— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 9, 2017
His twitter feed is a thing of beauty. If he’s reading it, his head must be about to explode. Some of my favorites:
.@realDonaldTrump "I'll see you in court!" = "and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling judges!"
— Matt Bauman (@mattbaumanNYC) February 9, 2017
— Sean Swaby (@seanswaby) February 9, 2017
better luck next time girl. @realDonaldTrump
— MAX IM A KOOPA (@meakoopa) February 10, 2017
Also, I cribbed this from someone last night and I think I’m going to have it made into a t-shirt or better yet, frame it:
“Nevertheless, she persisted.” Please let this also be my life’s legacy.
Keith P.
(repost from below)
I love this from the ruling – reads to me that the Judges have no faith in the President words as he may redefine what he says whenever it suits
Corner Stone
From downstairs – obligatory.
(Can never have enough greenish energy blobs on the bench.)
He’ll keep trying this stuff to see how much he can get away with.
The unit of China’s State Security Bureau assigned to monitor Trump’s tweets must be getting high on that top fuel dragster liquid they call liquor and laughing their asses off right now.
May I interrupt to ask a question of the legal beagles here? I tried to apply for a BP gas card and they issued a BP VISA card, at 27% interest (gee, thanks!). I’m filing a fraud complaint with my state’s excellent attorney general. My question is, how do I prove I did my best to cancel the card? Send BP a certified letter and copy all the credit bureaus? If there is a better way I would be grateful to hear of it.
Thank you. We now return you to your scheduled programming–all Trump, all the time. (And boy will I be glad when he leaves office! I want the pets, recipes, and Cole-accident stories to return to their former prominence.)
He’s gone all-caps. How long until he discovers emoji?
@JMG: I figure much of the Chinese power structure has been giving each other significant looks and stifling giggles since election night. At least someone should have a good time with this.
Repeated from down below:
Mary G
Our genius overlord President Bannon might not be as smart as he thinks he is:
The Thin Black Duke
Donnie’s milkshake just got drunk.
@dmsilev: ⏰?⏱⏲ The clock’s ticking!
This phone came with every smilie you can imagine, and some you probably couldn’t–except a barfie. With things rapidly heading downward in a handbasket, a barfie would come in handy. Does anyone know where to find, and how to install, a barfie?
I thought “ban” was the media’s word.
Also file with the BBB.
The Christopher Plummer one makes me swoon every time.
Pretty soon companies are going to be lining up to oppose Trump.
zhena gogolia
Finally one institution works the way it’s supposed to. Let’s keep it going.
@Mary G: Didn’t Curt Shilling do the same thing?
@Yarrow: Heh.
Villago Delenda Est
Fuck him, fuck his base.
@SiubhanDuinne: Never mind Mom, I’M telling the state AG!
All I wanted was a simple gas card so I don’t have to stand in line twice when it’s cold. I cannot understand why a CEO would think it worthwhile to pull a scam over such a small thing. I’ll never spend another fucking dime at BP.
I don’t understand modern business plans.
Villago Delenda Est
@Baud: Schilling thought he could go from one successful stand alone game to an MMO as the next offering. Totally different kettles of fish, require different developer skillsets. He’s a moran, in short.
@debbie: Thank you!
Everybody boycott BP, Donald Trump’s favorite oil company!
Major Major Major Major
Does Donald Trump know what a judge is?
@skerry: why are you quoting her? That’s history’s greatest monster!
@Major Major Major Major: A so-called judge.
Listening to Tweetie. What an A*hole. He continues to rant that the judges can’t predict the future so we have to trust the President. Well, why is the President any more capable of predicting the future. Under the claim of ‘national security’ you can justify anything esp. if you don’t have to produce any evidence.
zhena gogolia
Is that from Sound of Music?
@Baud: Baud 2020 says: Ban ban!
(Another gripe of mine–Proctor and Gamble dumped Ban gel in favor of that chalky white stuff that is virtually impossible to wash off. Had to switch to Secret or Old Spice. Grumble.)
Might as well cc your MoC, both of your Senators, whatever state reps/sens you have, and Senator Professor Elizabeth Warren for shits and giggles.
@D58826: Man, I didn’t realize he was that bad. Terrible.
Wait, what? I’m so fucking happy right now I can’t ingest it. This is like Obergfell.
