CNN is reporting that Michael Flynn has stepped down. (No link yet to an article stating this but there’s a banner on the CNN front page.)
We can only hope that this satisfies the liberal hordes’ blood lust and that all the profanity and incivility will end.
Alain the site fixer
And not a moment to soon! Dancing Days are here…
Mike J
One down, dozens, probably hundreds to go.
Good. Now we need to focus on the firing of Sally Yates one week after she warned the admin about Flynn.
Our Republican president lied on Friday when he said “I haven’t heard anything about Flynn.” Your A.G., even if you didn’t trust her, told you.
Flynn is just the tip of the iceberg. No way this story goes out the door with him.
Mike J
And still, what did Trump know, and when did he know it?
Me, an hour ago.
Now then, since we’re finally past the beginning of the beginning of unraveling all this shit…LET’S GO, CONGRESS!!! Anyone else (ahem) and you’d already be sharpening the guillotine. What did Trump, Pence, Ryan, McConnell, Conway, Priebus, and Bannon know, and when did they know it?
Just read that and came here to comment! One scalp, hopefully leading to more!
Alain the site fixer
@Mike J: we’ll get there I suspect. Or hope. Or fear.
randy khan
One less crazy person in the administration. It’s a start.
mai naem mobile
I don’t see Flynn going off on his own without taking other people down with him. Hoping it’s Dolt 45 and Pence along with Miller,Bannon and Kelly Anne.I’ll take 3 out of the five.
Yes. He tends to do that on days ending in ‘y’.
damn. That’s a nice fat scalp for the dems, only 3 weeks in. trump’ll be rage tweeting like crazy tonite.
Corner Stone
NEVER! Where is my goblet to catch his blood after he is slaughtered?
ETA, Fuck that, Fuck you, and Go fuck yourself
I’ve got a LOT of blood lust for Puzder left.
Corner Stone
Mmmmm. Add some bleu cheese and bacon bits and we got ourselves a high class appetizer!
cue tweetragegasm.
Alain the site fixer
Although Flynn’s resignation makes me chuckle a bit, I fear that tomorrow,
trump will hurt and aggress like thwarted abusers often do.
Well, fuck THAT bullshit
(Somebody had to, and I have my reputation to protect)
Brian Smith
Surely the title should be “Out Like Flynn”? As in, the opposite of the old saying “In Like Flynn”?
It would be nice to think so, but as long as the shitgibbon doesn’t interfere with Republican domestic priorities and isn’t bad for business, they will give him a pass for anything except outright treason.
Come to think of it, even that might not do it – we would hear a lot about how ‘it would just be too hard on the country’, just like we did about pardoning Nixon, pardoning the Iran-contra comspirators, etc….lather, rinse, repeat.
I can’t wait to see Trump’s profanity and incivility later tonight.
Betty Cracker
Less than a month into the presidency, and already a key official resigns due to a major scandal.
Let’s ask the reasonable question: how will his replacement be worse than he was? Because we all know that somehow, Trump will manage to find someone even worse.
Maybe Trump will serve as his own National Security Advisor.
demz taters
@Corner Stone: They had me at “iceberg wedge.”
randy khan
I think the previous speed record for resignation from an Administration was Jerry terHorst, who resigned as Ford’s press secretary exactly 30 days after he started. Of course, he resigned to protest Ford’s decision to pardon Nixon, rather than because he was a crazy, traitorous jerk.
This is wild. So when they bring betrayus in, will they have to do some finagling to get him clearance?
@Betty Cracker: That wold be “a month into the embattled and scandal-torn presidency…”.
randy khan
Remember, Flynn’s been digesting the daily security briefing for Trump. You kind of wonder who’s going to get that duty now.
Oh, yeah, and I want some fucking heads.
HOPE – Heads On Pikes Everywhere
Just kidding, all you NSA/SS guys out there.
KS in MA
And clouds and shadows.
Not even a month. Yet another new record set by this epoch-defining team of true greatness incarnate! Wonder how far the arterial spurt will go.
