The Deep State’s slow motion coup continues:
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is pursuing at least three separate probes relating to alleged Russian hacking of the U.S. presidential elections, according to five current and former government officials with direct knowledge of the situation.
[…]This counterintelligence inquiry includes but is not limited to examination of financial transactions by Russian individuals and companies who are believed to have links to Trump associates. The transactions under scrutiny involve investments by Russians in overseas entities that appear to have been undertaken through middlemen and front companies, two people briefed on the probe said.
I wonder if Comey is trying to slow roll these or if Sessions will cancel them now.
And will he act on the conclusions of said investigations.
Three FBI offices is not “the Deep State”, which probably doesn’t even exist in reality.
Wait, you mean it’s fishy when Russians buy Trump condos for many times their actual value?
@Yutsano: It appears that Sessions decided not to charge Flynn with lying to the FBI, so why should we expect him to charge others.
Mike in DC
The minute one of the agencies–ours or one of the European ones–drops word that there’s concrete evidence of collusion, all hell will break loose. Even then, it may take months to dislodge the fuckers from power.
From a below thread
The Intelligence Community doesn’t need to rely on FBI investigations if they don’t want to, I would imagine. They can just release all the information they have to the press and let the investigation take place out in the open.
Another Scott
@Spanky: I assume Doug! is being ironic.
I assume the folks doing these investigations are taking their oaths seriously.
“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
Roger Moore
I think part of the point of making them public is to make them harder to kill. Remember that the thing that pushed people over the top in favor of impeaching Nixon was when he overtly interfered into the Watergate investigation. It may be true in this case that the crime is worse than the coverup, but the details of the crime are still obscure, while an obvious attempt to derail the investigation would be, well, obvious.
@Attapooch: that’s what I think will happen or what @Another Scott: said.
@Another Scott: I’m Father Flannigan from Boys Town.
Another Scott
@raven: Howdy Father!
(“We’ll see.”)
@raven: No doubt everyone else knows what the fuck you’re talking about but … what the fuck are you talking about?
Been a long time since I’ve seen a reference to “Guccifer 2.”
@Spanky: google is your friend. Raven is no Father Flanagan though.
Roger Moore
I think he means that if you believe that, he has a Nigerian friend with a once in a lifetime offer.
What made you think of him?
This thread is all, “Shaka, when the walls fell.”
Corner Stone
I am waiting to hear what Senator John McCain has to say about this before I decide how seriously to take this bit of news.
Corner Stone
@Baud: “Clinton at Benghazi”
@Baud: Definitely to deep for a Saturday night.
@Corner Stone:
Darmok and Jalad… at Mar-a-Lago.
Corner Stone
@Baud: “NYT: No Russian Connections Found”
so, how did the twitler’s kkk ‘rally’ at fluriduh turn out?
Another Scott
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m pretty sure he’s outed himself as the Good Father in replies to me in the past. ;-)
@Corner Stone: The results when you google that are hilarious.
zhena gogolia
Okay, I tried googling that to see what it means, and now I realize that “I’m Father Flannigan” is equivalent to “Shaka, when the walls fell,” not that there is some semantic content to “Shaka, when the walls fell.” Amirite?
? Martin
@raven: Always wanted to meet you, given we’re related.
@zhena gogolia: I think the answer is, yourrite.
Having helped them get elected, Comey has Trump and Co. by the balls. They can’t fire him without total meltdown. Sessions can’t shut down the investigation without compromising himself to a degree he can’t take. Imagine Comey having a press conference tomorrow. Whether he knows it or not (probably not, not that bright), he’s in charge of the government if he wants to be.
That children, is why the FBI has been what it has been for a century.
@JMG: Trump is probably the only president that can be blackmailed by both domestic and foreign governments though. Nixon wasn’t even that good.
Mike J
So I read today WaPo saying that Trump is going after the media because he wants to be the sole arbiter of truth.
Until Trump came into office, have you ever seen the media try to determine the truth? It’s almost always, “Dems say climate change is real, Republicans say it isn’t, who are we to decide?”
Yes, Trump is a massive lying wanker, but I find it hard to defend people who would never call a Republican lie a lie.
I’m discombobulated.
@Mike J: Me too. Media mofos built that peak wingnut.
@Attapooch: And those Russians never actually live in the mansions they overpaid insanely for? Naw, that is totally normal.
All of us who suffered at Bowling Green must stand in solidarity with the victims of the Swedish Attack.
@burnspbesq: Well done.
