Just a head’s up: I’ll be working on the mobile site in the next little bit. To solve some issues with it, I’ve got to undo many of the customizations, then see how it looks and works, then redo them. Apparently the mobile theme was radically updated and so what worked before is having some side-effects now, and some changes aren’t taking.
None of this should affect the desktop site – this is just for the mobile site.
Thanks in advance for your kind words, challenges, and sass-talk.
Open thread!
Big Ole Hound
Haven’t heard Doc Watson in years….thanks.
Doc is always so good.
Alain the site fixer
@Big Ole Hound: My pleasure! I saw him at least a half dozen times, have all his music, and still can’t get enough.
Keith P.
I read this site (along with others) a BUNCH on my WinPhone, and in terms of performance, this is one of the best. The layout is fine (I read the regular layout unless a page uses media queries), but I just need my pages to respond quickly (scroll when I scroll, don’t pause to process script, and click when I click). Contrast this with the worst mobile site I hit – Talking Points Memo – which typically takes 5-10 taps for a link to click, along with what looks like script-based (instead of CSS-based) responsiveness, so about 3 seconds after I zoom into a link to click it, the entire page layout changes. Politico is pretty awful as well, as it adds content after the initial load, so the page jumps down multiple times as I tap, leading me to the wrong article.
It was 60 degrees inside our office when I got to work this morning.
That’s six ZERO.
I’m wearing two sweaters right now. They’ve gotten the temperature all the way up to 62 degrees. Yay?
Thanks for Doc Watson. Deep River Blues was the first finger picking song I learned lo these many years ago.
Doc Watson – Tennessee Stud
I almost exclusively read the site on my phone these days, so if you let me know what/when you’re testing, I can at least let you know how it works from my iPhone 6.
Somebody turned the AC all the way down just to see how far it would go?
@raven: Doc’s flatpicking amazes me as well. He’s the only one I know who pivots at the elbow rather than the wrist. He was truly a great.
@Mnemosyne: I would be in shorts and a tank top.
Alain the site fixer
@Boussinesque: thanks, and good to see you. Not sure if you saw my comment last week…
@Alain the site fixer: Was there more than one? I responded to one a ways downthread, but I’d believe it if you said I missed another.
Alain the site fixer
@realbtl: there’s a great piece from NPR from the 1990s where he plays some stuff and talks about what he does. Having seen him at The Birchmere many times where I was close to him, he was an amazing talent. I can’t play but he made me wish I could. Plus sing, wish I could sing.
I think his blindness gave him extra brain to dedicate to other skills, and for that I am forever grateful.
Alain the site fixer
@Boussinesque: nah, just glad to see you commenting and still engaged with the site. Your issue helped me diagnose a similar one for two others, as well as a related issue. So I am very grateful that you contacted me for help.
@Mnemosyne: Two sweaters? Here in Upstate NY 62 degrees is shorts and tanning weather! I’m a former Valley girl for what it’s worth.
@Alain the site fixer: I was extremely grateful you were able to help, having been a reader/non-commenter for years. Glad that it was useful for helping some others–I actually noticed at least one other person describing a similar issue, so I figured as much.
Still interested in the other thing we talked about, although it hasn’t felt like the right time any time since the election. Maybe discuss it via e-mail sometime when you’re not super-busy?
Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ
On my pc the BJ logo in the upper left hand corner is only partially displaying. Approx. bottom 1/4 cut off. It’s occurring in both Chrome v56.0 and IE v11.09600. Cheers!
Miss Bianca
No matter what you do, the mobile site is probably borked on my phone, but I’m gonna go ahead and say, “yay, you!” anyway!
Alain the site fixer
@Boussinesque: yes I will. I’m still interested but didn’t pursue because of the same reason you haven’t pursued! Ugh. I don’t like this timeline.
Alain the site fixer
So I’m trying a test now.
We shall see how that looks.
Alain the site fixer
@Alain the site fixer: ok not like desktop. Now for tablet check.
Alain the site fixer
@Alain the site fixer: ok so unneeded columns on sides. Time t adjust.
Some part of the boiler stopped working over the long weekend, so it was freezing when we all came in this morning. It’s very slowly warming up — now we’re up to 63.3 degrees!
Try sitting at your office desk when it’s 63 degrees indoors. Not the same as being outside.
Alain the site fixer
So all done for now. Mobile site is fixed and it appears to be working well. I’m still seeing the temporary blockquote formatting in this post but the setting is correct so I suspect it’s just a cache issue. I’ll revisit tomorrow.
The tablet issue is now fixed and the mobile site seems to load faster as there’s not duplicate/conflicting formatting to communicate and then have the browser waste picoseconds considering.
Alain the site fixer
@Boussinesque: take a run-through; all should be speedy and look good.
Alain the site fixer
I thought someone mentioned issues with scrolling speed on the mobile site – please use the buttons. They are very quick and advance up/down a page or to bottom/top. They are very useful for one-handed phone reading.
Alain the site fixer
Note on comments: I’ve noticed a lot of comments getting auto-sent to trash folder. This is from normal daily commenters and is not spam. I just released a bunch from last day or so. Should you submit a comment and it disappears, please pop me an email using the Contact a Frontpager form in the Quicklinks (Menu on tablet/phone). I’m going to do a deeper investigation as to why these are getting triggered. I suspected it was too many links but many don’t have links. I did up the link limit by one in case that helps for some of you, especially as I hope to enable properly-formatted tweets in comments. More on that later.