New Tostitos bag acts as breathalyzer, will tell you if it is safe for you to drive on Super Bowl Sunday. Story >>
— KCTV5 News (@KCTV5) January 26, 2017
If you have to blow into a Tostitos bag to know if you're intoxicated, for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT DRIVE
— Lawrence Police (@LawrenceKS_PD) January 26, 2017
Stage manager looks over Lady GaGa's set list:
"What's this one, Moscow Showers?"
"Just get me the 100 dancers and 25 beds."— Schooley (@Rschooley) February 5, 2017
I’m not a sports-minded person, but it seems to me that I’ve seen a lot less Superbowl hoopla than in previous years. (Leaving aside the local tv news channels, which are kind of obligated to whoop for the home team, even though Tom Brady’s Patriots represent the ugly Masshole underbelly that us proudly-blue-state Dems prefer not to discuss in public.)
The notoriously pricy advertising still draws the desired publicity, though. From the NYTimes, “Challenge for Super Bowl Commercials…”:
… 84 Lumber, a private supplier of building materials in Pennsylvania that is advertising during the game for the first time this year, said it was forced to alter its plans for a commercial after Fox deemed its depiction of a Spanish-speaking mother and daughter confronting a border wall between the United States and Mexico, which President Trump has pledged to build, as “too controversial.”
The ad, slated to run before halftime during the network’s broadcast of the game on Sunday, will now showcase the pair on a journey, but omit the wall. Instead, the address of a website will appear on the screen, giving viewers a chance to see how their story ends.
“I still can’t even understand why it was censored,” Maggie Hardy Magerko, 84 Lumber’s president and owner, said in an interview this week. “In fact, I’m flabbergasted by that in today’s day and age. It’s not pornographic, it’s not immoral, it’s not racist.”…
Well, there’s yer problem, lady — this is Donald Trump’s America! (/snark)
… “We review spots to ensure they do not violate our advertising policies,” a league spokesman, Brian McCarthy, said in an email. “The ad that will air does not violate our policies.” He did not say if the N.F.L. had asked for 84 Lumber’s original commercial to be altered…
But with political tension in the country running high since the election of Mr. Trump, keeping politics completely away from the broadcast is a difficult task.
Budweiser, for instance, has gained notice it wasn’t anticipating for its Super Bowl ad. The commercial, which was released online this week and has passed two million views on YouTube, recounts how the brewery’s co-founder immigrated to the United States from Germany in the 1800s and notes the discrimination he overcame. Budweiser has emphasized that it is not responding to Mr. Trump’s immigration crackdown last weekend…
… It has become a marketing strategy of sorts over the years to intentionally create a Super Bowl ad that will never make it to air, then capitalize on online traffic. But Ms. Magerko said that was not 84 Lumber’s plan, noting that the company is still showing the edited 90-second spot that Fox has approved…
As for immigration and the wall, “We didn’t know this was going to be the hot topic six weeks ago,” Ms. Magerko said. “We knew it was a topic. We didn’t know it was the topic.”
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
SNL takes close look at Trump’s lapel pin (photo)
Isn’t buds as murkan as the pie? Will wingutz buy them and pour them in their sinks?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Well, it is a flag lapel pin, unlike that commie Obummer.
@amk: As long as they buy the beer, Budweiser doesn’t care. Anyway you end up pissing it out almost immediately.
It’s 3 am. Is twitler up and about? 9th circuit court is calling him.
Rise Up!
The Atlanta Falcons will be underdogs in Sunday’s Super Bowl LI against the New England Patriots, but one bettor is putting over $1 million worth of faith in the NFC champions.
According to’s David Purdum, CG Technology took the bet Friday on the Falcons to cover the three-point spread.
The anonymous bettor is risking $1.1 million to win $1 million.
While the Falcons are tasked with facing a New England team that has won four Super Bowls, recent history suggests Atlanta may be the smart play.
According to OddsShark, in the past 15 Super Bowls, 12 underdogs have covered, including last year.
