.@realDonaldTrump #DressLikeAWoman … is this what you had in mind? ?????? pic.twitter.com/9JvoGUpWRZ
— emma (@emmacrowell_) February 3, 2017
Authoritarians have always been obsessed with appearances (frequently with less-than-stellar results, as with Nixon’s ‘honor guard’ Secret Service uniforms). We knew that President-Asterisk Trump had him some standards, of course, but it took Politico founder Mike Allen, at his new Koch-funded ‘startup’ Axios, to drop the handkerchief:
… Trump likes the women who work for him “to dress like women,” says a source who worked on Trump’s campaign. “Even if you’re in jeans, you need to look neat and orderly.” We hear that women who worked in Trump’s campaign field offices — folks who spend more time knocking on doors than attending glitzy events — felt pressure to wear dresses to impress Trump…
The NYTimes jumped in for even-handedness, of course…
…[W]hile many of the tweets were aimed at rejecting the idea that women should be restricted to some narrow sartorial category, the “dress like a woman” phrase, co-opted as a hashtag, didn’t come directly from Mr. Trump….
It’s clear that appearances matter to the president. Mr. Trump, the former owner of the Miss Universe Organization, has come under harsh criticism for rating women’s appearances on a scale of one to 10 and for hurling insults at female critics.
As a candidate, he readily attacked when people commented on the size of his hands or on his hair….
Like presidents past, Mr. Trump will most likely have some influence over style in the West Wing. The White House does not have an official dress code, according to its Press Office, but every administration has its own norms…
Such as KellyAnne Conway’s inauguration outfit?
Regardless, the comment has been a gift to Friday-night Twitter…
#DressLikeAWoman Here's what we wear in the Arctic when we're studying the effects of climate change. pic.twitter.com/UpwqCNvXsF
— Karen Romano Young (@DoodlebugKRY) February 3, 2017
Even in Iraq I knew how to #DressLikeAWoman pic.twitter.com/satNmorBdb
— Tegan G (@teg8403) February 3, 2017
Hey @POTUS This is how I #dresslikeawoman How about you start to #actlikeapresident pic.twitter.com/PQbLhODVx8
— Lisa A. Weir (@lisaweir77) February 3, 2017
I can't #DressLikeAWoman without my scrubs. #ILookLikeASurgeon #actuallivingscientist pic.twitter.com/UBxyPd6qCy
— Amy Tan MD (@BlueHillSurgeon) February 4, 2017
I'm Chrissy, a planetary scientist, & this is how I #DressLikeAWoman. #actuallivingscientist #womeninSTEM pic.twitter.com/DmhcNfz1hK
— Christina R. (@PlanSciCRichey) February 3, 2017
I prefer color-coordinated carbon fiber when I #dresslikeawoman pic.twitter.com/YNLXklJBRh
— Jenny Scrivens (@JenScrivs) February 3, 2017
ETA: Apparently FYWP is afraid of KellyAnne Conway photos, because taking one out fixed the comment formatting problem.
Major Major Major Major
So this is the second time today I’ve run into Axios. It’s what exactly? Other than a science fiction spice cartel.
Is this post displaying all weird for anyone else? Comment box is full-screen width.
Big R
@Major Major Major Major: I thought that was called CHOAM.
Rosie the riveter apparently was an unAmerican disgrace. :)
And now for something completely different*.
Yes, there was an era when someone was paid – perhaps even rewarded with a bonus – for pitching the concept of using atomic radioactivity to hawk cold cream. It was a more innocent, naive, gullible time, the 1950s.
*Overnight thread usually more laid back and easygoing as to free range of topicality. Actually even marginally topical, as it refers to women’s make-up.
@Major Major Major Major: This is what it says when you google it:
Sounds like Buzzfeed but for people who tell themselves they’re smarter and more well-connected than those other people over there.
Major Major Major Major
@Yarrow: oh, smart brevity, well then. I say. Quite.
@Major Major Major Major: It’s what the Politico founders do now to be the gatekeepers of access journalism.
Weren’t we all supposed to be wearing silver, unisex leotards by this time anyway? This century has been one big step bacoward thus far.
