This raccoon is having a rough morning-just wanted some trash & ended up in Rosslyn!
>And yes I alerted the driver
— Helena B. Evich (@hbottemiller) February 17, 2017
I am the raccoon; the garbage truck is the news.
— Nora Biette-Timmons (@biettetimmons) February 17, 2017
Speaking of winsome beasts that hunger after garbage, apparently Scott ‘Cosmo Centerfold’ Brown has given up on finding a state from where he might dogwhistle his way back into the Senate…
Scoff Brown is under consideration for ambassador to New Zealand, reports @JOSreports
— Matt Viser (@mviser) February 17, 2017
The Boston Globe reports:
… Brown, who was previously considered for the veterans affairs Cabinet post, has told associates that he believes he will get the nod for Wellington, one of the people familiar with the discussions told the Globe.
The White House declined to comment Friday, and Brown did not respond to several requests for comment…
After losing the 2012 Massachusetts Senate race to Democrat Elizabeth Warren, Brown moved to New Hampshire and unsuccessfully challenged Democratic US Senator Jeanne Shaheen two years later.
During the presidential primary, Brown threw “no-BS backyard barbecues” for GOP contenders, fashioning for himself a role as something of a power broker. He hosted Trump at a Financial District fund-raiser in June, after Trump had all but secured the nomination.
Brown endorsed Trump at a pivotal juncture in the 2016 GOP presidential primaries, after Trump had lost the Iowa caucuses to Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and just before the New Hampshire primary…
In a 2015 interview with GQ about his passion for cycling, Brown said, “I’ve always wanted to go to New Zealand or Scotland or Wales and just ride 100 miles, hit a pub, drink, eat, sleep, do some exploring, and then get up, ride another 100 miles, do that for a couple weeks.”
Hard cheese, New Zealanders, but us Massholes would be just as glad to wave ‘Scoff’ and his bicycle off to your side of the globe. If he gets on your nerves, tell him it’s considered a feat of strength to wrestle rams into submission. Or that Maori find it hilarious when white people make fun of the haka, just like Native Americans enjoy ‘Pocahontas’ jokes.
that raccoon is funny.
thank goodness I am not the person who has to get him off
Oh, ho. Brown is not a moron. He saw that Trump performed almost as well as his poll numbers said, and thus had the primary in the bag.
Glad there’s a new thread.
Every time I think I’ve reached my limit of outrage at Republicans, they pull something like this.
(For some reason recently, I’m having trouble … not linking, the link thingy works fine, but I can’t always highlight the comment text I want to attach to the link. Sorry, but that’s why some of my recent links have been ugly and naked.)
Rep Luis Gutiérrez (D IL-4) was kicked out of a meeting with ICE officials — a meeting he had requested. He is not happy.
Hey, I know Nora Biette-Timmons! Used to work with her father.
(Edited to correct something.)
Wonkette is right: Trump at rally today:
Poor libble boy, nobody in the big mean city likes him. Weak.
theme of the day: drumpf just wanted to be president — but ended up in the white house.
That’s about as far away from Massachusetts as we can get Cosmo-boy without launching him into space, right? All to the good. New Zealand’s loss is our gain.
Hi from Dubai airport! Sitting out another long layover with Moet in the emirates lounge (life = hard) but avoiding the tvs which are all tuned to CNN blasting trump. FML it’s 3am local time – isn’t there something more soothing to put on for the travellers?
(PS: Lisbon is amazing this time of year 18-20 centigr, sunshine, few(er) tourists – very good port drinking, sardine eating weather… that said, very happy to be headed home now. I miss my cats!)
“I’m here because I want to be among my groupies.”
all fixed.
Omnes Omnibus
A bunch of those names seem to have something in common.
Calming Influence
Watching the Nuremberg rally. Turns out Jefferson hated the press, so Trump = Founding Father.
(And, if he keeps this up he’s going to get a journalist killed. But whatever…)
And his opponent (Lyin’ what’s her name) is still horrible
And he whipped Boeing into submission.
And now there’s a shill speaking;
kill me now.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Funniest damn thing, isn’t it?
Mike J
On the space station there would be times when he was only 100 miles away. NZ is much further.
? Martin
@efgoldman: Not quite. Perth, Australia is the closest point on land to the antipode to Boston. So Australian ambassador would be farther ambassadorship. Treading water in the south indian ocean would be the farthest actual place, which I’m good with too.
