So crazy that it has come to this: protestors flooding airports in the US to protect basic human rights #nobannowall #jfk #RefugeesWelcome
— Lucky Tran (@luckytran) January 28, 2017
Lawyers are arriving by the dozens to JFK, taking shifts outside of international arrivals. Here's their call to action:
— Jack Smith IV (@JackSmithIV) January 28, 2017
The cab line at #JFK airport is empty. At 6pm, NYC taxi drivers went on strike in protest of #muslimban #refugeeban #nobannowall #letthemin
— Lucky Tran (@luckytran) January 28, 2017
A reminder that a huge proportion of customs and border agents are military vets continuing to support our security. Still, Trump hides.
— Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) January 28, 2017
Breaking: Iraqi parliament to discuss retaliatory blocking of visas for all Americans, including contractors & journalists (MoFA source)
— Borzou Daragahi (@borzou) January 28, 2017
Trump: “It’s not a Muslim ban, but we were totally prepared. It’s working out very nicely. You see it at the airports, you see it all over.”
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) January 28, 2017
experts have long said US doesnt have European-scale extremist problem bec of integration. Xenophobic policies against national security
— Richard Engel (@RichardEngel) January 28, 2017
24 hours into self-inflicted disaster, NOT EVEN ONE GOP Sen/Rep has dared speak against it.
During campaign, Pence, Ryan, Cheney all did.
— James Fallows (@JamesFallows) January 28, 2017
Something to keep in mind, from an old-school Kremlinologist:
7. Impact on people's lives, US reputation, future ability to work with allies – doesn't matter to leader who cares only about fanbase
— Anne Applebaum (@anneapplebaum) January 28, 2017
9. Now, people angry about chaotic ban will demand open borders, will be dismissed as irresponsible. partisan gap grows. center vanishes.
— Anne Applebaum (@anneapplebaum) January 28, 2017
This is the fight for the soul of our country. Who we are as a people. What we stand for. I fear we either win this war or it will be lost to us for a long time, perhaps forever.
Miss Bianca
Well, the Too Cool for School lefties I know are probably ecstatic that the Revolution!!11!1 has come. At the trifling expense of thousands of lives disrupted. Me? I just feel sick.
Major Major Major Major
Vonnegut called World War II “civilization’s second unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide.” 2016 was its third, may it also be unsuccessful.
Adria McDowell (formerly LurkerExtraordinaire)
If it is true that lots of CBP are vets, then someone needs to tell them:
I didn’t sleep very well last night because of all of this. Just woke up to find out that there are several hundred protestors at SFO, and that protests have sprung up at international airports across the country. Maybe I’m just naive, but I’m heartened by this.
Vets Against Trump @Vets_Vs_Trump
The detention of already-vetted refugees and Green Card-holders today is absolutely unacceptable. As veterans we condemn this tyranny.
Of course trump thinks it’s working nicely. He probably thinks he’s preventing terrorists from entering the country.
The Sunday morning talk shows should be interesting.
@debbie: I will be shocked if Chuckles or any of the other numbnuts hold their Republican guests’ feet to the fire on this.
so Trump issues this executive order on a Friday, and apparently without any lawyers to vet it for questionable conflicts with established law.
and as he promised, he takes the weekend off, does anyone even know where he’s got to this weekend?
there’s almost no chain of command in place – ONE WEEK IN – at the West Wing, and the agencies stuck with this order – DHS, TSA, Customs, etc. – have no idea who to call to get verification and directives.
Kakistocracy in action. this is a truly inept administration. And this is only going to get worse.
No. the Sunday talk shows are going to invite the same damn Trump shills and the same damn GOP apologists and the same damn Senators who can’t be bothered to take a moral stand on this.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@PaulW: He’s in his bedroom reading the Breitbart comment section and Free Republic. They love that he’s such a Man of Action; that’s why he thinks it’s working out very nicely.
@Miss Bianca:
Have you asked them? May be time to follow up. Ask them if Hillary and Trump are still the same. Find out what they think.
Anne Laurie
Jared and Ivanka keep the Jewish Sabbath, they’re not around to supervise Daddy after sunset Friday. Steve Bannon and the overt white supremacists, on the other hand…
@rikyrah: thanks for these
@PaulW: Established law gives extremely broad discretion to CBP to decide who not to let in, and even broader discretion to the President to give orders to agencies.
The law, as Mr. Bumble observed, is an ass.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Surely he reads r/The_Donald at Reddit? It does have his name on it after all.
(It’s also a good place to find out what the RWNJs are thinking. Know your enemy!)
I wonder how Trump will like this nightmare:
? Martin
@Yarrow: We have always been at war with Eastasia.
@Anne Laurie: That’s an interesting point.
#shitshowShabbat is going to be every Saturday, is my fear.
Paul W.
I don’t see how Trump wins this battle, this is NOT a Putin tactic where something happens abroad. It is happening right now on US soil not 10 miles from where I live in NYC. It looks stupid, doesn’t seem to accomplish anything, and is going to backfire as long as we keep attention on the negative and needless pain we are putting ourselves and these travelers through.
