Shut the f*ck up, Donnie, you’re out of your element!
Frederick Douglass did “an amazing job” and CNN is “fake news,” President Trump says in African-American History Month listening session
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) February 1, 2017
The video. The video is worse than I could have fathomed. He clearly thinks Douglass is alive, ie has NO IDEA who he is. "Big impact." Help.
— Rebecca Traister (@rtraister) February 1, 2017
Remember when the right's beef was Obama made everything about himself?
— Schooley (@Rschooley) February 1, 2017
I know it's hard to be surprised any more. But. From Trump's remarks on Black History Month.
— jtlevy (@jtlevy) February 1, 2017
These are the people claiming that Hillary Clinton’s “head trauma” made her unfit to be president. If this was your grandpa, you’d be figuring out how to hide his car keys and checkbook before something terrible happened.
It looks like Spicer doesn't know who Douglass was either. Neither of them even seem to know that he's dead.
— digby (@digby56) February 1, 2017
Look for a spate of pieces explaining that THIS IS FINE because, meh, it’s not like Trump’s “base” knows who Frederick Douglass was, or cares whether their Dear Leader should’ve at least read the bullet points before going on camera…
@daveweigel no it was both sides. people who campaigned for him and people who worked for him.
— John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) February 1, 2017
@daveweigel POWER TO THE [carefully screened and selected] PEOPLE!
— HenkeVision (@Henke2020) February 1, 2017
He’s out of his element at Dover too:
Hill Dweller
Coincidentally, I’m watching The Big Lebowski on HBO right now.
Frederick Douglass is one of Trump’s favorite African Americans.
Mike in NC
His word salads are going to wreck my liver.
It’s the name Fred.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Today obviously the very first time he’s heard the name Douglass.
Mike J
Freddy D.
“Where’s my African-American?”
McSweeney’s recognizing that his mere utterances are better viewed as parody.
@SiubhanDuinne: Ding.
@Mike J: What to the slave is the Fourth of July?
Gin & Tonic
I must have been living under a rock, because I just learned that Richard Spencer, the Nazi, is married to Nina Kouprianova, a Russian propagandist who has worked for Alexandr Dugin, certifiable nutcase. How did I not know this?
Trelane has the biscuit.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Amelia Earhart is doing great things. Really great, and people are starting to give her the recognition she deserves.
Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to see Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas and Rosa Parks mentioned in a speech on African American History and yet he spent more time talking about Omarosa.
I don’t know if this Twitter exchange is real but it made me laugh. Bitterly.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The Name of the Father… knocked him off balance and maybe made him pee a little
Mr. Douglass is only what, 199? He could be great to head the DNC.
Alexander Hamilton is doing some fabulous work at Treasury. Big league. Everyone in New York is talking about this guy.
Mike J
@FlipYrWhig: Yup.
In happier news, Dave Brat, VA-7, who complained that women were “in [his] grill” about healthcare, has decided he’s too much of a precious snowflake to handle a run for the senate.
Repeating from early morn.
How long before Bannon convinces Dolt 45 to fly a Confederate flag atop the White House this month “because the South’s military had blacks, too.”
@Gin & Tonic: There was an article back around election time but it was a minor detail, a molecule in the shitstorm.
Speaking of Spencer, Reddit has banned the alt-right subreddit for violating policy. Don’t know what they did but it’s pretty hard to get banned from Reddit.
Iowa Old Lady
@NotMax: Occasionally, I think I’ve learned not to be shocked and then Trump’s ignorance shocks me again. This is a person who had every advantage in terms of education of exposure to the world, and he doesn’t know anything.
Mary G
We need to keep marching:
Mike J
@sloan: Immigrants: they get the job done.
can you imagine what his SOTU speech is going to be like?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mary G: Just about to link to that, along with
@Mike J: the Dave Brat comments, and Murkowski and Collins coming out against DeVos…
The protests are working. The phone calls are working. We haven’t won. We may not even be at the end of the beginning yet. But we’ve got to keep going.