You so fuckin droll.
why was Yates fired?
who did she tell about her suspicions of Flynn?
@mai naem mobile: Flynn is not going to give up any of these other clowns. It will be a matter of whether or not the GOP feels the heat at their town halls and phone lines whether or not he’s even ever brought to testify about any of it (i.e., lie publicly or just slink away)
@Brian Smith:
Thanks, I fixed it.
This was front page in Ohio newspapers yesterday. Ohio actually does have a “Ukrainian community” and der Trumpster was scheduled to go to Ohio tomorrow. He cancelled, no explanation. Woulda been first question out of the gate for the giant, puffy glazed donut. They need time to get their stories straight.
I’m just disappointed they didn’t get Trump to lie about this in public a few more times before today. And I want Pence to testify before Congress under oath. And Flynn to go to jail. And Cheney and Bush prosecuted for war crimes. And an apology from the NYT. And
Corner Stone
@SiubhanDuinne: DougJ is the master droll.
This is really huge! He’s the National Frickin Security Advisor and he’s so corrupted and such a liar that he barely lasted three weeks. He clearly lied to both Trump and Pence, he’s a Putin-lover bigly, he was incompetent and, after all the stuff he swilled at Hillary, he gone in 23 days. He’s facing a likely indictment and possible jail time – his career is a shambles and he will only be remembered for his traitor-like corruption. And what does this say about the sociopath that hired him?
Wonder if CNN has received a “Deep Throat” call yet.
Out of the office does not necessarily mean out of the loop.
Acting director Kellogg had better get busy changing every single password to which he has access, stat.
@rikyrah: Proximate cause for firing Yates was that she refused to back administration on the Muslim immigration and travel ban, pause, hiatus, whatever goofy thing you want to call it. I guess she had a history of being a critic, and Trump doesn’t like critics.
@Corner Stone: More likely he’ll be claiming he never trusted Flynn from the beginning, only gave him a job to help him out, feels betrayed, but what can you expect from a loser like Flynn, etc.
This is from Josh Marshall’s write-up on TPM.
If I were reading a novel that described the first three and a half weeks of the Trump administration, I promise you I would long since have pitched the book across the room as being over the top, melodramatic, and all-around unbelievable.
This is fucking crazeballs. All of it.
Does the Senate Intelligence Committee have the balls to offer Flynn immunity?
? Martin
Here’s a new calculus for the GOP to chew on.
Midterm elections in 21 months. Do they impeach now and clean house, and put Ryan in the job, or do they risk this snowballing, a Dem wave in 2018 and an unavoidable impeachment putting Pelosi in?
Lock him up, I say. That was his favorite line, right?
@SiubhanDuinne: Tom Clancy novels are much more fun to read than they are to live.
@rikyrah: She told the White House.
@scav: The record I really want to see beaten is William Henry Harrison’s.
? Martin
@Timurid: Clancy novels are way more believable than this shit.
@Corner Stone: I hear it’s all the thing at Mar-a-Gogo. But order it with the Russian dressing.
It’s like LeCarre was on meth when he wrote it.
@? Martin: I dunno. The last Clancy novel I inflicted on myself, a key plot point was the US proposing to bring Russia into the NATO alliance and thus involve NATO in a shooting war with China, and it was a done deal in like a day or so.
That’s at least in the same ballpark of crazy.
I read that Trump really has no long standing ties or relationship with Flynn. Flynn is just a guy willing to deal with Trump when he needed to produce some warm bodies as national security advisers during the campaign. That was after Trump first announced national security advisory team turned out to be mostly people Trump heard of or saw on TV, but most of them had never spoken with Trump. So, he needed to produce some warm bodies. Is that true?
If so, very odd, or maybe telling, that Trump would glue himself so tightly to Flynn, someone he has only worked with at all for a short time, someone who was brought on out of necessity. Maybe because Flynn is batshit insane nuts over vast Islamic worldwide conspiracy that he fantasizes is on the verge of taking over and corrupting every single damn thing on earth, including chocolate cupcakes and tiddly winks (edit: and stamp collecting and toy inflatable pools) (edit2: and bearded garden gnomes, just effing everything, they are on the verge of total completely victory, OMG OMG OMG!. If only Vlad could be made to see it, we twos could join up and lickem).