@raven: I think they make a blue pill for that.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
time to throw the pinko Budweiser out and start buying a real American beer like Corona.
out of
curiositystupidity, took a peek.MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
da dear leader of the free world. jeebus wept.
The Thin Black Duke
Because Belichick, Kraft and Brady are big Trump supporters, I don’t want the Patriots to win the Super Bowl, because otherwise it’s guaranteed we’re going to see Trump in the locker room trying to take part in a celebration he doesn’t deserve and embarrassing the players, God help us.
Do I detect a note of disingenuousness?
Melissa McCarthy steals the show as Sean Spicer on Saturday Night Live
Too fucking funny. Almost enough to make me want to watch the real thing.
@OzarkHillbilly: with a floral aroma of patriotism
If I may make a request, could you frontpagers not put The Knowledge above the fold, this next week in BJ. Us Knowledge Runners – see for info – would appreciate greatly.
Thanks muchly.
Wow, it’s almost like everything everyone was saying is true:
You’re not accounting for the alternative facts, sir.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
It was hilarious ????
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Betty Cracker
Let’s go, Falcons!
The NFL acknowledging that historically-disadvantaged sports fans need their safe spaces
Melissa McCarthy was funnier than Alec Baldwin. I bet Sean Spicer is stewing like Lil Hands. Has Lil Hands twittered yet?
America under attack! Commercial was long planned, well crafted.
RobertDSC-iPhone 6
I just want the Pats to win. I hate that Shitbag 45 is associated with my team.
JPL He’s waiting until game time. Those little fingers can only do so much typing.
Not Super Bowl related – Chuck Todd just said on the Today Show he’s seen the West Wing “get its act together this week”. PIVOT!!!! PRESIDENTIAL!!!! DRINK!!!!!
@RobertDSC-iPhone 6: Arthur Blank is a big supporter of Trump too.
@RobertDSC-iPhone 6:
Then blame your owner, coach and quarterback for making it that way. They are scum.
So I met yesterday with a woman who went to the woman’s march. She wants to meet up w/others. We set it for March 4th at my house. I think I know (of) at least 25 or so I can invite. Hopefully they’ll bring new people.
@The Thin Black Duke: That would be a warm up for Trump, practice for greeting the troops and hogging the camera, after the first miltary mission which he orders.that.succeeds despite him.
OMG Melissa McCarthy nailed it perfectly. Instant classic SNL bit. It should become a regular bit a la Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin.
I’ve now become undefined (#26). I just responded to Toad’s Tweet about “WW getting act together” with “I’m seeing NBC get its marching orders together”.
@Kay: Do you have enough Baud! 2020! buttons?
@Kathleen: Not Super Bowl related – Chuck Todd just said on the Today Show he’s seen the West Wing “get its act together this week”
Is he devoting today’s show to uncovering the media blackout of the Bowling Green Massacre? After all, KellyAnne is a good person who would never lie to us.
@Kathleen: He was up too late watching Josiah Bartlet.
To the True Trump wannabe, this is a definite positive aspect.
@SenyorDave: It was just one cute little word!
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Excellent. I’ve seen so much local organizing happening on the heels of the women’s march and local pro-immigrant marches. It’s a great thing. Yesterday, a local GOP congressman’s town hall was swamped by pro-ACA constituents. Similar events are planned throughout the area.
Good morning guys. Don’t know about you all, but three weeks in and I’m already exhausted.
Betty Cracker
@Kathleen: Perfect response. Well done!
@Betty Cracker: I joined the local group here and they’re talking about how the local Teabagger rep is hiding from her constituents, but to go to her local offices to protest anyway.
Can someone explain to me why Curt Warner merits the HoF?
Ideal answer.
I don’t remember hearing about Fox having power to approve or disapprove Super Bowl ads, but if this is so, the NFL needs to break that contract.
Fair Economist
A point about the Budweiser ad: it’s not a response to Trump, because it was made some time ago. It’s just talking about the reality of Budweiser’s founding.
It’s reality which is criticizing Trump.
That’s who that was! It was definitely funny.