Awhile back in 2002, I returned to the states via Boston/Logan, where it was having a construction convulsion. Intl arrivals was jammed, I was ready to kiss my connecting flight good-bye. I remember the CBP agent (whose working days had been & would be awful for months) stamping my passport & giving me a cheery “welcome home!”
I was impressed by his kindness, so here’s a shout to those good eggs at CPB who are having to cope w/ this trumpian shitshow.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@chris: Depends. Has anyone told him it’s there? Ghu knows he’ll never find it on his own.
Major Major Major Major
@PhoenixRising: maybe a rabbi can give them a waiver if this keeps happening.
Edit: alternative theory, trump actually wants to do these things, has a documented history of wanting to do these things, and campaigned on these things, so he’s doing them. Doesn’t need Bannon whispering in his ear.
Smiling Mortician
@Anne Laurie: Call me cynical, but now I’m thinking Ivanka converted so she’d have a valid reason to shut herself off from her rancid creepbomb of a dad one day a week. I’m not saying, I’m just saying.
S. Gittens
Canadians barred from entering United States. Will cruise lines give me my money back if I can’t get to Miami?
Oh, boy. The local Saturday night radio show on NPR, “Shaking It,” started off with an excerpt of Sean Spicer’s statement and Kellyanne’s explanation of alternative facts, followed by Argent’s “Liar” and the Beatles’ “Lies.” I was going to watch a DVD, but radio may prove a better choice tonight.
This whole situation has me nauseous. I’d really like to believe our military men & women would hold firm against a dictator at home. And that they know an unlawful order when they hear one. However, I also know that recruitment standards have dropped. I need to calm down and try to get some more work from home done.
Reminiscent of the Saturday Night Massacre.
Major Major Major Major
@debbie: I’m gonna keep playing Fallout. Gotta practice!
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: That’s true. They’d have to lock it down somehow so that he wouldn’t find any of the many subreddits that don’t like him. He’d be the first preznit to declare war on a website.
Went to Mass this evening. While reading the church bulletin noticed a full page dedicated to the current status of the Syrian refugee family our church is sponsoring. Husband, wife and two kids. They spent 3 years in a camp in Jordan. The husband/father is working and one of the kids is in school. They were settled in an area with a large Syrian population, connected to the local mosque and, apparently, doing well.
It was pure coincidence it was in this week’s bulletin, but I hope those parishioners that voted for Trump read it.
As bad as it is for those trying to get to the US, i m very concerned for the safety of those already settled in.
Also, I wonder what they are going to do with those people who have applied for citizenship. Will they just casually lose those applications?
Van Buren
The moral arc seems to have taken a wrong turn.
Roger Moore
More that it’s keeping him the center of attention. That’s what he craves above all else.
…and he pulled this on a Friday afternoon so he’d have 60+ hours of free reign and mounting chaos until the first filing hits the courts.
Any bets on what dirty tricks he has planned for next week when the Federal courts are already choking on the backlog of cases from this boondoggle?
Compromising the federal court system will take a long time. Simply overwhelming and paralyzing it by flooding the zone with barely legal and outright crooked EO’s may be simpler in the short term…
Ella in New Mexico
@Anne Laurie:
How do any of these people look themselves in the mirror.
Sloane Ranger
Dump’s action has been condemned by senior figures in the British Labour Party including Corbyn and Milliband. Also by the leader of the Lib Dems.
There has also been push back from several Tory MP’s including Nahead? Zhahari who says he is affected by the ban as he was born in Iraq. Another has tweeted that the Dumpster should not be given the honour of addressing MP’s and members of the House of Lords in Westminster Hall, as this is reserved for those who have made a positive contribution to world affairs. She added that anyone who wished “to fawn” on Dumpy should do so in the Royal Gallery. THe newspapers are interpreting this as a sideswipe at Theresa May’s lack of condemnation of this action. In the same vein, Baroness Wars, a senior Tory Muslim has described May’s behaviour as “a lack of moral leadership”.
Just breaking, Downing Street has just released a statement saying that the PM does not agree with the ban and will make representations to his smallness. Looks like May has been either shamed or pressured into doing the right thing.
O/T but showing his complete lack of class, according to the press, Dump has been making demands about his State Visit. These include cavalry parade, tea or dinner with Wills and Kate (including photo-op), no meeting with Prince Charles (climate change) and a round of golf at the Royal Family’s private 9 hole course at Balmoral.
Major Major Major Major
The tweet in the OP about assimilation makes a very important point, by the way. Maybe we can include that in our messages of inclusion. Not just morally right, it’s security-minded and good for business. Does that feel gross? I don’t care, if it works.
No, it’s a nightmare BECAUSE he’s DT. A while ago, there was a superb article about what ISIS really wants. (I think this is the link. However, the short version is that they want exactly what tRump just handed them.
One of my favorite signs from the women’s march is “First they came for the Muslims. And we said, NOT THIS TIME, M*TH*R*F*CK*RS” (but without asterisks). Please let it be so.
@efgoldman: Well, the comment wasn’t directed to you about your friends. It was a reply to Miss Bianca about her acquaintances. If they voted third party or sat it out because the candidates were insufficiently pure, then those choices have real world consequences. Personally I think it’s important to hold people accountable by asking them how they like this new regime they enabled.
Mary G
Looks like Chuck Schumer and Andrew Cuomo are stepping up a bit.