How big is this rally? Bigger than the number of protesters?
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: The Winter Over Station in Antarctica is, I think, farther.
@SiubhanDuinne: Dumb procedural question? Why don’t the CHC just say they aren’t going anywhere, if you want me out you’ll have to call the cops.
Where’s a Mount Doom when you need one.
Adam L Silverman
@TheMightyTrowel: They routed you from Lisbon through Dubai to Dublin? That is not the most direct route.
J R in WV
Kicking congressional representatives out of a government meeting has to be contempt of congress, right? They certainly are contemptuous aren’t they !!!
ICE seems to be arrogant overbearing contemptuous assholes from top to bottom!!! I guess that’s what makes Trump happier. Assholes all the way up and down, right?
Technically New Zealand (or Samoa since it’s a joint posting) can refuse the putz
I doubt our Prime Minister will refuse, but it is certainly not going to be a popular appointment, and yes Scott Brown will have to participate in a great many Māori ceremonies, and if he screws up it’s going to be big news.
P.s. the word Māori is its own plural.
@Adam L Silverman: I think she’s going home to Australia.
In other news: Trumps Navy Secretary nominee may drop out
@Calming Influence: You’re a brave soul! Thanks for watching so we don’t have to. The whole thing sounds horrifying.
I have no idea, but I see Adam is here and he seems to know about that stuff.
He’s actually trying to relitigate his immigration EO judicial loss at the rally.
@SiubhanDuinne: I assume Ryan can punish them apart from merely getting them arrested.
@Calming Influence: has anyone started the “seig heil” salute yet?
@Adam L Silverman:
I think you may be conflating TheMightyTrowel, who lives in Oz, with Helen in Eire, who lives in Dublin.
Drain the swamp. Lol.
@Mike J:
Who said anything about the space station?
? Martin
@sigaba: Next time they just might. The cops in this case would be the House Sergeant at Arms, since it’s a procedural not a legal violation (if it even is a procedural violation). Not sure at what point it would turn over to the Capitol police.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Shit. One of my good friends works for the State Department in Wellington. He’ll be thrilled to hear this.
Iowa Old Lady
@khead: Is he bragging about the size of his EC victory?
Oh, sure. I suppose if he wanted to he could, I dunno, strip them of committee assignments or take away office space/telephones/staff from the CHC or simply continue with these petty humiliations.
Calming Influence
@opiejeanne: The sizes of the rally crowd and the protest crowd are completely flexible depending on your inner dialog. One or the other may not even exist.
And, watching the Fuerer, I can’t believe I’ve survived the last 8 years of pure Hell.
Now they’re chanting “drain the swamp!”
[reaches for gas can and lighter…]
? Martin
@efgoldman: Nice. I would suggest a geosynchronous orbit above 71 deg west. That way you could look straight up once per day and see him.
@? Martin:
He might find the missing Malaysian airliner, though, and that would get him a permanent gig on Don Lemon’s show. CNN much more lucrative than some Ambassadorship.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Got in a little late so I might have missed it – but not that I have seen. It’s basically a campaign rally from late October. A lot of “we are gonna”….. without realizing that he actually has to do it now because he won and it’s February. I expect he will be giving the same speech for the next 4 years.
Adam L Silverman
@opiejeanne: @SiubhanDuinne: Yep, my bad. I read The Mighty Trowel and in my head it turned into HeleninEire. All you commenters look alike…//
Anne Laurie
Fixed, thanks!
Oh, man… Wellington, a beautiful and arty city, does not deserve the likes of Scotty.
A swim to Antarctica and back is an initiation rite all newcomers to NZ must experience. It isn’t as hard as it looks and its bracing.
If someone could tint that raccoon orange and whiten up his burglar’s mask, we might have a meme going.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: My understanding from the reporting is that the exclusions were made at the request/order of Speaker Ryan who was hosting the meeting. It may be that the ICE Director asked him to exclude certain folks, but the only reporting I’ve seen indicate that it was Speaker Ryan’s staff that informed the Congressional Hispanic Caucus members that they couldn’t come in, or those in had to leave. One of his spokespeople indicated that they had a small space and had to limit the numbers of those who could be in the room. My guess is that was CYA.
That’s nothing compared to the rough time the raccoon perched atop Trump’s head is having these days.
@? Martin: don’t you bloody dare send Scott Brown to Australia. As a Masshole abroad, I would very much not like to share a state with him again.