Wonder how much furniture and how many mirrors he’s destroyed in the last hour or so.
@zhena gogolia: Yep. When they come back from their honeymoon and find the flags on their house.
@Pogonip: The world is going downhill.
Mike J
@Pogonip: ? is as close to vomiting as we have now. It may be included later this year.
Roger Moore
Not exactly. He blew his money trying to create a competitor for WoW.
Corner Stone
Tweety has never pissed his pants as hard as he is during this kerfuffle. He is legit scared to death that the court’s ruling hurts the country and that a “weakened” president is not good for anyone.
@SiubhanDuinne: You think deodorant’s worth all that postage?
Nevertheless, she persisted…
I am so glad to have some good news… Bummed big time that DeVos went through with more of a fight than Sessions did. UGH.
Favorite bit so far from this ruling (thanks dmsilev)
@Corner Stone: I didn’t watch him regularly, but was he ever that deferential to Obama?
Serious question. I would love to boycott BP, but don’t honestly know who would be better. Is there a not-totally-evil national brand that I could use with a minimum sense of guilt? (FWIW, I’ve done my best to boycott Exxon since the ExxonValdez spill back in the late 1980s or whenever it was — but I’m running out of places to boycott.
@Corner Stone: I’m sure he’s longing for the thrill up his leg days of Obama. What was it with W? Manly man or something?
@TS: Some one needs to translate the decision into simple street English. I guess the part you quoted would be ‘WTF cares what you say about anything, Trump sez goofy shit every other minute, and who knows what the hell he thinks he’s doing/”
@Mike J: There used to be a widely available green barfie with puffed-out cheeks, but I haven’t seen it in a long time.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@SiubhanDuinne: Buy a Chevy Bolt !
Does he think the decision came down from the sky fairies or something?
Corner Stone
@Baud: No, he has a real and provable Daddy Republican streak running all the way through him.
@Corner Stone: Tweety is an authoritarian at heart or perhaps more accurately a daddies boy since he doesn’t seem quite as bad as many full on authoritarian followers are. He really want’s an elected dictator which is all well and dandy until said dictator decides elections as a whole are passe.
@SiubhanDuinne: No, all large companies are evil these days. But boycott BP, Donald Trump’s favorite brand, first.
I’ll boycott them for the Gulf of Mexico debacle and they what they’ve behaved towards the people whose lives they destroyed, but I think his favorite oil company is Exxon, after all he gave over our foreign policy to them.
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: @Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: I ride trains myself.
@Lyrebird: I guess that part is ‘Hey, might be a good idea to try to explain to your nuts boss that he can’t have some flunky scribble down ‘national security’ on some scrap paper and do whatever the fuck he wants.’
? Martin
The states are going to subpoena Giuliani given that the order states that intent was considered in their decision. One thing the courts understand that Trump appears not to, and what much of the public appears not to, is that a visa is granted. The government makes a decision whether to issue a visa or not, so if you have a visa, that means that the US State Department has gone through a vetting process of one sort or another. So Trump is really arguing that the government’s own review process for these people was deficient, while providing no evidence how it was.
And the ruling calls out Trumps motives pretty hard:
“The States argue that the Executive Order violates the Establishment and Equal Protection Clauses because it was intended to disfavor Muslims. In support of this argument, the States have offered evidence of numerous statements by the President about his intent to implement a “Muslim ban” as well as evidence they claim suggests that the Executive Order was intended to be that ban, including sections 5(b) and 5(e) of the Order. It is well established that evidence of purpose beyond the face of the challenged law may be considered in evaluating Establishment and Equal Protection Clause claims.”
Not it doesn’t say those were his motives, but it opens the door to that argument. 5(b) and 5(e) state:
Because these are all Muslim-majority countries, everyone who isn’t Muslim is by definition a religious minority. It is clearly constructed to be a Muslim ban.
I’m soon enough going to boycott them all.
I’m pitching the car and moving to where I can walk.
@Dave: OK, I’ll bite. Who is Tweety?
Chris Matthews, MSNBC.
@Corner Stone:
Honestly, it’s been a real eye opener to see what utter cowards most white men are. And Tweety is a perfect example.
He’s a tiresome, annoying dope. Only on rare occasion does he have anything of value to say.
@hovercraft: Exxon’s his 2nd favorite, after Vladimir Putin recommended BP.