Flynn is nuts, so natural affinity with Trump, I suppose.
@dmsilev: Or perhaps “a month into the embattled, flailingly incompetent and scandal-torn presidency…”.
I’m kinda into that sets of thee thing. YMMV.
Text of the resignation letter
Sorry, no. Tossing us one juicy steak just gives us a taste for more.
? Martin
@dmsilev: Was the president mentally ill and the WH full of Nazis?
I’m in the authoritarian nightmare camp and have been from the get-go. They could easily be embarrassing, messy authoritarians. Figures we don’t even get efficient and competent authoritarians. We get these low quality clowns.
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: One of my busiest days at work in recent years started when HR walked one of the senior IT security guys out the door and took his key card.
All of that, and I also want a pony that poops eight ounces of gold nuggets every day.
Just caught a clip of abe and the unable press conference after the other tinpot dictator’s playing with missiles. The moron showed himself to be the utter moron that he is by ceding the leadership to the jap. That clueless look. Jeez.
Oliver North 2.0
Russia is not sending us their best.
White House Statement
randy khan
Trump has no friends. That’s a helpful rubric for analyzing a lot of his interactions with people.
And all the physical locks
@Kay: I’m surprised Rubio signed on. He’s kinda dumb, but he’s ambitious enough to start getting the knives out as a way to differentiate himself from 45 and start positioning for a future run (or, dare I say it, appointment to high office?).
“Inadvertently briefed with incomplete information”? Yeah, right.
So. Will we be measuring the other cabinet and high admin officials durations in Flynn Units?
Gin & Tonic
Indeed it does. And they vote (and Sherrod Brown knows how to count.)
Just listening to Chris Matthews who, unlike Ali Velshi, has no idea what the political stakes here are. Not a word about Trump appointing Flynn EVEN AFTER he knew about the phone calls with the Russian Ambassador. Instead it’s all about Trump firing people who become an albatross around his neck–something Matthews kind of admires cuz it’s macho–and then his great appointments, including Rex I-don’t-know-shit-about-the-world Tillerson, Kelly (DNI) and Mattis. He’s also lamenting the lack of loyalty in the Cabinet to the “Big Man.” Just gross. It makes me want to shower now.
? Martin
@skerry: They forgot to list which Russian commendations he earned.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Does Flynn get to keep his regular job with the KGB?
Corner Stone
Unless the author started giving lots of detailed description about
@skerry: That sooooo reads like it was written on an Android phone usually devoted to twittering.
The question is: do they have the balls to vote down whatever resolution/request for hearings that the Dems propose.
And the answer is: Don’t be silly, of course they do; and in secret, if possible.
probably in about 2 weeks trump will be denying flynn ever worked in his administration
? Martin
@dmsilev: That’s actually digging the hole deeper for Trump. By all accounts Trump had to have known about this before he appointed Flynn. Providing cover for Pence only here.
First Amendment, not motivated by national security but instead by the weirdos and misfits in the Trump WH and their dislike of Muslims. Paraphrasing. She didn’t actually say it like that.
Mike J
Flynn now holds the dubious distinction of being forced to resign high office within the intelligence apparatus under both Obama and Dolt 45.
@tobie: Thanks for Matthews update. He is wandering completely disoriented in political Kabuki theatre and has lost any touch with reality. Has he started yammering about Ronnie and ol’ Tip would get juiced and well oiled and hash things out, and gosh darn it, if only we handled everything that way now, there would be none of this unpleasantness we see today?
? Martin
@Renie: Flynn will have been Hillary’s choice for National Security Advisor in the retelling, and he’ll be the hero for winning and preventing that tragedy.
Makes Pence look more suspicious.
Chaffetz needs to be removed and made to testify under oath, investigated up and down for the next year or two.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Ha!
Better late than never – Hawaii, too.