Comrade Scrutinizer
And in other news, the President* reorganized the NSC. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the DNI are no longer Principle Members of the NSC.
Edited because sometimes I can’t spell.
I’ve been sitting around in my pajamas all day, but I found out about a candlelight vigil at LAX and me and my #pussyhat are on our way down there. If any Juicers are going, I’m a short brunette with purple glasses and I’ll be wearing a dark purple coat with a pink-and-white hat. G is staying home in case I need to be bailed out or something. Nervous, but I don’t feel right staying home. Stronger together!
If I had known this was coming down the pike I would have been a lot more, shall I say, passionate, at the rally last week. This monster needs to be stopped.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Van Buren: Think random walk.
Camp Ivanka?
and it’s not like we have any ambassadors around to help. what a fuckin shit show.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Van Buren:
Hopefully just a slight kink in the bend.
White House doubles down on removing Jews from Holocaust Remembrance Day statement “because others were killed too”
@efgoldman: I’m waiting for the first European country, or possible Australia or NZ to ban entry to Americans. Bring it.
Bernie accuses Trump of fostering hatred with travel ban.
Does this mean he’s no longer “delighted” to work with him?
@Van Buren:
The moral arc didn’t take a wrong turn, it took a dive. Straight to hell.
Thor Heyerdahl
Is there a new New Testament for sale in the US that somehow cuts out the 5th, 6th, 7th and 25th chapter of Matthew? It seems to be the one for sale at mega churches.
@Comrade Scrutinizer: Flynn’s on a total power trip. Why would Dan Coats even want this job if he’s just going to be shut out?
Mary G
This is about a professor at Clemson who was on her yearly visit to see her mom and dad, taken off return plane by TSA agents:
I suspect Trump’s visit to the UK will be rescinded. Then he’ll really go nuts.
But I’m proud to be an ‘Merican, where at least I know I’m free…
Comrade Scrutinizer
@JMG: Bless his heart.
@JMG: I doubt it. May is such a fucking hack that she’ll probably go ahead with it. Politics in the UK are pretty screwed up right now post-Brexit, so she probably won’t face any repercussions, aside from having gigantic protests in London the whole entire time.
I would hope that William and Kate politely say hell no to having to see that orange doofus.
@JMG: Hey, what if we don’t let him come back?
@Sloane Ranger:
I’m wondering if the Queen could come down with a bad cold (totally understandable at her age) that would preclude her receiving the Trumps. And maybe William and Catherine Cambridge could have a long-standing commitment that would keep them from having a meeting. But hey, I’m sure one of the junior Royals — perhaps Princess Beatrice of the Fallopian Fascinator — could carve out an hour or so.
Are you talking about BS? Because his initials say it all.
@PsiFighter37: They should say that they fear for Kate’s pussy, so sorry, must decline.
Please let it be so.
I keep looking at that gif of Melania Trump at the inauguration. That shift from a smile to a look of sadness and anguish. Maybe it’s just the moment and she’s overwhelmed, but I’ll be shocked if that reaction doesn’t end up in a museum someday.
@Yarrow: I doubt they would ban entry, but I could see all of them requiring much more stringent visa requirements going forward (Australia and NZ are just e-visas you can do online quite easily as of now). Unfortunately, that probably impacts liberals more, as the scaredy-cat conservatives who think the world is ending if they enter any kind of population center greater than a few thousand would never travel internationally anyways.
@SiubhanDuinne: Just because you have bad taste in hats doesn’t mean you have to suffer the persimmon Pinochet.
I hope when they get run out they take all the GOP with them.
Mike J
@Anne Laurie:
Remember the West Wing ep where the death penalty activist got to Toby’s rabbi, got an appropriate homily scheduled? Wonder where he goes.
I keep forgetting the word pussy is a no no.
Anne Laurie
@Yarrow: It’ll just confirm what Putin’s been telling him: Dirty Chinese Commies, bad! Lovely Russian oligarchs, good!
Major Major Major Major
@Cacti: I’m done hating on allies, at least while they’re being allies. Done.
Another Scott
So I’m listening to Green Day’s “American Idiot” from 2004.
What are people listening to that has a similar “Shit’s fucked up and bullshit” vibe – as Atrios puts it? Who are writing and singing the new protest songs?
@PsiFighter37: Joy Ann Reid will! She’s fearless!
It looks like SE Michigan reps are pissed off as hell, and saying as much. They are probably working different channels, and the Detroit Free Press has statements from locals from Dearborn and Bloomfield and various other areas where many of our muslim immigrants and refugees have settled around here. The Detroit Free Press even published the times of some protests, incluing one at Detroit Metro, which is our big international airport with many locals and families from those banned countries likely being detained. The lawyers mobilized immediately too.
Glad to see that action taking place here. I wish i could say the same for the west side of the state, but that’s also the fundy christian territory. I have a friend over there, and she keeps me posted on the local protests in Grand Rapids.
The Persimmon Pinochet is so stupid and these actions are just horrible on so many levels. The only reason i think my canadian immigrant mother is safe, is because she’s white. But i don’t think that will save her from the Medicare hack and slash that ZEGS wants to do. My own status on the ACA is in jeopardy because of these assholes too.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@PsiFighter37: Bannon is now on the NSC.