@Pogonip: Chris Matthews on MSNBC.
Will make you pee your pants laughing – Donald Trump: a man so obnoxious that karma may see him reincarnated as himself
(apologies if this was linked to yesterday or earlier today – I just saw it)
@Pogonip: Chris Mathews see discussion about how excited he gets about manly presidents and bent he gets when the president is checked. He’s honestly not the worst of the type.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Aleta: Yup…
I’d reckon this fight is far from over…
And Lord, am I hoping there’s not a bad terrorist attack in the immediate future he can tie to this… no matter what its genesis…
Just sayin’…
IANAL but tRumpists claiming (according to above from the 9th) that tRump EO > Marbury v Madison, as well as the succeeding 214 years of Cons Law??!!
Tweety has had a man crush on him from the beginning, all that strong tell it like it is machismo, speaking up for the white guy whose “lost” it all because of the rise of all those other people.
Is there a Costco convenient to you? Many of them sell gasoline. Discounted, even.
(So old that used to gas up at Sinclair because of the cool dinosaur toys.)
Thru the Looking Glass...
But… but… what about magical thinking?
What about that? Huh? Huh?
Suck on it, libtards!
Mao tai…I’m told it tastes like lighter fluid smells.
El Caganer
@Yarrow: I haven’t seen MSNBC in years. The only ones I remember clearly are Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman.
I highly recommend life without cable news, and without BP. When I’m in a waiting room somewhere and cable news is blathering, I wonder why I ever found it worth watching.
Villago Delenda Est
@Dave: My nym. Again and again.
Wipe them out. All of them.
@MARCION: Clearly the ACLU’s “See You In Court” got under his skin, and now he’s thinking, “IT WORKS TWO WAYS LIEBRULZ!!!1!”
Except…the SC will probably shoot this down something like 5-3 against. Even with Not-Garland assuming his stolen seat at some point, Trumpov’s STILL not going to get his way.
Speaking of Trumpov: where is my fucking counter-intelligence report about the Russia connections? Hello IC?!?
I’m not kidding, we need to kick this clown while he’s down AND then expose him as the Putin-Puppet that he is. History’s Greatest Monster my ass…how about America’s Greatest Stooge?
@NotMax: I had a Gulf dinosaur when I was 5.
? Martin
@SiubhanDuinne: Just so people know, its basically impossible to boycott an oil company. Extracted oil drilled by BP is sold on the open market to a refiner (who might also be BP) and then the refined gasoline is again sold on the open market to a distributor (who again might also be BP). They then distribute to retail locations but BP sold off all of their retail operations, so the stations are all franchises and not owned by BP at all. They are branded BP but the gas they buy could have been extracted by Exxon and refined by Chevron.
The only way to boycott an oil company is to boycott oil. As stated above, buy a Chevy Bolt.
And because Tweety fancies himself as the champion of the the white (male) working class.
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
Yep. A smart lawyer, though, could argue that it would extend to minority Muslim sects, e.g. Sunnis in a majority Shia country, and thus isn’t targeting Muslims at all.
Mike J
@Pogonip: I commented earlier today that I have changed the TV receiver to be on TCM instead of something where I might see news (cable or local stations). I’ve been enjoying their “31 Days of Oscar” where they’re going through Oscar winning (or also maybe nominated?) films in alphabetical order. They’re on the G’s now. It’s been fun to dip in and out of some old films I’ve either never seen or haven’t seen in a long time. Way more relaxing than cable news.
think I’m going to have it made into a t-shirt or better yet, frame it:
“Nevertheless, she persisted.”
Wonkette beat you to it!
Check out the fabulous swag, tee shirts, mugs, babby stuff & prints at the Wonkette website.
Love the graphics and will be purchasing a couple.
@? Martin: Crumbs. So how DO I give those crooks grief? (No, I can’t buy a Bolt, and there’s nowhere around here to charge one.)
@Corner Stone:
Well then, as many here have surmised, Tweety is a fucking idiot.
A weakened President is difficult for the country, but a weakened, humiliated, scorned, thrashing and sputtering Trumpov is a source of great entertainment to the masses. A circus, as it were, to go with the bread.
OH FSM – WAPO’s Jennifer Rubin is making sense. Never thought that I would ever say that
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
Or take the train. I fill up my tank an average of once every few months since I started commuting by public transit.