@RobertDSC-iPhone 6: I come from a long line of New Englanders so I grew up rooting for the Patriots but my intense hatred of their brainless bigotted quarterback prevents me from rooting for the Patriots.
So I suggest to anyone feeling ambivilance over Tom Brady’s horrible politics to take Josh Gondelman’s brilliant idea to deal with any guilt over rooting for the Patriots: “Because of Tom Brady’s garbage politics, I’m donating $100 for every Patriots TD and $50 for every FG to the @NAACP_LDF. #AGoodGame”
I don’t think I am going to watch, at least not most of it. Going ice skating, maybe see the movie about James Baldwin, which has gotten rave reviews.
randy khan
The network always has the right to approve or disapprove ads. In the case of the Superbowl, it’s mostly been used to censor ads that the network thinks are too racy (Go Daddy having been the biggest offender), but networks say no to ads for lots of reasons all the time.
? Martin
So, I’m rooting for the Patriots because of my mom. Normally, I’d be rooting for not watching the Super Bowl, but you know, moms win.
In a meeting on Friday a few people mentioned the Super Bowl as a distraction to the background horror in our lives. Being academics in SoCal, nobody actually had a vested interest in either team, but the consensus was to root for the Patriots because New England liberals needed something positive more than Georgian conservatives did. Seemed as good a rationale as any to me. Despite NE principals favorable attitude toward Trump, don’t be fooled into thinking that the rest of the NFL owners/moneyed interests feel any differently. After all, Trump aspired to be one of them.
@? Martin: And he never tried, even when he had the opportunity in the late ’80s to buy the Patriots. He knew his finances could never stand the scrutiny the NFL gives prospective owners.
Dog Mom
I woke up wishing there was a Taco Truck on my corner. I still have hope – Hmm – what can I do today to make that happen?
Betty Cracker
@Anya: I get the impression Brady is just dumb as a lead-painted snail off the field, not actively malicious.
And yet, an executive from Fox Sports noted in a radio interview that they will inject a lot of America! patriotic stuff to surround what is just a freakin’ football game.
However, the end of the Fox Pre Game show will close with a video montage over a cool Johnny Cash song, “Ragged Old Flag.” It can be taken as a straight up patriotic anthem, but it is worth noting that Cash wrote in at hot moment of inspiration in 1974 in part as a reaction to Watergate and Nixon’s pissing on the Constitution. There’s a lesson there for Trump, perhaps.
Didn’t realize that SNL was a new episode. Loved the Spicer bit, even though it went on a little too long.
The Daily Show clip on the Guardian site, featuring Trump as an African president was spot on. Amazing how African authoritarians and Trump use the same language.
The Republican Congressional leadership apparently high tailed it to South Florida, to appear at a fund raiser for big donors. They can’t even pretend to care about the people. I would have loved an SNL skit showing this as a political beauty contest, with a Koch or a Mercer grabbing Paul Ryan’s pvssy.
Eric S.
@geg6: seeing as today will be the first football game I “watch” this season I’m far from qualified to give you a reasonable football answer. However, I have heard it said multiple times that the football HoF is much more of a big tent than say the baseball HoF.
@geg6: Sure:
@randy khan:
Then it must be Fox. Do you think the other networks use the same standard?
@Fair Economist: Trump supporters’ boycott of reality will outlive the Bud one.
Unrelated: I see T’s twitter photo is now Melanie smiling next to him. Never occurred to them to put her there before.
@randy khan: There’s a great furor in Canada aver Superbowl ads. they seem to have entirely eclipsed the mere football game as bright shiney. Senators are getting involved — the NFL seems to be waving about its ties to Trump and US-Canada trade wars. Canada regulator and NFL rowing over US Super Bowl ads
Arthur Blank, the owner of the Falcons, supported Trump. I suggest that sports fans just watch the game.
Gin & Tonic
@Dog Mom: There’s a lot of taco trucks right off Exit 46 of I-95 in New Haven. Right by the water, too, so you can sit and enjoy the view. Great spot, but I don’t know if it’s close enough for you. Maybe you can go there and convince one of them to move and park on your corner.