@Major Major Major Major:
Time to think of the greater good.
Donald Trump is afraid of stairs
Dammit. Moderation. I think for too many links. Trying again.
I hope when they get run out they take all the GOP with them.
Mike J
@Yarrow: Only need to ban real Americans, you know, the ones born there. Wouldn’t that light some fires?
mai naem mobile
@Ella in New Mexico: they don’t give a shit about anything but money & power in that order. It’s quite a disgusting family.
There was a hearing scheduled to start at 7:30 p.m. in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn on the emergency habeas petition filed on behalf of the two Iraquis detained at JFK. There are reports of a big-ass demo in front of the courthouse. Can’t find a live-blog.
Pretty proud oh how ACLU is spending my donations.
@Another Scott: The longest punk song you will ever listen to – 18 minutes of pure anger…’The Decline‘ by NoFX. Very apt title for the times we live in. It’s from 1999.
Major Major Major Major
@Mike J: where the fuck is McCain?
@Mary G: what are they doing?
@Sloane Ranger: Oh how I hope the Royal Family will be too busy to entertain #HairDrumpf. Hopefully, her Maj will have to got hunting or something.
Sloane Ranger
@PsiFighter37: Regretfully I agree but the demonstrations will be massive and, unless they clear the ceremonial route of people, it will be right in front of him.
If Wills does agree to meet with him I like to fantasise that it will be to give him a good thumping for his comments concerning Wills mother.
@lamh36: ok. Let’s remember this when it’s time for the wall christening. You know there will be one. First mile built, let’s hand him a bottle and have him climb a ramp to declare victory.
@PsiFighter37: Read somewhere that only 14% of USians have passports.
@Major Major Major Major:
Too late. We’ve gone down the rabbi hole.
Mike J
First detained woman let through at JFK , crowd chants USA.
Video at tweet:
@Comrade Scrutinizer: That’s pretty fucked up. So white supremacy is now embedded within our national security policymaking.
@chris: Not surprising. People go to fucking EPCOT in Orlando and think they are experiencing actual international culture when they eat in the fucking food hall there.
@Yarrow: Hmm…If i didn’t have friends and family in the U.S., I would suggest Prime Minister Trudeau ban Americans, except for refugees. (I have a spare room!)
I have to think the US armed forces aren’t happy about losing precedence to Steve Bannon. I wonder if by July 4 we’re rooting for the tanks in the street.
@Mary G: THANK g*d bc otherwise Schumer’s gonna have way too much to atone for…. I can include that in the letter I’m about to write…
@Skepticat: Thanks for the awesome sign! Sorry I didn’t save the photo someone shared (from Indiana????) with “so glad you’re my neighbor” in Span., Engl., & Arabic
@PsiFighter37: “I Believe In” by the Buzzcocks is my current old punk song of choice: “There is no love in this world any more!”
@Van Buren:
The moral Möbius Strip of the Universe ….
@Major Major Major Major: napping
Story of an interpreter for the US Army and his wife
astonishing to see the edifice of ‘the most powerful country on earth’ brought down so easily and so quickly just because of one megalomaniac pos. whatev fuck happened to the checks and balances touted by ‘the founding fathers’ ?
@Mnemosyne: attagirl. If I were closer I’d join you.
Well, Grover Norquist was on Bill Maher’s show and pretended to be a reasonable Republican for a while, then gave up and tried false equivalence (well Obama lied about not raising taxes on middle class people, so he’s a fascist, too). But he really gave up the ghost when he tried to find some rationale for the voter fraud bullshit.
The pundit shows will be bullshit as long as they allow panelists and guests to pretend that lies are reasonable arguments. In other words, nothing will change.
Ohio Mom
@Major Major Major Major: No rabbinical dispensation needed. Jewish law commands you to break Shabbat if necessary to save a life because preserving life is the highest value.
On the other hand, ivanka and Jared belong to Chabad, which is somewhere between the Jewish version of a megachurch and a cult.
Too smooshy?
Senator Portman:
I have to tell you up front that I didn’t vote for you, but even so, I hope you won’t ignore what I have to say.
I saw a moment of honest and compassionate humanity when you stood against the dictates of your party and supported same-sex marriage. I know your primary motivation was your son, but I would hope that at some level, you also knew it was the right thing to do for a significant percentage of Americans. At that moment, I saw you stand up for the real principles of America.
What I’ve seen this past week has saddened me in many ways, but nothing has horrified me more than the immigration ban announced on Friday. Setting aside the arbitrary nature and incoherent justifications about which countries are included in the ban, I cannot understand why your administration has decided collective punishment is the proper response to terrorism. Collective punishment has never, ever worked before, and it will not work this time.
This policy will only result in the diminishment of this country in the eyes of the world. The millions who despair and dream of one day living in a country where they can be free will no longer see America as that haven.
I will skip listing all my other objections to the week’s events and instead plead with you to again take a stand and work to end this sorry situation. Please set aside politics and do the right thing for fellow human beings.
We’re going to have to protest every goddamned day. These anti American motherfucking Republicans have created chaos and violated our Consitution in one week. All of them are unfit for office.