Another Scott
In Trump’s America, who better to oversee the Navy than someone who knows nothing about the Navy? Just like DeVos was perfect for Education, and Tillerson for State, and Perry for Energy, and Trump for POTUS, amirite?!?
What do you mean, “difficulty”? Conflicts of interest are impossible in Trump’s America – he told us that himself.
What’s the problem here?!!?
@Adam L Silverman: :-P
I’m old enough to remember when candidates stopped giving campaign speeches after the election.
@Adam L Silverman: Ha! Yeah, we do
I read online that the crowd inside the rally is about 8-9 k. Maybe 500 protesters outside. Are there photos of either yet, or numbers from an unbiased source ?
@Adam L Silverman: BS CYA. If Gutiérrez requested the meeting, he was kicked out of the too small room because of the crowd? And If Gutiérrez requested the meeting, he didn’t tell anyone other House members would be at the meeting too?
Ryan is lying fraudulent scum. I hope fact that he is rather dim lying fraudulent scum will make a difference in how effective he is.
Apparently he is too dim or inept or inattentive to figure out how to sell the mystery meat border adjustment tax to his own grifter caucus. And they just want to know what the take will be and who gets how much.
Maybe Ryan is a phlegmatic Frump with soulful eyes and a quiet earnest demeanor?
Calming Influence
I’m already a very damaged human being, so I had less to lose. But you fuckers owe me.
Closes with “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”. I dont understand why Jagger hasn’t taken out a hit on him yet.
@rikyrah: He’ll be happy to get off on his own once the truck stops.
A reiteration of safety advice for city folk: with the exception of squirrels, any wild animal letting you get anywhere near him more likely than not has rabies. Keep your distance from wild animals.
Iowa Old Lady
Reading about the cost to send the Secret Service along with Uday and Qusay and trying to remember if the Secret Service provided protection to the grown children of Reagan, Carter, and George H. W. Bush. I think not? Maybe the rules on who’s covered have changed?
randy khan
Well, that pretty much confirms that they don’t care about the Hispanic vote. Not that it’s much of a surprise.
New Zealand is such a quiet little country that minds it’s own business, what has it done to deserve the sudden influx of right wing nut jobs, first you have Peter Youth Vampire Theil and his fellow billionaires, and now the shitgibbon wants to foist Mr, Cosmo on them. They are supposed to be our friends.
American Disposal Services. Look at that flag logo and think combover in a high breeze.
poor little raccoon.
@Adam L Silverman: I really have to wonder if there is one brain cell in ryan and co. heads. Yes it makes them feel good and powerful to do this but people are paying attention to this kind of Sh#t. When the back blast burns them who are they gonna blame, Obama?
@jl: How far (in miles) is the swim?
Royston Vasey
Bugger. As they say in Zealandia.
RV in NZ
@lollipopguild: Obama! That’s the ticket!
Omnes Omnibus
@Another Scott:
Chuchill was an army guy put in charge of a navy.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: I’m just telling you what I read. I haven’t even been in DC since the end of October when I had a meeting in NoVA. And I don’t think I’ve been in the Capitol since the mid 80s when I was in high school.
@Pogonip: ” How far (in miles) is the swim? ” Far enough to make it fun for Scotty.
I’ll look it up.
Adam L Silverman
@Iowa Old Lady: They have.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks. But, you should know by now that you don’t have to respond to general venting in the comments. Now, let me complain about my damn lumbago…and the crap blue plate special I had last night…and them damn kids these days…
Adam L Silverman
@lollipopguild: Every time they’re in the majority they do stupid stuff like this. In the 00s they would reschedule the rooms for committee meetings and not notify the Democrats, so when the Democrats would show up, they’d find a locked room. When Democratic caucus members would schedule rooms for meetings, the GOP would instruct the Custodian of the Capitol to cut the power to the rooms so the Democrats would have to meet in the dark.
A former friend of mine played some kind of sportsball with Scott Brown in Law School. She reported that (somewhat obviously), he was not the sharpest chisel in the toolbox. Totally a tool, though.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Yep. From what I can gather it seems the President’s main requirement is having a Service secretary that can negotiate hard to get acquisitions and logistics costs down. Unfortunately, that’s not really how the acquisitions’ and logistics’ processes work.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: Don’t make me confuse you with some other commenter.