Villago Delenda Est
Channeling BoBo is dangerous to your mental health, Doug.
The Ukrainian connection is important in Ohio. They have a history as a distinct group, over generations. I love that stuff- how intensely local national politics can be.
getting shitcanned twice. congrats, flynn.
@SiubhanDuinne: If I were a producer on Spacey’s version of House of Cards, I’d just announce the show is done for those reasons. Real life has lapped a TeeVee show.
@jl: Yes, he goes off on tangents, interrupts his guests, and waxes poetic about Tip and the Gipper but I’m not sure any of that is new. What’s new–or at least more overt these days–is his love of authoritarian Republicans (Giuliani, Trump, Kellyanne Conway, etc.). He liked Obama and that covered up a lot of his racism, sexism, and anti-Muslim sentiment. All that has been much more pronounced since November.
I inadvertently ate two extra scoops of ice cream and those 1/2 dozen cookies.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
I’m really digging the schadenfreude of it all, the bad optics, the stink of not just corruption but incompetency. I hope this stings. That there’s rage and fear and suspicion all around like two-dollar shots at a seedy bar by the airport.
Villago Delenda Est
@Timurid: Immunity for this will not help him with the Army, which is investigating his 2015 trip to Russia.
He’s in a world of hurt now.
Batten Down the Hatches
“the jap”??
Whatever your thoughts on Abe, it’s easy enough to get your point across without being full on racist.
Not cool.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I doubt they left much of a paper or electronic trail, but I’d bet a large sum of money that the communications between CHaffetz’s committee staff and Rudi Giuliani’s friends in the NY FBI office would be a mother lode
No activity on The Twitter Feed, at least not anything interesting (a couple of pro-forma “congratulations to my nominees getting confirmed” tweets, and that’s about it over the last several hours). Wonder where the kids hid the phone this time.
Fuckin’ hell! I’ve been out of the loop all evening. One down, a whole lot more to go. Let’s keep up the pressure!
Temporarily Max McGee (Until Death!)
The Big Boys We’re Not In It to Lose
Fuck you! :D
Omnes Omnibus
@Temporarily Max McGee (Until Death!): Okay then.
Sure, Flynn. Nice glossing over of your firing by Obama, btw!
Absolutely scandalous, the things these Sesame Street characters get up to. That is, IF you happen to be an Olympic-grade – no, a gift for douchebaggery like this indicates an absolutely god-given talent. One like that possessed by one Jason Chaffetz, who at this point seems to also possess the ethical judgement of a table lamp.
While Trump scandals mount, Chaffetz decides to investigate… a cartoon character
Crazy train arriving on track T in ten minutes……
@tobie: Matthews has shown authoritarian tendencies before.
The pundits and news actors are probably at a loss for commentary. Events are moving faster than they can script them into their favorite BS.
I heard some clips of the Sunday news talkies and seemed to me there was a lot of questions to Democrats like “Well, OK, maybe Trump was driving drunk going 100 mph, and you asked him to slow down. So seems like he is slowing down to 80. For the sake of comity, shouldn’t you just say everything’s OK now and just go along for the ride on this one?”
Things moving a little foo fast for that stuff now.
@SiubhanDuinne: if Tom Clancy and Stephen King collaborated while being juiced out of their minds, they still couldn’t come up with this.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Corner Stone:
I think dancing naked with the severed head is in order. Flyn was selling the country out.
Won’t be satisfied until Kermit is frog marched to Gitmo.
It seems like only last week Trump was covering for Putin by smearing US military and intelligence as stone cold killers.
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
More like at a lowlife/meth head/shitkicker bar in meth country, though I can see your image too even if two dollar shots sound optimistic.
@GregB: One of the perks of being a big shot and winner in politics is that you can get tough. Gotta get tough, people, gotta get tough. Trump is real player, just like Vlad, now. Damn straight. He gets tough.
@Batten Down the Hatches: Was going to say: “jap” is a pejorative, and considered by most to be racist. Not sure if he was aware, but it’s not a great thing to say.