I think every single Republican should be asked point blank if they support this or not. If they do support this they have to be impeached.
@amk: Doesn’t work when the party in charge puts itself and holding power above any principles.
You can bet all of the Founding Fathers, even the ones who were kinda dicks, are spinning in their graves.
@chris: Yep. Just ban people born in America. Unless they’ve become citizens of other countries. Then they’re okay.
@ms_canadada: Doesn’t even have to be forever. But make a point. It’ll hurt business if it’s done by a large trading partner, like, say, Germany.
Speaking of Germany, I mentioned yesterday that a neighbor who works for an American manufacturing company said that the Germans are putting projects with his company on hold and canceling all travel to the US due to the unsettled political situation. The election of Trump is hurting his business directly. I’m sure he’s not the only one.
Patricia Kayden
@rikyrah: Let’s keep in mind that it takes at least two years for refugees to be vetted. It’s not as if foreigners are given such status willy nilly.
@PsiFighter37: I live in a touristy part of Canada. We have lots of stories about American travellers.
I’m going tomorrow morning with my pu_syhat to Portland Jerport.
@MomSense: The DCCC should be recruiting candidates to run in every single district – do not leave any of the 435 unchallenged.
And given that Granny Starver represents something of a swing district (Obama actually won it both times), we should be trying to take that smug asshole out as a top priority.
@Ohio Mom:
Not sure what life they were saving when they attended the Inauguration festivities.
Good for you! Let us know….
@ms_canadada: We’ll build a wall! America will pay for it!
Major Major Major Major
@debbie: just make sure you send it as a letter.
Gothamist reporting that someone (NYPD? ICE?) is turning people away from JFK if they don’t have a ticket. Twitter and FB are full of “if you can’t get to JFK, go to Cadman Plaza” messages.
Noo Yawkas can be counted on to do the right thing when the occasion demands it.
@chris: Curious – in one of the bigger cities or one of the more outdoorsy spots? I have been wanting to go see Yellowstone and Glacier National Park, but now I am very disinclined to give any business to red states unless I have to – so was thinking about Banff as an alternative.
Patricia Kayden
@Peale: Because in his small brain, Muslims = terrorists, notwithstanding the scores of Christianist terrorists born and raised right here in the good ole USA.
@Another Scott:
It’s not punk, but many of us like the pro-Black Lives Matter, anti-NRA, anti-racist, anti-demogogue songs on Drive-By Trucker’s “American Band”
A little Bad Religion can’t hurt at a time like this, either =)
Gin & Tonic
Elizabeth Warren’s Twitter feed says she’s at Logan airport now.
@Jeffro: Oh hey while I’m plugging bands and singers: Dave Hause (formerly of The Loved Ones) is pretty anti-RWNJ…he has a new disc out called “Bury Me in Philly” soon (if not already)
Warning, NYT link. But still.
Interesting to see them say it in public. It’s under “Politics” not “Opinion.”
@burnspbesq: We can also be counted on because we absolutely hate that someone who is a born and bred New Yorker is representing us so fucking horribly.
Don’t forget that, outside of Staten Island, Trump got destroyed here (87-10 Manhattan, 89-10 Bronx, 79-17 Brooklyn, 75-22 Queens).
@debbie: outing Trumps son. Not that it is much news, but I bet a bunch of his followers will be surprised.
Keep in mind as Trump goes about keeping every deplorable campaign promise that he promised to use nukes.
@Another Scott: London Calling, Anarchy in the UK, Billy Bragg, Leonard Cohen, Henry Rollins, X, Dixie Chicks, NWA, GnR, Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Tom Waits, John Prine.
Because it wasn’t brought down due to the one POS in the Whitehouse. This is the culmination of a decades long action on the part of Republicans to hollow out and undermine those very institutions and checks.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
According to the times of London, he’s phobic about stairs and ramps.
And how fucking hard would it have been for them to say something like “….the six million Jews and countless other innocents….” ??
Calling the offices of Cruz and Cornyn on Monday.
…but I bet a higher % use airports, dine out, take cabs, are connected to Silicon Valley and other start-ups, and/or use doctors not born in this country. It’s not hard to bring the pressure, we just need to direct it at the right folks. OWN IT GOP!
Ryan, McCain, McConnell, Graham, you fucking louses, I know you’re terrified of the Republican civil war that will ensue once it’s time to force Trump from office, but it’s him or the Republic. CHOOSE.
@Ella in New Mexico:
Vampires cast no reflection.
@Jeffro: I find Bad Religion a little too staid when you’re really angry. Great lyrics and all, but it’s not quite the same.
You can also go with something like ‘State of the Union‘ by Rise Against – from 2004. Their old stuff (and this entire album) is extremely good; the newer stuff – they have their moments, but it’s not quite as raw.
Gin & Tonic
@PsiFighter37: Banff/Jasper/Lake Louise is/are gorgeous. You will not regret visiting.
Since I know you like alcoholic beverages, if you go to Alberta, I highly recommend taking the time to visit Red Cup Distillery in Vegreville. It is not anywhere close to Banff, but it’s worth the trip.
Protests also happening outside Terminal 5 at ORD.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Explains why he rode down the escalator like a chump in June 2015 when he announced. Didn’t want to take a false step, or step on a crack and get bad luck, or whatever it is…
@Major Major Major Major:
Why not an email so he’ll get it sooner?
