The old Great Orange Satan (Daily Kos) is raising to money to help deal a blow to the new Great Orange Satan (Donald Trump): click here to give money to the Democrat running in the special election to replace Tom Price. Trump only won this seat by 1 percent, so it’s a real pick-up opportunity.
Update. If you type into “split” at the ActBlue page, DailyKos gets half, but you can also just type into the box of the candidate and give him all the money.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Massive protest in Boston (photo)
I just donated to Jon Ossoff, but not through DKos. The link above makes you split your donation between Osloff and DKos.
I went to his website and donated directly there (he uses ActBlue), bypassing the middle man.
ETA: corrected spelling
At the Sheldon Whitehouse info meeting in Prov. Can’t get in, the school’s full. Even people who rsvp’d can’t get in. Just loitering outside with the crowd now.
I’ll fix that
I have some restrictions around political donations, so will be sending my best wishes. If the resistance has any momentum, it has to come from us winning in places we usually wouldn’t, given how gerrymandered the system is against us right now.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Just saw that.
My god. /Jefferson
Lincoln, Nebraska also quite impressive. Not 20K and growing impressive, but for the size of the city, well.
I live in this district, and I was telling a family member at Christmas that the right Democrat could win this district. It’s a northern suburb of Atlanta, very affluent, the landing spot for many “white flight” people in the 80s and 90s. But now, there are HUGE populations of Asian, Indian (India Indian), and Turkish that live here now. I figured it would flip in 2020, but I think Cheeto Benito has just accelerated that.
I’m just sitting here comforting myself with the knowledge that Hillary Clinton’s administration week two would be just as bad. /eyeroll/
I will gladly donate to Jon Ossoff (adjoining district to mine), but will wait until after the Senate vote on Price. I rather doubt he’ll be rejected for HHS, but he’s been controversial enough that there’s always that chance. If he’s not confirmed, he stays in the House for the foreseeable future and we turn our sights to 2018.
ETA: I think the vote on Tom Price is tomorrow or Tuesday.
@SiubhanDuinne: I think it’s Tuesday.
Speaking of donations, just signed up for the ACLU. $100 monthly donation, and more to come as needed.
Next up is marching where and when I can. Unfortunately I am at a heavy deficit when it comes to anything that requires basic artistic abilities (and I’m vertically challenged), so not sure I will be a poster-bearer. It will be interesting to see how often I can drag my wife (who is nowhere near to as political or partisan as I am, but who has been royally pissed off by Trump ever since he won) to these rallies, which feel like they are going to be at least a weekly occurrence at this rate.
Comrade Scrutinizer
All you 2018 people are just so cute.
RobertDSC-Mac Mini
45 is the Definitive Orange Satan.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
It occurred to me earlier today that there was a problem with Trump was one that no one could put a thumb on:
This is incredibly dangerous – his afternoon tweets demonstrates his continued tone deafness.
@Hal: Right about now, the blogosphere would be up in arms about the neoliberal she appointed for Secretary of Transportation.
“LIsten, the only thing we hate more than Trump is the Daily Fucking Kos! Splitters!”
(sorry, I vaguely remember a beef regarding BJ vs. Kos, can’t recall)
Thoroughly Pizzled
@Oatler.: Excuse me, don’t you mean the Kos of Daily Fucking?
@Oatler.: A lot of us are Kos alums who left when it got all purity left against the Dems in 2009-10.
@Thoroughly Pizzled: “Trump is the Kos of daily fucking!
See? FIxed!
jake the antisoshul soshulist
Thr Obot-Puma wars did it for me. I almost never go there.
This is a little off topic, but I wonder if the trumpkins have thought about reciprocity. I do sensitive work and go abroad for personal reasons at least once a year. I really, really don’t like the idea of foreign governments collecting my biometrics.
Trumps new immigration order will almost guarantee that. If we do this to foreign visitors, they will do it to us. Just another example of the incredible stupidity of Trump. Dumb as a post, but vicious too! Whaddaguy.
@Comrade Scrutinizer: I am thinking that I will have to flee the country before then.
I’m going with “no.”
The Thin Black Duke
@Suzanne: Some of us don’t have that option.
@jake the antisoshul soshulist: I get their daily email, and while I have my purity pony concerns, I do learn a lot from the email with links to the day’s main stories. It does seem like the threat from Donnie Putinovich has put a serious damper on the silly purity stuff from the past.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Trump and his cohorts aren’t “tone deaf”; they are deliberately evil and provocative. W using the word “crusade” is tone deaf, and he took it out of his rhetoric. The Bush administration fucked up and created chaos in the Mideast, but chaos wasn’t the goal. Chaos is the goal for Trump. The Bush Administration angered the hell out of me, but I knew it would end eventually. The ugliness unleashed by the Trump Administration will be acceptable long after he’s gone if we don’t take a stand now.
@Baud: @jake the antisoshul soshulist: yup, count me in
@RobertDSC-Mac Mini:
the Greater Oranger Satan…er.
I posted about Jon Ossoff in the thread below. He overlapped one year in high school with one of my daughters and she and her friends are planning to get involved/volunteer
I gave directly to his campaign via Act Blue.
I’m still a bit grumpy about GOS for a few reasons, but I’m not far from this fella, and I’m 1000% percent behind grabbing this damn seat. Winning it out from under Trump would be a massive win.
Peter H Desmond
@skerry: i donated to Ossoff via DailyKos, but didn’t leave a tip. that was an option. splitting is not required.