@SenyorDave: We should have started betting pool on BJ on how long it would take Quisling Todd to revert to his normal caping for Rethugs habitat.
@Aleta: I’m sure Toad thinks Bartlett is Rethuglican.
@Betty Cracker:
There will probably be a transcript later, but this town hall didn’t go so well for the Republican Congressman who held it.
@Betty Cracker: Thank you! I try.
Gin & Tonic
@scav: I once watched the Superbowl while in a bar in Eastern Europe. A) it was really fucking late and B) it was on Sky, I think, so no US commercials. Kind of oddly unsatisfying.
Like every year, I just watch for the ads.
@Aleta: Thank you.
@Barbara: I want to see that, too. I don’t think it’s here in Cincinnati yet.
Betty Cracker
@JPL: My guess is a millionaire-stuffed organization like the NFL is lousy w/ Republicans. But the Patriots are unique in that their owner, coach and QB are all fawning Trump fanboys. It’s not outrageous to associate their team w/ Trump.
I don’t like that he (or anyone else) is supporting Trump either; but I just looked at it as a product of not thinking about politics too deeply and a long career of blows to the head, not bigotry. Unless you have some heinous quote of his that I have not encountered, please share if so.
ETA: @Betty Cracker:
I don’t follow the sports too closely, but the last thing I heard out of Brady is that he doesn’t really want to talk about it.
@Betty Cracker: Brady skipped visit to the White House after the Patriots beat the Seahawks. I agree he’s a dumb dumb but I think he’s also a rightwing nut job.
I’m still hoping the visit to England will be canceled. I seem to be in good company:
In my past career as a sportswriter, I covered a number of Super Bowls. Here’s the weird thing. The one way to not see any Super Bowl commercials is to actually be at the Super Bowl. The stadium video board show highlights and stats and Super Bowl history items during the breaks and the press area monitors show just game stats.
@Gin & Tonic: NFL et al are suing the Canadian government to overturn an independent regulators decision that Canadian viewers should see the American ads. How’s that for a little unexpected twist?
@Betty Cracker:
Bellachik’s devotion to dishonesty makes him Trump’s kindred spirit.
@Kropadope: Anyone who supports Trump is a bigot, specially if they’re not financially disadvantaged and easily manipulated with protectionist talking points. No decent human being befriends Trump and rejects Obama. Brady even refused to go to the WH and then lied about the reason when it became a thing. And let’s not forget him making deliberate political point by showing Trump’s hat in his locker. He’s a scumbag.
@geg6: I can’t find the article now, but he also is on all the lists for a # of other playoff stats, usually top 10, more than a few top 5.
Tom Brady is without a doubt one of the best, if not the best, quarterbacks in NFL history, But his best post-season passer rating came in 2004 at 109.4. Warner was better than that twice: 2008- 112.2, 2009- 129.1.**
I can understand people saying his total stats don’t quite measure up, but when it comes to the post season, his are the standards by which others hope to measure up.
That is why he is in.
**all stats via ESPN
lol chikinburd
So we know the White House is out Reichstag-fire-shopping. So it’s Super Bowl Sunday.
@Betty Cracker:
I’ve done it before- I ran a women’s political group from 2002 to 2006 which is why they asked me, but I want to step back on this one and see what they do with it. I’m happy to host- I have a house “in town”- central location- and I enjoy hosting but I feel like Trump is a chance for us to look at new approaches. Listening to them my sense was their number one priority is connecting with like-minded others not just locally but other groups. I get that, I really do. They were really encouraged by how BIG the women’s march was, how widespread.
I don’t care for either team in the Super Bowl today, i just want someone to crush Tom Brady’s dreams.
i was gonna at least make the effort to watch Gaga and the half time show, but after seeing her pre-game press conference about it i’m inclined to think it’s gonna be boring as hell.
I wanted Gaga to make the usual jackasses outraged. i like Gaga but if she ain’t planning on doing up a big show with a bunch of drag kings and queens singing and wailing to Born This Way…then i’ll find something better to do with my time…read a book maybe?