@El Caganer:
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Roger Moore:
I’m surprised they didn’t try that tack…
We need to tie the Republican leadership to him. THEY KNEW. Take them all down with him when he goes.
FOR FUCK’S SAKE, WHY?????????????
Roger Moore
If your garage has an outlet, you can charge a Bolt there.
Adam L Silverman
@D58826: I’m going to be very blunt: I am convinced that if Chris Matthews ever new what the word policy meant, he has forgotten. He is using the term incorrectly in regard to this.
Major Major Major Major
@? Martin: or ride trains!
Edit: I see Roger also likes trains.
Oh my god, SECONDED (bigly!)
I find it hard to talk with people who only get their news from cable tv of any kind. Fox is (obviously) RWNJ propaganda, MSNBC is schizophrenic left and right wing propaganda, and CNN is the televised version of the National Enquirer.
(Trivia – there is a dinosaur named after Obama.)
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: It would not be an issue if Congress was actually functional.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Trump alternatively: “I’m telling Mom!”
With those little teeny tiny hands? Too much risk of injury,
Anyway, I’m pretty sure the WH has a “you broke it, you buy it” policy.
@D58826: J-Rubs has been on point ever since the primaries! Conservatives who actually stick to their principles are my new thing – they’re like unicorns, only even more of a fantasy.
Joyce H
I’m sure that line worked well for Trump throughout his career. He’s no doubt proud of the macho swagger of it. But here’s the thing. It’s one thing when you’re a real estate developer. Most of your peers manage to conduct their business without constantly dropping lawsuits left and right with savage abandon, so your threat to sue, and your filing suit, is a real threat and poses a real problem for them.
But this is government now. State governments and the federal government are used to suing and being sued. All. the. time. It’s routine for them. They have whole battalions of lawyers on staff, not on retainer, so they’re drawing a salary whether they’re in court or not.
Your old rebar supplier maybe shook in his boots when you snapped “SEE YOU IN COURT” and flounced out of his office. A government? They’ll yawn, and say “Sure, okay, see ya then.”
@D58826: She actually has been since the election. Which is not exactly to her credit since it shows she was capable of it but felt it better to push her glorious conservative whatever until it blew up in her face.
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
And we could all boycott the oil companies if Obama had only provided us with ponies.
El Caganer
@Thru the Looking Glass…: They probably don’t know there are different sects. I don’t know if it’s true, but I remember hearing that Dubyuh didn’t know that Shia and Sunni were different.
@Joyce H: I’m telling y’all, he’s referencing the ACLU’s recent tweets and posts and other media: they put “SEE YOU IN COURT” in his face on inauguration day (it was easy to see because there was no parade crowd to block the signs ;)
He really thinks he’s going to win in SCOTUS. Good ol’ Double-Down Donnie. Hard to imagine how this guy lost billions and declared bankruptcy a minimum of four times, eh?
@Corner Stone: Tweety can go to hell.
@Adam L Silverman: His entire commentary tonight was worthy of the Sage of Wasiila Sarah.
@Roger Moore:
Actually the money he blew mostly came from the taxpayers of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.
Roger Moore
That’s actually a lizard, not a dinosaur.
Davis X. Machina
@Joyce H:
Or the ACLU
Mike J
@Roger Moore:
If you park on the street it can be inconvenient to run an extension cord a half block.
@NotMax: No, it was the Gulf Oil Company.
There is a louse species named after Gary Larson. Mr. Larson was so flattered he mentioned it in one of his books.
They need to if they want to survive twitler. The fucking ‘stock market’ reacting to this loonie
tunestweets is fucking pathetic.Jeffro
That’s the thing – it (the report) doesn’t even have to directly or initially implicate Trump. Just drop the bomb on Manafort and Page, IC! Then it’s “what did Lewandowski…and Flynn and Cohen…and hey, Trump too…know, and when did they know it?” And then it’s all coming out. And to keep it from coming out, who knows if Trump steps down?
Thru the Looking Glass...
@El Caganer: You might be right about that…
I remember that…
Mike J
@Yarrow: T[J|K] Maxx didn’t drop Trump merch, They removed signs promoting the line and rather than having displays promoting it just mixed her clothes in with others on the racks.
Probably a first step in dropping, but they’ll quietly sell inventory and just not reorder.