Iowa Old Lady
My “Nevertheless she persisted” T-shirt came! Yay!
The Swedish Fish attacked, when was this, I’m a diabetic, I must take precautions.
My gut tells me that nothing is going to come of the investigation. The Republicans, Sessions, and Comey aren’t going to let that happen. It’s a feeling, not anything based on information, but the Republicans are so corrupt and Sessions and Comey are two of the most corrupt Republicans. We can only hope that the evidence of wrongdoing, if it exists, is so compelling that even these crooks can’t keep a lid on it.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I’ve seen so many different designs. Which did you order?
Iowa Old Lady
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s pretty plain. Just the words with a tiny puzzy hat. I’ll wear it to the gym, where the message seems doubly appropriate.
I think Comey is just a career bureaucrat who never in a billion years thought Clinton would lose. Now, he’s both exhilarated and terrified that he’s the most powerful man in the world. Trump can’t fire him. Sessions can’t say, “I’m quashing your investigation.” They can’t let him go public.So I’d watch my ass if I were him.
@TriassicSands: Yes. This. Otherwise, what? Comey took down Hillary to put tRump in to take tRump down??!! What is he, Putin’s brother? Really makes no sense to put any faith in Comey. Or, how riven is the FBI? How many factions? Anti-Hilz, Anti-tRump, Anti-US democratic institutions, Anti-CIA (a given I guess), Anti-NATO…???
Iowa Old Lady
@SiubhanDuinne: Oops. My answer went into moderation because I forgot I can’t use the kitty cat word. The message is in cursive with a tiny pink hat connecting the bottom of the N with the top of the S. I’ll wear it to the gym, where the message seems doubly appropriate.
Dog Dawg Damn
This is brilliant. I have never been more pumped for Baud 2020 than I am right now. In awe.
@Baud: @Baud: Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
Best hour of TV ever.
? Martin
@Baud: Ivanka, when the border walls fell.
Iowa Old Lady
Sally Yates has a new twitter account in which she’s saying what she really thinks. Example
It’s marked as a parody account but I swear it looks good.
Calming Influence
The Donald (international genius of business et al) : “It’s all good, I’ve covered our tracks.”
The Donald (international genius of business et al) : “Oh fuck! They know about middlemen and front companies?!?”
There are other pressure points here. What happens when Putin really wants something but Comey and the rest of the law enforcement/intelligence community doesn’t? I don’t envy Trump that decision.
It isn’t a deep state coup if there is evidence that Frump or some of his flunkies or campaign hacks broke the law.
It wasn’t a coup when an FBI office kept investigating the bogus HRC email scandal.
It was a waste of money and time, though if a NY state FBI office is full of Frumpers who channel Rudy as some kind of authority figure, maybe better they waste their time reading tens of thousands of emails about nothing than messing up a real investigation.
Doing stupid unethical press conferences and sending dumbshit letters is close, though. And Comey did do that.
Best case is that Comey sees himself as some kind of noble truth teller, a real Elliott Ness, a hyper Dick Tracy, and he needs to let off a blast periodically. Sometimes the target is appropriates, sometimes not.
@Baud: we must be: Warren, her army, with fists closed.
I think the correct spelling is T-Rump — he’s a closet rapper. (Shhh. The best in the world.)
Gelfling 545
@Iowa Old Lady: I always thought that if I were going to have my family waste money on such a thing as a tombstone, I’d want it engraved with “What a long, strange trip it’s been.” Now, I think I’d prefer “Nevertheless, she persisted” on my imaginary memorial.
Smiling Mortician
@Immanentize: Sokath, his eyes uncovered!
@Dog Dawg Damn: If you had gotten off your hobo ass and won the election, we would be having fun with WH soda pop and beer can redemption scandal now.
Schneiderman, Healy, and Becerra, on the case.
Had a very strange day. Somehow got my weekends mixed up and left for a fiber festival a week early. Called my friend to arrange our meeting place and she reminded me I was a week early. So unlike me. I turned around and returned home to find my house full of smoke, a burning grilled cheese on the stove, the smoke alarm ringing, the dog barking and howling, and my mom acting really out of it.
After many hours at the ER and all test results inconclusive we are home. Caught a bit of the Nuremburg on the tarmac rally (what the hell was that mess???!!!) and now I’m drinking a beer with a dog on my feet.
I’ll see your “Darmok” and raise you “The Inner Light.”
Dog Dawg Damn
@jl: I think the problem is I thought “phone banking” meant surfing BJ on my phone while in line at the bank.