How about a dress code for the men in the administration who make plenty of money but are incapable of finding well tailored clothing including the Big Moron himself?
I never cease to be amazed at the magnificence that is the American woman. And the Scottish woman, and the French woman. Hell, they all amaze me!
Major Major Major Major
@Peale: you’re not? It’s after sunset on a Friday, what are you, a farmer?
Half those men probably wearing better women’s underwear than the women are.
Adam at it again.
And yes, the site is totally screwed.
The shitgibbon is not just afraid of pantsuits, he is scared of women full stop.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
There are few things so dramatic asa four year old throwing a fit on the floor in the hall at one o’clock in the morning.
These tweets / photos are absolutely wonderful.
So, two weeks in and Dolt 45 is taking a vacation. And not at the abode where his wife and son are.
Every time I see KellyAnn in that costume I think someone needs to call Westworld and tell them a malevolent host is on the loose .
The pussy buttons are a fashion ‘faux paw.’
@NotMax: I thought Melania was flying down for the weekend?
Curious what the closest airport is to Mar-a-lago, where Hair Farce One will land. Were protestors alert to being there?
Steeplejack (tablet)
Comment formatting is fucked up and shit.
Ha! Frederick Douglass will save us all.
@Steeplejack (tablet): You always seemed to be a perceptive guy.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Yarrow: Zombie Frederick Douglas for president!
@NotMax: Not sure about the airport, but a large protest is planned for Saturday. Over 2,000 people have RSVP’d. They had to move it because of that. They were going to march across a bridge but it was deemed unsafe with that many people. I guess they can’t get that close to Mar-a-lago, but they figure he’ll see/hear about it on TV, since he watches so much of it.
In other news, even if we could get rid of Trump and his people right now, a lot of damage has been done.
I suspect this sort of loss of confidence in the US is going to affect us in a wide variety of ways. Loss of business. Loss of students wanting to come here and study. Brain drain. Less investment. Perhaps US dollar no longer world’s reserve currency. He’s destroying the country.
@Major Major Major Major: Literally the name of every evil corporation ever
Major Major Major Major
@sigaba: my favorite ‘obviously evil’ company name in fiction is Massive Dynamic from Fringe.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Steeplejack (tablet):
Must be something wrong with this post. The other threads don’t get screwy when I refresh them.
@sigaba: Weyland Yutani what?
Steeplejack (tablet)
Maybe the giant banner ad at the top of the page is screwing things up.
Oh, well, I just finished watching a good episode of Maigret with Bruno Cremer. “The Lady’s Companion.” Very well done.
@EBT: Weyland-Yutani is a little too real.
? Martin
@sigaba: My son for his hobby needs to buy from a lot of B2B places, and they always ask for the name of the company as a required field. He’s been a senior vice president of Weyland-Yutani since he was about 13. We get a ton of shit to the house addressed to Weyland-Yutani. I’m surprised Yelp or Google hasn’t labeled my house the HQ by now.
@Yarrow: I’m feeling mighty expansive…think Alain might be doing ‘shrooms?’
Beanbag chairs for everyonnne!
Villago Delenda Est
@Yarrow: Mike Allen is what passes for a “journalist” these days. The profession is on very hard times.
Steeplejack (tablet)
And the formatting has been . . . rectified
@sigaba: And damn do they make the rounds. You can find logos for them in the Blade Runner and Saint’s Row games.
If you don’t keep them in line the next thing you know they’ll be telling you what they think. It’s “gateway” behavior that can lead to critical thinking, which can lead to criticism and even willful disobedience, you know, like marijuana leading to heroin and abortions.
These morons seem absolutely hell-bent on erasing every ounce, no, every particulate of social, racial and gender progress of the last several decades.
He’s fussy about women’s clothes–and yet he’s fine wearing the sacks in his wardrobe and with that ambulatory pile of trash labeled Bannon. I’m certain that when he looks in the mirror he sees a sleek, svelte, properly dressed person.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
my almost 4 year old threw one at 5 am. damn kids.
He had the fun house mirrors from his tower of Babylon installed in the WH?
Even FYWP has it’s standards. It was just rejecting the one non human among all those fine pictures of real women.