? Martin
@Roger Moore: But they won’t do that because it’s not particularly rational. From Iran you’re allowing Sunni Muslims and from Libya you’re allowing Shia Muslims. What’s their rationale for that?
Further, the bigger issue is that the ban applied not just to people yet to be granted a visa, but people that currently have one – and may have had one for YEARS. Had the EO applied only to the first group, they would be on stronger standing. But to revoke an F1 or H1B visa (or PR, as originally was done) that may have been standing for a decade with exceptions only for religious minorities is utterly nonsensical. I have a student I just graduated after 10 years on an F1 visa. A year out from his PhD he should have his visa revoked because he’s not a religious minority? He’s been in the us continuously for 9 years. It’s utterly arbitrary.
@Corner Stone:
Funny how he never seemed worried about court rulings weakening Obama. I seem to remember him telling Obama to listen to the voices of the Tea Party since they were the voice of the people, now the protesters and courts are not respecting the will of the people.
@Roger Moore:
” Yep. A smart lawyer…”
I think a smart lawyer working for Trump would also know he’d get fired if he won any part of the case on that basis.
@Davis X. Machina: See, like I said…=)
Thru the Looking Glass...
We need to tie him around their necks like a farkin’ millstone and then push ’em overboard… in DEEP water…
? Martin
@El Caganer: I suspect the entire Bush administration didn’t realize that for some time, based on their actions.
@El Caganer: I bet maybe 10% of the U.S. population knows Islam has different sects. U. S. religious education is in a deplorable (grin) state. I once encountered a kid who attended the Vanderbilt University who thought Vatican II occurred in the Middle Ages. I do not see how people who do not know the basics about the world’s religions can evaluate a politician’s foreign policy proposals.
Here in the U. S. a lot of people don’t even know anything about their own religion. I have lost count of the Americans I’ve encountered who think Martin Luther and Martin Luther King are the same person.
@Pogonip: Chris Matthews. So named for his big yellow head.
Adam L Silverman
@Roger Moore: Or in my case a clydesdale or shire horse. I’d probably cause serious lower back problems for a pony and I like to be kind to our four footed, or hooved, friends.
@hovercraft: White is right. He would have been on the side of the East India Company in 1857 and Nazi Germany in the 1930s, British Empire during the Revolutionary War, Confederacy in the Civil War, need I go on.
@efgoldman: Putin will front him the money for the damages in return for another favor.
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
Two points:
1) The Muslim ban is itself highly irrational. It’s blind fear and hatred wrapped in National Security as an excuse.
2) The goal is to win in court, not to actually let Muslims in. By arguing that religious persecution could include intra-Muslim persecution, you could counter the argument that the EO is a Muslim ban, even if in practice it would be.
@hovercraft: And I don’t remember the GOP saying the states do not have standing when it was Texas suing Obama on immigration issues. but you know the drill Its ok if……..
@Mike J
Can’t readily find the clip from The John Larroquette Show that is reminiscent of.
He won an electric Ford Th!nk in a raffle and parked it on the street. Covered with a grayish car cover which had a tubular extension out the front for the charging cord to run through.
Anyway, a randy male elephant somehow was shoehorned into the episode and, well, let’s just say it was love at first sight.
Come the morning, the car was essentially a pancake.
Mike J
Hey Democrats. Want to see what a winner looks like?
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
Implies they know the difference.
? Martin
BTW, regarding Chaffetz and Conway, be very skeptical. I’ll bet anything that Trump and Chaffetz agreed to throw Conway under the bus to throw attention off of Trump, and now that Sessions’ choice of Solicitor General has declined (thank God) they’ll offer it to Conway’s husband instead.
@Baud: @Yarrow:
He loved Obama’s speeches, but he always felt he was too liberal in his policies. Bush was strong, and his swagger was impressive, he loved the flight suit, and the image of strength he projected, but he didn’t want to go into Iraq. Our current presidents swagger and business acumen are very impressive, and he spoke for the forgotten white man, who has been ignored for too long.
Adam L Silverman
@D58826: I only caught the last bit of apoplexy as I was setting up the DVR. I was curious about Chris Hayes now delayed Chicago special. My understanding is that this refers to a deep dish with the patty sausage or a natural casing vienna beef hot dog on a poppy seed bun with mustard, nuclear green relish, tomato slices, sport peppers, and celery seeds.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Ian: There must be a comic book somewhere they can read…
Roger Moore
Which shows you just how seriously they take it.