? Martin
@debbie: Yeah, you’re going to see a lot of that out here. When I saw his name on the schedule of town hall meetings that I’m monitoring, I suspected that’s how it would go. If my GOP rep ever shows up for one, we’ve got a fucking army waiting for her. She’s got a large Persian community in her district and a lot of other muslims, not to mention a sizable Russian/Ukrainian community who have seen this play once before.
@scav: Hoping the canadian judges will kick their teeth and their nads in.
I didn’t realize this had opened yet. I see it is playing in 3 theaters in the Los Angeles area, including the ArcLight Hollywood and the Baldwin in the Crenshaw area. Hmmm. Might check it out.
So far, the best films I’ve seen this year (in order) are:
Hidden Figures
Manchester By the Sea
In a just universe, Moonlight would win Best Picture, but it’s modest box office probably makes that impossible. Failing that, I would love for Hidden Figures to pull an upset over favored movie La La Land. And it’ s not that I hate the musical. I’m not a big musical person, but was won over by it, but I think it is at best charming.
On upcoming movies, I think that the live action version of Beauty and the Beast will make a gazillion bucks. The final trailer is charming, and Emma Watson is cute as a button. Why buttons are considered cute, I have no idea.
I’d throw in something about the Super Bowl, but I may actually skip the game. Don’t have a favorite team, am tired of the bloated Super Bowl commercials, and am not that interested in the half time show.
Betty Cracker
@lamh36: I’m hoping Gaga was trying to lull the network into a false sense of security. ?
@Brachiator: my sis is excited about Beauty and the Beast, i’m more meh i guess.
but i am excited by John Wick 2 coming out. i normally hate going to screenings but i’ve got passes to JW2 and i’m gonna def be there. if i like it enough i may actually pay to give it some box office money too
@Betty Cracker: Yeah maybe she’ll have a surprise or two? but it’s still not enough to get me to watch in real time
Must be cool to have an inner circle. I think this must be several steps up from having a mere entourage, or “a bunch of mooks which hang out with ya.”
Love the pushback on Trump. Good on ya, Prince Harry.
Iowa Old Lady
I’m supposed to go to a demonstration against the Muslim Ban this afternoon outside the office of my House member, Rod Blum (Freedom Caucus). I see there’s a counter-demonstration planned by the Patriots for Christ. That should be fun.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
On non-football-note: mr. h and I did go to the Jeffco reorg meeting yesterday. He’s a PCP (precinct committee person), so he got a vote and I got to spectate. He ended up being elected to the state Central Committee. Overall, a very positive experience; quite a few nonvoting people attended. Ed Perlmutter, representative from CD-7 attended, gave a good speech and got a rousing chorus of “Run, Ed, Run!” (I think he may be considering running for Gov. Hick’s seat in 2018). Lots more talk about making sure we challenge in every single seat from county commissioner, school board on up, and planning now for 2018. I want to get involved in that work. I was pleased to see a lot of younger folks and first-timers.
The protect our Muslim neighbors march was very well attended (a friend went). Over 10,000 people, much bigger than expected.
Next Saturday is a Colorado Stands with Planned Parenthood rally, which I will be at. mr. h is already making plans to attend the Science March in April (I’ll be out of town).
So that was my Saturday. Today I plan to watch the Kitten Bowl, eat junk food and cheer for not-the-Patriots.
@Brachiator: I consider all of you my inner circle.
@debbie: I think the visit will go as planned. May doesn’t seem to be politically savvy but in this case she’s between a rock and a hard place. After the Brixit vote, U.K. needs the US to maintain some semblance of political influence in the world. Also, how can you rescind an invitation to the president of the United States? It’s just not done. I am guessing they won’t accept all of Trump’s demands but there’s going to be a state visit.