@Pogonip: 2400 to 2500 km, depending on how you want to define where Antarctica starts.
I hear Scotty’s one of those beefcake chick magnet sexy hot dude, physical hygiene nuts, body builder, ripped, swole, buffed, chiseled and shredded. Almost like Silverman. He could do it twice before breakfast.
Another Scott
@Omnes Omnibus: Was that a good thing?
OK, oil for coal was a good thing (technology wise, but introduced other geopolitical issues), but air was an Army thing over here, so that’s not terribly surprising.
The Navy doesn’t have much need for tanks. And his grand strategizing seemed to be rather disastrous in those days – when he was running the Royal Navy.
Not a glowing recommendation for Army people to run the Navy, if you ask me. ;-p
Especially these days…
Millard Filmore
Since this is an open thread, here is some Trump news that is not about his rally. The blackmail material that the Russians have on Trump has to do with mob money.
“Horton’s evaluation of this material, in coordination with the declassified DNI report, is that despite Trump’s persistent lies that he has no connections, business or otherwise, with the Russians, he did in fact actively work with and more importantly; he worked for the Russian interests in a massive money-laundering scheme.”
Calming Influence
@Adam L Silverman:
Wait, that sounds familiar…
Dawgs makin a run at Big Blue without their best player!
@Calming Influence: what no “It’s the End of the world as we know it”…like he did at the convention?
A front pager needs to post the video of “the guy Trump brought on stage” being interviewed on CNN.
@Omnes Omnibus: Is Churchill available?
Millard Filmore
@hovercraft: since New Zealand has come up, it might be its own continent.
@? Martin:
Why in FSM’s name would i want to?
Was it like that Bruce Springsteen/Courtney Cox video?
? Martin
@efgoldman: Confirmation that he’s not coming back.
” Is Churchill available? ”
Save Churchiill for spot in the NSC. He won’t need any staff.
So is my granddaughter. She three and a half.
phuck outta here. is there a President since 1900 where this has happened?
NYT Politics Verified account
Reluctant First Lady? Melania Trump Wouldn’t Be the First to Claim That Title
@Iowa Old Lady: I’m rather intrigued by the rash of reporting of how much protecting the various Trump dynasty costs, especially on all the business-fluffing trips. Even the ChiTrib has had them: near the top of the website no less (!). NYT has one now about the economic impact of the airspace restrictions, especially rough now as they now involve NYC, DC and all the flits to Mar-a-Lago.
Another detail I love at the bottom (about the airspace at Lantana Airport) (NYT link)
dissonance. rub their noses in it every day.
Dude was damn sure in the dark. Just not dancing.
@? Martin:
” Treading water in the south indian ocean would be the farthest actual place, which I’m good with too. ”
We don’t have ambassadors for the oceans? What about protecting the sea lanes.
Need to get Frump to put some top people on that. Brown is perfect for the Indian Ocean.
I once had a rabid racoon stand in the middle of the road and attack my oncoming pickup truck – in the middle of the day.
@Another Scott: I don’t know, compared to an Arabian horse breeder he’s an improvement.
@efgoldman: Recently? Was it an obese orange raccoon with a white eye band? You could have wandered too close to a Frump campaign event.
Calming Influence
@raven: Go dawgs.
Well, we politically informed people are. We’re an infinitesimal part of the population. Rememebr all those low information voters?
Matt Purdy
The Mar-a-Lago member list revealed: Donors, lobbyists, future ambassadors – and paying Trump customers.
David Burbach
David Burbach Retweeted Matt Purdy
If New York Times can get member list, in all likelihood so can foreign intelligence agencies. Members become prime targets. @20committee
@efgoldman: You could moon him.
@Calming Influence: dbl T
@rikyrah: The New York Times is garbage.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: This.
@Millard Filmore: I’d like to say I’m shocked, but this should have been one of the more researched and publicized stories what the ?? announced his candidacy…
It’s not like it would have taken much research as it was widely known he’d had mob dealings as part of his real estat. / construction dealings.
MAJOR failure of news and political establishments.
Hercules Mulligan @johnvmoore
So @BetsyDeVosED decided to come for the teachers at the 1st public school so they clapped back. Bravo @JATrojans! Bravo!
Boney Hurdle @eclecticbrotha
Do not be alarmed or fooled by Mike Pence sounding reasonable in speeches. Its all a front. Trump and the GOP still intend to destroy you.