@? Martin: Maybe the idea is the Sunnis and Shiites will all kill each other?
? Martin
@Roger Moore: But if they defend the EO on that basis and then don’t grant access to those minorities, then they’re right back in court and now the court is pissed. And don’t think the ACLU with their war chest won’t bring those suits. You don’t deliberately lie to federal courts.
@Adam L Silverman: Just sos you know
why are we discussing about knownothings like tweety?
@Corner Stone:
He says his father was a real “cloth coat” republican, as was his mother, but he is sure that when she went into the voting booth in 1960 she secretly voted for JFK. His brothers are republicans, and he is as about as anti abortion, (no one is pro-abortion) as you can be, while still claiming to be pro-choice.
Also, don’t forget to file with the CFPB.
? Martin
Anyone else tired of the winning?
Adam L Silverman
@raven: I’m aware.
@Roger Moore: Well, not necessarily. If a kid whose parents could afford to send her to expensive private schools got no religious education, where’s the average public-school victim going to get it? You can’t blame people for not knowing what they haven’t been taught, and many Americans are not literate enough to research on their own. I blame the people who draw up the curricula.
@debbie: Thanks again!
@Mike J: Excellent! Good for Inslee. See, Democrats? It’s good to have a spine.
Adam L Silverman
@? Martin:
Mike J
In church?
? Martin
Looks like California is making a coordinated pro-refugee push. The state leg introduced a bill to grant instate tuition to refugees and to give refugee military interpreters the same standing as veterans for benefits. Today Kamala Harris introduced a bill to guarantee legal counsel to people detained on entering the country:
I doubt the national bill will go anywhere (the state one will likely be signed), but a theme is developing…
@debbie: P.S. I better do that quick, while the CFPB exists!
Btw if we could just get morning Joe to show the upcoming cover of the Economist, we would not have to worry about the 25th amendment or impeachment … we would have a very brief and insincere ceremony and then begin dealing with the incredibly odious but at least partially seen Mike Pence .
@raven: Hear anything on the ultrasound? Still no news is good news? Or did you hear back? Hope it’s all good news.
Because some of our fellow Balloonies are masochists, but they can’t afford scourging.
@? Martin: thanks for the highlights. Now, as long as we’re talking emojis, how can I include the “children walking” sign in my handle?
Adria McDowell (formerly LurkerExtraordinaire)
@Yarrow: Oh yeah. So freaking handsome.
Don’t tell my husband I said that. ;-)
Iowa Old Lady
@PK: He seems to be saying he’ll see the Appeals Court in court.
@Dave: I really should have figured out before now how much Tweety’s work can be reduced to “looking for Daddy’s approval”.
You may have more time than you think, considering how distracted they are with ACA, Cabinet appointments, SC hearings, etc. Busy little bees, they are.
@Mike J: An American church? Where the pastor is probably also American?
I used to live in a parish where we frequently had visiting priests from Nigeria (apparently in parts of Nigeria you can’t walk ten feet without meeting a priest). Those guys knew their religion and the history of same. They gave great sermons.
@Adria McDowell (formerly LurkerExtraordinaire): Looooove Christopher Plummer in “The Sound of Music.” I can watch him tear up that Nazi flag all day, every day.
@efgoldman: Lent’s coming up, start your penance early! Watch cable news tonight!
? Martin
@? Martin: And just to note, California has this somewhat nice, somewhat annoying reflexive habit of watching a national narrative develop that we disagree with and then actively doing the opposite. We don’t just oppose the narrative, we actively go the other way. So when states are trying to limit abortion, we pass a bunch of laws making it more accessible. Its annoying because there’s really no reason why it shouldn’t have been that way before – we seem to only pay attention once someone does something dickish at which point was say ‘hey, that thing over there is dickish, what do we do here? Oh, hey, that’s a little bit dickish too, let’s reverse that’. So we do good things more often when someone else does something horrible. Would be nice if we could have a habit of doing good things just as a normal effort.
El Caganer
@hovercraft: Yeah, he has one Republican brother who was a commissioner in Montgomery County, PA – I think he ran for some other stuff but didn’t make it. Amazing. I’ve only lived in Florida for 5 months and I’ve forgotten a whole hell of a lot of what my 48 years in Pennsylvania were like.