@Anya: I’m looking forward to seeing the Queen’s face when she is forced to stand next to Trump.
randy khan
They all have their own rules. They’re pretty close to each other on stuff related to sex; other things vary from network to network. The networks standards and practices people all are pretty squeamish about anything they think might offend a significant chunk of their viewers, though, and they have a pretty broad idea of what such things might be.
If they have to meet him, then I hope there are speeches with pointed barbs.
I am not a big fan, but I watched the trailer and a few reaction trailers. People who were fans of the original animated film, and who like Disney movies, etc. were just knocked out. And there are a lot of folk who just love them some Emma Watson. Just love her. Advance ticket sales have been tremendous.
I admit that I was hugely amused by a bit of humor, Lee Evans as Gaston saying “You are the most gorgeous creature I have ever seen as Belle walks nearby.” He is looking into a mirror and referring to himself.
John Wick is on my must see list as well, but I fear that they have revealed too much in the trailers.
I highly recommend the original for anyone who has not seen it, who might like an offbeat action movie. John Wick is a man on a mission. I loved the absurdity of it. And yeah, Keanu Reeves is good in it. Does quite a bit of his own stunts, and pulls it off well (I’m told he studies martial arts).
Never cared about (or watched) the steroid bowl, never shall. Didn’t even know when it was scheduled until this post.
The only thing super about it is that it marks the end of football, at least for half a year.
Has Dolt 45 barfed up a tweet about the “so-called prince” yet?
@? Martin:
Excluding the Rooneys, please. They supported both Obama and Clinton.
randy khan
This decision was made almost a year ago (I remember reading it at the time it happened), so it’s interesting that it’s still considered an open issue.
Getting the roux going for the gumbo (one poultry one vegetarian), then I have to grind all the raw turkey meat and stuff it back in the skin to make my turkey football. I’m going to lay parchment paper in the shape of laces and hope they show when it comes out of the oven.
@Iowa Old Lady: Carry a sign that says Matthew 25:31-46. If it doesn’t embarrass them into silence, you can just tell them they are not true followers of Jesus.
@NotMax: The internet people are saying that it’s the first time, he hasn’t tweeted before nine, all week.
Ha! Excellent.
Especially with Trump grabbing the Queen’s purse.
@raven: Take a picture! Yesterday the local publix was packed with folks getting ready for the big game. Both my sons work for local corporations, that celebrated on Friday.
Did you see this?
@Baud: Even me?
And Kate’s ass.
I was just thinking about the woman who came to the hospital I work at months ago and for some reason decided she had to complain about Obama costing tax payers 40 MILLION DOLLARS! over the course of almost 8 years in office for secret service protection on vacations. I wonder how she feels about Melania at Trump Tower? My guess is she suddenly doesn’t care.
@OzarkHillbilly: If Juicers were my apostles, you would be my Judas.
@Hal: She may not know due to where she gets her news from. But even if she did know, you are correct that she wouldn’t care.
Inner pentagram.
Pretty sure they’d rescind an invite to Hitler.
Senator Richard Burr statement on who should be making decisions on education policy:
Senator Richard Burr on Education Secretary nominee with zero education experience in eduacation Betsy DeVos :
@Betty Cracker:
Since Janet Jackson, the NFL has taken control over the half time show. There is a separate truck and a separate production unit not associated with the network, which hands over control for half time.
Mark B
I think Budweiser is bad beer, but I’ll be buying a six pack of it for tonight.
@JPL: Will do! Cool site.I went an unmentionable store at 6am and they had NOTHING Falcon related left. Kroger had the balloons so I got a couple.
@Baud: Not without my 30 pieces of silver.
Sounds great Kay
@Mark B: That’s not beer, it’s more like sex on the beach.
@Baud: I am looking forward to it too. I am sure he’ll say or do something inappropriate and she’ll scold him on the spot as she did to Berlusconi.
He’s such an embarrassment. During the campaign, he kept talking about how the world was laughing at us because of Obama’s supposed lack of leadership. Well, the whole world is really laughing at us now.
Iowa Old Lady
@raven: You went shopping for Falcon underwear at 6am?
Check out the Audi ad for the Super Bowl- equal pay for equal work. OK then.