No, but it helps.
Patricia Kayden
@Sloane Ranger: Hope your last paragraph is a joke. He’s going to be such a huge embarrassment abroad. Sigh.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Port Authority. Cuomo has tweeted that he’s ordered them to stand down.
@Another Scott: mentioned the Buzzcocks, but PIL Rise Is also fine.
Major Major Major Major
@debbie: they don’t read emails.
Edit: Last I heard faxes get read.
Mike G
The Trumpanzees are probably loving this. Most of them have never even had a passport, and don’t know any Muslims, so I imagine they’re loving this for the grief it’s causing those uppity coastal elites with their “overseas travel” and “immigrant friends and family”.
Doug R
@Sloane Ranger: Wills and Kate have enough class to force the climate change meeting.
@burnspbesq: Port Authority was not letting protesters on the ‘train to the plane’ and stopped it running then Cuomo told them to keep the trains running
nyc taxi drivers went on a 6pm work stoppage of all rides to JFK
@Comrade Scrutinizer: This is so far beyond beyond that …. gobsmacked doesn’t begin to address my reaction.
@lamh36: Now you know Bannon was behind that BS.
My son was there for about 10 days his fall. He fell in love. Fantastic climbing and hikes.
@Gin & Tonic: Hah…my reputation from years ago precedes me, eh? That said, I’m much more a beer guy…I can’t appreciate / pick up the nuances of good liquor, but I can appreciate a good cocktail. Not quite the same thing, I suppose…
Patricia Kayden
@Mnemosyne: Good for you. #resist!
@laura: I don’t know if I like you, but I’m certain I love you. Excellent list!!
Brendan in NC
@Another Scott: Evil Empire-Rage Against The Machine
A Ghost to Most
@Another Scott:
American Band – DBT – it’s pissed off righteous anger from beginning to end.
@Doug R: I bet it would turn out as well as Trump’s meeting with Al Gore.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
And just saw a photo go by of Senator Bob Casey at PHL. Love to know where he was when this started; he’s in white tie and tails.
Rep. John Lewis waits it out at the Atl airport as the feds continue to detain at least one green card-holder returning from Iran.
Justin Elliott
just interviewed CA immigration lawyer representing 12 year old Yemeni girl w/ US citizen parents, blocked from boarding plane today:
@Roger Moore:
He’s the freaking president, God help us. That makes him, by definition, the goddam center of attention.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: The worst Democrat is better then the best Republican.
Agreed. Rub that chickenshit asshole’s face in this unAmerican activity.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That is priceless!!
@Lyrebird: I’ve seen that (wonderful) sign on a number of sites, and I hope it shows up all over the country very, very soon.
Iraqi man who worked with USAID barred from flying to JFK: “I put my life in jeopardy working with” US government
Major Major Major Major
Federal judges puts injunction on ban in ACLU lawsuit
@Baud: I honestly don’t understand Cuomo and some of the things he does here in NYC. He is maddening on many things (most notably wanting to keep the State Senate in GOP control), but he has also been very good on social issues and on some transportation stuff.
Adria McDowell (formerly Lurker Extraordinaire
@Ella in New Mexico: they can’t, they’re vampires.
Honestly, im glad our protesters got there first. Remember how those children from Latin America were greeted in small towns when ICE tried to settle them.
@Major Major Major Major:
Can’t believe how difficult it was to find his DC address. Seriously.
Then I found this advice at Kos, which says it can take up to four weeks for snail mail. So I’m going to do both.
@Mnemosyne: Thank You for doing this!
@Major Major Major Major: Of course.
ACLU just tweeted nation wide stay for green card holders
Adria McDowell (formerly Lurker Extraordinaire
@Brachiator: damn it. Knew I shouldn’t have taken that nap! Beat me to it.
Gin & Tonic
@PsiFighter37: You have a history.
That said, Rob de Groot is a fascinating and hugely knowledgeable character. I spent probably an hour there chatting with him about the history of moonshine in Alberta. His product is really eye-opening, and sells out pretty much the minute he bottles it.
@Major Major Major Major: Good. A tiny example of checks and balances coming into play. schumer, pelosi & co need to step up and ‘occupy airports’. Make the corrupt media cover them.
@WesternPALurker: That’s good, but what about the folks who found out mid-flight that they are out of luck? Need to have it be beyond green card holders…
Ohio Mom
@debbie: I would be tempted to reduce the text font size enough so it could all fit on a large postcard and mail it to him at his home in Terrace Park (I’ve seen his address on google). It’s a very nice letter and I would like the rest of his family to have the opportunity to read it as well. Who knows, maybe at least one of them is capable of shame.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: Trump’s next move will be VERY important here.
A Ghost to Most
Damn. That was quick
princess (now general) Leia
@Major Major Major Major: Awww. so the courts aren’t going to worry about Dolt 45’s fee fees??? Not give him a cchhaannccee??
Brendan McPhillips
.@SenBobCasey left wherever he was in white tie & tails 2 join protest at PHL to get detainees released. Good on him
Patricia Kayden
@JMG: Naw. Not by a Conservative Prime Minister who has said that she wants to be friends with Trump. I expect a lot of anti-Trump protests during his visit though.