@rikyrah: That’s one very exclusive membership for a private reality-show about the presidency. The National Security Post parade, talent-show and judging is on-deck this weekend for their viewing pleasure. The Ratings!
Mike J
None ever at any time that flat out refused to move to the White House. Even the women they spoke about in the article who did not like being first lady performed the duties.
@Baud: I’d use it for fishwrap, but I’m afraid of what it’d do to the fish.
?? = Shitgibbon.
Trump Proposes Checking Chinese Visitors
Source: Political Wire
February 18, 2017By Taegan Goddard
Politico: “The Trump administration is moving to expand social media checks to cover Chinese citizens traveling to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials are proposing to ask Chinese visitors to disclose their social media ‘handles’ or other identifiers on common social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. The question would be asked online as part of an electronic system Chinese holders of long-term U.S. business and visitor visas use to advise of upcoming travel.”
“Answering the question would be ‘optional,’ CBP said in a notice set for publication Tuesday in the Federal Register. Those who don’t wish to answer will have their travel requests processed ‘without a negative interpretation or inference,’ the notice said.”
old tweet:
Omnes Omnibus
@Another Scott: I was just pointing out that it was not unprecedented. I wasn’t advocating in ether direction.
@different-church-lady: I rather doubt it, but zombie Churchill could well be among the brightest people in the Trump administration.
@Omnes Omnibus: @Another Scott: Yup,
Before his stint in the admiralty he was a hot up&comer. Afterwards, the stink kept him out of government, till the Brits were desperate in WWII
Villago Delenda Est
@rikyrah: The staff is likely riddled with agents. From not just Russia, but from various NATO countries who fear for their own national security as long as Donald is in power…because he’ll sell them out to Vlad in a heartbeat.
Calming Influence
The brown acid, right? Been there…
And, off to the Spook fold he goes
White House dismisses NSC aide after harsh criticism of Trump
Official complained about the president at a closed-door think tank gathering.
02/18/17 02:21 PM EST
The White House abruptly dismissed a senior National Security Council aide on Friday after receiving reports that he had publicly laced into the president and his senior aides, including son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump at an event hosted by a Washington think tank.
The aide, Craig Deare, was serving as the NSC’s senior director for Western Hemisphere Affairs. Earlier in the week, at a private, off-the-record roundtable hosted by the Woodrow Wilson Center for a group of about two dozen scholars, Deare harshly criticized the president and his chief strategist Steve Bannon and railed against the dysfunction paralyzing the Trump White House, according to a source familiar with the situation.
He complained in particular that senior national security aides do not have access to the president — and gave a detailed and embarrassing readout of Trump’s call with Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto.
DeVos criticized teachers at D.C. school she visited — and they are not having it
February 18 at 1:15 PM
Newly minted Education Secretary Betsy DeVos had a hard time getting inside the District’s Jefferson Middle School Academy last week when protesters briefly blocked her from entering. But at the end of her visit — her first to a public school since taking office — she stood on Jefferson’s front steps and pronounced it “awesome.”
A few days later, she seemed less enamored. The teachers at Jefferson were sincere, genuine and dedicated, she said, they seemed to be in “receive mode.”
“They’re waiting to be told what they have to do, and that’s not going to bring success to an individual child,” DeVos told a columnist for the conservative online publication Townhall. “You have to have teachers who are empowered to facilitate great teaching.”
DeVos, who has no professional experience in public education, is an avowed proponent of voucher schools, charter schools, online schools and other alternatives to traditional public schools. Teachers across the country have been galled by what they see as her lack of faith in — and understanding of — the public schools that educate nearly nine in 10 of the nation’s children.
Jefferson educators found her comments about their work hard to take: On Friday evening, the school responded to DeVos via its Twitter account, taking exception to the education secretary’s characterization of Jefferson teachers.
“We’re about to take her to school,” the first of 11 rapid-fire tweets said.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Poor fish deserve better.
@Calming Influence: Get yourself a drink. You’ve earned it.
@Calming Influence:
Are you trying to say that @Adam is Twitler?
I’m sorry to break it to you that he cannot be, he is way too knowledgeable and well informed to be him or even affiliated with him, he also writes complete sentences, and employs logic.
? Martin
@rikyrah: So,
1) Facebook and Twitter are blocked in China. Chinese citizens aren’t going to reveal handles for blocked services.