@Anya: As they say, it’s all projection with Republicans.
Yes, them hiding out seems to be a tactic. Tweet your local press people and ask them if they can get an answer as to why the Congressman is hiding from their constituents .
If you are lucky, the local media will do a story on it
Corner Stone
@Iowa Old Lady: I am terrified at what the balloons are supposed to be trying to cover.
I dunno
@Mark B
Not even suitable for making halfway decent beer bread. Anheuser-Busch owns plenty of other labels, go for one of those if you must.
I, and Peanut, can’t wait for the live action Beauty and the Beast.
Found on twitter, the difference between T and Pres. Obama when greeting the Doles
State visit with protests against Dolt45 everywhere he goes.????
Another Scott
@Betty Cracker: Meh. I’ll be that guy.
Just so you know where I stand, I live in the DC area (home of the noxious DC NFL franchise, their noxious owner, and their really obnoxious fans).
I haven’t cared for football of any sort since the days of Jim McMahon, Refrigerator Perry, and Sweetness. And even then, I cringed.
It’s clear where Kraft stands. Like you say, he’s a really rich old white guy and it’s not surprising that he supported Trump.
I’ve seen almost nothing about Belechick’s political views and haven’t cared enough to look. I don’t trust any of the reporting about him because too much of the press (and the NFL) has wanted to make him into some cheating, evil soap opera character. I don’t know the man, of course, but there never seems to be any real substance there (look at Deflategate).
Brady might not have liked Obama (not showing up at the Superbowl party at the Whitehouse) – maybe. But he’s seemed to me to answer the barest minimum about his interactions with Trump (if any). He’s seemed to me to genuinely want to stay out of it.
Of course, people pick their teams for lot and lots of reasons. Michael Che said last night that the game today was (roughly) “between the blackest city and the most racist city in America”. Maybe that’s true, I dunno.
Belechick is a great coach. Brady is a great quarterback, and the Patriots seem to find ways to win when they’re injured via the whole team pulling together (as opposed to teams that take joy in crushing the bodies and brains of their opponents).
It should be a “good game”. It would be good for Atlanta to have a winner again. It would be good for Boston to see Brady win again – he’s an amazing talent. It might be a good game, but the SB usually seems to be a disappointment.
I almost never watch American football anymore. It’s too dependent on whether the refs see a foul and too often turns on a bad call. It’s too dangerous. It glorifies violence for the sake of violence. It destroys players brains (look at McMahon now). It caters to drunks and gamblers and fools. It rips off the taxpayer and the local economy in too many cases (spending billions on a stadium that might be used a dozen times a year) for the benefit of a monopoly.
It’s not for me.
Enjoy!! ;-)
The other thing about this trip will be The Shade
Can’t nobody shade like the British.
@OzarkHillbilly: They will have to open their bibles and read that set of verses for the first time. Heads explode like in Scanners.
Oh dear about Harry and co — apparently being with the flash elements of pomp and glory is allreally little Donny wants out of a UK visit. Drag the Queen around Balmoral golfing, trot out the Horse Guard, that sort of thing. Charles is looking iffy because of the climate change, so things really not looking good for Kate. Wonder if he assumes he now gets back of stage privileges as these events too?
US president ‘doesn’t care about making a speech’ on UK state visit
I’ll be watching and rewatching Garfunkel and Oates’ “Go Sports Go” song on Youtube.
? Martin
@rikyrah: I don’t know. We have a congresswoman out here in LA that’s pretty good at it…
@OzarkHillbilly: Shorter Jesus: Trumpsters are goats.
@Aleta: Gee the difference between someone who does not care about other people and someone who does care about other people.
@Baud: Awfully hard on goats.
@Betty Cracker: Oddly enough, owner Bob Kraft’s late wife Myra was a big-time Democrat.
Iowa Old Lady
@scav: I know that doing PR stuff is part of the deal for the royals, but if I were Kate, I’d have trouble making myself go near Trump.
@Iowa Old Lady: Any normal person should have trouble going anywhere near trump.