@Pogonip: I don’t think he is Catholic.
That’s made it to Iowa, as it’s a term my folks used.
On the bright side, and I always try to find one, we non-lawyers can use this notable event to educate and edify ourselves.
Two key lessons for me, next time I land in court, are
1. Don’t make fantastical lunatic claims the centerpiece of your arguments.
2. Consider bringing some evidence for something or other related to the case.
Now that I think about it, those are really key. How many ordinary people understand them, or are even aware of them? I didn’t see anything in ‘Appellate Hearings on Unconstitutional Executive Actions for Dummies’. Don’t remember much in the famous pamphlet ‘So, You’ve Just Issued a Really Dumbshit Executive Order…. the Next Steps’.
? Martin
@Betsy: Not sure about other platforms, but on the Mac you open up the emoji & symbols panel in the languages menu and just drag the emoji you want into your handle. On iPhone/iPad you’d select the emoji keyboard (lower left) and just type it in there.
Millard Filmore
@? Martin:
This is like credit card companies that forbid retailers from adding a credit card fee, but allow a discount for a cash purchase.
@debbie: “Dear CFPB, congratulations on your 40th anniversary. I have this ongoing problem with BP. In 2017…”
? Martin
@jl: To the DOJs credit, their argument was ‘he plans on ruling like a dictator and you have no right to overrule him’, therefore evidence was unnecessary. Granted, it was a stupid argument, yet it was totally truthful.
Iowa Old Lady
@trollhattan: From my Detroit girlhood, I thought picallili (sp?) was a thing–a particular kind of pickle or pickle mix or something.
Mike J
Hah. Top-rated comment on the NYT’s story:
@? Martin: Hey, look, buddy,he just wants to run a nice place, OK? He don’t want no trouble, just does what he has to, so the place is, you know.. real nice and quiet, and classy. Yeah… classy, that’s it.’
? Martin
@Mike J: George Soros paying people in Utah now. Guy has amazing reach…
Mary G
Utahns getting feisty with Chaffetz at packed town hall:
The whole thing is, the courts would rather rule for the executive in national security matters. But Trump’s side didn’t even try. The court was basically saying, “come back when you’ve done some homework.”
I somehow feel any sentence that has to include the proper noun “Trump” and the verb or noun “work” will never actually describe reality.
Chaffetz Town Hall being live streamed by local TV
Hope Utah Dems – or at least Evan McMullin – are watching. Because people there are not totally happy with their Rep.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Hazy memory but some kind of relish with pimento and onion and such? My Lut’ren hot dish days are far behind me.
@Mike J:
I put some moon eyes next to my handle and it threw in in the clink.
Alain the site fixer
@El Caganer: hope you had a Merry Christmas, loved the nym for years. ?
@El Caganer: No they are totally alike, like Protestants and Catholics.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: I freed it.
Adam L Silverman
@Jeffro: New post for you!
Jilli Brown
The tshirt version of your cribbed line is available through – for a donation to their resist fund.
@Yarrow: Oh, I missed this. No results yet but the blood screen was all good. I think I’m cool. thanks
Sometimes being a Jewish atheist has its advantages.
Adria McDowell (formerly LurkerExtraordinaire)
@Mike J:
Keep it up / Keep it up / Keep it up / Keep it up / Keep it up / Keep it up / Keep it up / Keep it up / Keep it up /
Adria McDowell (formerly LurkerExtraordinaire)
@? Martin:
Oh, that is fantastic. Love it.
Mike J
@efgoldman: There’s a CNN reporter in Murfreesboro, TN saying the rep there is also getting an earful despite requiring all questions written in advance.
Seattle, Wash., too.
Mike in NC
Just got back from a neighbor’s birthday party. Great to see patriotic judges pissing in the Manhattan Mussolini’s corn flakes.
What? Where? You intrigue me!
does this mean that Donald will appear in the trial court to defend his actions? can we but dream!
@Villago Delenda Est: He didn’t make two games, The MMO ended up being down scaled to a multi-player off line thing then down scaled again to the boring single player Kingdom of Amalur. It plays like someone tried to copy Vanilla WoW (I lost track of how many flavors of spider leg it asked for real fast) then realized netcode is hard and shipped an empty boring 4/10.
My mom, born and raised in Boston, also. Also the rest of her family.
? Martin
@Mary G: Considering that Trump only won about 45% in Utah, yeah, they don’t care for him all that much there.
Adria McDowell (formerly LurkerExtraordinaire)
@efgoldman: Do you count potato knish as an advantage? Cuz yum.
Steve in the ATL
Your stalking skill is impressive. There is a Costco near her, though there is a Quik Trip halfway between her crib and Costco. Don’t know how right wing QT is (energy company based in Oklahoma, so make your guesses….) but they treat their employees really well. Not unlike Costco.
Steve in the ATL
@? Martin:
Yes, but those pendejos still won’t vote for a Democrat.
Miss Bianca
@efgoldman: you all have NO IDEA how happy this makes me rigght now. I want that smarmy little punchable-face pissant to be shaking in his go-go boots right now…and until he gets tossed out on his ass. Go, Utah!
@Steve in the ATL: There is a strong rumor that we’re getting a Costco (in lily white Oconee County).
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: I think you might actually be able to get away with a Thoroughbred-Shire cross…almost as sturdy and twice as maneuverable!
Patricia Kayden
@? Martin: Rudy Giuliani called it a Muslim Ban and claimed that Trump contacted him about hiding that fact. The gig is up. I thought Trump promised us that there would be so much winning that we’d be tired of winning.
Steeplejack (tablet)
Can’t you pay at the pump with a debit/credit card?
Mike in NC
@? Martin: Yeah, I was stationed in California for a year and regret ever yeaving. But we visited Lake Tahoe for a week last year and loved it.
s herl
Only 3 weeks in and he’s already tired of winning
Kilgore Trout
@Mike J: My former congressman and current governor. Very proud of him and our AG.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: How’s the miles per bag of oats for one of those?
@Steeplejack (tablet): You can but if you use the company’s card you usually get a small discount. So I figured I’d get one. Silly me.
@Svensker: And Marion, Ohio, from whence my mom and her parents hailed.
@efgoldman: Lent’s actually not as bad as people think. I’ve given up things that stayed given up because I found out they weren’t all that great anyway.
@Roger Moore: I want a big old sweetheart of a farm horse.
Chris T.
I used to live in the area that is now Chaffetz territory (it was already gerrymandered like crazy, they shifted the boundaries again and again to get Matheson out, and I got stuck with Mr Benghazi until I moved out of the state entirely). Good to see some serious pushback there…
El Caganer
@Alain the site fixer: Hey, I initially tried to palm it off as ‘Masked Avenger of the Intertubes,’ but some spoilsport actually Googled it up. Still haven’t gotten a figure to put in GF’s creche thingie.
zhena gogolia
She’s been frequently making sense, including before the election.
El Caganer
@schrodingers_cat: I continue to be amazed – because this actually has had at least a little publicity – at the number of people who think Sikhs are Muslims. “But they wear turbans” – yes, you dolt, and how many Muslims in America wear turbans?
@El Caganer: kkklowns calling them towelheads is the ultimate CD.
El Caganer
@amk: I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that there’s been more serious violence against Sikhs than against Muslims, since the pinheads…uh, patriots…..watched too much Aladdin/Sinbad/Thief of Baghdad shit in their misspent HFCS youth and assume that turban = terrorist. I know there have been at least a few instances in which Sikhs were murdered, like the temple shooting.
O. Felix Culpa
ROFL! I shall forward this to my lawyer son, who will appreciate your perspicacity.
@raven: That’s good news. Glad to hear it.
I’ve been listening to Rachel Maddow make a case that the government’s argument before the Ninth judges was flawed and possibly incompetent. Is this a case of junior league attorneys being used, or Trump forcing veteran attorneys to present a flawed case because of team Trump’s stupidity?
J R in WV
@El Caganer:
“…how many Muslims in America wear turbans?”
Uhhhh – none! Turbans aren’t a Muslim thing at all. They’re an ethnic thing, and worn in some places where there are some Muslims, and in other places where there are very few Muslims.
Steve in the ATL
@Brachiator: there were no good defenses, hence the JV attorneys were sent to spare the humiliation of the varsity attorneys
Uncle Jeffy
@dmsilev: winner, winner, KFC dinner!
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: 25 in the city, up to 50cross- country.
The Lodger
@Mary G: is Chaffetz going to show up?
@<a@? Martin: ??⛄ Thanks!!