines about Brutus
“our faults, dear Brutus, lie not in the stars but in ourselves”? … I know that one from the Odd Couple though.
George Spiggott
They could always have a gunfight in Morse code.
What happened to Lindsay? He seems to have turned into a really entertaining tweeter?
My two favorites from the past week:
Carl Bernstein: Nervous Republican officials are questioning President Trump’s ’emotional stability’
26 JAN 2017
Carl Bernstein: “It is unlike anything that I have seen in 50 years of being a reporter. I am hearing from Republicans, and other reporters are as well, that there is open discussion by members of the President of the United States’ own party about his emotional maturity, stability. People are saying his psyche is driving the news cycle. We are in uncharted territory.”
Christo’s blog: Tower of Cards (part 1)
A dissection of Christopher Steele’s Trump dossier, including amazingly well-informed speculation about Steele’s possible sources.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Cain: Graham? he gets off a decent line once in a while, either funny or sounding like he’s ready to put country or Constitution before his party, but he rarely follows through.
The new promo for Morning Schmoe is a cloying giggle fest between Graham and Cruz, but LG does manage to pull of a sorry (not sorry) about that time I said you should be killed on the Senate floor, Ted (to bring it back to Cesar)
He is about as right wing as the republicans. Don’t mistake him for an ally rather than as an enemy of my enemy. One could call Fox’s policy on drugs a deliberate mafia theft and genocide of political and tribal opponents. I certainly do.
@Cain: If only tweets were floor votes…
Well, except there’s a lot more than one rat in the Administration. And I want to know the conversion rate for ducats to dollars.
But, for what it’s worth, George Spiggott was more in line with my ref. (Maybe you are too, and just ignoring the cheap larfs.)
Or Muhammad, since his conversion.
@Gin & Tonic:
We pulled into port in Norway, in December and we all had to man the rail because the captain expected to be greeted by Norwegian navy officers and a band, as we were the first American naval ship there since the end of WWII. As we were standing there watching it snow on us, 2 Norwegian sailors walked down the pier and tied up the ship. Then walked away. Not one officer of any kind. I imagine that drumpf was about as amused as our officers were. Fortunately the officers weren’t nearly as dumb and spiteful as drumpf is.
@efgoldman: As have Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: Um… I, uh, shit, I got nuthin’.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s good news. Let’s hope that Scotty can’t do anything about it. Let’s also hope that Janesville issues a similar proclamation.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Well, as a fallback, you could always talk about Keef. (I won’t be able to banter about him tonight, however.Need some ZZZs.)
Omnes Omnibus
One of the nicest things I have seen written about navy officers. Ever.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: The two M cities are good places. Farmland and exurbs OTOH…
@TS: Possibly because WaPo posted two articles, about 3 hours apart:
First article: The State Department’s entire senior administrative team just resigned
Second article: Trump administration choosing to replace several senior State Department diplomats
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Well, the asshole sheriff has very little power. Madison and Milwaukee have power and money. It is why farmland and the exurbs hate them.*
*Well, one of the reasons.
You have my hugs to you. My old guy is also dwindling but I love him dearly. He is my friend and companion. Feeling him beside me is wonderful
The GOP seems set on changing up taxes, the plan seems to be to add a 20% import tax on all goods and to muck things around to say that’s the same as a 20% corporate income tax on domestic manufacturers (who would deduct income from exports and domestic expenses).
To me, that looks like a big tax increase on ordinary people who buy many imported goods plus a tax giveaway to companies (who would get a lower nominal tax rate + all the loopholes they want).
Is anyone or any group out opposing or analyzing this?
Omnes Omnibus
@elm: I have picked two areas of outrage. Voting Rights and Refugee Rights. We can’t cover everything. I am sure someone here will pick up that mission,
ever heard of Cambridge Analytica?
Cambridge Analytica is owned by a billionaire you’ve probably never heard of:
The Bizarre Far-Right Billionaire Behind Trump’s Presidency
When all seemed to be falling apart for Trump this summer, one shadowy billionaire offered up his own massive political infrastructure, which included Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway, and saved Trump’s campaign from demise
I think these comments caught most of what you missed: Bannon’s interview, the larger number of people surrounding Trump who are registered to vote in multiple states. But here’s one that’s currently flying mostly under the radar: Trump’s people may have outed US intelligence assets to the Russians, already, and gotten them charged with treason:
@Ian: sarcasm mostly, unnerving to have a politician of any flavor make a case for where money is best spent…
Geezuzz, Applejinx, this is interesting. No wonder Mercer’s hedgefund has made returns of 78% a year for 20 years in a row.
From Trump (actually, Cambridge Analytica) Knows You
@someone: It’s hard to imagine that any of the Russian women who spent time with Trump are safe now, even the ones who never talked about it.
No One You Know
@Cain: I too have an old cat who I cherish. Struggling with her sickness; and as she’s on palliative care, my heart feels like melting lead these days. I cherish the moments.
@Warren Terra: the thread, it is won! LOLOLOLOL. Thanks for this, I needed a good chuckle!
@Patricia Kayden: The countries Trump makes money from, like Saudi Arabia, home of all but two of the 9/11 hijackers, are not subject to the visa cutoff.
Calming Influence
With everything else going on, you may have missed the news that Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
Sloane Ranger
@patroclus: Not at all. Corbyn belongs to that strand of the left that believes the EU is a neo-liberal corportatist un-democratic super state that uses the odd bit of social legislation as an opiate for the workers.
The thinking of this particular group is that once free of the EU the Tories will let their anti-worker, anti anyone or thing that isn’t white and middle class freak flag fly. This will heighten the contradictions and, hey presto, REVOLUTION!
@efgoldman: my snark wasn’t clear enough. more familiar with british adult video than politics.
@Aleta: I hate to agree with Steve Bannon on anything, but given the NY Times coverage of the 2016 election going back to shrilling for Peter Schweizer (and Breitbart’s) book “Clinton Cash” (https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/20/us/politics/new-book-clinton-cash-questions-foreign-donations-to-foundation.html?_r=0), their coverage was 100% wrong and embarrassing.
@Kat: Thanks. This is a great article.