Thought to look up Dolt 45’s nominee for ambassador to the U.K., Jets owner and gazillionaire Woody Johnson.
@hedgehog the occasional commenter: thank you for the local update! I was going to attend but had to go visit my dad (just kill me, a Trumpster). As of this instant, we haven’t killed each other. I’m counting down the minutes until Tuesday at 10 am…I’ll be at both the PP march and the Science March.
Yes, but it’s nervous laughter to hide the terror.
Steeplejack (phone)
I had a beer from Devils Backbone, one of their “craft partnerships,” somewhere recently. It was pretty good.
ETA: Vienna Lager.
Classic cartoon needs a new caption.
“You elected who?”
@Iowa Old Lady:
Fortunately, she’s got bodyguards.
And William would kick Trump’s ass if he tried anything.
Bier mit schlag?
randy khan
IIRC, one of the Rooneys was an ambassador under Obama.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@Martha: (waves)
@Another Scott:
I know. That’s why I prefer the Olympic games. The absolute model of honesty, fiscal responsibility, and good sportsmanship.
Another Scott
@Brachiator: You’re a better man than me. I don’t watch those anymore either. ;-)
(Don’t get me started on gymnastic, skating, diving, etc., scoring…)
@rikyrah: Royal Shade at that!
@Another Scott:
I have a soft spot for the Olympics. I got to attend a good chunk of the 1984 games with family and friends.
@Another Scott: During the regular season, before the election, Brady stuck a MAGA hat in his locker. “It would be great if Trump won.” Some folks don’t want to let him off the hook.
i went to, watched all 1:30 but didn’t see the part where they reach the wall ??? Help !!! Anyone got a clicky thing ?
Another Scott
@Brachiator: I like the principle of the games, but (as you indicated) it’s run by a bunch of corrupt grifters. It bankrupts countries that can’t afford the investment. They should pick a permanent site or two (maybe Greece for the summer, and Switzerland or some Noridic country for the winter) and be done with it. These “competitions to host the next Olympic games” are a dangerous scam.
Another Scott
@RobertB: OMG! A hat!!1 Burn him!!1
Another Scott
@dopey-o: It’s just Part 1, so far.
So its more than a bit fucked up that something which seems to be essentially an updated retelling of the myth of America’s origins is “too controversial”.
@scav: It seems like asking not to see Charles in favor of Will and Kate is just unspeakably rude. They ought to just send the Queen or Will alone, giving Trump no photo ops with Kate and no chance to size her up.
RobertDSC-iPhone 6
Belichick sent Shitbag a letter during the campaign. Shitbag promptly boasted about it on the campaign trail.
As to the contents of the letter, Belichick wouldn’t say. I don’t believe a word of what Shitbag said about the contents of the letter.
Go Pats. Fuck Shitbag 45.
Fester Addams
And then there’s the Tour de France — a hard-fought contest between competing teams of pharmacists.
Just mixed up some labne, vinegar and blue cheese. Spouse pre-cooked the wings and Franks’ them up. Guacamole is up next for some nachos and hoping for a good game with teams we care nothing about and know Gaga will rock the house!
But fisrt, I’ve got a date to see the Art Street installation at 2:00. It’s a follow on from last year when an old SRO hotel was set for demolition to make way for the new sportsball palace. The City opened up the hotel to local artists with each room uniquely done up with some really challenging contemporary art.
The place was a mob scene and undeniable opportunity for public social Intercourse.
Fingers crossed for a swell day.
@Another Scott: I’d burn him just for what he’s done to the Steelers.
J R in WV
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
If that middle stripe is blue, and it looks it to me, that is the flag of the Russian Federation! So who IS the President of the Russian Federation? Donald J Trump or Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putinski???
Is this guy confused as to the flag of the nation he swore to defend? Oh, wait, Trump, of course he’s confused, he’s confused about everything!
It is especially rude of SCROTUS and his people to have made the “no Charles” request public. Should have been handled very quietly in the early schedule planning. They are all just so ham-handed about everything.