Lights in the White House would be burning late, late late into the night and into the pre-dawn hours if they knew how to switch them on.
@Gin & Tonic:
The small CA city where I used to live is locally famous for having a very large Armenian immigrant community. Now I’m really curious to know exactly where they fall right now, since they’re all pretty strong Democrats (Adam Schiff is the House rep) and don’t seem to love the Russian government.
@Betty Cracker: Just when I think Toupee Fiasco couldn’t get anymore incompetent (what with conducting a national security mtg. in the public dining area at Mar A Lago), this guy goes and says, “Oh yeah? Hold my drink.”
@? Martin: Pence might be (mostly) innocent (of this). Trump does not like or respect him. He just needed a warm body to fill that seat. Would he really cc Pence on the really dirty stuff? That doesn’t mean he didn’t panic and lie when he realized what was going on…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Truth be told, I’ve never bought a shot and was guessing about the price.
Flynn once saw a bottle of Russian dressing, and out of habit, shared classified information with it.
This… this is not even Bozo the Clown level of incompetence. He didn’t even make it a full MONTH before having to “resign to spend more time with family”! This is literally unprecedented. I can’t think of any President in my lifetime who’s had a senior advisor that had to be booted after less than a month in office, nevermind the effin’ NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR!
I guess I need to go change the headline of my blog entry on this story now that I see it’s a popular one on my newsfeed. Heh.
I think amk was trying to imitate what Trump would say. At least, that was how I read it.
@philpm: “Wonder if CNN has received a “Deep Throat” call yet.”
Do you really want to bring up a “Deep Throat” reference with Donald Trump involved? You do know that it won’t be a Nixonian Deep Throat, right?
Steeplejack (tablet)
Was the president mentally ill and the WH full of Nazis?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
This squares with something I read today, that in spite of his silly TV show and catch phrase, Trump hates confrontation and has never fired anyone. He either has someone else do it, or freezes the person out till they get the idea and quit. Also fits with episodes like the Detroit preacher who interrupted him and had him all polite and confused
We are talking about the National Security Adviser!
NATIONAL SECURITY!!!!!!!! Because he was compromised by the Russians. The RUSSIANS!!!
This Administration is deep effing trouble.
When was tRump informed and why did he not FIRE Flynn??? He resigned according to reports. Apparently tRump knew weeks ago.
Disturbing shit. And I am reading this from Canada – I can’t believe this shit is happening in the USA!!
@Debbie1: Yeah, sorry, hadn’t thought about that mental picture.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’m half expecting Flynn to be on the next plane to Moscow, and for the MSM to work hard to find excuses for him doing so.
True, Trump has quickly restored America’s leadership position back to where it was during the Bush administration, i.e. a shambles.
Omnes Omnibus
@David: Yes, we know.
Wouldn’t surprise me. Although maybe he’s of no use to Putin so he’s going to have to hire a drink tester. Hard to say.
With a little luck, this might be the refrain for many more Trump appointees, and who knows, maybe the big orange shitgibbon himself.
After 11/8/16 I abruptly broke my MSNBC obsession (it was literally on every waking moment) and went on a complete news blackout. I just decided I never would acknowledge Dolt 45 as my president and didn’t wish to see or hear him ever. Smartest thing I’ve done in years. My mental health has improved dramatically & I don’t have to suffer Tweety or the rest of those clowns.
I find what I need to know right here on BJ.
But I sure do miss Joy Ann Reid!
@Aleta: Chaffetz was tweeting about Mike Pence’s PBJ sandwich this afternoon around 5:30. I kid you not.
He’s a disgrace to the state of Utah.
Another thought:
I gave a “meh” to Carl Hiaasen’s “Razor Girl”, saying “eh, not enough Florida weirdness in it.” Then a friend pointed out that it had as much Florida weirdness as usual for Hiaasen’s books. The problem is that there no longer a contrast between Hiaasen’s Florida and real life anymore. We all live in Florida now.
@Mnemosyne: This makes more sense. If it’s the case: Sorry, amk!