@Iowa Old Lady: And he doesn’t want to. Ever. He’s even more willfully pig ignorant than Dubya. What is it about rich white men that they can reach the highest office in the country and not know as much as the average high schoolers debate team? And the most talented and educated woman is beaten in favor of this? Economic anxiety my ass.
Lizzy L
@Renie: Yes, I can. And I have no plans to listen/watch.
@Iowa Old Lady: And he’s proud of it, just like the people who voted for him.
@Mary G: Nice. Thanks.
@chris: Posted personal information.
@Baud: Ah, that’ll do it.
? Martin
@HermanNewticks: Credit to Tina Fey for pioneering that.
@Mike J: now it’s stuck in my head and I’ll have to listen to it!
Perhaps he’s confusing him with Fred Dougla$$, the up-and-coming hip-hop producer and media mogul.
what until he hears this: from CNN aka Fake News
The first prime time address of Trump’s presidency did not measure up to President Obama’s first prime time event, however. Almost 50 million viewers — 49.4 million to be exact — tuned in when Obama held a press conference the night of February 4, 2009. Trump only got 33 million last night.
? Martin
@Renie: Already seen it.
Mike in NC
@SWMBO: Neither Trump, his staff, nor cabinet members could pass a junior high school civics exam. But being rich and white will go a long way in this country.
@Renie: His head will explode and his tiny hands won’t be able to contain the splatter.
? Martin
@Hellbastard: Frederic Douglass was that guy in Wall Street. Love that guy. He knew how to play a real American!
I didn’t see the whole thing, but anyone know if Twitler mentioned a certain black president in his Some Of My Best Friends Are Black History Month speech?
@Renie: Don’t send reps on our network? Prepare to be trolled, Littlehands…
Smiling Mortician
@Gin & Tonic: If it makes you feel any better, I had no idea who Richard Spencer was until I watched him get cold-cocked last week. Everything else you said was news to me.
Who the hell is writing Twitler’s speeches, anyway? They’re embarrassingly juvenile, nothing future historians will ever study as great rhetoric. Future psychology students may study them as examples of NPD and incipient dementia, but that’s not the way presidents usually want to be remembered.
Updating Churchill.
Ohio Mom
@sloan: No.
@sloan: lol have you noticed each republican prez makes the prior look better in retrospect? reagan made nixon look good, duyba made reagan look good, and this idiot makes dubya look good…..what type of jerk could possibly make trump look good
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Whatever could make CBP officers think a Trinidadian citizen is covered by not-Muslim not-Ban?
He might not be willfully more ignorant than GWB, but he sure seems to be trying. He sure is more malicious.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
“Trump receiving intelligence briefing every day” that almost sounds like snark.
And Trump and the Mouth of Saron. I mean, don’t they have speech writer for these things?
Jerzy Russian
@NeenerNeener: This is what gets me the most. Even putting aside ideology and his disgusting behavior, he has to be the biggest doofus who has ever run for office anywhere. That alone should be disqualifying. Even if you agree with his “positions” wouldn’t you want someone competent to carry them out?
Don’t know, absolutely sure I don’t want to find out. Hard to imagine though that anyone who is that big of a jerk has the slightest possibility of living past about 25. Because someone in a bar somewhere will have beaten him to actual pulp, and all the witnesses will testify that someone was 2 states away at the time the beating happened.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I don’t want to come to the defense of CBP, but you do realize that even before the order, they actually stop people at the border quite frequently. And yeah, they are often pricks about things. The problem is for some reason, the right wing have it in their heads that CBP under Obama just waved everybody right through.
Hungry Joe
@Renie: Cliven Bundy? Victoria Jackson?
@Renie: Yes! And it’s horrifying. Their standards are so low now they would nominate any random nutjob off Fox News at this point.
…and as I was writing that I realized that’s exactly what they did this time. So how do they get worse next time? Alex Jones?