I kind of wish they’d listed all of the Nazis’ victims. “Jews, Roma, Slava, homosexuals, the physically and mentally challenged, artists and intellectuals who were considered subversive and unpatriotic, left wingers…” wait, I’m starting to see why they don’t do that. The list of people the Nazis considered undesirable isn’t exactly a who’s who of liberal constituencies, but it’s pretty damn close. Funny that.
Drumpf has activated more liberal opposition in 7 days than Dubya did in 7 years.
I’ve never been so excited for a mid-term election this early.
A Federal Judge Just Issued A Stay Against Donald Trump’s “Muslim Ban”
Doug R
@PsiFighter37: For Canada’s 150th birthday, Trudeau is letting EVERY Canadian family have a National Parks pass. So Banff will be PACKED. You may still find space there or in one of our many other National parks. We also have lots of beautiful provincial parks.
The worst Democrat is better then the best Republican.
@PsiFighter37: Heh. I live almost as far east of Banff (don’t forget Jasper) as you can get but I’ve been there and it is as beautiful as they claim. If you’re into mountains the Rockies are hard to beat and almost anywhere in British Columbia is like being in a postcard. One of my great memories is of driving across Alberta, seeing the mountains in the distance and thinking, oh, they’re not that big. We were about 100 miles away!
I live in Canada’s Ocean Playground if you like country and salt water that will freeze the nuts off a steel bridge most of the year. (Although that is changing. Thanks, climate change!) Let me know if you’re coming this way.
princess (now general) Leia
Steve Bannon replaces the head of the US military at National Security Council. ??? wtf
@Major Major Major Major: You mean after he throws himself to floor kicking and thrashing and screams that he’s in charge and no one is going to stop him?
Major Major Major Major
@princess (now general) Leia: so disrespectful to trump voters.
@Ohio Mom:
Good idea. I’ll see if I can find it. Mostly district offices pop up on Google.
It might be more. That was just the first tweet I saw.
@ms_canadada: Prince Phillip is 95, but he has fought Nazis before, he can do it again.
Another Scott
@Jeffro: Thanks for the DBT reminder. I know you’ve mentioned them before. :-)
I’ll have to listen to it. The NPR review has all the tracks and it sounds good.
At the moment I’m looking for something a little more angry though. ;-) In grad school I wore out some Dead Kennedy’s albums I had, and I played a The Damned compilation a lot.
Nazi punks fuck off (1:41)
The old stuff is great and inspirational. But we need more.
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.
@princess (now general) Leia:
Speaking of.
@Major Major Major Major: If I had to guess, he is going to try and make Kelly strong-arm every single person into following the order before going back to court.
That said, Donald loves litigation, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he personally showed up for hearings (wanting to be the center of attention, etc.).
The Dudeist
@Peale: Yet he didn’t ban anybody from Saudi Arabia, home of the terrorists who hit us on 9/11
Mark B
This has been the worst week for American democracy since the Civil War. It’s been absolutely horrible.
Actually better to embarrass the prime minister by being rude and make her own it. Make her job harder. Fuck her bullshit. Even better, it will cause Trump to attack the royalty and you can fucking bet where the British people will do then. She’ll be fucked because Trump can easily be trolled and reactionary.
@PsiFighter37: yep. The green card holders were the easy ones. I’ve been expecting all day that the airlines would step up in regards to crew members and transit visas. The focus has to be on those with valid visas right now. Those in the queue are probably out of luck, but we need everyone who was granted a visa before Friday to have the US Government make good on it.
Patricia Kayden
@Mike J: That is heartwarming! She must be in a state of shock after such an ordeal. I’ve had a rough time with Border agents before I became a US citizen. It wasn’t fun.
Steeplejack (tablet)
That sounds pretty good.
Another Scott
@Major Major Major Major: Fantastic. Thanks.
I give to the ACLU monthly, and have given twice in the last couple of weeks.
Off to donate more.
We have to support our allies. Give what you can when you so they can help protect the rest of us.
Anyone know if this is true?
@Cain: I wonder if, when trump plays on their private golf course, if they couldn’t have sprinklers going off and maybe horse droppings spread around.
it’s the oohs and aahs that take away from it, amirite? The harmonizing? Yeah, I get that. =)
@lamh36: Don’t know, but it makes sense. Harder for Trump to take away vested rights than to limit visas going forward.
@debbie: @debbie: Try this, it’s free.Fax.
Keith P.
Saw a headline that a federal judge has blocked the immigration order.
Yeah. Doesn’t need to be a full litany — as you point out, it would be hard to come up with a complete list, because there’s always another group — but it’s offensive to not mention the Jews.
WH: No mention of Jews on Holocaust Remembrance Day because others were killed too
By Jake Tapper
Noga Tarnopolsky Verified account
White House doubles down on removing Jews from Holocaust Remembrance Day statement “because others were killed too”
Jessica Valenti Verified account
@jbouie did they just…fucking ‘all lives matter’ the Holocaust?
@WesternPALurker: @sloan:
I’m debating whether or not to go down to DC this coming Friday and arrest Trump myself. I’m either on to something, or need to go to bed early tonight.