Fuck that shit. Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ajabu: I have avoided twitter since the election. Do what you gotta do.
@jl: Bullshit, if Dolt45 was really tough he’d ask for network time and bring on Flynn and tell him “Your Fired!”. Obviously Trump has gotten soft.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Trump started soft. His head is softer than his overly plump body which is at least firmer than his permanently flaccid penis.
@? Martin:
Not sure most of them are smart enough to think that out. Certainly they aren’t going to back down now, they won’t have figured that they might be able to make something out of a pile of shit. Except a bigger pile of shit. Besides, do you think that Ryan would be any better at this presidenting thing than the short timer in there? OK maybe he’s not a complete moron. But he’s not in any way qualified either.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: A certain presidential administration in trouble needs your services right now. Don’t even apply, just show up at the gates and start talking. The prez will be out shortly. I just know it.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: “You can’t fire me. I already quit.”
@Kropadope: I loathed Dubya. And he did serious damage to our global rep. But he was a piker compared to what is happening now. Despite the little show with Trudeau earlier, our major allies and partners are all extremely wary of us now.
I figured the American century was going to wind down. I didn’t expect a disaster of quite this magnitude.
Haven’t seen you around for a while.
Exactly, Trump has destroyed in 3 weeks what Obama took 8 years to fix and we’re barely getting started. Wait until they get some major policy initiative off the ground.
Why wind down when you can unravel.
@Kropadope: I was forced to see Fox News today while in a waiting room. Apparently the Dow closed 120 points higher and it’s all because the traders think they’re getting those sweet, sweet tax cuts. That’s what they talked about on Cavuto Mark’s show today.
Omnes Omnibus
@Raoul: W was a horrible president. But he seemed to try. He was horribly wrong on so many things, but he wasn’t actively opposed to US interests.
But you didn’t expect it to nose dive from 40,000ft right after take off did you?
One other brief though: Mitch McConnell railroading thru speedy confirmations may not turn out to be the best strategy. Just sayin’.
@Yarrow: It’s nice to see that the Republicans are still aggressively pursuing a policy of transferring all our tax money to our employers. Yeah, maybe I’ll get $20/month out of the deal, but they’ll find a way to get it back from me (and then some!).
@Ruckus: I actually had written something about a dive to the bottom of the Marianas Trench, then thought better of it, but yeah, this.
Has anything Mitch ever done been the best strategy for the country?
They may not stop till they get that deep so don’t give up hope.
MSNBC can’t get anyone else to pay them for the time.
He’ll switch places with Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy.
@Kropadope: I’m still more worried about a genuine, sharp crisis. Whether something Katrina-ish or a major int’l destabilization, we are truly f**kd. These folks are off the charts incompetent, and totally absorbed in dramas of their own making.
Depends, would you define the country as all the “Real Americans,” who rightly fear god and more rightly vote straight Republican tickets? If so, then yeah, maybe he has.
Omnes Omnibus
@Raoul: Ain’t no storms recently, right?
@GregB: If you want to destroy my sweater / Hold this thread as I walk away / Watch me unravel, I’ll soon be naked…
(Sorry about the ad at the front)
This brings us to “what was a worse clusterfuck, Katrina or Iraq?”
mouse tolliver
Even Brian Williams is asking “What did he know and when did he know it?” after a segment with two people who made the case that Trump probably signed off on what Flynn did.
It really is like cramming five years of Nixon into three weeks. At this point the wheels are popping off the bus so fast I won’t even be shocked if we get a video of Betsy DeVos literally fucking a child instead of metaphorically fucking over children as we all expect.
@amk: Whoa, what’s with the racial slurs? Not on.
@tobie: Matthews is a waste of oxygen. I swear he’s gotten worse since Bush the Younger, like he’s spent the past eight years waiting for a big strong GOP daddy to make him feel all tingly.
Ew. I need a shower now.
Chip Daniels
In the spirit of generosity and bipartisanship, may I be the first to say:
This is the first scalp, and may there be many, many more.
Hmmm…nope. This tastes delicious! MORE PLEASE!!!