Anne Laurie
Best the Trumpinologists can tell, so far, white nationalist/nihilist Steve Bannon gets professional white nationalist Steven Miller to write up a draft, and then Trump adds his own unmistakable stamp to the bullet-point version — rather like my neurotic rescue dog leaving his ‘mark’ on every new surprising object in his little world.
Big fancy werds is fer ee-leetists, Trumpdolytes don’t want nunna that round he-yar.
Help me out here:
Is it true that there have been anti-Trump demonstrations in American cities every day since the inauguration?
Seems that way. If true, unprecedented I’d think.
@Baud: Mostly because he’s dead.
Maybe I don’t run in the right circles, but I don’t remember hearing about people being denied lawyers in the Obama days.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
“I’m like a smart guy – okay”.
Trump is out of his element every time he opens his mouth.
Trump has a level of ignorance about American history, civics, domestic and foreign policy that dwarfs any past President and very likely any future President.
Tony Schwartz has stated he’s never read a book and I believe it.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
“Frederick Douglass is one of the best linebackers the New England Patriots have ever had. Believe me!”
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: He’s like a smart guy, but not really a smart guy. Okay.
This is ALL Black History Month is to these mofos aint it…smh. It’s Black History month but hey…let’s remember the white guys who freed them darkies…smh…Lincoln got his own day damnit
Also too..
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: 1) Ishmael as a last name. Sounds Middle Eastern (granted, Muslims would be named Ismail, but you’d have to a regular Fred Douglass to know that). (2) If he’s Trinidadian, he’s likely darker than a paper bag (whether east or west Indian), and if you haven’t figured out that’s the real test, you’re not paying attention.
One of my Facebook friends does a post every day in February of only Black Chicagoans to point out how much Black history is out there (plus, of course, she’s a Chicagoan and a big booster for the city).
Today’s was the man generally acknowledged as the founder of Chicago, Jean du Sable.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
“What I love about Fredrick Douglass most is the was he sings and dances. Just beautiful. I can tell ya, some of these people are really talented. It’s true. It’s true.”
Since this an open thread, I thought to note from the Sydney Morning Herald:
Walgett in the north-west exceeded 36 degrees each day during January and had 12 days above 40 degrees for the first time in 47 years, Weatherzone said.
as well as:
Temperatures are forecast to reach 44-45 degrees each day until at least Tuesday, which would make the first seven days of this month the town’s hottest week in 139 years of records
We have a lot on our plate, people. Trump is but one of our many problems.
ETA: spelling corrections
glory b
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Well, to be fair, he doesn’t know who the other ones are.
@Mary G: Oh thank you thank you. I needed to hear that.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Did get my big-girl clothes on and write AGAIN to Sen. Toomey, a very discouraging task, but I did re: DeVos’ utter lack of preparedness, and I will write AGAIN AGAIN re: that awful bigot Sessions. All the phones were off the hook or message bins full.
@Ruckus: You put things much better than I could, but I’ve wondered the same thing since first seeing him riding up the escalator smirking on his way to harrass a beauty pageant winner.
@raven: Very beautiful.
President Steven King. President Louis Gohmert. President Paul LePage.
Unfortunately, we aren’t even close to hitting bottom – it’s turtles all the way down.
I’m surprised Trump didn’t include Step’in Fetchit in his list of great American blacks.
@lamh36: Heh. Kristina will be glad to know she gets quoted in diverse places…
@NeenerNeener: I suspect nobody is writing them. I’m pretty sure that Lord Dampnut has a little notecard with the things he knows he needs to talk about on it, maybe one or two good metaphors, and then he just BSes the rest as he goes along.
Couldn't Stand the Weather
@Mike J:
If I were a woman, I’d be in his sallow grille too, just for being such a sack of greenish, runny shit.
Damn, I’m sleep deprived (swigs some cheap bourbon and shakes head).
I was laughing about the Trumpatoons not knowing that Douglass is dead and then remembered that neither does anyone else in my office … which is in Atlanta where all of the admin staff and half of mid-level management are black …