Patricia Kayden
@Jeffro: Good night.
Hey, thanks! My fax is in the back of my closet and probably too dusty to work.
You know, the most offensive thing is their version of “inclusion.”
@Major Major Major Major: someone’s going to have keep trump away from his phone tonite; he’s gonna blow a gasket over this!!!
Doug R
@Brachiator: @Gin & Tonic: If you like dinosaurs, one of the world’s best natural history museums the Royal Tyrrell is in Drumheller about two hours out of Calgary. If you like badlands, you can camp in the world Heritage park where they found a lot of those fossils, Dinosaur provincial park, about two hours from Drumheller.
@rikyrah: @Major Major Major Major:
Trump’s next move (of course) will be to go after the judge who issued the ruling, and claim that “Obama appointees are making us less safe in the name of political correctness blargh blah blargh”
He’s terrified and has been ever since he crapped himself on 9/11. Time for national Dems AND whatever half-sane Rs remain to remind Trumpov that these “policies” (air quotes intended) make no sense and serve no purpose other than recruiting for ISIS.
I think he’s spending the weekend in NYC.
@debbie: Welcome, pass it around. I think it has a directory of MoCs.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
OMFG!! My Senator is doing the right thing!! A PA Democrat acting like a Democrat!! Yayyyy!!!
Ohio Mom
@debbie: Yeah, I noticed that. It is easy to understand though.
There are two levels to Chabad. There are the true Chabads, who were born into the sect and whose role is that of missionaries. They marry one another and are sent out to start congregations hither and yon.
Then there are all the people they attract with their fake nostalgia about practicing Judaism the real (sic) old timey way. These people are not really expected to follow all the rules, the rules are sort of aspirational for them. Their shortcomings are winked at.
It’s a game. The ones born into the sect get to act forgiving and welcoming to all the Ivankas and Jareds who join up but who are never going to go all the way into the super-strict observance. In turn, the sect is supported by their contributions.
There is a reason why Chabad built its Cincinnati shul in Blue Ash. It’s an area with many Jews, and Jews who have enough money to send some Chabad’s way. They are extremely strategic.
It is also worth noting that there are other similar ultra-Orthodox sects but the rest of them keep themselves and do not welcome outsiders. Going out to quote unquote bring secular Jews back into the fold is a Chabad innovation.
@efgoldman: They can’t do that. The invitation is at the behest of the government and their job is to represent the government. HOWEVER they can afterwards invite their good friends the Obamas for a purely personal stay at Balmoral or Windsor.
@Ohio Mom:
I miss the old days, when it was just Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox. You knew where you stood.
I love Senator sad eyes.
zhena gogolia
@Mark B:
Yep. And it’s only the first week.
“It’s A Nightmare, Unless You’re Donald Trump”. I prefer to quote Charlton Heston in Planet of the Apes: “It’s a mad house! A mad house!”
I’ve recently taken to bourbon. Highly recommend it.
@Doug R:
Very cool. Got to put it on my travel wish list.
Adria McDowell (formerly Lurker Extraordinaire
@rikyrah: TWELVE. My God.
Here’s a list of Executive Orders. There’s a new one today, they found some ethics! Which, at first gloss, can be waived by the preznit. Gets better and better.
Gin & Tonic
@MomSense: Which do you like?
Ohio Mom
@debbie: There were still ultra-orthodox back then. In New York. In neighborhoods they didn’t much leave because they were recreating the ghetto experience of their forebears in Europe.
Anne Laurie
It was the Port Authority, but Gov. Cuomo put out an official order countermanding them. Cuomo’s a dick, but he’s a dick who knows when to not step on his own.
Anne Laurie
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
Old people have balance problems. I’m cautious around stairs myself, and I’m ten years younger than the President-Asterisk.
(It does help explain his escalator entrance at the announcement of his candidacy, though.)
@Gin & Tonic:
I started with Knob Creek because they sell it at the grocery store and it’s not bad at all. My son, who is a bourbon drinker, sent me some Four Roses Single Barrel. So good. I pour one finger in a nice glass and sip. If you haven’t tried it, go get some.
@Ohio Mom:
Yes, I remember seeing them when I was living in NYC.
I once had an appointment with a neurologist (female). It was the height of summer so I was sleeveless. I’m sitting in the waiting room. I notice it’s all women, then I notice their long sleeves, then their wigs, and then it hit me. They must have thought I was a harlot or something.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sloane Ranger: One hopes that Liz will have a diplomatic cold.
@Anne Laurie:
An A-hole, but not 100% a dick.
Omnes Omnibus
@Chris: Nice reference.
Gin & Tonic
@MomSense: 4R is good, true. May be hard to find, but do try to seek out some W. L. Weller. It’s the same mash bill as the insanely over-priced van Winkle.
@Omnes Omnibus:
In the “I’ll take whatever I can get” world we live in, I find myself using it more and more.
I was just bitching about my conservative Premier Brad Wall and some thing he had done, and then he immediately tweeted that all are welcome here. I guess whatever I was bitching about is pretty small potatoes, when he and other Premiers not to mention the Prime Minister stand up clearly against Trump’s actions.
J R in WV
No, not really: Anthony Wiener, for example. He isn’t better than anyone.