@Omnes Omnibus: Nothing to worry about 90 miles from Sacramento! It’s all lookin’ swell!
No puppet.
Watching this exchange now is quite the thing to see.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Is this more shell game with Trump?
I mean this morning we were focused on Trump’s foreign policy session conducted in front of random resort guests. That’s now quasi-forgotten with the presentation of Flynn’s ass on a platter. Is he hiding one snafu with the tidy clean-up of another? “Show’s over, folks, move along! Nothin’ to see here, move along….”
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
The gish gallop theory of governance in action.
? Martin
I think they’re only smart enough to figure out evil ways to stay in power, so yeah, they’ve got this already gamed out.
Ryan would from their perspective be better. He’s not certifiably insane, and he knows how to play the game. And having been a VP candidate, he’s fully qualified as far as they’re concerned.
@Omnes Omnibus: We’re supposed to get about 2″ of rain on Friday, but it’s a cold storm and I don’t know if it’s going to hit us harder than NorCal.
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
Occam says, he and everyone around him is actually that stupid and incompetent, and incapable of learning from mistakes.
(Hard to learn if you can’t even admit to yourself that you made any.)
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
he absolutely loathed Siskel and Ebert
@? Martin:
This is a different level than gerrymandering. This takes actual skills and timing, and lining up enough support to make it actually happen. A run of this magnitude that gets fucked up and their side will not take it well. That’s what I was trying to say, it’s far riskier to try to pull it off and miss. They can’t just call for his impeachment, they have to line up the senate to make the whole thing work. Are there enough senators (2/3) that would want Ryan as pres? Can/will they impeach twiddle dee and twiddle dumb?
@mai naem mobile: think Flynn will spill…he’s being investigated by the military for possible payment(s) he received from Russians in addition to his other entanglements…he’ll sing to try and cut himself a deal.
@philpm: a stroke of luck?
@randy khan: well, they could turn that over to DeVos, she can maybe handle pasting pictures and graphs on to a sheet of paper…
Villago Delenda Est
@SiubhanDuinne: Someone on the twitter machine said that you’d have been tossed out of the office during the pitch for this.
@skerry: no way Flynn wrote that. That was written for him by one of drumpfs speech writers…
@Raoul: Rubio’s been pretty consistant about denouncing the Trump-Russia ties. He was, if I recall correctly, one of the few GOPpers who was publicly against using the wikileaked e-mails against Hillary, because he didn’t want to reward Russia’s hacking.
@Raoul: hopefully…it would be turbulent, but the assholes couldn’t do as much permanent damage as they’d be too busy playing “plant the shiv” trying to keep their own asses from getting caught up in corruption central.
My first thought was that trump himself wrote it, but then I realized there was no mention of his huge, historic electoral win
@NotMax: that’s a different kind of winning.
@danielx: fog for ducks sake…
Well that’s auto correct version of my, Oh. For fucks sake…
@Mnemosyne: he’s not useful to Vlad anymore…probably wouldn’t be the healthiest place for him to retire to.
@lgerard: also grammatically correct and too coherent.
My prediction:
We will see a President Pence before 2024, if we are lucky enough to see a peaceful transition of power.
(Not that the notion of President Pence is my idea of lucky or anything.)
My impeccable logic:
!) This Russia thing is way more serious than a stupid burglary at Watergate.
2) If lowly Edward Snowden had access to that much information, then there are plenty of Deep Throats currently within the intelligence community.
The question in this drama is who plays Woodward and Bernstein and the editors of the Washington Post, in this day and age. Not to mention the Senate Judiciary Committee.
We shall see.
J R in WV
Worst clusterfuck, Katrina or Iraq?
No question, two orders of magnitude more people died in the Iraq clusterfuck, many times more cities destroyed more completely, STILL GOING ON, while Katrina is at least paused until the next chapter of historic city sinks into the sea.
In the meantime 200,000 people are without homes in CA while a manmade disaster seems to be ready to explode, also depending upon the weather. Climate Change, IS IT A THING? Republican Congress can’t tell yet !!!