@Dog Dawg Damn: That was meant for Baud, but if you were a BJ pres candidate too, shame shame shame.
Edit: How many vagrants did BJ blog run for president in 2016 anyway? I think problem was we split up our base.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I can kind of picture it, and it sounds amazing. So far I haven’t ordered a “NSP” shirt, but I’ve been collecting images and at this point I think I must have close to 20 different designs. Mitch McTurtle must be utterly flummoxed by the reaction to his tone-deaf words. Good, say I.
I agree with you in part but I’m also convinced that the investigation of Flynn will reveal the coziness of the Trump administration with the Russians and that is something that the Dumpster in Chief will not be able to wave off. To do so would require nuance and intelligence and he hasn’t shown he has either. Yes, his diehards will continue to support him, and they are sizable. I’m afraid the white working class as a whole has gone the route of fascism. But no one else finds his speeches, performances, and the like at all convincing.
Dog Dawg Damn
@jl: I was on the BaudTrain from Day One.
Hey, MomSense, would you kindly post your Etsy link again? Thought I had bookmarked it last night but now cannot find it. I want to order a couple of your pussyhats for future marches in Atlanta.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Dog Dawg Damn: I even changed my Twitter profile pic to the Official Baud 2016 image (an egg on a blue background). Hardcore, all in.
@Iowa Old Lady: congrats. Your “yah” incited me to order my own. Thanks.
Iowa Old Lady
@Gelfling 545: That would be awesome.
Calming Influence
@MomSense: Hope all is well. Where is the fiber festival? (I had to correct “where was the fiber festival…” temporal dissonance.)
@MomSense: Geez. I am so.glad you all are OK.
Iowa Old Lady
@MomSense: I hope your mom is all right. It’s a good thing you went home.
@Dog Dawg Damn: When the clips come out on the Frumper rally today, I’ll watch and dream. We could have thrown much worse than that and won bigger.
I for one hope little Donny had a great time today. Hope he has so much fun he spends most of his time campaigning for 2020 at airports down in Florida doing his patented half baked 2016 campaign stand-up patter.
@Attapooch: OK. That was pretty damn great too.
@Dog Dawg Damn:
If we had won the last election I would be plotting exactly how edgy I could make the NEA to cause all the fundagelicals’ heads to explode. You could be nominating only the best Westminster entries to serve in your cabinet (AKA Baud’s Daugs) and the whole world would be rejoicing and sleeping peacefully st night.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Trump made a big mistake pissing off Michael Weston
@MomSense: Hell, if we had won, beer smokes and lotto all around. Damn it.
Edit: and compared to Mar-a-Lago, Motel 6’s for the staff are damn cheap. What we could have done for this country.
@MomSense: Yikes! I’m sort of watching my 90+ dad, but I apparently have better backup. Grateful for big favors.
Furiously knitting more since I sold out the other morning.
@Calming Influence:
It’s the New England Textile Arts Spa weekend in Freeport, Maine. We take over all the hotels, knit, buy from the Indie vendors, and indulge in lots of drinking and socializing. This year should be amazing since we are all knitting pussyhats and engaged in intense political resistance.
Damn, ya’ll don’t know what “I’m Father Flanagan from Boys Town.” means???
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: I’ve seen the fucking movie.
@? Martin: lol
@Omnes Omnibus: It would be sarcasm. . .
I see Mr Moore got it.
“Deep State” is a weird ominous sounding euphemism for simply saying “longtime public employees”. It really needs to be dropped.
I doubt it’s even true that the whole of CIA or FBI are against Trump. But I’m sure some individuals have been responsible for the key leaks.
Dog Dawg Damn
Is it me or is Kellyanne absent the past few days?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Qui est-ce Michael Weston?
Another Scott
@raven: Like OO I saw the movie. And I recognized your sarcasem. ;-)
He died long ago.
I also remember the various allegations of child prostitution in the area, but I didn’t realize that a grand jury decided they were all made up.
Dog Dawg Damn
@MomSense: I would be hanging “Piss Christ” in the entryway to the Department of Justice.
I’d be writing an EO to changing Motto to “One Nation, Under Dawg”.
I’d enlist Cristo to put an American Flag Hijab on the Statue of Liberty for a “Week of Mandatory Tolerance & Diversity.”
It would be so, so good.
Mo Leaks Mo Problems for the Notorious D.J.T.
Omnes Omnibus
Like, duh!
Steeplejack (tablet)
Protagonist of Burn Notice. Ex-government agent, based in Miami.
@cokane: I’m with you on this, even knowing that my snark detector & my humor generation abilities are dwarfed by Doug!’s… In this case I fear that repeating the Republican spin just feeds their side.
Those aren’t leaks, they are whistles being blown!
I like Josh Marshall’s take…. long but worth reading all the way to the end:
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (tablet): That show started to suck when they got rid of Fiona’s Saab.*
*I may be a bit biased.
@Dog Dawg Damn: Someone noted a couple of days ago that POTUS, WH and shitgibbon Twitter accounts had in unfollowed her account. This was just after Steve Miller took a test drive on the Sunday shows. I pay as little attention as possible to her, but haven’t noticed any appearances.
Has she been disappeared?
@tobie: Wasn’t that the burned CIA guy (fictitious character on American tv) who was the lead character in Burned, an American TV series about a burned CIA agent with a crazy arsonist Irish girlfriend who used to blow things up for the IRA and Bruce Campbell (B list actor in A list body who mostly stars in zombie movies but was great in Burn Notice. Wow, I NEVER recognize popular culture references.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sab: Bruce Campbell in an American institution, damn it!
Dog Dawg Damn
@Glidwrith: She’s pretty much been AWOL since that day.
Maybe she’s just enjoying some time off. Lord knows she needs it.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Was that before or after they got rid of Fiona’s lame Irish accent?
@tobie: Wasn’t that the burned CIA guy (fictitious character on American tv) who was the lead character in Burned, an American TV series about a burned CIA agent with a crazy arsonist Irish girlfriend who used to blow things up for the IRA and Bruce Campbell (B list actor in A list body who mostly stars in zombie movies but was great in Burn Notice. Wow, I NEVER recognize popular culture references.@Omnes Omnibus: I agree. Justhe quote Mr Campbell himself.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (tablet): Didn’t she just have that in Season 1?
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Dunno about the Saab, but the accent didn’t last long.
Another Scott
McClatchyDC from Wednesday (I just noticed it):
If you take this at face value, and add in the (recently mentioned here) rumored ties between Trump and the Russian mob, one could see a sticky web developing around Trump rather quickly. Of course, I have no way of knowing whether any of this stuff is true, but presumably there are people working on investigating it…
BCHS Class of 1980
@Attapooch: Man, throw in “The Measure of a Man” and there’s my top three ST:TNG episodes.
Another Scott
@Dog Dawg Damn: She’s apparently still around, and still in the news, lately for being chewed out by her alma mater.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Sab: I enjoyed the show, but I got a little annoyed when the ex-IRA arms dealer Fiona had moral objections to Michael’s career choices.
John Mahoney’s turn as “Management” was great
Ish is starting to get a little real.
If there’s even a scintilla of evidence that the Trump administration coordinated their election efforts with the Russians…
I can see bodies hanging from gallows.
Omnes Omnibus
@Another Scott: She looks exhausted in that photo.
I’m in no particular hurry, but would be pleased to order mine through someone I “know,” however virtually. No rush; you have my email address and can send me the Etsy or payment info there if it’s easier.
Mike J
Another Scott
@Omnes Omnibus: She always looks exhausted to me, but I haven’t really kept track…
@Omnes Omnibus:
She looks fucking haggard and terrible.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I try to be careful with my comments on a woman’s appearance.
@Steeplejack (tablet): Jeez , guy. Sab is just my nym.
I don’t use Saab because that’s my actual initials.
I love it when you talk sexy like that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sab: It’s my car.
@Omnes Omnibus:
And I commend your discretion. But I can say it. Her eyes look (as someone once observed about Barbara Cartland) as though someone had thrown a couple of dead crows at the white cliffs of Dover. KAC looks AWFUL.
Another Scott
@SiubhanDuinne: (I think this is the link you (and I) have been looking for.)
? Martin
How weak is this president?
He’s so powerful that middle school kids are going after him.
@Steeplejack (tablet): Jeez , guy. Sab is just my nym.
I don’t use Saab because that’s my actual initials.
@Omnes Omnibus: Do you like It? My neighbor loves his Saab.
I’m with you, but Mrs. SFAW is a big “Darmok” fan. (And, per BCHS, “Measure of a Man” was also excellent.)
Of course, perhaps the best Star Trek episode of all time, for any of the series, has got to be “Turnabout Intruder” from TOS.
@Another Scott:
Thanks. Couldn’t recall which thread it was in.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sab: I will never buy from GM because they killed Saab. I love my car.
@SiubhanDuinne: Good! It looks as though my fervent prayers for her to experience nothing but pain, misery and despair are working.
Villago Delenda Est
@Attapooch: I raise you “Face of the Enemy”.
Roger Moore
AFAIK, it’s a translation of a Turkish term that was used to describe the way the military and intelligence apparatus existed largely independently of the elected government. Obviously, in Turkey is had all the connotations associated with the military’s tendency to overthrow governments it sees as stepping outside acceptable bounds of secularism.
Another Scott
@Omnes Omnibus: You could get a NEVS next…?
(There’s too much auto manufacturing capacity, especially in Europe. More blood-letting is coming.)
Omnes Omnibus
@debit: Golly.
@Omnes Omnibus:
“Don’t you think she looks tired?”
Omnes Omnibus
@Another Scott: NEVS is going nowhere. I’ve been following this for years.
@JPL: there is still the military investigation into Flynn that sessions can’t do a damned thing about.
Deep state is from the Oliver Stone fever swamps. Great director but not a story teller who is moored to the facts of history in his work.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m probably taking a mini road trip Monday in honor of the doughty Kia’s new tires. Shepherdstown, West Virginia. Maybe lunch at the Bavarian Inn. Waiting to hear if Bro’ Man is going to go.
Omnes Omnibus
Jesus, I am watching the Maher overtime. Malcolm Nance is a boss (dude also has a fantastic voice). Wilmore ain’t bad either.
Mike in NC
@Steeplejack (tablet): We went on our honeymoon at the Bavarian Inn way back in 1994. One of the best restaurants, anywhere. It would be fun to go back there. Enjoy.
PS – The walking tour of nearby Antietam battlefield is incredible, thanks to expert park rangers.
Another Scott
@amk: His body language with her is just horrible. :-( He doesn’t even try to treat her like a human being, let alone his wife.
Maybe he was looking for another mistress when he was making goo-goo eyes in that picture during Abe’s visit to his Xanadu in Florida.
Deep State Schmeep State! Throughout history, in virtually all countries who have large militaries, foreign policy and/or intelligence communities, there have always been elements that leak info and do other things in the propaganda area to influence both policy-makers and law enforcement officials. Turkey is the best modern example, but you could also look to the activities of the Japanese military in the 20’s and 30’s and the German military in the run-up to the selection of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 (both of those involved much more than just leaks and propaganda). The UK and the run-up to and during the Boer War and the Crimean War are other examples. In the U.S., our military leaked stuff and catapulted the propaganda before WWII (probably legitimately in order to highlight the dangers of the European War) and Vietnam (probably not legitimately). Those were mostly military-related, but in law enforcement, there was Mark Felt (and others) during Watergate, and elements of the French military during the Dreyfuss affair. And, in mostly just policy-influencing, there were the efforts to undermine Carter for his human rights policy and the Church Committee for investigating assassinations and even during the Clinton administration, there was a huge effort by the neo-cons in the IC to demonize Saddam Hussein and instigate “regime change” in Iraq. And, the Iraq war was ginned up because of WMD whoppers flamed by Cheney and forced upon mostly recalcitrant IC operatives because Cheney et. al. knew how much power IC leaks could generate.
Leaks by the military/IC are common – they are not some sinister Seven Days in May scenario where they are necessarily trying to effect a coup, slow-moving or otherwise. The IC is leaking now because they are trying to influence policy-makers, law enforcement, Congress and the public about stuff that they care about. yes, it is undermining Trump just as it undermined, the Weimar Republic, the Japanese civilian government, various Turkish governments, various UK governments and virtually every U.S. administration since Wilson (as least), including Roosevelt, Truman, Ike, Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon, Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush and even Obama. Podhoretz, Lake and the likes of Greenwald, in highlighting what they perceive as the sinister nature of an extra-constitutional IC undermining of an elected President are merely fighting back against the leakers – they haven’t discovered anything new, they just don’t like their ox being gored.
In any event, with the Republicans in charge of Congress and Sessions as AG, I’m extremely doubtful that this will lead to the supposed end goal of removing Trump. More likely, we’ll see some indictments, some prosecutions and some sentence commutations and months and months of leaking and undermining of Trump which might lead to some more sane policies and might not. We’ll see. The IC and FBI, right now, is privy to certain information that is only gradually becoming public. Eventually, it will become public. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@amk: @Another Scott: I saw tweet earlier that Melania opened today’s rally with the Lord’s Prayer. I couldn’t watch
@Another Scott: neither she nor murka dodged a bullet with that pos.
@Mike J:
He probably tried to cheap out on the fee per attendee compared to last year.
Dog Dawg Damn
“Are Fadder, whose art’s in heaven, hollow be thy name. Thy King came undone, his Will is done, on earth as it is in His Den. A man.”
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I think I figured out Trump finally – he thinks of the presidency as like prize in a contest and not a job. He won the election so the US is his personal property, like a trophy, not he won a poll on what policy to follow. That’s why the weirdness in his admin – he seems them as just some servants that come with the prize and not helpers in his project.
zhena gogolia
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
To paraphrase Max von Sydow in Hannah and Her Sisters, if Jesus Christ were alive today and saw that, he’d never stop throwing up.
@Another Scott:
He doesn’t treat anyone like a human being. I’ve seen (many) toddlers with more empathy, consideration, and certainly emotional attachments.
ETA: Compare any of the thousands of pictures and videos of Obama with kids – any kids.
Another Scott
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: If she actually had input on her cribbed Michelle Obama speech, then that (and maybe this prayer thing) might show that she’s got some humanity about her. And maybe she’s deserving of some sympathy for the situation she’s in. But I dunno. She’s an adult, and there have been powerful women who have controlled their powerful husbands, so she didn’t have to end up the way she did…
But either way, there’s no excuse for the way Trump treats her.
this is too funny
new york times
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: That and I truly believe that he thought being president was like being a king. He could just order stuff to happen and it would. That he can’t is driving him crazy.
Omnes Omnibus
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Yes. He has no idea of what the job he was elected to do is.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Kids even like me. Even the tiny ones who would taste like veal.
@Omnes Omnibus: In many ways he reminds me of my ex. “Look, don’t bother me with why you can’t do it, just get it done!” I imagine the people around Trump hear that a lot.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Mike in NC:
Thanks for the tip on Antietam. Haven’t really planned anything. Just want to get out on the road for the day and sniff the breezes. But I’ve heard about the Bavarian Inn, and the lunch menu looks good.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Omnes Omnibus: I saw that and I now want to gay marry Malcolm Nance. Bill Maher’s still an asshole, but that was worth the watch.
Another Scott
@debit: Yup. He, and the people around him, think (and have said) that Trump’s pronouncements “will not be questioned”.
He wants to rule by decree. He wants people to say “how high??” when he says “jump”.
That’s why he’s a fan of Putin and Kim and Saddam and Stalin and Adolph and all the rest.
He’s brain damaged, knows nothing about how government and civil society works, and is a danger to all of us.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Dog Dawg Damn: Heh. I think was seven when I was supposed to memorize the Our Father, as we called it, and the Hail Mary for catechism class. My older brother told me to start the latter with “Hairy Mary, full of grapes”. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to hurt myself.
I was seven.
Omnes Omnibus
@debit: I had a boss like that in the army. There, the suggestion that we take the dispute to the CO was enough. It only works here if we, the people, exert our will.
@Omnes Omnibus:
They don’t taste like chicken?
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: I made an assumption.
@efgoldman: @Omnes Omnibus:
Nah – “tastes like chicken” is for reptiles. But little kids probably taste more like pork roast. (And adult humans probably like wild boar.) The other other white meat, if you will.
Omnes Omnibus
@CaseyL: I still say babies would be veal-like.
Calming Influence
@CaseyL: Chubby babies: Mm mm MMM! As for older children, going for the last to be picked in sports is generally a safe bet that they’re well marbled.
Mike G
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
When I read his tweets I can easily imagine them being bellowed by some African kleptocrat, in front of a crowd herded for his ego gratification, watched at gunpoint by soldiers to ensure they cheer loudly enough. Right before he empties the national treasury and commandeers a 747 to go shopping in Paris.
Crocodilians taste like chicken because, like birds, they are the only remaining descendants of the dinosaurs. Basically, the dinosaurs never died, they just evolved into more efficient forms.
Anyone who’s ever seen an ostrich or angry goose at close range cannot dispute this.
J R in WV
@Omnes Omnibus:
My wife loved her Saab – 270,000 miles on the original clutch! 1991 900. Finally the A-arm broke off the frame, salt on the roads, we sold it to our mechanic for a parts car.
@Mnemosyne: Yes, that.
About 20 years ago, at the Seattle zoo, watching an emu roam around its enclosure, my then-boyfriend did a running internal monologue for the bird. It was along the lines of “You, there, on the other side of the fence. Watching me like you own me. Hah! Back in the day my ancestors ate your ancestors. Like popcorn. I remember those days. They will come again.“