2) We’d be asking for social media handles for services that are supported in China, and therefore are being monitored by the Chinese government. What exactly do we expect to learn from that?
@germy: yes?
Patricia Kayden
@hilts: Lol! Good one.
@hovercraft: It’s the perfect disguise.
Avi Bueno@JasperAvi
Can we differentiate between #leaker & #whistleblower please? The people coming forward now are *not* simply disseminating sensitive info
They’re acting as whistleblowers, working to inform the public of illegal, unsavory, or otherwise seriously dangerous activity/happenings
within our government. They’re trying to ensure that *someone* can do *something* with this info, seeing as how the Legislature won’t. It
is imperative that we protect those who are releasing information that is important to maintain public safety & secure the continuity of
our Republic. Illegal activity in government, especially behaviors aimed at aiding foreign powers at our detriment *needs* to be passed
along, so that the American public can protest the actions of a faux authoritarian who has very clearly shunned the oath he took on Jan. 20.
Villago Delenda Est
@? Martin: Your mistake is asking cogent questions of authoritarian asswipes. They do not have answers for them. They can’t.
Patricia Kayden
@germy: Because President Obama was Democratic and Black, I guess. Trump has taken several vacations and he hasn’t even been President for one month.
Patricia Kayden
@rikyrah: And whistleblowers are protected by law. I suppose Trump will argue that the info they’re releasing is classified but they’re still doing a great service for the American people.
@Pogonip: Tell that to the Raccoons, Skunks, and Coyote wandering around San Francisco.
Fuckers are worse than door to door amway sales folks
AM Joy w/Joy Reid
.@rosieperezbklyn: DACA kids are terrified… You better wake up … There’s gonna be a reckoning #AMJoy
10:20 AM – 18 Feb 2017
@Another Scott:
In fairness, Churchill was haunted by this disaster, and showed more caution with the invasion of Europe in 1944.
@MobiusKlein: Now that’s REALLY bad!
@jl: how much distance is that in miles?
@Calming Influence: nail biter
@raven: what a game! But is that Dick Vitale?
@Lapassionara: yes, the last Ga-KY game was Mooseburgers last game.
Villago Delenda Est
@Taylor: “Tough old gut”.
He never gave up on the fantasy of a “soft underbelly”.
Another Scott
@? Martin: Also too, China and Russia and others would like nothing better than to point to a USA policy to say that American visitors have to give up their social passwords and all the rest before entering the country. “It’s a reasonable and symmetric policy, just like the one you Americans have…” :-/
Trump’s minions don’t think 10 seconds ahead in putting these policy proposals together.
They’re going to get (even more) people killed as they trash everything we’ve built as a country the last 2 centuries…
Stuart Rothenberg @StuPolitics
Crowd surprisingly quiet when the president talked about replacing Obamacare.
5:27 PM – 18 Feb 2017
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Plain old dead Churchill would be among the brightest people in the Trump administration.
“white people make fun of the haka”
What kind of fools make fun of the haka? Can you imagine being faced by Maori warriors when you had weapons no better than theirs and seeing those faces and those muscles? Hell, I’m surprised rugby players don’t just slink back to the lockers when the All Blacks start up.
I’m trying to imagine the interview process for Trump administration ambassador to New Zealand.
T: “So have you seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy”
Scott: All but “The Two Towers.”
T: “You’re hired! But cut those toenails!”
? Martin
Yep. We have half a million DACA kids in California. I personally know over 100. They are indeed terrified. We’re protecting them as best we can.
It isn’t even how far the swim is. It’s the currents and the cold. I’ve stood at the very south end of NZ and watched the current. Thinking one would be lucky to survive the first mile I am.
But on that bright and cheery note, Snotty should try it if he gets appointed.
@raven: wow!
Suffragete City elftx
@Calming Influence:
So he was in his early 20’s when this song came out (1969). The ahole has so many tells it makes me wonder what was going on in his life then. Not that I care ugh!
@Omnes Omnibus: Fuck that fat bastard.
zhena gogolia
and LBJ too?
@zhena gogolia: Why not, raven would approve.
@rikyrah: Mr. Suzanne is a public educator (he is a SLP, not a teacher), and he has said that he has never seen his teacher colleagues so unbelievably pissed off as they have been over the DeVos appointment. This may bring a big backlash. Let’s hope.
Comment eated? Oi.
@schrodingers_cat: truth
@raven: I got you covered in an earlier thread.
@Villago Delenda Est:
They hire 100’s of H -2 workers from Romania
that can’t be good
#FreeBresha @prisonculture
Congress begins its recess on 2/18 until 2/24. They’ll be back in their districts. Make a point of going to visit their offices.
6:05 AM – 9 Feb 2017
Suffragete City elftx
@Millard Filmore:
Scott Dworkin and Adam Khan have been relentless on the twitter machine about stuff like this.
@lgerard: Also, a lot of J visa holders tend to be Ruski.
Gabriel Sherman Verified account
Politico reports Kushner is a “shadow Secretary of State” running his own policy without consulting Tillerson
The Lodger
@jl: An ocean is a lot of responsibility for Li’l Scotty. Maybe he can handle a bight. Or bite a handle.
@Suffragete City elftx: “I went down to the demonstration, to get my fair share of abuse”.
More relevant to us resistors than him, though. And might I just say I never thought it would again be relevant for me.
FlyingToaster (Tablet)
Our flight to sunny Flah-ri-dah was delayed two hours; we showed up two hours on and the incoming plane is 12 minutes out. FTW.
JetBlue supposedly has wifi, so I’ll probably see y’all online again in the next thread.
Is that rusted out truck symbolic of sotu?
A swim to Antarctica and back is an initiation rite all newcomers to NZ must experience. It isn’t as hard as it looks and its bracing.
And there’d be a huge crowd to see him off.
Mt Doom is just across the lake from me down here in Taupo, NZ. Most of the Kiwis I talk to are better informed about US politics than Americans. And Scott Brown is seen as an insult. No need to sully Mt Doom with the likes of him.
@Calming Influence: Jefferson did complain a lot sbout newspapers, but it wasn’t in the way thatTrump would like it to have been. Jefferson’s biggest gripes seem to have been with the fact that media was far too often used as a propaganda tool to influence the undereducated and /or the gullible, and that people who formed their opinions based solely on media spin and not on independent fact confirmation and applying critical thinking to what they read could be quickly and easily influenced to believe falsehoods. In other words, Jefferson would have hated Fox News (and almost all of the “but, her emails!!!” and related tripe). But he also clearly understood that fact-finding investigative journalism is vital for bringing problems to light and keeping the powers that be accountable. He stated that a free press is essential to the healthy functioning of a free society.
I wonder what he thought about Franklin’s almanac? For a little fun colonial media catfight fun, google Ben Franklin and Daniel Leeds and Titan Leeds almanac war and the Jersey Devil. Franklin was a piece of work! Daniel Leeds is an ancestor, so the family joke is that if one’s back is itching, it’s just the Jersey Devil wings nubs getting ready to sprout…
@? Martin: Mr. Suzanne is a bilingual SLP in a Title 1 school. He estimates that around half of his caseload each year are Dreamers, and much of the other half are first-generation Americans with undocumented parents. Many of them have severe/significant learning, developmental, and physical disabilities. The deportation of Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos has been really upsetting to us, as she and her family lived in the neighborhood/area of town in which I lived for many years, and I believe her children attend the high school that I attended (though I don’t know the family personally). It is just very close to home. Literally. We are worried about his students and their families, who are our neighbors and friends. This sucks.
He has said that he has never seen his teacher colleagues so pissed off and active as they have been over DeVos. I think a teacher backlash is coming.
Were you close enough to hear him speak? Did he sound like Bradley Cooper? If so, don’t fuck with him.
cynthia ackerman
Is that haiku?
Well, I had a great day on this wonderful road trip. Had the pleasure of meeting commentator dexwood and his lovely bride here in Albuquerque for beers and a great hang at La Cumbre Brewing. I’m still smiling! What a day!
@Calming Influence:
I didn’t stop to ask it what it had taken.
Also way too Jewish.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Chicken.
Adam L Silverman
@different-church-lady: He’s on a speaking tour with Frederick Douglas.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I would pay to see that.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: He’s a friend of mine. He’s not a spook. He’s a retired Army lieutenant colonel with a PhD. His assignment before this was as a Dean at National Defense University at Ft. McNair, which is where I first met him. And hopefully he can go back to that position. I was much more comfortable when I found out he was on the NSC. I’m less comfortable now.
Adam L Silverman
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: I was when I put my shorts on this morning.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Just looked at his bio. He seems well-qualified. I hope he lands on his feet.
@Omnes Omnibus: